How to play with one year old child
25 Fun and Engaging Activities for 1-Year-Olds
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If you have a 1-year-old, chances are you already know it’s an exhilarating age. From learning to walk and talk to dancing, giggling, and playing with toys, your little one has come a long way — and for good reason. Babies make huge developmental leaps during their first year.
But how do you keep your newfound toddler engaged and entertained? The good news is you don’t need fancy toys, devices, or games.
Here are 25 fun-filled activities to help your love bug conceive, create, and learn.
Create a sensory station
From the moment children are born, they use their five senses to learn about the world. Why? Our senses help us make sense of things in varying ways.
Creating a sensory basket, or sensory station, will give your child the opportunity to explore new objects in a safe and creative way. And bonus: Sensory play supports cognitive development and the development of fine motor skills.
You can fill a bin with rice, blocks, pasta, fabric, water, or dish soap bubbles and drop in toys or other items. Provide cups or scoops. Allow your little one to explore, digging through the materials and discovering items. An important note: Always supervise during these activities and don’t provide any items that could pose a choking hazard.
Build a busy board
From zippers and latches to snaps, buckles, and knobs, busy boards are a great way to encourage exploration, creativity, and promote muscle dexterity. Not sure where to start? Check out this beautiful board by Something Turquoise.
Count on fingers and toes
Toddlers love to count things, so show your little one how to count by touching each of their fingers and toes as you recite the numbers.
Write in sand or rice
Looking for a creative way to engage your 12-month-old? Try filling a shallow container with rice or sand and letting your little one draw in it. The feel of each material is extremely appealing and will allow your child to learn, grow, and explore.
You can also try this with yogurt or food purées if your little one insists on putting everything into their mouth.
Play with blocks
From brand-name plastic bricks to simple wooden stacking blocks and other construction-based toys, block building can help your child develop their fine motor skills and enhance their hand-eye coordination.
Shop toddler-friendly blocks online.
Sort toys by color
There are countless color-matching toys on the market — and for good reason. Color matching helps children develop their cognitive skills. Grab your favorite color-matching game or toy or make your own, using construction paper, paint, pom-poms, and/or popsicle sticks.
Complete puzzles
Puzzles, particularly baby and toddler puzzles, appear deceptively simple. After all, most contain only a few, large, chunky pieces. However, completing puzzles with your little one will help improve their motor and cognitive reasoning skills. It will also help them understand the concept of a whole and parts.
Shop toddler-friendly puzzles online.
Make a discovery basket
Much like a sensory bin, station, or basket, a discovery basket will give your child the chance to explore unique objects and items. Simply fill a basket with child-safe things you have around the house. Your child can then explore and experiment to better understand the contents.
What to include? Consider a basket of kitchen tools — from dish towels and spoons to colanders and plastic lids. Or, create a musical basket with items that rattle, bang, and clang. You can even theme by color, collecting various red, blue, green, or even rainbow-colored items.
Stack ’em up
From blocks and rings to Tupperware and cups, stacking toys is a great way to help your child develop dexterity and grasp the concept of “big” and “little.”
Shop stacking toys online.
Have your child fetch objects
Asking your child to collect objects around the house isn’t just helpful, fetching objects — like a bottle, cup, or ball — will help your little one learn to listen and follow directions. It will also foster independence and an overall sense of pride.
Make music
Children love music — and for good reason. Music can be light and lively or super soothing, and kids feel this. They sing. They dance. Music helps children, young and old, sleep and relax. It can also help them develop socially, emotionally, and linguistically.
So play music. Make music, and find creative ways to incorporate both song and dance into their daily lives. Whether this means a dinner playlist or dance parties during bath time is up to you.
Shop toddler-friendly musical instruments online.
Play house
From building forts with cardboard boxes to caring for dolls or pretending to grocery shop, playing house is a great way to expand your child’s imagination and foster creativity.
Go ‘fishing’
Fishing games are relatively common — from board games to bathtub toys. So catch your child’s interest with a pretend fishing set and watch them improve their motor skills as they have fun playing.
Shop fishing games online.
Make a DIY ball pit
Babies love ball pits, but most parents don’t. Public pits tend to be dirty and unclean. However, you can make your own ball pit with plastic balls and a playard or plastic pool. Cheap and easy entertainment!
Shop ball pits online.
Build a fort
Whether you’re 12 months old or 12 years old, forts are fun. Drape some blankets over your furniture, hang sheets from the ceiling, or set up pillows or cardboard boxes for a cool, creative playspace.
Play with puppets
From finger and hand puppets to sock puppets, puppet play will encourage creativity and help foster your child’s social and emotional development. No strings attached!
Shop puppets online.
Create a tunnel maze
Children love tunnels. After all, there’s something about crawling into — and out of — a tube that’s very appealing. Making a tunnel maze will encourage exercise and help your child use cognitive reasoning skills. And bonus: If you opt to DIY it will give you something to do with all of those oversized diaper boxes.
Run outside
While there is a lot to be said about creative play, the benefits of basic play — like walking, running, jumping, and dancing — cannot be overstated. So go outside. Run. Play tag. Jump. Spin around. And work up a sweat.
Ride a tricycle or push car
Twelve-month-olds likely cannot ride tricycles — at least not yet — but many can and do before their second birthday so don’t be afraid to explore this and other outside activities. Some models come with push handles for parents to allow trike fun before your little one has mastered riding on their own.
Shop tricycles and push cars online.
Turn on the sprinklers
You don’t need a pool or even a water table for outdoor water play. A simple sprinkler that your child can run through can provide plenty of entertainment. Bring along some cups to catch the water and a towel for drying off and snuggles once the fun is done.
Paint with water
If you’re looking for a creative way to let your little one paint, look no further than water. With some colored construction paper and a paintbrush, your child can create a mess-free masterpiece.
Play with play dough
Whether you make your own modeling clay, salt dough, or buy a pack of Play-Doh doesn’t matter, what matters is that your little one is exploring their world with a new and creative medium. Bonus: Playing with dough helps your child develop dexterity and fine motor skills.
ColorLittle ones love doodling and scribbling. My 18-month-old regularly draws on scraps of paper, and my kitchen wall. And while I wish his artwork wasn’t so predominant, I happily engage his creativity. Why? Because it helps him focus, it encourages self-expression, and coloring improves muscle dexterity.
Finger paint
Finger painting is fun for children of all ages, but it can be messy. Try giving your 1-year-old a pile of paint and you’ll see what I mean. However, it doesn’t have to be messy. Simply put a sheet of paper and a few drops of acrylic paint in a Ziploc bag and voila! Your little one can squish and spread the paint through the plastic bag. You have tons of mess-free fun.
Shop finger paints online.
Paint in the bathtub
Looking for another mess-free way to let your little one play? Consider letting your child paint in the bathtub using finger paints.
While it may seem like your toddler needs a lot of attention, you do not need to invest a lot of money to keep them entertained. Rather, you just need to be inventive, innovative, and creative. Play will happen. Fun will follow. We promise.
Activities for 1 Year Olds
Toddlers aren’t babies anymore, but they aren’t big kids yet either. Whether indoors or outdoors, crafts or educational games, here are fun activities for 1 year olds.
One-year-olds are in that “in between” stage, don’t you think?
They’re not babies anymore, especially as they grow more interested in being mobile and developing motor skills. Their ability to play is more advanced than an infant, plus they won’t exactly sit still for a long time.
But they’re also not at the “preschool” stage yet, either. They’re still limited with what they can do, especially on their own. They don’t follow instructions too well, much less create a final product or craft.
If you’re looking for activities for 1 year olds, you’ve come to the right place. In fact, take a look at what one parent had to say after gathering ideas from this article:
“Every time I have looked for activities for 1 year olds, the activities were too advanced for a one year old because they were geared towards 2 and 3 year olds. These activities are perfect for that ‘in between’ age! Thank you for putting this together! It’s reassuring to see that some of the stuff we have been doing is age appropriate and there are other ideas that can stem off of those.” -Jacqueline Corey
One year olds can’t focus for several hours, so these toddler activities are short. Think of them as bite-size activities to liven up your routine. I also suggest doing no more than one activity a day, and relying on your regular routine to fill the rest of the time.
These activities are for the entire range of 1 year olds, from 12 to 24 months. If you find your child isn’t ready for a particular activity yet, hold off for a time when she is and try a different one for now. And finally, I’ve divided these activities by category to make them easier to refer to.
Ready to start? Here we go:
Table of Contents
Playful activities for 1 year olds
Most interactions with toddlers will happen at home, the very place where boredom tends to fester (cabin fever, anyone?). But don’t worry—as you’ll see, all you need are a few inspirational ideas for playtime with your 1 year old right at home.
1. Play with a blanket
Sit your toddler down and have her grasp the ends of a blanket (a small one is fine). Then, sit in front of her and grasp the other end. Make waves with the blanket by moving it up and down.
This was a favorite activity with my kids. In fact, as they went through preschool and even elementary school, their teachers would do this with all the students in a game of “parachute.” They’d all grab an edge of an oversized piece of cloth and wave it up and down together.
Free printables: Grab your printable calendar of all these activities I’m sharing! Check them off as you go along, or use the blank template to add your own ideas. Join my newsletter and get it below—at no cost to you. So many parents love the printable calendar:
“We have done a few things from your list and I have checked them off of your calendar and added them to the blank calendar. I love your list because you give suggestions with objects and things that I had never thought of. We really appreciate you sharing your ideas—they are great!” -Elissa B.
“Thank you! I’m glad I came across your list.
It is age appropriate, inexpensive and not messy. We really appreciate it.” -Sally S.
2. Play musical instruments
Disclosure: This article contains affiliate links, which means I will earn a commission—at no extra cost to you—if you make a purchase.
Kids love playing with instruments, from xylophones to drums to maracas. Mine have played with both acoustic and battery-operated toys, and I much preferred the acoustic ones.
If you grab a set of instruments, you can even introduce one instrument a day or week, so your 1 year old can truly explore each one’s sounds and feel:
Wooden Musical Instruments for Kids
3. Sing nursery rhymes and have a dance party
Hold a dance party at home (plus develop those gross motor skills)! Crank up music you like and dance along with your little one. If she can’t stand yet, carry her in your arms as you dance to the music.
Bonus points for singing and dancing to nursery rhymes with movement! A few interactive songs include:
- Where Is Thumbkin?
- Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes
- Itsy Bitsy Spider
- Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star
- Hokey Pokey
- Wheels on the Bus
- If You’re Happy and You Know It
- I’m a Little Teapot
- Pat-a-Cake
Check out these gross motor activities for 1 year olds.
4. Blow bubbles
Nothing delights 1 year olds more than popping bubbles. Stick to simple bottles of bubbles like this, or make plenty with a small bubble machine. A machine makes awesome bubbles for a long time (plus you don’t get tired from blowing bubbles).
5. Play with a ball
Playing with a ball is so versatile. Roll a ball back and forth to one another. Encourage your 1 year old to kick or throw the ball as well. And you can also play “basketball” and teach him to throw the ball into a set place, like into a laundry basket.
6. Play with a balloon
Like a ball, a balloon makes for fun play. If the balloon still has helium, attach a weight to the string so the balloon floats to your child’s head level. He’ll have a blast hitting the balloon and waiting for it to come right back.
If the balloon is deflated, cut the string off and have him toss it in the air and catch it. The air in the balloon makes for a slow fall—and an easier catch—for him.
7. Look at photos and paintings
You likely have walls and surfaces filled with picture frames and artwork. Carry or show your toddler the different images throughout your home. Explain who the people are in the pictures, or what the artwork is all about.
An alternative is to flip through albums (remember those?) and share old photos of loved ones. He’ll enjoy looking at people—familiar and new.
8. Play with blocks
I’m a fan of blocks since they’re easy to stack. Teach your child how to stack one block on top of the other. Build a tower and have him knock it down, or help him build something out of the blocks.
Melissa & Doug Wooden Building Blocks
Take a look at these 1 year old lesson plans organized by theme.
9. Lay out a large piece of cardboard on the floor
Cardboard is going to be one of your child’s favorite toys. Simply dismantle a cardboard box for plenty of fun! One activity my kids enjoyed was to step and dance on it with their feet. I also encouraged them to draw on the cardboard with washable crayons like these.
And of course, you can always keep the box as-is for your 1 year old to crawl through for endless pretend play.
10. Play with household items
It doesn’t take much to keep kids entertained, especially if we teach them the value of simple play. Safe household items make for excellent playthings. Take any item nearby and see how you can turn it into a toy. For instance, these are some of the “toys” my kids loved playing with:
- Rolling duct tape back and forth on the floor
- Looping pipe cleaners in and out of an upside-down colander
- Playing drums with wooden spoons
11. Read books
This is one of my favorite activity to do with kids! There were times I didn’t know what else to do with them that we’d sit and read until my voice got too tired. Scatter books throughout your home, and visit the library regularly for new selections.
Playful chores for 1 year olds
Yes, chores can be fun for your 1 year old! In fact, doing chores is not only one of the best habits you can instill now, they’re also an enjoyable activity for kids. Here are the best activities that are chores-related:
12. Water the plants
Fill a small cup, or get a child-friendly watering can, and show your child how to water plants. Stick to low, floor plants or those you can move for better access.
13. Wipe surfaces
Need to wipe the coffee table? Spray the surface, then hand your little one a rag he can use to wipe. I recommend eco-friendly products when you do this with him.
14. Put toys away
After playing with a set of toys with many parts (blocks, for instance), make a game of putting them away. You might count each piece as you put them away, or sort them by color. You and your toddler can also take turns tossing the pieces back in the box.
Get ideas for Montessori activities for 1-2 year olds.
Arts and crafts activities for 1 year olds
One year old arts and crafts focus more on introducing basic concepts than creating a final product. Finger painting, for example, is about experiencing the different textures of paint, not creating a picturesque image.
Check out a few ideas for fun and simple art activities, or take a look at this video:
15. Finger paint
Finger painting with a 1 year old is more about the experience of painting than producing a work of art. In fact, your child’s paper will likely be nothing more than a soaked sheet with layers of paint.
But that’s beside the point. Finger painting allows him to touch paint, learn what it is and what happens when you mix them together. He’s using his fingers, which is a perfect introduction to painting if he can’t grasp a paintbrush yet.
He’ll also experiment with putting it on a surface (and yes, sometimes on himself), and you’ll have a fantastic opportunity to discuss color.
I recommend getting washable finger paint like these. You don’t need a ton of colors right now, only a few to mix and experiment with. Get smocks to cover his body or keep him in his diapers and bathe him afterward to avoid a mess.
Here’s a photo a fellow parent sent of her one-year-old’s finger painting:

Another way to paint without grasping a brush or using fingers is to paint with a sponge. You can talk about the different patterns a sponge can make and show him a few ways to apply it, such as dabbing or rubbing it straight down.
Get simple sponges without the brittle surface on the other side. You can also use scissors to cut these in half so he can hold them better.
17. Color on a large piece of paper
A fantastic way to develop fine motor skills and grasping a crayon is to encourage your child to color. Tape a large piece of paper onto a low table, such as a coffee table or an art table, and have her scribble colors all over.
Use washable crayons or pencils so you don’t have to worry about damaging any surfaces. I also designate a children’s table that adjusts to my kids’ height, which is a great option if you don’t want other surfaces in your home to get colored.
Get more ideas for arts and crafts for 1 year olds.

Chalk is another art supply that lends itself well to 1 year olds. Bigger chalk like these are easier to grasp, and they work well either on a chalkboard at home or on the sidewalk outside.
19. Make a collage
Gluing bits of material on a piece of paper is a fun activity for your child.
Let him lead the activity rather than trying to create something discernible. For instance, don’t insist on making clouds with cotton balls and tell him where to glue. Instead, let him decide where he wants to place the pieces.
You can use any type of bits to glue. Cut junk mail or old scraps of paper into small bits and have him practice gluing. Start with a glue stick, then work your way up to liquid glue. If he can’t squeeze the bottle, pour some onto a plate he can dip the bits into.
Here’s how one parent helped her toddler created a collage out of used gift wrapping paper:
20. Apply stickers
Stickers help your child develop the “pincer grasp,” that fine motor skill of using her thumb and pointer finger to pick things up. Lift the sticker first, then have her pull the rest off the sheet.
Finally, give her a paper or other surface to place the stickers on. You can re-use old pieces of paper or even create a “card” she can decorate and send to a loved one.
Sensory activities for 1 year olds
Everything is a sensory experience for kids, but certain activities lend themselves well to discovery. These ideas allow your child to play and learn about how things feel. Check out these sensory play activities for 1 year olds:
21. Play with dirt
I’m a big fan of letting kids play in real dirt. We would either head to the park or play with an empty pot of soil on the patio, where they loved digging and playing with trucks on the surfaces.
Encourage your toddler to get his hands dirty. Find an empty spot at a park or your garden with plenty of soil to dig and explore.
22. Pour water
One of the first activities my kids did at their Montessori preschool was learning to pour water. Recreate the activity at home, using a large, rimmed baking sheet to catch spills, a small bowl to pour water into, and a plastic measuring cup with a handle.
Fill the measuring cup with a little bit of water and show your child how to hold the handle and pour the water into the bowl. Once he’s finished, repeat for a fun exercise in pouring.
23. Squeeze water with a sponge
Besides painting, you can use a sponge for water play as well. Fill a bowl with water and allow your child to dip the sponge and squeeze the water out. You can also have him squeeze water out of the sponge into another container, just like you did with the water pouring activity.
24. Play with toys in a bucket of rice
There’s something thrilling about dipping your hand into a bucket of rice. Your child will love exploring the feel of rice, especially when he can play with toys at the same time.
Fill a large container or sensory bin with rice and place a few simple toys inside. Encourage him to find the toys or use it as a setting for pretend play.
Get more ideas for sensory activities for 1 year olds.
Out and about with a 1 year old
Finding activities for 1 year olds isn’t reserved for at home. In fact, I try to get out and about with my kids at least once a day so they’re not home all the time. Here are a few ideas you can do for getting out of the house:
25. Visit a kids play area
Depending on where you live, you might have a play area dedicated to young toddlers. Some are outright indoor playgrounds, while others are play rooms with pretend furniture and props.
I’ve gone to restaurants with impressive play areas as well (and not fast food, either!). Many malls also include a children’s play area. Regardless of where you go, get there when it opens so you have more chances to have the place to yourself and avoid the crowds.
If you’re in Los Angeles, a few to check out are:
- Peekaboo Playland
- Samo’s Clubhouse in Santa Monica Place
- The Great Room Café
- Under the Sea
Check out these rainy day activities for 1 year olds.
26. Have a picnic at the park
One of the best outdoor activities is to pack your toddler’s meal and take it to the park! Bring a picnic blanket where you can both sit and enjoy a meal outdoors. Pick a spot under a tree so he can lie down, watch the leaves move, and relax in the shade.
Take a look at these outdoor activities for 18 month old toddlers.
27. Go on a nature stroll
Walking through nature is one of my favorite activities, and it doesn’t have to be strenuous! Local spots can include a favorite trail, a botanical garden, or wetlands near your place.
You don’t have to go far, either. Base your outing more on time spent outdoors than actually trying to get through the whole place, even if it means staying near the entrance.
For instance, rather than trying to get through your entire hike, walk for 15 minutes in one direction, then another 15 minutes back.
A favorite pastime, especially with my eldest, was walking around the neighborhood. We’d explore everything, from leaves on the ground to sprinklers on the sidewalk. I went at his pace, starting with one block at first until we were able to explore most of our area.
Get more ideas about outdoor things to do with a 1 year old.
28. Go to a children’s museum
Many cities have a children’s museum that offers hands-on discovery. I like those that cater to kids of all ages. Several include a “tot room” for little ones without the ambush of the big kids.
You can go to a “regular” museum as well. Toddlers will be happy walking around and exploring a new place.
29. Attend kid-friendly concerts
There’s something about watching people play live music right in front of you. Kid-friendly concerts don’t have to be an extravagant outing. Many farmers’ markets include live music from a band, and your city might offer concerts in the summer.
Learn the things to teach a 1 year old.
30. Go on a children’s train ride
Kids love riding trains, no matter where they are or what the view offers. We’ve gone on train rides at farmers’ markets or at the pumpkin patch. I’ve also put them on kids-only train rides at the mall or a kids play area.
31. Go for a swim
Warm weather calls for a dip in the pool! Introduce the pool to your toddler early on so he feels comfortable swimming with you.
Remember to practice pool safety, including always being within arm’s reach and keeping an eye on him at all times. (That includes whether he’s in or out of the water.)
Take a look at these children’s books about swimming.
As easily entertained as toddlers can be, it’s amazing how challenging it can be to find activities for 1 year olds every day. But as you can see, you can do many of these activities in a few minutes in the comfort of your home, as well as plan for exciting ones on big days.
One year olds aren’t babies we can carry around in a wrap anymore, but they’re still small without the skills a preschooler may have.
These activities cater to that “in between” stage. You’ll introduce your child to new concepts and environments while relishing in his ability to find joy in simple activities. Yup, even if it’s singing Hokey Pokey and coloring on cardboard.
Get more tips:
- Rainy Day Activities for 1 Year Olds
- Need Outdoor Activities to Do with Your 1 Year Old? Start Here.
- What to Do When You’re Seeing 1 Year Old Tantrums Already
- Fun Places to Take a 1 Year Old
- Art Supplies for 1 Year Olds They’ll Actually Use
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Educational games for children 1 year old (Don't miss the time!)
Portal for teachers and parents
In order for a child to develop properly and grow up physically and mentally healthy, you need to constantly engage with him. The most effective way to do this is through games, because they develop the baby's motor skills and speech, as well as his cognitive activity. The best educational games for children 1 year old are collected in this article. Recommendations are also given on how to properly play with the baby.
How to play with a one year old baby?
Games at home
- with a ball
- in a hide and seek
- with cereals and small objects
- in colors
- with boxes and bags
- in theater
- Other development games
Games in the bathroom
Finger games
Outdoor games
Games on the road
Experienced mothers advise to do it yourself
Games for toddlers 1 year old have the main goal to teach the crumbs the basic concepts, actions, strengthen emotional ties with close adults. The child gets acquainted with the world around him, learns to speak, making all kinds of sounds, he wants to know as much as possible, to touch everything, feel and sometimes even taste it.
The game must not go on too long. Stop the game process as soon as you notice that the child has begun to lose interest in what is happening.
Educational games for a 1-year-old child should not include many items, as this will only scatter his attention.
Playing with small objects is great for developing fine motor skills, but is a real hazard because children this age like to put things in their mouths. Watch your child carefully if you use small objects for games!
Don't underestimate a small child. If his coordination of movements is still not sufficiently developed, then this does not mean at all that he cannot understand what is happening around him and is not able to learn simple actions.
Games at home Many useful toys, such as cubes, balls, pyramids, you probably already have at home.

With ball
The ball is one of the best toys that can be used to organize a variety of outdoor games for children from 1 year old. They are very popular with kids and bring a lot of benefits. When a child catches or rolls a ball, attention develops as well as hand-eye coordination.
- Bowling. The meaning of this game is clear from its name. Bowling pins (if they are not available, ordinary plastic bottles can be used) are placed in one row. The kid is given a ball and is given the task of knocking down all the objects with it.
- Rolling ball. You simply show the child how to roll the ball, and then roll the ball towards him. The child can push the ball in a completely different direction to see how you return it to its place.
Ask your child to return the ball and push it in your direction. Thus, the child will receive the skill of active play.
- Labyrinth. From improvised pieces of furniture (for example, from chairs), you should create a small impromptu tunnel. Give the child a ball and ask him to roll it into this maze.
in a hide and seek
- The baby is seated on a high chair (for feeding), and the mother begins to pretend that it has lost it and cannot find it. She loudly calls his name, looks around, looks into cabinets, behind doors, under the table. After these simple manipulations, it is worth “accidentally discovering” a crumb, and showing your joy and surprise at his discovery.
- You need to choose some beautiful toy and tie a bright ribbon or rope to it. After that, the toy is hidden, but not far away so that the child can see the tape.
When he finds the ribbon and pulls on it, a toy tied to it will appear after it. This simple game will help the baby understand how cause and effect relationships are established.
- At this age, children love to throw things and watch you pick them up and give them back. However, you can encourage the child to pick up the dropped item himself. This will teach him causes (falling) and effects (ascending). Teaching a child to pick up a fallen object also teaches him responsibility.
Place a wide-mouthed jar, such as a coffee or food container, in front of your child and encourage them to throw various small items into the jar and then take it back out. It will also help develop fine motor skills. Items can be very different: beans or other cereals, small toys, buttons, stones, clothespins, etc.
Be careful not to get small objects into the child's airways!
- A blanket or blanket is spread on the floor and the baby sits on it.
Various vessels and containers should be placed nearby, after which the selected material (cereals, buttons, small pebbles) should be poured out. The kid must learn to fill containers with bulk material and pour it out of them. This children's entertainment has a positive effect on the fine motor skills of the baby's hands. It should be remembered that you need to watch the child very carefully while he plays with small objects!
- Sandbox. A certain amount of semolina is poured into a large wide container, and some very small toy is hidden inside. The baby is invited to dig deep into the groats and find what is hidden there.
In colors
- For the next game, you need to prepare several small multi-colored plates, as well as a small mosaic of the same colors. The child needs to be shown how to put a mosaic of the corresponding color on each plate.
- “In pairs”.
Take several pairs of multi-colored socks of bright colors, mix them together and spread them out in front of the child. Then explain to the baby how to combine these socks in pairs of the same color.
- Pyramid. For this game, you will need to buy a multi-colored pyramid, consisting of several rings. All rings should be removed from the base and laid out in front of the baby. The child should touch the rings, hold them in his hands, try to put them on the base. In this case, the mother needs to tell the baby what color each ring is.
- Treasure Hunt. You need to take a fairly large bag or bag and fill it with all kinds of toys. Next, teach the baby to put his hand in the bag and find toys there. You can comment on what is happening with the following questions and sentences: “Who is hiding there?”, “Look for a bear”, “Find something soft”, etc.
- Pouch.
Several small toys are put into a small bag, and then they ask the child to put his hand into it and determine which toy he just touched.
- “Boxes”. For this educational game, you will need a variety of boxes (from under clothes, shoes, household appliances). The essence of the game is to help the child learn the ratio of different sizes and sizes. The baby should be shown that some boxes are larger or smaller than others, and that smaller boxes fit easily into large ones.
- "Magnets". Mom will need to purchase a set of magnets with fairy-tale characters, with the help of which it will be possible to play an interesting performance in front of the child.
- Finger Theatre. For this game, mothers need only colored felt-tip pens and their own hands. With the help of a felt-tip pen (marker), we draw cute and funny faces on the fingertips, after which you can play an impromptu performance about the life of little fingers in front of the child.
When the baby understands the essence of what is happening, his fingers should also be included in the performance game.
3 educational games up to 1.5 years The simplest game, for which you only need a few multi-colored ribbons. The kid needs to be shown and explained how to toss the ribbons so that they wriggle in beautiful “snakes”.
- Tempest in a teacup. Young children love to play with water. Here is one of them. For this children's fun, you will need an ordinary glass and a plastic straw. A glass should be filled with water and a tube should be lowered into it, and then blown into it to make a lot of bubbles. This game is very amusing for kids and will appeal to every kid.
- Singing. The ability to make different sounds is the first step on the way to speech. Singing stimulates the child better than just pronouncing individual sounds. It also helps to acquire a sense of rhythm.
Sing along to the music and encourage the child if he began to sing along in the way he knows how. Get him interested, make him start dancing, clapping his hands. At this age, the child should not pronounce words or hit the notes, the main thing is that he learns to pronounce more and more new sounds in different ways.
- Fun Account. It is much easier to teach a child to count when he sees the connection between the number "7" and the word "seven". For the game, you can use various objects with numbers written on them. In each game, focus the child's attention on a certain number, as a result, he will remember what it is called. When he can accurately name most of the numbers, invite him to choose from the objects the number that you named.
Games in the bathroom
Before we talk about what games you can play with your child in the bathroom in a year, we remind you of the need to follow safety rules. Never neglect them to avoid trouble.
Under no circumstances should a child be left alone in the bathroom. Even if you step away for only a few seconds, trouble can happen during this time. For example, the child will want to get up and get out of the bathroom, and since the bathtub is slippery, the baby may slip and fall. This could cause serious injury.
Always remember that a child can choke even in a bathtub filled with very little water.
Equally important is the temperature of the bath water. Be sure to check if the water is too cold or hot before placing your child in the water. It is advisable to purchase a thermometer for this purpose. The water temperature should not exceed 38 degrees.
Also, for the safety of the child, it is worth buying a suction mat to be placed on the bottom of the tub. It will protect the child from the possibility of slipping and falling.
If you follow all these safety rules, bathing will bring you and your child exceptional joy. And now about what to play with the child in the bathroom.
- One of the most affordable ways to have fun in the bathroom is to add bath foam to the water. It is worth buying exclusively baby bath foams, as they do not irritate the mucous membrane of the eyes. Another plus of baby foam is a pleasant fruity smell that kids like. Children love to play with foam, because it is so beautiful, tender, and it still smells delicious! But if your child tries to taste everything, make sure that he does not eat too much foam. In addition to foam, you can use various baby shampoos, which also smell very tasty. Shampoos, of course, should also be bought for children, marked “no tears”.
- Babies love to play with rubber toys while bathing. Their choice is very large - from animal figures to cartoon characters.
With the help of such figures, you can teach animals, memorize the sounds they make, play small scenes.
- If you still have sea pebbles and shells after a trip to the sea, they can also be used. But before giving pebbles to your child, make sure that they are not sharp and can not harm the baby.
- In addition to pebbles, shells and rubber toys, you can use plastic toys such as scoops, buckets, molds. The list is very large, in general, everything that children play with in the sandbox will do. Naturally, if the toys were in the sand, they must first be washed.
- The budget version of rubber and plastic toys - handmade figures. In order to make such toys, you need sponges for washing dishes, scissors and imagination. You can cut out stars, hearts and other simple shapes from a sponge. This way to have fun is sure to please the baby. 9Finger games The essence of finger games is that you take the palm of your baby and bend your fingers one by one, saying some appropriate rhyme.
For example, this finger went to the forest (bend one finger on the baby’s palm), this finger cooked soup (bend the second finger) and so on.
Here is another example:
On a visit to the big finger (the thumb is bent, the rest are clenched into a fist)
Came directly to the house:
Index and middle, (according to the text, unbend fingers alternately)
Nameless and last.
Little finger itself
Knocked on the threshold.
Together fingers are friends, (clench fingers into a fist and unclench them)
They cannot live without each other.
Outdoor play
Finding outdoor activities for your little one is not difficult. There are educational games in 1 year that can only be used at certain times of the year, and there are games that can be played in any season.
- If we talk about seasonal games, then in the autumn of you can invite the baby to collect a small bunch of fallen leaves together. At this time of the year, the leaves are bright and colorful, they attract the attention of the little ones, so most children will enjoy this activity.
- In the winter the kids love sledding. You can try to find at least a small hill near and ride.
- In the spring the snow melts, the streams run… These are the streams that should be used for games: make a paper boat and send it sailing.
- The best time to walk is summer . Here you don’t even have to think about what to do with the baby! A ball, colored crayons for drawing on the pavement, a sandbox, slides, swings and a lot of other entertainment!
But you can feed the birds with bread at any time of the year in any nearby park.
Ideas for developing games with children 1-2 years old
Games on the road
It is often that you need to go somewhere with the child and the road promises to be long. But the baby does not want to sit still for a minute, the baby wants to explore the world and discover something new for himself, so he begins to act up. A few tips and interesting educational games for children of 1 year old, which are easy to organize, will help to avoid tantrums on the road.
- Take some of your baby's favorite toys with you on the road, and when your child starts acting up, give them these toys and play together.
- Another option is to look at the pictures in the book. Color illustrations will attract the attention of the child, calm him down, help him remember the names of objects. Ask the child to point to a certain object in a children's book or magazine.
This will teach the child to associate the appearance of an object with its name, and will also contribute to the development of observation.
- If a sudden trip took you by surprise and you don't have any toys or books with you, then the finger games for 1 year olds, which were previously described in this article, are great.
- Knowing your own body parts is an important part of a child's development. You show the baby a certain part of the body, for example, the nose, and name it. In this case, you can show both on your own nose and on the nose of the child. After a while, the baby himself will be able to point to both his and your nose. The benefit of this game for children 1 year old is that it does not require any game material, while it perfectly develops coordination and allows the child to recognize the boundaries of his own body.
- Cheerful music from children's cartoons will defuse the atmosphere and amuse the child.
Tip: create a playlist of children's music on your phone and turn it on when you don't know what to do with your baby. You can also download ready-made playlists or applications on the Internet.
Agree, we have presented educational games for children 1 year old in a fairly large number. With their help, you can easily engage in the versatile development of your child. We are sure that now you will always know what to do with your baby, and do not let him get bored.
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in which games are played with the years to play with the years old
One year old child is a little curious fidget who needs to know everything around. Games with a one year old are very different from games with children of other ages.
On the one hand, child , who is one year old, is already able to play by himself for some time. However, on the other hand, he still does not know the fear of death, he does not yet understand the dangers and harm to health and life. Therefore, leaving the little one in the room is not recommended.
All the games of a baby who is over a year old can be divided into games with mom (or other adult, older child) and games that a boy or girl can play on their own without the participation of other people.
Games with other people
Playing with mom, dad, grandma, grandpa and other adults or older children, the baby learns to interact with them, to fulfill their requests. Such games can be either passive or active.
Passive games include:
• Folding building blocks, cubes and pyramids.
A one-year-old child is interested in collecting construction toys and blocks.
But no less interesting is the dismantled tower from the cubes and the house from the designer. So the baby learns to analyze, to understand that the whole can be divided into parts. Later, there is an interest to combine the details into a single whole. At first, he is able to add only two, three, five parts or put one on one with just a couple of cubes. Gradually, this skill will improve. The same goes for the pyramids. At first, the baby can scatter the rings or put them on his arm, gradually he will want to put them on the axle, and soon he will put them on in the correct order.
• Games with sorters and inserts are great for developing fine motor skills.
Parents should show how to correctly insert the figurine into the hole. At first, the baby will try to stick the figurine into any window, but gradually he will understand that for each figurine there is a so-called own house.
• Reading books helps in speech development.
The more they talk to the baby, read books, the faster he will start talking. When choosing a book for a child, it is worth giving preference to small poems, nursery rhymes, small fairy tales.
The baby will also like books in which the pictures have the same theme, such as domestic and wild animals, fruits, vegetables, toys, etc. In such books, under each picture, the name is written. If these are animals, then a cow, a pig, a dog, etc. If vegetables, then these are potatoes, carrots, onions. With the help of such books, the child learns to classify and analyze.
It is very important that the illustrations in the books are bright and colorful. In the process of reading, it is worth asking the baby to show this or that animal, plant, etc.
• Drawing.
Children after a year will not be able to draw any plot, but they really like the process itself. You can draw with crayons, finger paints, markers, wax pencils.
Kids will love the special water coloring. For this purpose, a water marker is used.
• Games with available material.
You don't have to have expensive toys to play with your little one. Sometimes ordinary cereals, peas, beans, nuts are enough. Chestnuts and acorns may come in handy. The baby will like to pour cereals (buckwheat, rice) from one container to another. Chestnuts, acorns and nuts can be pushed into the neck of a plastic bottle. From semolina scattered on a tray, the baby will be happy to get bean grains. It is worth remembering that all these things are small. Their child can easily put it in his mouth, ears or nose. Therefore, an adult must be present during such classes. Mom needs to be prepared for the fact that the kitchen will have to be re-cleaned after such games.
• Sandbox or snow games .
Depending on the time of year, a one-year-old baby can be offered to make Easter cakes out of sand or snow.
Boys and girls will diligently fill the pastry with a spatula. In winter, you can offer your baby to touch the snow. It is worth voicing to the child that the snow is cold, sticky, or vice versa loose. So the child gets acquainted with the properties of the environment.
Active games include:
• Peek-a-boo - the child really likes to hide at this age.
But an adult can hide himself, for example, behind a bed, closet, table. It is important to periodically look out of your hiding place. For children, this game causes great delight, especially when they easily manage to find the loss.
• Catchers.
Even a one year old child can play this outdoor game. An adult can say that he will catch up with his baby or ask the baby to catch up with mom and dad. The main thing is to make sure. That in the way of the child, there will be no sharp corners and dangerous objects that can harm him.
• Swinging.
If there is a swing in the house or in the yard, then you can invite your son or daughter to ride on it. Usually kids love this activity.
• Ball games.
Adults can throw or roll a ball to the kid, and he will try to catch them. You can ask a boy or girl to bring balls that have rolled away. Children of this age, as a rule, really like this toy. Some children may fiddle with balls for a long time. It is very important that the balls are of different colors and sizes, smooth and with pimples. This will help develop tactile sensations.
• Fitball jumping will appeal to many one-year-old boys and girls.
Here, of course, the help of an adult is needed.
In addition to the games listed above, you can offer the baby to help his mother fold the toys. For young children, this activity is a kind of game.
Stand alone games
With a child who is one year old, it is interesting and fun to play.But, unfortunately, adults have other equally important tasks. Mom needs to clean, wash, cook. At such moments, the baby can be invited to play on their own. So mom will have a few free minutes to do household chores. What can be given to a one-year-old child without harm to his life and health, and also without harm to the family?
Kitchen utensils.
While preparing dinner, you can offer the crumbs kitchen utensils (scoops, pots, spatulas and various plastic ladles, cutting boards). All these things are good toys for most yearlings. With the help of a saucepan and a ladle, you will get a wonderful drum. If you give the child containers of different sizes, the baby can fold them one into one, like a small bag. The child will like to sort out spoons from one place to another.
A bag of unnecessary things will keep the baby busy for a while.
In such a bag you can put small things of your son or daughter, your home clothes or old clothes.
The child will be happy to sort through such stocks, perhaps even trying to pull something over himself.
Toy bag or box.
There is no doubt that many children today have a lot of toys. It is advisable to divide them into two or three parts. Leave one part in a conspicuous place, and hide the rest of the toys. Hidden toys come in handy when mom needs to do her own thing. A boy or girl will take out their own toys, which they have already forgotten about, and look at them with pleasure and play with them.
Old magazines, newspapers and catalogs
will be a lifesaver for mom to do some household chores and keep the baby busy for this time. Children leaf through old waste paper with curiosity, looking at the drawings. The baby can tear newspapers and magazines into small pieces. And this, in turn, trains fine motor skills well.
Fridge magnets.
Nowadays there are special magnets for children with images of animals, vegetables, fruits, furniture, etc.