Why am i not dilating
How to dilate faster during labor: Safe methods
Medical interventions can speed up labor, but there are other ways to encourage dilation. They include moving around, rocking on an exercise ball, using relaxation techniques, and laughing.
Dilation is a term that describes the widening of the cervical opening. Dilation of the cervix is one sign that a pregnant woman is going into labor.
During the final stages of pregnancy, doctors perform cervical exams to track the progress of the pregnancy and the extent of dilation of the cervix.
In the first stage of labor, the cervix will dilate to 10 centimeters (cm) in width.
Dilation is typically gradual, but the cervix can widen rapidly over 1 or 2 days. A few different factors can influence how quickly dilation occurs.
In this article, learn how to dilate more quickly before and during labor.
The following methods can help in dilation without using medication:
Move around
Getting up and moving around may help speed dilation by increasing blood flow.
Walking around the room, doing simple movements in bed or chair, or even changing positions may encourage dilation.
This is because the weight of the baby applies pressure to the cervix.
People may also find swaying or dancing to calming music effective.
Use an exercise ball
A large inflatable exercise ball, called a birthing ball in this case, may also help.
Sitting on the ball and rocking back and forth or moving in circles can help keep the muscles in the pelvis loose and relaxed for delivery.
It is easy to become tense during the last stages of pregnancy, but learning to relax can have a range of benefits.
Stress and muscle tension and can delay labor by making it harder for the cervix to dilate. These issues can also keep the baby from descending.
Many women benefit from practicing breathing exercises or meditation before and during labor. Even dimming the lights can help.
Laughing can keep stress and fear at bay. Even momentary relief can relax the body and aid dilation.
Joking around, or watching funny movies or stand-up comedy may help to keep spirits up before and during labor.
Have sex
Sexual stimulation can relax the body.
Also, a hormone called prostaglandin in semen can promote dilation.
Share on PinterestMedical intervention may be necessary during labor.
While labor is a natural process, there are times when a doctor needs to intervene.
Medical intervention may be necessary if:
- a woman has an infection in the uterus
- the baby is more than 2 weeks overdue, and active labor has not begun
- the water has broken, but there are no contractions
- underlying medical conditions will complicate delivery for the mother or baby
A doctor may apply a medication that contains prostaglandin to soften the cervix and promote dilation.
A process called membrane stripping may help. It involves a doctor or midwife rubbing their fingers against the membranes of the amniotic sac to release prostaglandin into the uterus and help the cervix dilate.
Women interested in unmedicated or “natural” birth may avoid medical intervention until it is necessary.
There are three distinct stages:
Stage one
Share on PinterestThere are three distinct stages of labor.
This stage has three phases.
In the first phase, the cervix dilates to 3 cm. The baby drops lower into the pelvis, and this increases the levels of prostaglandin in the body, which stimulates dilation.
The mucus plug that has sealed the opening of the uterus during pregnancy will fall away.
Capillaries in the cervix can rupture during this stage and cause bloody discharge known as the bloody show. This is normal.
The next phase is active labor, when the cervix will dilate further. Some doctors mark the end of this phase when the width of the cervix reaches 7 cm. Others use contractions as a guideline.
The final step in this stage, called the transition phase, lasts until the cervix dilates to 10 cm.
Stage two
The second stage of labor begins when the cervix dilates to 10 cm and ends with delivery. The length of time can vary from woman to woman, and a variety of factors influence it.
Stage three
In this stage, the doctor will deliver the placenta and cut the umbilical cord.
In some situations, a doctor may use medical methods to encourage dilation.
However, there are a number of natural ways to promote dilation before and during labor. It is often a good idea to find ways to relax.
Why Is My Cervix Not Dilating? (In the First Stages of Labor)
Cervix dilation is one of the earliest signs that the birth of your baby is imminent. As you approach your due date, your doctor will check your weekly visits to see if you are dilated. Dilation begins once you have lost your mucus plug and cervical effacement has occurred. You may also experience a bloody show, a mix of blood and mucus when you lose your mucus plug.
There are three stages of labor: latent labor, active labor, and the delivery of the placenta, which is often glossed over when discussing labor.
As labor progresses, so will cervical dilation, from 1 cm, roughly the size of a blueberry, to 10 cm, the size of a bagel.
More: Labor Complications
Dilation During The 3 Stages of Labor:
- Latent Labor (the first stage of labor 1- 9 cm dilated)
- Active Labor (the second stage of labor 10 cm dilated)
- Placenta Delivery (the third stage of labor)
The first stage of labor could take several weeks, and you may stay dilated at only 1 or 2 centimeters for several ob-gyn visits in a row! When dilation fails to progress, women often wonder why is my cervix not dilating? Fortunately, there are many reasons why it may seem there is a failure to progress in labor. We will break down the various reasons for the cervix not dilating in the coming sections.
Failure to Progress in Labor
When labor fails to progress, it means your cervix is not dilating, and your baby is not descending. When this happens, your health care provider will likely assess what are known as the Three Ps.
- The Passenger (the size of the baby and his position in the uterus)
- The Powers (the efficiency of your contractions)
- The Passage (the size and shape of your pelvis)
In early labor, these three elements work together to progress towards the active phase of labor. If one of these elements is not aligned, the latent phase of labor may not progress as quickly or smoothly as mom and doctor would like.
More: Labor Complications
Cephalopelvic Disproportion (The Passenger)
Cephalopelvic Disproportion (CPD) occurs when the baby’s head is too large to fit through the women’s pelvis. The condition is considered rare and can only be fully diagnosed during labor, and 70% of pregnant women are able to deliver vaginally and without major complications.
Sometimes Cephalopelvic Disproportion may be suspected before labor in late pregnancy if your doctor’s measurements indicate the baby will be large.
If CPD is suspected, but the baby's head has engaged, you can still attempt a vaginal birth. Your doctor and nurses will monitor the labor with a labor graph, and if there are signs that the baby is in distress, an emergency cesarean may be performed. Likewise, a planned cesarean may be offered if the head hasn't engaged toward the end of labor or your doctor suspects CPD may be a concern before labor.
Inefficient Contractions (The Power)
Another reason your labor may not be progressing could be because your cervix is dilating slowly or has stopped dilating. Once labor begins, regular contractions will occur every 2 to 3 minutes. Your doctor will also assess how strong the labor contractions are by palpating your abdomen: the firmer it feels during contractions, the more likely they are to be effective.
If your contractions become too intense, you can request an epidural to help with the pain. Keep in mind; however, it could be an hour or more after you request it before you are able to receive pain relief. Additionally, not all women and pregnancies can receive an epidural, so be sure to discuss the specifics with your doctor long before labor starts.
If you have begun having contractions but they are widely spaced, and their strength indicates they're unlikely to be effective, your doctor may use one or two techniques to speed up labor, known as augmenting labor.
First, they may artificially rupture the membranes if it hasn’t happened naturally. The rupturing of the membranes is also known as when your water breaks.
If this procedure fails to further dilation and the cervix opens only minimally. In that case, you may be given the drug oxytocin to increase the strength and frequency of contractions, also known as labor induction. It is more common for first-time moms to need an induction to produce uterine contractions than those who have experienced labor before.
Initially, a small dose is given and then increased over time until you're having three or four moderately strong contractions every 10 minutes. You’ll have continuous electronic fetal monitoring to ensure that the baby is not distressed by the sudden onset of stronger contractions if this is done.
If your labor is still not progressing several hours after the drugs have been started, then a cesarean may be recommended.
More: Cesarean Sections
Posterior Presentation (The Passage)
The best position for your baby in labor is an occiput-anterior position with the back of the head (occiput) facing your front. If the back of the head faces your back (occipito-posterior), this can make it hard for the baby to turn and move down the birth canal and can prolong labor. The doctor may suggest that you change positions to encourage the baby to turn. If the baby fails to rotate, forceps or vacuum may be needed to aid the delivery.
A gynecoid pelvis is a name given to a pelvis that has a circular shape. The generous proportions of this more typical "female-shaped" pelvis provide room for the head to pass through during birth.
An android pelvis is a term used to describe a pelvis with a more triangular shape. This reduces the room available for the baby's head to pass through and is more likely to cause problems during vaginal delivery.
The good news is that the obstetrics community states that the shape and size of your pelvis have no bearing on fertility or your ability to become pregnant.
A gynecoid pelvis is the name given to a pelvis that has a circular shape. The generous proportions of this more typical "female-shaped" pelvis provides room for the head to pass through during the birth.
Android pelvis
An android pelvis is the term used to describe a pelvis that has a more triangular shape. This reduces the room available for the baby's head to pass through and is more likely to cause problems during vaginal delivery.
What is synesthesia and how synesthetes experience the world
Synesthesia is a neurological phenomenon in which sensations from one sense organ also appear in another. Synesthetes can see smells, hear colors, letters and numbers also have shades for them. Afisha Daily talked to people who live with this feature, and also learned from a synesthesia researcher how it works.
“I know what my illness looks like”
At 14, I didn’t know this word [synesthesia] yet, but I could, for example, taste a cloud (damp, cold) or the road - it’s too hard, to chew it. I could mentally lick a post, sniff a cat without touching it.
I saw the colors of letters almost before I learned how to pronounce them. Jealousy smells like socks. Fear of money loss - red-brown toothy funnel in the lower abdomen. And admiration for beauty is an emotion that has an “angelic” light red hue that does not exist in the earthly spectrum. I know what my disease looks like Wegener's granulomatosis (an autoimmune disease, inflammation of the walls of blood vessels. - Note ed. ) is a black, rusty tractor.
Sometimes I dream of colors that don't exist in nature . They have their own density, their quantum particles, temperature and sound are felt. In reality, I have poor eyesight - the left eye sees 10% due to nerve atrophy, and the vision in the right eye after replacing the lens is defined as minus two. Therefore, watching dreams is a great pleasure for me.
Then I noticed that I get a very peculiar feeling from people: a person is a big lump of everything, where there is color, and sound, and heat, and pressure. Feeling this energy is unpleasant because of the contradictions in their own emotions. Due to my hypersensitivity, I got very tired at school, suffered from a headache from lack of sleep, because during the night the brain did not have time to process all the information.
I can’t be in public transport for more than two hours, because after the trip I feel something stuck on my skin, finely vibrating, orange.
I immediately want to wash, because it seems to pull everything out from under the skin.
I discovered by chance that I can draw what I feel from a person. For example, color spots, the meaning of which I then decipher in the form of emotions.
Synesthesia made me learn to treat myself and people carefully and subtly, to love them. See causes, connections, internal motives and contradictions. Otherwise, it is simply impossible to live with such a perception - you can simply burst like a balloon. An ordinary person is thick-skinned, like an elephant in a china shop, and you need to do everything gently and carefully. Synesthetics are like smartphones of a new model among push-button Nokia : too thin, fragile, they do not hold a charge well, they cannot hammer nails and dig holes.
“I think with several senses”
I have an auric type of feature, or rather, hyperesthesia, that is, acute synesthesia. It consists in the fact that I see people in lines and ornaments. All of them are different colors, detailed and individual for each person. I can also see the state of a person with a line, so part of my feature is related to empathy.
As a child, I studied at an art school - then I noticed my peculiarity. Five years ago, it aggravated due to severe stress and even began to torment me. For example, I noticed that the smell of photos and paintings prevents me from depicting what I want (I was fond of photography). People around me began to notice a special color rendering and even accused me of mental disorders and drug addiction . Later, I made my own photo technique out of this. That is, I depict lines and ornaments of people from my head, this is how I see their portrait.
At some point, synesthesia made me feel like a light faint and a state of overload. There were sensations as if you were expanding and dissolving in space. They appear involuntarily, so it is important to control yourself. Because of this, self-knowledge, a dialogue with oneself occurs. If you stop the process of creativity or contemplation and switch your attention to something else, it is no longer so aggravated. For example, I compose poetry, pour out emotions on paper.
The habit of being different in some way appeared in my childhood due to isolation, which I do not have now. Often I want to be ordinary, because everyone needs understanding from the outside, and it is not always there in my life. When I am in the company of people like me, I feel at ease. My love for peculiarity puts all inconveniences in the background.
"They ask me to 'sniff out' someone they know"
My great-grandmother was a synesthetic. I found this out after I learned about the phenomenon. But parents, grandparents do not have this feature.
In my second year of university, I began to compare teachers with geometric figures, and my classmates were very surprised at this. In a circle of friends, she told me how I see people's emotions - with colors and smells - but everyone considered it abnormal. Now I'm considered special.
Synesthesia for me is something like a brain upgrade, when you can see, hear, feel more than you really do.
For example, I see the colors of letters and numbers: one is white, two has always been green, I associate five with red, and nine with magenta. The same with the letters: O is blue, E is purple, and Yu is multi-colored. The consonants are divided into groups. M, H, R, L are dark blue, and W, W, D, C, D are blue.
The days of the week are also colored differently. On Monday I see light blue, on Thursday - blue, and Friday, oddly enough, I have red. I also see the colors of emotions, and sometimes even smell or taste them. For example, when a person lies, I smell tar and see black spots around him, and if he rejoices, there will be a bright yellow color. If someone is sad or worried, then a dirty green, marsh color appears around him. Bad emotions are felt stronger than good ones .
I am often asked to sniff out someone I know. I try to name the color and what emotions it evokes. Strange, of course, but it works, and I almost always "predict" correctly.
But I listen to music only with deep low sounds - for example, cello or low piano keys. Because these sounds are blue, purple and green. If the song is orange, red or yellow, with short and high sounds, then most likely I will not like it.
Due to synesthesia, I can easily recall phone numbers from memory. I remember not only the numbers, but also the color range that was present in the sequence of these numbers. At the same time, I do not perceive text well by ear, because sounds cause color associations, and I am distracted from words. If I want to understand the meaning of a song or remember a lecture, I definitely need to have the text in front of my eyes.
Learning foreign languages is difficult, because there are completely different associative arrays, it is difficult to compare them with existing ones . I have been learning English for 12 years: first at school, then at the university, in various circles. But I can’t say anything but the simplest keywords.
Who are synesthetes
Synesthetes are approximately four percent of the total population of the Earth. Most often they are women. Some colleagues explain this fact not by sexual dimorphism (anatomical differences between representatives of different sexes of the same biological species. - Note ed. ), but by confusion during the recruitment of research participants: women simply report their features more often.
Synesthete understands many things differently: the world around him causes an additional reaction in him in the form of color, taste and / or touch. For example, letters or numbers can evoke the sensation of colors, the sounds of speech can evoke a taste in the mouth, and the days of the week and months can be spatially arranged.
How synesthetes think
Several studies have shown that synesthetes have a high permeability of psychological boundaries. They easily move from thinking to intuition, from memory to fantasy (and vice versa), from one emotion and feeling to another. This is not a plus or a minus, but an individual style of manifestation of neurocognitive functioning.
As Vladimir Nabokov (himself a synesthete) intuitively spoke about synesthesia in his autobiographical work “Memory, Speak”: “The confession of a synesthete will be called pretentious and boring by those who are protected from such seeps and drains by denser partitions than I am protected. ”
Is it possible to pretend to be a synesthete
Synesthetic connections cannot be explained by experiences or memorized associations. Unlike fantasy, synesthesia is more schematic, arises involuntarily due to additional neural interactions in the brain, and does not change over the years. Therefore, it is very easy to catch a person in a lie. If you boast that you have a large family, but cannot quickly name the names of each of your relatives, then you are unlikely to tell the truth. We [researchers] apply the same principle to "candidates for synesthetes." We take into account the reaction time, the sequence and accuracy of answers when pointing to shades of colors. You can also check the trickster with instrumental studies, for example, with the help of MRI. A tomography shows unusual brain activity (metabolic activity). In synesthesia, it differs in those areas that are responsible for the perception of color, in particular, in the visual cortex.
Can synesthesia be considered a mental trait? That is, this is not a disease, but a feature of neurocognitive functioning and a special sensitivity to verbality, musicality and writing, depending on the type of synesthesia.

It is impossible to learn this. It needs a predisposition, because experiences in synesthesia are not just associations. For example, the colors of letters are not memories or images born of experience, but an internal reaction. I did an experiment in which participants were presented with a situation with an imaginary eight-day week, with a fictitious day located between Thursday and Friday. They “got used” to such a schedule by filling out the calendar and solving tasks for organizing affairs for the week. As a result, synesthetes had a reaction to this fictional day in color. It did not differ in any way from other, real days of the week. It is important that the stimulus appeared in an unpredictable color that had no analogues around. These synesthetic colors, generated by the brain itself, are often called Martian.
tell your friends
brainsynesthesiamind and feelings
Vladimir Nabokov
I don't want to fight.

Petr Kovalev / TASS
On the morning of September 21, Vladimir Putin announced the start of a “partial mobilization” of Russians. Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu promised to mobilize about 300,000 reservists, but mentioned that in general Russia has a "huge mobilization resource" - almost 25 million people. Already on the day the decree was signed, the Russians began to receive subpoenas en masse. Meduza spoke with a military lawyer from the Coalition of Russian Human Rights Defenders for Consciously Refusing Military Service about what can be done to avoid ending up in a war.
— What should those who do not want to go to war do now? Is there an option to leave?
— I cannot give universal legal legal advice. It is impossible to decide for a person how best to act: to emigrate, to stay and hide, or to send an application to the military registration and enlistment office with a request to replace military service for mobilization with the performance of civil duties, which is legal under the Constitution. What strategy to choose now, only the citizen himself can decide, because any person in the reserve can be sent to the troops and there are no effective mechanisms for protecting the right not to fight.
In regular conscription (without [announced] mobilization), a person can apply for alternative service, if they refuse, appeal in court. [With unannounced mobilization] there are procedural guarantees against abuse and the possibility of protecting one's right. With the mobilization of all these guarantees, there are no: when a person is already delivered to the military registration and enlistment office, appealing the decision of the draft commission on mobilization in court may be ineffective, because the person will already be in the troops at that time. They will not wait for the court to decide something. The appearance in the military enlistment office of a person who has anti-war convictions that contradict the performance of military service, on the agenda for mobilization, threatens that his right will be ignored. Under these conditions, according to the Constitution, every citizen has the right to protect his rights by all means not prohibited by law.
- Today, many Russians have already received subpoenas. What should those people who have already found themselves in the military registration and enlistment office do?
- If a person is already in the military enlistment office, only he can defend himself. Neither the court, nor the prosecutor, nor the lawyer will be able to defend his rights. A person decides: is he ready to defend his convictions, refuse to sign a military ID, put on a uniform, undergo a medical examination, take up arms, shave, cut his hair. If a person stubbornly defends his rights, despite the threat of criminal liability, then he may be able to get out of the draft commission for mobilization. The worst thing that threatens him is a criminal liability of up to two years in prison
— Is it possible to leave now to avoid being drafted?
- The law "On mobilization training and mobilization in the Russian Federation" states that when mobilization is announced to citizens who are registered with the military - not only to those who are in the reserve and are subject to mobilization, but also to conscripts, students with deferrals, women with military registration specialties - leaving the place of residence is prohibited. Conventionally, it is also impossible to move in a grandmother to another area. Sanctions on this score have not been established, but this can be considered as a violation of the rules of military registration.
Emigration is a separate issue. Changing the place of residence and going abroad are different legal concepts. It would seem that one cannot travel abroad without changing one's place of residence. On the one hand, this is true, but the law on the procedure for entry and exit from the Russian Federation contains an exhaustive list of grounds on which exit from Russia may be restricted. And there is no reason according to which if a person is prohibited from leaving the place of residence, then he is also prohibited from leaving the country. The law on entry and exit states that the right to exit can only be restricted for those who are called up for military or alternative civilian service. That is, those who are already called up, and not those who are subject to conscription and mobilization.
- That is, until a person has been given a summons, he can leave?
— Yes. Until the moment when he was given a summons to be sent to the troops.
- Does it matter which country to go to now?
- From the point of view of the law, it makes no difference where to go. In practice, you can travel to the countries of the Customs Union without a passport: Belarus, Kazakhstan, Armenia. There is even no control over crossing the border during customs or inspection. There are no obstacles with this.
It is theoretically possible to travel to other countries. They should be allowed in there, because the law on entry and exit does not provide that you can restrict exit due to the fact that a person is in reserve. The application of the law may vary, especially in such military environments. Leaving the place of residence can be interpreted as a ban on leaving Russia, but so far there is no such law.
- What will happen to those who decide to sit out wartime, let's say, in a village?
- Everyone has the right to protect their rights in ways not prohibited by law. It is not forbidden to sit in the village and not contact the state. Often the actual address of residence differs from the address of permanent registration. Conscripts have an obligation to notify [the military registration and enlistment office] of a new address, they must register at their actual address of residence. But for failure to fulfill these duties, administrative responsibility is provided as for failure to comply with the rules of military registration.
Of course, the strategy of hiding from the state may be due to the fact that there are no other effective methods of protecting one's right not to fight. It is difficult to predict how successful it will be, but it is natural that the paws of the military registration and enlistment office will not reach everyone, given that those who are in reserve are much more than those who can be called up [actually].
Not running in the front ranks [to the draft board on your own] is a completely understandable strategy. Nevertheless, a person with an anti-war position needs to be prepared that they can get to him. It is necessary that [he] write in advance in several copies a statement outlining his convictions, with an autobiography, and that he demand that this statement be accepted [at the military registration and enlistment office] and replace military service with an alternative one.
- If I am abroad, I received a summons and I do not appear at the military enlistment office, should I expect any consequences?
- Those who are constantly abroad are subject to deregistration, in which case they will not receive a summons. But not everyone does it, as provided by law. Then the subpoenas will come, but the person will not receive them personally under the signature - accordingly, no obligations will arise. Nothing can be charged for this, there are no illegal actions here. A person has the right to live abroad, be removed from the military register and not be subject to either conscription or mobilization.
- In the event of mobilization, do the powers of border guards expand, which will allow them not to let Russians liable for military service to pass or to check documents for a deferment?
- There are no legal acts that would fix such an extension [of the powers of border guards]. Perhaps in the future such instructions may be given for official use. Tomorrow they may issue a decree requiring permission from the military commissariat at the place of residence, because leaving the place of residence and leaving Russia are one and the same. But to date, this has not been announced. At the border, no permits from the place of residence and military IDs should be required.
- What if I'm in Russia and just running away from the recruiting office?
- If the subpoena is not served, then nothing will happen. But if a meticulous investigator decides to analyze such a case and establishes that when a person did not receive a summons, did not open the door for anyone, did not live at the place of permanent registration and did not report the place of permanent residence [to the military registration and enlistment office], he can see in this "evasion from call. "
There were practically no such cases, although before the mobilization hundreds of thousands of people fled from the army in this way. With mobilization, I think that this [draft evasion] will also be very difficult to prove that the purpose of such actions is precisely the evasion of mobilization. Therefore, now it cannot be said that mobilization is distinguished by some kind of repressive inducement to everyone who does not come to the military registration and enlistment offices. It is unlikely that someone [of the conscripts] will be imprisoned for such evasion.
Here are the military - yes. Given the new presidential decree, they have three options left: grow old in the war [that is, reach the age limit], lose their health, or go to prison. Now from the army you can only get to the zone.
- And if a person has a Russian residence permit, but does not have citizenship, will he also be called?
- No, he is not liable for military service. He may be called to serve voluntarily in contract service, where foreigners are actively recruited. But a person with a residence permit does not fall under conscription and mobilization.
— Can Russians with dual citizenship also be called up?
- Second citizenship does not affect [military duty] in any way. Even if a person somewhere in another state has already completed military service, in Russia he is not exempted from it - with the exception of citizens of Turkmenistan and Tajikistan. There is an agreement on mutual recognition of military service. And if someone served in Armenia or Belarus, and then received Russian citizenship, then all military service remains with him.
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- If I am now returning to Russia from abroad and, according to all the criteria, they can call me up, is it worth it to fear that I will immediately go to serve from the airport or train station?
- This, of course, is not provided for by law. Citizens are summoned by the summons of the military commissariat at the place of residence, study, work. Catching on the street, at the airport, at the train station is arbitrary and absolutely illegal. You can't hold a person. You can’t deliver him to the military commissariat, because this is not a basis for detention, even if you were given a summons.
— But is this possible in theory?
— Unfortunately, yes. Arbitrariness occurs, if there is any significant degradation of the legal system, then it can happen as it happened in the quasi-state republics - in the [self-proclaimed] DPR and LPR. This is lawlessness, when unrestricted power is engaged in lawlessness. Whether this will happen in Russia itself is difficult to predict. If you rely on the law, then this should not happen.
- How does the category of the reserve affect whether I am called or not?
- There are three categories of stock, they are distributed by age. The first category, privates up to 35 years old, are those who should be called up in the first place. People who are over 35 years old are called up in the second turn, but this order remains at the discretion of the officials of the military commissariat: they follow all the instructions that they receive from the command. Three hundred thousand [mobilized] is not a small number, so I don't think there will be any sort of order. Moreover, we do not know how many people they plan to call in reality.
— Do the same rules of deferral apply during mobilization? For example, for those who are currently studying.
- Again, there are two categories: for those who are enrolled in the reserve, deferrals are regulated by the law on mobilization. There are no delays in training, everything is very tough. A deferment can be given to those who have four children, if the person has relatives who require constant care, or if he is the guardian of a minor brother or sister.
If a citizen is not enrolled in the reserve, he is a conscript, then he enjoys a deferment under the law on compulsory military service, and there is a deferral for college students, bachelors, masters, graduate students, and these deferrals remain. But if a person is enlisted in the reserve, then he may not fall under these deferrals. For example, a student could be enrolled in the reserve for health reasons in the fitness category B - limited fit. People with this category are theoretically at risk of being called up for military service. Or a person may be a graduate student, but he is still in the reserve, because he has already reached the age of 27 and he has been enrolled in the reserve. Or he may be a graduate student, but he was trained at the military department, even when he studied at the bachelor's degree, master's degree, received the military rank of sergeant or lieutenant and was also enrolled in the reserve. In this case, he will no longer have the right to deferment, despite the fact that he is a graduate student.
— How will the military registration and enlistment offices deal with those who are eligible with restrictions?
- Depends on the medical examination. There is a gap in the regulation of who will not be called up for health reasons. Yes, obviously, everyone who has a category D (not eligible) [has the possibility of a delay]. As for those who are of limited fit, most likely they will watch. It is clear that it is unlikely that such people will be called up immediately, but theoretically they can in the future. If it is recognized that such a person now has an exacerbation of his chronic disease, then they will recognize him as temporarily unfit and will not be called up.
- Are there any ways to protect yourself from being sent to the front? There are people who are ready to wring their hands so as not to go to war. Can it work?
- If you break your arm or get a concussion and so on, you will be temporarily unfit for military service due to health reasons, including mobilization. In this case, a delay is given for up to six months.
- If a person at one time did not take his military ID from the military enlistment office, what will happen to him? Can he be called too?
— Can. This is not an obstacle, in which case a military ID will be issued. And if you lose it, it’s also not an obstacle: you turned 27, you were enrolled in the reserve - that’s all. The absence of a military ID is unlikely to be a serious obstacle to not being called. If the military registration and enlistment office reaches out, they will call even without a military ID.
— Does it make sense for those people who are subject to mobilization, but do not want to fight, to seek a lawyer in advance to help them challenge the summons? In what cases is this realistic?
- You see, there are not so many lawyers as there are people in reserve. Who has the opportunity to provide himself with qualified assistance - it is better to conclude an agreement with the defender and issue a notarized power of attorney for him to file administrative claims, appeal against the actions and decisions of the military commissariat, the Ministry of Defense, draft commissions for mobilization.
— What should people do who do not have the opportunity to contact lawyers?
- They can issue a notarized power of attorney for relatives - at least for parents, a girl, a wife, friends, a lawyer acquaintance, who, in the event that a citizen is forcibly drafted "out of lawlessness", will be able to apply to the military prosecutor's office, to the court, to demand from the court of preliminary measures of protection, suspension of the execution of the decision on conscription for military service for mobilization. Issuing a power of attorney for relatives is something that needs to be done, and something that can be very useful in order to protect the rights and interests of conscripts in case they are not released from the military registration and enlistment office, military unit or assembly point.
- If a citizen has a child or a pregnant wife, can he also be called?
- In this case, the conscripts may receive a deferral, but those who are in the reserve may not.
- What to do if the summons came to the "Gosuslugi"?
- Such a method of serving subpoenas is not provided for by law at all. And here it can be considered that the person did not receive any agenda at all: no one is obliged to go to their "Gosuslugi" [and check for the presence of the agenda]. You once created an account, then forgot the password from it. Read messages are recorded there or not, such a method, "know-how", is not provided for by law, it can be ignored. If [such a summons] is appealed, then [this will mean that the person is ready] to confirm that he has received the summons. So probably just ignore it. But keep in mind that the military registration and enlistment office is looking for you, and be ready to defend your convictions.
— Does a person generally have the right to challenge the subpoena through the court under conditions of mobilization? Through the military prosecutor's office?
- You can dispute the summons, you can submit an application and wait for a response and dispute the answer to the application. It depends on what is indicated in this agenda. In any case, this subpoena, if it is properly delivered, must be responded to by legal actions: filing an application, filing a complaint. You can file a lawsuit, but it will probably be difficult to write it. How does the delivery of the summons itself violate the rights of a citizen?
— And the fact that you are called up under the conditions of mobilization cannot be appealed either?
— The decision itself can be appealed. But it may be too late to appeal against it, because you can be immediately sent [to the troops]. Therefore, here, of course, there may be difficulties with an appeal in court. You can respond to the agenda with an application [for alternative civilian service], then the citizen receives a response to the application, and if this application says that you do not have the right to alternative civilian service and to replace military service with civilian duties, you are subject to mobilization, otherwise we will condemn you - then here is the answer, which, as it were, denies the right [to the ACS], it will be possible to appeal in court.
- If something has changed in your state of health: for example, a citizen served in the military at the age of 20, now he is 45, a summons has come, he is already ill with something, can the summons be appealed for health reasons?
— Of course. [For this] there may be two reasons - these are temporary health disorders, in connection with which a person should be declared unfit - category "G", and category D - "unfit" (this is about serious health problems - mental illness, HIV, drug addiction, alcoholism, severe forms of asthma, heart disease, diseases that cause pronounced persistent impairment of body functions). With these grounds, a person should also change the category of fitness and be removed from military registration.
In this case, if a person receives a summons, he needs to submit an application for a change in the eligibility category and attach certified copies of medical documents confirming the relevant diagnoses.
- If a person was called up, but he does not have medical documents on hand, is it possible to say about his illnesses at the medical examination and will this be taken into account?
- You can ask, but will this request be heard? Theoretically, of course, if a person has already been drafted into the army or is on a mobilization commission, he can apply in writing with a statement, write it in two copies right there - and state in the statement “I have such and such diseases, I am observed in such then medical organizations, I ask you to request information from there and not to call me for military service until this information is requested. But officials, unfortunately, may ignore such a statement. It is important to record this [the presence of diseases], write in duplicate, give one to the office of the military commissariat where the person will be. On the second, put a mark that was accepted [by the commissariat]. Or [give this application] to a specific official, he must sign there that he accepted the application, which reflects such and such a request. It is important to record all your requests.
That is, the first thing - if a person is at a collection point or in a commissariat, write a statement stating where he is observed, for what diseases, ask to demand this information. Secondly, if they have already been sent directly to the troops as a private, then write a report there on being sent for a military medical examination due to a deterioration in health, a request to conduct a military medical examination, demand a change in the category of fitness and early dismissal for health reasons.
- Is there any list of diagnoses that fit this application?
— Of course.