Can anything be done to stop a miscarriage
Miscarriage - Prevention - NHSIn many cases, the cause of a miscarriage is not known and you would not have been able to prevent it.However, there are ways to lower your risk of miscarriage, including...
Baby moving in uterus
Baby movements in pregnancy | Tommy'sYou may feel your baby move as early as 16 weeks of pregnancy, but most women usually feel something between 18 and 24 weeks. If this is your first pregnancy, you...
Small blisters face
Common Causes & Treatment OptionsWritten by WebMD Editorial Contributors Whether your shoes are too tight or you touched a hot stove, the result is all too familiar: a painful pocket of skin that's fi...
Embryo one week
Fetal development: Month-By-Month Stages of PregnancyWhen does a pregnancy start?The start of pregnancy is actually the first day of your last menstrual period. This is called the gestational age, or...
Vomiting and cramps during pregnancy
Abdominal Pain in Early PregnancyCase ObjectivesRecognize when nausea and vomiting in pregnancy is abnormal. Identify the most common causes of non-obstetric abdominal pain and acute abdomen in early...
How to get a debit card for my child
Best Debit Card for Teens 2022 We recommend the best products through an independent review process, and advertisers do not influence our picks. We may receive compensation if you visit partners we re...
What causes yeast infection in mouth
Oral thrush - Symptoms and causesOverviewOral thrushOral thrushOral thrush produces slightly raised, creamy white, sore patches in your mouth or on your tongue.Oral thrush — also called oral candidias...
Runny nose and watery eyes on one side of face
Hay Fever (Rhinitis) | Symptoms & TreatmentSymptomsPeople with allergic rhinitis generally experience symptoms after breathing in an allergy-causing substance such as pollen or dust. In the spring, th...
What does a normal uterus look like
Jaw-dropping image showing what a uterus looks like has people talking Content note: Graphic image below.A recent social media post is sparking debate – and misinformation – about the size of a ‘norma...
Itching hands and feet while pregnant
Pregnant with Itchy Hands and Feet Could Be CholestasisWhen you’re pregnant and your body is changing every day, you’ll notice all kinds of unusual symptoms. Maybe you get lightheaded. Maybe food tast...