Do walkers delay walking
Baby walkers and exercise jumpers
Baby walkers and exercise jumpers | Pregnancy Birth and Baby beginning of content9-minute read
What is a baby walker?
A baby walker is a circular frame on wheels that seats a baby who has not learnt to walk yet.
Some people believe that baby walkers are useful for their babies, to entertain them and help teach them to walk. This is not true. Baby walkers can be dangerous and can actually delay your baby’s walking development.
What is an exercise jumper?
An exercise jumper, also known as a jolly jumper or baby bouncer, is a device that holds a baby in sling seat with a spring or elastic. The device either comes in a standalone frame or can be attached to a door frame.
Like a baby walker, exercise jumpers can cause accidents and delay your baby’s development.
How does a baby learn to walk?
Most babies pass the following milestones while learning to walk:
- rolling on the floor
- sitting
- crawling, creeping or scooting
- pulling themselves up to stand
- moving around furniture or other stationary objects
This means that babies need to spend plenty of time on the floor, learning and practising these activities.
How can I help my baby's walking development?
Let your baby spend lots of time on the floor. It's a safe space for your baby to learn to roll, sit and pull themselves up to stand.
You can also place your baby close to soft furniture to help them with pulling-up.
If your baby is moving around, block off a safe area for them to play and move. You can also use a high-quality play pen or stationary activity centre.
Do baby walkers and jumpers help my baby learn to walk?
NO - baby walkers and jumpers don't help a baby develop their walking. In fact, walkers and jumpers can impede or delay your baby achieving these important milestones. The more time babies spend in a walker or a jumper, the more delay they experience.
Walkers and jumpers take your baby's time away from the floor so they miss out on practising important, repetitive movements needed for them to reach their walking milestones.
Babies tend to use their toes when they are in a walker or a jumper, which tightens their leg muscles and Achilles tendons (the thick cord at the back of the ankle) - this interferes with normal walking development. Once out of the device, they often want to keep using their toes, which is not how babies usually learn to walk.
When babies sit and pull themselves up, they are learning how to balance. A baby doesn't balance in a walker, delaying learning this important skill.
Being in a walker or jumper also means less time on hands and knees in a crawling or pre-crawling position. This is important to developing weight bearing through both the pelvis and shoulders.
A variety of important movements is needed when babies are developing their walking skills, but they get fewer chances to practise these in a walker or jumper than they would on the floor.
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Learning to crawl
Crawling is an important skill for your baby to learn and is a big milestone in their development.
Learning to walk
Your baby's first steps are one of the most exciting and memorable milestones in your child’s development.
Are baby walkers and exercise jumpers dangerous?
Baby walkers and exercise jumpers are not recommended in Australia.
Baby walkers are considered unsafe because they move very quickly. Your baby is also taller when upright in a walker and can reach things they usually don't have access to. Potential dangers include:
- falling down steps or stairs
- crashing into something sharp or hard
- tipping over while moving
- being toppled by an older sibling
- accessing electrical cords or cupboards with hazardous substances (such as cleaning supplies)
- moving quickly to dangerous areas such as fireplaces, ovens, heaters or pools
- being able to reach hot drinks on tables or other dangerous objects
Each year, many babies are injured in Australia when using walkers. Some sustain serious injuries caused by burns, cuts, head injuries, broken bones, poisoning and drownings; some even die.
Exercise jumpers can also cause serious injury to your baby, including:
- falling out, causing head or limb injuries
- getting fingers trapped in the springs
- colliding with the door frame or furniture — pets or other children could also push your baby
Development delays caused by tight leg muscles and Achilles tendons can sometimes require physiotherapy treatment, being put in leg casts, or even corrective surgery.
Are baby walkers legal in Australia?
Despite not being recommended for use in Australia, they can still be purchased and are not illegal.
Child health experts and state and territory health departments recommend NOT using baby walkers or exercise jumpers.
What safety guidelines are there for baby walkers?
Baby walkers sold in Australia, must comply with Australian consumer product safety standards.
All walkers sold in Australia must have:
- a braking mechanism to help stop it falling down stairs
- specific labels with clear safety instructions about blocking access to stairs, keeping the baby in view all the time, using only on a flat surface without objects to tip over and keeping away from all objects that could burn
- prior testing to make sure it doesn't easily tip or topple over
Parents are highly discouraged from using baby walkers. However, if you still decide to purchase one, please follow these guidelines:
- NEVER leave your baby unattended.
- ONLY use on a flat surface and block off access to steps or stairs
- REMOVE all dangerous items from the area, such as electrical cords, hot drinks, cleaning chemicals, fires, heaters, pools or toilets
- MAKE SURE the walker has a lock and a braking mechanism.
- NEVER use a walker before your baby can sit, or after your baby can walk.
- LIMIT your baby’s time in the walker for NO longer than 15 minutes.
Speak to your doctor or child health nurse to learn more about how best to help your baby learn how to walk.
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Tummy time
Tummy time is important for your baby’s development. It helps them learn to crawl, develop upper body strength and prevent flat spots on their head.
Toddler development - Motor skills
Toddlers develop fast, exploring their world and doing things independently. Here's how to help your toddler develop fine and gross motor (movement) skills.
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Call Pregnancy, Birth and Baby to speak to a maternal child health nurse on 1800 882 436 or video call. Available 7am to midnight (AET), 7 days a week.
Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) (Product safety Australia - Kids equipment: Baby walkers), Australian Government Department of Health and Aging (Move and play every day: National physical activity recommendations for children 0-5 years), Kidsafe SA (Baby Walkers & Exercise Jumpers)Learn more here about the development and quality assurance of healthdirect content.
Last reviewed: May 2022
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- Learning to walk
- Learning to crawl
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Baby walkers | Product Safety Australia
Infants can suffer serious injuries when unsupervised in baby walkers. Always keep an eye on your infant when they're using a baby walker and ensure hazardous areas in the house are blocked off.
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Baby & Young Children Safety Environment | Red Nose Australia
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Parents: Don’t use a baby walker
In Canada, the sale of baby walkers is banned. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) would like the same to be true in the US.
Why? Because baby walkers are dangerous. According to a study in the journal Pediatrics, between 1990 and 2014, more than 230,000 children less than 15 months of age were treated in US emergency departments for injuries related to walkers. The majority of injuries happen when children fall down stairs in a walker, usually injuring their head or neck, sometimes seriously.
But it’s not just stairs that can be a problem. Children in walkers can get their fingers caught, pull things down on themselves, or grab dangerous things (such as sharp objects or hot liquids) that would otherwise be out of their reach. Children can fall out of walkers and get hurt — and have drowned when they scooted into a pool or spa. There have also been injuries from toys attached to a baby walker.
Between 1990 and 2003, baby walker injuries decreased by 84.5%, as voluntary safety standards were instituted, and more families started to buy standers that didn’t move. In 2010 mandatory federal safety standards took effect. Among other things, the standards include measures to help prevent walkers from falling down stairs or tipping over, and to ensure that babies inside them are well-supported and can’t get stuck inside them. The rules also require a parking brake, to keep the walker more stationary, and have standards for the wheels themselves to keep the walkers safer. Even still, in 2014 2,000 toddlers were seen in emergency rooms for injuries due to walkers.
So why would parents use a baby walker?
Some parents buy them because they think that walkers help babies learn to walk faster. However, the opposite is true: using a walker can delay independent walking. That’s because learning to walk isn’t so much about learning to use your legs. It’s more about learning to pull to stand and then balance and take steps without support. When babies are plopped into walkers, they don’t learn any of that. They learn it by being put on the floor with something they can pull up on, like a couch or a caregiver.
The other reason is that babies like them and will play happily in them. This is absolutely true. Starting at around 6 months babies love to be upright — and love to be mobile, so that they can explore and be in the thick of things. However, there are other and safer ways to get babies upright, such as in stationary standers. As for mobility, the inconvenient truth is that not only do babies need to learn mobility by themselves, they need constant supervision as they do. Walkers can give caregivers a false sense of security and make them think that they don’t need to be within arm’s reach of the baby — when not only is that exactly where they need to be, it’s where babies want them to be.
So just say no to a baby walker. It isn’t worth the risk.
Follow me on Twitter @drClaire
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90,000 memoirs for parents- school No. 22 of TaganrogParents> Memo for parents
Memo for the period of an epidemic of coronavirus infection
Recommendations for the prevention of SARS 9000 9000 Safety leaflet Safety leaflet Every year in summer there is an increase in accidents caused by small children falling out of windows. MAKE YOUR WINDOW SAFE! DON'T LET YOUR CHILD DIE ! The safety of children in the water in many cases depends ONLY ON YOU! The water element does not forgive carelessness. The main cause of almost all accidents with children on the road is the non-observance of traffic rules by participants, as well as the lack of a culture of behavior on the road. Children are careless and gullible, their attention is scattered. The more often you remind your child of simple rules of behavior, the more likely he is to remember them and apply them. THE BEST EXPLANATION OF THE RULES IS A PERSONAL EXAMPLE! PROTECT THE LIFE AND HEALTH OF YOUR CHILDREN! Memo on railway safety Safety Memo on the railway and railway transport facilities Safety memo and railway transport facilities 6666 Railway is a convenient and popular form of transport used by millions of people every day. Increasing the speed of transport has solved many problems, reducing the time for passengers to travel and deliver goods, and at the same time Most accidents occur during school holidays. The most common cause of injuries on the railway is walking on the tracks, crossing them in unspecified places. In connection with the current situation with injuries of minors at railway facilities, in order to prevent and prevent accidents involving minors located near railway tracks, we remind you: time has created a lot of dangers for humans. Every year dozens of children and teenagers are seriously injured under the wheels of railway transport. There are many cases of fatal injuries. The railway is a zone of increased danger: being near the tracks, you need to be extremely vigilant yourself and attentive to others. The misfortunes in the families of the victims are explained not only by the violation or neglect of the safety rules by the victims while on the railway tracks, but also by the indifference, inattention of nearby people who could prompt, stop, demand compliance with the rules of being on the railway tracks, but did not do this . The railway is for everyone, and especially for children - a zone of increased danger. But, oddly enough, it is she who attracts teenagers for games, walks and fun. However, sad statistics should alert both minors and adults, remind them that health, and sometimes life, depends only on attentiveness and compliance with strict rules of behavior. Leaflet on safe behavior on the railway and railway transport facilities 1. 2. To cross the railroad tracks, use the crossing bridges, pedestrian platforms and crossings, pay attention to the signs "Crossing the tracks", listen to the sound signals. 3. Do not pass through a railway crossing with a prohibiting traffic light, crossing signaling, regardless of the position and presence of the barrier. 4. Driving on the roofs and footboards of wagons, transition platforms and vestibules of wagons, as well as on freight trains is strictly prohibited. 5. Do not enter the inter-track immediately after the train has passed, make sure there is no train in the opposite direction. Do not crawl under the wagons of a standing train. The train can move at any moment. 6. While waiting for the train, while on the platform, do not arrange games and other entertainment (photography, video filming) with access to the railway track. 7. To avoid electric shock, do not climb on top of wagons. There is high voltage in the contact network. Do not climb supports and special structures of the contact network, overhead lines and artificial structures, do not touch the current-carrying equipment under the cars of passenger and electric trains. 8. When using railway transport, follow the rules of behavior at stations, travel in trains. 9. Do not crawl under passenger platforms and rolling stock; do not jump from the passenger platform on the way. 10. Enter the surge and exit the car when the train is completely stopped and only on the side with the boarding platform. 11. Being in a state of alcoholic intoxication at railway transport facilities is life threatening. Prohibited on the railway: 1. 2. Cross and run across the railway tracks in front of a nearby train if the distance to it is less than 400 meters. 3. Cross the track immediately after the passage of a train in one direction, without making sure that there is no train in the opposite direction. 4. At stations and hauls, crawl under cars and climb over automatic couplers to cross the track. 5. Pass along the railway track closer than 5 meters from the outermost rail. 6. Pass through railway bridges and tunnels that are not equipped with walkways for pedestrians. 7. Stand on steps and walkways, open car doors while the train is running, delay opening and closing of automatic commuter train doors. 8. Driving drunk on trains. 9. Leave children unattended on boarding platforms and in carriages. 10. Get out of the car at the crossroads and stand there when the oncoming train passes. 11. Jump from the platform onto the railroad tracks. 12. Organize various outdoor games on the platform. 13. To smoke in carriages (including vestibules) of suburban trains, in non-smoking areas in local and long-distance trains. 14. Run along the platform next to the car of the arriving or departing train, and stay within two meters from the edge of the platform while the train is passing without stopping. 15. It is also prohibited to lay foreign objects on the rails, throw stones at trains and other illegal actions, as they can lead to death of people. Parents! It is forbidden to leave children unattended on the railway - this can lead to tragic consequences. Always remember that when at railway facilities, children must be held by the hand or in their arms. The railway is not a place for games, but a zone of increased danger! Take care of your life and the life of your children! Any outside interference in the operation of railway transport is illegal, it is prosecuted by law and entails criminal and administrative liability (children's parents are responsible for violations of safety rules by children). Dear adults! Follow and teach your children the rules of railway safety! Do not leave children alone and do not let them play near railway tracks! Do not pass indifferently past the pranks of children near the railway. Dear parents and adults! Children and adolescents who play games on the railway endanger their lives and health. Their carelessness threatens the safety of train traffic, the life and health of passengers, and the safety of transported goods. Such fun often ends tragically for children and adults. The railway is a convenient and popular mode of transport used by millions of people every day. Increasing the speed of transport has solved many problems, reducing the time spent by passengers on the road and delivering goods, and at the same time has created a lot of dangers for adults and children. The main tragedy is the careless, irresponsible attitude of adults towards children. All children who are near railway tracks are required to comply with generally accepted rules, REMEMBER THEM: Traffic lights, barriers, decks are installed at railway crossings. You can also learn the rules of behavior on the railway with children in a poetic form. A poem about safe behavior on the railway. Everywhere and everywhere the rules, You must always know them, Without them they will not set sail, From the harbor of the court. Without rules to live in the world, No way, no way. Go on a flight according to the rules Large trains. But there are rules, Hidden in a sign, They forbid us: “Never do that!” These railway rules - Very strict, but not complicated at all, You remember them, listen carefully, They will definitely help you in life. Across the rails - in a straight line! The way is much shorter here! Is the train close? Let's skip! – No, friends, – answered Drozd, – Safe – across the bridge! - You need to cross the tracks on the bridge. - I'm going around, - said Bunny, -You risk your life, Mishka. At this very moment, Suddenly the departure will be announced. Prevention of child injuries on the railway. The railway is a high-risk area. But there are people who, looking at posters promoting the Rules for the safety of citizens when they are in a zone of increased danger, still continue to violate them. But what is most striking is that this is what adults do, who set an example for their children and grandchildren, forgetting that, ultimately, they are risking their lives. It is not uncommon for people to be injured while walking along railway tracks or in ruts. It is not easy to stop a moving train. Its braking distance, depending on the weight, the profile of the path, averages about a thousand meters. In addition, it must be taken into account that a train traveling at a speed of 100-120 km / h overcomes 30 meters in one second. And it takes at least five to six seconds for a pedestrian to cross a railroad track. Child injuries are of particular concern in the context of high-speed traffic. Dear parents! Be careful not to let children play near the railroad tracks. The most important thing in your hands is your child's life. Through the efforts of railway workers, it is impossible to completely prevent injuries to citizens, especially children and to whom it is their parents or older comrades who set a bad example by crossing railway tracks in an unspecified place, climbing onto a platform or jumping off it, trying to pass on an automatic coupler or on the roof of an electric train car. Every citizen who gets on the railway must remember his safety and protect himself or his child, remembering the basic rules for being on the road: Remember, compliance with these rules will save the life and health of you and your child. Memo for parents. Rotavirus infection Memo for parents. Rotavirus infection Rotavirus infection is an infectious disease caused by rotavirus (dirty hands disease). Long-term observations have shown that the largest outbreaks of the disease occur during or on the eve of an influenza epidemic, for which it received an unofficial name - "intestinal flu" . The incubation period of infection is 1-5 days. Rotavirus affects both children and adults, but in an adult, unlike a child, the disease is milder. The patient becomes contagious with the first symptoms of rotavirus and remains contagious until the end of the symptoms of the disease (5-7 days). As a rule, after 5-7 days recovery occurs. The route of transmission of rotavirus is mainly food (through unwashed food, dirty hands). In addition, because rotaviruses cause inflammation in the respiratory tract, they, like influenza viruses, are spread by droplets - for example, when sneezing. Rotavirus infection affects the gastrointestinal tract, causing enteritis (inflammation of the intestinal mucosa), hence the characteristic symptoms of rotavirus: vomiting, a sharp increase in temperature, loose stools are possible. In addition, most patients develop: runny nose, redness in the throat, they experience pain when swallowing. In the acute period, there is no appetite, a state of loss of strength is observed. Often a rotavirus infection in a child manifests itself with the following symptoms and signs in order: the child wakes up lethargic, capricious, feels sick already in the morning, vomiting is possible even on an empty stomach, vomiting with mucus is possible. Appetite is reduced, after eating repeatedly vomits with pieces of undigested food, vomiting begins and after drinking liquids, the temperature begins to rise. Treatment of rotavirus infection is symptomatic and is aimed at normalizing the water-salt balance disturbed by vomiting and diarrhea and at preventing the development of a secondary bacterial infection. When symptoms of a gastrointestinal disorder appear, in no case should you give your child milk and dairy, even sour-milk products, including kefir and cottage cheese - this is an excellent environment for the growth of bacteria. PREVENTION rotavirus infection: it is recommended to carry out preventive vaccination and observe sanitary and hygienic standards: (washing hands, using only boiled water for drinking). The main rule that parents should not forget at the first sign of illness (change in child's behavior, refusal to eat) is to call a doctor! Norovirus infection. Reminder for parents. Norovirus infection. Reminder for parents. Norovirus infection remains a major public health problem in many parts of the world. Most cases of the disease occur during the cold season (from November to April inclusive). The incidence is often group and outbreak in nature with a large number of cases in preschool and educational institutions, hospitals, military units, nursing homes, etc. Ways of transmission of norovirus infection The virus is resistant to chemical and physical influences (wet cleaning with conventional detergents and alcohol-containing products does not ensure its destruction), drying, freezing, heating up to 60 degrees. To destroy the norovirus, use chlorine-containing disinfectants that are effective against pathogenic microorganisms in accordance with the instructions for their use. Symptoms of the disease The first symptoms of the disease appear 24-48 hours after infection in the form of vomiting, diarrhea, severe nausea, fever, muscle pain, headaches and weakness. After symptoms disappear, shedding of the virus can persist for up to six weeks. Immunity after the disease persists for a period of not more than 8 weeks. After that, the person can become infected again and fall ill. Basic prevention measures: - for drinking use boiled or bottled water, drinks in factory packaging; - wash fruits and vegetables thoroughly under running water before eating, rinse with boiled water, especially if they are intended for children; - keep your hands clean, wash them with soap before eating, after walking, going to the toilet, public places, vehicles; - daily wet cleaning with detergents and disinfectants, as even the smallest particles of dust containing norovirus cause disease; - if a child is ill, even in a mild form, he should not be sent to a kindergarten or school, it is dangerous for other children who are in contact with the sick person; - bottles, dishes from which small children eat, it is recommended to additionally rinse with boiling water; - children's toys are recommended to be washed and boiled daily; - do not swallow water during water procedures and swimming in the pool; - if there is a sick person in the house, then be very careful about hygiene: to care for the sick, when in contact with objects in the patient's environment, use gloves, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water, treat them with alcohol-containing skin antiseptics. This hygiene practice will help to avoid further spread of infection and re-infection of people. REMEMBER! The main protection against norovirus infection and other intestinal infections caused by viruses is not only personal prevention measures, but also timely seeking medical help in medical institutions, especially if a child is sick! WATER SAFETY - SAVE THE LIVES OF CHILDREN AND ADOLESCENTS (Reminder for Parents and Healthcare Managers) Reminder for Parents Drowning is defined as the process during which a person experiences difficulty in breathing as a result of immersion in water. Drowning poses the greatest risk to young children and is the leading cause of death from unintentional injuries in children 1 to 4 years of age. Small children can drown even in 2 cm of water in the bath, older children drown in recreational areas when swimming in rivers and canals, in ponds, in swimming pools. Infants may drown if left alone in the bath or under the supervision of another child. Children who begin to walk are at particular risk of drowning when they may fall or climb into the water. Young people are prone to risky behavior due to alcohol consumption. In Europe, according to the World Health Organization, more than 5,000 children die each year as a result of drowning. It is the second most common cause of death by accident in children under 15 years of age (after a car accident). Of the 750 drowning children, approximately 375 drown less than 22 meters from their parents. Of the ten drowned children, one drowns right in front of their parents, who do not understand what is happening. Drowning can occur within seconds. The body of a drowning person remains in the water in an upright position, with almost no supporting movements of the legs. If a person is not rescued, he can survive in the water for 20 to 60 seconds before the final dive. Signs of drowning: - the head is low in the water, the mouth is at the water level; - a person tilts his head back, opens his mouth; - eyes as if glassy and empty, closed eyes; - hair on forehead or eyes; - floats vertically in water; does not use legs; - breathing fast and shallow, or gasping for air; - tries to roll over on his back; - tries to get out of the water as if using a ladder, but all movements are almost always made under water; - does not answer the question, has a meaningless look; - there is silence during the noisy play of children on the water. Remember! If the child has gone under water, a complex of resuscitation measures should be immediately carried out - artificial respiration and closed heart massage. Parents and health workers should be aware of the dangers! Secondary Drowning is typical for children in whom the bronchi cannot quickly get rid of residual water by coughing. If a child has drowned, even if he has been underwater for a “short time”, and he seems to be feeling quite normal at first glance, seek medical help immediately! "Dry" drowning occurs when the body and brain "feel" that it is now necessary to "breathe" water. At this point, a spasm of the airways occurs. Neither water nor air enters the lungs, as a result, a person is left without oxygen and suffocates. Extreme fatigue and a child's desire to sleep - a reason for immediate medical attention! It is obligatory to see a doctor if the child has difficulty and rapid breathing, blue lips, cough, absent-mindedness, severe weakness! HOW TO SAVE THE LIVES OF CHILDREN? Advice for parents: Be vigilant! Ensure constant supervision of children! Summer In the pool Follow the rules of bathing! Remember! The safety of children is the concern of adults! MBDOU Kindergarten -101 Tematic Card index Physical school 2 Early age Cose Dzerzhinsk, 2020 Tasks: Develop motorized memory, teach correlate movements in accordance with the text. Physical culture minute as a form of active recreation during sedentary activities is widely used with preschool children. The purpose of holding a physical culture minute is to increase or maintain the mental performance of children in the classroom (in terms of counting, speech development, etc.), to provide short-term active rest for preschoolers during classes, when the organs of vision and hearing experience a significant load; muscles of the body, especially the back, which are in a static state; hand muscles working arm. Proceeding from this, for a physical culture minute they make up a complex that includes 3-4 simple exercises for large muscle groups (legs, arms, shoulder girdle, torso), activating breathing and blood circulation. They are performed within 1.5-2 minutes. Every week the physical education complexes are updated, enriched with new movements, or completely replaced. Children of preschool age, performing exercises, do not know how to correctly combine movements with the rhythm of breathing, often hold their breath. Long-term plan by topics. Let's hide the doll Let's hide our doll - (the teacher hides the doll behind her back) Let's hide the doll Masha - (everyone clap their hands) Tanya will come up to the doll - (they call) 900 Tanya will take the doll - (the girl goes and takes the doll) Tanechka will dance with our doll - (dances in a circle) Let's all clap our hands - (everyone clap and say) Let the legs dance. For a long, long time For a long, long time we sculpted - (arms clasped in a lock; circular rotations of the arms. Our fingers are tired - (Shaking hands) Let them rest a little - (Stroking everyone) And again they will begin to sculpt - (fingers in turn) Together we will spread our hands - (Spread our hands to the sides) And again we will start sculpting - (Clap your hands) We kick top-top We kick top-top, We clap-clap with our hands! We are eyes in a moment, We are shoulders chik-chik. One - here, two - there, Turn around yourself. Once - squatted down, twice - stood up, Everyone raised their hands up. They sat down - they got up, they sat down - they got up, It was as if they had become a roly-poly. Picking mushrooms In the morning the children went to the forest - (walking, raising their legs high) And they found mushrooms in the forest - (they squat measuredly) They leaned over, collected - (they lean forward and spread their arms rhythmically to sides. They lost them along the way - (grab their hands over their heads and shake their heads) 2 - 3 week. Theme of the period: “Autumn has come” Leaflets We autumn leaves - (smoothly swaying hands) We sit on the branches - (above the head) The wind blew - they flew - (arms to the sides) We flew, we flew And quietly sat on the ground - (sat down) The wind came up again - (smooth swaying of the arms) And lifted all the leaves - (above above the head) They whirled, flew - (circling, arms to the sides) And sat down on the ground again. Vegetables We will run to the garden - (Run in a circle) Let's see what grows there. Under the leaves in the garden - (tilt the body to the right, to the left) Cucumbers play hide and seek. My rain will start to drive - He will notice everyone, he will water everyone. The pumpkin looked slyly: (tilt head left and right) I have already become big — And the green arrow - (stand on toes) It grew up very quickly - (raising hands up) It's a pity that the arrow cannot fly - (holds the bow firmly in the ground). Looks sad and sad from the garden - (squatting) Compote We will cook compote - (marching in place) We need a lot of fruit. Here - (show with hands - a lot) We will chop apples - (imitate how they chop) We will chop a pear - (chop, squeeze, put) Squeeze lemon juice, Put drain and sand. We cook, we cook compote - (turn around) Let's treat the honest people - (clap your hands) Mushrooms Grisha walked - walked - walked - (walking in place) Every year, children die from falls from heights. Be carefull!
Railway tracks are objects of increased danger. By being on them, you are putting your life at risk. Never cross railway tracks in undesignated places, places not equipped for this, do not run across in front of a passing train. Remember that the train cannot be stopped immediately.
Walking on the railway tracks at stations and stages. Don't risk your life! The railway track is not a place to walk!
In the absence of parental control and insufficient explanatory work in kindergartens.
Hey! Don't be afraid, follow me:
After all, children can not always appreciate the real danger. The most effective method of preventing child injuries is to prevent children from being unauthorized in the zone of movement of high-speed trains.
Norovirus can enter the body through food, contaminated water, from hands, utensils and household items.
It happens when a person drowns in a pond (or in a pool), they manage to pull him out, he clears his throat, and they seem to be breathing normally. He can even calmly talk about something and behave as usual. After a child has drowned, up to three days can pass without obvious symptoms of any health problems. But in the meantime, these problems are growing. There is severe fatigue. The child falls asleep, however, pulmonary edema gradually develops. As a result, the child suffocates in his sleep.
Never lose sight of your children for a moment when you are near water or in a pool.
Educator: Mironova Natalya Vasilyevna
Poetic physical exercises help to solve these problems. To teach children to breathe correctly when doing exercises, invite them to say sounds or words when lowering their hands down, while squatting, bending over.
1 week. Theme of the period: "Kindergarten"
- (children sit in their places)
Should have taken a bucket!
Watering can is not enough for watering.
Snow-white cabbage: The sun warmed for a whole month,
But she did not tan. - (pour sand)
One – fungus, – (leaning forward)
Two – fungus,
Three – fungus,
Put them in a box – (we walk in place)
While reciting a poem, children imitate the movements of a mushroom picker : they go, bend down and put the mushrooms in the box. Movements should be slow, rhythmic.
4 weeks. Period theme: “Me and my family”
Who lives in our apartment?
One, two, three, four - (clap hands)
Who lives in our apartment? - (walking in place)
One, two, three, four, five - (jumping in place)
I can count everyone: - (walking in place)
Dad, mom, brother, sister, - (clap hands) )
Murka the cat, two kittens, - (tilts of the body left-right)
My cricket, goldfinch and I - (turns of the body left-right)
That's my whole family. – (clap hands)
1 – 2 weeks. The theme of the period: "My house, my city"
Lots of furniture in the apartment
One, two, three, four - (clap hands)
Lots of furniture in the apartment. - (jump on the spot)
We will hang a shirt in the closet, - (make turns left and right)
And put a cup in the cupboard. - (raise arms up and stretch)
To rest the legs - (shake each leg)
Let's sit on a chair for a while. - (squatting)
3 weeks. Period theme: Transport. Professions.
Planes roared, - (rotation in front of the chest with arms bent at the elbows)
Planes flew. - (arms to the sides, alternate tilts to the left and right)
They quietly sat down in the clearing, - (sit down, hands to the knees)
Yes, and flew again. - (arms to the sides, "flying" in a circle "U-u-u-u-u-u")
We got on the bus together - (squat down)
And looked out the window - (make head turns to the right, left)
Our driver pressed the pedal - (one foot presses on an imaginary pedal)
And the bus ran - (run in a circle, in the hands of the "steering wheel")
Motor ship
From the green pier - (the children stood up)
The ship pushed off.
He stepped back first - (step forward. one, two)
And swam, swam along the river - (wave-like movement of his hands)
Gaining full speed - (walking on the spot)
Rolling, flying at full speed. - (run in a circle, turn an imaginary steering wheel)
I myself am a driver,
I myself am a motor.
I press the pedal, - (stop, press the imaginary pedal with the right foot)
And the car rushes into the distance. – (run in a circle)
Dwarves build a new house
Ding-dong, ding-dong, - (tilts from side to side, hands on the belt)
Dwarfs are building a new house, - (banging fist on fist)
Painting walls, roof, floor, - (hands "paint" side, top, bottom)
Cleaning everything around. - (we sweep with a broom)
We will come to visit them - (steps in place)
And we will bring gifts. - (hands forward, palms up)
4 weeks. Period theme: “Golden autumn. The beauty of nature»
The wind gently shakes the maple
The wind gently shakes the maple, - (feet shoulder-width apart)
Tilts to the right, to the left: - (hands behind the head)
Once - tilt and two - tilt, - (tilts of the body)
Maple leaves rustled. – (right and left)
We walk together in the forest
We walk together in the forest – (steps in place)
And we collect leaves – (tilts forward)
Everyone is happy to collect them
Just a wonderful leaf fall! - (jumping in place, clapping)
We are sweeping the paths
We are sweeping the paths - (imitation of movements)
We collect leaves in heaps - (bend over, imitate movement)
So that while walking, kids - (jumps in place)
Have fun from the heart!
Oh, tired, - (wipe sweat from forehead)
Let's rest, - (sit down)
And let's go home soon. – (steps in place)
1 – 2 weeks. Theme of the period: "Clothes, hats, shoes"
Washerwomen gnomes
Once upon a time in a house - (walk in a circle)
Little gnomes:
Toki, Peaky, Leaky,
Cheeky, Mickey.
One, two, three, four, five, - (jumping in place)
The gnomes began to wash: - (leaning forward)
Currents - shirts, - (make a movement resembling washing)
Peaks - handkerchiefs,
Leeks - panties,
Cheeks - socks.
Mickey was smart, - (walk in a circle)
He carried some water to everyone.
Here they are, boots. – (standing in a circle)
This one is from the left leg. - (put forward left foot)
The one from the right leg. - (put forward the right foot)
If it starts to rain, - (jump on the spot)
Let's put on galoshes.
Putting on shoes
I know how to put on shoes, - (stomp my feet)
If I want, - (hands in front of chest)
Me and my little brother - (show "little brother")
I will teach you how to put on shoes.
Here they are, boots, - (tilt forward)
This one from the right leg, - (put the right foot on the heel)
This one is from the left leg. - (put the right foot on the heel)
3-4 weeks. The theme of the period: "I grow up healthy"
Let's jump and gallop!
One, two, three, four, five!
Let's jump and gallop! - (Jumping in place.)
Right side bent over. - (torso tilts left-right.)
One, two, three.
Leaned left side.
One, two, three.
Now let's raise our hands - (hands up.)
And we'll reach the clouds.
Let's sit on the path, - (sat down on the floor.)
We'll stretch our legs.
Let's bend the right leg, - (bend the legs at the knee.)
One, two, three!
Bend the left leg,
One, two, three.
They raised their legs high - (raised their legs up.)
And held them a little.
They shook their heads - (movements of the head. )
And everyone stood up together. - (get up)
5 weeks. Period Theme: "Beware the Road"
Guard standing stubborn - (walking in place).
Waves to people: Don't go! - (move arms to the sides, up, to the sides, down)
Cars go straight here - (arms in front of you)
Pedestrian, wait a minute! - (hands to the sides)
Look: smiled - (hands on the belt, smile)
Invites us to go - (walking in place)
You, cars, do not rush - (clap hands)
Let the pedestrian pass! - (jumping in place)
We're going, we're going home
We're going, we're going home - (movements imitating the turn of the steering wheel)
By car
We drove up the hill: clap, - (hands up, clap above the head)
The wheel went down: stop. - (hands down through the sides, sit down)
1 – 2 weeks. Theme of the period: "Winter"
Snowflakes are falling from the sky
Snowflakes are falling from the sky, - (children raise their hands above their heads)
Like in a fairy-tale picture.
We'll catch them with our hands - (grasping movements, as if catching snowflakes)
And we'll show mom at home
And there are snowdrifts around, - (sipping - hands to the sides)
The roads are covered with snow.
Do not get stuck in the field so that, - (walking in place, knees rise high)
Raise above the legs.
There is a fox jumping in the field, - (jumping in place)
Like a soft red ball.
Well, we are going, we are going - (walking on the spot)
And we come to our house. - (children sit down)
3 - 5 weeks. Theme of the period: "The Christmas tree is dressing up, the holiday is approaching"
Gifts of Santa Claus
Santa Claus, Santa Claus - (spring with my feet, I perform turns
Overgrown through the oak. The body to the right - left)
Overgrown through the oak, - (stretching his hands forward)
with both hands with both hands large
Frosts are crackling, - (crossing the hands on the chest, patting with their palms
on the shoulders)
Snow Snow, - (wave their brushes from top to bottom)
Blizzard winds, - (swing their hands over their heads)
Friendly blizzards. - (gradually lower their hands down, rotating with brushes)
1 week. Period theme: "Christmas Holidays"
Frost Red Nose
Oh, Frost Red Nose - (clap hands)
We all know you.
And you, Santa Claus, - (hands on the belt, torso bends forward)
We gladly meet.
Oh, Frost Red nose, - (clap hands) We sing the song.
And you in a round dance - (squats)
We invite you to the children.
Oh, Frost Red nose, - (clapping)
Beat harder with your hands!
And we have more fun - (jumping in place)
Legs will dance.
Spinning, spinning - (spinning in place)
White snowflakes.
They flew up in a white flock - (raise hands)
Light fluffs. - (circling on toes)
The evil blizzard subsided a little - (lower hands, stand up straight)
They lay down everywhere. - (sit down, hands to the floor)
They shone like pearls - (get up, hands forward)
Everyone marvels at the miracle. - (spread arms to the sides)
2 weeks. Theme of the period: “Remember the Christmas tree”
Our Christmas tree
Our Christmas tree is big, - (make circular movements with hands)
Our Christmas tree is high, - (stand on toes, hands up)
Higher than mom, higher than dad, - ( squat, arms forward, and stand on toes)
Reaches the ceiling. - (stretch up)
Let's dance merrily, - (set legs alternately on the heel, spreading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0253 Let's sing songs
So that the Christmas tree wants
Come visit us again!
I'm not afraid of frost
I'm not afraid of frost - (we walk on the spot.)
I'll make good friends with him. - (clap hands.)
Frost will come to me, - (sit down.)
Touch my hand, touch my nose - (show hand, nose.)
So, we must not yawn, - (clap our hands.)
Jump, run and play. - (jumping in place. )
3 weeks. Period theme: "Pets"
Boo boo, I'm horny. – (make two jumps, put “horns” on the head
Boo-boo, I have a tail. - (make two jumps, "tail" from the hand - behind the back)
Boo-boo, I have ears. – (make two jumps, “ears” from the palms - on the head)
Boo-boo, very scary. – (making “horns” on the head)
Boo-boo, I’ll scare you.
Boo boo, gore. – (butting)
Small bull, - (sit down, stand up)
Yellowish side, - (tilts to the side)
Steps with legs, - (stomp)
Shakes his head. – (We shake our heads)
Where is the herd? Mu-u-u - (torso turn to the right, right, straight
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . arm to the side, then to the left and left arm to the side)
- (leaned down and waved outstretched arms)
4 weeks. Theme of the period: "Winter fun"
Winter game
Look how it glitters - (raise their hands up and gently shake their hands) like fluff. With hands, as it snows)
Get dressed lively, - (“Put on” a hat, scarf)
Let's run more fun - (run on the spot)
Run and play,
And throw snowballs. - ("sculpt and throw a snowball")
Week 1 - 2 Theme of the period: "Wild animals"
Funny hares
Well, everyone sat down together, - (standing in a circle, squatting)
looked at each other. – (look at each other)
And they clapped their hands: - (clap their hands)
Clap and clap, clap and clap.
What do hares have on top? - (they put their hands on their heads like ears)
The ears are dancing merrily there.
One jump, two jumps - (jump on the spot)
They all galloped into the woods. - (jumping in all directions)
Early in the morning in the clearing - (clap hands)
This is how the monkeys frolic:
Top with the right leg, top! - (stomp their feet)
Left foot top, top!
Hands up, up, up! - (get up on your toes and stretch up)
Who will lift the highest? - (stretch up)
3 - 4 weeks. Period theme: "Daddy's Day"
At the parade
Like soldiers on parade, - (walking in place)
We walk row after row,
Left - one, right - one,
Look at us all.
Everyone clapped their hands - (clapping their hands)
Together, more fun!
Our feet pounded - (jumping in place)
Louder and faster!
The sun is shining in the clear sky, - (sipping - hands up)
The astronaut is flying in a rocket.
And at the bottom of the forest, fields - (low tilt forward)
The earth is spreading. – (hands spread apart)
1 – 2 weeks. Topic of the period: “Mom's day”
Moms together helps
, Moms together help: (Tilts forward, Movement hand
Imaging rinsing)
We wash
and socks
for a son and for a daughter.
Deftly stretch across the yard - (sipping - hands to the sides)
Three ropes for clothes.
The sun-chamomile is shining, - (sipping - hands up)
Shirts will dry soon.
Our scarlet flowers
Our scarlet flowers - (smoothly raise our hands up)
The petals open.
The breeze is breathing a little, - (swinging the arms to the left and right)
The petals are swaying.
Our scarlet flowers - (sat down, hid)
Closing the petals,
Shaking their head, - (moving the head left and right)
Quietly falling asleep.
3 - 4 weeks. Period theme: "Spring"
Spring has come
All people are smiling — (children raise their hands above their heads)
Spring, spring, spring — (clap their hands rhythmically)
She is everywhere, she is everywhere
Red, red, red. - (make rhythmic turns of the torso)
Through the meadow, forest and clearing
Goes, goes, goes. - (stepping rhythmically in place)
Get warm in the sun - (waving both hands towards themselves)
Calling, calling, calling.
The bear got out of the den
The bear got out of the den
Looked around at the threshold. - (turns left and right)
He stretched himself from sleep: - (sipping - hands up)
Spring has come to us again.
The bear turned its head. - (rotation of the head)
Leaned back and forth, - (tilts back and forth)
Here he is walking through the forest. - (walking on the spot)
The bear is looking for roots
And rotten stumps.
They contain edible larvae -
Vitamins for a bear.
Finally the bear ate)
And sat down on a log. - (children sit down)
Flowers grow in the meadow
Flowers grow in the meadow - (sipping - hands to the sides)
Unprecedented beauty.
Flowers reach for the sun. - (sipping - hands up)
Stretch with them too.
The wind blows sometimes, - (children wave their hands imitating the wind)
Only it doesn't matter.
Flowers are leaning, - (tilts)
Petals are lowering.
And then they get up again. – (assume correct posture)
5 weeks. Period theme: "Birds"
Little birds, - (we wave our arms like wings)
Little birds,
Fly through the forest,
Sing songs.
A violent wind came up, - (hands up, swaying from side to side)
I wanted to carry away the birds.
The birds hid in a hollow, - (we squat down, cover our heads with our hands)
It's cozy and warm there.
Birds sit in the nest - (children squat)
And look around. - (turn head to the side)
They want to take a walk - (they scatter, waving their hands)
And quietly everyone is flying.
And they returned back.
Here under the green fir-tree - (jumping on two legs)
Crows are galloping merrily, - (hands along the body, palms to the sides)
They flew all day long
And they got prey. – (crouch down, imitation of foraging)
Only by night they fall silent - (jumping on two legs, arms to the sides)
And they all fall asleep together. – (sit down, sleep simulation)
The swallows were flying, - (running in a circle, waving their arms)
All the people were looking. - (depicting the flight of birds)
Swallows sat down, - (squat, put their hands behind their backs)
All the people were amazed.
Sat down, sat down,
Soared, flew. - (running in a circle, waving their arms)
They flew, flew,
Sang songs.
1 week. Period theme: “Toy. Folk toy”
We are funny cuties – (hands on the belt swing to the sides)
Miracle - dolls, tumblers - (keep rocking)
We dance and sing - (squats)
We live a lot of fun. - (jumping in place)
Roly-standing, - (jumping in place)
Squat down. - (squats)
What a naughty you are! – (clapping hands)
We can't handle you!
Raises the hand doll, - (raise and lower hands up and down,
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . up and down! Up)
Spin, spin!
After the dance to all the guys
Bow, bow! – (forward bends)
2 weeks. Theme of the period: “My safety”
Matches are dangerous, - (children threaten with a finger)
Just touch them -
Immediately appear - (raise their hands up, move their fingers)
Small at first, - (hands in front of you)
And then big, big! – (hands up, wiggle fingers)
A breeze blew – (blow)
And the fire went out. - (drop hands)
3 weeks. The theme of the period: "Take care of your health"
The sun looked into the crib,
One, two, three, four, five.
We all do exercises,
We need to sit down and get up.
Spread arms wide 10 times.
Every day we do morning exercises.
We really like to do it in order:
It's fun to walk, Raise your hands,
Squat and stand up,
Jump and gallop
Eyes see everything around,
I'll circle them around.
A peephole to see everything is given-
Where is the window, and where is the cinema.
I will circle them around,
I will look at the world around.
4 weeks. The theme of the period: "Book Day"
Carlson calls everyone to the roof.
Get everyone on their toes urgently.
Higher, higher... Get down,
Bow, smile,
Now, please, sit down.
All warm-up movements.
We repeat without hesitation!
Pinocchio stretched,
Once - bent down, Two - bent down,
Spread his hands to the sides,
Apparently, he did not find the key.
To get us the key,
We need to stand on our toes.
1st – 2nd week. Period theme: "Insects"
I am walking along the path, - (steps in place)
A grasshopper is jumping nearby. - (jumping in place)
I’ll bend over, take it in my hands - (bend over to take a grasshopper)
He doesn’t need to jump here - (shake his finger)
Let him sit better in the grass - (steps in place, palms holding a grasshopper)
He'll be all right there. – (bend over to let go of the grasshopper)
Butterfly flew, - (slow run on toes)
Fluttered over the flower. – (hands wave up and down)
She sat down, sat down – (sit down, shake her head)
And ate the nectar. – (down – up)
Two of her big wings
Lowered, raised. - (get up, lower and raise your arms)
Flew further, - (slow run on toes)
To make the world more beautiful. – (hands wave up and down)
3 - 4 weeks.