Un circumcised penus
Circumcised vs. uncircumcised: What's the difference?
Circumcision is a surgical procedure that removes the foreskin of the penis. In an uncircumcised penis, the foreskin remains. The main differences include appearance and hygiene practices.
People may have a circumcision for many different reasons, including:
- religious reasons, such as if a person follows the Jewish or Muslim faith
- cultural reasons
- a family history of circumcision, so a person may decide to continue the tradition
- personal preference
- for health reasons, such as if a person is prone to frequent foreskin infections
- Statistics
One 2016 study estimated that 37–39% of males across the world have a circumcision. The researchers estimated that 71.2% of males in the United States have a circumcision.
According to the American Urological Association, the areas of the world with the highest rates of circumcision are:
- the Middle East
- South Korea
- the U.
The lowest rates of circumcision are in Europe, Latin America, and most of Asia.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), in the U.S., rates of circumcision among newborn males decreased by around 10% between 1979 and 2010.
An uncircumcised penis retains the foreskin, which covers the head of a nonerect penis. When the penis is erect, the foreskin pulls back to reveal the glans.
A circumcised penis has no foreskin, which exposes the glans when the penis is both erect and nonerect.
Share on PinterestStudies have been inconclusive regarding penile sensitivity in uncircumcised and circumcised males.
Scientific studies have produced conflicting reports on the effect of circumcision on sex.
For example, one 2013 study looked at the sexual sensations of 1,059 uncircumcised males and 310 circumcised males. The group of circumcised males reported lower rates of sensitivity in the glans than the uncircumcised males.
A 2013 review looked at studies into the effect of male circumcision on sexual function and enjoyment. The review found that in the most accurate studies, circumcision had no negative effects on sexual function, sensitivity, pain, or pleasure during sexual intercourse.
However, one 2012 study found that there was not enough scientific evidence in some previous research to suggest that circumcision affects sexual function. The study concluded that circumcision has no negative long-term impact on sexual function.
A 2016 study compared the penis sensitivity of 30 circumcised males with that of 32 uncircumcised males ages 18–37. The study found that there was minimal difference between penile sensitivity in the uncircumcised and circumcised males.
It is important for people without a circumcision to keep the foreskin clean.
For teenage and adult males, pulling back and washing underneath the foreskin with mild soap and water, rinsing well, and then rolling back the foreskin can help maintain good hygiene.
Good hygiene of the foreskin can help reduce the risk of infections. Without regular cleaning, bacteria, dirt, and bodily fluids can all build up under the foreskin and form smegma, which looks yellow-white.
Poor genital hygiene can cause an infection of the glans or foreskin, such as:
- phimosis, wherein the foreskin becomes too tight around the head of the penis and cannot pull back
- balanitis, an infection of the glans and foreskin
- posthitis, a fungal infection of the foreskin
Learn about other causes of a tight foreskin in this article.
In young boys, the foreskin may not retract easily. It is important to note that they should not try to force it back.
A circumcised penis will not require any extra hygiene care, so people can wash the penis with mild soap and water as part of their regular bathing routine.
Share on PinterestCircumcision may lower the risk of contracting HIV or other STIs from heterosexual intercourse.
According to a 2012 policy statement from the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), circumcision can lower the risk of HIV from heterosexual intercourse and reduce the risk of other sexually transmitted infections (STIs).
Research from three randomized clinical trials found that adult male circumcision lowered the risk of HIV infection over time by 50–60%.
The trials also found that males circumcised as adults had a 30% lower risk of contracting certain types of herpes and human papillomavirus (HPV).
Also, one 2017 study found that females with circumcised sexual partners were less likely to contract STIs such as chlamydia, syphilis, and one type of herpes.
The study also found that females with a circumcised sexual partner might have a lower risk of cervical cancer.
Circumcision in males with male sexual partners may reduce the risk of HIV infection, but this requires further research.
Both circumcised and uncircumcised males should use condoms as often as possible during sex to reduce the risk of transmitting or contracting an STI.
There is no scientific evidence to suggest that the presence or lack of a foreskin affects fertility.
The causes of male infertility relate to sperm production, which occurs in the testicles.
Some of the main reasons for male infertility include:
- low sperm count
- no sperm production
- the production of sperm that are an unusual shape or that move abnormally
- problems ejaculating
- chromosome structure
- taking certain medications
Repeated infections can cause blockages in the male reproductive tract. If the sperm cannot leave the testicles as normal during ejaculation, it can affect fertility.
Maintaining good hygiene of the penis, as well as seeing a doctor if there are any unusual or uncomfortable symptoms around the penis or genital area, can help reduce the risk of infection.
Males may have a circumcision for cultural, religious, or personal reasons. In some cases, adult males who develop frequent infections of the foreskin may choose circumcision for health reasons.
Recent scientific evidence has found very few negative effects associated with circumcision on sexual function and satisfaction.
The AAP say that the benefits of circumcision in newborn males outweigh the risks, but that any health benefits of circumcision are not enough to recommend it as a routine procedure for all male babies.
Circumcision in older males can carry a higher risk of complications with the surgery.
It is vital for both circumcised and uncircumcised males to maintain good genital hygiene, and for uncircumcised males to regularly and gently wash the area under the foreskin to prevent possible infection.
Using condoms as often as possible during sex can help reduce the risk of STIs for both circumcised and uncircumcised males.
Size, Look, Sexual Function, and More
Is there really a difference?
The main difference between a circumcised (cut) and uncircumcised (uncut) penis is the presence of foreskin around the head of the penis.
Although it really comes down to personal preference, the presence — or lack thereof — of foreskin does have some effect on your hygiene and overall health.
Read on to learn more about how circumcision can affect the appearance of your penis, sexual function, and more.
Uncircumcised (Uncut): A foreskin can make your penis look slightly bulkier when it’s flaccid. During an erection, the foreskin retracts and almost disappears, so it won’t affect how big your penis looks when it’s erect.
Circumcised (Cut): Your penis size is based mainly on your genes. These determine the phenotype, or physical expression, of your penis.
Penis size is also based on blood flow to the penile tissues. Removing a layer of skin tissue — the foreskin — doesn’t have any impact on other penile tissues or how big your penis appears when erect. However, it may have slightly less “bulk” when it’s flaccid.
Uncut: In an uncut penis, the foreskin drapes over the head (glans) of the penis like a hood when you’re not erect. The penis head largely isn’t visible. When you’re erect, the foreskin retracts and exposes the glans. The foreskin usually looks bunched up.
Cut: In a cut penis, the foreskin is absent. This leaves the glans out in the open at all times, whether you’re erect or not. You may notice a slight difference in skin texture where the foreskin was removed.
The skin closer to your body may feel tougher and thicker. Skin closer to the glans may be thinner and more sensitive.
Uncut: An uncut penis requires some extra attention to hygiene. If you don’t regularly clean under the foreskin, bacteria, dead skin cells, and oil can cause smegma to build up.
Smegma can make your penis smell and even lead to glans and foreskin inflammation (balanitis). This can make pulling back your foreskin difficult or impossible. If this happens, it’s known as phimosis. Phimosis and balanitis can both require medical attention if left untreated.
Please note: These instructions are for adults only. Before puberty, it may be difficult to fully retract the foreskin. It should never be forcibly retracted, even for cleaning.
Cut: A cut penis doesn’t require additional hygiene. Just make sure you wash it regularly when you bathe.
However, your penile skin may be more likely to get dry, chafed, or irritated without the foreskin. You can help prevent this by wearing loose-fitting underwear and avoiding tight pants.
Uncut: A 2016 study found that for uncut penises, the foreskin was the part of the penis most sensitive to stimulation by touch. However, the study clarifies that this doesn’t mean that your experience of pleasure during sex is any different whether you’re cut or uncut.
Cut: A 2011 study claims that men with cut penises self-reported more “orgasm difficulties.” But a 2012 response to the study calls this claim into question.
The authors point out that the 2011 study showed no direct link between circumcision and sexual satisfaction. They also highlighted several factors that could have skewed the study’s results.
Uncut: The foreskin provides natural lubrication to the penis. However, there’s no conclusive evidence that being cut will require extra lubrication for the same amount of sexual satisfaction that those who are uncut experience.
Cut: Being cut may mean that you occasionally need extra lube when lubrication is necessary, such as during anal sex. No evidence suggests any difference in penis health or sexual satisfaction without the natural lubrication provided by the foreskin.
Uncut: Being uncut doesn’t have any direct effect on your fertility. Sperm production is based in the testicles, not the penis. Your diet, lifestyle, and overall health have a much larger impact on your fertility.
Cut: Being cut eliminates almost any risk of phimosis and balanitis. These can both cause inflammation and infections. However, there’s no evidence that being circumcised affects fertility.
Uncut: Ample evidence shows that being uncut increases your risk of developing a urinary tract infection (UTI), mostly in the first year of life. Smegma buildup can also increase infection risks that lead to phimosis and balanitis. Practicing good hygiene can help prevent these infections.
Cut: Cut men may have a reduced risk of contracting some sexually transmitted infections (STIs) like genital herpes. They’re also 50 to 60 percent less likely to contract human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) from female partners.
There isn’t comparable evidence to support or deny this decreased risk in men who have sex with men.
Uncut: Uncut men are generally at a higher risk of developing penile cancer because they’re more prone to smegma and phimosis. Both are risk factors for penile cancer. Uncut men can reduce their risk almost entirely by maintaining good penis hygiene.
Cut: Though research is still ongoing, women whose partners are cut may be less likely to develop cervical cancer. The main risk factor for cervical cancer is human papillomavirus (HPV).
Being cut or uncut doesn’t have enough effect on your risk for most conditions to universally recommend the procedure. It doesn’t affect your overall sexual health.
The major difference is that if you’re uncut, you’ll need to wash regularly under the foreskin to reduce your risk for infection and other conditions.
Taking steps to reduce your risk of STIs, such as using condoms during sex, is important regardless of whether you’re circumcised.
Circumcised and uncircumcised: what is the difference
The anatomy of the female genital organs affects the quality of sex. The same goes for men. The greater the length and circumference of the penis, the stronger it affects the nerve endings of the vagina. But there are other options on which the duration of sexual intercourse directly depends: circumcised and uncircumcised member. Let's talk about how the operation to remove the foreskin helps to cope with the problem of "quick guns". Let's find out what girls like more.
What is the difference
From a physiological point of view, there is only one difference: the circumcised penis lacks the foreskin that covers the head during normal development. Otherwise, there are no additional differences. Everything important stays in place. True, sexual intercourse with a circumcised partner can last half an hour. And even more. This is what the male organ looks like before surgery:
The foreskin completely covers the head. There is only a small hole for free urination. If it is too narrow, there will be problems during sex. The skin during an erection will squeeze the head. Pain will appear. Such a pathology is called phimosis. But we will talk about it below. In the meantime, let's show a picture of how a circumcised member differs:
The impromptu photo shows that the foreskin is missing. The head is completely open. The surgeon may leave the frenulum during the operation or remove it. Usually this nuance depends on the guy himself, who decided to go under the knife.
Over time, the skin on the head of a circumcised penis becomes less sensitive. Because it rubs against clothes and "gets rougher". It can prolong sex. It is not for nothing that the "quick shooters" use novocaine spray and lubricant with anesthetics. After surgery, additional drugs will not be needed.
Girls' opinions
There are many myths around the topic of circumcision. Someone considers this a boon, the rest equate the procedure with absolute evil. Let's try to find out how girls feel about the appearance of penises and how this affects sexual intercourse. On one of the thematic portals, we found suitable data. According to the results of a survey in the social network Vkontakte, interesting details were revealed:
The first interesting fact is that in Russia, Belarus and Ukraine, there are approximately 12% of circumcised men. Not so much. The Slavic population does not favor the procedure. It is used mainly by Muslims and Jews. The rest go to the hospital for medical reasons.
It turns out that 45% of women believe that men without foreskin can stay in bed much longer. Perhaps the ladies drew a conclusion based on personal observations. Or approached the matter logically. The rough skin of the head of the penis is less sensitive, which means that it will take more time for orgasm.
In general, girls have a positive attitude towards circumcised guys. In their opinion, the penis looks more aesthetically pleasing and there are no problems with hygiene. Urine residues and microbes can accumulate under the foreskin. It does not add health. If there is no skin, the option of a high degree of contamination is excluded.
Why circumcise
There can be many reasons. From medical problems to visual perception. Someone loses the foreskin in infancy, and some guys come to the surgical department voluntarily. Here are the main reasons that can push the decision to get circumcised:
- Religious considerations. For two Russian confessions, the operation is obligatory. Muslims, as well as Jews, remove the foreskin for ritual purposes.
The first do it at a conscious age, and the second already on the 8th day after birth.
- Aesthetic considerations. If a man does not like his “skin” or girls are not too willing to give a blowjob, there is nothing left but to correct the situation surgically. Usually the operation is carried out after the age of majority.
- Phimosis. Boys have congenital pathology. The skin is too tight. Even going to the toilet becomes a problem. About high-grade sex it is not necessary and to speak. During erection there is pain, as if the penis were in a chastity belt.
- Balanoposthitis. Smegma accumulates under the foreskin. It is an ideal breeding ground for microbes. There is inflammation. The head increases in size. Circumcision eliminates the source of permanent infection and the guy recovers.
Prolongation of sexual intercourse can also be included in the list of serious motivations. A man who cums quickly cannot satisfy his partner. Therefore, he decides to take extreme measures.
The procedure has advantages. And pretty weighty. Here is a list of them:
- Improves appearance. According to the girls, the penis without the foreskin looks aesthetically pleasing. Nothing extra. The bare head is visible. This enhances erotic experiences.
- Easier to maintain hygiene. There is no need to "roll up" the skin when you take a shower or bath. All excess is washed off naturally under the action of water pressure.
- Increasing the duration of sex. Ladies note that circumcised partners in bed look much more advantageous. They last twice as long.
- Reduced chance of getting infected. STDs are sexually transmitted diseases that occur due to severe trauma to the foreskin. No skin, no problem.
- Respect for society. This applies to closed religious communities. Those who follow the traditions are accepted. Apostates become outcasts. They are looked askance at and do not trust important matters.
Circumcision is a great way to reduce the risk of contracting sexually transmitted diseases. The fewer rubbing parts, the less microtrauma.
Not without drawbacks. But they are much less than the advantages:
- Complications after surgery. Each organism is individual. For one man, everything will pass without problems. The other will receive bleeding or even worse - infection, aka sepsis. But here the matter is in poor immunity and not very qualified work of the surgeon.
- Psychological consequences. Pain negatively affects the psyche. Especially at an early age. More often this happens when no one asked a person about whether he wants to be circumcised. characteristic of religious ceremonies.
In general, there are no serious disadvantages. If an experienced doctor takes over the case, there will be no harmful consequences.
How the operation is performed
In third world countries and in closed religious communities, the issue of the health of a candidate for the elimination of the foreskin is not given due attention. Unsanitary conditions, poor disinfection of instruments lead to sad consequences. But this is a rarity that can be observed in some bearish corners.
The first thing a man does is get tested. Laboratory assistants determine whether there are viruses and microbes in the blood and urine. Often, patients even do an ECG - an electrocardiogram. This gives doctors confidence that the patient's heart will respond adequately to anesthesia.
By the way. The operation to circumcise the foreskin is called irrumation or circumcision.
To anesthetize the "acting site" is injected with lidocaine or other anesthetic. In emergency cases, general anesthesia is used. Surgical intervention takes place in 4 stages:
- Extension. The doctor inserts a dilator inside.
- Clamps. Clamps tighten the skin as much as possible.
- Circumcision. The surgeon cuts off all unnecessary in a circle.
- Fixation. The dissected flesh is sutured.
The operation takes less than an hour. The stitches are not removed. They are made from absorbable threads. Full healing will take 2 to 3 weeks.
Now there are less traumatic methods of circumcision. For example, laser surgery. Excision of the foreskin is performed with a laser. In this case, no stitches are needed. The plasma flow “solders” the skin.
A circumcised member differs from an uncircumcised member in that there is no skin covering the head. The procedure prolongs sexual intercourse, reduces the risk of catching a sexually transmitted disease and facilitates hygiene. The main thing is to do the operation in a professional clinic. Then there will be no complications.
An uncircumcised penis - how to properly handle it
The porn industry has brought a lot of useful things to mankind. From the embodiment of role-playing games and unusual desires on camera, to experimental positions and locations for sex. What she, on the contrary, managed to harm, so it is - excessive idealization. And now we are not talking about violent orgasms, but about the size and appearance of the genitals.
Contents of the article
- 1 Differences between a circumcised penis and an uncircumcised penis
- 2 5 tips
The cult of pure and aesthetic bodies cannot be compared with real sex. How often do porn actors appear who have not gone through the circumcision stage? Probably, these can be counted on the fingers, but in reality it is not so easy to meet a man with a circumcised foreskin. Maybe it's time to learn how to deal with what is?
Differences of a circumcised penis from an uncircumcised one
- Appearance
The peculiarity of an uncircumcised penis is that its head is densely covered with skin, otherwise called "foreskin". In an erect state, the flesh moves, exposing the head. Men who have been circumcised at a very young or already conscious age do not have an additional skin hood, and the head of the penis is always open.
- Hygiene
The presence of the foreskin requires thorough and regular water procedures. This is due to the fact that various secretions accumulate under the skin, better known as "smegma". If the space around the head is not cleaned, bacteria begin to multiply in a favorable, warm environment of dead cells and body fluids. This is fraught with diseases such as balanitis (inflammation of the head of the penis), as well as phimosis (inability to open the foreskin). In the latter case, the problem can be solved only by surgical intervention.
As for the circumcised foreskin. Hygiene procedures are simplified: you should regularly rinse the genitals with warm water and non-aggressive products. However, due to the lack of skin around, the head of the penis can dry out and even become covered with hardened calluses from contact with the tissue. It is better to change overly tight jeans for models that are loose in the groin area and choose appropriate underwear made from natural materials.
Please note that these instructions are for adults only. Before puberty, it may be difficult or impossible to remove the head of the penis from the foreskin (and this is normal). In no case should you push it out with effort, even for hygienic procedures!
- Sensitivity
The topic of sensitivity has occupied the minds of scientists and sexologists for many years. Over the past decade, there have been many social surveys and experiments regarding the differences in the feelings of circumcised and uncircumcised men.
According to a 2016 study, the foreskin is one of the most sensitive areas. However, the pleasure that circumcised men experience while masturbating or having sex is no different.
However, according to the 2011 analytics, men with circumcised foreskin are more likely than others to experience the problem of achieving orgasm, although a direct relationship between anorgasmia and the procedure has not been identified. Probably, the respondents also had other deviations, including psychological, and not physical.
- Amount of lubricant
The foreskin provides natural moisture to the penis. However, there is no conclusive evidence that circumcised men will need to use lubricant during every intercourse.
The unique characteristics of each organism play an important role. As well as the vagina, the penis of each man is moistened differently. For some, a few drops of pre-ejaculate are normal, while others exude a large amount of lubrication.
5 tips
- The foreskin is a friend
Definitely good news about the foreskin - it is extremely sensitive to touch due to the large concentration of nerve endings. That is why it is easier for men with an uncircumcised penis to feel pleasure.
On the other hand, there is a danger of harming the partner and creating a real block before sexual practices. It is important to remember that the foreskin should not be pulled back sharply and strongly pulled forward onto the head. Hand stimulation movements should be gentle.
Confidentially, men who took part in surveys about foreskin features shared that they liked having the glans exposed during sex or masturbation. However, there is also a part of the respondents who shared a secret love for putting a condom on the foreskin. According to their confession, this way it is possible to get much more pleasure from sexual intercourse.
- Mistakes in oral sex
Although uncircumcised members are easy to stimulate and sexually experiment, there are a number of conditions that are best adhered to in order not to harm a partner.
For example, when planning a great blowjob consisting of various techniques, it would be better to immediately abandon the "vacuum". This technique involves pulling in the cheeks during oral sex to create strong pressure around the penis in the mouth. As mentioned above, the foreskin is quite sensitive, so retraction can be extremely painful for a man. If you are still in doubt, then it is better to ask about the sensations directly and get down to business!
- Gentle massage
The glans and foreskin are the most sensitive areas on a man's body, but many don't know that it's the thin skin of the frenulum. During the preludes, it is this part of the penis that should be given special attention. This can be a light massage with your fingers or tongue. The main rule is that the head should always be well moistened, since dryness combined with constant rubbing with the fingers can become excessively painful and even lead to injury and rupture of the frenulum.
When it comes to technique, try running your tongue over the foreskin. Also strong pleasure is given by the rotation of the tongue around the head and foreskin. It is important to listen to the signals that the partner's body gives and not to stimulate the zone for too long. Better take a break and switch to other erogenous zones. Some men also enjoy light nibbling on the foreskin, but if this is a risky maneuver, be sure to ask permission. Teeth and penis rarely go well together.
- Do not neglect the "rod"
Continuing the topic of stimulation of the foreskin and glans, we must not forget the following. It is certainly important to pay attention to them, but this does not mean at all that the rest of the zones can not be touched at all. Alternate moisturizing the head with your mouth with stimulation with your hands. Try some handjob techniques, or alternate, delivering gentle pleasure while pushing back the foreskin with your tongue, and then set a special pace by running your palms along the entire length of the penis.
What is even more neglected in oral sex is the testicles. While working on the head, try to gently roll them in the palm of your hand. Believe me, this zone in men is no less sensitive!
- Ask your partner how it feels
The easiest way to achieve mutual pleasure from having sex is to ask your partner about his preferences directly. Your man knows exactly how to handle the foreskin and will gladly share valuable experience. After all, it's good for him!
Look for the following:
- Does your partner like to pay special attention to the foreskin, or does he not emphasize special areas on his penis?
- Does your partner enjoy holding the glans in or exposing the foreskin?
It will not be superfluous to follow how the partner handles the head. Barely touches or spends a lot of time with her. This way you can prepare and surprise him next time. The fact is that some men with uncircumcised foreskin do not like direct contact with the head of the penis, because it is too sensitive, while others like it. You can't act randomly.
Keep in mind that getting to know your partner's body is standard practice and concern for the pleasure of your loved one. But, if this terrifies and blushes you, it will be much easier to ask your significant other to masturbate in front of you.
Watch to see if the foreskin naturally retracts when the penis is erect, or if you have to lower it yourself. As your partner moves his hand up and down the shaft, watch what he does with the foreskin:
- Does he hold her with one hand and move her up and down with the other?
- Does your partner leave the foreskin taut over the glans?
- Does it touch the glans penis or not?
If your partner is shy or naughty, suggest a hot experiment with joint masturbation.