Six months old milestones
Your baby's developmental milestones at 6 months
Everything you need to know about your growing 6-month-old.
At 6 months, your baby will start using sounds to express emotion. She/he may mimic sounds she/he hears, like "ma,” “da,” “ah,” “oh" and even "no!" Your little one will begin to recognize familiar faces, reach and grasp for toys and will soon be crawling — start preparing your home (and yourself) for a mobile child!
Get ready by removing any sharp, breakable or electric objects from the child’s reach, locking closets with dangerous liquids or supplies (or putting them in a safe place far out of your child’s reach), and closing windows to ensure your child’s safety.
Social and emotional |
Language and communication |
Brain development |
Movement and physical development |
Food and nutrition |
Things to look out for |
Tips and resources |
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Social and emotional milestones at 6 months
Some of the ways you’ll see your little one learning to connect with the people around him at 6 months.
- Is usually happy and responds to the emotions of others.
- Starting to differentiate between familiar faces and strangers.
- Enjoys playing with you and others.
- Has fun looking at himself in a mirror.
Tips for parents
- Talk to your baby about what is going on around him in a sweet tone.
- Include a child-friendly or plastic mirror with his toys so he can watch his movements.
- Start playing more body games like peek-a-boo.
Language and communication milestones at 6 months
How your baby is expressing her needs.
- Will recognize and respond to her name.
- Puts vowel sounds together and likes taking turns saying them with you. She is starting to make some consonant sounds, too.
- Will respond to noises by making sounds.
- Is making sounds to show positive and negative emotions.
Tips for parents
- Engage in playful conversations with your baby: Create a serve-and-return interaction by repeating back to her the sounds she makes.
- Familiarize your baby with her name by using it frequently.
Brain development milestones at 6 months
Your child’s brain is growing!
- He is curious: He looks at objects nearby and tries to grab ones that are out of reach.
- He passes things from one hand to the other and brings his hands to his mouth.
Tips for parents
- Provide your baby with toys that are easy to pick up with one hand.
- Have conversations with your baby about different objects he is putting into his mouth.
Movement and physical development milestones at 6 months
How she’ll move through her environment.
- Is starting to be able to sit without a support.
- Is rolling over in both directions.
- Will push down on her legs when her feet are on a hard surface.
- Rocks back and forth.
Tips for parents
- Leave her favourite toys nearby so she can reach them by rolling over.
Food and nutrition milestones at 6 months
What mealtimes look like at 6 months.
- Is showing an interest in food and opens his mouth when spoon fed.
- Is moving food from the front to the back of his mouth when he chews.
- Is starting to eat cereals and single-ingredient pureed foods like carrots, sweet potato and pears.
Tips for parents
- At 6 months, your baby needs more than breastmilk alone. Start giving him just 2 or 3 spoonfuls of soft food four times a day.
Things to look out for
While all babies develop differently, you should speak to your paediatrician immediately if your 6-month-old:
- Doesn’t show affection to parents or caregivers.
- Won’t respond to nearby sounds.
- Doesn’t laugh.
- Has a hard time getting things into her mouth.
- Doesn’t make vowel sounds.
- Seems too floppy or too stiff.
- Can’t roll over in either direction.
- Doesn’t attempt to grab objects nearby.
True or False?
Explore age groups
2 Months | 4 Months | 6 Months | 9 Months | 1 Year | 18 Months | 2 Years
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6-Month-Old Baby: Milestones, Weight and Feeding
Congratulations! Your little one is half a year old. You and your baby can expect quite the adventure this month as he may learn to stay sitting up all by himself and might even get his first taste of solid food. Read on to learn all about the development milestones your 6-month-old baby may reach this month, what exciting new foods he could try, what his sleeping and napping routine may look like, and the challenges you may face with jealous siblings!
Baby Development Milestones
Over the past few months, your baby has added new skills and abilities. For instance, he will now be able spot objects that are several feet away and track moving objects pretty well. You may notice he will perk up when he hears his name or will stop doing something when you say “no.” Around the time he is 6 months old, pay extra attention so he doesn't roll off the bed — rolling over on both sides will be a new trick he will learn.
Growth and Physical Development: Your Baby's First Teeth!
They grow so fast! When your baby is 6 months old, he may have even reached double his birth weight. Not all babies will grow at the same rate, but don't be surprised if your bundle gains around 1 to 1 ¼ pounds a month at this stage. From the start of this month, he may grow about ½ to ¾ of an inch by the time he turns 7 months old.
Around this time, you may spot a tooth or two — or not quite yet, as the age at which teeth first appear varies qreatly from child to child. Teeth and gum care are essential from the get-go. If you're wondering how you should go about cleaning those first tiny teeth, just brush them gently with a soft, child-size toothbrush and a tiny bit of toothpaste, approximately the size of a grain of rice.
Make sure your baby doesn't fall asleep with a bottle in his mouth. This will help prevent cavities and also a condition known as “bottle mouth,” when the sugars from milk or juice eat away the enamel of the teeth.
See more tips to help your teething tot with our teething video guides.
Senses: Your Baby Can See Across the Room
Around the six-month mark, your little boy’s depth perception has improved. He will be able to see much further away now, perhaps even several feet or more. In fact, he can now focus on objects without getting cross-eyed, and can also tell the difference between colors.
Movement: Sitting With Support
Your little one is getting stronger and more mobile by the day. Around the time he’s 6 months old, he may be able to roll over in both directions. Keep an eye on him to make sure he doesn’t fall off the bed or couch. It’s better not to let him surprise you with his new skills when you’re not expecting it.
Each movement prepares him for the next step. As his trunk and neck get stronger, he may even be able to sit when placed in a seating position with support. Over the weeks he’ll get more confident, and soon he’ll also be able to stay seated without any help.
related baby tool
Keep an eye on your baby’s average growth by tracking height, weight, and head circumference with our simple tool.
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Height (in.)
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Head circumference (in.)
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*Input details of your baby’s last measurements. **Source: World Health Organization
Personality: Your Baby Recognizes His Name
Your baby is turning into a little communicator after spending his first few months listening to your voice and noticing the sounds you make. He may start to imitate the sounds of speech around the time he is 6 months old. If you call him by his name, he may perk up and take notice. Also, when you say the word “no,” he may pause what he’s doing in response. Slowly, your little one will start to associate words with objects. It’s going to be a thrill to observe how his language skills develop over the coming months!
As your little one gets more mobile and curious, he may become a little feistier, too. At his age, discipline is about keeping your baby safe. Setting boundaries helps teach your little one what acceptable and unacceptable behavior is. The best way to handle an overly assertive 6-month-old is not to punish him, but to reward desired behavior. If you notice your baby doing something that’s not allowed, stop him, let him know it’s wrong, and get him interested in a better activity instead.
How to Support Your Baby’s Development
You can take an active part of your baby’s learning journey. Reading, singing, talking, and playing with your baby every day not only brings the two of you closer together but also helps his brain develop. You can think of the words your baby hears as little seeds: Each one gets planted in his mind and will help him grow a vocabulary forest in his brain. Reading aloud doesn’t just teach him new words, but also encourages him to listen, introduces him to new concepts and ideas, teaches him about the world, and gives him lessons in how to communicate.
Reading to your baby can also help your little one grow socially and emotionally, especially if you tap your inner actor to read with emotions and sound effects. Your baby will want to look, point, and touch the page as you read. This helps him build his social development and thinking skills, too. The more words he hears, the more he’ll try to copy sounds, remember words, and recognize pictures. Try to set aside some time to read each day, and soon you’ll find it’s an activity you both love. Get inspired with these fun ideas in our video guides on active reading and playtime with your baby.
Feeding Your 6-Month-Old Baby
Now is an excellent time to introduce your 6-month-old baby to solid foods. Find a time of day when your baby is not feeling tired and is a little hungry. Support him in your lap or an infant seat and use a small spoon to feed him. Hold the spoon close to his lips, and let him smell and taste the food. He may reject the food, but just try again a minute later. It’s perfectly normal for these first few spoonfuls of food to end up on the bib, the tray, or your baby’s chin.
Many babies will start with iron-fortified, single-grain cereal with some breast milk or formula, but if you’re not sure what to feed your baby, ask your baby’s healthcare provider for advice. Only give your baby one new food at a time, and wait a few days before adding a new item to the menu, like pureed vegetables or fruit. Keep an eye out for any rashes, diarrhea, or vomiting, and consult your healthcare provider to rule out any food allergies or sensitivities, especially if either you or your partner has a food allergy.
Make sure your baby sits in an upright position, and give him only soft, easy-to-swallow food to prevent choking. Do not put baby cereal in a bottle, as this can also be a choking hazard. In some cases, your healthcare provider may recommend bottle feeding with a thickened formula if your baby has reflux.
Even though your little one is varying his diet with solids, he will still need breast milk or formula. When your baby is 6 months old, he may be taking up to 8 ounces of breast milk or formula every four to five hours.
What your baby eats may change, but one thing remains: dirty diapers. Fortunately, all those diapers can be quite rewarding! Download the Pampers Club app and turn diapers and wipes into rewards and discounts.
How Much Sleep Does a 6-Month-Old Baby Need?
When your baby is this age, she may sleep around 12 to 16 hours per day. At 6 months old, she might snooze around nine hours at night, sometimes even longer, with a few brief awakenings. During the day, she will still need around two or three naps.
Don’t miss these must-watch sleep tips from the Smart Sleep Coach pediatric sleep consultant:
A Day in the Life of Your Baby
Although each baby is unique, here is an example of a daily schedule you could choose to follow when it comes to your baby’s eating, sleeping, bathing, and playing routine.
Your Baby’s Health: Earaches and Infections
As your baby gets more mobile and reaches for more objects, she will become more at risk of infection. Your best bet is to keep your baby away from anyone with the flu or any other infectious disease. Sometimes, though, it’s impossible to prevent your little one from getting sick. Some common health problems 6-month-olds may have are:
Diarrhea. This can be due to contact with viruses (like norovirus) or bacteria, from the introduction of new foods like fruit juice, or because your baby has a food allergy.
Fever. Infants may have temperatures higher than those of older children. On its own, a fever is not an illness, but rather a symptom of something else. It can mean your baby’s body is fighting infection.
Earache or ear infection. Middle ear infections are common for babies and children between 6 months and 3 years of age, and often occur after a child has had a cold. If your baby seems uncomfortable you can give acetaminophen or ibuprofen in a dose appropriate for her age, or use a warm compress on her ear to help ease the pain. Your baby’s healthcare provider may also recommend pain-relieving ear drops. Some ear infections are caused by bacteria and may require antibiotics, so talk to the healthcare provider about treatment options for your 6-month-old baby.
If you notice diarrhea, fever, or an ear infection, get it checked out by your baby’s healthcare provider, who can recommend treatment and rule out any more serious problems.
As your baby reaches out to grab things and explore the world, make sure you’re careful about the things his little hands can touch. Babies love putting objects into their mouths, so never give your 6-month-old any food or toys that might be a choking hazard, and don’t leave anything dangerous within his reach.
Your Life as a Parent: Dealing With Sibling Rivalry
If you have any older children, especially if they are under 2 years old, you may notice a spark of sibling rivalry. As your little one is getting bigger and starts demanding more attention, your older child may begin to feel a bit upset about sharing the spotlight. You can try to help soothe the older child’s feelings by involving him in more activities with the baby — maybe read a story or sing a song together. This can be fun for all of you and will make the older sibling feel more included in the baby’s life.
History Lesson “No Statute of Limitations” at the Regional Center for Patriotic Education
On April 15, 2022, a History Lesson “No Statute of Limitations” was held at the Regional Center for Patriotic Education, as part of the Day of United Action in memory of the genocide of the Soviet people by the Nazis and their accomplices in the years Great Patriotic War. The tenth graders of Yekaterinburg Secondary School No. 113 became its participants.
On this day in 1943 the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR No. 39 “On punishment measures for the Nazi villains guilty of killing and torturing the Soviet civilian population and captured Red Army soldiers, for spies, traitors to the motherland from among Soviet citizens and for their accomplices."
The appearance of this document was the first fact of recognition of the purposeful and large-scale policy of the Nazis and their accomplices in the destruction of the civilian population in the occupied territory and the punishability of such crimes. This Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR became the legal basis for a great deal of work to establish and investigate the crimes of the Nazis against the Soviet people, which was carried out from November 1942 by the Extraordinary State Commission for the Establishment and Investigation of the Atrocities of the Nazi Invaders.
The children were told about the crimes of the Nazis and their accomplices against peaceful Soviet citizens during the Great Patriotic War in the occupied territory by the Deputy Chairman of the Sverdlovsk Regional Association of Former Prisoners of the Ghetto and Nazi Concentration Camps Valentina Vladimirovna Ryabtseva, teacher of the history of the Yekaterinburg Assembly College, publicist, candidate of philosophy Sciences Stanislav Valentinovna Razumovskaya and Head of the Information and Analytical Department of the Regional Center for Patriotic Education Yuri Vasilyevich Artamonov.
- I was 11 years old when in 1942 I, my two younger brothers, my six-month-old sister and mother were taken to Poland to a concentration camp.
We spent two years behind barbed wire. They ate rotten rutabaga, turnips, and half-and-half bread with sawdust. But even in the camp, I firmly decided that I would become either a doctor or a teacher, - recalls Valentina Vladimirovna.
More than half a century, Valentina Vladimirovna Ryabtseva devoted herself to teaching, of which 25 years she was the director of various educational institutions. The last place of work was the Yekaterinburg school No. 120. Valentina Vladimirovna was awarded the honorary badge "Excellent worker in public education." She has been working in the Sverdlovsk Regional Association of Former Prisoners of the Ghetto and Nazi Camps since the creation of this public organization in 1993 year.
In concentration camps, in inhuman conditions, the prisoners tried not only to survive, but also to remain human. One of the clearest evidence of this is a notebook with poems written in fascist dungeons, which Stanislav Valentinovna Razumovskaya told schoolchildren about.
The notebook was found by German workers clearing the territory of the former Sachsenhausen camp, among the ruins of the collapsed wall of the Sondercamp kitchen - a small bundle wrapped in a rubberized cloth. The workers, having unfolded the bundle, found a notebook made from a student's notebook, written in Russian in small handwriting. The find was handed over to the Soviet military. And soon the poems were published - first in the newspaper "Soviet Army", published in Berlin, then in the "Red Star". January 14 1959 years of poetry from the notebook printed "Komsomolskaya Pravda". In the same year, a book called "Poems Behind Barbed Wire" was published.
The poignant lines of the poems included in the collection were heard by the children at the end of the lesson.
Crimes against humanity have no statute of limitations, - stressed the head of the information and analytical department of the Regional Center for Patriotic Education Yuri Vasilyevich Artamonov. – During the Great Patriotic War, more than 84.8 million people found themselves in the occupied territory; 13 684 692 - destroyed; 11 520 379 - destroyed in the occupied territory; 2,164,313 - died in exile in forced labor. The main goal of the history lessons "Without a statute of limitations" is the preservation of historical memory for posterity.
For the sake of preserving historical memory, representatives of the Sverdlovsk Regional Association of Former Ghetto and Nazi Camp Prisoners publish books containing the memories of those who survived the horrors of Nazi concentration camps. Valentina Vladimirovna Ryabtseva donated copies of these publications to the library of the Regional Center for Patriotic Education.
In the Sverdlovsk Region, a whole series of events are taking place as part of the Day of Common Action: "Lessons in memory of the genocide of the Soviet people during the Great Patriotic War" will be held in all educational institutions for schoolchildren and students; in the social network VKontakte, the Regional Center for Patriotic Education created a group “Without a statute of limitations. Sverdlovsk region” (, where information and methodological materials are published; the Ural State Pedagogical University will host the opening of a traveling exhibition dedicated to the Khabarovsk trial of war criminals; a quiz dedicated to this date and an exhibition of weapons from the period of the Great Patriotic War will be held at the Kamensk-Uralsk Agro-Industrial College; in the Sverdlovsk Cadet Corps named after Captain 1st Rank M.V. Bannykh will attend the morning line dedicated to the Day of Remembrance of the Genocide, “Minute of Silence”, Lesson “You Can’t Forget…”, with viewing and discussion of the video film “No Statute of Limitation” and the action “Letter to the Future: You Can’t Forget”, during which the cadets will write a message to himself and his descendants, issued in the form of a military triangular letter; the Yekaterinburg Assembly College will host a radio line dedicated to the Day of Remembrance of the genocide of the Soviet people by the Nazis and their accomplices during the Great Patriotic War; Krasnoufimsky Pedagogical College will host a series of class hours and commemorative stands will be decorated; in the college of management and service "Style" a workshop will be held: "Formation of civil identity through the study of the events of the history of the XX century"; at the Ural Radio Engineering College.
A.S. Popov, an exhibition of posters and creative works of students will open and class hours dedicated to this date will be held; in the municipalities of the Northern and Eastern administrative districts for schoolchildren and students there will be a thematic screening of the film "Sobibor".
“I ask those who survive this time one thing: don't forget! Don't forget the good or the bad. Patiently gather testimonies of those who fell for themselves and for you. I do not want to be forgotten comrades who died honestly, courageously defending themselves, fighting at will or in prison. I also do not want to forget those of the survivors who just as honestly and courageously helped us in the most difficult hours. These are lines from the appeal of Julius Fucik, who was killed by the Nazis in the Plötzensee prison in Berlin on September 8, 1943 years is a call not only to the generation that survived the horrors of the war, but also to those who were born in the peaceful post-war period. I would like to believe that all participants in the history lessons “Without a statute of limitations” will keep in their hearts the memory of those who had the terrible trials of the “forties-fatal”, about the heroic generation that endured all the hardships of military hard times on their shoulders.
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Page of the school ombudsman Svirina Maria Evgenievna
SCHOOL LINE OF PSYCHOLOGICAL SUPPORT for students, parents and teachers. We are available from Monday to Friday from 9.00 to 17.00, ready to listen, support and help.
Helpline: +7 (499) 40-33-548.
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Dear parents (legal representatives)!
Maintenance and maintenance of buildings, premises and territory of the School, machinery and equipment, School Staff and employees of service organizations, as well as the purchase of materials and equipment for pupils, students and employees of the School, incl. textbooks are funded by the school. If facts of fundraising for the indicated purposes are revealed, please immediately inform the School by e-mail [email protected]
Sincerely, Rachevsky E.L.
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Dear Efim Lazarevich and all the staff of school No. 548!!! We thank your friendly, close-knit and professional team for your work!!!
Sergey, thanks for the rating. There is no school better than its teachers. Our teachers are the main wealth of the school. And the students, of course, too.
Good luck with your first session!
Rachevsky E.L.
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This year my son graduated from his beloved family, he was in the Central Organ from the senior group of the kindergarten. I love our Center, happy...
Svetlana, I publish because of the many names that are significant for the school. Your observation is especially valuable: “ fell in love with Russian and mathematics through physics ”. Few people succeed in algebra harmony pome
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