How to give up custody of your child
Family Law Self-Help Center - Overview of Termination of Parental Rights
The information on this page only applies if the child lives in Nevada. If the child lives somewhere else, check with your local court to find out the laws and process to terminate rights.
What is Termination of Parental Rights?
Terminating a parent’s rights means that the person’s rights as a parent are taken away. The person is not the child’s legal parent anymore. This means:
- The parent-child relationship no longer exists.
- The parent no longer gets to raise the child.
- The parent usually has no right to visit or talk with the child.
- The parent no longer has to pay child support.
- The parent is removed from the child’s birth certificate.
- The child can be adopted without the parent’s permission.
Terminating a parent’s rights has been called the “civil death penalty” and is taken very seriously by judges. Judges do not terminate a parent’s rights unless there is a very good reason. This page contains answers to the most common questions about terminating parental rights.
Who Can Terminate a Parent’s Rights?
Can I Give Up My Rights?
What Are the Reasons to Terminate a Parent’s Rights?
Where Do I File?
I Haven’t Heard From The Other Parent In Years. Is There A Fast Way To Terminate Their Rights?
Do I Need An Attorney?
The information here applies to private terminations between family members only. If you are involved with Child Protective Services ("CPS") with the Clark County Department of Family Services ("DFS"), the state can ask the court to terminate parental rights in very serious cases. There may be different rules and procedures that apply in those cases. You can learn more about CPS and DFS by visiting their website or visiting the Child Protection page.
Who Can Terminate a Parent’s Rights?
A parent, guardian, or other family member can file a petition asking to terminate a parent’s rights. If the child or the petitioner receive public assistance (such as TANF or SNAP), it is unlikely that a judge will terminate the parent’s rights. In that event, the Child Support office must be notified of a termination case and may oppose the termination if public assistance is being provided.
If CPS has been involved with a family, the Department of Family Services (“DFS”) can file a petition asking a judge to terminate a parent’s rights. This usually happens after DFS has been involved with the family for a year or more to try and fix the problems. If the parent does not make progress, or if the problems are very serious, DFS can ask the District Attorney to file a termination of parental rights case.
Can I give up my rights?
Usually not. Judges want children to have two parents to provide emotional and financial support. You cannot give up your parental rights to avoid dealing with a child’s behavioral problems, and you cannot give up your parental rights to avoid paying child support.
You may voluntarily give up your parental rights if someone else wants to adopt the child, or if someone else has filed a petition to terminate your rights. You will typically need to go to a court hearing to let the judge know your wishes in person.
What are the reasons to terminate a parent’s rights?
In Nevada, there are several different reasons a judge can terminate a parent’s rights:
- Abandonment. This is behavior that shows the parent intends to give up all rights to the child. Usually, this means that a parent has not contacted the child and has not provided any financial support to the child for at least 6 months without a good reason.
- Neglect. The parent has not properly cared for the child’s needs, including providing food, shelter, medical care, education, or any other special care needed for the child.
- The Parent is Unfit. An unfit parent is one who can’t or won’t provide the child with proper care, guidance, and support.
- There is a Serious Risk of Physical, Emotional, or Mental Injury if the Child is Returned to the Parent. The child would be in danger with the parent.
- Token Efforts. The parent has made minimal effort to support the child, communicate with the child, or otherwise care for the child.
- Failure of Parental Adjustment. If CPS removed a child from the home, the parent only has so much time to correct the reasons that caused the child to be removed. If the parents do not correct those problems within a “reasonable time,” the state can petition to terminate their rights.
- Sexual Assault. If the child was conceived as a result of a sexual assault and the parent was convicted for sexual assault, their rights can be terminated.
No matter what, the judge also has to decide that it would be in the children’s best interest to terminate the parent’s rights. The person asking to terminate the parent’s rights has to prove by “clear and convincing evidence” that one of the grounds above exists, and that termination would be in the child’s best interest. This is a very high standard.
Where do I file?
You can file for termination in the District Court of the county where the child lives. You can also file in the county where one of the parents lives.
If the child is an American Indian child, these matters usually must be handled by the tribal court. Check with the tribal court before filing any papers to be sure you are fiilng in the correct court.
I haven’t heard from the other parent in years. Is there a fast way to terminate their rights?
No. In fact, it may take longer to terminate their rights if you don’t know where the parent is.
If you file a case against the other parent, you have to make sure that person is “served” in person with copies of the legal papers you filed. This allows the parent to show up in court and defend themselves if they want.
If you do not know where the other parent is, the judge will expect you to do everything you can possibly do to find the parent. This includes checking with mutual friends, their family, their employer, looking for the person online or through email, etc. If you still cannot find the other parent, you can ask the judge’s permission to post a notice in a newspaper instead. Judges do not allow this unless you have really tried everything you can think of to find the other parent without any luck.
If the judge allows you to post a notice in a newspaper, you will have to publish a notice for 4 weeks AND ALSO have the parent’s nearest known relative living in Nevada served in person with the papers.
Do I need an attorney?
Terminating someone’s parental rights is a very serious matter. It is a good idea to have a lawyer help you since there are complicated laws and procedures that have to be followed. You can learn where to find an attorney on the Lawyers & Legal Help page.
If DFS filed a case asking to terminate your rights, an attorney will usually be appointed to represent you for free. If the other parent filed a case against you, you should seriously considering hiring an attorney to defend you.
How to Transfer Child Custody Without a Lawyer
Learn more about transferring custody.
By Melissa Heinig, Attorney
How Do I Transfer Child Custody?
It's not easy to think about, but circumstances may arise when you need to ask someone to care for your children when life gets complicated. Whether you're thinking about giving custodial authority to a family member or custody to the other legal parent, you must follow the law. If you already have a custody order from the courts, the only ways you can transfer custody are to either:
- put an agreement in writing with the other parent, or
- ask the court to modify your custody order.
If you're married and separating or divorcing, and you have been the child's primary caregiver, you and the other parent can agree on an informal custody arrangement until your court hearing. If you disagree or are unmarried and do not have a custody order, you may need to request temporary custody orders while waiting for the court to finalize your case.
What Sort of Documentation Do You Need to Transfer Custody?
The first step in transferring custody is to review your current custody order. If you share custody with the child's other parent, you must have permission before you change the custody arrangement.
If the other parent disagrees, you'll need to file a formal request (motion) with the court to change the order. While state law varies, most states require a parent to demonstrate that there's been a change of circumstances that would require a modification to the custody order. You'll also need to convince the court that a transfer of custody would benefit the child's best interest.
Getting a formal agreement
Whether you're transferring custody between legal parents or you're delegating authority to a family member, to do it properly and protect yourself in the future, you'll need to draw up an agreement between you and the parent or guardian. You can do this without a lawyer, but you'll need to present this agreement to the local court for a judge's approval. If you try to skip the court altogether, you put yourself at risk. More often than you'd imagine, the parent giving up custody will have a change of heart after a while and then denies there ever was any agreement.
Ensure the agreement is clear and includes provisions for the child's legal and physical custody, visitation arrangements, and child support. The agreement needs to make the important points in writing and include both parents' and guardians' names and include the child's name and birthdate. Then be sure you all sign the agreement in front of a notary public before you submit it to the court.
Do You Need a Lawyer to Transfer Custody?
Parents who are transferring custody to another biological parent do not need to hire a lawyer to complete the process. If both parents agree to all the terms of the written agreement, the court will generally accept it. However, if either parent disagrees or attempts to transfer care of their child to someone else, the process may be more complex and require a lawyer. Regardless of the circumstances, both parents will benefit from hiring independent attorneys to review any agreements and protect each parent's rights.
Do I Have to Transfer Custody to Family?
Child custody is a serious matter that only parents and the courts can decide. Parents can't allocate custody to a third party without court involvement. However, parents can delegate legal authority to a family member or friend, with the intent that the person will have physical custody and care of the child. Unless the parent or guardian went through the proper legal channels to obtain legal guardianship, the parents could revoke authority at any time.
Parents who wish to transfer custody to someone other than the child's other legal parent must go through the court system. The court will evaluate the case and only transfer custody if it's in the child's best interests.
What About Child Support?
In all 50 states, the law requires parents to support their child financially, and every child custody order contains a provision for child support. If you're transferring custody between biological parents, your agreement must include child support guidelines, including which parent will pay and how much. Some states require you to complete and sign a form separate from the custody agreement, which outlines the specific terms for child support.
If you're a parent currently paying support and you've agreed to become the child's primary caregiver, the first step is for you to forward your agreements to the court that handled your divorce or original custody case. In many cases, you can include a letter asking a judge to adopt the new agreement as a court order and request an order from the judge canceling the deductions from your paycheck. A sympathetic judge will give you what you need to take to the payroll office and cancel the child support payments. An unsympathetic judge may tell you that you need to hire a lawyer for the job. But in truth, it is a straightforward procedure, and you should be able to do the necessary paperwork.
The parent accepting custody must continue to pay court-ordered support until the court adopts the new order. Otherwise, the parent can get stuck with paying back child support, even though the parents transferred custody to the paying parent.
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How to refuse guardianship. Application for waiver of guardianship
To write and submit an application for waiver of guardianship, you need to carefully read the laws governing custody issues.
For children under the age of 14, who are recognized by the court as incapable (in need of guardianship), a guardian is appointed. Trustees or guardians are representatives who are authorized by the legislation of the Russian Federation to perform various actions of a legal nature in the interests of the wards or on their behalf.
Termination of guardianship obligations
Guardianship is always terminated when the court recognizes the child being cared for as capable. But guardianship obligations may terminate for other reasons. In particular:
- A minor has reached the age of 14. If necessary, a guardian is appointed for a teenager for a period of up to eighteen years. The basis for the cancellation of guardianship will be a court decision.
- Guardianship ends if one of the parties (guardian or ward) dies. In this situation, a death certificate (copy) is presented to the guardianship authority. If the guardian has died, the guardianship and guardianship authorities may appoint another guardian.
- Refusal of guardianship in accordance with the decision of the guardianship authorities is mandatory if the minor is adopted or returned to be raised by his birth parents. In this case, you need to apply with a written request (application "Refusal of guardianship") to the local guardianship authorities.
Based on this document, guardianship will be canceled.
- At the request of the guardian, termination of guardianship is also possible. Such a verdict is issued by the guardianship and guardianship authorities in the event of a conflict between the interests of the ward and the trustee. For example, when choosing a future educational institution or when disagreements arise in matters of alienation of property.
When terminating the relationship between the guardian and the ward, it is necessary to pay attention to the terms for the provision of a guardian, which are prescribed in the current act of guardianship. After the expiration of the period, it is necessary to extend the legal relationship or refuse guardianship for the reasons indicated above.
Monitoring the legality of the actions of the guardian
The actions of the guardian are always subject to strict supervision to control the following issues:
- how carefully and conscientiously the duties of guardianship are carried out;
- whether the legitimate interests and rights of the ward are violated;
- whether the guardian exerts psychological pressure on the ward;
- whether the ward is systematically (more than twice) left without the necessary assistance and supervision;
- whether the guardian uses methods of physical coercion;
- whether the guardian is pursuing any selfish goals.
The guardian is obliged to familiarize himself with the list of his duties and sign the corresponding document. In the event of a single removal of the guardian from his duties, repeated guardianship cannot be appointed even over another ward.
See also:
- Guardianship of an incompetent person
- How to issue a guardianship of a disabled person
- The guardianship of an elderly
- How to issue a guardianship of .
- Termination of guardianship
- The return of the child to the former family entails the termination of the relationship of guardianship
- How to issue a temporary refusal of guardianship
- Refusal of guardianship and alimony
- Change of guardian
- Is it possible to refuse guardianship
- Is it possible for a brother to stop being a guardian or is it already impossible
- Illness of the guardian and the fate of the ward
- violation of the deadline for registration of the applicant's request for the provision of public services;
- violation of the term for the provision of public services;
- requiring the applicant to provide documents that are not provided for by the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, the regulatory legal acts of St. Petersburg, for the provision of a public service;
- refusal to accept documents from the applicant, the provision of which is provided for by the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, the regulatory legal acts of St. Petersburg, for the provision of public services;
- refusal to provide a public service, if the grounds for refusal are not provided for by federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation adopted in accordance with them, regulatory legal acts of St.
- requirement from the applicant when providing a public service for a fee not provided for by the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, the regulatory legal acts of St. Petersburg;
- refusal of a local self-government body, a municipal employee of a local self-government body providing a public service, to correct misprints and errors in documents issued as a result of the provision of a public service, or violation of the deadline for such corrections.
- name of the local self-government body, official of the local self-government body or municipal employee of the local self-government body whose decisions and actions (inaction) are being appealed;
- last name, first name, patronymic (the last name, if any), information about the place of residence of the applicant - an individual or name, information about the location of the applicant - a legal entity, as well as the contact phone number (numbers), email address (s) (if available) and the postal address to which the response should be sent to the applicant;
- information about the appealed decisions and actions (inaction) of the local government body, an official of the local government body or a municipal employee of the local government body;
- arguments on the basis of which the applicant does not agree with the decision and action (inaction) of the local government, an official of the local government, or a municipal employee of the local government.
The applicant may submit documents (if any) or their copies confirming the applicant's arguments.
- within fifteen working days from the date of registration of the complaint;
- within five working days from the date of registration of the complaint in the event of an appeal against the refusal of a local government body, an official of a local government body to accept documents from the applicant or to correct misprints and errors, or in case of appealing against a violation of the deadline for such corrections;
- at other times in cases established by the Government of the Russian Federation.
- satisfies the complaint, including in the form of cancellation of the decision, correction of misprints and errors made by the local government in documents issued as a result of the provision of public services;
- refuses to satisfy the complaint.
- get acquainted with the documents and materials related to the consideration of the complaint, if this does not affect the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of other persons and if these documents and materials do not contain information constituting a state or other secret protected by federal law;
- receive a written response on the merits of the issues raised in the complaint, notification of forwarding the written appeal to the state body, local government or official whose competence includes resolving the issues raised in the appeal;
- appeal against the decision or action (inaction) in connection with the consideration of the appeal in an administrative and (or) judicial manner in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation;
- submit additional documents and materials or apply for their reclamation, including in electronic form;
- to apply for termination of consideration of the complaint.
07/19/2021 - Zoya Solovaeva
Hello. Guardian for 14 years, to be under guardianship. No longer wants to be in this family. What should he do?
Question answered by phone.
07/12/2021 - Evgeny Tsoukernik
I can call toko to Kyivstar, the rest are paid, please better communicate by message the mother has an apartment for two and the nephew is assigned there, there are conditions, a baller, water, a washing machine, a refrigerator, you can live, the nephew comes to her more and communicates, is dressed, I give him money for food weekly, I control, he doesn’t want to live with me, because. how tough and control over everything, it has become too independent, goes to the river or with friends for a walk, swim, doesn’t inform me, ignores my moralizing, deceives, I’m at work all day, I can’t close it, the apartment will slam and go walk, he doesn’t call me back, I worry about him, so that nothing happens to him, can I refuse guardianship, guardianship, he wants to live with his mother, but I don’t know if she will be allowed to restore her rights
12. 07.2021 - Fedor Ostashkov
My nephew is 15.4 years old under guardianship, I want to apply for the cancellation of guardianship, uncontrolled, does not understand the language, it flies in one ear, flies out the other, the nephew's father died, there is a mother, officially not works, there is housing, all conditions, she wants to renew the rights
The answer to the question is given by phone.
07/02/2021 - Svetlana Kolesnikova
I am 14 years old and I want to live with my own grandmother, who will refuse guardianship
Question answered by phone.
02.07.2021 - Margarita Pugacheva
I am 14 years old, I want to give up my guardians, I want to return to my grandmother, how can I do this
The answer to the question is given by phone.
06/27/2021 - Artur Podlesnykh
Hello, I have two guardians. One child is difficult. Can I refuse one? Do they have the right to take a second child?
Question answered by phone.
06/12/2021 - Zoya Tsvetkova
Hello, I encountered such a situation, a friend of his paternal aunt deprived her parents of parental rights (his father died) and now, because of his character, she wants to write a refusal of guardianship over a boy (he is 16)
Will she be able to refuse him?
Question answered by phone.
05/17/2021 - Ekaterina Nikitina
Hello, I'm 17 years old and I don't have a relationship with my guardian, can I refuse them?
05/14/2021 - Diana Mironova
Good afternoon.
the grandson is the guardian of the great-grandmother and goes to the army. Will guardianship be removed automatically?
Question answered by phone.
04/03/2021 - Elizaveta Konovalova
We can’t cope with a 15-year-old child, walks, doesn’t spend the night at home, who can I contact what to do?
Question answered by phone.
04/02/2021 - Nikolai Petryaev
Hello! I am the guardian of the 11-year-old niece of my common-law spouse. The relationship with the girl came to naught, she doesn’t listen to study, she doesn’t want to, she behaves arrogantly at times, I really can’t talk to her, she always keeps silent. They wanted to give up custody of her, but the guardianship authorities prevent this in every possible way. They said that first you need to work with a psychologist and then with a psychiatrist, and if this does not help, then maybe they will give us consent to refuse custody. What should we do, because the relationship is getting worse. Do they have the right to interfere with us?
22.03.2021 - Mikhail Grinenko
How to write an application for refusal of guardianship over a minor, the application that I do not pretend to be a guardian?!
03/01/2021 - Dmitry Nevterpov
Hello. I have a 17 year old girl and a 4 year old boy. A girl with mental diagnoses, shakes her nerves and wants to return to the orphanage. What should I do right, what reason should I indicate when refusing it, so that in the future I can take a baby more
05/30/2020 - Yuri Kozhurov
Good evening. Tell me, can a person who has taken under guardianship an incompetent adult with a disability of group 3 refuse this guardianship? and what then happens to the incapacitated if no one else takes him under guardianship. Thank you
04/27/2020 - Alexandra Titova
Hello, I don't even know how to explain everything. They were married for 20 years. The eldest 31 is not related to the former. For the youngest 14, the husband provided for everyone, for nine years he had a mistress. I didn’t want to leave the family, the war went on for five years! I could not put up, for the children the financial factor was important. And still they remain.
03/06/2020 - Yuri Varakhobov
Hello! If I give up custody of two foster children, will my other foster children be taken away from me?
Question answered by phone.
03/05/2020 - Denis Grekhovodov
I want to give up my neighbor's guardian because I found a job how can I do it
re-to become the guardian of this child?
08/05/2019 - Lilia Medvedeva
Can a former guardian re-issue custody of the same child after a refusal of guardianship due to the difficult social adaptation of the child in the family?
13. 07.2019 - Lidia Mikhailova
I was left without parents at an early age, I was under the guardianship of my aunt, my characters didn’t agree, I was separated from my sister, my sister stayed with my aunt, and I’m in another family where my guardian and I don’t get along relationship, now I am 15 years old very soon 16 and can I refuse a guardian and go to state guardianship
02/11/2019 - Igor Serkov
Hello, I would like to know how to write a refusal of a guardian
01/28/2019 - Yakov Plyushkin
I want to give up my foster family at 16 years old without a reason. I want to live with others.
11/07/2018 - Raisa Makarova
Hello. Could you tell me, please, can a guardian at the age of 15 refuse a guardian?
09/28/2018 - Igor Advocates
Hello, tell me, I am now in the care of my grandmother, can I refuse them, I am studying at school
Question answered by phone.
09/11/2018 - Oksana Grigorieva
Hello. I wrote a refusal of guardianship, the boy was taken to another family. Will they give me another child?
Question answered by phone.
09/03/2018 - Nadezhda Markova
A disabled person lives with a relative who drinks and makes him drunk. He is on probation. He calls his mother and asks for money. getting scared
07/31/2018 - Alena Komarova
A child of 12 years old has the right to refuse a guardian if he prefers to live in an orphanage.
22.07.2018 - Tatyana Bogdanova
Hello, can a 16-year-old person write a waiver of guardianship and live independently, because guardians force them to go where they want, do not take into account his interests and morally spread rot?
Question answered by phone.
07/22/2018 - Georgy Timeshov
Hello. I am the guardian of my disabled mother. She has no real estate. Of the income, only a pension. В
Question answered by phone.
05/06/2018 - Kristina Gromova
good evening. If the guardian voluntarily wrote a statement of refusal of guardianship, can he again become the guardian of the same child0003
Question answered by phone.
2/24/2018 - Pavel Umansky
Hello, I am the guardian of my brother, can I now refuse him. He has two family daughters, his wife lives with another, not divorced. I don’t know what to do
01/09/2018 - Vladimir Smolyakov
Hello! A child studying at a technical school, if he refuses a foster family, can he remain on state support? Without getting into an orphanage?
01/04/2018 - Oksana Denisova
hello Maria! My husband and I want to give up guardianship, where to apply and what documents?
07.11.2017 - Svetlana Krylova
hello olga! guardianship of a 10-year-old girl. now she is 16. 9 years old. the family is not very good, in general, if you call I will explain specifically, but the advice of smart people is really needed, since our guardianship does not know what to do
Question answered by phone.
24.10.2017 - Yulia Soboleva
11-year-old foster child does not study, behaves badly at school and at home, does not obey his mother, started stealing in stores. What measures can be taken?
Question answered by phone.
09/08/2017 - Vasily Katerinyuk
Good afternoon. Can a foster parent abandon a 15-year-old child in care?
08/03/2017 - Konstantin Kudryavtsev
Hello, the child is 17 years old, his grandmother is taking care of him, who is 78 years old and she just mocks him not physically, but morally, can he refuse her : 17:00 - 19:00
Question answered by phone.
07/23/2017 - Maxim Likhonin
good evening, in 2014 I took two children: a girl and his brother, they did not find a common language with the girl, I was afraid of her, although she was 6 years old, I wanted to abandon her, but the guardianship authorities said that it was impossible to separate them, and I had to refuse the boy. Time has passed, but my conscience torments me, now I really want to take a child under 3 years old, will they refuse me or is there a chance? Thank you. : 17:00 - 19:00
07/11/2017 - Evgeny Udimov
I am a mother of two adult children.. olga yurievna children refused me. can I apply for a boarding house without their consent
07/06/2017 - Zhanna Borisova
good afternoon, I want to refuse guardianship of a person, the diagnosis of schizophrenia and 2 disability group, what do I need for this and where to go : 19:00 - 21:00
Question answered by phone.
06.07.2017 - Irina Andreeva
What should I do, I am 17 years old, I study at a technical school in another city, I don’t want to live with a guardian, can I go to the place of study and write a statement there, because I can no longer live with guardian's family, his wife beats me : 11:00 - 13:00
Question answered by phone.
06/30/2017 - Anatoly Skrypitsin
the guardian became incompetent>
The answer to the question was given by phone.
06/06/2017 - Leonid Linyaev
The elder sister is a foster parent in relation to her sister and brother (17 and 16 years old). At the initiative of the adoptive parent, the foster family agreement is terminated in relation to the sister of 17 years old. Lawyers ask for written consent from the brother to terminate the agreement on foster family and separation with sister aged 17 : 15:00 - 17:00
06/02/2017 - Larisa Antonova
I am the guardian of my grandson with my living father (my former son-in-law). Grandson is 16 years old. Absolutely not listening. My father does not respond to all my cries for help. I can't cope. Father doesn't take. Wrote an application to the guardianship for the removal from enticing guardianship. I don't have enough health anymore. Guardianship refused to remove guardianship. "In order not to destroy family ties" And if I disagree, I can go to court. Now the official term of guardianship has ended. ) is issued for a year. They called dad, he signed the statement once again that he agreed. And nobody asked me. Issued again. Now they are shaking so that she goes to pick up the order.
Question answered by phone.
05/21/2017 - Anatoly Parinkin
How to refuse custody of an adult incapacitated son
The answer to the question was given by phone.
05/16/2017 - Maria Zhuravleva
I am the guardian of a pensioner, I do not work, hence two questions, do I have experience, and can I go to work, or will papers or documents be needed? : 11:00 - 13:00
05/12/2017 - Alla Belousova
I want to refuse my guardian's mother : 9:00 - 11:00
05/04/2017 - Margarita Nikiforova
child 15 years old he is my grandson I am 66 years old he is completely out of control bad behavior at school some deuces does not react to me angry can I refuse from guardianship, it is already difficult for me to educate him
The answer to the question was given by phone.
04/28/2017 - Tamara Andreeva
Please advise me on the establishment of State guardianship over me in the presence of adult children who do not want to inspect me!
Question answered by phone.
20.04.2017 - Bogdan Konoplev
Question answered by phone.
20.04.2017 - Veronika Gerasimova
hello I live in Kazakhstan I have a question from 1 marriage 4 children younger than 13 years old 1 husband died now his relatives want custody of their youngest son but I don’t want consent that will be
.2017 - Anastasia Alexandrova
can I get guardianship for my granddaughter if the daughter-in-law refuses and the son serves in the military service I can
04/13/2017 - Georgy Skurlygin
I contacted your specialist, left my phone number and indicated the time when I should be called back. waited.
04/07/2017 - Vasily Kurilchikov
I am 16 years old, can I refuse the guardianship of my grandmother and live independently, my mother died and my father lost parental rights : 21:00 - 23:00
03/26/2017 - Zhanna Sokolova
Can an educational institution appoint me as a temporary guardian without my consent? I am the class teacher.
03/13/2017 - Alexander Nadyarny
good afternoon. you can write a form of refusal of guardianship over an incompetent person
03/02/2017 - Viktor Pravdivtsev
Hello. Please tell me. They took custody of two girls. Can I refuse custody of only the eldest child and keep the youngest? The guardianship authorities said that it was impossible, allegedly that they would take away two
Question answered by phone.
02/28/2017 - Dmitry Dolgopolsky
I am the guardian of 4 children, all of them are my sisters and brother. The eldest is 15. She does not obey at all and leaves the house. Can I refuse only the eldest one, and leave the rest?
Question answered by phone.
02/22/2017 - Artem Yartsev
I am a social worker can I refuse a ward
02/13/2017 - Lidia Sokolova
Guardian of the incapacitated. I applied for guardianship that I don’t want to be a guardian anymore, I brought a candidate for guardianship to them, back in mid-January. They don't do anything. They say they have no time. And I'm leaving in March.
Question answered by phone.
02/12/2017 - Ekaterina Krylova
I want to know. I am the guardian of my mother-in-law, my husband died not long ago, but he has a brother and he wrote a letter that he wants to take my mother to him, they told me that after the death of my husband that I already a stranger to her. answer right now, otherwise I will be disappointed. here I am sitting on the site and you see me and write
12.02.2017 - Oleg Leshkov
two brothers under guardianship, constant reproaches towards the guardian, not understanding, constant psychos, native children of one year old and the other 6 years old, are constantly bullied. On the basis of what articles can guardianship be waived?
29.01.2017 - Zinaida Polyakova
can a father force his son to be his guardian
The question was answered by phone.
01/26/2017 - Oksana Sidorova
Hello, I have a question for you: "Is it possible to refuse guardianship without the knowledge of the ward?" Time to call back: 17:00 - 19:00
01/19/2017 - Yulia Shcherbakova
girl 15 years old - such hatred - it's scary! she has ! stopped studying, does not help, does not hear anything. Everyone is to blame, but not her. she has !
Question answered by phone.
01/13/2017 - Gennady Biktimirkin
can the guardian be removed from the child if he is about 18 years old, there are 7 months left. Write here please
The answer to the question is given by phone.
11.12.2016 - Artur Lenkovsky
17-year-old child under guardianship does not start at home what to do who to contact
The answer to the question was given by phone.
28.11.2016 - Anton Shafarevich
I am 17 years old and have been living in a foster family for 7 years already. Guardians took custody of me until I was 18 years old. There are 3 months left until my 18th birthday, but a terrible situation has arisen in which I want to give up the guardianship of foster parents and become free! What do I need to do for this???
Question answered by phone.
11/19/2016 - Zoya Fedorova
What should I do if I don't want to live with a guardian? I am 15. I study at a technical school. The parents are dead.
Question answered by phone.
11/19/2016 - Alexey Ofrosinov
What should I do if I do not want to live with a guardian? I am 15. I study at a technical school.
11/14/2016 - Svetlana Komarova
02.11.2016 - Zhanna Mikhailova
Hello. Please tell me. They took care of two girls aged 9 and 17. The eldest does not obey and does not react to my remarks in any way. Can I refuse guardianship only from the eldest child and keep the youngest? In the guardianship authorities they said that it was impossible that they would allegedly take away two.
Question answered by phone.
24.10.2016 - Daria Osipova
I was a guardian for the care of a disabled child by the name of a friend because I didn’t work and so I started work, called and told her and that’s it, but the type pension fund demands this money from me how life is and what to do she ignores and does not want to at
20. 10.2016 - Victoria Vinogradova
termination of guardianship at the request of the guardian, due to the deviant behavior of a 14 year old, is it possible to take care of another child?
Question answered by phone.
10/17/2016 -Eduard Kuzmishchev
I was a guardian -I had 6 guarded children from two boys, I had to refuse 14 and12 years old --- I could take myself terribly then other children
. the question was given over the phone.
10.10.2016 - Olga Polyakova
I am a grandmother collecting documents for custody of her granddaughter 16 years old daughter-in-law died, her son in Moldova is selling an apartment - she is obstinate - now she wants to lose weight and goes to school not tomorrow, I'm afraid I can't cope - for example
Question answered by phone.
10.10.2016 - Zhanna Koroleva
I am a grandmother collecting documents for custody of her granddaughter 16 years old daughter-in-law died, her son in Moldova is selling an apartment - she is obstinate - now she wants to lose weight and goes to school not tomorrow, I'm afraid I can't cope - for example
08/08/2016 - Galina Kudryavtseva
Good afternoon. The child left the house. A complete stranger can become a guardian
07/22/2016 - Olesya Belova
under the care of 2 children, a girl of 16, out of control can I refuse her
11.07.2016 - How 9003 Sorokina file a denial of guardianship and for what reasons it is possible
The answer to the question was given by phone.
07/07/2016 - Egor Svalov
Hello, can I refuse to take care of my father? I am 18 years old
Answered by phone.
04.07.2016 - Raisa Guseva
Hello, tell me if I can refuse guardianship of my cousin, in favor of my mother, They live with my mother and she wants to take care of herself.
11.06.2016 - Lidia Kalinina
Is it legal to force the guardian to undergo a psychologist in case of refusal of guardianship, and the ward gives consent.
Question answered by phone.
05/19/2016 - Eduard Tavolzhansky
Good afternoon. I need the text of the refusal of relatives from custody of the child in my favor. some relatives live in Russia, and the child's grandmother lives in the USA.
Question answered by phone.
05/19/2016 - Boris Ryabukhov
Good afternoon. I need the text of the refusal of relatives from custody of the child in my favor. some relatives live in Russia, and the child's grandmother lives in the USA.
05/06/2016 - Veronika Fedotova
Hello, I want to give up guardianship of an adult protection obliges me to collect documents and undergo a medical examination to send him to a boarding house and do not remove guardianship from me Are his actions legal Spaibo
The answer to the question is given by phone.
26.04.2016 - Anatoly Kosteniuk
We took 2 children under guardianship (they wanted one, but took a brother and sister), we hoped that we could manage. But the sister beats the brother, writes, does not obey, etc. , and the brother is absolutely adequate. What can be done to leave the boy, we understand that we cannot handle 2 children
04/16/2016 - Boris Papkov
I am under guardianship. I'm 17 years old. I don't like my guardian, what can I do?
04/06/2016 - Ekaterina Pavlova
My wife is the guardian of her 12 year old niece, who now lives with us under temporary registration at the place of residence of the guardian. Now the question arose about the refusal of guardianship, due to the inability to cope with this child, constant runaways from home, theft, refusal to study and much more
Question answered by phone.
04/06/2016 - Stanislav Urazaev
I have refused the guardianship of an underage disabled child, and the pension fund obliges me to pay a fine for the fact that for 3 years I worked and was a guardian.
Question answered by phone.
04/02/2016 - Valery Tyutyunnikov
My actions to terminate guardianship, a list of documents
The answer to the question was given by phone.
29.03.2016 - Yury Bogush
16 ward of my mother and I does not spend the night at home, does not study, steals money and things.
03/28/2016 - Igor Selikhov
Question answered by phone.
03/28/2016 - Olesya Sidorova
Question answered by phone.
03/28/2016 - Petr Ogarev
father said that when my sister and I turn 18, he can give us custody of him. Can we refuse and how to do it?
03/15/2016 - Georgy Kozhushkin
The grandmother has custody of the child. The mother of the child died, the father is under investigation. If the grandmother writes a waiver of custody, the father will be released with a suspended sentence. And will it be possible to issue guardianship again in case of incorrect behavior of the father.
02/20/2016 - Oleg Pigolkin
I have a child from 2 years old, now he is 10 years old. He does not listen. treats the whole family. does not respect. spits on me, studies badly all bad. I hate everyone. I prepare documents for refusal, I have no more strength. Health is not iron, I am 55 years old.
Question answered by phone.
16.02.2016 - Vitaly Skripin
Can a 17-year-old girl under guardianship refuse guardianship and what will she be paid if her refusal is satisfied
Question answered by phone.
02/16/2016 - Nikita Ryzhov
Can a 17-year-old girl under guardianship refuse guardianship and what will she be paid if her refusal is satisfied
01/27/2016 - my ward 9017 years old Zhanna Andreeva 9017 refuses my guardianship asks for a refusal. lives with children from the orphanage in a school where they receive a scholarship of 30 thousand, and he only has 1 thousand, and we give about 1 thousand a week for food, etc. he skips classes and we demand that he does not miss.
07. 12.2015 - Alexander Smologonov
I am 16 years old I have 2 brothers, my grandmother takes care of us, can I refuse to take care of me?
Question answered by phone.
11/27/2015 - Konstantin Litvishkov
Hello, the son of 22 years old is dating a girl of 17 years old, the girl has a guardian grandmother, the children decided to live together, we, the parents came to the grandmother met, the grandmother gave her consent, a week later the grandmother threatens write a statement that my son seduced a minor, what should we do?
27.11.2015 - Lyudmila Romanova
Hello, my 22-year-old son is dating a 17-year-old girl, the girl has a guardian grandmother, the children decided to live together, we, the parents came to see the grandmother, the grandmother gave her consent, a week later the grandmother threatens write a statement that my son seduced a minor, what should we do?
Question answered by phone.
November 22, 2015 - Alla Komarova
the guardian worked during this period, what can be done
Question answered by phone.
20.11.2015 - Anton Nikolaev
mother-in-law, 79 years old, the guardianship authorities called her so that she would come to them and write an application for refusal of guardianship, she has bad legs, she does not walk well, what to do in this case
The answer to the question is given by phone.
08.11.2015 - Roman Silakov
how can I refuse custody of a disabled relative?
02.11.2015 - Vladimir Osinin
The answer to the question is given by phone.
27.10.2015 - Anton Karptsev
Hello, I want to give up guardianship in order to get married officially HOW DO I DO THIS
The answer to the question is given by phone.
10/24/2015 - Sergey Minasov
Hello! Can the guardian of a disabled person from childhood refuse a business trip?
Question answered by phone.
10/22/2015 - Olesya Andreeva
Good afternoon! Will a woman who was previously the guardian of 16 year old girls be given custody of children and the contract was terminated by mutual agreement.
Question answered by phone.
21.10.2015 - Valentin Koshechkin
good afternoon, I am 16 years old, I am under the guardianship of my grandmother and I have 2 younger brothers with me, how can I refuse guardianship
The answer to the question is given by phone.
10/15/2015 - Irina Tarasova
at the age of 16 you can give up your guardian and live in a rented apartment
The answer to the question is given by phone.
10/11/2015 - Igor Fazilov
please tell me what documents are needed to remove custody of a 12-year-old child?
Question answered by phone.
10/08/2015 - Valentina Bobrova
Hello, my mother is the guardian of 3 grandchildren, one of them, the eldest, offends my mother, i. e., his grandmother, how can we refuse him
Question answered by phone.
09/21/2015 - Anastasia Bobrova
Hello. Can I waive custody?
09/08/2015 - Natalya Blinova
A month ago I took custody of a 16 year old girl, the girl is friends with a guy of 18 years old, sleeps with him, I can't do anything. The girl does not sleep at home, she snaps and at the moment she is gone again, the guy told me on the phone that tomorrow she would not depend on me and hung up. Guardianship is indignant at me that you sort out your family affairs at home. How do I cancel it and what do I have to pay back?
Question answered by phone.
09/06/2015 - Ilya Tyagin
Hello, I have a question! My grandmother is 70 years old, she is the guardian of a 16 teenager girl. this girl leads a dissolute life, and my grandmother can no longer cope with her because her health does not allow her! We went to custody but they do not accept refusal for an unknown reason. Help us what to do?
Question answered by phone.
07/18/2015 - Victoria Alexandrova
I need a sample application for deprivation of custody rights over a 16-year-old child
06/26/2015 - Karina Melnikova
I consider his mother simply impossible
06/26/2015 - Viktor Volkoboy
I am the guardian of an adult who has been declared incompetent I want to refuse, how to do it competently. I consider further communication with the ward and his mother simply impossible
Question answered by phone.
06/26/2015 - Igor Vengerov
Hello! Please tell me how to give up custody of the elderly. mentally ill person.
06/25/2015 - Lidia Fomina
How to issue a refusal of guardianship, my son is 24 years old, is registered with a psychologist?
Question answered by phone.
06/22/2015 - Olga Polyakova
Hello, how is an application for refusal of guardianship written?
Question answered by phone.
06/06/2015 - Nadezhda Kuzmina
I am the guardian of two minor children, one is three years old and the other is six can I refuse guardianship over them
12.05. Please tell me, my wife and I are the guardians of a minor girl. But I have not lived with my wife for more than two years and we are in different regions. To waive guardianship, is it necessary to certify an application in guardianship or can it be done at a notary? Thank you!
04/16/2015 - Artur Vergazov
Consultation on the topic of refusal of guardianship after 14 years, how to do it without visiting the authorities!
Question answered by phone.
04/07/2015 - Zoya Zakharova
Is it necessary to write a waiver of custody of a child if he is already 18 years old. If yes, then where should he apply?
04/02/2015 - Viktor Golubchik
I am the guardian of a 15-year-old girl at home, everything is fine, but we do not have time at school and the school is forcing me to write a refusal from her. otherwise they threaten me with fines is it possible
Question answered by phone.
04/01/2015 - Kristina Denisova
I adopted a child. The marriage did not work out, there is no relationship. How can I get rid of the duties of a parent?
20.03.2015 - Alina Mikhailova
the father of a 12-year-old daughter wants to transfer custody of the sister of his deceased wife, what is needed for this?
03/16/2015 - Valeria Makarova
Hello, how to apply to the court so that an adult person would be deprived of legal capacity in childhood thanks
03/15/2015 - Fedor Khlystunov
Hello, if we took a child into care, but he does not obey, does not want to study and come home from school in three hours, although the school is 30 minutes away and she does not want to live in our family, can we refuse it?
03/10/2015 - Leonid Privalkov
Registered guardianship for children from the nursery, the girl is in 8th grade at school, and the boy is in college, but does not want to study, does not want to listen to anything. 08/13/15 18 years old. What to do. How to refuse his guardianship?
Question answered by phone.
03/07/2015 - Olga Polyakova
Hello, I took custody of my sister after the death of my mother in order to take her to my place abroad, but it turned out that she was not given a residence permit there. I have a question: can I refuse guardianship and should the guardianship authority take her to a boarding school? she has been on the waiting list for a boarding school for about a year,
The answer to the question was given by phone.
02/25/2015 - Lyudmila Ilyina
Took custody of her incapacitated father. But he does not live with me, he lives with a neighbor. She wants all the money given to her, but I can withdraw and give the living wage. She walks and fights. It's impossible to live like this. How can I revoke guardianship?
Question answered by phone.
02/21/2015 - Maria Zakharova
What conditions are needed to refuse guardianship and not end up in a boarding school? I am 16 years old.
Question answered by phone.
02/21/2015 - Nadezhda Krylova
What conditions are needed to refuse guardianship and at the same time not end up in a boarding school? I am 16 years old.
15.02.2015 - Artem Karelsky
Question answered by phone.
12.02.2015 - Larisa Kuznetsova
Can I refuse custody of one and the children while maintaining custody of the other. The children are brother and sister, although they have different fathers. .He was treated for taxi addiction, a psychiatric diagnosis was made. He steals money and things from home. If I am from him
Question answered by phone.
11.02.2015 - Aleksey Sergoshko
I am the guardian of two minors born in 2000 and 2006. For the last two years I cannot cope with my older child.. He runs away from home, steals money and things. narcological clinic for taxi addiction. One time he was treated in a psychiatric hospital. Diagnosed f21 and f91.1.
10.02.2015 - Evdokia Sokolova
I am the guardian of my granddaughter. The daughter was released from prison. in the district department of guardianship, they told me to write a statement that I agreed to transfer the child to the mother. How to write such a statement? Need a sample!
Question answered by phone.
02/09/2015 - Alexey Shenshin
hello. We've been in this situation for 3 months. ago they took the child under guardianship (officially), before that she just lived with us for 4 years, because she is a granddaughter. Her mother died, and her father, when we registered guardianship, wrote a voluntary refusal to give birth to a child with deprivation. rights. Now the granddaughter constantly asks for
02.02.2015 - Kirill Sidorin
Good afternoon, my neighbor is a disabled person of the 3rd group, she is deaf and dumb, she has a guardian (nephew) whom she wants to refuse. Is it possible for a 71-year-old grandmother to refuse a guardian? her nephew does not help her with absolutely anything, she even prepares firewood on a wheelbarrow on her own, about the improvement of the house and yard even p
01/29/2015 - Zoya Bogdanova
Hello! Today we refuse to take care of a 17-year-old child in the department of guardianship, he went to live in another family, what are the further actions of the guardianship body according to the law, what awaits the child?
01/22/2015 - Ekaterina Petukhova
Hello. I took custody of a 1-year-old child, but due to medical issues (of the child), I want to refuse custody. In custody they told me that I could not refuse, and guardianship would deprive me of custody with the wording "for improper treatment of the child." Further, in guardianship, I was told that I could not return the child to the child's home and had to wait until they found new parents, and until that the child had to be in the family under my care. How is this possible if they are taking away my custody of the child.
Question answered by phone.
01/15/2015 - Timur Labudin
Good afternoon! In 2010, I took care of my granddaughter, in 2014 I became seriously ill, I am disabled, the disease is incurable, I practically cannot walk on my own, the girl, sensing my helplessness, began to study very poorly, be rude, and does not obey. I can’t take it anymore, I’m very nervous because of this and my condition is deteriorating. I called the guardianship authorities, explained the situation, said that I wanted to refuse guardianship and ran into something incomprehensible to me, they told me that it was my fault that the girl began to behave this way, I was to blame because I was sick. It's a shame, as if I had become disabled on purpose. In general, they began to force me to give the data of my relatives in order to offer them to take the girl myself, when I refused, they began to force me to write an explanatory note why I do not want to give the data of my relatives, what is it all about? Please help me, how can I do it right? How to get custody of a child who is 14 years old.
01/14/2015 - Irina Ershova
Difficult teenager in a foster family, mother in prison father in prison, can relatives take a guy to educate
01.12.2014 - Irina Frolova
Girl -would give up guardianship?
Question answered by phone.
11/20/2014 - Viktor Kashaev
good evening I am the guardian of two children aged 10 and 15 can I voluntarily refuse custody of the eldest child or will they be deprived of custody and the second child is not relatives
Question answered by phone.
Release of a guardian or custodian from their duties
Applicants have the right to a pre-trial (out-of-court) appeal against decisions and actions (inaction) taken (carried out) by local governments, officials, municipal employees of local governments in the course of providing public services. The pre-trial (out-of-court) appeal procedure does not exclude the possibility of appealing against decisions and actions (inaction) taken (carried out) in the course of providing public services in court. The pre-trial (out-of-court) appeal procedure is not mandatory for the applicant.
The subject of pre-trial (out-of-court) appeal are:
The complaint is submitted in writing on paper, in electronic form to the local government. Complaints against decisions made by an official of a local self-government body are submitted to the Government of St. Petersburg.
A complaint can be sent by mail, through the MFC, using the Internet information and telecommunications network, the official website of the local government, a single portal of state and municipal services or a regional portal of state and municipal services, and can also be accepted at the personal reception of the applicant.
The complaint must contain:
The complaint received by the local authorities is subject to consideration within the following terms:
Based on the results of consideration of the complaint, the local government takes one of the following decisions:
Not later than the day following the day of the decision, the applicant in writing and at the request of the applicant in electronic form shall be sent a reasoned response on the results of the consideration of the complaint.
When considering a complaint by a local self-government body, a citizen has the right to:
In the event that, during or as a result of the consideration of a complaint, signs of an administrative offense or crime are established, the official empowered to consider complaints immediately forwards the available materials to the prosecutor's office.
The applicant has the right to receive information and documents necessary to substantiate and consider the appeal (complaint). Local self-government bodies, its officials, municipal employees of the local self-government body are obliged to provide the applicant with the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the documents and materials related to the consideration of the appeal (complaint), if this does not affect the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of other persons and if these documents and materials do not contains information constituting a state or other secret protected by federal law.
Executive bodies of state power of St. Petersburg and officials to whom the complaint (claim) of the applicant may be addressed in the pre-trial (out-of-court) procedure
If the subject of the complaint (claim) of the applicant is the actions of the local government providing public services, the complaint (claim) may be sent to the Committee for Social Policy of St.