Can you be born circumcised
Circumcised vs. Uncircumcised - What is Circumcision?
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Circumcision is a procedure where the foreskin (the skin that covers the tip of the penis) is removed. Circumcision isn’t required. But if parents choose this for their baby, the procedure is usually performed on the first or second day after birth in a healthy baby. However, it can be done within 10 days of birth. Circumcision is riskier and more complicated in infants older than 2 months of age, and in older boys and men.
Circumcisions are done by a doctor in a hospital or outpatient office. They also can be done at home by a hired professional as part of a religious or cultural ceremony.
During the procedure, the doctor will numb the area around the penis with a local anesthetic (medicine that numbs only a specific part of the body). This makes the procedure less painful for the baby. The anesthetic may be given as an injection or applied as a cream. The procedure takes about 20 minutes.
Making the decision about circumcision
Circumcision is a personal choice for you and your family. You will need to consider the benefits and risks of circumcision. Factors such as your culture, religion, and personal preferences may affect your decision. Talk with your doctor about the benefits and risks. He or she may be able to help you decide. You may want to make a decision about circumcision before your son is born. That way, you’ll know what to do about it while in the hospital.
The American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP) recommends that parents talk to their family doctor about the potential benefits and risks of circumcision when making their decision.
The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) says the health benefits of circumcision outweigh the risks. However, the AAP does not think the benefits are great enough to recommend that all male newborns should be circumcised.
Path to improved health
If you decide to have your baby circumcised, you’ll need to follow some steps to help the penis heal.
- Gently clean the area with water every day when your baby needs a fresh diaper.
- Use mild soap and water to clean stool off of the penis. This will help prevent infection.
- If there is a bandage on the penis, it will probably fall off the next time your baby urinates. Ask your doctor whether you should leave the bandage off or if you should put a new bandage on each time you change your son’s diaper.
- Sometimes, your baby’s urine and the pressure from his diaper will irritate the newly exposed skin on the tip of the penis. This can be treated by putting petroleum ointment (brand name Vaseline) directly on the area. It will usually get better after a few days.
Healing usually takes about 7 to 10 days. Some swelling of the penis is normal. It’s also normal for a yellow discharge or coating to form over the tip of the penis. Don’t try to take this off. It will go away on its own.
If you decide not to have your son circumcised, you’ll need to take some steps to care for his penis. Keep it clean with soap and water to reduce the risk of problems or infections. When your son gets older, his foreskin will separate from the tip of his penis. This is called retraction. It happens at different times for different boys. Most boys can retract their foreskin by the time they are 5 years of age. Don’t try to force the foreskin to retract before it is ready. This can damage the penis and cause pain and other problems. Once the foreskin is ready to retract, you can teach your son how to gently pull the foreskin back and clean the skin underneath. He should wash beneath his foreskin every day while bathing or showering.
Things to consider
Studies have shown some limited health benefits of circumcision.
- It offers some limited benefit in preventing urinary tract infections (UTIs) in infants. Overall, UTIs are not common in circumcised or uncircumcised males.
- Newborn circumcision also offers some benefit in preventing cancer of the penis in adulthood.
However, this cancer is rare in all men, whether or not they have been circumcised.
- Circumcision may reduce the risk of certain sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Know that preventing STIs has more to do with a man’s sexual practices (for example, using condoms, limiting the number of sex partners) than with whether or not he is circumcised.
Like any surgical procedure, circumcision does have some risks. However, the rate of problems after circumcision is quite low. Bleeding and infection in the circumcised area are the most common problems. Both of these can be treated by your doctor.
When to call your doctor
After the circumcision, you may notice a small amount of blood on your baby’s diaper. If the bloodstain is larger than the size of a quarter, call your doctor right away. You should also call your doctor if:
- The wound doesn’t stop bleeding.
- Your baby doesn’t have a wet diaper within 6 to 8 hours after the circumcision.
- Redness and swelling around the tip of the penis doesn’t go away after 3 to 5 days, or it gets worse.
- The yellow discharge or coating on the tip of the penis doesn’t go away after 7 days.
- A Plastibell device was used and it doesn’t fall off within 10 to 12 days.
- Your baby has a temperature of 100.4°F or higher.
Questions for your doctor
- What are some reasons I should have my baby circumcised?
- What are some reasons I should not have my baby circumcised?
- Will my baby feel any pain during circumcision?
- Before circumcision, will you apply the anesthetic as an injection or a cream?
- How will I know if my baby’s penis is infected?
- What soap do you recommend for washing the bandaged area?
National Institutes of Health, MedlinePlus: Circumcision
Copyright © American Academy of Family Physicians
This information provides a general overview and may not apply to everyone. Talk to your family doctor to find out if this information applies to you and to get more information on this subject.
The Circumcision Decision | Patient Education
If you give birth to a boy, you will be asked if you'd like him circumcised. This is a matter to be considered carefully before the baby is born, while you have time to think about it and discuss it with your care provider and pediatrician.
At birth, boys have skin that covers the end of the penis, called foreskin. Circumcision is the surgical removal of this foreskin, exposing the tip of the penis. It is usually done in the first few days of life before the baby leaves the hospital. A baby must be stable and healthy to be circumcised.
It Is Your Decision
The American Academy of Pediatrics considers circumcision a choice for parents to make. Some parents choose circumcision for religious or cultural reasons. It is important to consider the pros and cons, how the surgery is performed and the potential complications.
Not all insurance companies pay for the procedure. If you plan to circumcise your son, you should contact your insurance provider for information about coverage.
Medical Reasons Parents Might Choose Circumcision
Research suggests that there may be some medical benefits to circumcision, including:
- A slightly lower risk of urinary tract infection (UTI). A circumcised boy has about one in 1,000 chance of getting a UTI in the first year of life. A baby who is not circumcised has a one in 100 chance of getting a UTI in the first year of life.
- A slightly lower risk of getting sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), including HIV.
- A lower risk of cancer of the penis. However, this is very rare in both circumcised and uncircumcised men.
- Prevention of foreskin infections.
- Prevention of phimosis, a condition in which it is impossible to pull back the foreskin.
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Medical Reasons Parents Might Choose Not to Circumcise
- Risks of circumcision surgery, although rare, include bleeding, infection and injury to the penis or urethra.
- The foreskin protects the tip of the penis. When the foreskin is removed, the tip may become irritated and cause the opening of the penis to become too small. This can cause urination problems that may need to be corrected by an operation.
- The foreskin has more nerve endings than the glans, or sensitive tip of the penis, and its removal decreases sensitivity to touch.
- Almost all uncircumcised boys can be taught proper hygiene that can lower the chance of getting infections, cancer of the penis and sexually transmitted diseases.
The Procedure
Circumcision is usually performed before your baby goes home from the hospital. Like all surgery, circumcision is painful. To relieve pain, anesthetic is given to numb the area. About one hour before the procedure, a numbing cream is placed on your baby's penis.
Right before the procedure, the doctor injects a local anesthetic at the base of the penis. The penis and foreskin are cleaned. A clamp is attached to the penis and the foreskin is removed by scalpel. The procedure takes just a few minutes. You can be with your baby during the operation if you choose.
A nurse or doctor will give you directions for caring for your baby after circumcision. Clean the penis as you would with any diaper change. Apply the provided ointment to the penis with each change so that the penis does not stick to the diaper. It takes about one week to 10 days for the penis to fully heal. Call your doctor if you notice any signs of infections such as redness, swelling or foul-swelling drainage.
Caring for an Uncircumcised Penis
A nurse or doctor will give you directions for caring for an uncircumcised penis as part of routine baby care. Wash the outside of the penis with soap and water. Do not attempt to pull back the foreskin. By the time your son is about 3 or 4 years old, the foreskin will begin to pull back and your son can be taught to wash the head of the penis and inside the fold of the foreskin. Pull the foreskin back over the head of the penis after washing.
Congenital absence of the foreskin - a rare case of true apostia
S.A. Allazov, R.R. Gafarov, Kh.S. Allazov, I.S. Allazov
Samarkand State Medical Institute, Uzbekistan
The skin of the penis forms a fold around the head, called the foreskin - preputium. The anlage of the foreskin appears on the 9th week as a rapidly growing accumulation of ectoderm at the top of the head, giving rise to the development of the outer and inner leaf of the foreskin. However, at 16 weeks the foreskin is concentrated only on the dorsal surface of the penis. Only at the end of the 16th week, growing in a circular direction, the leaves of the foreskin meet in the region of the rhomboid fossa, forming a frenulum. The inner leaf of the foreskin remains in a loose connection with the head until birth, and epithelial accumulations - this is the remnant of the rudiment of the foreskin - can close the outer opening until birth (Pytel A. Ya., 1970).
Rare anomalies include the complete absence of the foreskin or its partial splitting, which most often occurs with hypo- or epispadias (Pytel A.Ya., 1959).
In accordance with the American classification, 5 types of normal foreskin development are distinguished, and the absence of the foreskin is considered as a variant of the norm with a pronounced, however, violation of the sensitivity of the glans penis.
- Type I - proboscis foreskin. Completely prevents the ingress of exogenous pathogenic flora, provides additional stimulation for the introitus, a number of techniques for oral sex.
- Type II - ocellar foreskin. Urination initially occurs correctly: through the ajar head, there is no retention of urine in the preputial sac;
- Type III - parted foreskin. Urination initially occurs correctly: through the ajar head, there is no retention of urine in the preputial sac;
- Type IV - exposed foreskin. Provides physiological "rolling" of the foreskin back when an erection occurs.
- Type V - no foreskin. Deprives a man 85-90% of adequate innervation, creates dysorgastic intercourse, reduces the volume of afferentation.
We observed a case of true apostia - complete absence of the foreskin with normal development of the urethra and glans penis. Here is one such case that we observed in October 2018.
Patient S., aged 25, complained of frequent urination in small portions, burning sensation during urination. Previously treated with a diagnosis of "Chronic prostatitis". On examination, there is a complete absence of the foreskin, the glans penis is exposed, in general, the penis resembles that after the circumcision operation. He has no problems related to sexual life, the sensitivity of the glans penis is preserved. Married 3 years. He is the father of 1 child.
Taking into account the fact that, according to religious indications (in particular, among Muslims), ritual circumcision (circumcisio) is mandatory for boys in Uzbekistan - in this case, it was not performed, due to the congenital absence of prepuce. Among Muslims, such boys are given the name "Sunnat" or "Sunnatullah" at birth - which implies the congenital absence of the foreskin.
Thus, while it is generally accepted that successful canalization of the distal urethra requires normal development of the foreskin, hypospadias and epispadias can also occur with normally developed foreskins. Accordingly, the absence of the foreskin is not always accompanied by anomalies of the urethra - hypospadias. All this highlights the complex relationship between the development of the foreskin and the distal urethra.
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Pediatric urology
VIII All-Russian School of Pediatric Urology-Andrology 2019
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Question: Some people say ''circumcision is an innovation and has nothing to do with Islam''. What happens, for 1400 years, scientists and righteous people, mujtahids and all Muslims have made an innovation?
Answer: A group has crept into our religion who do not know who they are or whom they serve. They then accuse Muslims of committing innovations. If you listen to them, it seems that Islam has just been sent down and this religion does not have a prophet. Using every opportunity, they criticize the heirs of the prophet, the Sunni scholars. All these are signs of the imminent approach of the Day of Judgment. Because in the hadith and sharif it was said: "When the Day of Judgment approaches, there will be new people who will accuse the former scholars of ignorance." (Ibni Asakir)
A Muslim will never say that circumcision is an innovation. It is a pity that Muslims believe the stories of the missionaries. In the early times, ignoramuses kept Muslims away from technology and inventions, saying that this was the discovery of infidels. And in our time, hanging the label of innovation on everything, they are trying to tear Muslims away from Islam.
Circumcision is one of the significant traditions of the prophet. There are no Muslims who would not know about it. After all, there is not even such a kafir who does not know that Muslims have a rite of circumcision. Non-Muslims are well aware that prayer, circumcision, hijab, are symbols of Islam.
Circumcision, pillar, sign of Islam.
The Hadith and Sharifs say:
“Circumcision is Sunnah for men. » (Tabarani)
“There are five traditions of the Prophet (Sunnah) indicating that their presence is taken for granted in Islam: Circumcision, shaving the pubis, cutting nails, shaving the armpits, and shortening the underarms.” (Bukhari)
“Prophet Ibrahim, when the order for circumcision came, and he was 80 years old at that time, circumcised himself with an axe. ” (Bukhari)
"A person without circumcision, even if he becomes a Muslim at the age of 80, must still be circumcised." (Bayhaqi)
“The Messenger of Allah ordered a newly converted Muslim to be circumcised, even if he is 80 years old.” (Tabarani)
Sunnah is divided into two types: Sunnati zavaid and Sunnati hyuda.
Sunnati zavaid - this type of sunnah refers to how the prophet dressed, ate and drank, walked, stood, lay down.
Sunnati hyudah - these are, for example, such actions of the prophet as adhan, iqamat, prayer in jamaat. These actions are the visible symbols of Islam. The circumcision in question is also Sunnati Hyuda. In Arabic it sounds like - khitan . Since khytan is one of the signs of Islam, it is necessary to circumcise everyone who has gained reason and entered adulthood. If a very old person accepts Islam, then he does not have to be circumcised. There is also the opinion of some Mujtahids that it is possible not to circumcise. Because the fulfillment of the sunnah cannot serve as a basis for opening the places of the awrah.
“If an old man who has become a Muslim and is sick cannot bear the pain, then circumcision is not performed.” (Hadiqa)
There is no fixed age for circumcision. But best of all, the ceremony is carried out between the ages of seven and twelve. It is noticed that an uncircumcised man is predisposed to certain diseases. French medical publications refer to this disease as Affection du Prepuce (phimosis). Some diseases associated with uncircumcised foreskin are very dangerous. Therefore, in recent times, the practice of circumcision has been increasingly observed in the United States and Europe, historically considered Christian countries. The fact that circumcision of the foreskin, a medically necessary event, has been proven by the doctors themselves. Dr. Dubais Raymond says: "Circumcision should be made compulsory for all men, just as vaccination is applied" .
Circumcision has a long history. Because this is the custom of the Messenger of Allah. Circumcision, as a sunnah of the prophet, is familiar as one of the five duties of mankind.
In Muslim countries, the circumcision of a boy takes place in a festive atmosphere. People compare this event with the boy becoming a Muslim.
In our time, although this holiday is not held on such a large scale as in former times, it remains a good custom. But at the same time, there are people who put alcoholic drinks on the festive table. When, while fulfilling the Sunnah, they mix it with Haram, then the sin becomes even greater. Muslim families should stay away from this.
Those who are unable to celebrate the Feast of Circumcision are not required to do so.
Question : Is it a sin to use the services of a non-Muslim doctor to circumcise your son?
Answer : There is no sin in this. “If there is a need, it is allowed to use the services of a Kafir doctor. ” (Hadika)
Question : Is circumcision allowed using laser equipment?
Reply : Yes, allowed.
Question : Is it permissible to say takbeer during circumcision?
Answer : Yes.
Question : Is there a special day dedicated to circumcision?
Answer : No, there is no such day. Circumcision can be done any day of the week.
Question : Does a child who was born circumcised need to bleed by making a small incision in the foreskin?
Answer : No, you don't. People are mistaken when they say that the child was born already circumcised as a prophet. In fact, the prophet was circumcised after his birth. Birth with circumcised foreskin, physical defect.
Question : It is said that a baby born with a circumcised foreskin is born with a physical defect.