Twin pregnancy belly growth chart
Twin Pregnancy Week By Week Timeline
If you just heard that second heartbeat for the first time, or you know it’s been two for a while, you need to read our twin pregnancy week by week calendar. Created by expert twin moms and dads from our Twiniversity community just for moms pregnant with twins!
Welcome to Twiniversity. If you found us through an internet search, or were told by one of your twin parent BFFs, you have come to right place. Pregnant twin moms find that Twiniversity is the world’s leading resource just for them. Our info is sourced not only from our outstanding Twin Mom Squad, but also from thousands of twin families around the globe. You’ll find that Twiniversity is all about us…the universal twin parent “us”. We created a place for families to read, learn, and laugh about this wild ride called twins!
In case you’re new to us, offers TONS of articles about twin baby showers, double strollers, what to expect when you’re having twins, how to start a twins schedule, parenting tips for raising twins… the list goes on! Feel free to use that little search box above to look for anything that’s on your mind while you’re pregnant with twins or after your twins are born.
Week by Week Twins Pregnancy Timeline
What happens week by week with twins?
This twin pregnancy week by week timeline will help you learn what happens week by week with twins.
You’ll learn if your twin pregnancy symptoms are normal, about twin pregnancy complications that may have arisen, all about your twin pregnancy first trimester to-do list, details on your twin pregnancy development, dozens of twin pregnancy week by week pictures of belly, photos of twin ultrasounds, and SO much more! We’re so glad you found us!
We know you might be ecstatic, scared, anxious, happy, confused, joyful, petrified, over the moon or somewhere in between about being pregnant with twins, but rest assured, we got ya covered with our twin pregnancy week by week!
What to expect pregnant with twins?
When you’re pregnant with twins, expect the unexpected. Educate yourself on the warning signs of preterm labor, the warning signs of preeclampsia, and read up as much as you can on what to do to prepare. Our expecting twins class (offered in NYC, Chicago, Houston, and online) is a great way to learn all you need to know to prepare for your twin delivery and bringing home your babies (we also offer an online breastfeeding twins class!)
What are the symptoms of twins in early pregnancy?
The symptoms in a twin pregnancy are the same as in a singleton pregnancy except they are typically stronger. If you would have nausea with a singleton pregnancy, you’ll feel EXTRA nauseous when you’re pregnant with twins. Your hCG levels will also be a lot higher than with a singleton pregnancy but you would only be able to know that with a blood test (which is typically done with reproductive assistance) but even then there’s no magic number to indicate twins. The only way to truly know if you’re having twins is to have a sonogram at your doctor’s office.
How is twin pregnancy different?
Twin pregnancy is typically a lot more difficult to manage than a singleton pregnancy. You may experience typical pregnancy symptoms in a more extreme manner, such as more nausea, more shortness of breath, more high blood pressure. But if this is your first pregnancy you probably will not know the difference — you may feel like this is how pregnancy is supposed to feel! On the converse, just because you’re pregnant with twins doesn’t mean that your symptoms will be hard to manage. A lot of twin moms report that they had typical pregnancy symptoms that can be compared to symptoms of a singleton pregnancy.
However, once you are getting around 32 weeks or later, you will really start to notice how difficult and painful a twin pregnancy can be. Around 32 weeks, your belly will measure about the size of a full-term singleton pregnancy and you’ll start to wonder how you’re possibly going to make it all the way to 38 weeks! Just hang in there and take it one day at a time.
Our new digital twin pregnancy journal is up for sale on the Twiniversity Etsy store! This is the first and only digital journal exclusively for twin pregnancy. It’s the perfect way to record your precious twin pregnancy memories to cherish for years to come. Click here to learn more… and while you’re at it, check out our expecting twins classes and Twiniversity Shop!
First Trimester with Twins Timeline
Second Trimester with Twins Timeline
Worried about breastfeeding twins? What To Do When You’re Breastfeeding Two is an on-demand online breastfeeding twins class made just for YOU! This course was created by Twiniversity in partnership with Judy Teibloom-Mishkin, IBCLC. Click here to learn more… and while you’re at it, check out our virtual lactation consulting and virtual twin parent coaching services.
Third Trimester with Twins Timeline
Need some twin parent friends? Get the support you need with a Twiniversity Membership. Benefits include a monthly twin parent club meeting on Zoom, access to a private Facebook group just for twin parents, and a video library of twin parenting lessons. Visit to join today!
How many weeks is a normal pregnancy for twins?
The ideal time for twins to be born is at 37-38 weeks. It’s important that the pregnancy doesn’t go past 38 weeks to avoid added risks to the babies and mother, such as a ruptured uterus. About 60% of twins are born before 37 weeks, while single babies are born around 40 weeks.
A little more than half of twin pregnancies end in preterm delivery (before 37 weeks). While 40 weeks is the full gestation period of the average pregnancy, most twin pregnancies are delivered at approximately 36 weeks (range 32-38 weeks depending on the type of twin pregnancy).
John Hopkins Medicine
Are you looking for the best double stroller for twins? Not sure if you should go for a tandem stroller or a side-by-side stroller? And what about a Snap N’ Go? We’ve got all the details for you in our double stroller resource. Click here to learn more… and while you’re at it, check out our expecting twins classes and the Twiniversity shop!
What are the symptoms of bring pregnant with twins twins in first trimester?
- Higher-than-normal levels of hCG in your twin pregnancy week by week may indicate that you’re pregnant with multiples, but you’ll need to wait until your ultrasound for 100% certainty.
- Common early pregnancy symptoms of fatigue, frequent urination, breast tenderness, and food cravings are extra EXTRA — your symptoms are WAY more severe than what is normal for a singleton pregnancy
- Due to elevated levels of pregnancy hormone hCG, women carrying multiples may have more nausea and vomiting than those carrying only one baby
- Your faster-than-normal growing belly may tip you off. But if you’ve never been pregnant before you don’t have anything to compare it to.
- If you have any of the following conditions you may have greater risk of twin pregnancy: Family history of fraternal twins, fertility treatments like in vitro fertilization (IVF), mother is of advanced maternal age (over 35 years old), BMI over 30, above average maternal height, or you’ve had previous pregnancies
Need twins lactation help from a pro? Book a virtual session with Twiniversity founder Natalie Diaz, Certified Lactation Counselor. Click here to book now!
Is your uterus bigger with twins?
As you get further along in your twin pregnancy week by week, your uterus will be pushed to its limits. By the time you are around 32 weeks, your twin pregnant belly will likely be measuring the same as a mom having just one baby at 40 weeks. Your uterus has to expand as your babies grow and it will definitely be larger than with a singleton pregnancy. This is why it’s important to deliver your twins by 38 weeks — to avoid uterine rupture, which can become deadly. After delivery, the nurses will be very concerned with compressing your uterus every 20 minutes to help your uterus contract to a smaller size to avoid hemorrhage.
Got twins? Us too! The Twiniversity Podcast with Natalie Diaz is created by parents of twins FOR parents of twins, from expecting times through the teenage years and everything in between. This podcast is all about parenting twins, offering plenty of tips, parenting hacks, and of course, humor. Just know that we are laughing WITH you every step of the way. When you’re done visiting the twin pregnancy week by week, make sure to click over and subcribe!
Are you looking to connect with an experienced parent of multiples who has been in your shoes? Do you want to feel supported, guided, and heard as a new parent of multiples*?
Or, do you love offering advice and tips to new parents of multiples*? Would you love to support, guide and listen to a soon-to-be or new parent the way you wish someone was there for you?
If you said, “YES!” to any of those questions, then the Twiniversity Parent-to-Parent Mentorship Program is perfect for YOU!
We are looking for parents of multiples from around the globe who want to be matched up with a parent mentor, or who want to BE a parent mentor. We’ll be matching up moms with moms and dads with dads from all over the world to get personal support in this crazy life of multiples parenting!! All you have to do is complete a simple application form and we’ll do the matchmaking! And the best part? The program is totally FREE! There are no fees to take part in this program.
Ready to sign up? When you’re done visiting the twin pregnancy week by week, make sure to click over and visit the Twiniversity Parent-to-Parent Mentorship Page to learn how to apply!
Need a plan for the first week home with twins? Book your 60-minute twins post-delivery strategy session on a video call with Lauren Oak, Twin Expert and Certified Postpartum Doula (and mom of twins!), to create a customized game plan for you and your twins when they come home. Click here to learn more… and while you’re at it, check out our Twiniversity Shop and Twin Parent Memberships.
Are you a new twin parent? Check out Natalie Diaz’s new book “What To Do When You’re Having Two: The Twin Survival Guide From Pregnancy Through the First Year”, available in stores now!
The rate of twin births has risen 79 percent over the last three decades, and continues to increase. A mom of fraternal twins and a national guru on having two, Natalie Diaz launched Twiniversity, a supportive website with advice from the twin-trenches.
What to Do When You’re Having Two is the definitive how-to guide to parenting twins, covering how to make a Birth Plan checklist, sticking to one sleep schedule, managing double-duty breastfeeding, stocking up on all the necessary gear, building one-on-one relationships with each child, and more.
Accessible and informative, What to Do When You’re Having Two is the must-have manual for all parents of twins. When you’re done visiting the twin pregnancy week by week, make sure to click over and check it out!
Click here for info on our expecting and new twin parent classes in New York City, Chicago, Houston, and online!
Honey I Blew Up My Belly: Week by Week Pregnant Twin Belly Pictures
Yes, that’s right……there are TWO heartbeats, and no the second heartbeat is NOT yours!
Once you are growing two humans in your pregnant twin belly, the wheels are starting to turn.
What will my babies look like?
How do you feed two at once?
Can I take care of two babies by myself?
Will I fit into my pants in 5 days?
I too had these questions.
Maybe you are pregnant, preparing to welcome your twins, are curious about what to expect when you get home, wondering how to care for two babies by yourself, or need help getting organized, setting up schedules and tackling sleep challenges, we are here to help you. Meander through these belly pics and then check out our support services so you feel ready to rock as a twin mom.
*This post contains affiliate links, which means that if you purchase any of the product links, we will receive a small commission.**When I became pregnant with twins, I had my husband take pictures of me each week of my pregnancy so I could document the crazy growth of my pregnant twin belly.
PSA: Not only was I busting out of my regular pants at 7 weeks, I was wearing maternity pants by 8 weeks.
7 weeks: Here I am at 7 weeks out for a brisk walk and still in my regular jeans.
8 Weeks: I know, I know…it was freezing! I couldn’t take my coat off to show the mini bump. It was still super hard to tell there were two kiddos in there, except for the fact that I was wearing maternity jeans!
9 weeks: The sun was out, so I decided to whip off the old fleece to show off the pregnant twin belly. Meow!
10 Weeks: Getting bigger by the day! I have a hard time taking selfies. To this day I still take a serious selfie.
11 & 12 weeks: What the heck Meghan! Why didn’t you take belly pictures? It’s not like you had anything to do!
13 Weeks: I LOVED my maternity pants from H&M in this picture. They felt like leggings.
14 weeks: This was my signature look, maternity pants and a tank, or shorts and a t-shirt.
15 weeks: Here we are at an all-inclusive resort in Mexico for a wedding. My friend and I were eating for 3 extra people here. Let’s just say we were regulars at the all you an eat salsa bar!
16 weeks: Feeling great and excited as ever! All I needed was to figure out a way to tie my shoes easier.
17 weeks: I felt like I was carrying a small soccer ball in my belly.
18 weeks and still hiking my favorite 2-mile loop!
19 weeks and dressed to impress! These heels stayed on about 30 minutes before I switched to flip flops.
20 weeks: I was still trying to wear some non-maternity tops. It was only until the buttons started popping that I really had to have a serious talk with myself and decided to stick to stretchier fabrics.
21 weeks: We began working on the nursery. I seriously love this shirt because I am obsessed with the movie, The Great Outdoors. This is the shirt I wore the day I gave birth. Wait until you see that picture…
22 weeks: This was my staple work wardrobe……notice the flip-flips! There was no way I could get shoes tied everyday!
23 Weeks: Still working on the nursery! My old t-shirts, that I wore as painting shirts, were clearly little too short with that growing bump!
24 weeks: Dressed in the my absolute favorite maternity dress (click to buy) that I also had in navy, for my baby shower. Those wedges were super comfy and I was able to wear them all day!
25 Weeks: Who says you can’t still take the dog to a brewery while you’re pregnant? Designated driver for the win!
26 Weeks: Thank goodness for stretchy tank tops and cardigans to get me through the final months of the school year as a teacher!
27 weeks: That bump kept on growin’…and growin’ and growin’…
28 weeks: Look out! Pulled out this cute maternity dress again for a baby shower! Isn’t my mom gorgeous?
29 weeks: Shocking! I am wearing a t-shirt and shorts again. This was my pregnant twin belly uniform.
30 weeks: I really tried to get fancy by putting my hair in braids. Again, rocking the t-shirt and shorts look all day every day!
31 weeks: Does this outfit look familiar? That’s because I wore this maternity dress (click to buy) to every single outing that required me to be looking presentable. We had maternity pictures taken because I just wasn’t quite sure when these boys were going to make an appearance.
32 Weeks: This week I remember sitting under a small tree in the shade while my dog swam in front of me and I got stuck, people! I couldn’t get back up without my husband’s help!
33 Weeks: By 33 weeks I was felt like I was carrying a basketball in my belly!
34 Weeks: Posing in that same maternity dress (click to buy) for another baby shower! Good thing this dress had some serious stretch to it! Again, doesn’t my mom look fantastic?
35 Weeks: I was hesitant to post this one…but why not? This is what my beautiful pregnant twin belly looked like at 35 weeks. Come on babes, grow!
36 weeks: Back at the pond again with my dog. This time I brought a Home Depot bucket to sit on. I found it in the back of our garage and it made the most perfect stool!
37 Weeks: Made it to the final stretch with the boys! Thank goodness for shorts and tanks during the summer…oh and the pool! The pool was a must, people. It saved my back! So did my maternity belt...but I broke that during my 2nd trimester.
37 weeks-5 days…
This was the final picture before I gave birth! I was incredibly uncomfortable, yet a super excited mama.
And then…my little miracles decided to show up. But first, one last dance party…
Welcome to the world, boys! My belly and I are glad you are here.
We created this wonderful platform for you mama and we won’t stop until you feel ready to THRIVE! So now that you have seen my pregnant belly journey, be sure to take plenty of pictures of yours. And while you are preparing for your twin birth, let us support you with an individualized plan!
Join in the fun…share your pregnant belly pics with us in the comments below!
Oh and here are a few outtakes….
Development of twins by weeks of pregnancy
According to various estimates, there are 70-80 million pairs of twins in the world today. At the same time, multiple pregnancy is becoming more common. Researchers name different reasons for multiple pregnancy: heredity, modern methods of infertility treatment, in particular IVF, the increased average age of women in labor. One way or another, pregnancy with twins is a very exciting and wonderful period that requires special attention.
Thursday, November 14th, 2019
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Pregnancy with twins: signs and features of the course The essence of the differences is in the intensity and earlier period of these manifestations.
- Early Toxicosis is one of the most common signs of multiple pregnancy. Nausea, vomiting, odor intolerance, drowsiness and dizziness can disturb the expectant mother from the first days of the birth of babies. Symptoms stop at 12-15 weeks.
- Accelerated Weight set and abdomen - during pregnancy by twins, a woman adds from 15 to 20 kg, and only 8-15 kg.
- Frequent urination - the uterus grows faster and already in the early stages presses on the bladder, provoking frequent urination. In addition, filling the abdominal cavity, the enlarged uterus makes it difficult for the outflow of bile and raises the diaphragm. This causes bitterness in the mouth and shortness of breath, two more signs of twin pregnancy.
- Movements of two babies are much more intense and grow faster.
Read also: Multiple pregnancy: 7 sign With the development of two babies, the risk of miscarriage and premature birth increases, and the load on the mother's body also increases significantly.
Rapid and strong weight gain often adversely affects the condition of blood vessels, spine and joints. As a result - back pain, swelling of the legs and varicose veins.
An enlarged uterus puts more pressure on the internal organs in the abdominal cavity. Therefore, mothers of twins are more often annoyed by constipation and heartburn. Also, a large amount of fluid in the body increases the risk of anemia.
Read also: Anemia during pregnancy
Childbirth in multiple pregnancies occurs several weeks earlier: most often at 36-38 weeks, but one must take into account the likelihood of even earlier births. In addition, most twins are born by caesarean section, as there is an increased risk of complications during vaginal delivery.
Twins have a special advantage: babies quickly adapt to a new environment, grow and gain weight at an accelerated pace, so they easily catch up with their peers.
Types of multiple pregnancy
There are two main types of twins:
- The same -tower, or identical - appear when the fetal egg is divided into several cells, most often into two.
- Fraternal twins develop from two fertilized eggs. They have separate fetal sacs and different placentas. They can be of different sexes and resemble each other no more than ordinary brothers and sisters. This type of multiple pregnancy is much more common.

Colloquially, fraternal twins are called fraternal twins. But from a scientific point of view, this is not true, because such a term does not exist.
Pregnancy with twins by week It is already possible with a high probability to identify twins, but only through ultrasound.
- 8 weeks. A multiple pregnancy can be diagnosed by a gynecologist during examination. But this method of definition is not very accurate.
This week, the placenta is strengthening, the fetuses already have the rudiments of all organs and the neural tube. On an ultrasound of twins, you can see how the hearts contract.
- 10 weeks. The size of both babies reaches 4.5 cm, all organs and systems are actively formed.
- 11 weeks. The expectant mother has a tummy and the symptoms of toxicosis gradually subside.
- 12 weeks. The twins have grown to 6 cm and fixed on the wall of the uterus, so the likelihood of a miscarriage has decreased significantly.
II trimester
- 13 weeks. The weight of the twins is growing more and more actively every week, now it is about 14 g. At the same time, the uterus increases dramatically, sometimes causing pain in the lumbar region.
- 14 weeks. The uterus is growing rapidly and is already much taller than in a singleton pregnancy.
- 15 weeks. The twins have already gained about 60 g and have grown to 10 cm.
They train breathing movements and suck their fingers.
- 16 weeks. The belly of the mother of twins looks like she is at 18 weeks of a singleton pregnancy. The crumbs are already moving, but the tremors are still weak and not felt.
- 17 weeks. The stomach has become large, it interferes with sleep. Now is the time to take intensive care of your skin to avoid stretch marks.
- 18 weeks. The abdomen is enlarged. To reduce stress on your back, wear a brace. If the pregnancy is the second, the first movements are already noticeable. It is possible to increase the tone of the uterus.
- 19 weeks. Babies grow “by leaps and bounds”: they have stretched up to 25 cm and have already gained almost 300 g each. The nervous system and lungs are actively forming, a reaction to bright light appears, the crumbs begin to feel the presence of each other.
- 20 weeks. The mother-to-be feels the twins for the first time, and their bond grows stronger. Children form their own schedule of periods of sleep and activity.
Kidneys worked.
- 21 weeks. Babies are great at hearing and recognizing sounds. They have learned to open their eyes, but their eyesight is still very weak. The bones have become stronger, the coordination of movements has improved.
- 22 weeks. The time of the planned ultrasound, during which it may turn out that the children differ in height and weight. If the difference is insignificant, there is nothing to worry about.
See also: 2nd trimester screening: when to do it?
- 23 weeks. Babies are actively gaining weight and have already “ate” 500 g. During this period, it is important for mom to monitor nutrition and seriously take care of her health.
- 24 weeks. The weight has increased even more. Be attentive to your feelings: the risk of pyelonephritis, preeclampsia or placenta previa has increased.
- 25 weeks. The belly and the twins inside grow equally fast.
It's time to focus on the health of the kids and think about maternity leave.
- 26 weeks. The uterus filled the abdominal cavity, squeezing the intestines, causing labored breathing and frequent urination.
- 27 weeks. The weight of the twins is approaching 1 kg. Increased risk of amniotic fluid leakage and preterm birth.
- 28 weeks. Babies weigh more than 1 kg and are quite viable. It's time to go on maternity leave.
III trimester
- 29 weeks. The twins stock up on fat and prepare to face the outside world. Weight reaches 1100–1300 g.
- 30 weeks. Growth stops a little, but weight gain is becoming more and more active. Babies take their final position in the uterus. If they are positioned incorrectly, this may be an indication for a caesarean section. The twins can already breathe on their own, regulate their body temperature, and the intestines are quite ready for eating.
- 31 weeks.
The abdomen has grown to its maximum size. The movements of the twins became intense, up to pain. During this period, it is desirable to be more outdoors.
See also: How much weight can I put on?
- 32 weeks. Vital organs and systems are formed, the kids just have to gain the right weight. Surfactant is actively produced - a special substance that helps the lungs of a newborn to straighten out.
- 33 weeks. Strong men already weigh almost 2 kg and are more than 40 cm tall. From now on, the expectant mother needs to visit the doctor weekly.
- 34 weeks. Twins become crowded in the mother's tummy, the kids move less. The uterus descends lower, allowing you to breathe fully.
- 35 weeks. The twins are quite ready to meet their parents.
- 36-37 weeks. Since earlier births are the norm for multiple pregnancies, most babies are born at this time. With twin pregnancy, 38 weeks is quite rare.
But, if there is evidence, a caesarean section is planned for this particular period.
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Development of twins by week of pregnancy: weight gain chart
However, there are other factors that contribute to the onset of multiple pregnancy. For example, genetic predisposition. Moreover, such a feature is transmitted mainly through the female line and most often through a generation.
Multiple pregnancy is most likely if the woman stopped taking contraceptives shortly before the onset. While taking contraceptives, the production of your own hormones is suppressed. And after stopping taking the drugs, the ovaries usually begin to work in an enhanced mode, increasing the likelihood of conception in principle, and twins in particular.
It is not uncommon for multiple pregnancies to be preceded by treatment for infertility. After all, a woman at the same time takes drugs that stimulate the maturation of the follicles and prepare the endometrium for the acceptance of the embryo. Sometimes the body is so responsive to such treatment that not one, but two eggs mature at the same time. If they are also fertilized at the same time, then the result is a multiple pregnancy. That is why families who dream of at least one baby sometimes become happy parents of two babies at once.
Twins or twins?
If two eggs are fertilized, then such babies are considered twins. In the uterus, such fruits have their own children's places. They can have a different gender, appearance, blood type. Their genetic sets coincide by about 60% - the same as that of ordinary brothers and sisters.
Sometimes, much less often, one egg is fertilized. However, for unknown reasons, it divides, giving rise to two fruits. These babies are called twins. It is very difficult to distinguish them, the external similarity is so great. Twins are always same-sex, have an identical blood type, their genetic sets are the same. In the future, they often suffer from the same diseases. Fetuses during an identical pregnancy are more vulnerable, because they compete for a child's place. Sometimes the development of one of the fetuses stops at an early stage, and over time, such a fetal egg resolves.
Features of the course of multiple pregnancy
It is natural for a woman to bear only one fetus. Therefore, twins require close monitoring by specialists throughout the pregnancy.
Women who are pregnant with two fetuses are at higher risk of developing anemia, as their volume of circulating fluid increases significantly. Their uterus grows larger and faster, which means that it compresses neighboring organs more strongly. Therefore, with multiple pregnancy, constipation, heartburn, and shortness of breath are almost inevitable.
There are also often peculiarities in weight gain. If during a normal pregnancy the weight of a woman increases by 8–15 kg, then with twins it increases by 15–20 kg. This can affect the vessels, spine and joints - sometimes there are pains in the back and legs, as well as varicose veins.
There are also peculiarities in the duration of twin pregnancy. It is good if a woman manages to carry babies 36–38 weeks. However, you need to be prepared that childbirth will occur at 34-36 weeks, and sometimes even earlier.
Most often, childbirth in multiple pregnancies is carried out by planned caesarean section. However, even if the birth is natural, you need to be prepared for the fact that at any moment a decision will be made about the operation. After all, the likelihood of complications in the birth of twins is significantly higher.
Twins born are lighter and often show signs of prematurity. However, twin babies have a peculiarity: they have high adaptive abilities and quickly catch up with their peers in weight.
Feelings during pregnancy with twins
As a rule, with twins at very early stages, signs of toxicosis appear from the very first days of missed periods. Unlike a singleton pregnancy, toxicosis when carrying two babies almost always occurs. There are no special manifestations that distinguish toxicosis during the bearing of twins from toxicosis during a singleton pregnancy. These are nausea, vomiting, increased salivation, intolerance to smells, drowsiness. Toxicosis stops at the usual time - at 12-15 weeks.
The accelerated weight gain of a woman during pregnancy with twins is associated with a significant increase in the volume of fluid circulating in the body. However, this symptom can also be observed in a woman pregnant with one baby.
The expectant mother also feels pregnancy with twins by the early appearance of frequent urination, as the uterus grows faster and puts pressure on the bladder. With twins, the enlarged uterus fills the abdominal cavity. At the same time, intra-abdominal pressure increases, which makes it difficult for the outflow of bile and raises the diaphragm. And this means that the development of twin pregnancy is accompanied by bitterness in the mouth and shortness of breath.
If a woman has a first pregnancy with twins, then she will feel the movements of the babies at a period of 18–20 weeks, that is, in the same way as with one fetus. If the pregnancy is not the first, then the expectant mother will feel the movements a little earlier - at 16-18 weeks. Thus, there are no features in the timing of the appearance of movements. But the severity of such movements is growing rapidly. And at a later date, the expectant mother feels active, often painful kicks.
Diagnosis of multiple pregnancy
When and how can you tell if a woman is pregnant with twins? Signs of twins in the early stages are determined by ultrasound. This method is the earliest and most objective. The presence of twins is determined already at the 4-5th week of pregnancy. Identical twins are seen later, closer to the 12th week. There are earlier, but not so reliable signs of twins in the early stages of pregnancy. For example, a rapid increase in the level of chorionic gonadotropin, and these are two bright stripes on the test from the very first days of a missed period.