How to get rid of child urine smell in carpet
How to Get Urine Out of Carpet, Mattresses, and More
How to Get Urine Out of Carpet, Mattresses, and MoreWritten by Grove Collaborative
Last Updated: August 23, 2021
Dogs, cats, kids — why do the cute things in life always end up peeing on your carpet? We’re here to help with this guide on how to get urine stains out of everything.
Bodily fluids are always the hardest to clean up. But, when the inevitable happens and you’re stuck with a big, smelly stain, don’t panic. Since we already have poop on the carpet covered, we’re moving on to address pee stains and smells and how to get them out of your carpets, clothes, mattresses, furniture, and more.
These natural solutions for urine removal will make clean-up a cinch. Have a look!
But first, why does urine smell bad?
Pee is metabolic waste made up of uric acid and urea, among other things, and when it sits around for a while, bacteria begin to decompose the urea and give off that tell-tale ammonia odor.
You’ve probably noticed that human pee doesn’t have much of a scent, dog pee is a little worse, and cat pee is the be-all-end-all of disgusting smells. That’s because human and dog pee smells are more diluted than cat pee, so there’s not as much urea for the bacteria to decompose.
How do you neutralize pet urine smell?
Vinegar and baking soda are great at neutralizing the smell of pee. Vinegar stops the decomposition process and offsets urine odors because its acidity neutralizes the bacteria.
Baking soda is a fantastic odor-eater that absorbs and removes pungent scents and loathsome stains.
Learn more about the magic of baking soda from Grove writers who tried it out on nasty stains.
How to get urine smells out of clothes
How to do it:
- Spray the stain with a stain removing spray and let sit for five minutes.
- In a sink or bathtub, mix 1 box of baking soda with enough warm water to cover your items, then agitate to make sure the baking soda is evenly dispersed.
- Toss in your stinky items and make sure the stains are fully submerged, then let them soak for 15 minutes so the baking soda has enough time to break down the uric acid.
- Rinse the items thoroughly.
- Put your clothes in the washing machine with a good laundry detergent and wash as usual.
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Learn moreHow to get urine smells out of carpet and upholstery
How to do it:
- Soak up any wet spots with a cloth as soon as you notice the mess.
- Spray the stain with a carpet and upholstery stain remover until it’s fully saturated, then gently blot with a damp cloth.
- Add 1 cup water, 1/3 cup white vinegar, 1/4 cup baking soda, and 1/4 cup mild dish soap in a spray bottle and shake to mix.
- Spray the solution onto the stain, rubbing it in gently with a clean cloth.
- Soak the stain for 15 minutes, then dab with a wet cloth and let dry. If the odor still isn’t gone, move onto the next step.
- For extra tough odors that won’t go away: Whip out the hydrogen peroxide. Pour enough to cover the stain, then lay a washcloth that’s been soaked in hydrogen peroxide over it and let it sit overnight. Hydrogen peroxide can have a lightening effect, so test an inconspicuous spot before soaking larger surfaces.
Try these natural products to get urine out
How to clean urine up from hardwood floors
What you’ll need:
- 3% hydrogen peroxide
- Vinegar or vinegar floor cleaner
- Cloth
- Wet mop
How to do it:
- Immediately wipe up any wet spots with an absorbent cloth.
- Add 2 cups vinegar to a bucket of water or mix 1/2 cup vinegar floor cleaner with 2 gallons of water.
- Soak your mop head in the solution, wring it, and mop the soiled area.
- If the odor lingers, soak a cloth in hydrogen peroxide and lay it on the stain overnight. Hydrogen peroxide could lighten your hardwood, so spot test a hidden area before soaking your entire floor.
Shop from Grove's natural cleaning supplies
How to get urine out of your mattress
It’s a huge bummer when you realize your animal or kid peed the bed, but cleaning up the mess isn’t as intimidating as you’d think.
Follow our guide on how to clean your mattress for steps on urine clean-up and more.
Got a memory foam mattress? We have a guide for that, too!
How to find older, dried up pee accidents
Do you have a sneaking suspicion that someone in your house relieved themselves a few days ago? Sniff out dried-up messes and examine the area closely to locate the stain.
Or dig out the black light you use for Halloween to make quick work of urine identification. Lightly outline the stain in chalk, then clean.
How to prevent future pet accidents
Once an animal has marked a spot with their scent, they’ll continue to use the space as their personal toilet. After you’ve cleaned the mess, try these steps to prevent future accidents.
Visit the vet
Make a vet appointment to rule out any medical condition that could be causing your pet to pee inside the house.
Did you know pets can get urinary tract infections (UTI)? Learn more about UTI causes and remedies here.
Spay and neuter your pets
The longer an animal goes without being spayed or neutered, the harder it’ll be to train them not to mark inside the house. Spaying and neutering should stop marking completely.
Use a targeted odor eliminator
Enzymatic cleaners designed to eliminate urine odor break down uric acid crystals, aka the source of the odor. Once your pet no longer smells their scent, the accidents should stop.
Need a little extra help? Check out this video on how to stop your pet from peeing in the house.
Try more natural pet products from Grove
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How to Get Pee Smell Out of Carpet?
Having a pet at your home is a source of joy; however, it includes a lot of complications too. This is the reason that you must know how to get the pee smell out of the carpet. Stains of urine are a common problem associated with having a pet—especially when your pets are potty training. Other than owning a carpet cleaner to remove the stains of pee, you might need to know about some conventional methods to make your upholstery and area rugs free from the stains and pee smell caused by your pets.
Sticking to our topic of the day, let us discuss ways to get pee smell out of carpet.
How to Get Pee Smell Out of Carpet?
When working on how to get the urine smell out of carpet, it is inevitable that you will have to properly clean and sterilize the affected area. The older the stain of urine on the area rug, the harder it will be to remove the smell and stain of the pee.
However, before considering the following procedure, you might give a try to your portable carpet cleaner to remove the pee smell out of the carpet. In case your carpet cleaner does not work, it is mandatory to streamline the following procedure.
Step 1: Dry the Carpet Thoroughly
Don’t get overwhelmed when you notice that your carpet has been stained with your pet’s urine. Before you start any other approach, be sure that the carpet is dry. If the carpet is wet, try to dab the moisture with the help of a towel and repeat the process unless there isn’t any absorbable moisture in the carpet.
Step 2: Apply a Vinegar Solution to it
Now, it’s time to apply a vinegar solution on the carpet, on the area which is stained. Take an equal portion of water and vinegar, and shake it well. Then pour this vinegar solution on the area affected by the urine. Having done this, gently scrub it until the area is completely dry.
This step will massively reduce the impact of stain, or the stain could be explicitly eliminated, but it depends on whether the stain is well-settled or fresh.
Step 3: Apply Baking Soda
Removing stains is comparatively easier than eliminating the stinking smell of pet urine from the carpet. So, applying baking soda stands as an essential part of the whole process. For this purpose, apply baking soda to the area affected by urine and let it stay over there for 24 hours. Within this time, the baking soda would certainly soak the small from the carpet.
Step 4: Add Hydrogen Peroxide and Dish detergent
Although applying baking soda can easily alleviate the pee smell from the carpet, to be sure that works, it is recommended to add hydrogen peroxide and dish detergent in an equal amount of water and apply it to the baking soda.
Having done this, you have to gently scrub the stain with a clean towel.
Step 5: Vacuum the Area with Cleaner
The application of baking soda, hydrogen peroxide, and dish detergent will surely eliminate the stain and smell of the pet’s urine, after practicing the recommended procedure, vacuum or clean out the area with your cleaner.
You Don’t Want to Use Chemicals? This is How You Can Get Pee Smell Out of the Carpet
Some of you might be concerned over the health of your crawling child and elders in-home, as chemicals might inflict a bad impact on their health due to their pinching smell. Do not worry if you are hesitant to use chemicals to remove the pee smell from the carpet, as it is possible to clean up pet urine from the area rugs using natural ingredients.
A homemade solution with safe-to-use ingredients can massively help you out of this problem. Initiate the process with the same steps: dab the extra moisture from the carpet. Then add an equal amount of vinegar to the water, and fill your carpet cleaner’s water storage tank with this solution. Now, you will apply a homemade solution to eliminate the stain of pet urine and its smell.
Turn your carpet cleaner ‘ON’ and move it back and forth unless the whole solution comes to the drainage tank. This is how the stain of the urine will be conveniently removed. In case the smell is still there in the carpet, apply baking soda to that specific area, and leave it again for 24 hours. After this time, clean out that area with cleaner.
Once you have done with this, the smell and stain of the pet urine will most probably vanish.
Precautions to Consider While Removing Pee Smell Out of Carpet
The average life of a good carpet is around 3 to 5 years. But a small mistake may compel you to retire your incumbent carpet. So, to avoid such a situation, be sure that you are not committing the following mistakes:
- Take prompt action when you notice that your carpet is stained by your pet
- Do not apply any kind of bleaching powder, and it can permanently fade the color of the carpet
- Avoid using chemicals that are not recommended
- Always use a good quality carpet cleaner to ensure the health of the carpet’s fibers
- Do not cover the stain with other accessories; otherwise, you might get your carpet permanently damaged
If you comply with these suggestions, it is more likely that you will get the maximum service out of your carpet.
Even veteran pet owners need to know that how to get pee smell out of the carpet as this is a usual problem that happens when you have pets at your home. During this effort of removing the pee smell out of the carpet, you might inflict permanent damage to your carpet. If you want to avoid any unexpected incident, it is favorable to adhere to the aforementioned procedure and suggestions.
About the Author: It has been years since Ella has been reviewing different products; especially, home-based niches. Having experienced most of the home-improvement-based products, she is now dedicated to providing people with quality reviews of different products. Apart from reviewing products, she loves reading novels.
How to get rid of the smell of children's urine on the carpet - articles by the company "Clean Everything"
3 minutes
What makes the carpet dirty?
Basic care instructions
How to clean carpets?
Do-It-Yourself Carpet Cleaning at Home
Chemicals and Equipment
Using Vinegar, Baking Soda, and Powder
Citric Acid
Snow Cleaning
Removal of spots using glycerin
Washing powder
Tips for cleaning
Carpets from natural and synthetic fibers
Pile cleaning of different colors - what to pay attention to
Dry cleaning from dirt
While preparing a publication on how to get rid of the smell of children's urine on the carpet, we studied dozens of forums for parents. The problem turned out to be real. Many toddlers don't give their lint a chance to stay clean during potty training. And then, when the skill is mastered, from time to time there are troubles with carpets, rugs, carpet.
Do you want to calculate the cost of carpet cleaning? 30% discount for you now!
Parents are looking for a remedy that will save the carpet written by their beloved child. Vanish, salt, vinegar, ammonia, alcohol, laundry soap, soda are used.
Who else would need an effective home carpet cleaning technology? For example, you rented an apartment. By the smell of the carpet, it is immediately clear that a family with children lived in it before you. It is impossible to endure the smell, it is unpleasant, you don’t want to, it’s uncomfortable in front of the guests. What to do?
Judging by the materials of the forums, the fight against odor is carried out in two directions:
- Carpet cleaning . It is performed in different ways.
In the course of great-grandmother's methods, such as sweeping the pile with tea leaves. Of course, homemade cleaning does not always give the desired effect. Plus, cleaning carpets is hard work. Plus the cost of buying active foams, shampoos, stain removers. Many young parents choose modern technologies. For example, dry-cleaning of a carpet with export to the shop of the company CLEAN EVERYTHING. With our technologies, children's urine on the carpet is removed without a trace.
- Absorbers and flavors . Clogging an unpleasant smell with delicious-smelling chemicals will not solve, but exacerbate the problem. Fragrances can make indoor air unacceptable for children, asthmatics, and the elderly. In the fight against the persistent smell that gives the pile of children's urine, household chemicals are used. They worsen the ecology of the home. It is better to clean the carpet than to mask an unpleasant odor.
Advantages and disadvantages of amateur carpet cleaning
Why do people use folk methods:
- they are cheap in terms of finances;
- you clean the carpet when you have time;
- You can use eco-friendly household products or carpet shampoos, as you wish.
- high labor intensity;
- inconvenience - no space, inventory, personal protective equipment;
- in most cases, domestic conditions are not suitable for cleaning and washing carpets;
- unpredictable result;
- Amateur carpet cleaning is fraught with its damage.
If you prefer the services of professionals, the profile company CLEAN EVERYTHING will clean up carpets, rugs, rugs quickly and efficiently. Our dry cleaning is cheap.
Do you want to clean the carpet yourself? We hasten to share an effective way to clean coatings from the smell of children's urine. We found it on the forum of young parents. It conquers with simplicity and cheapness.
The most effective way from the Runet
- wash the carpet on both sides with laundry soap;
- scoop up the foam with a tablespoon, carefully scraping it out of the depths of the pile;
- sprinkle the carpet with baking soda and spray vinegar on top with a spray bottle;
- rinse the carpet with clean water after 30 minutes;
- place a children's chair under the cover - pick it up from the floor;
- wash the floor to remove cleaning marks;
- Dry the pile and warp with a hair dryer or air gun.
Things to remember
Most fibers and carpets can be dry cleaned in organic solvent tumblers. This is the most gentle way to clean carpets and rugs. It is the most efficient. After it, the pile does not have any foreign smells.
At home, an affordable option is wet cleaning. That is, the processing of the pile is carried out with foam, mortar, steam. Viscose, silk, expensive wool does not tolerate such an impact. Before wetting the carpet, check the type of fiber so that you don’t get nervous about the damaged item later.
Scrub the mat with a soft brush or clean sponge. Movement - in the direction of the pile. Test the cleaner on a small inconspicuous area. Is there a suspicion of shedding or destruction of the fiber structure? Then look for another remedy.
Health to your kids, cleanliness to your carpets.
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How to quickly remove the smell of urine from the carpet?
Pet owners and mothers of small children know how difficult it is to keep their home clean. Wet puddles on the floor are not so bad. It is more difficult to remove the smell of urine from a carpet with a long pile. It impregnates the fibers to the ground, due to the content of ammonia, urochrome and uric acid, it exudes an unpleasant amber that the air freshener cannot kill. Folk recipes and professional dry cleaning will help to remove stains, fill the house with aromas of freshness.
Ways to remove urine and odor from carpet
An unlitter box cat stalks the sofa and flooring. So do the children, to whom the mother did not put on a diaper. If you are not a supporter of household chemicals, for cleaning carpets, prepare solutions from improvised products that effectively wash away stains. The advantages of eliminating pollution in eco-methods: affordability and safety. Cons: laboriousness and unpredictability of the result.
What to look for?
Read the label before washing the carpet with water, foam or powder. Manufacturers indicate the quality of the fibers, the method of removing dirt. Many floors are suitable for tumble washing with organic solvent or dry cleaning. These methods remove cat and children's urine odors without the risk of pigment fading.
Please note that universal formulas for artificial flooring are not suitable for products made from fine wool, viscose, cotton due to the aggressiveness of the components. They wash out dyes, make the pile hard. If shedding or structural failure is suspected, look for a different formula, or leave the cleaning to the professionals.
What you need to know about cleaning mixed pile carpets?
Smooth-haired, loopy coverings made of polyester, polyamide fibers tolerate dry and wet care. To give fluffiness, do not use a hard brush, rub the soiled areas without zeal. Long pile friezes require careful handling. Spread the foam with a microfiber cloth or sponge with delicate movements. Remove absorbed dirt with a dry cloth in time. Dry thoroughly to prevent mold spores.
Dark colored products do not like soda and starch. Powders leave a whitish coating, which is difficult to remove with a washing vacuum cleaner. For washing, there are many popular water-based recipes, shampoos, foam products. Yellow streaks remain on white fibers when lemon juice is applied. But they are refreshed by powders and oxygen bleaches. Before you start removing stains at home, test on an inconspicuous part.
Traditional recipes against the smell of baby and cat urine
Start removal with mechanical dry cleaning. So that small particles of dirt do not form stains when in contact with water, first go through with a vacuum cleaner, remove clogged dust from the pile.
4 homemade recipes with baking soda, vinegar, peroxide
Alkali will help to remove the smell of children's urine from the carpet and give a fresh scent. Sprinkle the light surface evenly with powder through a sieve, leave for a while and vacuum. For stubborn stains with a pungent odor, use baking soda and vinegar:
- pour acid on the dark spot;
- sprinkle with a dense layer of alkali;
- cover with a plate or paper;
- leave for 1-2 days;
- Vacuum up the residue.
Dilute 1 tbsp. l. acetic acid and dish detergent. With the window open, treat the surface with a foam sponge with the resulting solution. Rinse after absorption. To eliminate urine odor and household stains, combine 1/3 cup hydrogen peroxide with 1 teaspoon liquid detergent. Spray the composition on the carpet. After 40 minutes, blot the moisture with a rag.
Recipes with Lemon Juice and Mustard
Citruses are just as effective as vinegar in removing urine odors.
- Dilute fresh with water 1:1, rinse locally to neutralize odor. After 20 minutes, blot with a tissue.
- A fresh puddle is easy to clean up if you take action right away.
Blot the pile with a napkin, immediately sprinkle with soda or citric acid.
- One of the well-known folk methods is cleaning with mustard. Turn the powder into a slurry, apply to urine left by a child or animal. Remove residue after drying.
How to remove urine with potassium permanganate and iodine?
If there is a colorful carpet on the floor, potassium permanganate will save you from trouble. Add crystals on the tip of a knife to warm water. Strain the pink liquid, treat the dirty spot. Repeat after drying. You will notice that the colors have become brighter, the unpleasant smell has disappeared. A weak solution of iodine will cope with the task. For 1 liter of water, take 15 drops, moisten the place abundantly with a sponge, let the liquid absorb. After 20 minutes, blot with a cloth, dry with a hair dryer.
Eco-cleaning with alcohol
Vodka and alcohol help to remove the smell of cat urine, discourage animals from ponding on the floor. Moisten the carpet with alcohol with a spray bottle and let dry. Essential oils of orange, tea tree, ammonia have a repulsive effect. Lay out citrus peels in places of marks. Use bioenzyme-based sprays to prevent buildup of odors.
Household chemicals for home use
How to dry clean, remove the smell of cat urine, freshen the carpet will orient the review of professional products. At home, water cleaning is suitable for removing stains using chemical compounds: surfactants, acids, alkalis, bleaches. Household chemicals differ in composition and intensity of exposure. Do not use cleaners with toxic chlorine in the apartment. It enhances the smell of urine, irritates the eyes, and can provoke an allergic attack in a cat.
Vanish for pile care
The product takes first place in the rating. The line includes: 3 shampoos, powder, stain remover spray.
- Use the dry method for total care and removing small stains. Scattered in a thin layer of powder after 30 minutes, collect with a brush.
- Spray works well on long pile carpets. First, spray on a dried or fresh puddle left by a child or a cat, after 5 minutes remove the adsorbed dirt with a rag.
- Antibacterial shampoo disinfects dirty places, eliminates the ammonia smell of urine. After dissolving the concentrate in water in a ratio of 9: 1, whip into foam, apply with a cap to the dirty area. After drying and removing residues, the pile will please with freshness, brightness of colors.
Heavily soiled factory carpets are removed by household steam cleaners of the Karcher type. Pinpoint nozzles and brushes deliver pressurized hot steam from Vanish. The jet breaks down impurities, which are easily removed by the nozzle.
Best Urine Removal Products
- 8 in 1 company produces specialized lines of universal shampoos with fragrances, additives for disinfection, neutralization of allergens. Liquid compositions of Carpet Shampoo are whipped into foam, dirty areas are treated.
- Karcher with an eco-friendly formula and prolonged effect is a favorite in the line of non-professional household chemicals. Dried foam crystallizes and can be easily removed with a vacuum cleaner.
- Vet care spray with a natural composition is indispensable when keeping animals in an apartment. Compared to home remedies, it decomposes urine components in 30 seconds, removes odor.
- Intensive eco-cleaning is guaranteed by Amway foam that is safe for different types of fibers. It equally well copes with old urine stains and amber, disinfects.
- UDALIX ULTRA stain remover for light-coloured carpets has a thick aromatic foam. Oxygen bleach copes with pollution of any origin.
- Guaranteed purity gives Tuba shampoo with a fresh scent. A couple of caps of the concentrate, diluted in 8 liters of water, removes stains of various nature.
- DezoSan without chlorine and phosphates is safe for children and pets. Removes without a trace amber from the vital activity of animals.
The manufacturer is recommended to first wipe the puddle, then evenly spray the aerosol.
- Urine-off Cat Stop Reptile Purifier contains pheromone blockers. On the washed surface, the cat loses the desire to urinate.
Will dry cleaning help with urine smell?
Localized removal of dirt gives superficial results. Deep layers can be carefully treated, fringe bleached, antistatic and water-repellent treatment can be carried out on professional equipment using organic solvents.
A cleaning line has been installed at the Chistikov factory. Washing, rinsing, spinning in a centrifuge occur automatically. Products are dried in a chamber with blowing. This eliminates the development of pathogenic microflora, the appearance of the smell of dampness. At the last stage, the pile is smoothed and polished with a powerful vacuum cleaner.
- For products made of hydrophobic pile: wool, viscose, jute, dry cleaning with foam with an active formula is used.