Itching hands and feet while pregnant
Pregnant with Itchy Hands and Feet Could Be Cholestasis
When you’re pregnant and your body is changing every day, you’ll notice all kinds of unusual symptoms. Maybe you get lightheaded. Maybe food tastes different. Maybe you get nosebleeds. Talk to your doctor, but it’s likely you can manage these symptoms on your own. But if your hands and feet itch, it could be a sign of a rare complication called cholestasis.
Cholestasis is a disorder where your hormones cause the flow of bile from your liver and gallbladder to slow down or stop. The bile acids then enter the bloodstream and get deposited under your skin.
Watch for symptoms of cholestasis
“The bile acids deposit under the skin and cause intense itching,” said Heather Reed, MD, an OBGYN at Banner—University Medicine North in Tucson, AZ. “The itching is mostly on the hands and feet, but it could be your whole body that’s itching.”
You might also notice:
- Dark urine
- Yellow eyes and mucus membranes (jaundice)
- Abdominal pain on your right side, near your ribs
For some women, cholestasis risk is higher
Cholestasis can happen at any time in pregnancy but it’s most common in the third trimester, Dr. Reed said. It’s rare—it only occurs in about 1 in 1,000 pregnant women. But you’re at higher risk if:
- You’ve had cholestasis in an earlier pregnancy
- Your mother or sister had cholestasis
- You have liver damage
- You’re expecting twins, triplets, or higher multiples
Your doctor will monitor you closely if you have cholestasis
“Cholestasis can be quite serious,” Dr. Reed said. “Bile acids are a waste product that your liver is supposed clear. If they get into the bloodstream, the baby’s liver might have to deal with them. This can cause stress to the baby that can result in preterm delivery, fetal distress, or in the worst case, a stillborn baby.”
Your doctor will probably want to do a non-stress test twice a week to monitor the baby’s heart rate for at least 20 minutes to see how the baby is doing. You should do daily kick counts (counting the number of times your baby moves) and report any changes in your symptoms or your baby’s movements to your doctor right away.
To keep your baby safe, your doctor may want to induce delivery before your due date. Liver function returns to normal soon after your baby is born.
You can try anti-itch lotions and cool baths to alleviate the itching. Medication can help, but it doesn’t treat the impaired bile flow.
“Cholestasis can be a little scary,” Dr. Reed said. “Your doctor is there to help you through this pregnancy complication.”
For more information on pregnancy and possible complications, check out:
- 6 Tips to Ensure a Healthy Pregnancy When You Have an Autoimmune Disorder
- A Healthy Pregnancy with Hashimoto Thyroiditis
- Pregnancy and Coronavirus: What You Need to Know
Pregnancy Women's Health
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Itching and intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy
Itching is common in pregnancy. Usually it's thought to be caused by raised levels of certain chemicals in the blood, such as hormones.
Later, as your bump grows, the skin of your tummy (abdomen) is stretched and this may also feel itchy.
However, itching can be a symptom of a liver condition called intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy (ICP), also known as obstetric cholestasis (OC).
ICP needs medical attention. It affects 1 in 140 pregnant women in the UK.
Symptoms of ICP
The main symptom is itching, usually without a rash. For many women with ICP, the itching is often:
- more noticeable on the hands and feet, but can be all over the body
- worse at night
Other symptoms can include:
- dark urine
- pale poo
- yellowing of the skin and whites of the eyes (jaundice), but this is less common
Symptoms of ICP typically start from around 30 weeks of pregnancy, but it's possible to develop the condition as early as 8 weeks.
Non-urgent advice: Call your midwife or GP if you have itching that's:
- mild or distressing, possibly worse at night
- anywhere on your body, but may be worse on the palms of your hands and soles of your feet
Feeling itchy like this can be a sign of ICP and needs to be checked.
Mild itching
Wearing loose clothes may help prevent itching, as your clothes are less likely to rub against your skin and cause irritation.
You may also want to avoid synthetic materials and opt for natural ones, such as cotton, instead. These are "breathable" and allow the air to circulate close to your skin.
You may find having a cool bath or applying lotion or moisturiser can help soothe the itching.
Some women find that products with strong perfumes can irritate their skin, so you could try using unperfumed lotion or soap.
Mild itching is not usually harmful to you or your baby, but it can sometimes be a sign of a more serious condition, particularly if you notice it more in the evenings or at night.
Let your midwife or doctor know if you are experiencing itching so they can decide whether you need to have any further investigations.
Intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy
Intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy (ICP) is a potentially serious liver disorder that can develop in pregnancy.
Normally, bile acids flow from your liver to your gut to help you digest food.
In ICP, the bile acids do not flow properly and build up in your body instead. There's no cure for ICP, but it should go once you've had your baby.
ICP seems to run in families, but it can happen even if there is no family history. It is more common in women of south Asian origin, affecting around 1 in 70 to 80 pregnancies.
If you have had ICP in a previous pregnancy, you have a high chance of developing it again in another pregnancy.
Some studies have found that babies whose mothers have ICP have a higher chance of being born prematurely or stillborn.
Because of the link with stillbirth, you may be offered induction of labour. This could be any time from 35 weeks, depending on the level of bile acids in your blood.
If you have ICP, you will probably be advised to give birth in hospital under a consultant-led maternity team.
Diagnosis and treatment of ICPICP is diagnosed by excluding other causes of the itch. Your doctor will probably talk to you about your medical and family history and order a variety of blood tests.
These will include tests to check your liver function (LFT) and measure your bile acid levels (BA).
If you are diagnosed with ICP, you will have regular liver function tests so your doctor can monitor your condition.
There is no agreed guideline on how often these tests should happen, but the Royal College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists (RCOG) and the British Liver Trust advise weekly tests.
ICP Support, the UK's largest research group investigating ICP, also recommends weekly bile acid measurements. These readings help doctors recommend when your baby should be born.
If your LFTs and bile acids are normal and you continue to have severe itching, the blood tests should be repeated every week or 2, to keep an eye on them.
Creams and medicines for ICPCreams, such as aqueous cream with menthol, are safe to use in pregnancy and can provide some relief from itching.
There are some medicines, such as ursodeoxycholic acid (UDCA), that help reduce bile acids and ease itching.
UDCA is considered safe to take in pregnancy, although it is prescribed on what is known as an "informed consent" basis as it has not been properly tested in pregnancy.
You may also be offered a vitamin K supplement. This is because ICP can affect your absorption of vitamin K, which is important for healthy blood clotting.
Most experts on ICP only prescribe vitamin K if the mother-to-be reports pale stools, has a known blood clotting problem, or has very severe ICP from early in pregnancy.
If you are diagnosed with ICP, your midwife and doctor will discuss your health and your options with you.
Further information
The Royal College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists (RCOG) has more information about obstetric cholestasis, including what it means for you and your baby, and the treatment that's available. You can also get information about ICP from the British Liver Trust.
The charity ICP Support provides information about ICP. You can also watch their video about ICP featuring mums and clinical experts.
Community content from HealthUnlockedWhy does the skin itch during pregnancy?
Skin itching during pregnancy is not a very common phenomenon. Most often, the skin begins to itch unbearably (as after mosquito bites) in the evening, closer to night, which can provoke insomnia and generally worsen a woman’s mood. Usually itching does not harm the baby and goes away after childbirth. However, it is still worth consulting with a gynecologist and dermatologist.
What does it come from?
The cause of itching during pregnancy in most cases is a violation of the liver: the production and outflow of bile, a general increase in the level of bilirubin in the blood. This is due to a hormonal failure in the body of the future mother - a violation of the synthesis of estrogens, as well as due to fetal pressure on the bile ducts. The fatty acids produced in large quantities enter the woman's skin with the bloodstream and irritate the nerve endings, causing excruciating itching. Similar phenomena associated with stagnation of bile in the body can make themselves felt in the third trimester of pregnancy. Sometimes itching is accompanied by such dangerous diseases as diabetes mellitus.
Who is predisposed?
Itching during pregnancy is usually observed in women with chronic diseases of the biliary tract and with high levels of cholesterol in the blood. Such future mothers need to regularly (at least once a month) do a biochemical blood test to exclude toxic effects on liver cells.
How to fight?
A pregnant woman should tell her gynecologist about the discomfort associated with skin itching. In some cases, itching can be a sign of the development of such a dangerous disease as hepatitis. The doctor will conduct appropriate examinations. If, according to an objective examination, itching does not pose any danger, it is often possible to get rid of discomfort simply by following a diet aimed at lowering cholesterol levels, limiting the intake of fatty, spicy and salty foods that prevent the liver from coping with the function of bile secretion, as well as drinking plenty of water - it is necessary to eliminate dry skin. If the diet does not help, the doctor may prescribe choleretic drugs suitable for pregnant women.
It is important to find the cause of the bothersome itching, eliminating a whole group of skin diseases that can occur during pregnancy.
Itching in the abdomen and chest
This itch is worth mentioning separately. As a rule, the skin on the abdomen or chest itches in the second and third trimesters due to its stretching, because it is these parts of the body that increase in volume during pregnancy. In this case, it is very important not to scratch the skin - this will lead to the appearance of stretch marks, which, unlike itching, will not go away after childbirth. Regularly use moisturizing creams, special products for stretch marks, do a light massage of the chest and abdomen with circular movements of your fingers and do not take hot showers.
You can get answers to any questions about pregnancy and childbirth from leading EMC experts in the classes of the School of Moms.
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Girls, can I have another question about itching during pregnancy? Read it, it's not difficult, please!!! Maybe cholestasis?
May 23, 2015 10:44 am at Personal Journal I, alas, scratched). So, now my skin is incredibly dry, especially after a shower. If you do not immediately lubricate with cream, then it begins to dry (reminiscent of something like when the skin peels off after sunburn / burning), and sometimes itching still appears. I went to the doctors, showed them my hands / feet, explained the situation - everyone is talking about a common allergy. But I can’t just calm down - I need to get on the Internet and read everything. As a result, I found information about cholestasis - liver disease. So, in the symptoms it is written that the main one is itching of the palms and ...
Girls may have experienced this during pregnancy…
14 August 2011 11:57 at Personal journal
5 days ago, found small on the arms and legs blisters, pimples, in general, small foci that itch insanely ... I thought it would go away, the next day after the discovery it didn’t go away, I went to the skin specialist, said Dyshidrosis, or it looks like it, it’s not contagious, it’s just an allegedly allergic reaction, or just because of the exchange substances failure ... I prescribed a couple of drugs externally naturally ... Maybe someone had this during pregnancy, what was the treatment ??? Maybe I'll find something else attractive for myself, than I can calm my hands and feet...
0 3728Allergies during pregnancy
February 11, 2020 22:25 In Personal journal
Girls tell me what kind of doctor does it need to your gynecologist, dermatologist or allergist? spots. And some kind of scabies does not go away on the hands .. it itches with pimples, and then it becomes dry and it itches anyway (but I had it before pregnancy, I couldn’t cure it, but now it’s just worsened pipets) And my legs itch ( this was also before pregnancy)
Itching during pregnancy ((((
Complain no longer... So also the body began to itch: then the arms, then the legs, then the back... What to do? What could be the reason??? Complain
25 September 2015 11:59c Personal journal
I will write here my feelings on B ... Until I start a paper diary, I started doing it 2 years ago. I'll hurry as I make an uzi). in the meantime, here: 09/23/15 - I did a test and it turned out to be positive. i was so happy. 6 a.m., although earlier at 10 I get up, my stomach pulls when I’m not lying down and my chest, this is the very thing, it started to hurt right after O. / and usually 7-3 days before M. , and when I take off my bra, the nipples are straight dark. sissy blurred and really huge. а …
planned visit and about my pregnant condition))
July 3, 2015 05:14 at Personal journal
. And so: According to their calculations, I have 26 weeks ... gained 1.400 in weight. The initial weight was 52.8 and now 59.5)) it’s not sickly ... everything is reflected on the face, the cheeks are growing) Further: the pressure is 110/70 - it’s a little high for me ... my head hurt then .. Coolant - 85 (grew by 5 cm in a month) VDM - 25 (3 cm up) Heartbeat: 139The position of the fetus, according to the doctor, head down) She complained about thrush, prescribed the drug. According to the tests, everything is fine, I let go for a walk until the decree) And now about me: it’s hard to walk already ... my stomach, although small, seems to burst soon, especially if we sing .. The little one is moving, today he woke up with me at 4. 30) and right now I’m writing- hello…
To those who plan. And about endometriosis here too. If only I could read it earlier!)
Complain0038 Personal journal
My husband and I have been wanting children for a long time. But it doesn't work. 2.5 years ago, I was diagnosed with elevated prolactin, TSH and ST4, we are holding them back with Dostinex and Euthyrox. They found endometriosis, did a laparoscopy - cauterized the foci and dissected the adhesions, then 6 injections of Zoladex. After they tried to conceive, as a result, the pregnancy ended on its own at a very early stage (4-5 weeks), no cleaning was done. They prescribed 8 months of COC according to scheme 63 after 7 days. Now the first cycle after the abolition of COCs, “we are trying,” but the doctor said that I had elevated homocysteine and sent me to a hematologist, saying that if I didn’t lower it, I would freeze again. Hormones are now normal, CA125 at the last analysis 22. Is such an indicator dangerous ...
How I beat Restless Leg Syndrome
May 6, 2019 10:48 pm at You go to bed - and the nightmare begins - your legs twist, pull, itch, numb, hurt! One at a time or all at once. And they need to move, only then comes relief. I have RLS primary, congenital, but it manifests itself moderately. But during pregnancy came complete horror. I even started twisting my arms. At night I walked around the apartment and roared, during the day I was like a boiled vegetable. And this is the third pregnancy. Doctors said to drink calcium and endure. In search of salvation, I began to read a lot on this topic (wouldn’t have been puzzled about 10 years ago!). And I found that RLS can be aggravated by a lack of ferritin, which is involved in dop ...
6 13210is there really nothing to help?
April 15, 2013 09:05 at Personal journal . .. In general, 3-4 days already. After walking on the street with my daughters, I come home and my face is on fire and spots appear and itches ... The thing is, that not so long ago I had an allergy to the sun, but usually it was in the summer and on my shoulders, arms and legs ... I tried to stay less in the sun and constantly, all summer, I put on sunscreen, it saves and helps a lot. allergy started about 4 years ago, 2 summers, 2 summers was not ... last and the summer before last there was no allergy, maybe because one summer the weather was bad, and last summer I was pregnant ...
May 25, 2022 03:01 am at Personal Journal
I woke up because my palms and legs (feet) were very itchy. It is not possible to endure simply, scratching does not help, does not go away. After half an hour, everything became normal with the legs, and the hands (palms) were itching badly. I drank a zodak (I know that it’s impossible during pregnancy, but this is the only thing that came to mind, I hope nothing will happen from a single use). The itching gradually disappeared, and the hands began to either swell or swell, it is not clear. The fingers began to go numb, and the pads of the fingers became oak and did not feel anything with the pads. After about 15 minutes, the sensitivity began to appear a little bit (although I can write a post, otherwise the sensor did not even perceive the fingertips). In general, I became very, very scared ...
Everything itches
November 4, 2014 03:41 am at Personal journal
Now not only stretch marks are itching, but the whole body up to the fingertips. I can't figure out what's happening to me, it's driving me crazy. Especially at night it starts to itch. This is terrible. I'm going to the dermatologist on Wednesday. Now they don't work. This is what my belly looks like now But such acne appeared on the body The mother-in-law said that she also had it during her first pregnancy, reassured that it was not contagious and would not affect the child. But it is still impossible to say unequivocally. She made herself a bath with chamomile and string. I continue to oil. But the tide was still itchy. Even my husband went to sleep in another room. From the frustration that I can’t do anything, I burst into tears, calmed down. Head…
Report it can itch due to edema ?More The palms sweat and the feet. Or I read that maybe because of the liver ... a week ago all the tests were normal. Or does it happen during pregnancy? They didn't scratch like that before. Definitely no allergies, no rashes
0 16140What our family has experienced over the past 2 weeks... Take care of yourself and your children!
11 August 2014 15:53 at Personal Journal
There are many thoughts, I don't even know where and how to start. I am writing, firstly, in order to warn you and share my experience. Secondly, I just need to speak out. On July 30, my brother and his family returned from vacation in Turkey. Let me remind you that he has 2 sons: Leva 3 years 3 months. and Misha 9months While they were resting there, according to them, they caught a little cold, in turn, everyone except Mishutka. Plus, Levka was allergic. But everything quickly passed, happy and rested with gifts, they came to us on the same day. We had a great time, my Arsyushka really missed Leva while they were gone. Well, of course, the meeting was not without fights, they still cannot peacefully share toys ... The guests left. Arsyushka is overexcited after the meeting…
Night chills and legs itching below the knees. What is it?🤭😳
December 7, 2020 18:53 at Personal Journal
Girls, this is some kind of kapets ... I always like it to be cool in the apartment. The husband always lamented that again he was a dunce and hid himself with everything he could, almost with his head. At the same time, I felt very comfortable, I was not cold. And now, as soon as it gets closer to the night, it freezes me terribly. I wear woolen socks and a terry bathrobe. Legs and hands are cold. Almost gives me the creeps. With all this, the husband walks in shorts, sorry. And at night, the legs below the knees begin to itch terribly. I had this during pregnancy, as soon as I get very nervous. But now, then I'm not nervous! Great mood. But those legs are driving me crazy! It also freezes!😭 No temperature, not sick ...
Itching and rash on the abdomen...
January 31, 2016 00:05 at Personal journal
Of course, I will soon clarify this question with my G at a scheduled examination, but to calm my soul (or vice versa) I want to ask you, dear girls. I have had eczema since the 1st pregnancy (a skin disease on the hands, in which they itch very much, swell, become covered with a rash, crust, the skin cracks, sometimes bleeds, whoever has come across will understand what I mean . ..). Having been ill with this “infection” for about 7 years, I realized that its symptoms go away when I am calm, not worried, of course, proper nutrition, an active lifestyle is also necessary in my case, but the decisive factor is all the same nerves. Yes, there are times…
Dogs and children
November 27, 2018 10:42 am at Personal log
We have a dog. Spring will be 5 years old. Spaniel. By nature a hunter. Especially for ducks. Near the house there is a lake where there are a lot of ducks in summer. Therefore, the dog can swim there for days and hunt for them. At home, an endless amount of rubber ducks, chickens. Dad loves to fish, 15 years ago we already had a spaniel. Girl. Dad always took it with him. Until she began to throw all the fish out of the boat back into the river😀. She didn’t particularly like me, but she could kill anyone who came up to me. Unfortunately, one day she broke loose, ran after her dad, a tractor abruptly left the neighboring house. Went over the head with both wheels. It was all before my eyes. Therefore, for a long time, they did not want to start dogs. I was ka…
January 20, 2021 09:30 at Personal journal
So I passed the first tests for accounting, next week I was invited to register already, it will be only 6 weeks, I thought they would invite me later. The doctor, because of my history, immediately prescribed a huge dose of utrozhestan to me, when I said that I wanted to try without it, I listened to a lecture that I would achieve a miscarriage, you have endometritis, whether you want to take it or not, I warned you. In general, I felt like a child killer after her natations. Although when I came in the fall to be examined and I told her and we discussed the topic of what I want without progesterones, if I get pregnant and she did not mind, but now she scolded me like a girl. All the same, I decided that I would try without progesterone, if there is a threat, we will connect, but about .
Childhood infections ..rashes and other
28 May 2014 02:19 at Pathogen: Varicella-Zoster virus (VZV). Transmission method: airborne. It is transmitted from a sick person to a healthy person when talking, coughing, sneezing. Immunity to chickenpox: lifelong. It is produced either as a result of a disease or after vaccination. In children whose mothers had chickenpox or were vaccinated against it, immunity to chickenpox is transmitted from the mother in utero and persists for the first 6-12 months of life. Incubation period: 10 to 23 days. Infectious period: the entire period of the rash +5 days after the last rash. Manifestations: red dots appear simultaneously with the rise in temperature. However, sometimes the temperature is m ...
1 181222A lot of NOT KIDS riddles
14 November 2011 02:05 at Humor
**1**A loves B, B loves B, B loves B, B? What to do A? (Find another B) **2** A hedgehog runs across the lawn - drags along, laughs. Why does he laugh? (Because the grass tickles the pussy) ** 3 ** A hedgehog runs across the lawn - crying. Why is she crying? (The grass was mowed) ** 4 ** No windows, no doors, and a Jew sits inside? What is this? (Sara is pregnant) ** 5 ** No arms, no legs for a woman lope! (Yoke) ** 6 ** White, not sugar. Cold, not ice. (Corpse)**7**There is an elevator in the 12-storey building. Only 2 people live on the first floor, from floor to floor the number of residents doubles. Which button in the elevator of this house is pressed more often than others? (Regardless of the distribution of residents by floor, button "1") ** 8 ** I take it in two hands, put it between my legs, sweat for five minutes, and then ...
Foot massage. (Article from the Internet)
November 15, 2017 00:59 at Personal Journal
I came across this article in the feed and remembered how I saved my legs from swelling during pregnancy. Up to a certain point, massage helps a lot. Especially when your husband makes it, and you lie and get high. Get high like a puffed-up hippo! But on the other hand, you, an inflated hippo, are scratching your paws. In general, read. Don't forget to show your husband! Such a massage is always useful! How to do a foot massage? Foot massage has a stimulating effect not only on the leg muscles. It is beneficial for the whole organism as a whole. On the plantar surface of the foot there are thousands of nerve endings that reflexively affect the general condition of a person. This is where reflexology comes from. For better blood circulation and …
22 February 2017 11:57 at I want a child
My husband and I have been wanting children for a long time. But it doesn't work. 2.5 years ago, I was diagnosed with elevated prolactin, TSH and ST4, we are holding them back with Dostinex and Euthyrox. They found endometriosis, did a laparoscopy - cauterized the foci and dissected the adhesions, then 6 injections of Zoladex. After they tried to conceive, as a result, the pregnancy ended on its own at a very early stage (4-5 weeks), no cleaning was done. They prescribed 8 months of COC according to scheme 63 after 7 days. Now the first cycle after the abolition of COCs, “we are trying,” but the doctor said that I had elevated homocysteine and sent me to a hematologist, saying that if I didn’t lower it, I would freeze again. Hormones are now normal, CA125 at the last analysis 22. Is such an indicator dangerous ...
March 9, 2018 2:22 pm at Personal Journal
Complain My husband and I have been wanting children for a long time. But it doesn't work. 2.5 years ago, I was diagnosed with elevated prolactin, TSH and ST4, we are holding them back with Dostinex and Euthyrox. They found endometriosis, did a laparoscopy - cauterized the foci and dissected the adhesions, then 6 injections of Zoladex. After they tried to conceive, as a result, the pregnancy ended on its own at a very early stage (4-5 weeks), no cleaning was done. They prescribed 8 months of COC according to scheme 63 after 7 days. Now the first cycle after the abolition of COCs, “we are trying,” but the doctor said that I had elevated homocysteine and sent me to a hematologist, saying that if I didn’t lower it, I would freeze again. Hormones are now normal, CA125 at the last analysis 22…10 6894
Lots of things to laugh about!
October 29, 2013 08:51 am at Personal Journal
People rarely want to get married. People want to get married much more often If programmers were doctors, they would be told “my leg hurts”, and they would answer “well, I don’t know, my leg is the same, but nothing hurts.” - Estimate, woke up and saw Angelina in my bed Jolie. — Yes you that!? - I had to stick it back on the wall with tape .. Stupid! Well, what are you worried about, that your breasts are the first size !? But the legs . .. out ... Forty-fourth! - Go eat porridge! "You've been making soup, haven't you?" - You never know what I cooked. Questions from people on sex forums. THIS IS A FUCK XDD “Before, my sperm flew out a meter, and now it’s only 20 centimeters. The urologist at the clinic said that 20 centimeters is also a good result, for some ...
My first birth.
29 August 2015 19:53 at Personal Journal
Hello everyone. My daughter Polina is already 1 year old and 9 months old. I gave birth to her in the 20th maternity hospital (m. Pervomaiskaya) on November 20, 2013. PDR was set for November 24th. During my pregnancy, I changed about 10 obstetrician-gynecologists. And not on their own initiative. I was just appointed a new doctor, as he immediately evaporated somewhere. Either he quit, then he was transferred to another residential complex, then on vacation, then on sick leave, on training, at childbirth in the 20th maternity hospital. In general, I'm like a challenge prize) Take it and sign it. In the beginning, the pregnancy went well. There was no particular toxicity. I calmly completed my studies at the institute. I prepared my diploma. Gave it to me at 4 months pregnant. It was on the day of delivery, in the morning, that I vomited for the first and only time. B…
October 25, 2012 12:33 pm at I decided to see what it is ... and by the way, IN THE CHILDREN'S POWDER WHICH I USE (EARED NANNY) ALSO PHOSPHADES. WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT THIS? “Phosphates are salts and esters of phosphoric acids, the main application is phosphate fertilizers. Phosphates are widely used in synthetic detergents to bind calcium and magnesium ions. Phosphates entering the environment lead to eutrophication of water bodies (the rapid development of algae). Toxins of blue-green algae (algae that changes the color of the reservoir - "bloom"), according to some researchers, are dangerous for . ..
20 weeks!❤
21 July 2020 08:05 at Personal journal
Already the equator!😱 how so? So many more, and I will give birth!!! I will become a mother again, we will have one more doll!😨😂 I'm in shock)) At the reception on July 27 only, on ultrasound 24, this Friday, they will finally tell you exactly the gender! And then my hands are already itching to collect things😇 according to well-being like a broken trough. Everything hurts, it pulls, for some reason it became difficult to lift my legs. Often the tummy is stiff and sore. If you touch or press a little, it hurts, this morning my husband completely put his hand on me, wanted to hug me, it turned out his elbow on his stomach and all the heaviness there, it hurts, roll over and get up even from a prone position, even sitting, uncomfortable. Well, at least the heat subsided, I began to sleep well at night😌 I go to the toilet every hour, sometimes more often, at night I get up 3-4 times too. Live…
My birth at MONIIAG
December 25, 2013 19:32 at So that when I'm going to give birth to a second one, remember what it is)) So, 12/10/13. morning. I didn’t sleep for half the night, tossing and turning and tormenting myself with thoughts about the upcoming event. Will I manage… what doctors and midwives will I come across… how will it hurt… and a bunch of other “pregnant” questions settled in my head. Hospitalization is scheduled for today. She got up and gathered. I double-checked ten times to make sure everything was ready for the baby's arrival. The bed is assembled, the linen is ironed. You can go. I wanted to give birth in MONIIAG. My decision was based on the firm belief that I would fall into the hands of professionals with many years of experience and definitely not a ...
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December 7, 2016 18:59 at Personal journal my TOP was born - the most useless unnecessary things for babies in the first year of life! Attention: the list below is compiled by me, solely from my own observations and considerations! A small remark about uselessness for pregnant women. I take my words back about the maternity bra! So many mothers convinced me that this is a super-necessary thing that I wanted to run and buy it to wear at home even just like that)) The fact is that my buffers are small, a modest two, there was not enough milk, yes, sometimes it leaked but no Niagara Falls…
More for memory 😍
August 24, 2018 22:38 at For memory))) How the long-awaited pregnancy came, is in the previous post. I would like to talk about the pregnancy itself. Honestly, I did not expect such a quick result, because. there was one tube left after the removal of the ectopic one ... Life went on as usual ... I did not wait, did not guess. As usual, I'm waiting for the CD. The cycle is unstable, there were delays. The time has come, but they are gone... there is no day, two no, three no... On the fifth day, some kind of incomprehensible light daub began... Seeing her, I waved my hand... That's it , I think . .. scribe ... what kind of B can we talk about ... I'm waiting for normal months ... And the daub ended by the evening. It was like it didn't exist at all. I got through this case. Looking forward to more…
September 10, 2022 11:39 am at Personal Journal
Terrible night! Is everything repeating itself, she was pregnant with her son, she combed her hands and calves into meat (she went bandaged). Today at three I woke up from the fact that my legs were wet and itchy, I was wet, and I was scratching my knuckles on my legs, I got up, everything was in blood, I combed it to the bones😡. And most importantly, it didn’t hurt me, but now it hurts to walk, everything burns and hisses😭. Well, what kind of misfortune is this during pregnancy !? 1 17252 This page contains the most popular posts and comments of our users on the topic "Itchy hands and feet during pregnancy." This will help you quickly get an answer to your question, and you can also take part in the discussion.