Define cluster feeding
Cluster feeding | Pregnancy Birth and Baby
Cluster feeding | Pregnancy Birth and Baby beginning of content4-minute read
Key facts
- Cluster feeding is when your baby wants lots of short feeds over a few hours.
- Cluster feeding is very common, especially in the late afternoon or early evening.
- No one really knows why some babies cluster feed, but it may be a way for your body to boost your milk supply.
- If your baby cluster feeds, this does not mean that you don't have enough milk.
- Cluster feeding can be exhausting; it's a good idea to think of strategies to help you cope when your baby feeds frequently.
What is cluster feeding?
Cluster feeding is a time when your baby wants lots of short feeds over a few hours. It's normal and often happens in the early days of breastfeeding.
Cluster feeding is a normal behaviour for your baby. It's more common in the late afternoon or early evening, but it can happen anytime of the day.
It seems that some babies prefer to fill up on milk for a few hours then often have a longer sleep.
Why do some babies cluster feed?
There is no particular reason why some babies cluster feed. Some people believe it might boost your milk supply. If your baby wants more milk, then feeding more often will trigger your body to make it.
Is my baby cluster feeding?
If your baby is having a lot of short feeds close together over a few hours, you are cluster feeding.
If you are cluster feeding, you might also find that your baby:
- has short rests or sleeps between these feeds
- feeds for a few minutes then pulls off and on the breast
- cries and is fussy during this time
Common worries about cluster feeding
Cluster feeding can make you physically and emotionally drained. Many parents feel exhausted and frustrated. Some mothers say they feel like a failure, or that they lose confidence about being able to breastfeed.
You might worry that you don't have enough milk because your baby takes a long time to settle. You might also think your breasts feel empty.
But there is always milk in your breasts. They are never completely empty.
What can I do to make cluster feeding easier?
The first thing to remember is that this is normal. Cluster feeding doesn't mean that you don't have enough milk.
To make cluster feeding easier you can:
- relax and follow your baby's lead
- feed to their need
- look forward to a sleepy, settled baby after feeding
- try to rest in the early part of the day to prepare
- drink lots of water
- make sure you eat well — don't miss meals
- get as much family and partner support as you can
Things to look out for
Cluster feeding is a normal part of a baby's feeding routine. Talk to your nurse, midwife or doctor if your baby:
- is not gaining weight
- is not producing wet and dirty nappies
- is not settling after they have finished feeding
Where can I go for help and advice about breastfeeding?
For advice and support contact:
- a lactation consultant
- your family health nurse
- Pregnancy Birth Baby on 1800 882 436
- the Australian Breastfeeding Association Helpline on 1800 686 268
Speak to a maternal child health nurse. Call Pregnancy, Birth and Baby to speak to a maternal child health nurse on 1800 882 436 or video call. This is a free service, and is available 7am to midnight (AET), 7 days a week.
Australian Breastfeeding Association (Cluster feeding and fussy babies), Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP) (Infant and toddler nutrition), Royal Children’s Hospital (RCH) (Breastfeeding)Learn more here about the development and quality assurance of healthdirect content.
Last reviewed: May 2022
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What Is Cluster Feeding & How Long Will It Last
Cluster feeding is a normal newborn feeding behavior, but it can cause parents a load of stress and anxiety. Here’s what you need to know to cope.
How often does a breastfed baby need to feed?
Is it every two hours? Three hours? How about overnight?
Here’s a straightforward answer: Constantly.
Okay, so that’s not the case, but that’s what it can feel like for parents caring for a breastfeeding baby who’s in the middle of cluster feeding.
Our sympathies go out to parents who are smack in the middle of cluster feedings. Cluster feeding has lots of causes, but we can reassure you of one thing: You’ll get through this. In the meantime, here’s a breakdown of what’s going on with your baby.
What is cluster feeding?
If your baby feels like they are constantly feeding during a particular time of the day, you might be in the middle of a cluster feed.
Newborn babies already need to eat frequently — usually every 2-3 hours, although sometimes more depending on their needs and your milk supply. But cluster feeding looks — and feels — differently than your regular nursing sessions.
The most straightforward way to understand cluster feedings is that your baby is simply bunching a lot of feedings together in a short time frame. Instead of one meal every few hours, your baby is snacking — a lot!
But cluster feeding is more than just feeding a lot. A baby who is cluster feeding will feed for short periods before unlatching, fussing, nursing more, maybe hiccuping or burping — and so that pattern continues.
If you’ve noticed that your baby is especially attached to you — literally — in the later afternoon and evening, that’s also part of cluster feeding. Staying close to their milk source during this time is imperative for a cluster-feeding babe!
Why do cluster feeds happen?
If you’re in the middle of cluster feeding your baby, you’re probably wondering, “Why on earth is my baby feeding so much?!” (And, maybe, “When will this end?”)
First of all, some babies are simply cluster feeders — they may do it every day, especially when they are very young.
For newborns, one of the benefits of cluster feeding is its positive impact on milk production. The more a baby nurses, the more you produce.
Milk flow is slower at night.
Your primary milk production hormone is prolactin. Prolactin levels tend to be highest in the middle of the night and early morning hours — that’s why waking to feed or pump during your baby’s early weeks is so important for establishing your supply.
The flipside of this is that prolactin levels gradually lower throughout the day. By late afternoon and early evening, your prolactin levels may have lowered enough to slow your milk production.
Because of this, babies need to nurse longer or more often to fill up their tanks.
Another factor? Cluster feeding babies may also drink more to prepare for long stretches of sleeping and growing overnight.
A growth spurt or developmental leap is in the works.
Seeing your baby grow and learn new skills is a delight for parents, but it’s a big job for your baby. And a big job requires a lot of energy.
Your baby will go through numerous growth spurts and developmental leaps during the first year of life. This is true for all babies, regardless of how they are fed. The most common periods happen around 2-3 weeks, 6 weeks, 8 weeks, 3 months, and 6 months.
Remember, though, growth and development can happen at any time — there’s no one-size-fits-all pattern for how your baby will develop.
Nursing is soothing for your baby.
Being a baby is tough work — truly! Your baby’s brain and body are rapidly developing, all while figuring out the world around them. (See above.) What’s more, babies often need help learning how to relax and soothe themselves.
That’s one of the beauties of breast milk. Breast milk is full of hormones that support your baby’s circadian rhythm. For some babies, cluster feeding is a helpful way to boost sleepy, relaxing, restful hormones.
Your baby is teething or sick
Holding and snuggling your baby is certainly comforting, but that alone may not do the trick if your baby isn’t feeling well.
Many babies cluster feed when they’re dealing with a cold or virus — and it makes sense! Your breast milk helps your baby’s immune system fight off illness. What’s more, breastfeeding can help reduce your baby’s pain thanks to the analgesic effects of breast milk.
Interestingly, skin-to-skin contact also can provide pain relief benefits for your baby, which correlates with your baby’s strong desire to be attached to you during cluster feeds.
Cluster feeding and your milk supply
While cluster feeding can be tiring, it can provide a boost to your milk supply if you nurse on demand during this time.
Your milk supply is tailored to your baby’s nutritional demands — precisely tailored to it. So when your baby has a growth spurt or is fighting a cold, cluster feeding can boost your supply to provide enough breast milk for your baby or provide your baby with the antibodies they need to fight off their illness.
How long do babies cluster feed?
We know that at 8 pm, after nursing for 3 hours straight, it feels like it may last forever. But we promise — it will not. It absolutely will not last forever.
Usually, cluster feeding resolves within 2-3 days after starting. Also, a few helpful things to remember when cluster feeding is feeling endless:
- Cluster feeding occurs around developmental milestones — your baby’s body is doing important things!
- Over time, your baby will nurse less often, especially as they start consuming more and more solids.
Tips and tricks for managing cluster feeding
1. Keep nursing
We know that you might be tired and frustrated, but it’s important to keep nursing through cluster feedings as much as possible. Your baby’s nursing is helping your supply grow to meet the demands of growth and development.
2. Stay well hydrated and well-fed.
Breastfeeding is thirsty and hungry work. Depending on your milk output, metabolism, and other factors, breastfeeding can burn an additional 300-500 calories a day. Plus, it requires a lot of water to keep producing that milk.
And as far as water goes? The Institute of Medicine advises that breastfeeding parents drink 13 cups of water daily.
However, chugging Big Gulps isn’t necessary. Simply pay close attention to your level of thirst — and when you feel thirsty, drink!
3. Find support and community
Cluster feeding is challenging and can feel endless. (Though it will end, we promise!) But in the meantime, having help will make a massive difference.
Things you can do?
- Create a cluster feeding plan with your partner so you can make evenings more manageable.
- Call on friends for support with meals, chores, and help with older children.
- Connect with other breastfeeding parents through La Leche League, the Latch Lounge, or other breastfeeding communities — it helps to know you’re not alone!
4. Make yourself comfortable
Are you breastfeeding for hours? It can become pretty uncomfortable. Your nipples might be sore. Your arms might ache from holding your baby nonstop. You might feel restless from sitting in the same position.
A few tweaks, though, can make a big difference. Many parents find the side-lying or laid-back positions to be more comfortable if you have to settle in for a long stretch of nursing. Or simply try switching up positions!
Another option is to try babywearing. Babywearing can free you up to move around, which can offer you a much-needed change of pace during the long stretches of nursing. And if you master the art of nursing your baby in a sling or carrier, you’ve got even more options!
(But also, don’t pressure yourself! Not all babies or parents love babywearing, so please choose what feels right to you!)
5. Take care of your nipples!
Make sure you take care of your nipples during cluster feeds, as well. Applying nipple butter, lanolin, or even breast milk can help soothe your nipples. Hydrogel pads can also offer relief. Additionally, make sure to air dry your nipples after nursing and choose soft bras and clothing to avoid friction.
And if you use nursing pads? Make sure to change them regularly to avoid the risk of bacterial or fungal infections, especially thrush.
Important note
If you are experiencing ongoing nipple pain, please reach out to an IBCLC! Cluster feeding is hard, but it shouldn’t hurt. Pain can indicate issues with latching, which can lead to problems with milk supply, clogged ducts, mastitis, and more. However, it’s entirely fixable with help from an experienced lactation consultant.
6. Make time for yourself
Just like you need to take care of your nipples, you also need to care for yourself. Infant care is a big job, and it’s downright exhausting when you add cluster feeding on top of that.
So find things that can bring you — yes, YOU! — a bit of joy right now. Is it downloading a new book by a favorite author to read while nursing? Rewatching Virgin River for the 10th time?
Accepting help so you can take a quiet walk by yourself? Taking a few minutes to paint your toenails for the first time since you got pregnant? Making a pot of fresh coffee instead of reheating the old stuff?
There are all kinds of ways — both big and small — to make time for yourself. Make sure you do something that brings happiness to your heart!
7. Talk to an IBCLC
Finally, the bit of advice we always offer to parents no matter what kind of breastfeeding situation they’re dealing with: Talk to an IBCLC! IBCLCs can provide invaluable support to parents looking for ways to make breastfeeding work for them and their babies. Never be shy about reaching out!
Your journey, our support
Cluster feeding is tough, but you don’t have to navigate it on your own. Book a convenient online video appointment with a Nest Collaborative IBCLC today.
Learn More About Nest Collaborative
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Guide to Create an Azure FXT Edge Filer Cache Cluster
- Article
- Reading takes 15 minutes
After installing and initializing the Azure FXT Edge Filer hardware nodes for cache, use the FXT cluster software to create a cache cluster.
This guide will help you reconfigure hardware nodes in a cluster.
In this guide, you will learn:
- What you need to know before you start creating a cluster
- Difference between cluster management network, cluster network, and client-oriented network
- Connecting to a cluster node
- Azure FXT Edge Filer Single Node Create Initial Cluster
- Login to the cluster control panel to configure cluster parameters
This procedure takes 15-45 minutes depending on how much research is needed to determine IP addresses and network resources.
Please complete the prerequisites before starting this tutorial:
install Azure FXT Edge Filer hardware systems in your data center;
Only one node is required to create a cluster, but at least two nodes must be added before the cluster is configured and ready to be used.
connect the appropriate power and network cables to the system;
Enable at least one Azure FXT Edge File node and set the root password.
You need the following information to create an Azure FXT Edge Filer cluster.
These elements of the network infrastructure can be configured after the cluster has been created, but it is better to do it during the creation process.
IP address allocation
Azure FXT Edge Filer Cache Cluster Hybrid storage uses IP addresses in three categories:
Management IP address: One IP address for cluster management
This address is the entry point for accessing the cluster configuration tools (web control panel or XML-RPC API).
This address is automatically assigned to the primary node in the cluster and is automatically moved when the primary node is reassigned.
Other IP addresses can also be used to access the control panel, however the management IP address is designed to provide access even if individual nodes fail.
Cluster network: IP address range for data communication in the cluster
The cluster network is used for communication between cluster nodes and for retrieving files from internal storage (basic filters).
Recommendation. Allocate one IP address for each physical port used to communicate with the cluster on each Azure FXT Edge Filer node. The cluster automatically assigns addresses in the specified range to individual nodes.
Client network: range of IP addresses that clients use to make requests and write files
Client network addresses are used by clients to access primary filter data across the entire cluster.
For example, an NFS client might mount one of these addresses.
Recommendation. Allocate one IP address for each physical port used for client communication on each FXT series node.
A cluster distributes client IP addresses to its constituent nodes as evenly as possible.
Many administrators configure a single DNS name with Round Robin DNS (RRDNS) configuration to make it easier to distribute client queries across a range of addresses. This setting also allows all clients to use the same connect command to access the cluster. For more information, see Configure DNS.
To create a new cluster, you must specify the management IP address and network address range of the cluster. Client addresses are specified after the cluster is created.
Connecting to the first node
You can connect to any of the installed FXT nodes and use its operating system software to set up the cluster.
If not already done, enable at least one of the FXT nodes for your cluster and make sure it has network connectivity and an IP address. You must set a new password for the root account to activate the node, so follow the steps in the Set hardware passwords section if you haven't already.
To test the network connection, verify that the node's network connection LEDs (and, if necessary, the lights on the network switch to which it is connected) are on. LED indicators are described in Monitor Azure FXT Edge Filer hardware status.
Host asks for an IP address when booting. In cases of connecting to a DHCP server, it accepts the IP address provided by DHCP. (This IP address is temporary. It will change when the cluster is created.)
If it is not connected to a DHCP server or does not receive a response, the host will use the Bonjour software to set a self-assigned IP address in the form 169.254.*.*.*. However, you must set a temporary static IP address on one of the host's NICs before using it to create a cluster. See this legacy document for instructions; Contact Microsoft Support for updated information: Appendix A: Setting a Static IP Address on an FXT Node.
Look up IP address
Connect to an Azure FXT Edge Filer node to find its IP address. You can use a serial cable, direct connection to USB and VGA ports, or connect via a KVM switch. (See Set initial passwords for details on connecting to the port.)
After connecting, log in with the username root
and the password that was specified when the node was first booted.
After logging in, you need to determine the node's IP address.
Use the ifconfig
command to see the addresses assigned to this system.
For example, the command ifconfig | grep -B5 inet
looks for ports with internet addresses and provides five lines of context to display the port id.
Write down any IP address listed in the ifconfig report. Addresses listed with port names such as e0a or e0b are good options. Do not use IP addresses listed with names like e7* as they are only used for iDRAC or IPMI service ports.
Loading the Cluster Configuration Wizard
Use the browser-based cluster configuration tool to create a cluster.
Enter the IP address for the host in a web browser. If the browser gives a message about an untrusted site, go to the site anyway. (Individual Azure FXT Edge Filer nodes do not have security certificates provided by a CA.)
Leave Username and Password 9 empty0078 (Password). Click the Login button to load the cluster creation page.
Create a cluster.
The Cluster Configuration Tool guides you through a set of screens to create an Azure FXT Edge Filer cluster. Before starting, make sure you have the necessary information.
Creation options
The first screen gives you three options. Use the manual setting option unless you have specific instructions from service personnel.
Click I will configure the cluster manually to open the new cluster configuration options screen.
Other options are rarely used:
The Update System Image prompt prompts you to install new operating system software before creating the cluster.
(The current software version is listed at the top of the screen.) You must provide the software package file, either with a download URL, username and password, or by downloading the file from your computer.
Microsoft Customer Service sometimes uses the cluster customization file option.
Cluster settings
The next screen prompts you to configure settings for the new cluster.
The page consists of two main sections: Basic Configuration and Networking Configuration . The network setup section also has subsections: one for Management (Management) network and one for Cluster network.
Basic configuration
In the top section, enter basic information about the new cluster.
Cluster Name - Enter a unique name for the cluster.
The cluster name must meet the following criteria:
- Length: 1-16 characters
- Can contain letters, numbers, hyphens (-), and underscores (_)
- Must not include other punctuation marks or special characters
This name can be changed later on the Cluster tab > General Setup .
(For more information about cluster settings, see the Cluster Configuration Guide, which is not part of this documentation set.)
Your cluster name is used to identify system information loaded to support monitoring or troubleshooting, so your company name is useful.
Admin password - Set the default admin password,
.You must set up separate user accounts for everyone who manages the cluster, but you cannot delete a user
. Log in asadmin
if you need to create additional users.You can change the password for
in settings page Administration (Management) > Users (Users) on the cluster control panel. For more information, see. Documentation Users in the Cluster Configuration Guide.
Network Configuration
Section Networking (Network) prompts you to specify the network infrastructure that the cluster will use.
There are two separate networks to configure:
Management network Provides administrator access to the cluster for configuration and monitoring. The IP address specified here is used when connecting to the control panel or for SSH access.
Most clusters use only one management IP, but if you want to add interfaces, you can do so after creating the cluster.
Cluster network (Cluster network) is used for communication between cluster nodes, as well as between cluster nodes and internal storage (main filters).
The client network is configured after the cluster is created.
This section also includes configuring the DNS and NTP servers that are used by both networks.
Management network configuration
The settings under Management refer to the network that gives the administrator access to the cluster.
Management IP - Specify the IP address that will be used to access the cluster management panel.
This address will be requested by the primary node of the cluster, but is automatically moved to a healthy node if the original primary node becomes unavailable.
Most clusters use only one management IP address. If more than one is required, they can be added after the cluster has been created using the ClusterAdministrative > network settings page. For more information, see the Cluster Configuration Guide.
Netmask - Specify the netmask for the management network.
Router - Enter the default gateway address used by the management network.
VLAN tag (optional) - If your cluster uses VLAN tags, specify the tag for the management network.
Advanced VLAN settings are configured on the settings page Cluster (Cluster) > VLAN . For more information, see "Working with VLANs and > Cluster VLAN" in the Cluster Configuration Guide.
MTU - Optionally configure the maximum transmission unit (MTU) for the cluster management network.
Use 1Gb mgmt network - Check this box if you want to assign the two 1GbE network ports on the FXT nodes to the management network only. (For other traffic, you must have 25GbE or 10GbE ports.) If this check box is not selected, the management network uses the maximum available speed port.
Cluster network configuration
Cluster network settings apply to traffic between cluster nodes and between cluster nodes and main filters.
First IP and Last IP - Enter the IP addresses that define the range that will be used for communication within the cluster. The IP addresses used here must be contiguous and not assigned by DHCP.
You can add more IP addresses after the cluster is created. Use the settings page Cluster (Cluster) > Cluster Networks (Cluster Networks) (Cluster Configuration Guide documentation).
The value in Number of IPs in Range is automatically calculated and displayed.
Non-mgmt netmask (optional) - Specify the cluster netmask.
The system automatically suggests the netmask value that is entered for the control network; it can be changed if necessary.
Cluster router (optional) - Specify the default gateway address used by the cluster network.
The system will automatically suggest the same gateway address that was used for the management network.
Cluster VLAN tag (optional) - If your cluster uses VLAN tags, specify the tag for the cluster network.
Non-mgmt MTU (optional) (Non-mgmt MTU of the management network (optional)) - If necessary, configure the maximum transmission unit (MTU) for your cluster network.
DNS and NTP Cluster Configuration
Below in section Cluster (Cluster) there are fields for specifying DNS and NTP servers, and for enabling link aggregation. These settings apply to all networks that the cluster uses.
DNS server(s) (DNS servers) - Enter the IP address of one or more Domain Name System (DNS) servers.
DNS is recommended for all clusters and is required if you want to use SMB, AD, or Kerberos.
For optimal performance, configure the cluster DNS server for load balancing as described in Configure DNS for the Azure FXT Edge Filer cluster.
DNS domain Enter the name of the network domain that the cluster will use.
DNS search (DNS lookup) - optionally enter additional domain names that the system should look up to resolve DNS queries. You can add up to six domain names separated by spaces.
NTP server(s) (NTP servers) - Specify one or three Network Time Protocol (NTP) servers in the fields provided. You can use hostnames or IP addresses.
Link Aggregation - Link aggregation allows you to configure how the Ethernet ports on the FXT nodes of the cluster should handle different types of traffic.
For more information, see the Link Aggregation section in the Cluster Configuration Guide.
Click the Create button.
After entering all the required parameters in the form, click the button Create Cluster (Create a cluster).
The system displays a message when the cluster is created.
After a few seconds, you can click the link in the message to go to the cluster control panel. (This link leads to the IP address specified in Management IP (management IP address).) After you click the "Create" button, the link will become active within 15-60 seconds. If the web interface does not load, wait a few more seconds and then click the link again.
It takes a minute or more to create a cluster, but you can log in to the control panel during the process. The dashboard page usually displays warnings until the cluster creation process is complete.
Using the settings pages
After you create a cluster, you need to configure its settings for your network and workflow.
Use the control panel web interface to set up a new cluster. Follow the link on the cluster creation status screen, or navigate to the management IP address that is listed for the cluster.
Log in to the web interface with the username admin
and the password that was specified when the cluster was created.
Dashboard opens and displays page Dashboard (Dashboard). After cluster creation is complete, all warning messages should be cleared from the display.
Click the Settings tab to configure the cluster.
The Settings tab displays a menu of setup pages in the left sidebar. Pages are organized by category. Click the "+" or "-" button at the top of the category name to expand or hide individual pages.
Cluster configuration steps
At this point in the process, your cluster exists, but it has only one node, no client IP addresses, and no internal storage. Additional configuration steps are required to move from a newly created cluster to a cache system ready to handle your workflow.
Required configuration
These steps are required for most or all clusters.
Add nodes to cluster
Three nodes is the standard, but many production clusters have more, up to 24 nodes.
See Add cluster nodes to learn how to add other Azure FXT Edge Filer blocks to your cluster and how to enable high availability.
Specify internal storage
Add primary filter definitions for each internal storage system that the cluster will use. See Add back-end storage and configure virtual namespace for more information.
Configuring client access and virtual namespace
Create at least one virtual server (vserver) and assign it a range of IP addresses for client computers. You also need to configure the cluster namespace (sometimes referred to as the global namespace or GNS), a feature of the virtual file system that allows internal storage exports to be mapped to virtual paths.
The cluster namespace gives clients a consistent and accessible file system structure, even if the internal storage media is switched. The namespace can also provide a user-friendly virtual storage hierarchy for Azure BLOBs or other supported cloud object storage.
See Configure the namespace for more information. This step includes:
- Creating virtual servers
- Configuring connections between client network view and internal storage
- Defining client IP addresses for each virtual server
Careful planning is recommended before setting up a GNS cluster. Review the Using a Global Namespace and Creating and Working with VServers sections in the cluster setup guide.
Network settings
There are several network settings that need to be checked or configured for the new cluster. For more information about these items, see Adjust network settings:
- check DNS and NTP configuration;
- Set up directory services, if necessary;
- VLAN setting;
- setting up proxy servers;
- adding IP addresses to the cluster network;
- storage of encryption certificates.
Support monitoring setup
You must accept the configuration tool privacy policy and configure support download settings at the same time.
The cluster can automatically download data to troubleshoot it, including statistics and debug files. With this data, Microsoft Customer Service and Support can provide the best possible customer experience. You can configure monitored status and optionally enable proactive support and remote troubleshooting.
Additional settings
These steps are optional for all clusters. They are required for some types of worker processes or certain styles of cluster management.
Node parameter setting
You can set hostnames and configure host IPMI ports at the cluster level or individually. If you configure these settings before adding nodes to the cluster, new nodes can automatically select these settings when they join. The settings are from previous versions of the Cluster Creation Customizing Node Settings document.
Some documentation for this product is not yet available on the Microsoft Azure documentation site. Links to the Cluster Configuration Guide and the former Cluster Creation Guide will take you to a separate GitHub website.
SMB configuration
If you want to allow SMB access to your cluster as well as NFS, you need to configure SMB and enable it. The SMB protocol (sometimes referred to as CIFS) is commonly used to support Microsoft Windows clients.
Planning and configuring SMB involves more than pressing a few buttons on the control panel. Depending on the requirements of the system, SMB can affect how the main filters are defined, the number of virtual servers created, how the connection and namespaces are configured, access rights, and other parameters.
For more information, see the Configuring SMB Access section of the cluster configuration guide.
Installing additional licenses
If you want to use cloud storage other than Azure Blob, you need to install a license for additional features.
Contact your Microsoft representative for more information on purchasing the FlashCloud TM license. For more information, see Add back-end storage and configure virtual namespace.
Enabling support
Azure FXT Edge Filer Cluster can automatically download support data about your cluster. By having these downloads, the staff can provide the best possible customer service.
Follow these steps to set up download support.
Go to the settings page Cluster > Support (Cluster > Support). Accept the privacy policy.
Click the triangle to the left of the heading Customer Info to expand the section.
Press the button Revalidate upload information .
Specify the cluster name to support in the Unique Cluster Name field. Make sure it uniquely identifies the cluster to help desk professionals.
Check the boxes Statistics Monitoring (Monitoring statistics), General Information Upload (Sending general information) and Crash Information Upload (Sending crash information).
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CLUSTER - Industrial cluster
CLUSTER - Industrial cluster Research and production electrotechnical cluster was created on the territory of the Kursk region and specializes in the production of electrical products.
The Kursk region has a fairly developed industrial sector, accounting for 35.1% of the gross regional product. The index of industrial production in the region for 2016 increased by 4.9%, exceeding the increase in Russia (1.1%). The decisive role in the economic complex of industry is played by the electric power industry, mining, mechanical engineering and metalworking, and the food industry. The manufacturing complex is one of the drivers of the economic development of the region: the share of manufacturing industries is about 60% of shipped goods and services rendered by enterprises of the industrial complex of the Kursk region. Among the leading enterprises of mechanical engineering can be called JSC "Aviaavtomatika" named after. V.V. Tarasov JSC, Electroagregat JSC, Kursk Electroapparatus Plant JSC, Energotex JSC, Kursk Battery Plant LLC, Geomash JSC, which produce a wide range of high-tech products, including: mobile power equipment, generators, exploration and oilfield equipment, computer facilities, low-voltage equipment, equipment for the nuclear industry, batteries, etc.
Research and production electrotechnical cluster of the Kursk region unites 10 industrial enterprises specializing in the production of electrical products, including circuit breakers, high-voltage and low-voltage fuses, ballasts, low-voltage complete devices, cash registers, components, specialized packaging, etc. as well as 1 higher education institution and 2 technological infrastructure organizations.
The schedule of meetings and measures held by participants in the industrial cluster to achieve the goal of creating an industrial cluster
Development and approval of the development program for the scientific and production electrical cluster of the Kursk region (hereinafter-Clusterate), functional map | Discussion and development of industrial documents of industrial cluster. Approval of documents by the general meeting of Cluster members. | November-December 2017 | All organizations are members of the Cluster | Approved strategic documents for the development of the Cluster.![]() |
Meeting of Cluster participants | Discussion of the submission of an application for confirmation of compliance of the Research and Production Electrotechnical Cluster of the Kursk Region and the Specialized Organization with the established requirements. Preparation of necessary documents. | January-February 2018 | All organizations participating in the Cluster | Submission of an application with supporting documents to the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation. Inclusion of the Research and Production Electrotechnical Cluster of the Kursk Region in the register of clusters of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation. |
Signing of an agreement with the Administration of the Kursk Region | Signing of an agreement on the establishment of the Research and Production Electrotechnical Cluster of the Kursk Region between the specialized organization of the cluster and the Administration of the Kursk Region | February-March 2018 | LLC Research and Production Electrotechnical Cluster of the Kursk Region, Administration of the Kursk Region | Establishment of the Research and Production Electrotechnical Cluster of the Kursk Region.![]() |
Information support of the Cluster | Creation of an Internet portal to inform stakeholders about the activities of the Cluster, ongoing and planned projects and types of products. Carrying out information campaigns in the media to cover the activities and prospects for the development of the Cluster. | March 2018 And then - constantly. | Research and Production Electrotechnical Cluster of the Kursk Region LLC | Availability of the website of the Research and Production Electrotechnical Cluster of the Kursk Region and placement of up-to-date information on it. |
Visit to the 27th international exhibition "Electro" | Visit by Cluster members to the 27th international exhibition "Electro", Moscow | April 2018 | Organizations participating in Cluster | Obtaining information about ongoing and planned projects in which Cluster members can take part.![]() |
Visit to the exhibition "NEFTEGAZ-2018" | Visit by Cluster participants to the exhibition "NEFTEGAZ-2018", Moscow | April 2018 | the end products of the Cluster can be sold. | |
Participation in the international industrial exhibition INNOPROM | Participation in the international industrial exhibition INNOPROM, Yekaterinburg | July 2018 | Cluster member organizations | Informing stakeholders about ongoing and planned projects, as well as types of products manufactured by Cluster members. |
Participation in the international military-technical forum "ARMY-2018" | Participation in the international military-technical forum "ARMY-2018", Moscow region | August 2018 | Cluster member organizations | Informing stakeholders about ongoing and planned projects, as well as types of products manufactured by Cluster members. |
Meetings of the participants of the Research and Production Electrotechnical Cluster of the Kursk Region | Consultations for the Cluster participants on the directions of the implementation of the cluster development program | 2018-2021 | Research and Production Electrotechnical Cluster of the Kursk Region LLC, all organizations are members of Cluster | Discussion of current issues related to the development of the Cluster.![]() |
Meetings of initiators and participants of joint projects of the Research and Production Electrotechnical Cluster of the Kursk Region | Discussion of joint projects for the production of industrial products for the purpose of import substitution: resource provision, a list of activities within the framework of a joint project, performance targets for the implementation of a joint project. | 2018-2022 | LLC Research and Production Electrotechnical Cluster of the Kursk Region, enterprises initiating and participating in joint projects | Presence of agreed joint projects of the Research and Production Electrotechnical Cluster of the Kursk Region. Conclusion of agreements of intent for the implementation of joint projects. Participation in the competitive selection of joint projects and their inclusion in the register of the Ministry of Industry and Trade in order to provide subsidies from the federal budget. |
Information about the founders, composition of the management bodies of the specialized organization, indicating all the necessary information for establishing business contacts
JSC "Schetmash"
Position: Director
Full name: Seltsov.
Phone: +7 4712 73-49-94
E-mail: [email protected]
CJSC "ELAT-Instrument"
Position: Executive Director
Full name: Dolgushin K. V.
Phone: +7 4712 31-00-81
E-mail: [email protected]
Composition of the Management Board of LLC "Scientific and Production Electrotechnical Cluster of Kursk Region"
Position: Manager
FULL NAME: Ivanov Y. V.
+7 4712 39-99-11
JSC "Schetmash"
Position: Director
Full name: Seltsov E.A.
Phone: +7 4712 73-49-94
E-mail: [email protected]
POLITA: Executive Director 9088 FIR V.
Phone: +7 4712 31-00-81
E-mail: [email protected]
Executive Director
Phone: +7 951 319-36-65
E-mail: [email protected]
LLC "GofroPak"
Position: Director Mart.FI3 88
Phone: +7 4712 34-08-26
E-mail: [email protected]
Position: Director
FUO: Kurikin A.A.A. .
Phone: +7 4712 34-16-30
E-mail: [email protected]
Liga Plant Elektrochit "
Position: General Director
FULL NAME: Kostebelov N.I.
Phone: +7 47140 99-1-72
E-mail LGOV. [email protected]
OOO Kursk Enterprise Tizkur
Position: General Director
Full name: Yu.V. Trunov
Phone: +7-9408-34 mail: [email protected]
The Specialized Organization of the Research and Production Electrotechnical Cluster of the Kursk Region is the Limited Liability Company “Scientific and Production Electrotechnical Cluster of the Kursk Region” (hereinafter referred to as the Specialized Organization). 0015
The goal is to create conditions for effective interaction between cluster members, educational and scientific institutions, commercial organizations, state authorities and local governments, investors in the interests of implementing the industrial cluster development program and achieving its targets.
The General Meeting of Participants is the supreme governing body of LLC Research and Production Electrotechnical Cluster of Kursk Region. Management of the current activities of the Company is carried out by the collegial executive body - the Management Board of the Company, which performs the functions of strategic management of the cluster. The members of the Management Board of LLC "Scientific and Production Electrotechnical Cluster of the Kursk Region" include 8 enterprises participating in the cluster.
The activity of the specialized organization of the industrial cluster consists in methodological, organizational, expert-analytical and informational support for the development of the industrial cluster and includes:
- development and implementation of the industrial cluster development program;
- organization of training, retraining, advanced training and internships for personnel, provision of consulting services in the interests of industrial cluster participants;
- organization of webinars, round tables, conferences, seminars in the field of interests of the industrial cluster participants to achieve the goal of creating an industrial cluster;
- monitoring the state of the industrial, scientific, financial and economic potential of the territories and providing this information to the participants in the industrial cluster;
- organizing the launch of new products produced within the industrial cluster, development of cooperation between the industrial cluster participants in the scientific and technical field;
- organization of exhibition, fair and communication events in the area of interests of the participants of the industrial cluster, as well as their participation in exhibition, fair and communication events held abroad;
- other activities of a specialized organization of an industrial cluster to achieve the goal of creating an industrial cluster.
As part of the development and assistance in the implementation of the industrial cluster development program, provides cluster members with the following services:
- consulting services;
- services in terms of legal support and promotion of industrial products of an industrial cluster;
- conducting information campaigns in the media to cover the activities of the industrial cluster;
- ensuring the attraction of credit and investment resources within the framework of the development program;
- ensuring the coordination of the activities of the industrial cluster development program with the activities of the development programs of the industrial cluster participants in order to achieve the goal of creating an industrial cluster;
- marketing research in various markets related to the promotion of industrial cluster products.
Devices for switching, control and protection of electrical circuits
The purpose of the joint project is to expand the range of products manufactured under the brand of KEAZ JSC with a new type of product - modern air circuit breakers and ballasts. The ultimate goal of the joint project is to conquer the Russian market of devices for switching, controlling and protecting electrical circuits. Within the framework of the project, it is planned to develop and put into production five large types of products:
- Air circuit breakers for currents up to 4000A;
- Motor protection circuit breakers with thermal and short-circuit protection with standard and increased switching capacity up to 100kA;
- Electromagnetic contactors for currents from 9 to 100A (AC3) and the possibility of integration into control circuits of both AC and DC up to 100A and rated operating voltage from 6 to 660V;
- Electromagnetic starters in a shell equipped with "Start" and "Stop" buttons for sections of an electrical circuit with a rated current of 9up to 100A (AC3) and the possibility of integration into control circuits of both AC and DC voltage from 6 to 500V;
- Thermal overload relays for electric circuit sections with rated current up to 100A and rated voltage up to 660V.
SOYUZ INDUSTRIAL PARK LLC (ENERGO-SERVICE LLC) The main goal of the park is the formation of a single equipped territory for the placement of new facilities in the field of industrial production, innovation, logistics, related services aimed at ensuring the economic development of the participants in the electrical cluster. Within the framework of the cluster, the industrial park provides cluster members with services for renting premises, providing gas, water, and electricity.
Modern laboratory in the field of electrical engineering. The company provides services for testing and certification of new types of products of cluster members. The testing center was accredited by the State Standard of the Russian Federation for technical competence.
A modern multidisciplinary university with a developed educational, scientific and industrial infrastructure in the field of mechanical engineering, energy, radio electronics, information technology, biotechnology, the humanities, etc.