When did your morning sickness get better
When Does Morning Sickness Peak: Understanding Pregnancy Nausea
When Does Morning Sickness Peak: Understanding Pregnancy NauseaMedically reviewed by Fernando Mariz, MD — By Jacquelyn Cafasso — Updated on May 21, 2021
Morning sickness is common during pregnancy. The symptoms usually include nausea, vomiting, and aversion to certain foods. Despite its name, morning sickness can happen at any time of day.
If you’re pregnant, you may be wondering when you can expect to be done with the worst of your morning sickness. Different people will have different experiences, but there are some general time frames that you can expect morning sickness to peak.
Read on to learn more about morning sickness, when it peaks, and ways to help fight prenatal nausea.
Morning sickness is uncomfortable, but in general, it’s not dangerous. In most pregnant people, it goes away after the first trimester.
It typically begins around week 6 of pregnancy and subsides by the third or fourth month. The exact peak of morning sickness is different for every person, but it’ll generally be around week 9.
Some newer studies have been trying to assess when nausea and vomiting tends to generally start during a pregnancy. A 2021 study examined the anecdotal evidence of 256 women, and found that it may start earlier than was previously thought. This may align with specific developmental stages.
Nausea is the most common symptom of morning sickness. Some people also experience vomiting. You might notice that the nausea is worse when you encounter certain smells or when you eat certain types of foods. The particular nauseating food and odor is different for everyone.
At the peak of morning sickness, nausea and vomiting may be slightly worse and more frequent. However, it should still be mild. Many people find that they need to take it easy during the peak of morning sickness.
Hyperemesis gravidarum (HG) is an extreme form of morning sickness that results in severe nausea and vomiting during pregnancy. It’s rare, occurring in about 0.3 to 3 percent of pregnancies, and its exact cause isn’t yet known.
HG is different from the mild symptoms typically seen with morning sickness. Instead, it’s characterized by:
- nausea that doesn’t subside
- nausea accompanied by severe vomiting
- vomiting that causes severe dehydration
- losing more than 10 pounds or 5 percent of your body weight due to vomiting
- feeling lightheaded and dizzy
If untreated, HG can lead to dehydration and poor weight gain during pregnancy. In addition to potentially affecting a person’s quality of life, these factors can cause a serious risk of harm, growth issues, or even death of the fetus.
HG usually extends beyond the first trimester. It may resolve by the fifth month of pregnancy. For some people, it continues for the entire pregnancy.
Talk with your doctor if you’re vomiting many times each day and unable to eat or drink anything without being sick.
There’s no known way to prevent morning sickness, but there are ways to manage its symptoms.
Your doctor might suggest that you take a vitamin B6 supplement, antihistamine, or anti-nausea medication. Always talk with your doctor before taking any type of vitamin, herb, or medicine. Certain substances can harm your baby.
The following steps and lifestyle changes are recommended by the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) to help minimize nausea.
- Drink plenty of water.
- Take naps and rest often.
- Air out your home and workspace to eliminate nauseating scents.
- Eat small meals or just snacks throughout the day.
- Sip ginger ale or ginger tea.
- Take vitamins at night instead of during the day.
- Take care of your teeth, as vomiting can cause tooth issues.
- Don’t eat very spicy foods.
- Don’t eat very large meals.
- Don’t eat a lot of fatty or greasy foods.
- Don’t drink a lot of water or fluids with meals.
- Don’t lie down after eating.
- Don’t cook spicy or strong-smelling foods for yourself or other people.
Remembering that morning sickness usually goes away by the third or fourth month can help.
It might be difficult to eat nutrient-dense foods when you’re living with morning sickness, but try to have an eating plan with lots of vegetables and protein. Eat healthy fats like avocado and eggs, and be sure to drink lots of water.
Also try these 14 recipes to help ease morning sickness.
Last medically reviewed on May 20, 2021
- Parenthood
- Pregnancy
- 1st Trimester
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Current Version
May 21, 2021
Written By
Jacquelyn Cafasso
Edited By
Catherine Clark
Copy Edited By
Connor Rice
May 20, 2021
Medically Reviewed By
Fernando Mariz, MD
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Medically reviewed by Fernando Mariz, MD — By Jacquelyn Cafasso — Updated on May 21, 2021
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Study Finds the Time Frame Morning Sickness Is Most Likely to Start
Morning sickness is certainly one of the less fun aspects of pregnancy, especially since, unlike the name implies, it can strike at any time. But, while it’s a really common aspect of pregnancy, experts aren’t entirely sure what causes it. They believe it likely is related to a rush of hormones, including Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG), which lets your body know you’re pregnant. Now, one study has pinpointed the time frame in which morning sickness is likely to start and may be closer to determining a cause.
The study, conducted by researchers at the University of Warwick and published in the journal BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, looked at data, collected at the Clearblue Innovation Centre, from the daily symptom diaries of 256 pregnant women. They compared when the nausea started for each and their vomiting symptoms to the date of their last menstrual period, which is more commonly used to measure the start of pregnancy, and the date of ovulation, which is thought to be a more accurate starting point and determined by a urine test.
When using the date of ovulation, they found that most of the pregnant women began experiencing symptoms of morning sickness after 8 to 10 days, as compared to 20 to 30 days if they used the date of the last menstrual period. They believe that using the ovulation date not only pinpoints the timeframe that symptoms start, but also shows that symptoms may start sooner than previous research has shown.
"The precise course of pregnancy sickness is unknown, but this research shows that it occurs at a specific developmental stage, in a specific time slot. For researchers it narrows our focus in terms of where we look for the cause. If we know that symptoms occur in a very narrow window 8-10 days after ovulation, researchers can concentrate their efforts on that particular stage of development to find the cause of the condition, both anatomically and biochemically,” lead author and professor Roger Gadsby of Warwick Medical School said in a release. “In the past, women suffering with nausea and vomiting in pregnancy have had their symptoms trivialised and overlooked because it was thought there was a psychological basis for the symptoms. This research further reinforces that nothing could be further from the truth, that this is a biological problem related to the development of the early fetus.”
For most women, morning sickness starts to end by 12 to 14 weeks of pregnancy, but some experience it more severely, as is the case in hyperemesis gravidarum, in which the symptoms can continue throughout the pregnancy.
The researchers also found that 94 percent of women experienced symptoms of morning sickness, which was higher than the 80 percent previous research calculated. They believe this likely because they used data from all the participants from up to 60 days after their last menstrual period, while previous studies may have asked pregnant women to recall symptoms after they were already pregnant.
“What we’ve shown is that more people get symptoms of pregnancy sickness than has ever been shown before, and one of the reasons for that is that this research has picked up mild early symptoms that tend to fade by 7-8 weeks,” Gadsby said. “In other studies those symptoms would have faded by the time the research started.”
Previous research from the same team has also concluded that the term “morning sickness” should be replaced with “pregnancy sickness,” as it can occur at any time of the day and avoids trivializing the condition.
Please note: The Bump and the materials and information it contains are not intended to, and do not constitute, medical or other health advice or diagnosis and should not be used as such. You should always consult with a qualified physician or health professional about your specific circumstances.
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Pregnancy Week by Week
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Why do you feel sick in the morning on an empty stomach
Nausea in the morning on an empty stomach is most common in pregnant women due to intoxication, but it is not uncommon for males or even children to have this problem
Do not worry too much if you have encountered such a problem once, it is likely that this is a banal poisoning. But, if nausea in the morning on an empty stomach does not go away, you should immediately consult a doctor. Some people are used to dealing with this problem with folk remedies and medicines and they really get better, but it is worth considering that most likely the disease or pathology itself continues to develop. And as a result, it will turn into a more serious form. That is why it is so important to consult a doctor who will find out the cause of morning sickness and prescribe the most effective treatment.
Possible diseases
Most often, morning sickness on an empty stomach may indicate the presence of the following diseases: unpleasant symptoms. This is due to inflammatory processes in the duodenum 12. The patient can also be tormented by: burning, bloating during and after eating, heartburn.
Other causes of nausea in the morning
After excluding the above diseases from the list of causes, the following causes can be considered:
- Pregnancy.
Intoxication and nausea in the morning is often found in pregnant women, especially in the early stages. This is a normal reaction of the body to significant changes and hormonal changes. It is very important to completely exclude drugs for the treatment of the digestive tract during pregnancy. These funds can have an extremely negative impact on the health of the patient, the unborn child and the course of pregnancy. Therefore, you will have to endure this ailment and get by with folk remedies, but be sure to consult your doctor.
- Migraine. Morning sickness on an empty stomach may precede a severe headache. You will most likely still feel a lot of noise and increased sensitivity to smells.
- High blood pressure (hypertension). The problem of morning sickness can be accompanied by headache and dizziness. If you do not pay attention to these symptoms in a timely manner, you risk starting this disease, which in turn can lead to a stroke.
- Cardiovascular disease - rarely, nausea on an empty stomach occurs with heart failure or developing myocardial infarction.
If nausea is accompanied by pain, a feeling of heaviness and tightness behind the sternum, numbness or tingling in one half of the body, it is necessary to seek medical help as soon as possible, as this may be an incipient myocardial infarction.
- Increased intracranial pressure - Nausea and regurgitation in infants can occur when pressure increases inside the ventricles of the brain.
What to do if you feel sick in the morning
It is important to understand that regular morning sickness is a signal of the presence of a pathology or disease and it is highly undesirable to self-medicate. Be sure to consult a doctor for an examination, but if you don’t have such an opportunity at the moment, there are several effective ways that will help reduce or temporarily get rid of this problem:
- Medicines. You need to be very careful and you must be sure that morning sickness is not the cause of pregnancy or an intestinal disease.
- Ginger root, mint and lemon drinks.
You can make infusions of these products for maximum effect, simply by adding them to a glass and boiling water, after 15 minutes you will have a very effective and safe (in the absence of allergies) remedy for morning sickness. YOU can also just add them to hot tea.
- Medicinal collection - if nausea relentlessly torments you in the morning, you can try a collection of mint, oak bark and celandine. To prepare the drink, take 1 tsp of mint leaves, dried oak bark and chopped celandine, pour 0.5 l of boiling water and boil in a water bath for 10 minutes. After the broth is cooled and filtered, take 1 tablespoon 3-5 times a day before meals.
- During pregnancy. There are some little tricks you can use. For example, do not get out of bed quickly, drink plenty of fluids. Eliminate fatty and heavy foods from your diet. Eat small meals several times a day.
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– Yes, that Jamie Bowers seems to be the real deal! Mrs. Popova agreed.
Scotty sighed and shook her head.
- You're right, but after the day when an angry Alex broke into my cabin, I never thought about Jamie Bowers again.
The housekeeper suddenly fell silent. They finished the dishes, and when everything was cleaned, the kittens were fed, and the kitchen was in order, Scottie McDowell went to bed.
Scotty entered the darkened room, frustrated that the evening had lost its charm since Jamie's arrival. What a wonderful time she had with Alex's friends! And it seemed to her that they would look down on her, laugh at her, and no matter how Camilla Janus dissuaded her, Scotty stood her ground. Now she gladly admitted that she was wrong.
As Scotty was taking off her dress, a strange thought occurred to her. Where will she put on her new dresses, which she really liked, after returning to the valley?
Most likely, he will leave his entire wardrobe in this room for Katya's next teacher, although he will do so with a heavy heart. She is already used to the new clothes and loves them. Scotty sighed sadly, ran her hand gently over the soft fabric, and hung the dress in the closet.
As she took off her undershirt, Scottie McDowell flinched and winced as the thin fabric grazed her nipples. For the past few weeks, her chest has been hurting. The sensation was about the same as before menstruation. Strange, very strange... She took off her petticoats and pantaloons and threw them on a chair by the bed. Before putting on her nightgown, Scotty turned on the lamp and went to the mirror.
Carefully looking at her reflection, she lightly ran her fingers over her chest and sighed. I'm sure my period is about to start.
Scotty turned and looked down at her tiny belly. For a long time she no longer experienced such a sensation before the onset of menstruation, as if her stomach were swollen. However, the last time she had her period was a few months ago. Well, nervous tension caused by a sudden change in life is to blame for everything.
Scottie looked at herself in the mirror again, running her hands lightly over her thighs and the silky hairs below her belly.
Suddenly, a soft sound was heard from behind. Scotty shuddered in fear, grabbed her nightgown from the table and held it to her chest. Then she looked in the mirror again and saw Alex sitting in the shade. Her heart was beating wildly like a captured bird. She hastily dressed.
- Don't you think it's a little late to cover up, Scotty? Alexander Golovin asked hoarsely.
She could hardly hear him, her heart was beating so loudly.
Scotty realized that she had done another stupid thing: like the last fool, she was spinning in what her mother gave birth in front of the mirror, and he sat all this time in the corner and did not take his eyes off her.
- Sorry. I didn’t mean to… I mean,” she amended, forcing herself to calm down, “what are you doing in my room? Hiding in a dark corner like a sly old coyote and peeping. – Voice, fortunately, ceased to tremble.
Scotty saw in the mirror how Alex got up and slowly walked towards her. She held her breath, afraid her heart would burst out of her chest. Golovin put his hands on her shoulders. She felt him trembling all over and closed her eyes, fighting the urge to snuggle up to him with all her might.
- When was the last time you had your period, Scotty? He startled her with a question.
Scotty quickly opened her eyes. Here's what you didn't expect! Of course, now she should have caustically asked what he cares about, but she was so stunned that she forgot not only about sarcasm, but about everything else in the world.
– Well… some time passed, of course. I don't know for sure... Moving to the city is to blame. Life here is completely different compared to the valley ... And my nerves are all the time strained.
- Do you really believe what you say? Alex whispered in her ear.
The girl frowned and tried to concentrate. However, this proved to be very difficult, since his closeness made her dizzy and she could think of nothing but him.
“Of course I do,” Scottie muttered with difficulty. – What else could it be?
He let go of her shoulders and slid his palms along her arms, lightly touching her breasts - the nipples instantly swelled and turned into hard buds. She caught her breath, her knees buckling as Alex touched her belly.
"God, Alex," she whispered hoarsely, "what are you doing to me?"
– Have you still not guessed what is happening to your body? He answered a question with a question.
She was overwhelmed with desire. How I wanted to snuggle up to him...
– What... what is happening to him? - My ears were ringing, my head was spinning.
- I'm afraid you're pregnant.
Scottie McDowell straightened up, dazed, the desire instantly vanished. She stood and stared at herself in the mirror. Alex walked away, but the girl didn't even notice. She fearfully touched her chest, squeezed her waist and ran her hand over her slightly swollen stomach. Pregnant.
– Oh my God, Alex, what are you talking about? How the hell do you know?
He slightly raised his black devilish eyebrows and shrugged his shoulders.
- Scotty, do you really think I would talk about it if I wasn't sure?
“But…but,” the girl muttered in confusion, “how are you so sure?
Golovin went even further.
“Remember, you used to throw up every morning…
“But that was before, now the nausea is gone,” Scotty retorted. – Now I have a brutal appetite, and I'm hungry all the time.
- Pregnant morning sickness usually goes away after a few months, Scotty.
- Well... well, okay. But nausea is not the only sign of pregnancy, she clung to the straw of hope with all her might.
Alex sighed and rubbed his face with his hands.
- Your breasts are swollen and your nipples are tender, right?
- It always happens to me before . .. before menstruation. - What nonsense? He just wants to scare her!
- I'm asking you again, Scotty. When was the last time you had your period?
For a split second, Scottie closed her eyes tightly and tried to remember. It was only now that she was seized with real panic.
- Right after... after Christmas.
What month is it now, Scotty?
Scottie stared into the mirror with a blank stare. Terrible thoughts interfered with concentration.
– Almost May, right?
- Yes, almost May.
Scotty knew he was angry because of her stubbornness, but she didn't want to give up.
“But…but, Alex,” she whispered, “we…we only did it once.
Alex waved his hand hopelessly and wearily walked towards the door.
– Are you really that naive? Oh Lord, my girl, in order to get pregnant, and you need something once.
Scotty took a few steps with difficulty. Her legs gave way, and she collapsed on the bed exhausted. You have to ask a million questions to him. .. and to yourself. What is going on anyway? She looked at Alex. He looked thoughtfully and angrily at her.
Scotty looked away and studied the floor carefully. She soared in seventh heaven with happiness. Why, she's carrying Alex's baby inside her! But at the same time, she was terrified: what if he would reject her? There was one question she still had to ask before he left.
- Alex?..
- What? He already grabbed the doorknob. She flinched at the sound of his angry voice.
- I... this will not affect our contract in any way? Can I still manage the hotel when it's built? - Now she doubly needs a hotel - she must work and raise a child. She almost begged him, but does that matter now? After all, she had a new meaning in life - the child she is carrying ... if, of course, Alex was telling the truth.
Golovin snorted hoarsely, as if out of breath, and opened the door.
“Of course,” he answered in a tone of indifference. “Why on earth should I care what you do after you leave my house.
Alex went out and quietly closed the door behind him. Scotty stared at the closed door for a long time and sighed sadly. She really wanted him not to be indifferent to her fate. The cool night air finally made her crawl under the covers. She curled up into a ball and covered her stomach with her hands.
Scottie McDowell was happy about her pregnancy... if she really was pregnant. True, she was embarrassed by one circumstance. How did he know about her pregnancy, if she herself did not even know about it. After all, it was about her, about her own body! Shouldn't she be the first to know that she's carrying his child?
Scotty pulled the covers up to her chin and tried to convince herself that Alex didn't know about these things. He sneaked into her room and hid in a dark corner to watch her undress. Silly! I put together a few little riddles that had been troubling her lately - a sick stomach and aching chest pain - and suddenly decided that she was pregnant. The other answers seemed meaningless and not even worth thinking about, as the thought of them brought more pain.
Chapter 14
The next morning, Scotty McDowell was in for a wonderful surprise. She opened her eyes and saw that the whole room was flooded with warm sunlight. Tiny dust particles danced merrily in the bright rays, the sun shone in the sky.
Throwing back the covers, Scotty got out of bed and went to the window. She suddenly felt dizzy and had to grab onto the frame to keep from falling. The last doubt that she was pregnant disappeared. Alex is right. Last night, just before bed, Scotty had come to terms with the idea that she was pregnant. After thinking it over, she admitted that there was a lot of meaning in Alex's words: morning sickness, bouts of brutal appetite at night, aching chest pain and a slightly enlarged waist, all explained by pregnancy. Scotty tossed and turned until midnight, trying to find a way out of this situation, but fell asleep without coming to a decision.
Scottie McDowell pulled back the curtains and looked out over the city in glorious sunlight. From the window of the room there was a view of part of the bay. The bright sun reflected off the water, shimmering like precious stones. Scotty shook her head. How can you live in San Francisco for years and see the sun only in fits and starts, on rare holidays?
Probably, she thought, we should take Katya outside before the capricious sun hid behind dark clouds. Scotty dressed quickly and left the room.
Holding her skirts with one hand so as not to trip, and with the other trying to put her hair in a crown at the back of her head, she ran down the stairs. Mrs. Popova peeked out into the corridor and immediately disappeared into the kitchen, for some reason not even deigning Scotty with a glance. When Scotty entered the kitchen, the housekeeper came out the back door, holding Basil Peters's hand and speaking quickly to him.
Scotty sensed something was wrong and frowned. She walked quickly to the window and saw them round the corner of the house. What's happening?
She turned and saw that Katya was staring at her with huge eyes and absentmindedly stroking the kitten lying on her lap.
- What's wrong, honey? The girl's silence alarmed Scotty even more, and she hurriedly knelt down in front of the wheelchair. “Did Basil do something, upset Mrs. Popov somehow?” Or did your dad find out we're teaching him to read? - Katya slowly shook her head, and the girl asked again: - Then what happened?
Are you marrying dad, Scotty?
Even if the girl had hit Scotty on the head with a rock, she wouldn't have surprised her the way she surprised her with her unexpected question.
– Wh… what did you say? she muttered in amazement.
Katya fidgeted in her chair.
- Poppy said you were marrying dad. She sent Basil to Holy Trinity Church for a priest.
Stunned, Scotty pressed her fingers to her temples. Marry Alex? Oh my God, it looks like Katya was hit on the head!
Not wanting to scare the girl with a harsh response, Scottie McDowell took a deep breath and tried to control herself.
– Where is your dad now, Katya?
Katya Golovina looked at the kitten, who was playing on her knees with the belt from her dress.
- Probably in his office.
Scotty nodded at the girl:
– Please, my child, stay here. Read... or play with the kittens. I'll be back in a minute.
Scottie McDowell resolutely approached the office and, without bothering to knock, flung open the door. Alexander Golovin, that self-confident type, raised his head indifferently when the door crashed against the wall, and calmly returned to what he had been doing before her arrival. Clearly, her excitement does not move him at all.
- What the hell did you say to your daughter? The girl exclaimed in a voice trembling with anger.
Golovin raised his head and smiled politely.
- Oh, good morning, Scotty! Slept well? She walked over to the table and put her hands on her hips.
- Just don't talk to me! What nonsense are you telling everyone? Who told you that we are getting married?
Alex calmly leaned back in his chair.
“Ah, my dear, your tongue is as sweet as a meadow strewn with cow cakes,” he answered kindly.
- Well? - blushing, the girl muttered, intending to achieve the truth at all costs. "So what did you say there?"
Alexander Golovin grew serious and looked at her with narrowed eyes.
- You're pregnant, Scotty, and you're carrying my baby. I decided to do something that would benefit all parties involved.
For a moment, like the last fool, she hoped to hear a declaration of love, but this moment immediately disappeared.
– Don't you think it wouldn't hurt to ask me first? Or did you consider it beneath your dignity to come to me before telling everyone else? She sighed irritably and began pacing quickly up and down in front of his desk. – Alex, for some reason it always seemed to me that the bride should be the first to know about her wedding.
Golovin shifted in his chair.
- I'm sorry that you found out about this before I told you everything myself. Believe me, I was going to come to you.
Scotty laughed caustically:
– Is that so? Was he going to come and tell me we were going to be husband and wife?
- No, not like that. He frowned at the girl. “I was about to offer you a new deal.
The words, so short and dry, stung like a snake. He didn't even bother to pretend he had any warm feelings for her. Alex was worried about his child, which she carried in her, and she, as always, did not give a damn about her.
- What if I don't want any new deal?
Alexander Golovin began sorting through the papers lying on the table.
What's done is done, Scotty. Now it's too late to talk about it.
What a scoundrel he is! Self-confident villain! Tyrant...
- Oh, Mr. Fashion Lawyer from San Francisco, I don't want a baby bed wedding...
- What did you say? He leaned forward and gave her a haughty look.
- I don't want a wedding that happens just because I'm pregnant. Scotty clenched her fists even tighter to stop her trembling.
Golovin leaned back in his chair again and looked at her attentively. With every second, his eyes darkened more and more.
- I don't think you have a choice.
- So you don't think so, do you? Scottie could feel her anger bursting through her and threatening to break free. “Who are you to say whether I have a choice or not?” You cannot deal with your own life, but you climb into someone else's. If you want to know, I had a great life until the day you broke into my life and turned it upside down…” Suddenly the room swirled, black dots dancing before her eyes, and Scottie leaned wearily against the table. Alex jumped up and carefully helped her sit on a chair.
- See? Scottie McDowell yelled angrily. - See what you've done? He pissed me off and I almost fainted. And let me tell you, Alexander Golovin, that I have never fainted in my life.
She didn't resist when he made her lower her head. A minute later, Scotty felt better. When she looked up, she could see the worry on his face before he got up and returned to his seat at the table.
- I already said that you ruined my life. So you hope in vain that you can tell me what to do and what not to do. I have my own head on my shoulders.
- I noticed that! Golovin said dryly. Scotty ignored the witticism.
- Then why didn't you ask me before making a decision?
- Once again I apologize for what happened. I was going to talk to you. But the decision has already been made, Scotty, and there is no going back! Alex spoke without taking his eyes off her. A muscle twitched in his cheek.
- Hell no! I'd rather raise a child myself than marry such a scoundrel and scoundrel as you! Scotty suddenly felt very hot.
Golovin replied with a cold smile.
- Before you leave this room, Miss McDowell... Nova Scotia, isn't it?.. Maybe you'll think about what awaits you if you are going to raise a child yourself. Especially if this child does not have a father.
"It's okay, I'll live somehow," Scotty muttered uncertainly. “It will be worse for a child to grow up in a house without love, where parents do nothing but swear at each other.
Alex never took his eyes off her. He suddenly turned pale.
- Illegitimate children get nothing but grief out of life, Scotty.
She carefully looked at his face and was not surprised to see a stern gleam in his eyes.
"Perhaps he won't be illegitimate," she breathed.
“Of course not,” he chuckled. - After all, we're getting married.
Scottie McDowell stood up and gathered her strength before delivering the final blow.
- I already have one marriage proposal. And you know, now I'm more and more inclined to accept it, because, unlike yours, it was made without any deals, out of love.
The blow hit right on target. Alexander Golovin's face froze like granite.
- This Scottish bandit will never raise my child! he said decisively. Don't threaten me, Scotty. See if you don't regret it later.
Alex spoke softly, but his words were more frightening than even the loudest scream.
As brave as Scotty was, she involuntarily backed away from the table. Yes, she will regret it, in this he is right. He is stronger than her. And she had never seen so much cynical pleasure in his eyes.
Scotty swallowed the lump in her throat and said softly:
“You can pay me a salary, but other than money, I don’t depend on you anymore, Alexander Golovin.
- But things will change today, Nova Scotia McDowell.
Unable to find a devastating answer, Scotty turned and ran out of the room, slamming the door behind her.
Alex slammed his fist on the table with all his might. The little witch threatened to marry that scoundrel Jamie Bowers, and before that she made it clear that life with him would not be much different from life in hell. An unfamiliar and incomprehensible feeling appeared in my chest. She didn't seem to love him. He could somehow come to terms with this, but at the thought that someone else would raise his child, Golovin's blood boiled in his veins, his chest seemed to be squeezed in a vise.
And when Alex thought that in a difficult moment Scotty would turn to Bowers for help, he was overwhelmed with insane jealousy.