Less discharge during pregnancy
Is It Normal to Have No Discharge in Early Pregnancy ~ Gynac’s Opinion
Pregnancy can be an exciting time in any woman’s life. One of the earliest signs of pregnancy is a marked increase in vaginal discharge. There are changes in vaginal discharge in terms of texture, colour, and volume. Some of the changes occurring in the colour of the discharge are normal, while others can indicate infection or a more severe problem.
But is it also normal to have no discharge in early pregnancy? Let’s dive deep into all aspects of vaginal discharge.
Book an online consultation with India's best Nutritionist/Dietician for FREE to know more about what you should eat & what you should avoid during pregnancy.Is it a Must to Have Discharge When Pregnant?
Vaginal discharge is not associated with being pregnant. When pregnant, some experience a lot of discharge in the early stages of pregnancy. However, others might see little to no vaginal discharge during pregnancy. Both are absolutely normal. All women have different bodies, and not every woman produces vaginal discharge in their pregnancy.
Most women secrete sticky, thick, pale-yellow or white mucus early in their first trimester and later during the pregnancy. The vaginal blood flow and increased hormones lead to discharge. It heightens during pregnancy and helps prevent infections as the vaginal walls, and the cervix softens up around this time.
Normal vaginal discharge, called leukorrhea, is clean or milky white in colour and thin in texture with a mild smell. Variations can occur in vaginal discharge as early as the first or second weeks of conception, even before you miss your period.
The discharge becomes more evident as pregnancy progresses, and it is usually the heaviest towards the end of the pregnancy. Around this time, you can wear a simple and unscented panty liner. Also, steer clear of using tampons during pregnancy.
Book an online consultation with India's best Nutritionist/Dietician for FREE to know more about what you should eat & what you should avoid during pregnancy.
How Early in Pregnancy Does Discharge Start?
While some women might have no vaginal discharge during pregnancy, others do have some amount of vaginal discharge when they become pregnant.
The vaginal discharge can happen any time during your pregnancy. And the subsequent increase in its amount continues throughout the whole pregnancy period. It is considered normal and can happen due to a few reasons.
In pregnancy, the neck of the womb, known as the cervix, and vaginal walls become softer, and the amount of discharge increases. This prevents any infection from travelling up to the vagina and the womb. A spike in the level of progesterone hormone can also result in producing more quantities of the fluid.
Increased discharge is normal during pregnancy. However, you should keep a check on it and inform your doctor if it undergoes changes in any manner. In the concluding weeks of pregnancy, your discharge might also contain strong streaks of thick mucus with tinges of blood, called ‘show. ’
This is often an early sign of labour and should not be alarming.
Is it normal to have no discharge in early pregnancy? It is normal to have no discharge in early pregnancy as well.
Book an online consultation with India's best Nutritionist/Dietician for FREE to know more about what you should eat & what you should avoid during pregnancy.Kinds of Discharge During Pregnancy
The discharge from your vagina during pregnancy can be of different colours, and the variations can indicate different health issues such as:
1. Bad Odour
Early pregnancy discharge with a fishy odour can be a sign of a vaginal infection known as bacterial vaginosis.
2. Colourful
If you see a yellow or green discharge early on in your pregnancy, it could be because of an STD called trichomoniasis.
3. Thick in Texture
If you notice a cottage cheese-like consistency in your early pregnancy vaginal discharge, it could be due to a yeast infection.
4. Incessant Itching
If you suffer from an itchy vagina, have a burning sensation or an inflammation in addition to the early pregnancy discharge, you could have a yeast infection.
5. Bleeding
If you bleed during pregnancy, it doesn’t always mean a miscarriage. Nevertheless, have it checked out as soon as possible. And though spotting isn’t often a cause for worry, you must let your doctor know if you have it so that they can rule out any possible issues.
Also Read: White Discharge - Leucorrhoea (Likoria) Causes, Symptoms, Treatment
Book an online consultation with India's best Nutritionist/Dietician for FREE to know more about what you should eat & what you should avoid during pregnancy.How to Deal with Discharge in Pregnancy
As discussed earlier, for some women, it is normal to have no vaginal discharge during pregnancy. But for those who do have it, experts have a number of tips to help them deal with it. Mild-smelling discharge during early pregnancy may increase in volume, and that is normal.
But if you notice unusual odours and colours, it could mean an infection of some kind. Doctors can prescribe antibiotics or other suitable medication to treat and manage infections.
But you can follow these tips to maintain good vaginal health during pregnancy:
- Avoid using tampons.
- Avoid douching.
- Opt for unscented feminine hygiene and personal care products, including unscented soaps and toilet paper.
- Avoid wearing tight jeans or nylon underwear as that can increase the risk of infection.
- Always wipe your genital area from front to back after passing stool or urinating.
- Dry your vagina thoroughly post taking a shower or swimming.
- Wear panties made of a breathable fabric.
- Eat healthily and maintain a nutritious diet. Minimise the intake of sugar as that can encourage yeast infection.
- Take more probiotic foods and vital supplements which are safe for consumption during your pregnancy.
These will prevent bacterial imbalances inside your vagina.
Consult your doctor or healthcare provider if you notice any abnormal discharge in the early stages of pregnancy and beyond.
Do not self-medicate and consult your gynaecologist for any queries.
Also read: Best Foods to Stop White Discharge Naturally
- American Pregnancy Association, Yeast Infections During Pregnancy - https://americanpregnancy.org/healthy-pregnancy/pregnancy-complications/yeast-infections-during-pregnancy/
- Pregnancy birth baby, Vaginal discharge during pregnancy - https://www.pregnancybirthbaby.org.au/vaginal-discharge-during-pregnancy
- NHS, Vaginal discharge in pregnancy - https://www.nhs.uk/pregnancy/related-conditions/common-symptoms/vaginal-discharge/#close
- American Pregnancy Association, Vaginal Discharge During Pregnancy - https://americanpregnancy.org/healthy-pregnancy/pregnancy-health-wellness/vaginal-discharge-during-pregnancy/
Decrease In Discharge During Pregnancy- 372 Questions Answered
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I'm 5weeks pregnant (iui pregnancy).

Asked for Female, 19 Years 10775 Views v
Dr. Rachana Kaveri Laparoscopic Surgeon (Obs & Gyn) | Mumbai
2/2 people found this helpful
It is not necessary that there have to be symptoms. However you can get a sonography done at 6weeks to findout about viability of the baby. If any bleeding or pain contact your Gynaecologist immediate ... Read More
Is it normal to have less discharge at 5 weeks? I was having discharge previous week but starting 5 weeks it has decreased i feel, sometimes there is no discharge sometimes very less I am 5 weeks 4 days currently
Asked for Female, 29 Years 1733 Views v
Dr. Pushpa Gour Gynecologist | Bhopal
It's okay ... Read More
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I am in 4th month of pregnancy and having white discharge frequently. What could be the possible reason for it. Also what are the reasons of having brown discharge during pregnancy.
Asked for Female, 35 Years 1202 Views v
Dr. Shalini K Mishra Infertility Specialist | Bangalore
Consult privately for better discussion ... Read More
Hi doctor, I am 6 week pregnant but got this discharge from last 3 days. Is it normal? And what kind of discharge is this. When we tried for pregnancy, I observed light pinkish discharge after sex.
Asked for Female, 32 Years 653 Views v
Dr. K Supriya Gynecologist | Bhilai
Avoid sex . .. Read More
I recently had oral sexual intercourse with my bf... Actually what happened is while he is mastrubating his white liquid type substance which generally occurs before ejaculation had come in contact with his fingers then after he started fingering there in mah vaginal... So I thought tht may I be pregnant. . As I am following pregnancy symptoms... N
...Asked for Female, 21 Years 1945 Views v
Dr. Prabhjot Manchanda Obstetrician | Mumbai
Get a preg test done to be sure . .. Read More
I'm 24 years old, 12 weeks pregnant. Got my nt scan n result was like nuchal translucency was 3.2 mm n this is my second pregnancy. I'm much worried abt the baby n if there is any chance for downs syndrome?? Pls do help me (my first pregnancy was not successful due to cardiac anamoly )can I continue wit my pregnancy?? Can nuchal fluid decrease?
Asked for Female, 24 Years 3429 Views v
Dr. Naresh P Motwani Pediatrician | Bhilai
0/3 people found this helpful
I had replied this already. pl check ... Read More
I had bleeding and spoting in my second month of pregnancy so I was on bed rest for 15 days and 15 days complete today there is no bleeding now but there is white discharge if I move for a minute also.. .how normal white discharge is ? Need more bed rest ?
Asked for Female, 27 Years 367 Views v
Dr. K Supriya Gynecologist | Bhilai
Consult .. . Read More
I am in 25th week of pregnancy and noticing clear white discharge from morning. Is it normal or cause of worry?
Asked for Female, 20 Years 1291 Views v
Dr. Shreedevi Tanksale Gynecologist | Mumbai
Please visit gynecologist. Clear white discharge should be fine and can be treated with medicines. Better to meet gynecologist ... Read More
I had white discharge since years.

Asked for Male, 25 Years 530 Views v
Dr. K Supriya Gynecologist | Bhilai
Consult ... Read More
Is it normal to have white discharge in pregnancy. Now for me second month..Is this any problem..and my stomach is heat..
Asked for Female, 26 Years 1309 Views v
Dr. Niharika Raghoji Laparoscopic Surgeon (Obs & Gyn) | Solapur
2/2 people found this helpful
White dischrge in pregnancy is common Just make sure it s not associated with itching and foul smelling bcz tht goes in favour of infection Keep the private parts clean Avoid moisture If dischrge ... Read More
I am 5 week pregnant. I notice thick yellow or cream type thick discharge when I wipe after urination. Does it indicate any kind of problem?
Asked for Female, 37 Years 34 Views v
Dr. K Supriya Gynecologist | Bhilai
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My last period was on 4th Feb 2023 and have 28 days cycle missed period by 2 days did pregnancy test and very faint positive line came. Today started getting brown discharge . Please suggest what to be done .
Asked for Female, 35 Years 162 Views v
Dr. Divija Chugh Obstetrician | Delhi
Chances of pregnancy is there. Wait for 1 week and get usg done after 1 week. If bleeding is there or persistent brown discharge is there, consult the doctor in person ... Read More
Hello,I am 34yrs old and I am 6weeks pregnant.I had 2miscarriages before actually I'm having a little bit white transparent discharge from few days .so is it normal?? please reply.
Asked for Female, 34 Years 49 Views v
Dr. Sarita Narayan Gynecologist/Obstetrician | Pune
Normal ,, do connect online for better understanding . .. Read More
Got HCG done today it's 391 today is 14dpo. Still getting red discharge. I can't not understand if the result is positive then why am I getting red discharge out of no where.
Asked for Female, 26 Years 58 Views v
Dr. K Supriya Gynecologist | Bhilai
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My uncle recently hospitalized as he got fits and cause is low sodium.

Asked for Female, 70 Years 49 Views v
Dr. Akashdeep Vishwakarma General Physician | Kanpur
Kindly consult ... Read More
Hello , I'm 5 weeks pregnant. I'm having watery discharge with no smell. No white discharge. Is it fine ?
Asked for Female, 27 Years 198 Views v
Dr. K Supriya Gynecologist | Bhilai
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My cousin is having problem of early discharge whenever he is going to have sex with his partner. Due to which, he get seperated from partner and her sex desire is decreasing.
Asked for Male, 29 Years 141 Views v
Dr. Fayyaz A Sattar Sexologist | Mumbai
Hello, Let me explain you about your issue in brief - The issue as described by you above is termed as premature ejaculation. There is a possibility that the tip of your penis might have become ... Read More
Hi,I am 38 weeks 4 days pregnant.My doc gave me Cansoft CL for insertion. I took one yesterday night and today in the morning I am having mild reddish discharge. Please suggest what should I do as I am not having labour pain yet.
Asked for Female, 30 Years 149 Views v
Dr. K Supriya Gynecologist | Bhilai
0/1 people found this helpful
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Is White discharge is common during pregnancy?or there should not be white discharge during pregnancy?
Asked for Female, 32 Years 74 Views v
Dr. Sarita Narayan Gynecologist/Obstetrician | Pune
It is common. If too much then connect ... Read More
I'm 17weeks pregnant my doctor asked me to do pelvic exercise.

Asked for Female, 25 Years 110 Views v
Dr. Pooja Nawal Gynecologist/Obstetrician | Bhopal
Watery discharge can be of concern. Needs evaluation. Kindly connect. ... Read More
I'm 12 week 3 days pregnant, from last one week I see some brown discharge like coffee colour Then I meet my they suggested me for USG and give me tranostate.

Asked for Female, 29 Years 341 Views v
Dr. K Supriya Gynecologist | Bhilai
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Is it normal to have watery discharge in pregnancy? I experienced mild I m 32 years old, this is my first conception and it's normal. I m in week 27. I m on ecosprin 75 mg and arg 9 sachets as my BP has been high since last 2 weeks
Asked for Female, 32 Years 224 Views v
Dr. K Supriya Gynecologist | Bhilai
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My wife 30 week old pregnant and today she observed watery type discharge little more but so mell and itching observed should we worry or consider as normal
Asked for Male, 28 Years 81 Views v
Dr. K Supriya Gynecologist | Bhilai
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Hi Doctor, I'm 5 weeks 6 days pregnant. Yesterday's scan confirmed the presence of embryo inside the uterus. heart beat is not detected. Doctor asked me to visit after 10 days for another scan. I have seen a mucus like brown discharge along with white discharge today evening. This happened only once. I would like to know the cause for this dischar
...Asked for Female, 25 Years 336 Views v
Dr. K Supriya Gynecologist | Bhilai
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Hi, I am a little worried as I noticed a brown vaginal discharge. I had my scan 2 days back and every thing was normal. Is this normal or shall I be worried?
Asked for Female, 35 Years 133 Views v
Dr. Gunjan Agrawal Obstetrician | Jaipur
1/1 people found this helpful
Please consult for proper discussion. ... Read More
Hi Doctor,I am in 2nd month of pregnancy getting more of white discharge like milky white some times light pale yellow ,but I didn't have itching or burning sensation and the discharge also odour less ,is it normal one or not mam.

Asked for Female, 27 Years 271 Views v
Dr. Vijaya Gupta Gynecologist | Chandigarh
1/1 people found this helpful
It's normal if there is no itching ... Read More
Hello Doc My wife is 28W 1D pregnant. Today evening she came across very light yellow discharge twice. Attaching pic. Discharge is odourless and she is not having any pain or other issue as such. Is this normal or anything concerning? Her BP, Blood sugar, TSH is normal.

Asked for Male, 31 Years 204 Views v
Dr. K Supriya Gynecologist | Bhilai
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Hi, My pregnancy got confirmed recently (6 weeks) I noticed white thick discharge today. I am little worried about this. Is that normal? Please suggest.
Asked for Female, 29 Years 280 Views v
Dr. K Supriya Gynecologist | Bhilai
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Hello I'm 31 weeks pregnant. Since last few days I'm noticing little amount of white, clear watery discharge from my right nipple. Could this be a matter of concern? I'm supposed to meet my dr in next 10 days. Should I prepone the appointment?
Asked for Female, 28 Years 77 Views v
Dr. Pushpa Gour Gynecologist | Bhopal
It's normal in pregnancy. ... Read More
Hello doctors, please find attached pic of gray color discharge I am seeing from last 3 4 days once in a day, currently I am 6.1 weeks pregnant. And having susten progesterone tablet vaginal daily. Is it something to worry, please advise.
Asked for Female, 33 Years 123 Views v
Dr. Lavina Batra Gynecologist | Pune
Visit ur gynaec ... Read More
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What is it? Normal and abnormal discharge during pregnancy
Today we will talk with Elena Yurievna Romanova, an obstetrician-gynecologist at the Expert Center for Pregnancy Management at the Mother and Child Clinic, about what discharges during pregnancy should be feared and what discharges from the genital tract are regarded as normal.
Increased vaginal discharge during pregnancy is natural
Normal pregnancy discharge is milky white or clear mucus without a strong odor (although the smell may change from before pregnancy), this discharge does not irritate the skin and does not cause discomfort to the pregnant woman. The discharge can have a different color - from completely colorless (most often) to whitish and yellowish. The consistency of discharge at the beginning of pregnancy resembles raw chicken yolk - they are thick, jelly-like, often released in the form of clots.
With normal discharge, it is enough to use panty liners or change underwear twice a day.
Due to the activity of progesterone in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, the discharge will be scarce and viscous.
Due to the increase in estrogen activity from 13 weeks, the discharge becomes less viscous and more abundant.
By the end of the pregnancy, vaginal discharge becomes more and more abundant. Each time you need to evaluate the nature of the discharge, change the gasket. If the fluid continues to ooze, this may mean leakage of amniotic fluid and the need to contact an obstetrician-gynecologist in the emergency department of a hospital with a maternity ward. There are auxiliary tests, thanks to which, as well as obstetric ultrasound, leakage of water can be excluded.
Not all discharge in pregnant women is the norm.
For example, a white, thick, crumbly, odorless discharge that itchs and burns the skin and causes discomfort during intercourse is likely a sign of a yeast infection (candidiasis).
White or grayish discharge, the smell of which after sex begins to resemble the smell of fish, is the main symptom of bacterial vaginosis, vaginal dysbacteriosis.
A yellowish or greenish discharge that has a strong unpleasant odor usually occurs with nonspecific vaginitis, and a foamy discharge is a sign of trichomoniasis, a sexually transmitted disease.
In all these cases, contact your doctor immediately. It should not be treated with over-the-counter drugs and folk remedies. According to some external signs, a diagnosis cannot even be made by a doctor, in addition, infections in pregnant women should be treated especially carefully and only by a professional. After proper treatment, the discharge returns to normal. There is no need to get rid of the usual discharge for pregnant women. After childbirth, they will stop naturally, and before that they are a sign of the normal course of pregnancy.
Allocations can change their nature and amount under the influence of irritants or intolerance to a particular substance, for example, when using panty liners. Such secretions are transparent and abundant, they stop when the irritant is removed.
"Thrush" is a disease caused by fungi of the genus Candida, present in small quantities in all women. During pregnancy, immunity decreases and fungi begin to actively multiply, causing inflammation, abundant white flocculent discharge with a sour smell, burning and itching in the vulva. The disease can manifest itself throughout pregnancy.
Bloody discharge in the first half of pregnancy usually indicates a lack of the hormone progesterone, which can lead to spontaneous miscarriage. Discharge may be accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen and lower back. In the treatment of the threat of abortion, the appointment of progesterone drugs, such phenomena disappear.
If bleeding from the vagina appeared during pregnancy during the second or third trimester, then this is a sign of a formidable complication, namely, placenta previa or its premature detachment. With improper attachment of the placenta in the uterine cavity and overlapping of the placental tissue with the area of the internal pharynx, they speak of placenta previa. In this case, spotting occurs in a third of pregnant women. This most often occurs between 28 and 30 weeks, when the lower segment of the uterus is most prone to stretching and thinning. The discharge is repeated, the woman does not experience any pain, so it may be too late to see a doctor for an examination. This threatens the child with a lack of nutrients and oxygen, because it is through the placenta that the fetus is nourished. For a pregnant woman, this is fraught with acute placental abruption and severe bleeding, which is always problematic to stop, especially at home.
Bloody discharge during pregnancy should force a woman to immediately contact her obstetrician-gynecologist.
Brown discharge during pregnancy also indicates the threat of termination of pregnancy, or bleeding "erosion" (decidual polyp) of the cervix. Therefore, you should not understand these issues on your own; when brown discharge appears, it is better to consult your doctor.
Brown discharge during a delay in menstruation as a sign of an ectopic pregnancy is very dangerous. This condition requires immediate surgical care, as the growing embryo can rupture the wall of the fallopian tube at any time and cause internal bleeding. Therefore, with pain in the lower abdomen, which is accompanied by brown discharge from the genital tract and delayed menstruation, you should immediately call an ambulance.
When the vagina becomes inflamed, the mucous discharge acquires a mucopurulent character, a greenish-yellow color, an unpleasant odor, burning and itching appear in the genital area. This is how chlamydia, mycoplasmosis, ureaplasmosis, trichomoniasis manifest themselves. Is it necessary to treat the infection during pregnancy, or is it better to do it after childbirth?
All sexually transmitted infections in pregnant women require treatment, as they can pass to the fetus and cause intrauterine infection (IUI). IUI is very dangerous for a child - it leads to his death or serious illness. Infection of a child during childbirth can lead to such serious complications as pneumonia, severe damage to the brain, kidneys, liver, and blood poisoning (sepsis).
Today, obstetricians and gynecologists have learned to treat any infection in pregnant women in accordance with special guidelines for the timing of pregnancy, so that it is effective and safe for mother and fetus. It is not the treatment that should be feared, but the infection itself and its consequences.
Medicines that are used to treat pregnant women have passed the necessary clinical trials, during which it was proved that they do not have a negative effect on the pregnant woman and the fetus, including that they do not have a teratogenic effect (do not cause deformities in the fetus).
Sometimes the discharge is mucous in nature, occurs upon contact with an irritant or allergen. It can be synthetic tight underwear, allergies to fabrics, toiletries, personal care products. If irritation and allergens are not eliminated in time, then an infection that lives on the mucous membranes of the genital organs will definitely join.
Hygiene measures are mandatory for pregnant women. Twice a day you need to take a warm shower, using special gels for pregnant women to wash the genitals. Be sure to monitor the cleanliness of the whole body and underwear - it must be changed daily. Pads (but not tampons!) can be used for discharge. The oral cavity can become the source of infection, so you need to monitor your teeth, brush them twice a day and get an examination by a dentist. Good nutrition strengthens the immunity of a pregnant woman. The diet should contain fresh vegetables and fruits, lean meats and fish, daily dairy products, vegetable oil, a variety of cereals.
A mobile lifestyle, therapeutic exercises and maximum exposure to fresh air are very important. Hiking is useful even at the very end of pregnancy - they will help not only maintain immunity, but also strengthen the muscles that will be required during childbirth. Be healthy!
Pregnancy discharge | What are the discharge during pregnancy? | Blog
In the absence of menstruation, girls usually suspect that conception has occurred. However, during pregnancy, the female body may continue to secrete a secret of a different color and character. We recommend that you keep a close eye on everything that happens so as not to miss the development of adverse events. We will talk about how to recognize problem situations during pregnancy in the article.
What secretions can occur during conception
Many women note that immediately after the delay and in the later stages, the nature of the secretion changes. It can be:
- With or without scent.
- Depending on the color - transparent, white, cream, yellow, greenish, bloody.
- By consistency - thick, liquid, cheesy.
- As a symptom for assessing the state of health - threatening, safe.
During ovulation, the egg is released from the ovary, its membrane is blown away, a small amount of fluid is released - so it becomes ready for fertilization. At this time, the thick mucus that fills the cervical canal of the cervix becomes less viscous. This makes it easier for the spermatozoa to penetrate and move further into the tubes for fertilization. At this time, you may notice an abundance of clear mucous secretion.
After the fusion of the egg with the spermatozoon, movement into the uterus begins, which should end with implantation in the inner layer. During penetration, its slight detachment may occur - this causes damage to the blood vessels that abundantly penetrate the muscular layer of the uterus. You may see light brown discharge, which is common during pregnancy. The color is due to the fact that the blood has time to clot.
Sometimes the discharge is brightly colored and some women mistake it for early menses. But in this case, a short duration is characteristic, a different shade (dark or scarlet), a slight mark on the linen.
With some features of the structure of the female genital organs (for example, with a bicornuate uterus), after implantation of the embryo in one part, rejection of the endometrium may begin in the other, as is usually the case with menstruation. This rarely happens.
Characteristics of discharge in case of threatened miscarriage
Spontaneous abortion is the rejection of an embryo in the early stages after conception. If at the first signs of pregnancy, you notice spotting, there is a high probability that a miscarriage begins.
Also, miscarriage symptoms include:
- pulling or pressing on the lower abdomen, sacrum, lower back;
- the muscles of the uterus are tense.
The woman may experience cramps. This continues all the time or intermittently. From the vagina there are scarlet or brown discharge during pregnancy, which was previously confirmed. Sometimes the period may be still small, and the first signs did not have time to appear.
After 22 weeks, this phenomenon is called preterm labor. The child in this case is still weak, the organs are not sufficiently developed, and there is little chance of survival.
The following factors increase the risk of miscarriage:
- various diseases;
- progesterone deficiency;
- nervous and physical strain;
- pathologies in the genitals;
- fetal developmental defects.
To confirm the diagnosis, the doctor prescribes an ultrasound scan. If it shows that the fetal heart rate is disturbed, the tone of the uterus is increased, its size differs from normal for this period, hospitalization will be recommended to maintain pregnancy.
What discharge during pregnancy is considered normal
This secretion does not pose a threat to health:
- transparent;
- whitish;
- yellowish;
- odor free;
- mucous;
- without itching, burning, redness of the genitals.
Clear fluid on underwear is a symptom of ovulation. During pregnancy, the activity of ongoing processes in the body increases, so the amount of secretion secreted may increase. However, a violation of the norm is the leakage of amniotic fluid. You can determine the problem with the help of special diagnostic tests that the doctor will prescribe if he has suspicions.
White color, small amount, homogeneous structure should also not cause concern. The increased volume of fluid in this case is associated with increased hormonal activity.
One of the variants of the norm is mucous discharge, which smells of slight sourness. If there is no pain, discomfort, there is nothing to worry about.
Yellow discharge, there are signs of pregnancy, there is no unpleasant odor - you are all right. Some women had this color before conception, only they did not pay attention. Now there are more of them, therefore more noticeable.
Sometimes a woman observes that the laundry gets wet and there is a smell of urine. This may indicate incontinence due to the constant pressure of the growing uterus. In this case, it is recommended to go to the toilet more often, change underpants twice a day.
What discharge during pregnancy is considered a sign of infection?
White discharge during pregnancy with a cheesy texture is a symptom of thrush (candidiasis). In pregnant women, it is diagnosed quite often - the reason is a change in hormonal levels. The disease is accompanied by itching, redness of the vulva, a strong sour smell. Sometimes external manifestations are not detected, then treatment is not carried out.
Infection is indicated by pain, pain, skin irritation, ulcers, smell of rot or fish, gray or green color, frothy discharge, increased nervousness, large inguinal lymph nodes. The reason may lie in sexually transmitted infections. This includes syphilis, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, chlamydia and others. They are dangerous because they cause premature birth and fetal developmental defects.
What kind of discharge during pregnancy should I pay special attention to and should I consult a doctor?
The following indicates that pregnancy is at risk:
- Severe pain in the perineum, bleeding, difficulty defecation, convulsions - these may be injuries to the vaginal mucosa.
- Nausea, profuse vomiting, edema, headaches, cough, hypertension, bright red secretion are symptoms of hydatidiform mole (abnormal development of the embryo).
- A drop in blood pressure, pallor, weakness, sweating, pulling sensations, bleeding during pregnancy against the background of a lack of growth of hCG in the blood - this is how an ectopic attachment manifests itself.
- Discharge of clots, sharp pain, vomiting, diarrhea may indicate a frozen fetus.
If you experience any of these symptoms, contact your doctor immediately.
It is also necessary to contact the clinic if you have been physically abused, had rough sex, had an accident, fell, hit. The likelihood that the situation will be resolved successfully is much higher if you do not delay the visit, listen to the symptoms and take good care of your health.
Remember, despite the fact that pregnancy is a normal state of health of the female body, the diagnosis and treatment tactics are still different, due to the many restrictions on manipulations and medications during pregnancy. That is why diagnosis and treatment during pregnancy should take place only under the supervision of a physician. By ignoring the symptoms or self-medicating, a pregnant woman risks not only her health, but also the health of her child.
Doctors of the Leleka maternity hospital manage pregnancies of any complexity, including those aggravated by infections, pathologies, and the threat of miscarriage.