How to stimulate a let down
Is Yours Normal, Tips to Improve It, and More
What are some benefits of breastfeeding?
Breastfeeding not only creates a bond between you and your baby, it also provides your baby with nutrients that promote healthy growth.
Breast milk has antibodies that strengthen your baby’s immune system, protecting them from infections and diseases.
Breastfeeding also has long-term benefits. For example, breastfed babies are less likely to be obese or develop type 2 diabetes later in life.
Even if you’re convinced that breast milk is the best choice for your baby, you may have questions. Among your list of concerns, you may wonder whether your let-down reflex is normal. Find out more here.
What is the let-down reflex?
Between sore nipples, latching issues, and problems with milk flow, breastfeeding can be tricky. The let-down reflex, however, can make breastfeeding easier for both you and your baby.
“Let-down” is the release of milk from the breast. It’s a normal reflex that occurs when nerves in your breasts are stimulated, usually as a result of your baby sucking. This sets in motion a chain of events, and hormones are released into your bloodstream.
The hormone prolactin stimulates milk production, and the hormone oxytocin causes your breast to release or “let down” milk.
What is a normal let-down reflex?
Let-down, or the availability of milk, is different for every mother. Some women let down within seconds of their baby beginning to suck, but it takes others several minutes to let down. Therefore, you shouldn’t compare your reflex with another mother’s reflex.
Knowing what to expect during let-down can help you determine whether your reflex is normal.
Some breastfeeding mothers can feel their milk flow from their ducts to their nipples, but others don’t. You may notice different sensations in or around your breasts, such as:
- a tingling sensation, which feels like pins and needles
- a feeling of fullness
- milk leaking from your other breast
These sensations can develop immediately after giving birth, or they may not start until several weeks into breastfeeding. It varies from mother to mother.
Other bodily responses
Let-down can also trigger other natural responses. Although you may only feed your baby from one breast, let-down typically happens in both breasts simultaneously.
You shouldn’t be surprised if your other breast begins to leak. Also, don’t be alarmed if you feel your uterus contract when you let down. This is also normal.
Your milk may let down at a slow and steady pace. Sometimes, however, let down is fast and forceful.
Your baby could choke if they suck too much milk at once. The flow of milk does gradually slow down, though, and it becomes more comfortable for your baby.
If you don’t want to risk your baby choking, use your hand and squeeze out a little milk before each feeding. Fast-flowing milk not only increases the likelihood of choking, but some people believe it can cause gas and colic.
Which actions can prompt let-down?
Let-down is a normal reflex when your baby sucks on your breasts, but it can also take place before your baby latches on. You may notice your milk let down when you hear your baby cry or if you’re overdue for a feeding.
Additionally, touching your breasts or using a breast pump can prompt let-down. This is called “expressing.”
How can you improve your let-down reflex?
Let-down comes easily and naturally for some breastfeeding mothers, but others have trouble getting their milk to flow.
If you have trouble with let-down — whether you’re feeding or expressing — there are several things you can do to help the process:
- sip on a warm beverage
- listen to soothing, calm music
- take a warm shower before feeding
- hold your baby close to your body
- gently massage your breasts to stimulate milk flow
What is the takeaway?
It’s important to remember that let-down is different for every person. You may have a physical response and feel tingling or fullness around the breasts every time milk is ready to flow, or you may feel nothing.
If you have concerns about your let-down reflex, talk to your doctor. Also, let your doctor know if you’re having pain during let-down. A painful let-down reflex isn’t unusual, and the pain typically goes away once you adjust to breastfeeding.
If pain doesn’t improve, it can be a sign of:
- a clogged milk duct
- a breast infection
- a strained muscle from giving birth
- your breasts producing too much milk
10 Ways to Encourage a Let Down While Pumping – Motherlove Herbal Company
If you're a pumping mom you know that getting your milk to 'let down' is the key to getting a good volume of milk. We know that pumping is probably not any mom's idea of a good time and that it's particularly frustrating when you can't get your milk to let down.
So we'd like to offer some tips to help you get your milk to let down, making your pumping sessions as productive as possible!
Flange fit.

Using the right size flange for your nipple size will help with let down and also prevent injury. Motherlove's Nipple Cream is great as a pump lubricant. Here is a great guide from Aeroflow.
Pump speed.
Research has demonstrated that mothers produce more milk when their pumps simulate the sucking pattern of babies, going from a rapid speed (simulating the speed babies use at the beginning of feeding to stimulate a let down) to a slower speed (simulating babies' slower suck-swallow pattern when milk has let down). Some pumps automatically cycle in this pattern, but if your pump doesn't you can manually adjust the speed setting in this pattern, starting with fast speed and switching to a slower speed once you sense that your milk is starting to let down.
Pump suction.
Finding the right suction is another key to getting a letdown. It's best to use a suction that is mild enough to not cause injury and strong enough for you to feel the stimulation. For most moms, it requires some experimentation to find the right setting. If you're concerned that your pump's suction is inadequate (defects do occur, and older pumps do wear out), ask a lactation consultant to check the suction on your pump.
The higher level of stimulation involved in pumping both breasts at the same time may make it easier to produce a letdown. It also shortens your pumping time! Hands-free pumping bras or bustiers can be helpful for double pumping.
Breast massage.Some gentle breast massage prior to pumping may help stimulate a let down since it's the nerves in the breast and nipple that send the message to your brain to let down milk. Massaging the breast or applying a compress during pumping may also help.
Hands-on pumping.
Research has shown that hand expressing before and after using the pump stimulates more milk. This is known as “hands-on pumping,” and Breastfeeding USA has a good guide to how to do it.
Conjuring the feeling of being with your baby — whether it's with images, sounds, or scent — may increase your oxytocin levels and help you achieve a letdown. Many mothers find it helpful to have their baby's blanket nearby for its scent.
Relaxing and visualization.You may find some deep breathing, soothing music, or other comforts that relax you also help to produce a letdown. Our Birth & Baby Oil can be a great product to use for relaxation.
Warmth.Some mothers find warmth, in the form of compresses on their breasts or a warm bath or shower, helps them relax and more easily get their milk to let down.
Get help.
Remember that there are many people, from other nursing moms to lactation consultants, who can help. Don't hesitate to call on the support you have available!
10 reasons for managers to be disappointed in their subordinates
Disappointment in people in general and in subordinates in particular is probably familiar to any leader. By the nature of my activity, constantly training and advising owners and top managers of , I can testify that this is a universal pain. In the Leadership Course , I explain what this is about. And how to restore faith in humanity.
1. We take subjective reality for objective reality
This is a problem for most managers. Each of us sees the world with our own eyes. And for the most part, we believe that this view is objective. But it's not. In fact, objective reality does not exist. There is only a set of subjective realities - exactly as many as people are involved in this or that situation. And everyone has their own truth. It is useful for managers to remember this and be able to mentally take the position of employees of , try to look at the situation through their eyes. As a result, decisions are often adjusted and sometimes radically changed. As well as an assessment of what is happening.
2. We form a good opinion of people too quickly
Most people are born tacticians. Strategists from birth are an absolute minority. Strategists and tacticians think differently. In particular, strategists, unlike tacticians, try not to form their opinion about a person quickly, they delay this moment as much as possible. For a long time just watching, without any expectations. They know that a reliable opinion about a person can only be formed over time, by seeing his real actions in various situations. The fleeting opinion is based on a few superficial observations and is therefore most likely erroneous.
Develop a strategic approach to evaluating subordinates. You will perceive the negative on their part more as an observer than an emotionally involved party. It will be easier. Much.
3. We still don't understand the difference between incentives and motivation
In the article "All the presidential army: why it is impossible to motivate more than five people" I described how motivation systems are built that allow you to create effective teams. If you are at a dead end and do not know how to motivate employees, you should definitely read it. This is important, since the ability to create effective systems of stimulation and motivation is a key skill of a leader. In short, incentives are when we move an employee to a result with the help of money and other material incentives. Motivation is when we move subordinates to the result of something intangible. The incentive system has a very limited effect and is effective only in cases where a person really does not have enough money for a decent (according to his own ideas) life. As soon as money begins to be enough for what they want, money ceases to interest people. No matter what they say to the contrary. Weighing in their heads the need to work harder and get more money for it, and the possibility of getting relatively little money, but for work without stress, most choose the second. People are always happy to receive more, but few are willing to work harder to earn more.
When the money-carrot stops working, the motivation system must come into play. A common mistake here is the illusion, according to which you can motivate, interest all the staff. In reality, this is not the case. Moreover, it is absolutely not necessary to motivate everyone; to significantly increase the productivity of the team, it is enough to have just a few motivated colleagues. An effective motivation system is not a total imposition on employees of some supposedly interesting goals, but gratitude for self-motivation. Thanks to those who are interested in the same goals as you. Read the article above and see how it's done. Implement - and a lot will change.
And again, returning to the incentive system. If you have it built on the individual remuneration of employees for the results achieved, look at the efficiency. More and more often voices are heard that for our mentality the collective reward for the collective result is more effective. We are a collective nation. Such systems, of course, must be built wisely to ensure that idlers do not parasitize effective team members. These technologies work.
4. We rely on employees instead of building a system
This is one of the key reasons why managers get frustrated with their employees. It follows, in many respects, from the lack of a good business education among the majority of managers. We are accustomed to building a business based on people. There is even a popular saying: “The key asset of a company is its people.” Many people love to talk about human capital and the fact that everything in business depends on it. Now it is fashionable.
But despite the importance of quality recruitment, these claims are a dangerous misconception. If we build a company in such a way that its well-being and development depends on the location of employees, as well as the level of their qualifications, then we are laying a time bomb. Which will explode, sooner or later.
Skillful managers know that if the system is overly dependent on the influence of some factor, it is dangerous. This factor will inevitably realize its significance and begin to dictate its will. Therefore, the staff should not be allowed to turn into such a factor. As much as we love to talk about the importance of human capital and the value of people, let someone else, and not you, create an excessive dependence on them for yourself. An effective manager builds a system that is not critically dependent on any factor. Including from the staff. Therefore, you should focus on creating such a system of business processes in a company in which people do not receive excessive leverage in the success of the business. In which you can build employees with a relatively low level of qualification, and they will produce an acceptable result. Let not sky-high, but acceptable. The stable efficiency of the system is much more important than one-time bright victories.
This thesis is true for any company, including those where, at first glance, everything is tied to human resources. For example, science intensive. Never allow yourself to put your eggs in one basket, have a plan B and create duplicate options. And surprises from subordinates will burn less of your nerves.
5. We do not know what "key assets" are in business
The above thesis has a continuation. And it leads to a discussion: “What are the main assets of a modern company?”. I believe that such assets should be those that provide an edge over competitors and business security. Even in the unfavorable conditions of high competition and a shortage of qualified, motivated for productive work personnel.
In my opinion, there are three such assets:
- Efficient Business Processes - a system that ensures minimal dependence on people. The system must demonstrate stability and satisfactory results, even in the event of an unexpected change of employees.
- The company/product brand is something that probably provides sales now and will definitely provide tomorrow. If you still rely on an active sales system, then in many cases, you probably do not realize that the market has already changed and such approaches are rapidly losing their effectiveness.
A few years will pass, and you risk being thrown out of the market, as the power on it will finally pass to customers - thanks to the development of Internet systems, they will have free access to the list of available suppliers. And they will begin to choose based on their ideas about their attractiveness. Don't prepare for this - say goodbye to business.
- Intellectual property held in the name of a company. Knowing how to produce efficiently (cheaply, quickly, efficiently) and how to sell (as expensively as possible and in the maximum volume) are the key competencies of modern business. If you have hired employees, and you pay them a salary, then you should get the most out of them. That is, not only the performance of routine labor functions, but also the creation of intellectual property, which will ensure the separation of your company from competitors. This includes everything created by the human mind - from implemented systems of lean manufacturing and QRM, to know-how in the field of engineering.
Move in this direction, formalize and save knowledge. You will soon see that your business's dependence on staff is decreasing. Employees leave, but key knowledge stays with the company. And it doesn't matter how many people work for you - two or tens of thousands.
6. We demotivate people without understanding who a leader is
There is a popular opinion that a leader is a bright person who can deliver a brilliant speech, the soul of the company, a person who is pleasant to be around. More often than not, this is not the case at all.
The principle on which leadership is built we adopted from the animal world. The leader in the animal kingdom is the strongest. Able to subjugate and unite other strong individuals around him. In human society, everything is exactly the same. The only difference is that in the animal world the key leadership tool is the physical force that compels submission, while in human society it is the inner strength of the leader. Both in animals and in humans, the strongest becomes the leader.
You must be perceived as the strongest by your subordinates and act accordingly. Be confident and determined. Do not forget to regularly demonstrate to subordinates the achievements that the company achieves under your wise leadership - this will strengthen the belief in the correctness of your decisions. In routine, we forget to do this, but in vain. Day-to-day difficulties undermine faith in leadership, so it needs regular reinforcement.
Be fair. Whatever your decision, people must understand that it is based on the principles of justice and devoid of emotions. But be demanding. Learn that being a friend to subordinates is the best way to let yourself sit on your neck.
Remember, strong people only obey even stronger ones, they leave leaders who look like weaklings. If you want strong people on your team, act like a person full of strength. But do not forget about the mind and measure - you should not turn into a brainless tyrant.
7. We lose authority because of our own mistakes
The leader is the strongest. But not necessarily the smartest.
The habitual (and erroneous) model of behavior for the majority looks like this. It is believed that the leader becomes the one who knows the way. If a person does not know how to lead people to a goal, then, allegedly, he cannot claim leadership status ... Therefore, most leaders, having no idea how to achieve the stated goal, still pretend to be omniscient. And they lead people to no one knows where. And they, over time, understand this ...
A skilled leader will retain and increase his authority, even if he does not know the way. He organizes the process of finding an idea and will attract someone who knows the way to help. Support him and ensure the cohesion of the group. The leader does not necessarily walk at the head with a red flag in his hands. The leader can also walk in the middle of the column. His main task is to ensure the work of the team and achieve the goals. And not to show off with the flag in front of everyone. Focus on organizing teamwork and don't be afraid to accept help from subordinates when they know the path better than you. And you will see that strong employees will begin to respect you and appreciate the work under your leadership.
8. We are boring and people pay us the same coin
There are two ways for a leader. The first is to set goals the way the absolute majority sets them. For example, as the main goals to bring a production plan or a sales plan. This is a guaranteed way to get rid of all enterprising, active and ambitious people from the company. The second way is to understand that the production and sales plan are important, but these are not goals, but markers of movement towards some more global goal. If you want to have a strong team, then you need to formulate such a goal. This goal should be desirable, be ambitious, bright, defiant. If you want to be surrounded by strong intelligent specialists, and not sticky losers, give them such a goal. One that they will be proud of their involvement with and proudly list on their resumes.
What kind of company do you want to build? Do you want to become a leader in market share, a leader in product, a leader in innovation? Then give employees an ambitious goal and guide them towards it. Or stop being annoyed that only mediocrities have gathered around you. You need to understand the truth of strategic management: the goal should be bright, attractive and exciting. To motivate. Sales plans and production plans alone cannot motivate anyone. This is the most boring thing and no one except the business owners needs it. Such plans should be communicated only as way markers that show the correct movement towards the main goal of the company. The goal is one of the cornerstones of the motivation system. What is the goal and what is the motivation.
9. We don't know that betrayal is natural
Everyone experiences betrayal hard. The actions of subordinates that do not live up to our expectations, we often interpret as betrayal. Especially when it comes to employees in whom we have invested a piece of our soul, to whom we have become emotionally attached. Such disappointments are called the "cross of leadership." This burden is carried by all leaders.
But "betrayal" and leadership are stepbrothers. People are different and build their lives in their own way. Acting contrary to our expectations, people realize their will and cannot be blamed for this. After all, each of us - the current leaders - also once "betrayed", acted differently from what others expected of him. There is no one in the world who has not once broken the expectations of another person. He quit at the wrong time, refused to moderate his ambitions, overtook the former leader in his growth ... This is a natural process. Remember your own “betrayal” more often and this will help you more evenly perceive the behavior of others.
10. We take what is happening too seriously
There is a psychological trick that shows that everything in the world is relative and our reaction to what is happening is just a product of our present mind, it has little to do with the event itself. It is enough to remember any negative event in your life. At the moment when you found out about it, most likely you were very worried. Perhaps you thought that it was impossible to think of anything worse in life. Then some time passed and you, returning your thoughts to this event, noted that the pain became dull, life goes on. Still later, you already note that this event brought not only negative, but also a new experience, taught you something. The event stays the same, but your perception changes over time.
In the same way, we need to perceive the disappointments that third-party people, including our subordinates, bring into our lives. Today it is unpleasant, but tomorrow you will see new lessons learned. So perceive the actions of other people - it helps to maintain peace of mind.
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Three signs of a boring job: A story with meaning for managers (and their subordinates)
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Starting something new in our life, we usually picture in our imagination all the positive that the project under development can bring with it, all its benefits and advantages, and forget that it may have shortcomings and shortcomings, which we in our preliminary estimates do not take into account. The result of this approach is often disappointment and a complete loss of interest in a new business.
The best way to overcome doubt is to learn to do something very well.
Gradually we realize all the problems that will be associated with the project, we will try to solve them. Naturally, it is more difficult to deal with troubles if they arise suddenly. As a result, the case begins to seem hopeless. And in most cases - in vain, because the project, in fact, can turn out to be very promising, you just need to think it over more carefully and comprehensively and take into account all the points.
If you recognize all the difficulties before the start of the project, they will be perceived only as obstacles to the goal and will not lead to disappointment.
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