How much is a child endangerment ticket
What Are the Possible Charges for Child Endangerment?
If you are a caregiver or a parent, it is legally easy to be charged for child endangerment for not strictly following the California laws. Therefore, it is important to understand these child endangerment laws as they can be a bit vague. Child Endangerment is a profoundly serious crime, as are most crimes that involve children. If you or a family member are facing charges for child endangerment, you can receive severe punishments and penalties and need to receive professional legal advice as soon as possible.
Our children, due to their vulnerability, deserve that the California courts take every legal means to protect them from exposure to dangerous conditions that can cause them bodily harm or injury.
These laws also include all members of our society who take part in caring for the welfare of our children. This essentially means that a passerby, neighbor, family member, etc. can report you for child endangerment if they feel that your behavior poses a risk to a child. The laws also require that professionals such as medical providers and law enforcement officers report any cases of child endangerment or even the suspicion of child endangerment.
The strictness of these laws, unfortunately, causes many innocent adults to be convicted of child endangerment. So, you need to understand what child endangerment is, and especially its punishments, and penalties.
Child endangerment can be charged as a misdemeanor or a felony depending on the situation and the details of the case.
Some examples of misdemeanor child endangerment penalties are:
- A maximum of 6 months in county jail.
- A fine of not more than $1,000.
- Summary probation for at least four years.
- Restraining orders to keep the defendant from committing another child endangerment crime.
- Attending a court-approved child abuse training program for a minimum of one year.
- An order to abstain from drug and alcohol abuse if the defendants’ behavior resulted from their use.
- The requirement to be available for random drug tests.
Felony child endangerment penalties can be much more severe, including:
- Possible imprisonment term of 2, 4, or 6 years in state prison.
- A fine of not more than $10,000.
- Formal probation of not less than a full 4 years.
Probation terms for a felony conviction are usually like those of informal probation.
California judges can, and often do however, add enhancement to your sentence for felony charges if the child suffered serious harm.
The sentence enhancements may include, but not be limited to:
- An additional sentence of three to six years if the defendant inflicted injuries on the child. The exact nature of the injuries and the age of the child will determine just how long the sentence lasts.
- An additional sentence of four years if the child died due to your criminal negligence.
The judges have latitude in these enhancements and may even file more serious charges of involuntary manslaughter, or 2nd-degree murder.
So, you become aware, depending on your specific charges and situation, just how serious this can be. Getting the professional guidance and help of a Los Angeles child endangerment lawyer as soon as you can is mandatory. You may feel the charge is invalid or you’re innocent, but don’t leave your future life to chance!
How Does the Court Determine Child Endangerment?
Child endangerment is defined as exposing a child to danger, pain, or undue suffering. It is not legally dependent on whether the child suffers injury or death. A particularly important note is that you can be charged with child endangerment even if your actions were not intentional.
You can be charged with child endangerment whether you are the caretaker of the child, a parent, or guardian, and are an adult.
California’s laws consider the following actions, and more, to constitute endangerment:
- Willfully allowing a minor to be injured.
- Willfully causing or allowing a minor to be in any type of dangerous situation.
- Causing a minor to suffer unjustifiable physical or emotional pain or suffering.
What Does the Law Look for as Proof That You Have Committed Child Endangerment?
The California law defines “willful endangerment” as knowingly exposing the child to danger, or to situations or persons likely to cause them to be in harm’s way. You may feel that you didn’t intentionally cause harm to the child, but your actions show you did not remove them from the dangerous situation.
The prosecution for the state needs to prove that you acted with negligence. Some examples of child endangerment negligence are:
- You acted in a way that is reckless or departs from common sense.
- Your actions are indifferent or in disregard for the life and consequences for the child.
- Your actions are unreasonable under the circumstances, and any reasonable person would have foreseen the consequences of their action(s) on the child.
- When your actions are grossly negligent, it amounts to criminal negligence, which attracts felony charges.
How Can My Child Endangerment Lawyer and I Defend My Charge?
The child protection laws are strict, and the desire by the courts to protect children at all costs lands many innocent people in jail. Most of the elements of this crime are highly subjective, and the prosecution can easily exaggerate negligence, great bodily harm, or your intentions.
There are some defenses your lawyer can use, such as:
- Your behavior was not intentional and was not criminally negligent.
- As their parent, you were reasonably disciplining the child.
- The accusations made against you were false.
- The facts in your case were altered or mistaken.
- Someone else was responsible for the endangerment of the child.
- Your religious beliefs were involved in determining your actions.
Again, due to the ambiguous nature of this charge, getting the guidance of your child endangerment lawyer, from the outset, is your best defense.
If I Am Charged with Child Endangerment, What Should I Do?
Child endangerment can be a profoundly serious, life-changing charge. The Miranda Rights Law Firm understands the vagaries and sometimes misunderstood the nature of these charges. Consult with them and get on the right legal path to immediately mitigate or halt the consequences you may face.
The Many Ways You Can Be Charged with Child Endangerment in Texas
Original Post: March 21, 2018. Updated: January 22, 2021 Child Endangerment
Texas’ Laws on Child Endangerment
Breaking Down Examples of Child Endangerment in Texas
Methods of Child Endangerment Involving Vehicles
Child Endangerment Laws Involving Drugs
Child Endangerment Laws Involving Guns
Texas’ Laws on Child Abandonment
Penalties for Child Endangerment in Texas
Penalties for Child Endangerment in Texas
Defending against Texas Child Endangerment Charges
You may be surprised as to what constitutes child endangerment and child abandonment in Texas. In this post, we’ll detail examples under the law and explain the penalties for child endangerment and abandoning a child. We’ll also tell you what your criminal attorney can do to fight back if you’re facing charges in Fort Worth, Texas or any other county in Texas.
Under Texas law, Parents and legal guardians have a duty to provide reasonable care for their children. The child should be protected from situations that pose unreasonable risk to his or her safety and well-being.
If a person puts a child in a situation that can cause harm to the child, it is considered child endangerment under Texas law. The law punishes anyone who either abandons or endangers a child age 15 or under.
Child Endangerment: A Former DA Breaks Down The Law! (2021)
Watch this video on YouTube
In Texas, it is unlawful to leave a child without reasonable care, in any place or situation. The courts consider what other reasonable adults would do according to the child’s age and ability in each unique situation.
Here is the hard part in determining whether a set of facts constitutes child endangerment – people have different ideas of what is reasonable. The determination of what is reasonable is a fact issue that is determined by a jury if a child endangerment case goes to trial.
For some potential jurors that qualify as “helicopter parents,” they may believe that even allowing an older child to be alone for any period of time would constitute child endangerment.
Other jurors may routinely allow their younger children to roam the streets unattended. As you can see, what is “reasonable” is in the eye of the beholder.
There are some instances that more clearly illustrate the reasonable adult standard.
For example, allowing a 13-year-old to browse in a store a few aisles away from a parent would likely be considered reasonable.
However, the same situation with a 3-year-old child would be unreasonable. The abandonment must be determined according to reasonable measures.
Child Endangerment is more extreme than Child Abandonment. One example of this is child endangerment charges involving vehicles.
Child endangerment can take many forms, but if you start looking at enough cases, you’ll notice that many of them have something in common. Check out these examples to see what we mean:
- A San Francisco high school administrator was arrested for child endangerment and intoxicated driving. She called 911 to report that her keys had been stolen and was asked to leave a restaurant after causing a disturbance. When police arrived, they found the keys in her purse and observed that she was under the influence of alcohol. They advised her to find a different ride home and not drive. However, the woman left the scene in her car, so the police pulled her over and arrested her for drunk driving. Because two children were passengers in her vehicle, she is also facing child endangerment charges.
- A North Chicago man was arrested in March on several counts. They include driving under the influence, speeding, improper lane usage, failure to restrain a child in a safety seat, and six counts of child endangerment.
Did you note the common denominator? Every single case involved a vehicle. Many Texas child endangerment cases involve automobiles – but why? We will detail the different ways the law says you can endanger your child in a vehicle, and what you can do if you have been charged with child endangerment.
Methods of Child Endangerment Involving Vehicles
Texas law prohibits several kinds of behaviors that could endanger a child.
The statute reads this way: “A person commits an offense if he intentionally, knowingly, recklessly, or with criminal negligence, by act or omission, engages in conduct that places a child younger than 15 years in imminent danger of death, bodily injury, or physical or mental impairment.”
Here are the ways the law can apply when you’re in a vehicle:
- Reckless Driving Speeding, tailgating, changing lanes or other forms of reckless driving put you, your child, and others at risk.
You could face traffic violations along with child endangerment charges if your child is riding with you.
- Intoxication When you operate a vehicle under the influence of alcohol or another controlled substance, you can face drunk driving charges. If a child is riding with you in the vehicle while you are under the influence, you could face child endangerment charges on top of aggravated drunk or drugged driving charges.
- No seatbelt or car seat Seatbelts and car seats are required under Texas law. If you are pulled over for a traffic violation and your child is not restrained by a seatbelt or using a car seat according to age and weight guidelines, you could face child endangerment
- Leaving a child in the car If you leave a child under 7 alone in a vehicle for more than five minutes, it is an offense punishable by Texas law, and the court could prosecute you for placing your child at unreasonable risk. Allowing young children to sit in a locked car with closed windows in the summer heat could be considered endangerment, because the children’s health and/or lives could be compromised.
Every year, hundreds of parents are arrested for child endangerment for failing to take their children out of a vehicle. To most jurors, leaving a child in an unattended car would be considered an unreasonable risk that puts the child in harm’s way.
Any act that has the potential to cause physical or mental impairment, bodily harm, or risk of death to a child is punishable under Texas law. Whether the behavior is negligent, reckless, or intentional, it is considered criminal.
Child Endangerment Laws Involving DrugsAlthough Texas is slowly relaxing its laws regarding marijuana use, Texas remains one of the few states where marijuana is illegal. That means that there are some laws surrounding marijuana use that carry some significant penalties.
For example, while smoking or possessing marijuana or THC oil may not seem like a big deal on its own, smoking in front of your children or allowing them access to marijuana or THC gummies or THC oil absolutely can carry serious consequences.
For example, a Texas man was convicted of child endangerment for smoking marijuana in front of a minor and failing to take that child to a medical professional. Another example, a Fort Worth man was charged with child endangerment when he had THC gummies that he kept at his bedside and his 5-year-old child found them and ate a handful of them.
Child endangerment is a broad charge because it covers any way someone may purposefully or negligently put a child in danger.
Remember, as we mentioned earlier in this article, any act that a person “intentionally, knowingly, recklessly, or with criminal negligence, by act or omission, engages in conduct that places a child younger than 15 years in imminent danger of death, bodily injury, or physical or mental impairment” is endangerment.
The Inclusion of Negligence
The inclusion of negligence is important. Legally, this means that it does not need to be your intent to endanger a child to be convicted of this crime. Instead, you just need to be shown to have placed a child under the age of 15 in danger.
The Exception: Surrendering Custody
The only time when any of the above is not child endangerment is when the person who commits the offense voluntarily delivers the child to “a designated emergency infant care provider.” This specifically gives people exemptions for surrendering custody of very young children safely.
As a result, it is not an exemption that applies to anyone who may smoke marijuana in front of a child.
Drugs and Child Endangerment
The Texas child endangerment laws specifically state that using any level 1 drug in front of or in the presence of a child is considered endangerment. This includes marijuana, THC oil, Methamphetamine, Heroin, Cocaine and other controlled substances.
State Jail Felony Charges
Anyone who uses marijuana in front of a child, their own, or someone else’s child, is in violation of Texas child endangerment laws. Endangerment through drug exposure is considered a state jail felony. This carries penalties between six months and two years in jail, along with a potential fine of up to $10,000.
2nd Degree Felony Charges
If the child is over the age of fifteen, then the crime is no longer child endangerment. It is more likely to be considered delivering marijuana to a minor, which is considered a 2nd Degree Felony charge. This can lead to up to 20 years in prison and fines up to $10,000.
Child Endangerment Laws Involving GunsAnother common example of child endangerment is when a parent fails to secure firearms around a child.
Every year, nearly 1,300 children die from guns and many more are seriously injured. Accidental gunshot cases by children are a prime example of how someone can be charged with child endangerment in Texas.
Texas’ Laws on Child AbandonmentWhen Examining Texas laws on Child Abandonment, two primary situations arise: Children being left at home alone and Children being left in a vehicle unattended.
Deciding When Your Texas Child Is Old Enough to Be Home Alone
It’s a rite of passage most parents look forward to: When their child finally reaches an age where they can be left at home without supervision. Still, it’s the duty of every parent to ensure their child is safe. Failing to do so can lead to criminal charges, especially if you leave a child home alone who shouldn’t be. So how do you know when your child is old enough to be home alone?
When Is a Child Old Enough To Be Alone in Texas?
In Texas, the age a child can be left at home without supervision isn’t dictated by the law. Instead, there are factors that parents should consider, outlined by the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services.
Key Indicators a Child Can Safely Stay Home Alone
These indicators will let you know when your child has reached an appropriate point in their development to be left unsupervised for a period of time:
- How emotionally mature your child has become
- How capable your child is to remain safe
- If the home is safe for the child to be left unsupervised
- If your child has the capability to respond to emergencies such as illness, fire, or weather
- The number of children that will be left unsupervised in the home
- If your child has any physical, medical, or mental disabilities
- If your child knows where they are and could report their address if needed
- How long they may be left alone for
- If they can contact you or other responsible adults if necessary
Leaving your child home alone when they’re not capable of caring for themselves can result in child abandonment or endangerment charges.
Even though Texas does not have any laws regarding the age you can leave a child at home, child abandonment is taken very seriously in the state. If something happens to your child when you leave them alone at home, then you can be charged.
Child Abandonment and Neglect
Under the Texas Penal Code, you abandon a child whenever you leave them without necessary and reasonable care. The law also defines neglect as:
- Leaving a child in a position in which they could potentially be exposed to the risk of mental or physical harm
- Placing a child in, or failing to remove them from, a dangerous situation
- Failing to provide the necessary clothing, shelter, or food to the child
- Failing to seek medical care for a child so that their health is put at substantial risk
When Parents Can Face Texas Criminal Charges
You can be charged with child abandonment or endangerment under Texas law if you intentionally leave a child under age 15 in circumstances that expose them to risk or harm.
You can also be charged with abandonment or endangerment if you recklessly, intentionally, through criminal negligence, or knowingly engage in conduct that puts a child at risk of bodily injury, death, or mental or physical impairment.
If I Leave My Child in a Car, Can I Get Charged with Child Abandonment in Texas?
No one ever thinks it will happen to them – that they’ll leave their child in a hot car. Emerging studies say it happens more than you may wish to think about, though.
In fact, Texas leads the nation in the bleak statistic of children dying in hot cars. According to the National Highway Transportation Department, 52 children died in hot cars in 2018.
When a child is left in a hot car in Texas, even if unintentionally, a person can be charged with child abandonment if no harm is done to the child or charged with child endangerment if the child is injured or dies.
Child Endangerment is Somewhat Subjective
The laws surrounding child abandonment are meant to protect children under the age of 15 from negligence or recklessness that puts in them in danger.
For example, in Texas, you cannot leave a child at home without reasonable care provided – reasonable being what any average adult would consider adequate care.
Leaving your 13-year-old at home for an hour while you go shopping is likely considered reasonable but leaving a four-year-old at home for the same reason and the same amount of time would not be. Additionally, a behavior that has the potential to cause bodily harm to a child, risk of death, or mental duress is a crime in Texas.
It doesn’t matter if the actions are taken on purpose if they’re reckless, or because of negligence. They are all treated the same in the eyes of the law.
The Penalties for Child Abandonment Depend on the Crime in Texas
If you leave a child unsupervised in a vehicle, you can be charged with a Class C misdemeanor.
When a child is placed in imminent danger, that is a second-degree felony. Penalties can be anywhere from two to 20 years in jail and a fine up to $10,000, depending on the past criminal history and the nature of the crime.
If you do not want to face those penalties, even if it’s by mistake, then take precautions with your children. This is especially true when it comes to leaving them in hot vehicles. If you do slip up, and find yourself facing charges such as these, then you need an experienced Texas criminal defense attorney in your corner.
Are there any gray area child endangerment or abandonment cases? Any instances where police may be quick to pursue a charge when they should not?
Yes. The most common area where innocent people are charged is in the area of child abandonment.
What if a mother is out on a fall day and needs to return a library book to the library and does not want to unstrap all the kids from their child seats? What if she just locks the door and cracks the windows and runs in to the library to return the book? She was planning to return to her car in mere moments but a police officer pulls up and sees the children in the car alone?
Is this abandonment? To the police officer, most likely yes. To the mother, she was never planning on leaving her children more than a few seconds and was on her way back to the car when the police arrived.
As you can see, police can jump to conclusions and make a decision to arrest you for child abandonment even under innocent circumstances.
Any similar acts could result in prosecution. Note that a child does not need to experience injury for a charge to apply. Simply placing the child in an unreasonably dangerous or unhealthy situation is enough to constitute a child endangerment charge.
Penalties for Child Endangerment in Texas
If a child is left unsupervised in a vehicle, the penalty is a Class C misdemeanor.
A DWI arrest with a child passenger is a state jail felony. You can face up to two years in state jail, a fine of up to $10,000, and loss of your driver’s license for 180 days.
If an individual abandoned a child under 15 years old with the intent of returning, the penalty is a state jail felony. This can result in up to 180 days in jail and a fine of up to $10,000.
If an individual abandoned the child with no intent of returning, the penalty is a third degree felony. The penalties include a prison sentence of two to 10 years and a fine of up to $10,000.
If the abandonment places the child in imminent danger, the penalty is a second degree felony. This requires a prison sentence of two to 20 years and a fine of up to $10,000.
If an individual commits child endangerment with criminal negligence, intent, knowledge, or recklessness, and the child is placed in imminent danger, a state jail felony applies. Any situations involving controlled substance possession, manufacture, or ingestion fall in this category.
Penalties for Child Endangerment in TexasIf a child is left unsupervised in a vehicle, the penalty is a Class C misdemeanor.
A DWI arrest with a child passenger is a state jail felony. You can face up to two years in state jail, a fine of up to $10,000, and loss of your driver’s license for 180 days.
If an individual abandoned a child under 15 years old with the intent of returning, the penalty is a state jail felony. This can result in up to 180 days in jail and a fine of up to $10,000.
If an individual abandoned the child with no intent of returning, the penalty is a third-degree felony. The penalties include a prison sentence of two to 10 years and a fine of up to $10,000.
If the abandonment places the child in imminent danger, the penalty is a second-degree felony. This requires a prison sentence of two to 20 years and a fine of up to $10,000.
If an individual commits child endangerment with criminal negligence, intent, knowledge, or recklessness, and the child is placed in imminent danger, a state jail felony applies. Any situations involving controlled substance possession, manufacture, or ingestion fall in this category.
Defending against Texas Child Endangerment ChargesCertain defenses apply in specific situations. A coach or an organized sports event cannot be charged with child endangerment as long as safety equipment and proper procedures are used. Also, if an individual left an infant with emergency medical care providers, a charge will not apply.
Additionally, because child endangerment and child abandonment are usually designated as felony level offenses in Texas, it is important that your criminal lawyer work to gather evidence to present to the grand jury.
In Texas, every felony must be presented to a grand jury. The grand jury could potentially lower the charge to a misdemeanor or No Bill the case, the equivalent of a dismissal of your criminal charge.
There may be evidence that was not gathered at the time of the arrest that your criminal attorney could pursue to present to the grand jury to clear your name.
It’s important to contact a knowledgeable Texas criminal attorney as soon as charges are filed against you. You may face penalties in addition to fines and incarceration, including loss of child custody. Call today for a free case review.
About the Author: After getting his Juris Doctor from the University of Houston Law Center, Jeff Hampton began practicing criminal law in Texas in 2005.
Before becoming a defense attorney, he worked as a prosecutor for the Tarrant County District Attorney’s Office – experience he uses to anticipate and cast doubt on the arguments that will be used against his clients.
air tickets for children, cost and conditions of transportation
Author Oleg Krivyh Reading 5 min. Views 17 Posted by
Flying with a child is a serious task. All airlines sell tickets for children on preferential terms. The amount of the discount depends on the age of the child. Any passenger must be issued a travel document, otherwise they will not be allowed on the flight. To find out when purchasing a child's plane ticket how much the trip will cost, you must provide a birth certificate for any of the children being transported.
- Acquisition of documents for flight
- Personal price
- Baggage, cradle on a plane
- Transportation without parents
- Discounts with a discount and purchase
- Services on board for small
It is necessary to specify with the air carrier, up to what age children fly free of charge. Tickets for children under 12 will be discounted. It is possible to purchase a ticket:
- If the baby is breastfed or under 2 years old, the ticket is available without booking a zone nearby.
- Travel tickets for children under 2 and 12 years old can also be purchased with a separate seat, luggage space.
- If flying with 2 or more children under the age of 2, the transportation criteria are slightly different. The first child needs a ticket without a separate seat, and the second and third children need to take travel cards with their own space for each.
Ticket price
Depending on the age of the baby, the plane ticket will be free or with certain bonuses: When traveling abroad, a 90% discount on the cost. Free shipping rate may vary depending on the airline. The key luggage space for a child is a place for 10 kilograms of cargo. When purchasing a ticket with a separate seat, the free baggage allowance corresponds to the company's fare. The airline, in addition to this norm, makes it possible to carry a stroller or a cradle. If you need a cradle for transporting a child, it is recommended to call the airline in advance to specify the possibility of transporting it on the plane. Some carriers offer cradles for small passengers that can be placed in the cabin. As a rule, fastening equipment exists in the front lines with a solid partition. The student has the opportunity to travel without guardianship under the supervision of the carrier, if this service is provided by the airline. The transfer of the child is carried out in the following way: When the situation cannot be resolved on the spot, the passenger will travel back in the company of an airline representative. Persons meeting the baby at the airport of arrival must have proof of identity with a photo. Required documents for transported children: Before traveling, you should consult with the embassy or consul of the representation of the state of presence about the trip of the baby without guardians. In order for the search engine to find favorable options with discounts or with a subsidy, you must perform the following operations: Then switch to the website of the company or institution that is directly involved in the sale of tickets. If a child moves from his age category to the next group during the trip, the ticket for him in the opposite direction will change in terms of discounts. Individual firms may allow the guys to use the bonus on the way back. It depends entirely on airline loyalty. When parents travel with babies and minors, additional services can be provided. In some airlines, for long flights, whole sets of babies are issued: bibs, nipples, bottles, diapers, wipes. Markers, puzzles, colored pencils, kits, and other toys are provided for middle-aged children. The longer the flight, the more diverse the subject for the entertainment of the child can be. The companies also provide special meals for newborns that do not need to be bought, and offer to watch cartoons that are ordered in advance when booking tickets. Every airport has a mother and child room where you can stay comfortably, freshen up and relax. Be sure to bring your child's favorite toy and essentials for months of rest, important things should always be kept at hand. The system of railway benefits and discounts in Russian Railways is quite complicated. Failure to comply with some rules, even those that seem insignificant, entails problems - up to disembarkation from the train. To avoid unwanted situations, let's figure out what benefits are provided for children traveling by train. Content If the child is 9 years old0029 is under five years old, he is entitled to free travel
Baggage, carrycot
Transportation without guardians and parents
There are a few caveats:
If this person is not at the site, and they cannot establish contact with him, the father, mother and guardians will be notified about everything.
You do not need to stand in line to clarify the issue, you can ask everything by phone. In some states there are legislative limits on the movement of unaccompanied minors, disabled people. Prohibitions can also be used to stay in a hotel in case of cancellation of a trip or a flight delay.
Discount prices and purchase
Then reserve and purchase a travel pass. It is necessary to designate absolutely all passengers.
Inflight services for babies
The kid will be able to get a coloring book, a mosaic, a funny fairy tale, a gift.
until what age, how much does it cost, free travel, benefits and discounts on tickets for schoolchildren
Up to what age can a child be transported free of charge
If two or more children are traveling with their parents, only one of them can be transported free of charge. For the rest of the places you will have to pay, but at a reduced rate of - the one that is valid for children under 10 years old. The same is true if the family is traveling with one toddler, but the parents want the baby to have a separate seat. Such a ticket can be purchased at a 35-50% discount.
Despite free travel, a ticket without a seat will still be required for a young passenger. It can be bought at the box office at the same time as paying for an adult ticket. To do this, you need to provide parents' passports and a birth certificate. You can also buy a ticket for a child directly in the train car - but for a fee, so it's better to do it in advance.
When buying tickets online, you need to include a baby in the order and issue a ticket of the type “Child without a seat” for him. It can only be issued with an adult ticket, it will not be possible to order a free ticket separately. If the parents forgot to include it in the order, the travel document for the baby can be obtained at the station ticket office before departure by presenting your e-ticket.
Passenger's age is taken into account at the start of the journey. If on the day of ticket purchase the child was under five years of age, but turned by the day of the planned trip, the discount on the ticket will not be valid. But if the child’s birthday fell on one of the days of the journey, it’s not scary - he can get to his destination for free.
Discounts on railway tickets for children from 5 to 10 years old
Children from 5 to 10 years old are entitled to discounted fares. It depends on the class of the train and wagon - in the range of 35 to 50% of the total ticket price . Such a system of discounts works only in Russia. In the CIS countries, the fare there may differ.
The cheapest way to travel is in a reserved seat, tickets for branded trains will be more expensive. For example, when calculating the cost of a seat in a compartment car, the difference in cost between a compartment and an ordinary reserved seat is added to the 50% discount.
Children's train ticket can be issued until the child is 10 years old.
In order to issue a reduced ticket for a child under 10 years of age, the child's birth certificate must also be presented at the box office. When ordering tickets through the website, you can buy a reduced ticket only at the same time as buying an adult.
Children under 10 years old travel free of charge in luxury carriages.
Benefits for railway transport for schoolchildren
When a young passenger turns 10, his tickets are already charged “adult-like”. The exception is the academic year - from September 1 to May 31. At this time, schoolchildren, as well as cadets of military schools, can travel with a 50% discount in second-class carriages. To get it, you need:
- from 10 to 14 years old - birth certificate;
- from 14 to 17 years old - passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
- Certificate from the school.
When boarding the train, you must have with you all the original documents for the child or notarized copies.
Certificate from the school for the train
In order to provide discounts on railway tickets to schoolchildren, a student's certificate must be obtained from the school in advance. Children from 10 to 14 years old present a certificate when boarding and during the trip, and older students also when buying a ticket.
Each educational institution develops a reference form independently. The main thing is that there are basic details:
- number and date of the certificate;
- full name of the educational institution;
- location address of the institution;
- last name, first name, patronymic of the student, and in which grade he/she is studying;
- signature of the principal or authorized person;
- round official seal of the educational institution.
A certificate can be obtained from the school office.
Reduced tickets for students during the summer holidays
In 2016, a new program was launched that allows students to travel at a discount and in the summer . Promotion is valid all summer: from June 1 to August 31, of the current year and applies to children from 10 to 17 years old. The offer applies only to reserved seat and common carriages. In the summer, a certificate from the school is not needed. A birth certificate or passport is sufficient (for students over 14).
Regardless of age and type of ticket, a minor can leave the Russian Federation only if accompanied by elders or with a certified permission from their parents.
Are you going south with your kids? Buy a single ticket to the Crimea.
Discounts for railway tickets for high-speed trains
High-speed trains are numbered 701-788 — Sapsan, Allegro, Lastochka, Strizh.
These trains offer limited benefits and personal discounts.
Tariffs for "Sapsan":
- "Children's" - for children under 10 years old with a 70% discount. The discount applies to all service classes.
- "Birthday" - for a birthday person on his birthday, 7 days before or after his birthday with a 50% discount. Three additional companions can use this discount. Privileges for the purchase of tickets for service classes 1P (compartment-negotiation room) and 1B (first class) do not apply.
- "Junior" - for passengers from 10 to 21 years old (including the day of their 21st birthday) with a 30% discount can be bought in all cars, except for 1P (compartment-interview room) and 1B (first class).
Lastochka trains have the same benefits for young passengers as the Sapsan train, except for the Birthday fare. And for the Junior fare, there is a 60% discount until the train departure date 03/31/2019. There will also be a 30% discount.
Allegro train:
- Up to 6 years free of charge if they do not occupy a seat.
- From 6 to 17 years old, up to 6 years old with a separate seat - with a 30% discount.
Benefits on the Strizh train:
- Children under 4 travel free of charge if they do not take a seat.
- "Children's" - up to 12 years old with a 50% discount.
- "Junior" - from 12 to 25 years old with a 30% discount.
- One child under 12 travels free with one adult in the Deluxe class carriage with the Adult-Single fare.
Benefits for railway tickets abroad
When traveling by train abroad, other tariffs and benefits for children apply. Different countries set their own tariffs and may differ from other countries.
When traveling to the Baltic countries, Europe, Mongolia, North Korea, China, Vietnam, the following benefits apply:
- One child up to four years old can be transported free of charge if he does not occupy a seat. When buying a ticket in the Russian Federation, you need to issue a non-monetary document.
In foreign countries, you do not have to issue such a ticket. You can purchase a ticket with a seat for a baby at a children's fare.
- Children up to the age of 6 can travel to Finland free of charge without a seat.
- For children from 4 to 12 years old, a ticket is issued for each child at the fare for the transportation of children. Ticket discount is 50%.
- For trips to Finland, the child fare applies to children from 6 to 17 years of age. And the discount will be 30%.
- From the age of 12 there is an adult rate without benefits.
In communications with the CIS countries, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Abkhazia, the following benefits are provided:
- Free fare for babies under 5 years without a seat.
- Passengers from 5 to 10 years old can get a discount of up to 65% depending on the distance travelled.
Group rates
When you travel with a group of children from an organization, special group rates apply. You should buy tickets for all members of the group at once. The discount is provided from the total fare:
- When traveling to Finland, the group is considered from 6 people. And the discount is given to adults - 20%, children from 6 to 17 years old - 30%.
- When traveling to Poland, China, Korea, Mongolia - from 6 people. The discount is provided for adults - 25%, children from 4 to 12 years old - 50%.
- In the CIS countries, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Abkhazia - from 10 people. Discount is available from 20% to 30%.
It is obligatory to submit a list of the group to the cash desk, indicating the details of foreign passports and the surname, name, patronymic of the senior group. The list must be signed by the head of the organization and stamped.
Documents for traveling abroad
When a child leaves the Russian Federation, he must have his own passport. Now you can apply for a passport for 5 (old) or 10 years (biometric). Permission to leave a child from Russia from the second parent is not required when he travels with one of the parents. But in some countries, customs still require consent to leave from the second parent. Therefore, it is better to have a notarized consent to take the child abroad.
If the child has different surnames from mom or dad, then you need to bring a birth certificate with you.
When a child travels without mom and dad, accompanied by another adult, it is necessary to have a power of attorney from one of the parents, certified by a notary, to travel abroad. It should indicate the dates of the trip, the country of the trip, the last name, first name, patronymic of the accompanying person.
- Discounts for children are valid from September 1 to May 31 for travel by trains in Russia.
- The age of the young passenger is determined on the date of travel.
- When traveling, you must take the original documents for the child or notarized copies.