How to turn off child lock on bosch dishwasher
- #1
I've noticed a little yellow stick has appeared under the door handle recess of my dishwasher (which I can't remember being there before), and I'm led to believe it's a child lock lever to prevent easy opening of the door. It has to be manually moved to the right using a finger to allow the easy opening of the door. There is some mention of it at the back of my user manual, together with a means of de-activating/switching off its action which involves inserting a pin (?) into the hole alongside the lever. I have tried to see how this would work but for the life of me can't see how to get anything in the hole because of the overhang of the door itself! Any ideas - or a youtube vid - would be most welcome please. ..
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- #2
My goodness - I have exactly the same problem with my Bosch dishwasher. Last week I pulled on the door as per usual and it broke a small lug behind the front panel at the far left, which made the whole panel pull forwards a bit. It's not surprising seeing the amound of effort needed to open the door that the whole front panel bends forwards. After much investigation it was only then I noticed the same yellow stick thing tucked up and under the handle and worked out that if its moved over to the right then the door opens so much easier. I couldn't believe it. So much easier! I've had my dishwasher for 10 years and I never knew about this! So this is VERY annoying. There's something right at the back of the manual that mentions a child lock but its so vague. There's nothing in the set up instructions that mentioned it. It's ridiculous as on mine it was on by default. I've always found it odd that I've had to tug real hard to get the door open.
Yesterday I used strong tape to fix the front panel back in position at the far left side and then pushed the yellow stick thing over to the right and put strong tape to the left of it therefore keeping it 'open'. This worked for a while but today the tape moved and the lever 'closed' again. Arghh! My next idea is to super glue a piece of plastic to the left of it and see if that holds it in place. Although I will first try the suggestion of poking something in the hole, moving the stick thing to the right and then removing the something. Or a permutation of that. You're right though - how to get something in that hole when the front panel's pull panel is covering it up! Oh dear Bosch. This is a serious cock up on your part.
- #3
I've looked online and found these. Seems like we aren't the only ones with the issue. Hope it helps. The diagram on the second link is the same one on my manual but it isn't helpful at all because it shows a different front panel with a small overhang which makes it possible to stick a matchstick in horizontally. Like you said on our dishwashers the front panel hangs down much lower and totally obstructs the hole. What a joke. I'm now going to try find something short and thin to poke in the hole. Maybe a match stick cut to reduce it's length...
- #4
Thanks for the replies - I thought I had a problem that no-one else had yet experienced! I did remove all the little torque-headed screws to allow the bright metal inner plate on the front loading door, but then was foxed again by seemingly not able to do the same with the final bit at the top which holds/covers the lock mechanism (and yellow lever) itself. So, quite frustratingly, I put it all back together again and left it for a rainy day...
There appears to be some way of getting to the lock etc (as mentioned in the response in the second link you kindly posted), but it really is a bit vague too. I did phone a local appliance dealer who put me in touch with the engineer he uses to service the white goods he sells, but he (the engineer) said he'd come and fix it for me for his 'standard' fee (£65 + VAT). I asked him how long it would take, and the reply was 'Oh not long... I'll either fix it or remove the mechanism, if you don't want that feature in your machine'.
The jury is still out I'm afraid. Did you get your yellow lever the lock back in the 'off' position yet? I did manage to poke something thin into the inaccessable hole, but it didn't keep the lever held back (to the right) when I withdrew it and reclosed the door. As you also said, it's a pretty poor child proof lock mechanism from Bosch in an otherwise really good quality machine. ..
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- #5
Hi there. Great to see your quick reply. I cut a match stick down in length and carefully poked it into the hole which wasn’t easy considering where the hole is. It was almost impossible to push it horizontally. It tried to go in at an angle upwards. Depending on the angle it either did absolutely nothing i.e. didn’t appear to press on anything and certainly didn’t turn the lock off, or I was in danger of loosing the match stick all the way inside as there was nothing to stop it! So I’ve abandoned poking anything in the hole. Tomorrow I’m going to find or make a strip of hard plastic I imagine about 5mm wide by 10mm long and super glue it next to the yellow stick when I’ve forced it into its off position. I’ve found out that when its in the off position it easily returns to its on position when the whole front panel flexes forwards, which as we know is when opening it. To get it into the off position easily is a case of flexing the panel forwards and sliding it to the right. I reckon mine works as intended but the problem of it not staying off is because the front panel is flexing so much - due to 10 years of me opening the door with the unbeknown child lock to be on! Grrrr...
- #6
I have same problem. I have found the flexing of the catch is the big issue. I can disable the lock after inserting a match or cocktail stick but next time I open it the lock comes back on. After a bitvof playing I realise if you pull on left hand side of catch after disabling lock then it is ok and lock does not come back on. Pulling on right hand side however causes the lock to come back on again and I can see that it is the flexing on this side over the lock mechanism that is causing the lock disabling mechanism to be disabled. Have found that I can now disable the lock by doing same in reverse. When locked I pull on the right hand side of door, move yellow catch to right, stop pulling and lock stays on, then open normally pulling on left side of catch, voila. Not a great lasting fix but it works. Problem is poor design from Bosch!
Update. If you pull door open by inserting fingers to top of catch and pull from tips of your fingers then lock for me does not engage, catch is not flexing too much. If you pull the catch from the bottom lip then you get lots of flex and lock keeps engaging.
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- #7
I had the same problem. Child lock was set and I couldn't unset it. What you need is a very small Allan key. Slot the short length of the Allan key into the hole to the left of the plastic "stick". This must be inserted at 90 deg to the door. Hence the need for the small Allan key as nothing else can do this. With pressure applied to the plate behind the hole slide the "stick" to the right. You will hear a series of clicks as you move it. You can now remove the Allan key leaving the plastic stick firmly to the right. All should now be fine!
Good Luck.
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How to Reset a Bosch Dishwasher (in 5 Steps)
Depending on your model and the specific issue, resetting a Bosch dishwasher usually requires pressing one or a combination of buttons on the control panel or disconnecting the power to the dishwasher. Often the dishwasher needs to reset on the control panel if you’ve accidentally selected a different cycle and want to change it. Alternatively, disconnecting the power to the dishwasher is often required after a power cut or if you want to clear an error code.
With many Bosch dishwashers, the dishwasher door must be opened to access the control panel. If you’ve started the dishwasher cycle but need to reset the dishwasher, you need to be careful that water doesn’t escape from the dishwasher. Also, the dishwasher sanitizes and cleans using very hot water, so be careful that the water doesn’t spray out and scald you.
If your Bosch dishwasher control panel is on the front of the machine, you won’t need to worry about getting scalded or water leaking out.
How to change the cycleOften users want to reset the dishwasher because a different cycle was accidently selected. Depending on the model, you should be able to change the cycle by simply pressing the desired cycle button once or by pressing it twice. On some models, you may need to disable the current cycle by pressing that cycle’s button and then pressing the desired cycle button.
If you’re unable to change the cycle, perhaps because of the model or the control panel freezing, try the reset methods below.
How to reset Bosch models with Cancel DrainIf your model has Cancel Drain on the control panel, you’ll usually see an indication, like two dots, underneath certain buttons. These buttons need to be pressed to cancel and drain the dishwasher. Typically, these are the two buttons to either side of the middle button.
Follow these 5 steps to reset the dishwasher:- Locate the Cancel Drain buttons.
- Hold both buttons down for 3–5 seconds.
- If the dishwasher door is open, close it while the dishwasher drains.
- Wait until you hear the dishwasher drain pump stop draining or for Clean to appear on the display.
- Turn the dishwasher off and on to complete the reset.
The Cancel Drain function allows you to start a new cycle. It may also clear a dishwasher glitch. If the method fails to fix your issue, try the methods below.
How to reset Bosch models like the AscentraIf your Bosch dishwasher doesn’t have Cancel Drain on the control panel, it most likely needs to be reset by holding the Start button for 3–5 seconds. Depending on the model, the start button may even be labeled Start/Reset or Start/Reset 3 Seconds.
Follow these 5 steps to reset the dishwasher:- Carefully open the dishwasher door so that you can access the control panel without getting sprayed with hot water.
- Hold down the Start button for 3–5 seconds (depending on the model, the display may change to 0:00 or the Activeindicator may turn off).
- Close the dishwasher door to allow the dishwasher to drain.
- After the dishwasher has finished draining, open the door to access the control panel.
- Turn the dishwasher off and then on by pressing the On/Off or Power button.
The dishwasher control panel should now be unlocked and the dishwasher reset.
What does 0:00 or 0:01 mean?Typically, if your Bosch dishwasher display has a digital clock that reads 0:00, the dishwasher door needs to be closed until the clock changes to 0:01. When the clock reads 0:01, the dishwasher can be turned off and on to complete the reset.
Once the dishwasher has been turned off and on, the clock should reset to the time it takes to complete the selected cycle.
If the reset instructions aren’t working, disconnecting the power to the dishwasher should clear 0:00 or 0:01 on the display.
Resetting the dishwasher by disconnecting the powerIf you’re unable to reset the dishwasher with the control panel, disconnect the power by unplugging the dishwasher or turning off the circuit breaker. Disconnecting the power allows the electrical charge to dissipate and the control board to reset.
Often the power will need to be disconnected after a power outage or to clear an error code.
Follow these 4 steps to reset the dishwasher:- If possible, turn the dishwasher off on the control panel.
- Unplug the dishwasher or turn the breaker off.
- Wait 2–3 minutes before reconnecting the power.
- Turn the dishwasher on and check if it has reset.
Disconnecting the power often clears an error code. However, just because you clear the error code doesn’t mean that the dishwasher is fixed. Unless it was a power outage issue, often the error code will return.
It’s important to identify what the error code means and to fix the issue. For instance, if it’s a leaking or heating issue, you’re risking a flood or fire by ignoring the error code. Ignoring error codes also often lead to more damage being done to the dishwasher.
Disengaging the child lockIf your issue is that the control panel isn’t responding, the dishwasher’s child lock may have been engaged. The method of disabling the child lock varies depending on the model, but it usually involves holding the lock or the > button for 3–5 seconds.
If you’re still unable to reset the dishwasher or resolve an issue, your dishwasher’s manual should provide reset instructions. Dishwasher manuals for your specific model can be found online.
If the problem persists, it’s likely because of a control board issue that requires a Bosch technician to diagnose and repair it.
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2 types of child lock for the dishwasher: why do you need this feature?
Domestic dishwashers feature a child lock feature. Some models have it, others don't. Find out why a dishwasher needs child protection and how it works.
Why does a dishwasher need a child lock?
If there are children and household appliances in the house, there may be a conflict of interest. If the baby, interested in the dishwasher, presses one or more buttons, its work will fail.
The function in question, although related to children's pranks, actually protects the device from any interference. If the button is pressed simply by an ignorant person or a pet, protection will prevent trouble. But still, models with such a function are needed primarily by families with kids.
Consequences of the interaction of the child with the dishwasher:
- The set program is being changed.
- If the door is opened, the child may be burned by the steam.
Program failure is not so bad, it is much worse if the baby suffers, and this can happen if the door of a working machine opens.
Is it possible to do without blocking?
Many parents claim that their children have no interest in dishwashers, so they see no point in blocking the machine. Indeed, this feature is not a panacea.
Why families with children are not interested in PMM protection:
- The baby should always be supervised.
And many preschoolers themselves already know how to handle technology no worse than adults.
- Users often forget to enable security.
- If you buy a built-in dishwasher and close it with a facade, then the display and flashing indicators will be hidden behind the door and will not attract the attention of the baby.
Types of locks
Depending on the class, different types of locks can be used in dishwashers. True, buyers rarely clarify this point. They are more interested in loading, type of drying and efficiency of the device.
This is the most popular way. It is available in many budget PMM models, and often their owners are not even aware of the presence of such a function.
There is a latch-like locking device inside or near the door. There is also a special lever, which, moving along the groove, opens or closes the door - it serves as a kind of key.
This type of protection is used in medium and premium machines. It is this option that is now most popular with both manufacturers and users. So that accidental pressing of the buttons does not change the course of the dishwasher, the user must dial a certain key combination - it is indicated in the technical instructions.
Features of the electronic door lock:
- If the PMM is working and the lock mode is on, then when the buttons are pressed, all keys will be locked immediately.
- The fact that the baby pressed the PMM buttons, adults will learn from the information on the display - a certain combination of letters or symbols will be displayed there.
- The control panel and door protection must be activated each time before starting a new cycle. If the user forgets to lock the machine, the protection will not work.
If you need a PMM with a blocking function, be sure to check this point with consultants, and even better - in the technical instructions. Such models are available, in particular, for the brands Bosch, Midea, Kandy, Siemens, Electrolux, Hansa and others.
Summing up:
- The blocking function does not have a special effect on the cost of the PMM. Therefore, its presence or absence does not particularly concern consumers. Although in fact it can be very useful.
- Depending on the brand, the protection function may differ. In each case, it is recommended to study the instructions and the control panel - usually the manufacturer marks the option in question on it with an icon that shows a lock.
Child locks are not frequently asked by customers. And families with children usually remember it after the purchase. This useful feature will never be superfluous - suddenly a small child appears in your house, and your dishwasher is already ready to coexist with him.
Child lock in the dishwasher
In the characteristics of modern dishwashers, there is an interesting function with the telling name "Child lock". Why it is needed is clear from the name, but there are doubts about its real need. In this article, we will determine the need for child protection in a dishwasher, tell you how it works, and in addition, we will find out which PMM models have such protection.
Many moms and dads say that there is no need to protect the dishwasher from children, they say they don’t show interest in it anyway, and even if they show they don’t have enough strength to open the door. Indeed, many PMM models are equipped with special locks that protect the door from opening during the program. And the children themselves are not particularly keen on this technique, especially if it is built-in. And here you need to figure out which cars can arouse interest in young children.
- Freestanding PMM. Such machines stand separately from furniture and often become an object of interest for children.
- Partially integrated dishwashers. This technique will definitely interest a young child. Firstly, it is partially open to the gaze of the baby, and secondly, its control panel with seductively flickering lights is located above the door of the washing chamber, attracting the attention of a small researcher.
Some modern partially built-in PMMs have color displays that become the focus of attention for toddlers.
- Fully integrated PMM. These machines are the most common. They almost do not cause interest in children, and here's why. Firstly, these cars are completely hidden from the eyes of the child behind the furniture facade. Secondly, due to being embedded in furniture, these machines almost do not make sounds. Thirdly, their control panels are located at the end of the door, so that the baby cannot see the display or flashing lights.
It turns out that the owners of fully built-in PMM are right, their children do not show interest in "home assistants", since they are hidden from prying eyes. Perhaps you should not bother with buying a machine that has such protection, maybe it's just better to choose a fully built-in model? Although, of course, it's your choice.
In the event that a little tomboy does show interest in a "home helper", you may regret not buying a dishwasher with child protection. So, it is probably better to study the issue in advance and prepare for possible troubles.
How does it work?
This kind of protection is divided into two types: mechanical and electronic. Mechanical protection? What's this? This is the most popular protection against baby interference. It is found in very many PMM models, but the owners do not even always know that their “home assistant” has such protection. Mechanical protection works very simply. Inside the door or next to it there is a special lock, a kind of valve. You can get to this valve through the groove using a special lever that plays the role of a key.
After turning on the PMM, insert the lever into the groove and push it to the right. The valve will work and after that the PMM door cannot be opened. As soon as the washing program completes its work, insert the lever again and open the valve. Everything is simple.
Electronic security works differently. The door lock is blocked by pressing certain keys on the control panel. You can find out which buttons to press from the instructions. The electronic interlock protects not only the washing chamber, but also the control panel itself. This is true for partially embedded PMM. After activating the lock, the control panel stops responding. You can't even turn off the dishwasher with the on/off button.
Both types of protection work well. Mechanical protection is found mainly on budget cars, and electronic on middle and premium class cars.
Which models are equipped with it?
We just have to see which dishwashers are safe from curious little ones. We must say right away that there are a lot of such models, so in our short review we will only give a few examples.
- Hansa ZWM 475 WH. This narrow free-standing PMM with a capacity of baskets - 9set of dishes has electronic protection against child intervention. In our case, the protection blocks the control panel buttons. The cost of the model is 241 dollars.
- Korting KDF Also a narrow freestanding dishwasher with a body width of 44.
8 cm. It holds 9 sets of dishes, has 6 washing programs and a bunch of useful functions, including blocking the control panel from children. The car is inexpensive - only 306 dollars.
- Vestel VDWIT4514X. Partially built-in machine with a narrow body and a capacity of 10 place settings. It has an electronic lock and a stunning design. It costs about 314 dollars.
- Schaub Lorenz SLG SW Slim freestanding dishwasher with seven washing programs and a capacity of 10 place settings. Its design is simple, but it has many useful features. There is also electronic child protection. The average cost of the model is $330.
- Daewoo Electronics DDW-M1411S. And this is not at all a small machine, but a full-sized household dishwasher with increased capacity and a bunch of functions. The baskets of this machine can accommodate 14 sets of dishes, and in the “arsenal”, among other functions, there is an electronic lock. The model is inexpensive - 390 dollars.
Our list does not include Bosch or Electrolux machines.