Is it normal to have discharge during early pregnancy
Bleeding during pregnancy: When to worry about spotting in pregnancy
A little light bleeding or spotting during pregnancy is common, especially during the first trimester. Heavier or more consistent bleeding could signal a problem with the pregnancy. Early pregnancy bleeding can happen when the fertilized egg implants, or it could be from something more serious like a miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy. Common causes of bleeding later in pregnancy include placental problems or preterm labor. Any bleeding is worth letting your doctor know about as soon as possible, especially if it's heavy or it doesn't stop.
Is it normal to have spotting during pregnancy?
A little light bleeding or spotting during pregnancy is common, especially in early pregnancy. Up to one in four pregnant women have some light bleeding in their first trimester. But even if the bleeding seems to have stopped, call your doctor, just to make sure everything is okay.
Spotting or light bleeding in pregnancy is probably from something minor. But it could also be a sign of a serious problem, such as an ectopic pregnancy, a miscarriage, or an infection.
Your doctor may want to do some tests, which can include a physical exam, an ultrasound, and blood tests, to check how well you and your baby are doing and to rule out any complications.
If you're actively bleeding or you have severe pain and can't reach your doctor, head to the emergency room right away.
What's the difference between spotting and bleeding during pregnancy?
Spotting is very light bleeding, similar to what you may have at the very beginning or end of your period. It will look like small drops of blood on your underwear, varying in color from pink to red to brown (the color of dried blood). Pregnancy spotting is common, especially during the first three months.
Bleeding means that you need to wear a panty liner or pad to avoid soaking your underwear. And heavy bleeding will soak through one or more pads. Continued or heavy bleeding could signal a problem with your pregnancy, which is why it's important to share with your doctor right away.
Early pregnancy bleeding: What causes it?
The most common causes of light spotting or bleeding during early pregnancy include:
Implantation. Some women have spotting even before they know they're pregnant, about a week or so after they ovulate. It's called "implantation bleeding" because it happens when the fertilized egg burrows (or implants) into the blood-rich lining of the uterus, a process that starts just six days after fertilization.
If you have a day or two of spotting in the week before your period is due, take a home pregnancy test. If the result is negative, wait a few days or a week. If your period doesn't start when you expect it, try testing again.
Subchorionic hematoma. Also called a subchorionic hemorrhage, this kind of bleeding can happen when the outer layer of the amniotic sac (chorion) separates from the wall of the uterus. It’s usually harmless and stops on its own. Small collections of blood like this early on are typically harmless. But if the collection of blood is larger, it will take longer to reabsorb, or go away. This can raise the risk of miscarriage or preterm labor, so your doctor may want to check on it regularly with ultrasound.
Miscarriage. Spotting or bleeding in the first trimester, especially if you also have abdominal pain or cramping, can be an early sign of miscarriage. But it isn't necessarily a sign, and actually, about half of women who miscarry don't have any bleeding prior to diagnosis. Other signs of a possible miscarriage are discharge of liquid or tissue from your vagina, and no longer feeling any pregnancy symptoms (like morning sickness). If feeling better is your only symptom, however, try not to worry! Many pregnant women don't experience nausea in the first trimester and have very healthy pregnancies.
Ectopic pregnancy. Early pregnancy bleeding also can warn of an ectopic pregnancy – when the embryo implants outside the uterus, usually in one of the fallopian tubes. Sometimes bleeding is the only sign, but other common symptoms include pain in the belly, pelvis, or shoulder. An ectopic pregnancy can be life-threatening, so let your doctor know right away if you have bleeding or moderate to severe pain in your first trimester.
Molar pregnancy. This rare complication happens when the placenta doesn't develop properly, and it can't sustain the embryo. A molar pregnancy can be serious, and it needs prompt treatment.
Infection. An infection can irritate or inflame your cervix and make it more likely to bleed, especially after you have sex. These are some of the infections that can cause bleeding:
- Chlamydia
- Gonorrhea
- Herpes
- Yeast infection
- Trichomoniasis
Because certain infections can cause pregnancy complications, your doctor might prescribe antibiotics or another treatment.
You might also notice some spotting or light bleeding after sexual intercourse or a pelvic exam. More blood flows to your cervix during pregnancy, so it's not unusual. A cervical polyp (a noncancerous growth on the cervix) can also cause spotting or bleeding after sex or an exam.
What causes second or third trimester bleeding?
Bleeding later in pregnancy might also be nothing to worry about. Light bleeding could be a sign of harmless inflammation, a cervical polyp, or other changes in your cervix. And a few days before your delivery date, bloody discharge called "show" is a sign that your cervix is getting ready for labor.
Heavy bleeding late in your pregnancy is a more worrisome sign. It's worth making a call to your doctor right away.
Here are some common causes of bleeding in your second and third trimesters:
Placental problems. Bleeding or spotting after the first trimester can be a sign of a problem with the placenta, such as:
- Placenta previa, when the placenta partially or fully covers the cervix; usually this is diagnosed at your mid-pregnancy ultrasound or anatomy scan.
Your placental location will continue to be monitored as pregnancy progresses, and your obstetrician will recommend that you abstain from intercourse as long as the placenta is over or near the cervix.
- Placenta accreta, when the placenta becomes abnormally embedded in the uterine wall. Although this is a rare complication, the risk slowly increases with each cesarean delivery.
- Placental abruption, when the placenta entirely or partially separates from the wall of the uterus. This is more likely to occur as a result of trauma (car accident, domestic violence), uncontrolled hypertension, or labor.
Late miscarriage. Most miscarriages happen in the first trimester, but bleeding between 13 weeks and the middle of your pregnancy can be a sign of late miscarriage.
Preterm labor. Bleeding is one sign of preterm labor (labor that starts before 37 weeks). Other symptoms are:
- Abdominal pain, cramps, or contractions
- Low backache
- Changes in vaginal discharge
- Pressure in your pelvis or lower abdomen
How much bleeding during pregnancy is normal?
Some light bleeding is normal, especially early in your pregnancy when the fertilized egg implants. But really, bleeding can happen at any point in your pregnancy, and for many different reasons. And because some causes are more serious than others, it's always a good idea to let your doctor know about it.
Heavier bleeding that soaks through a pad, or bleeding that doesn't go away is more concerning. It could signal a serious problem with your pregnancy that needs immediate medical attention. Calling your doctor right away or going to an emergency room could help you head off a problem and protect both your health and your baby's.
When should I call my doctor about spotting or bleeding during pregnancy?
Any type or amount of bleeding in pregnancy is worth calling your doctor about, to make sure that nothing is wrong. This is important, even if your last ultrasound showed that your baby is healthy and growing according to schedule.
Heavy or consistent bleeding is a reason to call immediately. Your doctor can check for any problems, and either reassure you that you're ok, or treat the problem.
When you call your doctor, let them know how long you've been bleeding and how much you've bled. Also tell them about other symptoms, like cramps, that you've had along with the bleeding. Also, be sure to be honest with them about recent sexual activity and medical history when you call.
Lastly, whenever the bleeding occurs, if your blood type is RH-negative, your doctor will want to make sure you get a Rhogam shot to protect future pregnancies. Call your doctor if you are RH-negative and have bleeding anytime in pregnancy. If you are RH-positive, this isn't something you have to worry about.
Learn more:
- Pregnancy symptoms you should never ignore
- Vaginal discharge during pregnancy
- Rectal bleeding during pregnancy
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Vaginal Discharge During Pregnancy: What’s Normal?
Vaginal Discharge During Pregnancy: What’s Normal?Medically reviewed by Debra Rose Wilson, Ph.D., MSN, R. N., IBCLC, AHN-BC, CHT — By Juliann Schaeffer — Updated on March 7, 2019
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Typical vaginal discharge is thin, clear, or milky white, as well as mild smelling. It will fluctuate throughout the menstrual cycle. During pregnancy, the discharge will increase and may vary in consistency, thickness, frequency, and amount.
Pregnancy can be as confusing as it is elating, and it’s not always easy to tell which changes are typical and which are cause for concern.
One of the earliest signs of pregnancy is an increase in vaginal discharge, and this continues throughout pregnancy.
When a woman becomes pregnant, her vagina largely takes on a personality of its own, says Dr. Sheryl Ross, an OB-GYN and women’s health expert at Providence Saint John’s Health Center in Santa Monica, California.
Typical vaginal discharge, known as leukorrhea, will begin to change as early as one to two weeks after conception, even before you’ve missed your period. As your pregnancy progresses, this discharge usually becomes more noticeable, and it’s heaviest at the end of your pregnancy. You may want to wear an unscented panty liner. Avoid tampons in pregnancy.
In the last weeks of pregnancy, you may also notice that your discharge contains streaks of thick mucus with streaks of blood, called “show.” This is an early sign of labor and should not be cause for alarm.
Vaginal discharge ebbs and flows throughout a woman’s menstrual cycle due to a fluctuation in hormone levels. Once you become pregnant, hormones continue to play a role in the changes to your vaginal discharge.
Changes to the cervix during pregnancy also affect vaginal discharge. As the cervix and vaginal wall soften, the body produces excess discharge to help prevent infections. Your baby’s head may also press against the cervix as you near the end of your pregnancy, which often leads to increased vaginal discharge.
It’s important to let your healthcare provider know about any abnormal discharge, as it could be a sign of an infection or a problem with your pregnancy. Here are some signs of abnormal discharge:
- yellow, green, or gray color
- strong and foul odor
- accompanied by redness or itching, or vulvar swelling
Abnormal discharge may be a sign of infection. Yeast infections are common during pregnancy. If you develop a yeast infection during pregnancy, your doctor may recommend a vaginal cream or suppository. To avoid a yeast infection:
- wear loose, breathable clothing
- wear cotton underwear
- dry your genitals after showering, swimming, or
exercising - add yogurt and other fermented foods to your diet to
promote healthy bacteria
Abnormal discharge can also be caused by a sexually transmitted disease (STD). The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommend screening all pregnant women for STDs. Your healthcare provider may screen you for STDs at your first prenatal appointment. If you believe you have an STD, it’s important to let your doctor know as soon as possible to help reduce the risk of passing the STD to your baby.
Abnormal discharge may also signal a complication in your pregnancy. Call your healthcare provider immediately if you have bright red discharge that exceeds an ounce. This could be a sign of placenta previa or placental abruption.
When in doubt, it’s always better to play it safe and call your doctor. Note when the changes to your vaginal discharge began and any defining characteristics. This will help your doctor determine if your discharge is cause for concern.
Last medically reviewed on May 26, 2017
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- Frequently asked questions: pregnancy. (2014). - Is it normal to have vaginal discharge during pregnancy? (2015). - Mucus plug: bloody show. (2014). - STDs during pregnancy – CDC fact sheet. (2014). - Vaginal discharge during pregnancy. (2014). - Vaginal discharge during pregnancy. (2014). - Yeast infections during pregnancy. (2006).
Our experts continually monitor the health and wellness space, and we update our articles when new information becomes available.
Current Version
Mar 8, 2019
Juliann Schaeffer
Edited By
Alina Sharon
May 26, 2017
Medically Reviewed By
Debra Rose Wilson, PhD, MSN, RN, IBCLC, AHN-BC, CHT
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Medically reviewed by Debra Rose Wilson, Ph. D., MSN, R.N., IBCLC, AHN-BC, CHT — By Juliann Schaeffer — Updated on March 7, 2019
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What discharge during pregnancy is considered normal?
When should you see a doctor for discharge?
Discharge during early pregnancy
Discharge during late pregnancy
Discharge during pregnancy by color0005
During pregnancy, a woman's body undergoes a number of physiological changes - her body changes, adapts to carrying a baby and future childbirth. Changes can also occur with vaginal discharge. After conception, their number or color may become different, which often makes a woman worry. In order not to worry for no reason, but also not to miss a possible reason to see a doctor, you need to know which discharges are normal and which are not.
What discharge during pregnancy is considered normal?
The nature of the discharge at different stages of pregnancy may vary slightly. Standard variant are:
transparent or white discharge;
odor free;
not exceeding the usual volume;
not accompanied by itching, burning or other painful symptoms.
At the same time, in the first 2-4 weeks, the daily discharge may increase slightly and become thicker. It is also possible the appearance of light spotting within a few hours or a day, which occurs as a result of the implantation of the embryo to the uterine wall.
When should you see a doctor for discharge?
During pregnancy, a woman is advised to visit a gynecologist regularly for examinations and tests. First, consultations are prescribed once a month, and then once every 2 weeks. This allows you to carefully monitor the health of the pregnant woman and the development of the fetus. But, if discomfort appears, you need to see a doctor as soon as possible.
One of the alarming symptoms is the appearance of atypical discharge:
yellow, green, brown;
too abundant;
accompanied by itching, burning and other symptoms.
Such a change in the nature of the discharge may be associated with the development of an inflammatory or infectious disease, as well as complications of pregnancy. To find out the exact cause, you need to do tests, conduct an ultrasound and, if necessary, other studies.
Discharge during early pregnancy
When conception occurs, changes begin in the body. First of all, the synthesis of the hormone progesterone increases and blood flow to the pelvic organs increases. These processes are often accompanied by profuse vaginal discharge. They can be translucent, white or with a slight yellowish tint. There should be no unpleasant odor or skin irritation.
Shortly thereafter, progesterone levels decrease and estrogen levels rise. At this time, a mucous plug is formed that covers the cervix. Its formation can also cause increased secretion, but gradually it should decrease and become more liquid and transparent.
In addition, in the first weeks, the ovum attaches to the wall of the uterus, which can cause light brown discharge. As a rule, they are scarce and quickly stop - within a few hours or a day. If heavy bleeding has begun, you should immediately consult a doctor.
Approximately from 5 to 20 weeks, the discharge should be the same - transparent or whitish, in small volume, odorless.
Discharge in late pregnancy
From 20 to 40 weeks of pregnancy, the discharge is normally white, free of impurities and unpleasant odor.
In the last week before childbirth, the discharge may become thinner. If they are very abundant, leakage or discharge of amniotic fluid is possible, which requires a visit to a doctor.
Characterization of pregnancy discharge by color
Normal discharge should be colorless or white. A change in color and consistency may indicate the development of a disease or complications of pregnancy.
Bright or dark yellow discharge most often occurs when inflammation develops. Grey-green and green may result from infection. Thick white discharge speaks about it - as a rule, candidiasis manifests itself. Brown discharge may be due to slight bleeding.
Oxford Medical says it is important to consider not only the color of the discharge, but also its smell, volume and consistency. A sharp and unpleasant odor appears only with bacterial or fungal diseases, so it should by no means be ignored. Also, an alarming signal is a strong increase in the volume of secretions, a change in structure, foaminess and other deviations from the norm.
There can be many reasons for abnormal discharge. To find them out, you need to conduct examinations, and then, if necessary, treatment.
Bloody discharge during pregnancy
The appearance of bloody discharge at any stage of pregnancy is a reason to immediately consult a doctor.
The exception is small spotting in the first weeks (usually the date of the expected menstruation), which indicates the implantation of the embryo. At this point, capillaries and small vessels can be injured, which causes light bleeding. Normally, it is very weak, not accompanied by pain or other unpleasant symptoms.
Blood-streaked discharge may also occur on the eve of childbirth as a result of cervical dilatation. This is normal, but a doctor's consultation is required.
In other cases, both in the first and last trimester, any discharge from pale pink and brown to red is a dangerous symptom. The violation may be minor, but it is necessary to conduct an examination.
Bleeding can be caused by:
hormonal disorders;
cervical erosion;
inflammatory and infectious diseases;
ectopic pregnancy;
placental abruption;
threatened miscarriage or premature birth.
Regular follow-up with an experienced obstetrician-gynecologist and the implementation of all recommendations will help to avoid possible complications and concentrate on the most important thing - the joyful expectation of the baby and preparation for meeting him. obstetrician-gynecologist of the highest category Alla Pashkova sorts out which of them are considered the norm, and which ones are the reason for visiting the antenatal clinic.
Why discharge occurs
Every woman has vaginal discharge. Their number, color and consistency depend on many factors: the phase of the cycle (for example, during the period of egg maturation and ovulation there are quite a lot of them, and immediately after menstruation there is practically none), the woman’s health (with genital tract infections, inflammation in the pelvic organs (discharge at the same time, they often change color, an unpleasant odor appears). The discharge is also affected by the woman's complexion (in thin women, the discharge is usually more abundant than in full ones), sexual activity, the use of vaginal deodorants and intimate hygiene products, wearing synthetic underwear and other factors And, of course, the nature of the discharge is affected by pregnancy.With its onset, a woman may notice that the discharge has become much more than usual (1).0005
“More abundant light discharge during pregnancy is the norm,” says Alla Pashkova, obstetrician-gynecologist of the highest category, candidate of medical sciences, author of a blog about women's health. - They are enhanced under the influence of the hormone progesterone, which begins to be actively produced in the body of a woman with the onset of pregnancy and creates favorable conditions for the implantation of the embryo and its further development. If there are no complaints about a change in the color of the discharge, itching, burning, swelling of the tissues of the perineum, an unpleasant odor, then you do not need to worry and take unnecessary tests, for example, bacterial culture, it is enough to limit yourself to a smear on the flora. Allocations of various kinds can appear during early pregnancy also due to infections and with the threat of miscarriage.
What are the discharges
Photo: Bernhard Claßen, globallookpress.comDischarge during early pregnancy can be of different colors (white, yellow, green, bloody), consistency (thick, liquid, cheesy), may have a neutral or unpleasant odor . In some cases, they do not pose a danger, they are considered a variant of the norm, in others, on the contrary, they can become an alarm about the threat of termination of pregnancy and are a reason for urgent medical attention. Together with our expert Alla Pashkova, we will analyze in more detail what the discharge of a particular nature in the early stages of pregnancy may indicate. We note right away that any deviations from the norm are a reason for an urgent visit to a doctor.
Light discharge
Normal vaginal discharge in most women is just a light whitish tint. They have no smell, or it is slightly sour. There are few of them - up to 4 ml per day. In pregnant women, if the pregnancy is going well, the color and smell, as a rule, does not change, but the discharge may become more abundant due to the action of the hormone progesterone. This is normal, you should not be afraid.
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White discharge
White discharge can also be a normal variant if nothing bothers the woman. But if the white discharge has acquired a curdled character, itching and burning have appeared in the vagina, then this picture most likely indicates the development of vaginal candidiasis (thrush).
- Vaginal candidiasis during pregnancy is very common - up to 90 percent of women suffer from it, - says Alla Pashkova. - This is facilitated by a change in the hormonal background, namely the absence of phases of the cycle and ovulation, and excessive secretion of progesterone. It is necessary to treat candidiasis if a woman has specific complaints: a change in the nature of the discharge, a sour smell, itching in the vagina. If Candida bacteria are found in a smear on the flora, while nothing bothers you, then you do not need to take any drugs.
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Clear discharge
Non-pregnant women may experience this heavy discharge mid-cycle. This is a sign of ovulation. In pregnant women, clear discharge is the norm. The main thing is not to confuse them with amniotic fluid, especially in the third trimester of pregnancy. But for this there are special tests for the determination of amniotic fluid and the doctor will always help you figure it out.
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Mucus discharge
Mucus discharge from the vagina without pain or discomfort is normal in both pregnant and non-pregnant women. During pregnancy, they may be more due to hormonal changes in the body.
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Yellow discharge
Photo: Olga Semenova, Light yellow discharge may also be normal. Most likely, before pregnancy, you had discharge of the same color. But if you notice that the discharge has become darker, an unpleasant odor has appeared - this is a reason to consult a doctor. Such discharge may indicate the presence of an inflammatory process, indicate an infection. “I note that in 90 percent of cases, the cause of changes in vaginal discharge in women and the appearance of complaints (itching, burning, changes in color, smell and type of vaginal discharge) are candidiasis, bacterial vaginosis and trichomoniasis,” says Alla Valerievna. - For candidiasis, more often white or greenish curdled discharge, accompanied by severe itching and swelling of the tissues, for gardnerellosis ( bacterial vaginosis) - grayish watery discharge with the smell of fish, with trichomoniasis - abundant purulent - frothy leucorrhoea with an unpleasant odor, tissues of the vagina and cervix swell , the neck acquires a specific appearance (symptom of strawberries) - red, with grayish zones in the form of eyes on strawberries.
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Green discharge
Such discharge can never be normal, it is often a sign of candidiasis. When such discharge occurs, you should immediately consult a doctor.
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Photo: West Coast Surfer, globallookpress.comBleeding during pregnancy is a separate situation that always requires a woman's special attention and medical advice. In the early stages of bleeding during pregnancy is not uncommon.
“First trimester bleeding occurs in every fourth woman,” says Alla Pashkova. “About one in seven people have a spontaneous miscarriage. But in 80 percent of cases, even in the presence of blood discharge, as well as pain in the lower abdomen, the uterine pregnancy progresses almost to term and ends with the birth of a healthy child.
The main causes of bleeding in early pregnancy can be:
- threatened or incipient miscarriage due to chorionic detachment and retrochorial hematoma;
- implantation bleeding;
- ectopic pregnancy;
- non-developing or miscarriage. An accurate diagnosis will be made by the doctor based on the dynamics of the level of hCG in the blood, as well as ultrasound studies;
- spontaneous reduction (loss) of one of the embryos during multiple pregnancy;
- incomplete hydatidiform mole - when, due to genetic disorders, the development of the embryo does not occur, and the chorionic villi grow in the form of blisters filled with liquid.
This pathology is very rare.
It is important to understand that bleeding during pregnancy is unpredictable and can change within hours (2). Therefore, in any case, blood discharge during pregnancy, no matter if it is scanty, spotty or abundant, pink with small streaks of blood, brown or scarlet, is ALWAYS a reason for an urgent internal examination by a doctor. Below we will talk about the possible causes of spotting of different colors. It should be noted that the division into colors is rather arbitrary, and the exact cause of the discharge by the brightness of their color, their intensity cannot be determined without additional examination.
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Pink discharge
Photo: Liz Gregg, globallookpress.comIf you notice pinkish discharge or small streaks of blood on your underwear, this may indicate implantation bleeding, which is quite common.
- It occurs at the stage of implantation of the ovum. This is 6-7 days after conception or 21-22 days of the menstrual cycle, when there is no delay yet, explains Alla Pashkova. But such women are very, very few. But there is also a second stage of implantation bleeding - during the period of growth of the chorion, it often occurs at the time of an already existing delay in menstruation - 4-5 weeks from the last menstruation or 3 weeks after fertilization. This type of implantation bleeding occurs in many women - about a quarter of pregnant women. In addition, at 7-8 weeks, when a luteoplacental shift occurs and progesterone begins to be produced not by the corpus luteum of the ovary, but by the chorion, the progesterone level may drop, and the pregnant woman may experience bleeding. It's also not scary and safe. The main thing you should remember is that the peculiarity of implantation bleeding is that it is short-lived, scarce and usually takes only a few hours. But in any case, this is a reason to promptly consult a doctor to exclude a possible threat of termination of pregnancy.
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Brown discharge
Brown discharge can also be a sign of implantation bleeding, which we discussed above. If such discharges are observed at the time indicated above, there are very few of them, and they pass quickly, then most likely there is nothing to worry about.
But brown discharge can also be a very alarming signal.
— For example, with an ectopic pregnancy against the background of a positive pregnancy test, there may be spotting, usually minor, spotting, says Alla Pashkova. - On average, these symptoms appear with an ectopic pregnancy at 7 weeks. At the same time, pains are noted in the lower abdomen, more on one side, and pains can also appear during urination and defecation. It is urgent to consult a doctor to confirm or exclude an ectopic pregnancy.
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Scarlet discharge
Photo: Liz Gregg, Blood discharge, when it comes to blood clots, bright scarlet discharge, heavy bleeding, always scares a pregnant woman. Indeed, such secretions in most cases indicate a threat or a miscarriage that has begun due to detachment of the chorion and retrochorial hematoma (or subchorial, when blood accumulates between the chorionic membrane covering the embryo and the uterine wall). Up to 60 percent of hematomas in the 1st trimester are of this type. More often, subchorial hematomas are detected at the 8th week of pregnancy, on average, their volume is 1.5 ml of blood. With heavy bleeding, a woman is placed in a hospital, while ultrasound in the uterine cavity shows a live fetal egg with an embryo and a heartbeat, the pregnancy is prolonged and not interrupted, hemostatic hemostatic drugs are used.
“It is worth noting that every fourth or fifth pregnancy ends in a miscarriage in the first three months,” says Alla Pashkova. - At the same time, in 90-95 percent of cases, this situation does not repeat itself again, and a woman has every chance of becoming a mother. After a single miscarriage, there is no need to conduct an in-depth examination to identify its causes.
Frequently Asked Questions
Expectant mothers are concerned about discharge during pregnancy. Together with the gynecologist Alla Pashkova, we will analyze popular questions and answer them.
What does nipple discharge mean in early pregnancy?
Breast changes occur from the very beginning of pregnancy, but are not always felt by the expectant mother (3). There may be a discharge in the form of a liquid of a yellowish tint. Thus, the mammary glands prepare for lactation and reproduce colostrum. If the discharge is painful or mixed with blood, you should definitely consult a doctor.
Is it possible to determine pregnancy by discharge before the delay?
It is impossible to determine pregnancy only by discharge. But they can indirectly indicate its presence. For example, they become more abundant. You can only find out exactly in a position with the help of a test or analysis of hCG.
Is discharge always a sign of pregnancy?
Discharge is not a sign of pregnancy. The exception is implantation bleeding. In general, the discharge may indicate ovulation, and a possible infection, and much more. In case of concern, it is recommended to consult a doctor.