Belly hardening during pregnancy
Is It Labor or Something Else?
Stomach Tightening During Pregnancy: Is It Labor or Something Else?Medically reviewed by Debra Rose Wilson, Ph.D., MSN, R.N., IBCLC, AHN-BC, CHT — By Ashley Marcin on December 13, 2017
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There are many aches, pains, and other sensations you may experience during your pregnancy, including stomach tightening.
Stomach tightening may start early in your first trimester as your uterus grows. As your pregnancy progresses, it may be a sign of a possible miscarriage in the early weeks, premature labor if you aren’t due yet, or impending labor. It can also be normal contractions that don’t progress to labor.
Here’s the lowdown on why you might experience stomach tightening at different stages of your pregnancy.
In the first trimester
Your stomach may feel tight in your first trimester as your uterus stretches and grows to accommodate your growing fetus. Other sensations you may experience include sharp, shooting pains on the sides of your abdomen as your muscles stretch and lengthen.
Is it a miscarriage?
Painful stomach tightening may be a sign of miscarriage. A miscarriage is a loss of pregnancy before week 20, though it’s most common before week 12.
You may have no symptoms with a miscarriage, or you may experience some or all of the following symptoms:
- tightness or cramping in your abdomen
- pain or cramping in your lower back
- spotting or bleeding
- seeing fluid or tissue pass from the vagina
Causes of miscarriage aren’t always clear. Some may be due to a blighted ovum, which means no embryo forms. Others may be due to:
- genetic issues with the fetus
- diabetes
- certain infections
- thyroid disease
- cervix issues
If you have painful stomach tightening along with other signs of miscarriage, call your doctor or midwife.
In the second trimester
As your body continues to adapt to pregnancy, you may experience stomach tightening and even sharp pains called round ligament pain. This type of discomfort is most common during the second trimester, and the pain may extend from your abdomen or hip area to your groin. Round ligament pain is considered totally normal.
It’s also possible to experience Braxton-Hicks contractions as early as the fourth month of pregnancy. During these “practice contractions,” your stomach may feel very tight and uncomfortable. Some women get more of these contractions than others. Braxton-Hicks contractions aren’t as painful as regular labor contractions. They often occur with activity, like exercise or sex.
These contractions don’t generally affect the dilation of the cervix. They are irregularly, with no set pattern that you can time.
In some cases, you may develop what is called an irritable uterus. Contractions or stomach tightening with an irritable uterus feel similar to what you would expect to experience with Braxton-Hicks. With irritable uterus, though, you may actually get regular and frequent stomach tightening that doesn’t respond to rest or hydration. While this pattern may be alarming and a sign of preterm labor, women with irritable uterus don’t necessarily see a change in dilation.
If you aren’t yet due, being dehydrated can also lead to increased contractions. If you’re feeling cramps that come and go, be sure to drink plenty of fluids. They often will diminish when you’re rehydrated. If the cramps and contractions are getting longer, stronger, or closer together, see your healthcare provider to prevent premature delivery.
If you’re having frequent contractions in your second trimester, it’s always best to contact your healthcare provider to rule out preterm labor or miscarriage. They can perform tests, like an ultrasound, to measure your cervix and evaluate other signs to see if you’re in labor.
In the third trimester
Stomach tightening in your third trimester may be a sign of labor. Labor contractions may start out mild and get stronger over time.
You can usually time these contractions by starting a stopwatch as one ends and stopping the watch as another one starts. The time between them will generally be steady. At first, they will be spaced further apart, maybe every eight minutes or so. As labor progresses, they will get closer together.
True labor contractions become more and more intense over time.
Braxton-Hicks contractions are more common in the third trimester of pregnancy. You may notice them in the final weeks of pregnancy. It’s also possible to notice them earlier in your third trimester.
Braxton-Hicks contractions are also referred to as “false labor” because many women mistake them for labor. If you’re getting lots of irregular contractions or stomach tightening, call your healthcare provider. If it’s after hours, you can also place a call to your local hospital and speak to a triage nurse. They can advise you on whether you should see a healthcare provider.
The rule of thumb is to call if you’ve had more than four to six contractions in an hour, no matter their pattern.
Braxton-Hicks vs. labor
Still confused about the difference between Braxton Hicks contractions and the real thing? Changing position, drinking a glass of water, or taking a gentle walk may make false labor contractions go away.
Other signs of labor include:
- lower back pain or cramping that doesn’t go away
- gushes or a trickle of clear liquid from the vagina, which is a sign of your water breaking
- red-tinged vaginal discharge, also known as “bloody show”
If a change in activity doesn’t relieve the stomach tightening, or the pain and frequency in your contractions gets worse, it may be time to visit the hospital.
When should I go to the hospital if I’m in labor?
You are probably in labor if your contractions are getting longer, stronger, and closer together. If this is your first baby, head to the hospital or call your midwife when your contractions come every three to five minutes, and last 45 to 60 seconds over an hour-long period of time. If you’re not a first-time mom, consider getting there when your contractions come every five to seven minutes, and last 45 to 60 seconds over an hour-long period. Head immediately in for care if your water breaks, regardless of whether you’re having contractions.
If your stomach tightening is irregular and mild:
- drink a tall glass of water and stay hydrated
- move your body to see if a change in positions helps relax your stomach
- avoid getting up too quickly from bed or other positions
- consider getting a pregnancy massage to relax tired muscles
- use a warm water bottle or heat pad, or take a warm bath or shower
If these home measures don’t relieve your stomach tightness or you have other concerns, contact your doctor or midwife.
Go to the hospital immediately if you’re less than 36 weeks pregnant and have other signs of preterm labor, like:
- bleeding
- fluid leakage
- pressure in your pelvis or vagina
You should also contact your healthcare provider if you have more than four to six contractions in an hour, regardless of their timing. Hospitals often get calls from women who don’t know the different sensations of pregnancy, and it’s better to be safe than sorry if you suspect something might be happening with your pregnancy.
The takeaway
If you’re ever concerned about stomach tightening or contractions during your pregnancy, or any other symptoms, call your doctor. Your healthcare provider won’t mind if it’s a false alarm. It’s always better to be on the safe side.
While many cases of stomach tightening can be attributed to Braxton-Hicks contractions or growing pains, there’s always a slight chance it may be the real deal. Your healthcare provider can set your mind at ease if it’s a false alarm. If you’re in labor, they can help safely deliver your baby.
Last medically reviewed on December 13, 2017
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- Pregnancy
- Pregnancy Health
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- Body changes and discomforts. (2017). - Knowing it’s time. (n.d.). - Labor and birth. (2017). - Mayo Clinic Staff. (2016). Miscarriage. - Mayo Clinic Staff. (2017). Second trimester pregnancy: What to expect. - Pregnancy: Having a healthy pregnancy. (2016).
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Current Version
Dec 13, 2017
Ashley Marcin
Edited By
Nizam Khan (TechSpace)
Medically Reviewed By
Debra Rose Wilson, PhD, MSN, RN, IBCLC, AHN-BC, CHT
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Medically reviewed by Debra Rose Wilson, Ph.D., MSN, R.N., IBCLC, AHN-BC, CHT — By Ashley Marcin on December 13, 2017
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When to see a doctor
Pregnancy is often an exciting time in a woman’s life, but it is also a time filled with strange new physical symptoms or experiences. Stomach-tightening is one such symptom that many women experience during pregnancy.
There are many reasons for the stomach or abdomen to tighten during pregnancy, and these may vary, depending on the trimester.
In this article, we look at the causes, as well as when to speak to a doctor.
Share on PinterestAs the uterus grows in the first trimester, the stomach may feel tight.There are many reasons why a woman may feel her stomach is tightening during the first trimester of pregnancy, including:
During the first trimester, the uterus is growing and stretching rapidly to accommodate the growing fetus.
This can cause abdominal cramping or sharp, stabbing, or shooting pains along the side of the abdomen, as the ligaments and other tissues stretch.
Gas or constipation
Gas pain is a very common problem throughout pregnancy. It can cause cramping or shooting pain in the abdomen, and it can be very painful.
Constipation is also a common complaint in early pregnancy. The changing pregnancy hormones can slow down the gastrointestinal tract.
Also, the iron in some prenatal vitamins can harden stool and make it difficult to go to the bathroom. Both gas and constipation can sometimes make it feel as if the stomach is tightening.
Rarely, tightening of the abdomen can signal a miscarriage, which is the loss of a pregnancy before 20 weeks.
However, a miscarriage is most common before the 12th week of pregnancy. Other signs of a miscarriage include:
- mild to severe back pain
- bright red or brown vaginal bleeding
- cramping
- vaginal discharge of tissue or clots
- decrease in the symptoms or signs of pregnancy, such as morning sickness or breast tenderness
The signs of a miscarriage vary between individuals and, in some situations, a woman may not have any signs at all. It is important for a woman to get regular prenatal care during early pregnancy so that her doctor can monitor the baby’s development.
In early pregnancy, a woman should call the doctor’s office with any vaginal bleeding, especially if it is red and resembles a period.
Stretching, cramping, and stabbing pain along the sides of the uterus often continues into the second trimester, and is known as round ligament pain. The round ligaments are located on either side of the uterus and connect the uterus to the groin.
During pregnancy, the ligaments stretch as the uterus grows, which can cause the sharp pain. This pain commonly occurs with changes in position, such as sitting to standing or bending down.
Most women start to feel their uterus contract and periodically tighten some time during the second trimester, the point in their pregnancy between 14 to 28 weeks. These are known as Braxton-Hicks contractions, false labor, or practice contractions.
The purpose of Braxton-Hicks contractions is for the uterus to prepare for the hard work of labor and delivery. It is thought that they help to tone the muscle in the uterus and promote blood flow to the placenta.
Braxton-Hicks contractions are normal and very common. They typically last for around 30 to 60 seconds but can be as long as 2 minutes. They are not as painful as regular contractions, but can still cause considerable pain and discomfort.
Some things may trigger or worsen Braxton-Hicks contractions:
- sex or orgasm
- dehydration
- a full bladder
- sharp kicking by the baby
Even though Braxton-Hicks contractions are common during pregnancy, it is important to mention them to the doctor at prenatal visits. The doctor can help determine whether they are Braxton-Hicks, or if they could be a sign of preterm labor.
It is important to call the doctor if:
- contractions get stronger or closer together
- contractions are not relieved by rest or drinking water
- there is fluid leaking from the vagina
- there is vaginal bleeding
A doctor should evaluate these symptoms to make sure that a woman is not experiencing complications or preterm labor.
Share on PinterestDuring the third trimester, Braxton-Hicks contractions may increase in strength.
Stomach-tightening associated with Braxton-Hicks contractions increases in strength and frequency during the third trimester. These contractions are especially common during the last few weeks of pregnancy as the uterus prepares for birth.
However, it is still important to notice and keep track of them. If a woman has more than a few in an hour, she should speak to her doctor.
Things a person can do to relieve the pain and stretching feeling include:
- Drinking a glass of water: Dehydration is a common trigger for Braxton-Hicks contractions. Try having a big glass of water and lying down for a few minutes.
- Using the bathroom: Having a full bladder is associated with increased Braxton-Hicks contractions. Sometimes, just using the bathroom and emptying the bladder can stop the contractions.
- Changing positions: Sometimes body position can put pressure on the uterus, triggering Braxton-Hicks contractions.
Try shifting positions or lying down.
- Taking a warm bath or shower: Sitting in a warm tub can relax tired or achy muscles, including the uterus.
- Drinking a cup of tea or warm milk: Warm milk or herbal tea can be both relaxing and hydrating.
It is important to call a doctor if home remedies do not relieve stomach tightening or if there are more than four contractions in an hour.
Many women have called their doctor or gone to the hospital if they experience Braxton-Hicks contractions, especially near the end of their pregnancy. As Braxton-Hicks contractions get stronger and more frequent, it often feels as if labor is beginning for real.
There are a couple of differences, however:
Braxton-Hicks contractions | True labor |
Irregular in intensity and frequency | Get closer together and progressively stronger |
Uncomfortable | Painful |
May be relieved with home measures, including drinking water or lying down | Home measures do not relieve them |
No other signs of labor | May have other signs of labor |
Other signs of labor can include:
- back pain or cramping
- leaking of fluid from the vagina
- bloody vaginal discharge
As always, it is essential to contact the doctor or make a trip to the hospital with any questions or concerns.
Increased tone of the uterus during pregnancy
Nicotine constricts the blood vessels of the expectant mother, as well as the vessels of the placenta and umbilical cord, through which the fetus is nourished. Of course, smoking by itself is unlikely to lead to hypertonicity, but in combination with other factors, it may well
If the work is associated with constant stress, it has harmful effects or it is physically difficult, give it up as soon as possible. If this is not possible, use your rights, which are enshrined in the labor legislation of the Russian Federation
Hypertonicity must be distinguished from Braxton-Hicks contractions: it lasts much longer than these training contractions and usually does not go away on its own (or goes away only after a long time)
what is hypertonicity
, - muscle, and according to the laws of physiology, muscle tissue is reduced under the influence of any factor. Slightly the uterus contracts in women every month during menstruation, much stronger during labor pains. The uterus can also contract during pregnancy, doctors call this condition hypertonicity. What it looks like: suddenly, at some point, a woman feels that her stomach is tense, becomes hard, as if “hardening”. This state lasts for a long time - half an hour, an hour, half a day or even all day. Additionally, discomfort (or pain) in the lower back or sacrum may also appear. It is clear that such tension in the abdomen worries the mother, because since the uterus is contracting, then perhaps there is a threat of termination of pregnancy. But here it all depends on how much and how often the stomach tenses.
Braxton-Hicks contractions
It turns out that the stomach can tense up not only when there is a threat of miscarriage. Starting from the end of the second trimester, the expectant mother can feel the so-called training contractions (Brexton-Hicks contractions) - the stomach also tenses with them for a while, as if “hardening”, - in general, the sensations are the same as with hypertonicity. But the main difference between such contractions and hypertonicity is that they last for a very short time (a few seconds - a couple of minutes) and pass by themselves, as well as if you change the position of the body or take a shower. Braxton-Hicks contractions occur up to about ten times a day, and by the end of pregnancy they appear even more often. These contractions are completely normal during pregnancy, and they do not indicate any threat of interruption. It’s just that with their help, the uterus, as it were, prepares (trains) for childbirth.
where does hypertonicity come from
Hypertonicity can appear in any trimester of pregnancy. In the early stages, it occurs more often due to the fact that there is not enough progesterone, a hormone that is needed for the normal course of pregnancy. Another cause of hypertonicity is some changes in the uterine wall, for example, fibroids (a knot of uterine muscle tissue), endometriosis (growth of the uterine mucosa into the thickness of the wall), and inflammatory diseases. In these situations, the wall of the uterus is not able to stretch as it should. At later dates, hypertonicity can develop, on the contrary, with overstretching of the uterus (with polyhydramnios, large fetuses, multiple pregnancies). Very often, hypertonicity is provoked by some kind of physical activity too strong for a woman, for example, if, in a fit of “nesting”, the mother suddenly began to move and rearrange something in the apartment herself, or she simply moved for a very long time without resting. Someone hypertonicity occurs after psychological overstrain.
how to recognize hypertonicity
Hypertonicity must be distinguished from Braxton-Hicks contractions - as mentioned earlier, it lasts much longer than these training contractions and usually does not go away on its own (or goes away only after some long time). But if the mother cannot understand whether she has hypertension or not, you should consult a doctor. If there is still an increased tone of the uterus, the doctor, simply by placing his hand on his stomach, will feel a seal, tension, up to the feeling of a stone at hand. In addition, you can always do an ultrasound, on which, with hypertonicity, areas of local thickening of the muscular layer of the uterus are visible, and also look at the cervix, by the state of which you can also judge whether there is a threat of abortion or not.
what to do in case of hypertonicity
If it appears, the first thing you need to do is:
1. Calm down and lie down if possible. Do not panic, extra stress will not bring any benefits, especially since without consulting a doctor it is still not clear whether there is hypertonicity and how pronounced it is. Or maybe it's a false alarm? In addition, you can use relaxation techniques (breathing, auto-training, etc.).
2. Call your doctor. Of course, the doctor will not make a diagnosis in absentia, but since he knows the history of the expectant mother, her real or possible problems, he will be able to give the right direction for further action.
3. If it is not possible to contact your doctor, you can contact any clinic or antenatal clinic where pregnant women are treated. If medical facilities are already closed (late evening, at night), you can call an ambulance - she will take you to the nearest hospital or maternity hospital (you can also get there by taxi).
4. Hypertonicity is well eliminated by special drugs that relax the uterus (tocolytics), and if the doctor has prescribed them, then you should not be afraid to take them: they help quickly enough and do not harm the child.
how to prevent hypertonicity
There are simple rules that can prevent hypertonicity or reduce the risk of its occurrence:
1. Quit smoking, watch your weight, do not eat surrogate foods. No matter how trite it may sound, but it is a healthy lifestyle that is the basis of our well-being.
2. Distribute your forces correctly. Laundry, cooking can wait if the expectant mother suddenly feels that she needs a rest. If any activities require physical or psychological stress, cancel them for a while. Do not attend events or places where you may feel uncomfortable, reduce communication with people that are unpleasant for you.
3. Follow your doctor's recommendations: if he recommends any examination or treatment, do not neglect them.
Listen to your body, follow the doctor's advice, tune in to the positive - this is the key to a successful pregnancy. And then no hypertonicity is terrible for you!
symptoms in the early stages, in the second and third trimesters, what to do, how to determine
So what is this “increased uterine tone”, why does it occur, does it harm the child a lot and how can it be prevented? Let's find out.
What is uterine tone
Let's start with the anatomy: the uterus is made of muscle tissue, and any muscle can be in a relaxed and tense state - tone. (1) In a non-pregnant woman, the uterus contracts during menstruation. During childbirth, these contractions help the baby to be born.
— Uterine contractions are usually irregular, relatively painless, and resolve spontaneously without medical intervention. Sometimes the tone of the uterus increases, this is normal - for example, in the last weeks of the term, when the pregnant woman begins training contractions, - says obstetrician-gynecologist Laysan Ibatullina .
If the period is still short, and the tone of the uterus persists for a long time, this may cause a threat of termination of pregnancy or premature birth. Uterine hypertonicity can provoke rejection of the ovum or deterioration of uteroplacental blood flow, which is fraught with intrauterine hypoxia (lack of oxygen) of the fetus.
Symptoms of uterine tone during pregnancy
— The following symptoms indicate that you have an increased tone: mild pain, tension, feeling of a “stone” in the lower abdomen. To relieve discomfort, it is often enough for a woman to relax, take a comfortable position. In the West, doctors consider hypertonicity to be a physiological condition (unless, of course, there is severe pain and discomfort passes quickly). The uterus contracts when we laugh or sneeze when we are stressed. Even during an examination on a gynecological chair, a woman is a little nervous, and her uterus comes into tone. It is possible to judge an increased tone as a norm or pathology, depending on its duration. If the tension lasts for a long time, the pulling pain in the abdomen and lower back does not go away, the pregnant woman needs urgent medical care, explains obstetrician-gynecologist Laysan Ibatullina .
In the early stages - the first trimester
In the early stages, hypertonicity may occur due to a lack of progesterone, a hormone that plays an important role in conception and the development of pregnancy. Progesterone prevents the uterus from actively contracting, because this can cause a miscarriage. Also, increased tone can cause inflammation, fibroids or endometriosis in a pregnant woman.
In the first trimester, increased tone is indicated by pain or a feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomen (pain may radiate to the groin, sacrum or lower back). Especially the expectant mother should be alerted by spotting or if the pain and discomfort do not subside.
- In the early stages, the main symptoms of uterine tone are pulling pain and heaviness that occurs in the lower abdomen. In the second, as well as the third trimester, the tone of the uterus can already be observed: the stomach becomes hard and shrinks, while the uterus seems to “harden,” explains doctor Laysan Ibatullina . - In the early stages, hypertonicity can lead to fetal death if you do not seek help from specialists in time. Due to the tense muscles of the uterus, the vessels of the umbilical cord are in a compressed position, oxygen is supplied to the fetus in insufficient quantities, and hypoxia develops. For the same reason, the child does not fully receive the nutrients necessary for its development, which can provoke the appearance of malnutrition. In other words, the child stops growing.
Second trimester
In the second trimester of pregnancy, the child actively grows and develops, so it can put pressure on the uterus and internal organs, hence the increased tone. Hypertonicity can also be caused by polyhydramnios, and Rhesus conflict, and an irregular shape of the uterus, if the child is too large or the expectant mother is expecting twins.
— A pregnant woman should not perceive a high uterine tone as a tragedy. But this is a great reason to be more attentive to your health, reconsider your daily routine, and get more rest, - the specialist is sure.
Third trimester
— In the third trimester of pregnancy, uterine tone can cause miscarriage or premature birth. Bleeding may also open, which is very dangerous for both the fetus and the woman herself. In such cases, you should immediately seek medical help, explains obstetrician-gynecologist Laysan Ibatullina .
How to distinguish hypertonicity from training contractions
In late pregnancy, when the body begins to prepare for childbirth, a pregnant woman begins training contractions (Braxton-Hicks contractions) (2). This is a natural physiological state that should not frighten the expectant mother, but tell her that the baby is ready to be born soon.
- The state is considered normal when the uterus begins to contract slightly and with a certain frequency. These are training contractions that occur 1-2 weeks before delivery. Their main difference from hypertonicity is that they are painless, short-term and irregular. Training contractions are not considered a pathology and do not require treatment. Their duration can be up to one minute or several seconds, and they can be repeated after 4-5 hours. Rarely, some women experience quite severe pain during such contractions. And most expectant mothers simply do not notice them, - the specialist notes.
How to remove the tone of the uterus during pregnancy
If the increased tone of the uterus is not caused by serious pathologies and does not threaten the life and health of the unborn baby, it is easy to remove it.
Most often it is enough to lie down for half an hour, relax and listen to your inner state. Sometimes a doctor may prescribe bed rest or limit physical activity.
Phytotherapy also helps to relieve increased tone (be sure to consult your doctor before use!). Valerian infusion relieves spasms well - 25-30 drops half an hour before meals. Tea with lemon balm or mint helps, you can use a mix of mint with valerian or motherwort. A lamp with aromatic oils, such as vanilla, jasmine, rose or chamomile, helps to relax - the main thing is not to overdo it. In the second and third trimester, special therapeutic exercises can help. But if it is allowed for you, you should ask the doctor.
An increased tone of the uterus during pregnancy is usually detected during a routine examination by an obstetrician-gynecologist. First, the doctor palpates the uterus. With increased tone, the doctor feels a seal, and sometimes even petrification. If necessary, the specialist prescribes an ultrasound scan, which will help assess the condition of the cervix - whether there is a premature opening, whether there is a threat of termination of pregnancy. Depending on the situation, the doctor will prescribe rest for the pregnant woman, special drugs, or write out a referral for hospitalization.
— In order to bring the uterine muscles into a relaxed state, papaverine, no-shpu, is often prescribed. It is permissible in this condition to use Magne-B6, - explains the obstetrician Laysan Ibatullina. - In each case, it is important to identify the cause of the increased tone of the uterus. If it is observed due to insufficient production of the "hormone of pregnancy", the doctor may prescribe the use of drugs such as "Utrozhestan", "Dufaston". In the presence of bloody discharge from the genital tract, one cannot do without hemostatic drugs - Dicinon, Tranexam and others.
Photo: @mart-production, pexels.comPrevention of uterine tone during pregnancy
— Prevention of uterine hypertonicity during pregnancy is simple: you need to work less, avoid serious physical exertion, eat right, follow all the recommendations of your doctor. It is important to sleep 8-10 hours a day, because proper rest is very important during pregnancy. Of course, the expectant mother should get rid of bad habits - smoking and drinking alcohol, which negatively affect the health and development of the child, can even provoke the development of pathologies in the fetus or miscarriage. Stay away from sick people, do not forget to undergo ultrasound and other examinations on time, take all the necessary tests. Remember that a pregnant woman should in no case be worried and nervous, explains obstetrician-gynecologist Laysan Ibatullina. - In order for the uterus not to be subjected to heavy stress, it needs support. There is a special bandage for pregnant women, comfortable clothes and underwear. A bandage is an excellent prevention of the appearance of uterine tone.
When you need to go to the hospital
Most often, increased uterine tone can be removed at home with the help of antispasmodics and bed rest. But if the attending physician suggested hospitalization, the pregnant woman has bloody discharge and severe pain, you need to go to the hospital (3). There, the expectant mother will be under the constant supervision of doctors, they will conduct all the necessary examinations, prescribe injections and droppers that effectively relieve hypertonicity.
— In case of pulling pain in the lower abdomen, you should immediately drink a No-shpa tablet and lie down. If during the day the pain does not subside or becomes stronger, be sure to call an ambulance, ”the doctor explains.
Popular Questions and Answers
Uterine tone is not the most dangerous, but very unpleasant condition. With a gynecologist, we will answer the most popular questions that worry expectant mothers.
Does nutrition affect uterine tone?
Certain foods may help increase uterine tone.
Legumes, cabbage, sour milk products, dried fruits and the like affect gas formation. Since the uterus and intestines are in close proximity to each other, discomfort can be felt both there and there.
Nuts and mushrooms. The vegetable protein contained in them is heavily processed by the body. In addition, mushrooms tend to accumulate toxic substances in themselves and can be dangerous to the health of a woman and fetus.
Undercooked meat, raw eggs. Not recommended due to the risk of poisoning and the possibility of intestinal infection.
Coffee and strong tea. The caffeine contained in them can help increase tone.
Of course, when choosing a diet, it is important to be guided by common sense. For example, if the expectant mother is used to drinking coffee in the morning, it is not necessary to give up this pleasure. One cup will definitely not hurt, and if you are afraid, you can dilute it with milk or cream. There is also nothing wrong with the fact that a woman will eat some dried fruits or drink a glass of kefir. The main thing in everything is to know the measure.
Is it possible to have sex with hypertonicity?
Increased uterine tone is a direct contraindication for sexual intercourse. During orgasm, the uterus contracts more strongly, respectively, spasms intensify. Therefore, during this period, it is necessary to refrain from intimacy. Permission to resume sexual relations must be given by a doctor after an examination.
Is it possible to go in for sports with increased uterine tone?
Sport during pregnancy is useful, but do not overload yourself. Classes should be moderate: gymnastics, yoga, exercises, water aerobics and the like. With hypertonicity, it is better to wait with sports until the uterus “calms down”. But there is one exercise recommended for relieving spasm: cat pose.
Get on all fours with your back arched. Inhale deeply while raising your head. Try to relax your facial muscles while holding the backbend. Arch your back to the opposite side, lowering your head as you exhale. Do 3-4 sets.
Then you need to lie down and rest. Exercise helps to reduce tone and is useful at any stage of pregnancy.