Pregnancy of triplets
Multiple birth - triplets or more
Multiple birth - triplets or more | Pregnancy Birth and Baby beginning of content5-minute read
If you are pregnant with triplets or more, the birth will need careful planning.
The main risk with carrying multiples is that they will be born prematurely. Your medical team will help you plan your babies' birth. This may include deciding where and when your babies will be born.
Planning for your multiple birth
When you are pregnant with triplets or more, it is important to plan the birth. Your medical team will consider the risks of premature birth. They will weigh this against the risks of continuing the pregnancy for both you and your babies, based on your individual situation.
Generally, the longer your babies can stay in your uterus, the better. But when you are pregnant with triplets or more, complications can often develop. This can often mean that it's better for you and your babies if they are born early.
A normal pregnancy lasts 40 weeks. The average length of a pregnancy for triplets is 32 weeks. For quadruplets, the average length is 30 weeks.
Continuing a multiple pregnancy past 36 weeks can be risky for you and your babies. So, it's usually considered best to deliver them early.
When deciding when and how the babies should be born, your doctor will consider different factors. Your medical team will think about:
- the position of each baby
- the weight of each baby
- your health
- the babies’ health
A caesarean section is usually considered safest when there are 3 or more babies.
Giving birth to triplets or more vaginally is very rare. It is not recommended because of the higher risk of labour complications and infant mortality.
Since almost all triplets or more will be born prematurely, they will need special care. This may include a stay in a neonatal intensive care unit (NICU).
It’s important to plan to have the birth in a hospital with all the facilities that you and your babies will need.
Caesarean section
A caesarean section is usually the safest option when you are carrying 3 or more babies. This may be because of:
- the position of the babies
- the position of the placenta (or placentas)
- the risk of one of the placentas or umbilical cords being compressed during a vaginal birth
- the risk of the babies becoming entangled during a vaginal birth
If you are carrying triplets or more, you will usually be offered a planned caesarean.
If your babies are going to be born early (preterm), your doctor may recommend giving you steroid injections. The injections are given to you before the birth.
Steroids can help develop your babies’ lungs. This can help them breathe more easily after birth. Steroids can also reduce the risk of other problems in babies born preterm.
Multiple babies and preterm labour
If you are expecting multiple babies and you go into labour, contact your doctor or midwife and go to your local hospital emergency department. The signs and symptoms of labour are the same as with normal labour. These include:
- contractions
- sudden breaking of the waters
- a ‘show’
During pregnancy, a plug of mucus seals the cervix. A 'show' is when the plug comes away and out of the vagina.
Women who are pregnant with multiple babies may go into labour naturally before 35 weeks. This happens in around 3 out of 4 cases.
Contact your medical team immediately if you have any signs of preterm labour. It may be possible to slow down or stop the labour. You will most likely be admitted to hospital.
If you go into labour spontaneously, you will likely be given a caesarean after you arrive at hospital.
Babies born before 34 weeks may need help with breathing, feeding and keeping warm. They are at greater risk of complications than babies born at full term.
The neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) is specialised to care for premature and sick newborn babies. This unit has experienced medical staff and equipment.
When your babies no longer need this high level of care, they may be transferred. They may then spend time in the special care nursery or special care baby unit.
Resources and support
If you are preparing for a multiple birth, there are different organisations you can turn to for information.
The Australian Multiple Birth Association can provide support and resources for families expecting multiple babies.
The Royal Women's Hospital Melbourne offers online education for those expecting a multiple birth.
The Australian Breastfeeding Association can provide information on breastfeeding multiple babies, and link you to services such as lactation consultants.
Speak to a maternal child health nurse
Call Pregnancy, Birth and Baby to speak to a maternal child health nurse on 1800 882 436 or video call. Available 7am to midnight (AET), 7 days a week.
Twin Research Australia (Multiple Perspectives: What support do multiple birth families need to live happy and healthy lives?), Australian Multiple Birth Association (What to expect when you're expecting multiples), Queensland Health (Steroids in pregnancy), Government of Western Australia (Multiple Pregnancy)Learn more here about the development and quality assurance of healthdirect content.
Last reviewed: June 2022
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Twins, Triplets, Complications & Symptoms
What is a multiple pregnancy?
A multiple pregnancy is a pregnancy where you’re carrying more than one baby at a time. If you’re carrying two babies, they are called twins. Three babies that are carried during one pregnancy are called triplets. You can also carry more than three babies at one time (high-order multiples). There are typically more risks linked to a multiple pregnancy than a singleton (carrying only one baby) pregnancy.
How do multiple pregnancies happen?
There are two main ways that a multiple pregnancy can happen:
- One fertilized egg (ovum) splits before it implants in the uterine lining.
- Two or more separate eggs are fertilized by different sperm at the same time.
These two different types of multiple pregnancy result in either identical or fraternal siblings. The difference between identical and fraternal babies goes back to how the multiple pregnancy happens.
Identical twins or triplets happen when a single egg is fertilized and then later splits. These newly divided embryos are identical. Children that are identical multiples will look like each other and be the same sex.
Fraternal multiples develop from separate eggs that are fertilized by a different sperm. Because these are different eggs and different sperm, the genetic material is varied. These children won’t look identical and can be different sexes from each other.
In a pregnancy with triplets or more, your babies could be all identical, all fraternal or a mixture of both. This can happen if your body releases multiple eggs and more than one is fertilized. In a case where you have both identical and fraternal multiples, more than one egg was fertilized and then at least one of those eggs also split after fertilization.
Are identical twins or triplets always the same sex?
Because identical twins or triplets share genetic material, they are always the same sex. The sex of a baby is determined by the particular sperm cell that fertilizes the egg at conception. There are two kinds of sperm cells — those carrying an X chromosome or Y chromosome. The mother’s egg carries an X chromosome. If a sperm cell carrying an X chromosome fertilizes the egg, it will make a XX combination (female). If the sperm cell is carrying a Y chromosome, you end up with an XY pairing (male).
Identical multiples start as one egg and then split, so whatever chromosome combination is present at fertilization is the sex of all multiples.
What increases the chance of a multiple pregnancy?
There are several factors that can increase the risk of a multiple birth. You might be at a higher risk of getting pregnant with more than one baby at a time if you:
- Are older (women in their 30s are at a higher risk of multiples because the body starts to release multiple eggs at one time when you get older).
- Are a twin yourself or have twins in your family.
- Are using fertility drugs.
You might also be at a higher risk of a multiple pregnancy if you are taller than average or have a higher body weight.
Another risk factor for a multiple pregnancy is genetic. There is an increased possibility of a multiple pregnancy if you are a multiple yourself, or if multiples run in your family. This heredity trait is generally passed down through the maternal (mother’s) side of the family.
The use of fertility drugs can be another reason you might have a multiple birth. Treatments for infertility can increase your risk of a multiple pregnancy because procedures, like in vitro fertilization (IVF), often involve transferring more than one fertilized egg into your uterus. Your provider usually transfers more than one egg at a time to increase the odds of a successful pregnancy.
How common are multiple births?
Multiple births have become more common in recent years because more people are using fertility drugs and procedures, such as IVF, to help conceive a baby.
What are the signs of a multiple pregnancy?
The only way to know if you’re pregnant with more than one baby during your pregnancy is through an ultrasound exam with your healthcare provider. During this test, your provider can look at images of the inside of your uterus and confirm how many babies are in there.
You might experience more intense symptoms during a multiple pregnancy than with a single pregnancy. These can include:
- Severe nausea and vomiting (morning sickness).
- Rapid weight gain in the first trimester of pregnancy.
- Sore or very tender breasts.
- High human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) levels — this hormone is made during pregnancy and is what a pregnancy test picks up.
- High amounts of the protein alpha-fetoprotein in your blood.
Apart from an ultrasound, your provider might suspect multiples if there’s more than one heartbeat detected during a fetal Doppler scan.
What complications are linked to multiple births?
Anyone can experience complications during pregnancy — regardless of how many babies you’re carrying. However, most healthcare providers consider multiple pregnancies higher risk than single pregnancies. This doesn’t mean that every woman who carries more than one baby during a pregnancy is going to have problems. If you’re pregnant with multiples, your provider will want to watch you for possible complications that can happen when you carry more than one baby at once. Your provider will talk to you about each risk factor and frequently check with you to make sure you aren’t experiencing anything concerning.
Possible complications include:
- Premature labor and birth: The most common complication of multiple births is premature labor. If you’re pregnant for multiples, you are more likely to go into premature labor (before 37 weeks) than a woman carrying only one baby. The goal for many moms of multiples is to complete 37 weeks. This is considered term in a twin pregnancy and reaching this week of gestation increases the chance the babies will be born healthy and at a good weight. Babies that are born prematurely are at risk of another complication of multiple births — low birth weight.
- Preeclampsia or gestational hypertension (high blood pressure): High blood pressure is called hypertension. During pregnancy, your healthcare provider will watch your blood pressure carefully to make sure you don’t develop gestational hypertension (high blood pressure during pregnancy).
This can lead to a dangerous condition called preeclampsia. Complications related to high blood pressure happen at twice the rate in women carrying multiples compared to women pregnant with only one baby. This complication also tends to happen earlier in pregnancy and be more severe in multiple pregnancies than single pregnancies.
- Gestational diabetes: You can develop diabetes during pregnancy. This happens because of the increased amount of hormones from the placenta. The size of the placenta can also be a factor in this condition. If you have two placentas, there’s an increased resistance to insulin.
- Placenta abruption: This condition happens when the placenta detaches (separates) from the wall of your uterus before delivery. This is an emergency situation. Placenta abruption is more common in women who are carrying multiples.
- Fetal growth restriction: This condition can also be called intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) or small for gestational age (SGA).
This condition happens when one or more of your babies is not growing at the proper rate. This condition might cause the babies to be born prematurely or at a low birth-weight. Nearly half of pregnancies with more than one baby have this problem.
Fraternal twins always have two placentas. The risks of pregnancies with fraternal twins are similar to those of pregnancies with only one baby. However, the number of possible risks are increased when compared to pregnancies with one baby.
Identical twins may have one placenta (70% of the cases) or two placentas (30% of the cases). The risks of identical twins with two placentas are similar to those listed above for fraternal twins. Identical twins with one placenta (called monochorionic) have risks that are unique to them. In 5 to 15% of the cases, they may develop a condition called twin-twin-transfusion-syndrome (TTTS). This is the consequence of vascular communications at the placenta level between the twins. Due to these communications, the twins may share their blood. When this happens — if nothing is done — there is a 90% risk that the twins will die in-utero. In-utero procedures are performed to decrease the fetal death risk for the twins.
Another complication that can happen in identical twins with one placenta is called twin-anemia-polycythemia sequence (TAPS). This is due to blood that goes from one twin to the co-twin because of vascular communications at the placental level. In this condition, one twin becomes anemic (low red-blood cells), whereas the co-twin becomes polycythemic (too many red-blood cells). Several treatments/interventions are performed when this happens.
A third condition that can occur in identical twins with one placenta is called” selective IUGR”. One twin grows well, whereas the co-twin does not experience much growth.
Another condition typical of identical twins is called twin-reversed-arterial-perfusion syndrome. In this condition, the heart of one twin pumps blood for the circulation of both twins. One twin does not have the heart and will not survive following birth. The outcome of the twin with the normal heart varies. Fortunately, this syndrome is rare (1 in 20,000 to 40,000) and it is amenable to in-utero procedures.
Identical twins with one placenta may also be in the same sac. They are called monochorionic (one placenta)-monoamniotic (one gestational sac). This pregnancy occurs in 1% of multiple gestations and it’s associated with an increased risk for one or both twins.
Your healthcare provider will diagnose the above conditions with an ultrasound.
Am I more likely to have a C-section delivery if I’m carrying multiples?
A cesarean section is a procedure used to deliver a baby through an incision (cut) in the abdomen. This type of delivery might be used for a variety of reasons, but it’s fairly common in multiple births. Your chance of having a C-section for a multiple birth is higher than if you were pregnant for only one baby. However, even in single births, a C-section can sometimes be the safest option for delivery.
Often, the babies aren’t in the right position for birth — head down. A C-section can also happen if you have a complication during pregnancy that means a vaginal birth isn’t the safest option for you or your babies. Your healthcare provider will monitor you leading up to your due date and talk to you about the best option for delivery.
What can I do to stay healthy during a multiple pregnancy?
Eating nutritious foods, getting enough rest, and visiting the doctor regularly are important steps for any pregnant woman to take toward a healthy pregnancy. These steps are especially important during multiple pregnancies.
If you’re expecting multiples, you have additional dietary needs to meet. Getting enough protein and enough hydration (fluids) is important. You’ll also need to make sure you get enough extra calories for the developing fetuses. One rule of thumb is to eat an extra 300 calories a day per baby. That means that if you’re pregnant with twins, you will need to add 600 calories to your daily diet. Talk to your healthcare provider about your diet and the specific amounts you’ll need for a healthy pregnancy.
Moms of multiples might also experience the typical discomforts of pregnancy more intensely. It’s important to take good care of yourself and get plenty of rest to help ease the stresses of pregnancy.
In some cases, you might want to find a healthcare provider who has experience with multiple births. Specialized healthcare can help ensure that you and your babies are receiving the best care available. The need for frequent, intensive prenatal care is very important in a multiple pregnancy. Talk to your family doctor or OBGYN about their recommendations for specialists.
Can I be active and exercise during a multiple pregnancy?
Exercise and activity is an important part of any pregnancy. In most cases, you can absolutely exercise during a multiple pregnancy. Low-impact exercises are a great way to stay in shape and maintain your health throughout pregnancy. Some low-impact exercises to try during a multiple pregnancy can include:
- Swimming.
- Walking.
- Prenatal yoga.
Even though activity is wonderful during pregnancy, you should talk to your healthcare provider about the best activities for you. Some more strenuous activities might not be a good idea during a multiple pregnancy, including:
- Jogging.
- Aerobics that involve jumping.
It’s also important to remember that your exercise routine might need to change over time if you experience any complications.
The story of a family who had triplets in 2022 without IVF, although the doctors said that there would be no children |
A woman could not get pregnant for a long time, and then she gave birth to triplets
Photo: Irina Sharova / 72.RU
Vladlena and Andrey Boboshko from Tyumen could never even imagine that they would become the parents of triplets. The couple dreamed of having at least one baby. But for a long time they did not succeed. Vladlena had already come to terms with the fact that she would not become a mother, but a week before the wedding, the doctors stunned her, reporting a multiple pregnancy. And at first, doctors suspected that in the stomach of our heroine there were not even three, but four babies. Before you hear this amazing story from our colleagues at 72.RU, we note that Vladlena did not do IVF.
The couple was preparing for the wedding when they found out that they would soon become parents
Photo: Vladlena Boboshko
Vladlena had long wanted to become a mother, but because of health problems, doctors did not encourage her. They said that most likely nothing would work. But the woman herself did not leave the dream and was looking for new doctors. So she met a doctor, about whom mothers say: “Yes, after him everyone gets pregnant. ” He prescribed hormonal therapy for the patient and gave some recommendations. During the next scheduled appointment, Vladlena came for an ultrasound scan, but several fibroids were found in her. The woman was upset and decided not to try to get pregnant again. And she resigned herself to the idea that she would not give her future husband children. Beloved, seeing the suffering of Vladlena, supported her.
— Then all of a sudden I started having health problems. There were signs of pregnancy: nausea, aversion to food, and so on. But even after that, I didn't think I was pregnant. After all, I recently visited doctors and they said that, unfortunately, this is impossible, ”says Vladlena. - One fine morning, when I felt bad again, it dawns on my husband: “Honey, you’re pregnant!”
Vladlena denied it at first, but then decided to take a pregnancy test. One showed a positive result, the other did not reveal anything, and the third was with one stripe and a small manifestation of the second.
— It was all on the eve of the wedding. We decided to have an ultrasound just in case. Well, suddenly the test showed a false pregnancy? This kind of thing happens too. We went to the clinic after work. Vladlena went to the examination, and I stayed in the car. She was gone for about an hour and a half. And immediately thought that yes, pregnant. After all, if not, they would immediately let her go! - Andrey Boboshko, the husband of our heroine, says with a smile on his face.
Vladlena got married while pregnant. On the day of the wedding, she had a terrible toxicosis. But this did not spoil the holiday, because a miracle happened in the couple's life
Photo: from the archive of Vladlena Boboshko
— I was on an ultrasound, and the doctor said: “I see three eggs.” I thought about everything, but not about pregnancy. Then everything was explained to me. The doctor also couldn't believe that everything had worked out. The ultrasound went on for over an hour. I remember how I was lying, and tears were flowing down my face, ”recalls Vladlena. - The medic could not catch the angle the first time to count all the kids. She began to count them: "One, two, three ... And what is this, is it really the fourth?" And at that moment I got scared and prayed that she was wrong. And in the end, there really were three children.
Vladlena recalls that she was afraid to go out to her husband. It took me a long time to find the words to tell him the good news. As a result, with tears in her eyes, she handed over an ultrasound picture.
Three dots were drawn there. I thought that it was just photographed, and I began to imagine, I said to Vladlena: “Is this a head, arms and legs?” And she replied that it was like triplets. Words cannot express how happy I was, - Andrey Boboshko said. - On this day, I went to my friends to celebrate, because I was very happy. And the beloved remained at home crying, she was very excited.
— I was very afraid of my husband's reaction. I was in shock myself, - Vladlena laughs. But he was just blown away with happiness. I have never seen him so happy in my life.
Vladlena calls her pregnancy the most terrible period in her life
Photo: Vladlena Boboshko
The couple's parents reacted to the news of the triplets in different ways. In order not to immediately shock future grandparents, Vladlena and Andrey first said simply about pregnancy. And only then they clarified that there would be three grandchildren at once. The husband's parents were delighted and immediately began to plan how they would help a young large family. But Vladlena’s mother at first jumped for joy and clapped her hands, and then sat down in a chair and said: “Poor daughter, how sorry I am for you.” The woman realized that Vladlena would not be easy in the coming months, and therefore took pity on her.
And my grandmother's expectations came true. It was really hard for Vladlena throughout her pregnancy.
— My whole pregnancy was very difficult. Therefore, I had an idea: I would sooner give birth, and that’s it. Doctors told me: "You will remember this golden time." But this is not the golden age. This is a terrible time! Lately, I've barely moved at all. It seemed to me that the pelvis would crumble. I remember walking to the bank, which is next to the house. If you walk in a normal state, then the road will take a maximum of five minutes. But while I was pregnant with triplets, five people managed to approach me, they wanted to call an ambulance. Because it was so hard for me,” recalls the Tyumen woman. - I slept for two hours. The belly was just huge. They even bought me an air mattress so that I could roll over comfortably.
Most of all Vladlena was afraid of premature birth. And on March 30, 2022, she came to the hospital for another examination. The doctor noticed severe swelling in the woman. As the heroine herself describes, her ankles were swollen. And so she was immediately sent to give birth. Everything happened so quickly that Vladlena only had time to write a short SMS to her husband.
She was taken to the delivery room and had a caesarean section. And after 15 minutes, two boys and a girl were born in the perinatal center.
— It was impossible to pull, because there was a threat to one of the kids, — Vladlena explained. - They gave me an injection, I didn’t feel how they cut my stomach. But when they began to get the children out of there, I screamed in hellish pain.
Two brothers on discharge from the hospital. My sister was still in the intensive care unit at that time
Photo: Vladlena Boboshko
Immediately after the birth, the children were sent to the intensive care unit. The boys, Mark and Matvey, were discharged a week later, but Milan stayed in the hospital for a long time. She was the smallest of the trio and weighed only 960 grams. The girl was left under the supervision of doctors so that she could gain the desired weight.
A little later it turned out that the baby was not being discharged due to a more serious health problem.
- At first they told me that Milanochka had tachycardia. I thought that she was not being discharged, because it was tachycardia that was being treated. So I calmed myself down. And when she came to visit her, she was frightened, she was all in tubes. So scary. Then I did not suspect anything terrible. I thought that this is how tachycardia is treated. And only then the doctor said that she had intestinal necrosis.
The little girl survived intestinal surgery
Photo: Vladlena Boboshko
Intestinal necrosis is a life-threatening condition characterized by the death of intestinal wall tissue. It can occur as a complication of the oncological process, severe inflammation, infection, intestinal obstruction.
This was terrible news. After all, the parents of the babies were told throughout the pregnancy that the children would be healthy - development is going well.
Milana spent some time in the perinatal center. Then the spouses agreed to transfer the baby to OKB No. 2 for surgery. They did not immediately take the girl away, because they realized that she was still too weak. And then, two days later, they still operated on at OKB No. 2, they removed her rotten intestine. The girl was transferred to the ward, where she had to lie alone. Her parents only brought her everything she needed. It had been a few days since she was switched to normal infant formula and she had a bowel failure.
- Milan was supposed to be discharged on June 10, but there was an intestinal breakdown. She was left in the hospital, - Andriy Boboshko said. - We were immediately told that the gastroenterologist is her main friend in life. Well, be an athlete. On proper nutrition.
But this was not the only problem. The child's nose was burned in intensive care during ventilation. Mom saw redness, but she was assured that it was a small burn that would soon pass without leaving a trace. However, in reality it turned out quite differently - the girl's face was disfigured. Now she has no tip of her nose.
— The doctor told me that, in principle, the nose is intact. I looked, the nose is really intact. I thought: well, burn and burn. Everyone has burns. I didn’t know what degree the burn was, because it was hidden under a layer of spray. I was calm because my nose was completely intact. Yes, it was red, with a crust, but whole, - says Vladlena.
Every premature baby has such rockets. They are donated by the charitable foundation
Photo: Vladlena Boboshko
This is the stroller of the large Boboshko family. When they walk around the yard, all the people turn around
Photo: Irina Sharova / 72.RU
When the child's condition stabilized and it became possible to visit the girl, Vladlena came to her room and was horrified.
— I saw that my daughter was missing part of her nose up to the septum. I was very upset, I asked the doctors who was to blame. But no one could answer. I began to look for third-party doctors to find out how this could happen. She showed a photo with redness when the nose was still there, but already with burns, and what was left after. And the specialist explained to me that such a burn does not occur immediately. In one of the photos, he saw puffiness, which means that the process was already underway and then lasted until the tissue died off, ”the girl’s mother said.
Milana looks at her favorite toy
Photo: Irina Sharova / 72.RU
According to Milana's mother, no one even apologized for what they did to the girl. And this despite the fact that the child will now have to undergo plastic surgery.
— We consulted doctors. Now only plastic surgery can help Milan. And given that she does not have a nose to the very cartilage, she will have to do plastic surgery every year. We are experiencing. Of course, we love her very much, no matter what nose she has. But we are afraid that this situation will not affect her life in any way, - says Andrei Boboshko. She is still too small for operations. Yes, and so she already had too many in a short time. We think that we will decide on a nose job closer to the kindergarten, so that she feels confident there.
Mark, Milana and Matvey Boboshko
Photo: Irina Sharova / 72.RU
One of the triplets sneaked into the frame while his brother and sister were dozing in the crib
Photo: Irina Sharova / 9002.RU 9002.RU Share
The family is not going to leave what happened. They have already applied to the police, the Investigative Committee and the prosecutor's office. And then - only the court. The couple want the doctors to answer for their negligence and the spoiled health of the baby.
The Department of Health, where we sent the official request, knows this story. They also got involved in the proceedings.
— Based on this fact, checks are currently being carried out aimed at assessing the quality and safety of care provided to mother and child at the Perinatal Center. Considering that this institution is a medical organization where women with a high degree of risk of maternal and fetal health, who have severe somatic diseases or fetal pathology, give birth, checks are carried out by the competent departments. The situation is still being analyzed, the department said.
Time will tell whether the perpetrators of what happened will be found. We will follow the development of this story.
Do you think they shot back? Mothers of triplets about dangerous pregnancy and parenting
News heirs in the family - not such a rare occurrence! True, as practice shows, such pregnancies are very difficult, and we are talking about serious risks for both unborn children and women carrying them.
April 19 202114 542
Ekaterina Zenyakina with her triplets sons Semyon, Mark and Miron
StarHit contacted several mothers of triplets to find out how their everyday life goes and why the expression “but shot back, having given birth to several at once” for them not relevant.
Ekaterina Zenyakina, 30 years old, Moscow
Katya could not even think that she would become a mother of many children overnight, but it so happened that she gave birth to beautiful triplets Semyon, Mark and Miron, who are 4.
5 years old today. Having learned about a multiple pregnancy at an appointment with an uzist, Zenyakina was not afraid of the hassle.
“I once read that many mothers, upon learning about triplets, immediately begin to be afraid that they will not cope. I didn't worry about this at all. There was only one thought in my head - to bring the babies to a normal term, and so that they would be born healthy. Immediately after the birth, the boys were in intensive care, then they were transferred to the second stage of nursing. In total, they spent their first 1.5 months in the maternity hospital. Here, no help was required - everything lay on the shoulders of doctors and nurses. I came to feed the guys and talk to them. She moved away from the caesarean section quickly - a week after giving birth she was already running, ”Ekaterina shared with StarHit.
As for the pregnancy, according to Zenyakina, it was difficult. “From the 10th week until the very end, I was accompanied by a terrible tone of the uterus from any physical activity.
Until the 18th week, bleeding occurred periodically, so I almost constantly lay, afraid of premature birth (there are too big risks with triplets). A bunch of pills and droppers, intercostal neuralgia, which tormented me for about a month ... I didn’t sleep at night because of this, it seemed that the ribs were moving apart. All this was joined by terrible swelling and high blood pressure. At 29week I was hospitalized with the threat of premature birth. At 31 weeks, I had an emergency caesarean,” she recalled.
Zenyakina and her husband did not even think that overnight they would become parents of many children
At first, Katya and her husband coped with the children on their own, with time close relatives came to the rescue. “It was not difficult, as the kids slept most of the time and ate every three hours. Difficulties arose only with night feeding. My parents also came to help in the evenings, and my grandmother Nina Afanasevna also came from the village. She lived with us for about a month and nursed her great-grandchildren with pleasure, ”said the mother of many children.
Anastasia Khasanova, 27 years old, Novosibirsk
Nastya did not plan to be a mother of many children either - she and her husband dreamed of one child and could not even imagine that they would immediately receive three kids - Adeline, Amalia and Malik.
“The first ultrasound I was told I had twins, two weeks later it turned out I had triplets… I panicked. I remember how with trembling hands I called my husband, he reassured me, saying that everything would be fine. The pregnancy was very difficult, but the doctors immediately warned me about it. From the 10th week I faced severe toxicosis, I lay under droppers for a month, I could not eat anything. This continued until 18 weeks, then it got better. I also had high blood pressure, I was constantly hospitalized. Every week it became hard physically - edema tormented me, my weight grew rapidly, which I could not control. Gained 35 kilos. I gave birth at 34 weeks, as Malik and Adelina squeezed Amalia in her stomach, and she had a bad heartbeat, ”said Anastasia.
Anastasia and her husband have two daughters and a son, who were born almost simultaneously
After giving birth, Nastya and her husband began a different life - the couple literally disappeared into the babies.
“In the first months I could sleep for two or three hours, I was like a terminator. I just could not believe that these three babies are mine! Happiness just overwhelmed me. Relatives even had to persuade me to lie down. The children are almost two years old, it has become much easier, but at each stage there are difficulties. Now it is interesting to watch them: they try to chat, show their character. They were born on the same day, under the same zodiac sign, but they are so different both in temperament and appearance! They even have different blood types and Rhesus ... At the moment we are not planning children, but! My husband and I are young and beautiful and, perhaps, in 10 years we will give birth again, ”the brunette admits.
Yulia Sungatova, 32 years old, Kazan
Yulia is very afraid of hospitals, doctors, so she decided for herself that if she becomes a mother, then only once.
Everything turned out the way she wanted, however, at one time Sungatova gave birth to three babies at once - Theon, Demida and Gordeya!
“I am a terrible coward, I even donate blood with ammonia. Therefore, I always told everyone that I would give birth only once. The husband smiled maliciously, he had his own plans - he wanted three. On New Year's Eve, he wished to become a father of many children. And so it happened - one birth and three children. What happened to me when I found out about the multiple pregnancy? Shock. I heard about this only on TV and then, once every few years. At first I was overcome by wild fear, I really understood all the risks. After the emotions subsided, I was very happy, because this is such a miracle. The husband was not surprised, as if he knew everything in advance, ”Julia shared with StarHit.
The Sungatovs became parents of many children at once
Yulia managed to reach 35 weeks of pregnancy, of which she spent about a third in conservation.
But the most interesting thing began after the birth of the kids.
“We slept, but that's not certain,” says a mother of many children. I vaguely remember that time. In the first month after discharge, my mother lived with us. Then the godmother. Then the mother-in-law came to help. The hardest thing was to feed everyone at the same time, since we have a regimen from birth. They ate badly, 100 milliliters of the mixture was stretched for an hour, or even more. Everyone was fed simultaneously every three hours, including at night. Husband slept in his arms with bottles. Zombie mode, in a word. Now the kids are 1.7. It has become easier, but at the same time more difficult. Total control. I can’t imagine how kindergarten teachers cope.”
Despite all the difficulties, the Sungatovs are ready to become parents again. “We would like a girl for good measure, in five years. But first you need to build a house, it is unrealistic to live in an apartment with such a company. If there were no problems with the health of one of the sons, then I would not have any difficulties.
Due to the constant rehabilitation, the regimen gets lost, less attention can be paid to the rest. But, we believe that this is temporary. Soon everything will be fine, ”said Yulia.
Antonina Aksenova, 41 years old, Kherson (Ukraine)
After the birth of her first-born son, Antonina did not even think about becoming a mother for the second time - the child grew restless, and the thought of a second pregnancy frightened her. But eight years passed, and the woman wanted to become a mother again - to give birth to a daughter. Imagine her surprise when it turned out on the ultrasound that she was expecting triplets!
“I will never forget this ultrasound! The doctor, examining me, said to the nurse: "Three." To be honest, I did not immediately understand what this figure means. I thought they were discussing something there. Then the doctor says to me: “Mommy, do you know that you will have triplets? Look...” And she brought to the screen, the first fruit, the second, the third.
I was in shock: how, where? We did not have multiple pregnancies in our family ... I went home from the reception, I had a state of stupor, I did not know what to say to my relatives, to my spouse. Arriving home, I called my husband, saying, they say, do you know how many more children you will have? He was delighted, answers - two, but I say - no, and how she burst into tears. He began to reassure me, they say, we’ll break through, and it’s great to give birth to three at once, ”recalls Antonina.
For some time Aksyonova was worried that she would not be able to cope with the children after childbirth, but over time, all worries disappeared, and she simply enjoyed her condition.
Aksenov's triplets were born in autumn 2014
Antonina was lucky to carry babies up to 38 weeks. “The pregnancy went perfectly, all the tests were normal, I busied myself around the house to the last, my husband, of course, scolded me, but I am such a bee - I love order and comfort very much.
Usually with multiple pregnancies often women lie on the conservation. Thank God, this fate has passed me. At the end of my pregnancy, I couldn’t sleep lying down, all my organs were tightened, I dozed while sitting. The doctor said at 38 weeks, they say, we will do a caesarean section, pulling is risky, since this is a very good time for a multiple pregnancy, ”she said.
On September 3, 2014, the Aksenova triplets, Darina, Alexander and Polina, were born.
“Children immediately began to breathe on their own, each of them had a good weight, everything was normal. And we were discharged home on the third day. After giving birth, I did not recover immediately, after about six months my stomach “left”. Two grandmothers helped with the kids - my mother lived with us for seven months, and my mother-in-law came every day. My husband also joined after work. For the first two weeks, the children slept and ate well. Then our dream disappeared somewhere. They didn't want to sleep in their beds.