Twin pregnancy week 38
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Third Trimester
A space to give you hints about what is happening in the pregnancy and birth world, it’s common problems, and how to solve them
38 weeks pregnant with twins. This is it. This is when they’re considered to term, which means that this is the week that you’re statistically most likely to go into labor.
That’s something to bear in mind if you’re going for a natural birth. In the mean time, here’s what you might face in what might be your last week pregnant with twinnies!
A single fetus at 38 weeks
See 37 weeks pregnant with twins
Your Twin Babies at 38 Weeks PregnantYour twins could come any day now. They’re pretty much as big as they’re going to get, now, and could be anywhere up to 20 inches tall, and weight somewhere between 6 and 7 pounds each.
They might also have hair by now. Anywhere up to an inch!
Remember that the hair they’re born with isn’t the hair they’ll necessarily have a few months from now, so if you and your partner are both blond, and your baby is born with a healthy crop of dark hair, don’t be alarmed.
At 38 weeks, your baby should also have very little of the vernix caseosa left on their bodies, but there might still be a little bit of white on them when they first say hi.
Twin Pregnancy Symptoms at 38 WeeksYour body should be ready to go right now, and it’s winding up for the big day. Here’s how it’s going to affect you:
- Braxton Hicks contractions: Like we just said, your body is winding up everything it needs for labor day. That’s why you might be experiencing BH contractions. But like we’ve said all along, don’t get them mixed up with real contractions. Simple differences: They shouldn’t hurt, won’t last long or be regular, and stop if you move about.
- Sleeping issues: You’re under a lot of pressure right now, body and mind, so sleeping can be difficult. Just get what rest you can, and try to relax.
- Itching or sensitive stomach: Your belly is stretched to full capacity holding your twins, and so is your skin. Moisturise as much as possible, and drink as much water as you can to hydrate your skin from the inside.
- Swollen legs and feet: Your body is holding more fluid anyway, and everything else can contribute to a little bit of swelling on the lower half of your body. Just keep your feet up as much as possible when you’re resting, and get as much light exercise as you can. Even a few minutes of walking can make a huge difference.
If you’re having scans this week, it’s the same as it has been for the last few weeks. Simple check ups to see your progress and make sure that everything is going fine.
You’ll see your OB every week, to check what position your baby is in, (whether they’re head down and ready for delivery or still head up).
You might also be having a pelvic exam this week, to see if your cervix is dilated, a sure sign that your body is getting ready to get those babies out!
Things To Do this Week for a Healthy PregnancyRefresh yourself on the big signs of labor:
- Contractions: Sounds obvious, but when you’ve been having Braxton Hicks contractions for the last few weeks, real contractions might not even register at first. Remember, real contractions come regularly, won’t stop even if you get up and move around, and they hurt.
- Water breaking: This is a huge sign, and might come as both the Hollywood sudden gushing of water, or a slow, regular trickle. Be on the look out for both, especially if you’ve had some vaginal discharge already.
- Nausea and sickness: It doesn’t happen for all women, but a large number report feelings of sickness or nausea before they started going into labor.
- The mucus plug: If you have vaginal discharge that’s particularly thick or bloody, it could be a sure sign that you’ll go into labor soon.
You’re right on the verge of having two new babies! Go you! Whether you’re trying for a natural birth, or this is your week for a planned C-section, we know you’ve got what it takes to be an awesome mom.
Remember to check back in when you’ve had your babies. We’ve got all the info a new mom might need to help you in those first few months. We’ll see you when you’ve got two new additions to the family! How do you feel at 38 weeks pregnant with twins?
38 Weeks Pregnant with Twins: Tips, Advice & How to Prep
What can you expect at 38 weeks pregnant with twins? You can expect to CELEBRATE because this is the official end of your twin pregnancy! Most doctors won’t let a twin pregnancy go past 38 weeks due to risk of complications. So CONGRATS!!! You did it!!!
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38 weeks pregnant with twins
38 weeks pregnant with twins video
Our new digital twin pregnancy journal is up for sale on the Twiniversity Etsy store! This is the first and only digital journal exclusively for twin pregnancy. It’s the perfect way to record your precious twin pregnancy memories to cherish for years to come. Click here to learn more… and while you’re at it, check out our expecting twins classes and Twiniversity Shop!
What’s going on with those twinnies?
Are you curious about your twins’ eye colors? Their irises are not fully pigmented, so if they are born with blue eyes, for example, they could change to a darker color up until they’re about a year old.
To-do listClick here for a FREE printable checklist for your 38th week of twin pregnancy!
Birth those babies! I bet you’re MORE than ready to evict those two little cuties from your ever-growing belly.
Take advantage of all the help you have in the hospital. Don’t be afraid to ask for help from the nurses, lactation consultants, etc. and (if your babies are up with you in your room) have the nurses take the babies to the nursery as often as you need to so that you can get some rest. This is your chance to take advantage of 24/7 care!
Finalize help you’ll have once you come home from the hospital. If you don’t have help from family and friends, hire a postpartum doula. You’ll thank us!
5 tips for a better 38th weekEat small, frequent meals to avoid more heartburn and feeling too bloated.
Just lay in bed and have your spouse bring you things. Walkie talkies help!
Try to sleep as much as possible.
Watch all the Netflix!
Write a letter to your babies about how excited you are to meet them.
Advice from other twin momsJust get through it! You have made it all the way to the end of a full-term twin pregnancy and all that’s left to do is rest until it’s delivery time. You will be feeling really uncomfortable at this point but just remember that you will have your babies in your arms so soon! HANG IN THERE! – Julie N., Morton Grove, IL
Need some twin parent friends? Get the support you need with a Twiniversity Membership. Benefits include a monthly twin parent club meeting on Zoom, access to a private Facebook group just for twin parents, and a video library of twin parenting lessons. Visit to join today!
Concerns other twin moms hadEverything hurts.
I can’t sleep for more than an hour before having to get up to pee or get into a new position.
It’s really hard to get out of bed because I’m as big as a whale.
I can’t pick up anything off the floor — thank God I bought that grabber!
My skin itches so bad and I can’t wait to get these babies out of me!!!
Questions twin moms had for their doctorHow am I still pregnant?
When will this be over?
Any last words of advice?
Typical tests that are doneIt is common to have weekly nonstress testing (NST) with fluid assessments starting at 32 weeks in an uncomplicated twin gestation. As your pregnancy progresses you will likely be scheduled more and more frequently, building to every 1-2 days as you get closer to full term. A nonstress test is used to evaluate your babies’ health before birth. The goal of a nonstress test is to provide useful information about your babies’ oxygen supply by checking their heart rates and how it responds to your babies’ movements. The test might indicate the need for further monitoring, testing, treatment or delivery. A nonstress test typically requires no special preparation. During the nonstress test, you’ll lie on a reclining chair. You’ll have your blood pressure taken at regular intervals during the test and each baby will be monitored while you relax in a recliner for 20 minutes, playing on your phone or reading a book.
A fetal biophysical profile (BPP) is a prenatal test used to check on a baby’s well-being. The test combines fetal heart rate monitoring (nonstress test) and fetal ultrasound to evaluate a baby’s heart rate, breathing, movements, muscle tone, and amniotic fluid level.
If you are having a c-section you may be tested for MRSA. MRSA stands for methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. It is a type of staph infection. Even if a pregnant woman contracts MRSA in her pregnancy, it’s easy to treat. Antibiotics will cure most cases, and they’re safe for a developing baby to be exposed to. A baby will only get the infection if he comes into contact with it through vaginal delivery. Many women must be screened for MRSA when they need a C-section because hospitals must screen every surgery patient for the infection prior to the operation. To perform the screening, a nasal swab is collected by rotating a swab inside each nostril. Occasionally, a swab of a wound infection site or skin lesion is collected.
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Check out all our Twiniversity merch in our SHOP! We’ve got twin mom and dad t-shirts, twin planning printables, lactation support, twin baby shower planners & games, a digital twin pregnancy journal, and so much more! Start shopping now
Don’t Be Shy about Taking Supplies
When they bring you your babies, they will be in these little bassinets with a drawer underneath that is full of diapers, wipes, washcloths, measuring tapes, bulb syringes, and all sorts of other goodies. You are never, ever, EVER, to send those babies back with anything in that drawer. They throw all of that stuff out if you don’t take it, so take it. Bring an empty bag with you to the hospital for this specific purpose. Don’t be shy about asking for more, either. You just had twins. You can ask the nurses for an extra pack of diapers or see if they have any extra formula. Chances are, they will be more than happy to hook you up.
Pregnant with twins and not sure where to start? Visit the Ultimate Twin Pregnancy Guide to find all the top articles and resources to get you ready for twins. While you’re at it, check out our expecting twin classes and Twiniversity shop!
REMINDER: Don’t forget to take a belly shot!Belly photos at 38 weeks pregnant with twins
Articles you should read this week
10 Items Not to Forget to Pack in Your Hospital Bag
Should I Allow Hospital Visitors After Having Twins?
The First Night After My Twins Delivery
Videos to check out
Register for class
Have you taken your expecting twins class yet? We offer a great class on demand so you can take it on your own schedule! There are so many video modules covering everything from your twins’ baby registry to your first week at home with twins! Sign up today to get started before your twins arrive.
Need twins lactation help from a pro? Book a virtual session with Twiniversity founder Natalie Diaz, Certified Lactation Counselor. Click here to book now!
Need a plan for the first week home with twins? Book your 60-minute twins post-delivery strategy session on a video call with Lauren Oak, Twin Expert and Certified Postpartum Doula (and mom of twins!), to create a customized game plan for you and your twins when they come home. Click here to learn more… and while you’re at it, check out our Twiniversity Shop and Twin Parent Memberships.
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Want to be the first to know about giveaways, deals, and more just for twin parents? Sign up for the Twiniversity email list! Subscribe today to get emails about giveaways, events, weekly article roundups, and more! Pregnant with twins? We’ll be sending you a weekly twin pregnancy email to keep you on track with your pregnancy to-do list! Click here to learn more… and while you’re at it, check out our Complete Baby Safety Course and Twin Parent Memberships.
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AAFP. 2011c. Your baby’s development: The third trimester. American Academy of Family Physicians. html
Mayo Clinic. 2014b. Fetal development: The third trimester.
MedlinePlus (ADAM). 2015. Fetal development.
OWH. 2010. Stages of pregnancy. U.S. Office on Women’s Health.
ACOG. 2015. FAQ156. Prenatal development: How your baby grows during pregnancy. American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists.
Development of twins by weeks of pregnancy
According to various estimates, there are 70-80 million pairs of twins in the world today. At the same time, multiple pregnancy is becoming more common. Researchers name different reasons for multiple pregnancy: heredity, modern methods of infertility treatment, in particular IVF, the increased average age of women in labor. One way or another, pregnancy with twins is a very exciting and wonderful period that requires special attention.
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Pregnancy with twins: signs and features of the course The essence of the differences is in the intensity and earlier period of these manifestations.
- Early Toxicosis is one of the most common signs of multiple pregnancy. Nausea, vomiting, odor intolerance, drowsiness and dizziness can disturb the expectant mother from the first days of the birth of babies. Symptoms stop at 12-15 weeks.
- Accelerated Weight set and abdomen - during pregnancy by twins, a woman adds from 15 to 20 kg, and only 8-15 kg.
- Frequent urination - the uterus grows faster and already in the early stages presses on the bladder, provoking frequent urination.
In addition, filling the abdominal cavity, the enlarged uterus makes it difficult for the outflow of bile and raises the diaphragm. This causes bitterness in the mouth and shortness of breath, two more signs of twin pregnancy.
- Movements of two babies are much more intense and grow faster.
Read also: Multiple pregnancy: 7 sign With the development of two babies, the risk of miscarriage and premature birth increases, and the load on the mother's body also increases significantly.
Rapid and strong weight gain often adversely affects the condition of blood vessels, spine and joints. As a result - back pain, swelling of the legs and varicose veins.
An enlarged uterus puts more pressure on the internal organs in the abdominal cavity. Therefore, mothers of twins are more often annoyed by constipation and heartburn. Also, a large amount of fluid in the body increases the risk of anemia.
Read also: Anemia during pregnancy
Childbirth in multiple pregnancies occurs several weeks earlier: most often at 36-38 weeks, but one must take into account the likelihood of even earlier births. In addition, most twins are born by caesarean section, as there is an increased risk of complications during vaginal delivery.
Twins have a special advantage: babies quickly adapt to a new environment, grow and gain weight at an accelerated pace, so they easily catch up with their peers.
Types of multiple pregnancy
There are two main types of twins:
- The same -high, or identical - appear when the fetal egg is divided into several cells, most often into two. As a rule, identical twins are of the same sex, have the same set of genes, blood type and Rh factor, and are almost indistinguishable in appearance.
- Fraternal twins develop from two fertilized eggs. They have separate fetal sacs and different placentas. They can be of different sexes and resemble each other no more than ordinary brothers and sisters. This type of multiple pregnancy is much more common.

Colloquially, fraternal twins are called fraternal twins. But from a scientific point of view, this is not true, because such a term does not exist.
Pregnancy with twins by weeks It is already possible with a high probability to identify twins, but only through ultrasound.
- 8 weeks. A multiple pregnancy can be diagnosed by a gynecologist during examination. But this method of definition is not very accurate. This week, the placenta is strengthening, the fetuses already have the rudiments of all organs and the neural tube. On an ultrasound of twins, you can see how the hearts contract.
- 10 weeks. The size of both babies reaches 4.5 cm, all organs and systems are actively formed.
- 11 weeks. The expectant mother has a tummy and the symptoms of toxicosis gradually subside.
- 12 weeks. The twins have grown to 6 cm and fixed on the wall of the uterus, so the likelihood of a miscarriage has decreased significantly.
II trimester
- 13 weeks. The weight of the twins is growing more and more actively every week, now it is about 14 g. At the same time, the uterus increases dramatically, sometimes causing pain in the lumbar region.
- 14 weeks. The uterus is growing rapidly and is already much taller than in a singleton pregnancy.
- 15 weeks. The twins have already gained about 60 g and have grown to 10 cm. They train breathing movements and suck their fingers.
- 16 weeks. The belly of the mother of twins looks like she is at 18 weeks of a singleton pregnancy.
The crumbs are already moving, but the tremors are still weak and not felt.
- 17 weeks. The stomach has become large, it interferes with sleep. Now is the time to take intensive care of your skin to avoid stretch marks.
- 18 weeks. The abdomen is enlarged. To reduce stress on your back, wear a brace. If the pregnancy is the second, the first movements are already noticeable. It is possible to increase the tone of the uterus.
- 19 weeks. Babies grow “by leaps and bounds”: they have stretched up to 25 cm and have already gained almost 300 g each. The nervous system and lungs are actively forming, a reaction to bright light appears, the crumbs begin to feel the presence of each other.
- 20 weeks. The mother-to-be feels the twins for the first time, and their bond grows stronger. Children form their own schedule of periods of sleep and activity. Kidneys worked.
- 21 weeks. Babies are great at hearing and recognizing sounds. They have learned to open their eyes, but their eyesight is still very poor.
The bones have become stronger, the coordination of movements has improved.
- 22 weeks. The time of the planned ultrasound, during which it may turn out that the children differ in height and weight. If the difference is insignificant, there is nothing to worry about.
See also: 2nd trimester screening: when to do it?
- 23 weeks. Babies are actively gaining weight and have already “ate” 500 g. During this period, it is important for mom to monitor nutrition and seriously take care of her health.
- 24 weeks. The weight has increased even more. Be attentive to your feelings: the risk of pyelonephritis, preeclampsia or placenta previa has increased.
- 25 weeks. The belly and the twins inside grow equally fast. It's time to focus on the health of the kids and think about maternity leave.
- 26 weeks. The uterus filled the abdominal cavity, squeezing the intestines, causing labored breathing and frequent urination.
- 27 weeks. The weight of the twins is approaching 1 kg. Increased risk of amniotic fluid leakage and preterm birth.
- 28 weeks. Babies weigh more than 1 kg and are quite viable. It's time to go on maternity leave.
III trimester
- 29 weeks. The twins stock up on fat and prepare to face the outside world. Weight reaches 1100–1300 g.
- 30 weeks. Growth stops a little, but weight gain is becoming more and more active. Babies take their final position in the uterus. If they are positioned incorrectly, this may be an indication for a caesarean section. The twins can already breathe on their own, regulate their body temperature, and the intestines are quite ready for eating.
- 31 weeks. The abdomen has grown to its maximum size. The movements of the twins became intense, up to pain. During this period, it is desirable to be more outdoors.
See also: How much weight can I put on?
- 32 weeks.
Vital organs and systems are formed, the kids just have to gain the right weight. Surfactant is actively produced - a special substance that helps the lungs of a newborn to straighten out.
- 33 weeks. Strong men already weigh almost 2 kg and are more than 40 cm tall. From now on, the expectant mother needs to visit the doctor weekly.
- 34 weeks. Twins become crowded in the mother's tummy, the kids move less. The uterus descends lower, allowing you to breathe fully.
- 35 weeks. The twins are quite ready to meet their parents.
- 36-37 weeks. Since earlier births are the norm for multiple pregnancies, most babies are born at this time. With twin pregnancy, 38 weeks is quite rare. But, if there is evidence, a caesarean section is planned for this particular period.
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Multiple pregnancy
Author: Mikheeva Natalia Grigoryevna, Malyshok magazine
A multiple pregnancy is a pregnancy in which two or more fetuses develop simultaneously in the uterus. Multiple pregnancy occurs in 0.4 - 1.6% of all pregnancies. Recently, there has been an obvious trend towards an increase in the incidence of such pregnancies due to the active use of assisted reproduction technologies, including in vitro fertilization (IVF).
Types of multiple pregnancies
Children born in multiple pregnancies are called TWINS. There are two main types of twins: monozygotic (identical, homologous, identical, similar) and dizygotic (fraternal, heterologous, different). African countries have the highest twin birth rate, Europe and the USA have an average rate, and Asian countries have a low rate.
Dizygotic (fraternal) twins are more common (in 66-75% of all twins). The birth rate of dizygotic twins varies from 4 to 50 per 1000 births. Dizygotic twins occur when two separate eggs are fertilized. The maturation of two or more eggs can occur both in one ovary and in two. The predisposition to develop dizygotic twins may be maternally inherited. Dizygotic twins can be either same-sex or opposite-sex, they look like each other like ordinary brothers and sisters. With fraternal twins, two placentas are always formed, which can be very close, even touching, but they can always be separated. Two fruit spaces (i.e., fetal bladders or two “houses”) are separated from each other by a septum consisting of two chorionic and two amniotic membranes. Such twins are called dizygotic dichorionic diamniotic twins.
Monozygotic (identical) twins are formed as a result of the separation of one fetal egg at various stages of its development. The frequency of birth of monozygotic twins is 3-5 per 1000 births. The division of a fertilized egg into two equal parts can occur as a result of a delay in implantation (immersion of the embryo in the uterine mucosa) and oxygen deficiency, as well as due to a violation of the acidity and ionic composition of the medium, exposure to toxic and other factors. The emergence of monozygotic twins is also associated with the fertilization of an egg that had two or more nuclei. If the separation of the fetal egg occurs in the first 3 days after fertilization, then monozygotic twins have two placentas and two amniotic cavities, and are called monozygotic diamniotic dichoriones (Fig. A). If the division of the ovum occurs between 4 - 8 days after fertilization, then two embryos will form, each in a separate amniotic sac. Two amniotic sacs will be surrounded by a common chorionic membrane with one placenta for two. Such twins are called monozygotic diamniotic monochorionic twins (Fig. B). If division occurs by 9- 10th day after fertilization, then two embryos are formed with a common amniotic sac and placenta. Such twins are called monozygotic monoamniotic monochorionic (Fig. B) If the egg is separated at a later date on the 13th - 15th day after conception, the separation will be incomplete, which will lead to the appearance of conjoined (undivided, Siamese) twins. This type is quite rare, approximately 1 observation in 1500 multiple pregnancies or 1: 50,000 - 100,000 newborns.
Monozygotic twins are always the same sex, have the same blood type, have the same eye color, hair, skin texture of the fingers, and are very similar to each other.
Twin births occur once in 87 births, triplets - once in 87 2 (6400) twins, quadruples - once in 87 3 (51200) triplets, etc. (according to the Gallin formula). The origin of triplets, quadruplets, and more twins varies. So, triplets can be formed from three separate eggs, from two or one egg. They can be monozygotic and heterozygous. Quadruples can also be identical and fraternal.
Features of the course of multiple pregnancy
In case of multiple pregnancy, the woman's body is subject to increased requirements. All organs and systems function with great tension. In connection with the displacement of the diaphragm by the enlarged uterus, the activity of the heart becomes difficult, shortness of breath, fatigue occur. Enlargement of the uterus, especially towards the end of pregnancy, leads to compression of the internal organs, which is manifested by impaired bowel function, frequent urination, and heartburn. Almost 4-5 times more often there is the development of preeclampsia, which is characterized by an earlier onset, a protracted and more severe clinical course, often combined with acute pyelonephritis of pregnant women. Due to the increased need and consumption of iron, iron deficiency anemia often develops in pregnant women. Significantly more often than with a singleton pregnancy, complications such as bleeding during pregnancy and childbirth, anomalies in labor, and a low location of the placenta are observed. Often, with multiple pregnancies, abnormal positions of the fetus occur. One of the most common complications in multiple pregnancy is its premature termination. Preterm birth is observed in 25-50% of cases of such pregnancies.
The development of term twins is normal in most cases. However, their body weight is usually less (by 10% or more) than in singleton pregnancies. With twins, the weight of children at birth less than 2500 g is observed in 40-60%. The low weight of twins is most often due to insufficiency of the uteroplacental system, which is not able to adequately provide several fetuses with nutrients, trace elements and oxygen. The consequence of this is a delay in the development of the fetus, which is a common occurrence in multiple pregnancies. The mass of twins, respectively, decreases in proportion to their number (triplets, quadruplets, etc.).
With monochorionic twins in the placenta, anastomoses are often formed between the vascular systems of the fetus, which can lead to a serious complication - the syndrome of feto-fetal transfusion. In this case, there is a redistribution of blood from one fetus to another, the so-called "stealing". The severity of feto-fetal transfusion (mild, moderate, severe) depends on the degree of redistribution of blood through the anastomoses, which vary in size, number and direction.
Diagnosis in multiple pregnancy
The most reliable method for diagnosing multiple pregnancies is ultrasound, which allows not only early diagnosis of multiple pregnancies, but also to determine the position and presentation of fetuses, localization, structure and number of placentas, the number of amniotic cavities, the volume of amniotic fluid, congenital malformations and antenatal fetal death, the state of the fetus from a functional point of view, the nature of the uteroplacental and fetal-placental blood flow.
In multiple pregnancies, due to the higher risk of complications, ultrasound monitoring is performed more frequently than in singleton pregnancies. With dizygotic twins, about once every 3-4 weeks, with monozygotic twins - once every 2 weeks.
In addition, examinations and control of clinical tests are carried out with great care, and CTG is regularly recorded from 28 weeks of pregnancy.
Management of childbirth
Indications for caesarean section associated with multiple pregnancy are triplets (quadruple), the transverse position of both or one of the fetuses, breech presentation of both fetuses or the first of them, and not associated with multiple pregnancy - fetal hypoxia, anomalies labor activity, prolapse of the umbilical cord, extragenital pathology of the mother, severe gestosis, placenta previa and abruption, etc.
In the department of assisted reproductive technologies of the Maternity Hospital No.2
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who have received a positive decision from the Minsk city or regional commissions to provide one free IVF attempt.
No drug supply problem. There is no waiting list. -
Individual care for patients
Ultrasonic diagnostics
Curly facts
, how many are estimates, today, today, on the ground, today, on the ground, today up to 80 million pairs of twins.
The number of twins born in relation to the total number of newborns in different countries and on different continents is different, but in general the trend is such that it continues to grow. Compared with the 60s, the percentage of twins has increased from 1.18 to 2.78, that is, almost 2.5 times.
The largest number of children
The largest number of children born to one mother, according to official data, is 69. According to reports made in 1782, between 1725 and 1765. The wife of a Russian peasant Fyodor Vasiliev gave birth 27 times, giving birth to twins 16 times, triplets 7 times and 4 twins 4 times. Of these, only 2 children died in infancy.
The most prolific mother of our contemporaries is considered to be Leontina Albina (or Alvina) of San Antonio, Chile, who at 1943-81 years gave birth to 55 children. As a result of the first 5 pregnancies, she gave birth to triplets, and exclusively male.
Most Birth
The record 38 births are said to be Elizabeth Greenhillies Abbots-Langley, c. Hertfordshire, UK. She had 39 children - 32 daughters and 7 sons.
The largest number of multiple births in one family
Maddalena Pomegranate from Italy (b. 1839) had triplets born 15 times.
There is also information about the birth on May 29, 1971 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, and in May 1977 in Bagarhat, Bangladesh, 11 twins. In both cases, no child survived.
Most fertile pregnancies
Dr. Gennaro Montanino, Rome, Italy, claimed to have removed, in July 1971, the embryos of 10 girls and 5 boys from the uterus of a 35-year-old woman who was 4 months pregnant. This unique case of 15-fertility was the result of infertility pills.
9 children - the largest number in one pregnancy - were born on June 13, 1971 by Geraldine Broadrick in Sydney, Australia. 5 boys and 4 girls were born: 2 boys were stillborn, and none of the rest survived more than 6 days.
Births of 10 twins (2 boys and 8 girls) are reported from Spain (1924), China (1936) and Brazil (April 1946).
The father with many children
The largest father in the history of Russia is Yakov Kirillov, a peasant from the village of Vvedensky, who in 1755 was introduced to the court in connection with this (he was then 60 years old). The first wife of a peasant gave birth to 57 children: 4 times four, 7 times three, 9once twice and 2 times once.