Why do babies get thrush in mouth
Thrush in newborns Information | Mount Sinai
Candidiasis - oral - newborn; Oral thrush - newborn; Fungal infection - mouth - newborn; Candida - oral - newborn
Thrush is a yeast infection of the tongue and mouth. This common infection can be passed between a mother and baby during breastfeeding.
Certain germs normally live in our bodies. While most germs are harmless, some can cause infection.
Thrush occurs when too much of a yeast called Candida albicans grows in a baby's mouth. Germs called bacteria and fungi naturally grow in our bodies. Our immune system helps keep these germs in check. But babies do not have fully-formed immune systems. That makes it easier for too much yeast (a type of fungus) to grow.
Thrush often occurs when mother or baby has taken antibiotics. Antibiotics treat infections from bacteria. They can also kill "good" bacteria, and this allows yeast to grow.
The yeast thrives in warm, moist areas. The baby's mouth and the mother's nipples are perfect places for a yeast infection.
Babies can also get a yeast infection on the diaper area at the same time. The yeast gets in the baby's stool and can cause a diaper rash.
Symptoms of thrush in the baby include:
- White, velvety sores in the mouth and on the tongue
- Wiping the sores may cause bleeding
- Redness in the mouth
- Diaper rash
- Mood changes, such as being very fussy
- Refusing to nurse because of soreness
Some babies may not feel anything at all.
Symptoms of thrush in the mother include:
- Deep-pink, cracked, and sore nipples
- Tenderness and pain during and after nursing
Exams and Tests
Your health care provider can often diagnose thrush by looking at your baby's mouth and tongue. The sores are easy to recognize.
Your baby might not need any treatment. Thrush often goes away on its own in a few days.
Your provider may prescribe antifungal medicine to treat thrush. You paint this medicine on your baby's mouth and tongue.
If you have a yeast infection on your nipples, your provider may recommend an over-the-counter or prescription antifungal cream. You put this on your nipples to treat the infection.
If both you and your baby have the infection, you both need to be treated at the same time. Otherwise, you can pass the infection back and forth.
Outlook (Prognosis)
Thrush in babies is very common and can easily be treated. Let your provider know if thrush keeps coming back. It may be a sign of another health issue.
When to Contact a Medical Professional
Contact your provider if:
- Your baby has symptoms of thrush
- Your baby refuses to eat
- You have symptoms of a yeast infection on your nipples
You may not be able to prevent thrush, but these steps may help:
- If you bottle feed your baby, clean and sterilize all equipment, including nipples.
- Clean and sterilize pacifiers and other toys that go in baby's mouth.
- Change diapers often to help prevent yeast from causing diaper rash.
- Be sure to treat your nipples if you have a yeast infection.
Balest AL, Riley MM, O'Donnell B, Zarit JS. Neonatology. In: Zitelli BJ, McIntire SC, Nowalk AJ, Garrison J, eds. Zitelli and Davis' Atlas of Pediatric Physical Diagnosis. 8th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier; 2023:chap 2.
Harrison GJ. Approach to infections in the fetus and newborn. In: Cherry JD, Harrison GJ, Kaplan SL, Steinbach WJ, Hotez PJ, eds. Feigin and Cherry's Textbook of Pediatric Infectious Diseases. 8th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier; 2019:chap 66.
Last reviewed on: 12/12/2021
Reviewed by: Neil K. Kaneshiro, MD, MHA, Clinical Professor of Pediatrics, University of Washington School of Medicine, Seattle, WA. Also reviewed by David Zieve, MD, MHA, Medical Director, Brenda Conaway, Editorial Director, and the A.D.A.M. Editorial team.
Oral Thrush (for Parents) - Nemours KidsHealth
en español: Muguet (candidiasis oral)
Reviewed by: Michelle P. Tellado, MD
What Is Oral Thrush?
Oral thrush is a very common yeast infection in babies. It causes irritation in and around a baby's mouth.
What Are the Signs and Symptoms of Oral Thrush?
Oral thrush (also called oral candidiasis) can affect anyone, but is most common in babies younger than 6 months old and in older adults.
A baby with oral thrush might have cracked skin in the corners of the mouth or white patches on the lips, tongue, or inside the cheeks that look a little like cottage cheese but can't be wiped away.
Some babies may not feed well or are uncomfortable when sucking because their mouth feels sore, but many babies don't feel any pain or discomfort.
What Causes Oral Thrush?
Oral thrush is caused by the overgrowth of a yeast (a type of fungus) called Candida albicans.
Most people (including infants) naturally have Candida in their mouths and digestive tracts, which is considered normal growth. Usually, a healthy immune system and some "good" bacteria control the amount of this fungus in the body.
But if the immune system is weakened (from an illness or medicines like chemotherapy) or not fully developed (as in babies), Candida in the digestive tract can overgrow and lead to an infection. Candida overgrowth also causes diaper rash and vaginal yeast infections. Babies can have oral thrush and a diaper rash at the same time.
Candida overgrowth also can happen after a baby has been given antibiotics for a bacterial infection because antibiotics can kill off the "good" bacteria that keep the Candida from growing. Oral thrush also can happen after the use of steroid medicines.
How Is Oral Thrush Treated?
See your doctor if you think your baby may have thrush. Some cases go away without medical treatment within a week or two, but the doctor may prescribe an antifungal solution for your baby's mouth. This medicine is usually applied several times a day by "painting" it on the inside of the mouth and tongue with a sponge applicator.
Depending on your baby's age, the doctor also might suggest adding yogurt with lactobacilli to your baby's diet. The lactobacilli are "good" bacteria that can help get rid of the yeast in your child's mouth.
If your baby keeps getting oral thrush, especially if he or she is older than 9 months old, talk with your doctor because this might be a sign of another health issue.
Can Oral Thrush Be Prevented?
Oral thrush is a common infection in babies, but you can help prevent it:
- If you formula-feed your baby or use a pacifier, thoroughly clean the nipples and pacifiers in hot water or a dishwasher after each use.
That way, if there's yeast on the bottle nipple or pacifier, your baby won't be reinfected. Store milk and prepared bottles in the refrigerator to prevent yeast from growing.
- If you breastfeed and your nipples are red and sore, you might have a yeast infection on your nipples, which you and your baby can pass back and forth. Talk to your doctor, who might recommend using an antifungal ointment on your nipples while your baby is treated with the antifungal solution.
To prevent diaper rash, change diapers often.
Reviewed by: Michelle P. Tellado, MD
Date reviewed: September 2019
Thrush in a child's mouth in the language of causes - symptoms and treatment of candidiasis
Candidiasis or thrush is an infectious pathology caused by yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida albicans. In infants, it manifests itself mainly in the form of candidal stomatitis. If a child shows signs of illness, it is necessary to visit a pediatrician. In a complicated form of the disease, a consultation with a dermatologist, ENT, urologist or gynecologist will be required.
Causes of thrush in children
Fungi of the genus Candida belong to the opportunistic microflora of the oral cavity and small intestine. Uncontrolled reproduction of microorganisms begins with the weakening of the protective functions of the body. Pathogens damage the mucous membrane and nearby tissues.
Internal factors in the development of thrush:
- prematurity;
- artificial feeding;
- surgical interventions;
- beriberi;
- alimentary dystrophies;
- anemia;
- rickets;
- imbalance of intestinal microflora;
- thyroid dysfunction;
- SARS, HIV, chronic viral pathologies;
- violation of protein, carbohydrate, fat metabolism;
- vomiting and frequent regurgitation.
Internal factors include prematurity, formula feeding, surgery, hypo- and avitaminosis, alimentary dystrophy, anemia, rickets, disruption of normal intestinal microflora, SARS, chronic viral diseases (including HIV), protein and fat metabolism disorders and carbohydrates, endocrine pathologies (including diabetes mellitus), malignant neoplasms, frequent regurgitation and vomiting.
External factors of thrush include:
- frequent damage to mucous membranes;
- teething in a child;
- long-term use of antibacterial, hormonal or immunosuppressive drugs, cytostatics;
- non-compliance with the rules of oral care.
Candida vulvovaginitis in the mother, contact with a carrier of pathogenic strains of the fungus, and mechanical ventilation can provoke the development of thrush in a child.
Symptoms of thrush in children
The incubation period is 2–60 days, on average 3–6 days. Clinical manifestations depend on the severity of candidal stomatitis. The main symptom is a white coating on the tongue.
Forms and characteristic signs of thrush in children:
- L Mild form - most often diagnosed in children. In the oral cavity, areas appear covered with a white coating of a curdled consistency. Localization - the inner surface of the cheeks, the upper surface of the tongue, sometimes - the soft and hard palate. Plaque is easily removed by scraping. The general well-being of the child is within the normal range, there is no specific sour smell from the mouth.
- Moderate form - the child has a dense cheesy coating on the tongue or in the form of a film. Nearby tissues are red and swollen. The plaque is hardly separated from the mucous membranes, after removal, the affected areas bleed. With this form of candidiasis in the mouth, the mood, sleep and appetite of the child worsens.
- Severe form - all mucous membranes of the oral cavity, gums, lips, posterior pharyngeal wall are affected in a child. The plaque is dense, it is practically not removed when scraped off, a light film remains under it.
With this form of candidiasis, a pronounced sour smell from the mouth appears. The child is naughty, refuses breast or food, does not sleep well.
Complications in infants
In infants, thrush develops rapidly, the pathological process spreads to other parts of the body. Signs of candidiasis appear in the perineum, between the buttocks, symptoms of an intestinal fungal infection are observed. A severe form of thrush can cause sepsis.
Without proper treatment, candidiasis becomes chronic. Frequent exacerbations negatively affect the immune system and the general condition of the infant. The risk of developing allergic and atopic diseases increases. In children with chronic candidiasis, bronchial asthma is often detected.
Fungal tonsillitis is a common complication of oral candidiasis. A characteristic symptom is the appearance of a white cheesy plaque on the tonsils, burning, sore throat.
When a fungus affects the digestive tract, a child develops colic, and the process of food digestion slows down. Disturbed by constipation, pain in the lower abdomen. Mycosis of the respiratory organs is accompanied by frequent bronchitis, prolonged SARS, pneumonia.
Girls with chronic oral thrush often develop vulvovaginal candidiasis. Signs - redness and swelling of the external genital organs, due to the dryness of the mucous membranes, erosions form. In infancy, due to the anatomical features of the structure of tissues, pathology can lead to fusion of the labia and vaginal walls. In such cases, long-term medical treatment and surgery will be required.
Fungal infection of the genital organs in boys is accompanied by redness of the head of the penis, a secret similar to sour cream is secreted from the urethra. Against the background of thrush, urethritis and cystitis often develop.
Diagnosis of thrush
Thrush has characteristic symptoms. Therefore, there are no diagnostic problems. When collecting an anamnesis, the doctor determines the time of the onset of the disease. Assesses the general condition of the child, finds out the presence of fungal infections in the mother during pregnancy and childbirth.
During a physical examination of a child, the doctor performs a number of necessary procedures:
- examines the condition of the oral mucosa;
- detects the presence of specific plaque in the mouth;
- determines the severity of the pathological process.
Be sure to check other parts of the body that may have been infected by fungus.
Laboratory methods for the diagnosis of thrush:
- Microscopy. A scraping is made from the affected area, the resulting biomaterial is studied under an electron or light microscope. The analysis reveals yeast-like cells and mycelial filaments.
- Culture method. Carried out to determine the type of pathogen, its sensitivity to antimycotic drugs.
- Serological research methods are used in the absence of clear clinical manifestations, lack of information of other diagnostic methods.
For fungal angina, sputum is analyzed to identify the type of pathogen. With candidiasis of the genital organs, it is necessary to pass a smear on the microflora. If mycosis of the internal organs is suspected, an analysis of feces, blood and urine is prescribed.
Be sure to carry out differential diagnosis to exclude diphtheria, acute herpetic stomatitis, acute tonsillitis.
Treatment of thrush
The choice of drugs for the treatment of thrush depends on the severity of the pathological process.
Peculiarities of therapy:
- In case of mild form, the oral cavity is irrigated with antifungal solutions with clotrimazole, nystatin. Soda or boric solution removes plaque well. Apply local disinfectants and antiseptics - methylene blue, Lugol's solution, Miramistin. When breastfeeding, the mother must treat the breast with a solution of soda, a decoction of calendula or oak bark before each feeding. The average duration of treatment is 2 weeks.
- For moderate to severe disease, oral or parenteral antifungals are prescribed. Additionally, symptomatic treatment of concomitant diseases is carried out.
Older children are given a diet. From the diet it is necessary to exclude sweet and salty dishes, flour. These products create favorable conditions for the reproduction of fungi. Additionally, it is necessary to take folic and ascorbic acid to restore the balance of microflora, drugs to strengthen the immune system.
With timely treatment, you can completely get rid of thrush in your mouth. Recovery occurs within 7-10 days. Severe forms of the disease and complications occur only in the complete absence of antifungal therapy.
Prevention of thrush in infants
Prevention of candidiasis in children is either specific or non-specific.
Non-specific methods of prevention:
- correct and regular care of the child's skin and mucous membranes;
- proper and rational nutrition of the mother during breastfeeding;
- with artificial feeding, choose high-quality mixtures with probiotics and vitamins;
- rational use of antibiotics during pregnancy;
- timely treatment of fungal infections during childbearing;
- do not give sweets to a child under one year, older children - sugar and sweets in limited quantities;
- strengthen immunity - hardening, exercise, long walks in the fresh air, adherence to the daily routine.
Specific prophylaxis is necessary in case of burdened gynecological and obstetric anamnesis. These are prematurity, intrauterine malformations, birth injuries, disorders in the work of the respiratory and central nervous systems. Newborns who are at risk, within a week after birth, undergo microscopy and bacteriological analysis of scrapings from the mucous membranes, analysis of feces. If it is necessary to take antibiotics, a prophylactic course of taking antimycotic agents is prescribed.
Oral candidiasis is a dangerous disease for children. Do not self-medicate, postpone a visit to the doctor. Call the clinic, the administrator will select a convenient time for a visit to the therapist. With frequent recurrences of thrush, consult an immunologist.
symptoms of oral candidiasis, treatment of stomatitis in adults with drugs and a dentist
Candidiasis or thrush is a common infectious disease caused by yeast-like fungi. Often develops in the oral mucosa. It doesn't matter how old you are. The problem occurs at any age. Pathology is caused by a fungus of the genus Candida. Plaques appear on the mucous membrane. The formations have a curdled mass. Patients experience burning and other discomfort. Chewing food causes discomfort. Feeling sore when talking. Unpleasant smell, dryness and pain require immediate medical attention.
Thrush is also common in children. They develop candidal glossitis. The disease manifests itself in children. Pathology affects people who wear dentures. The reason is not that important. The disease must be eliminated. Requires surgical treatment. Don't put off visiting the clinic. An accurate diagnosis is required.
An unpleasant pathology is a dangerous infection. It occurs in people of all ages. It can overtake a child, a teenager, an adult. The disease often occurs with a weakened immune system. Love proper nutrition and do not deny yourself vitamins? What a score! Your body is able to prevent the occurrence of thrush.
The disease occurs as a result of the development of fungi. The occurrence of pathology is influenced by various factors. Yeast fungi are found in the body of every person. Under the influence of reasons, their uncontrolled reproduction begins. Don't want to suffer from a complex illness? Eliminate the factors that cause pathology.
Thrush is caused by:
- Hormonal changes. With hormonal changes, it is difficult for the body to respond to the development of bacteria. For example, during pregnancy. Women often develop vaginal thrush.
- Medicinal preparations. The mouth contains different types of microorganisms. They hold back each other's growth. Antibiotics kill some bacteria. The composition of the microflora is disturbed.
- Weak immunity. It is difficult for a weakened body to fight dangerous bacteria. The number of fungi is increasing. The thrush appears.
- Improper hygiene. The accumulation of germs often leads to problems.
The thrush appears.
- High carbohydrate foods. Glucose, sucrose and galactose enhance the growth of Candida. Monitor the quality of food. Excessive sugar increases the likelihood of thrush.
- Diet. Malnutrition provokes the development of many diseases. With diets, there is a lack of iron and other vitamins. The possibility of the appearance of the disease increases.
- Mucosal injury. Injuries reduce barrier properties. It is easier for fungi to penetrate deep into.
- Smoking. The microflora is deteriorating. Diseases develop.
- Contraceptives. Such drugs contain progestin, estrogen. Elements increase the concentration of glucose in the blood. The growth of Candida fungi is accelerated.
- Removable dentures. Bacteria can accumulate on the denture. It is important to disinfect frequently.
Candidiasis is contagious. Bacteria are easily transmitted through kisses, shared towels, dishes.
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Symptoms of thrush:
- white, red spots and plaques;
- dry;
- burning sensation.
Candidiasis can be confused with many diseases. Avoid self-medication. At the first sign, consult a doctor. The dentist-therapist will conduct an examination. Schedules tests. Eliminate pathology.
Symptoms and course depend on the form of the disease. There are several different types of candidiasis.
Acute pseudomembranous
This form of pathology has no pronounced symptoms. Acute candidiasis can cause mild discomfort. White plaques and plaque rise above the mucosa. The person is uncomfortable. At the initial stage, single plaques are removed with scraping. After you can see the mucous membrane of a bright red color. Fungal disease is not always mild.
Severe course causes more discomfort in the oral cavity. The sizes of plaques increase. They begin to merge with each other. Gradually, the entire mucosal cavity is affected. The plaques thicken. Removing them is more difficult. This type of pathology is often found in infants. May appear in adults after taking antibiotics or other strong drugs. It often worries patients who have a violation of the immune status. For example, as a result of HIV or leukemia.
Acute and chronic atrophic
Acute atrophic candidiasis causes extreme discomfort. The mucous membranes seem to have been burned by the hot liquid. Plaques and white plaque are absent. The mucosa acquires a pronounced red color. On the tongue there are traces of dental units. The patient may experience an acidic, metallic, bitter, or salty taste in the mouth. Feeling dry more often. Pathology occurs after taking antibiotics and other drugs.
Chronic candidiasis causes no less discomfort. There are redness in the mucosal area. Also worried about the burning sensation. On the back of the mucous membrane of the tongue, papillae may atrophy. Taste sensations change. Pathology occurs in patients who wear removable dentures. Therefore, the disease is often called prosthetic stomatitis.
Chronic hyperplastic
Mainly occurs in adult patients. This is the rarest type of candidiasis. Often develops on the buccal mucosa. May appear around the corners of the mouth. Skin lesions cause discomfort. Also appears on the soft palate and back of the tongue. White plaques gradually grow. In the absence of treatment, they merge. Gradually acquire a yellowish tint. In a pronounced degree, the plaques become more nodular and coarse.
This candidiasis is not easy to remove. Scraping plaques will not work. You can notice a change in the composition of saliva. It becomes more viscous, foamy. Often the pathology occurs in smoking men. Clinical studies have helped to discover that this type of candidiasis can transform into oncology. Therefore, pathology can be regarded as a precancerous disease.
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Candidiasis requires immediate treatment. An accurate diagnosis should be made. A biopsy may be performed. Histological examination is often prescribed. A swab may be taken from the affected area. This is required for microscopic examination. If a pathology is suspected, the doctor prescribes laboratory tests. It is recommended to take blood tests for glucose or HIV. Rent bacteriological culture. The study will help identify a fungal disease. Sowing will determine the type of fungus that caused the appearance of thrush. Accurate diagnosis will allow you to prescribe effective drugs.
Consultation with more specialized specialists is recommended. An endocrinologist will help make sure that there are no endocrine diseases. The allergist will check the sensitivity to prosthetic devices. The therapist will determine the nature of the pathology.
Treatment includes the following steps:
- Sanitation. All dental pathologies are treated. The dentist eliminates carious lesions, installs fillings. Tooth deposits are removed. Teeth are cleaned of plaque.
- Elimination of pathologies. Exacerbations of diseases are stopped. The hormonal background is being adjusted. Increases immunity. Dentures that cause allergic reactions are replaced.
- Prescribing drugs. The doctor prescribes medicines. Antifungal medications are prescribed. Antihistamines, immunomodulators, restorative drugs may be prescribed.
The treatment is carried out in a complex manner. Includes measures to strengthen the immune system. The doctor teaches proper oral hygiene. A change in diet is recommended. Bad habits should be eliminated. Smoking will quickly lead to recurrence. The doctor gives recommendations that will help prevent relapses.
Candidiasis cannot be cured without effective drugs. Manufacturers produce different products. They can eliminate the pathology quickly enough. Comprehensively affect the problem. Only a doctor can prescribe the most effective remedies. The doctor examines the signs. Performs diagnostics. Then he prescribes drugs.
Doctors prescribe:
- Suspensions (Amphotericin B, Diflucan). Effective in severe forms of thrush. High-quality suspensions gently affect the manifestations and cause of the disease.
- Tablets (Itriconazole, Nystatin or others). The dosage is determined according to age. Most drugs are sold by prescription only.
- Gels (Miconazole). They are used as applications on the mucous membrane.
- Antiseptics (Miramistin, Chlorhexidine).
Complementary Therapy. Used for rinsing.
Medicines and aids prescribed by a doctor. It is not worth making a decision about taking medications on your own. You can make health problems worse. It is necessary to take drugs in accordance with the prescribed treatment plan. The infection will pass.
After treatment, prevention is important. With a mild form of thrush, relapses do not occur. The average degree of the course of the disease can be repeated. A severe form can turn into a chronic condition. Complications are possible. Relapses occur for a number of reasons. For example, do not follow the doctor's prescriptions. Immunodeficiency and diabetes mellitus lead to repeated pathologies. Illiterate treatment leads to the development of the disease. Don't want complications? Contact experienced doctors. Don't forget about prevention.
Brush your teeth properly. You can not damage the mucous membrane. After eating, it is recommended to rinse the mouth. For this, special tools are used. A dentist can help in choosing the composition. Do not use one toothbrush for a long time. It needs to be changed every 2-3 months. The brush must be washed thoroughly after each use.
Wear removable dentures? Wash them after eating. Store your dentures in a case. Don't throw them anywhere. Microbes can get on dentures.
Bad habits cause many diseases. Smoking, alcoholic beverages adversely affect the microflora. Harmful bacteria spread faster. Increase your vitamins. Strong immunity is less likely to be influenced by harmful factors. The body will fight dangerous bacteria.
When treating pathologies with antibiotics, probiotics should be taken. Antifungal drugs are also recommended. Antibiotics kill beneficial bacteria. They need to be replenished. Take vitamin complexes. Visit the dentist's office at least once every 6 months. The doctor will conduct an examination. The doctor will clean up. Pathologies should be treated.
Treating candidiasis is a complex process.