How to fight child neglect charges
How To Fight A Child Abuse Charge In NC
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There are over 300,000 reports of child abuse each year in the United States alone. Many are factual and warranted, but some are baseless and untrue. The one thing all child abuse accusations have in common, however, is their potential to ruin the alleged assailant’s life.
At Manning Law Firm in Raleigh NC, our expert child abuse defense attorneys are here to fight for your life. If you have been charged with child neglect, endangerment or abuse, read this blog to better understand the law, proactively fight for your freedom and prepare for what comes next.
North Carolina Child Abuse LawsBefore getting into the do’s and don’ts of defending your charge, it’s important to understand the applicable laws which govern these crimes:
NC Misdemeanor Child Abuse ChargesAccording to North Carolina General Statute 14-318.2., Misdemeanor Child Abuse exists when any parent of a child less than 16 years of age, or any other person providing care to or supervision of such child, inflicts physical injury, or who allows physical injury to be inflicted, or who creates or allows to be created a substantial risk of physical injury, upon or to such child by other than accidental means.
In North Carolina, misdemeanor child abuse is classified as an A1 misdemeanor – one of the most serious misdemeanor violations. Depending on prior criminal history and other details of the crime, a judge can impose an Active, Intermediate or Community status to your sentence. An Active punishment means jail time, while Intermediate and Community punishments yield much less severe consequences.
NC Felony Child Abuse ChargesNorth Carolina General Statute 14-318.4. characterizes felony child abuse as any parent or any other person providing care to or supervision of a child less than 16 years of age who intentionally inflicts any serious physical injury upon or to the child or who intentionally commits an assault upon the child which results in any serious physical injury to the child. The statute classifies felony child abuse as a Class D felony. Other felony child abuse classifications include:
- Class B2 Child Abuse – Serious bodily injury to a minor.
- Class D Child Abuse – Serious injury, prostitution or other sexual acts against a minor.
- Class E Child Abuse – Willful or grossly negligent omission which shows a reckless disregard for human life resulting in serious bodily injury to a minor.
- Class G Child Abuse – Willful or grossly negligent acts or omissions showing a reckless disregard for human life and results in serious physical injury to the child.
It’s natural to panic when you’ve been accused of child neglect, endangerment or abuse. And though there are serious consequences to a conviction, you can successfully fight the charges if you stay smart, patient and determined. If you’ve been charged with child abuse in Wake or the surrounding counties, here are some essential do’s and don’ts of defending yourself:
Do: Take the charges seriously. The first thing you must do when charged with child abuse is understand the severity of the crime. The State views child abuse as one of the more repulsive infractions against another human, and it will dedicate the necessary time, money and other resources to prevent and deter it.
Don’t: Believe innocence will save you. Innocence is obviously critical to defending yourself. However, many innocent defendants believe their innocence allows them to be more relaxed, colloquial and off-guard throughout the investigation. This is not the case! You still need a lawyer, you still should not talk to the police without one present, and you should still do everything in your power to defend yourself and your innocence. This is your life. Do not take it lightly.
Do: Find a lawyer for child abuse. If you are charged with child abuse in Raleigh or the surrounding areas, your first order of business should be to find the best lawyer you can possibly hire. You need a lawyer with experience defending child abuse charges, someone who is detailed, relentless and sharp.
Don’t: Give a statement to the police without a lawyer present. Even if you are confident in your innocence, do not speak to the police or give a statement without your lawyer present! Any statements you make can be used against you throughout the investigation and potentially in court at trial.
How do officials investigate child abuse charges?
Once you get a feel for the first couple steps in defending yourself against a child abuse charge, it’s then time to prepare yourself for what comes next: the police investigation.
There are a variety of ways police investigate these crimes because every allegation is different. But as a starting point, investigators will follow two main rules of thumb when working a child abuse case:
- Evaluate the child. When abuse is alleged, the judge will typically order the child be examined by medical and mental health experts, which can be especially burdensome for the children. It can also be a time-consuming and expensive process.
- Evaluate the family/parent.
Per judge discretion, family protective services may be ordered to evaluate the holistic family environment and your individual parenting skills. They will question people close to you about your behavior and your parenting, which can be intrusive and straining for families and friends.
How do the NC courts evaluate child abuse charges?
Much of what law enforcement and other state officials find in their investigation will influence the Court at trial. As it weighs the evidence, the Court will generally apply the following values to help direct its verdict:
- Child safety above all else. Child abuse laws are in place, first and foremost, to protect children from harm. The Court will exercise every resource to ensure the child is safe. This is its number one priority.
- Protect parental rights. The Court hears the arguments from both sides and is careful to pass down any harsh decisions. This is because the Court aims to protect not just the child, but the rights of the parent as well.
A child should be with its parents and parents with child, and the Court will consider this value heavily when passing its verdict.
- Bring child abusers to justice. The Court acts as the mouthpiece of the NC judicial branch. In addition to ensuring child safety and protecting the rights of parents, the Court’s most critical role perhaps is bringing criminals to justice. If found guilty, defendants will endure whatever sentence the Court deems necessary to satisfy that judicial duty. We’ll talk more about sentencing below.
My case is going to trial. How can I strengthen my child abuse defense?
Like most child abuse cases, you could go to trial if you do not accept a plea bargain. Going to trial can be a daunting task for defendants and their families, but in order to win, you must work with your defense team. Here are some important ways you can help your case:
- Record everything. Discard nothing. Keeping meticulous documentation and record of everything having to do with your case is critical for your defense team.
This will help prove or disprove points of contention in your favor as the case progresses.
- Find witnesses to testify on your behalf. Expert witnesses are some of the most important assets you can have on your side. An expert witness is a professional, usually in a medical field, whose testimony carries immense value with the Court. Equally important are character witnesses, such as other family members, friends, etc. who can testify to your character as a person and a parent.
What happens if I am found guilty of child abuse in North Carolina?
Even after understanding the law, how it is applied and doing everything you can to help your defense attorney, it is possible you could still be found guilty. In the event you are convicted, there are a variety of factors which determine what happens next. Below are some potential consequences of each conviction tier.
Possible consequences of a misdemeanor child abuse conviction:- Allowed only supervised access to your child
- Lose complete custody of and/or visitation rights with your child
- Probation
- Lifetime placement on the NC Sex Offender Registry (Read: How To Get Off the Sex Offender Registry in NC)
- Prison term up to 5 years
- Prison term of 1 or more years, up to lifetime imprisonment
- Lose complete custody of and/or visitation rights with your child
- Probation
- Lifetime placement on the NC Sex Offender Registry
Are you ready to fight your child abuse charge?
If you have been accused of child abuse in North Carolina, you face life-changing circumstances that could not only impair your future, but that of your family as well. You need a powerful, experienced, intelligent child abuse defense attorney at your back to successfully fight your charges and move on with your life. Contact the child abuse defense experts at Manning Law Firm immediately.
This article is intended for general information only. The information presented in this article should not be construed to be formal legal advice nor the formation of a lawyer/client relationship.
Defending Child Abuse Charges - Fight Child Protective Services
Child Abuse Defense Lawyers in Southern CaliforniaServing Los Angeles, California, Riverside and beyond…An accusation of child abuse is a very serious charge. These charges are often started with by a school teacher, a school nurse, even a neighbor who phones in an anonymous tip to Child Protective Services. A significant percentage of child abuse allegations are later determined to be false. False or not, if the case goes to trial, particularly in the case of a child sexual abuse accusation, the entire “system” (including the jury) will often favor the child – no matter what the facts might be. This can result in many years in state prison, as well as registration as a child sex offender for life.
Child abuse is an extremely serious charge and can fall under several different categories including:
- Physical abuse of a child
- Sexual abuse of a child
- Emotional abuse of a child
- Emotional abuse of a child
- Negligent criminal supervision of a child
If you are under investigation or being accused of abusing or molesting a child, your life can be changed forever. The only thing you can do to offer yourself the best chance of avoiding the many harsh and permanent consequences of a child abuse conviction — including the possibility of termination of parental rights — is to work with an experienced child abuse defense attorney who can aggressively assert your rights in court. You should immediately consult with an experienced Southern California criminal defense lawyer to discuss your situation.
Unfortunately, in order to defend yourself against allegations of child abuse or molestation, you must first understand harsh reality of our criminal justice system when it comes to children. In all charges with the word “child/ren,” unlike what you learned in elementary school, you are presumed GUILTY until you prove otherwise. Talking to law enforcement or to family members is not recommended and will only make your situation worse.
One of the reasons that child abuse charges are so difficult to defend against is because there are often no witnesses and very little tangible evidence. These are often “he-said – she said” cases where the whole case can depend on the credibility of the defendant versus that of the victim. There are many reasons why a child might fabricate a false allegation and fail to tell the truth about being abused, such as:
- Not understanding the seriousness of their statements
- Being influenced by adults such CPS/DCFS social workers, teachers, relatives or friends who believe that a child abuse claim should be made
- Wanting to help or please the other parent
- Teenagers can gain a sense of independence-from, and/or power-over the accused adult
Child Protective Services social workers “cross-report” any allegations that they even remotely suspect as being true to the local police, sheriff as well as the local District Attorney. If you are being called or visited by CPS or DCFS agents, you should prepare yourself for a possible visit from the police attempting to collect evidence to substantiate those charges. The following quote is from the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services website:
Child Abuse Charges & PenaltiesRole of Law Enforcement in Combating Child Maltreatment
Law enforcement officers tend to view child abuse and neglect not as a social problem, but rather in the context of criminal law, and in “most States, all or most all forms of reportable child abuse or child neglect are crimes.”1 Consequently, officers generally focus their energy on preservation and collection of evidence for criminal prosecution.
The penalties for a child abuse conviction may include the following:
- Child Neglect: fines up to $2000 and/or up to 1-year in county jail
- Child Abuse: fine of up to $6000 and/or a state prison sentence of up to 6-years
- Child Molestation: 3 to 8-years in state prison, per act of molestation
- Continual Child Sexual Abuse (3+ acts): 6 to 16-years in state prison
When you talk to me, Vincent W. Davis, you can be sure of one thing, that I am listening. Child Protective Services (CPS or DCFS) and your accusers have their story, and it is our job to make sure that your story is heard and we keep your family together. If your kids or grand-kids have already been taken, we will find the best and fastest way to reunite your family.
Call me personally - 888-888-6582 - I am waiting to hear your story now, to defend you and keep your family together or reunite you and your precious loved ones.
We Are Your Juvenile Dependency Lawyers and we are proud to serve Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino , Ventura, and San Diego Counties.
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Juvenile Dependency ResourcesIf you or a family member are facing off with Child Protective Services, Vincent W.

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Prevention of neglect
PREVENTION OF NEGLECT AND MINOR OFFENSES - a system of social, legal, pedagogical and other measures aimed at identifying and eliminating the causes and conditions that contribute to neglect, homelessness, delinquency and antisocial actions of minors, carried out in conjunction with individual preventive work with minors and families in socially vulnerable situations. Preventive work with pupils is a complex, multifaceted, and time-consuming process. The specific task of a preschool institution in the field of prevention of neglect and delinquency is to conduct early prevention, the basis of which is the creation of conditions that ensure the normal development of children, the timely identification of typical crisis situations that arise in children of preschool age.
In the system of preventive activities of a preschool institution, two areas are distinguished: general prevention measures that ensure the involvement of all pupils in active activities and special prevention measures that consist in identifying pupils and families in need of special pedagogical attention and working with them at the individual level.
Regulations on registering a family with an intra-garden registration
Warning children about danger is the responsibility of parents!
Remember that CHILDREN can become victims of crime!
It is possible to avoid violence!
To do this, you need to correctly assess the situation and make the right decision.
By following the safety rules, your child will be able to make the necessary decision in a difficult situation and avoid meeting a criminal.
To do this, you need to learn forever “The Rules of the Six Don'ts”:
DO NOT open the door to strangers;
DON'T go anywhere with strangers, no matter how much they try to persuade you and no matter what interesting things they offer;
DO NOT talk to strangers and unfamiliar people, do not take gifts from them;
DON'T get in a car with strangers;
Do NOT play outside after dark;
DO NOT enter the elevator with strangers.
Together with the children, come up with a family password that everyone can use as a signal in case of a dangerous situation.
Work out with your child the most permanent and safest route home if you return unaccompanied by an adult.
Teach your child to take care of the keys to the house and tell him what to do if he lost them.
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Teach your child how and when to call the police, fire department and ambulance.
Child abuse
Memo for parents on protecting the rights and dignity of the child in the family
Types of child abuse:
cause damage to the health of the child, disrupt his development and take his life. This is beating, torture, slapping.
emotional abuse - statements or actions that make the child think that he is unwanted and worthless. Adults may scream, threaten, ignore the child.
child neglect - leaving the child unattended. Lack of proper provision of the basic needs of the child in food, clothing, housing, upbringing, education, medical care.
How to prevent:
Listen carefully to the child, make it clear that any problems can be discussed with you.
Get to know the child's friends and their families. Explain to your child the difference between acceptable and unacceptable behaviors.
Advice for the future:
If you are irritated, move away from the child, give yourself time (10 minutes) to calm down. Control yourself. Explain to the child why his behavior is not correct, but be as brief as possible.
Remember - a child cannot and should not be "comfortable" to you and others, it is not a toy that can be turned off at the right moment.
Parents, remember! Child abuse may serve as a basis for holding parents (legal representatives) liable in accordance with the Administrative, Civil Law and Criminal Codes of the Russian Federation.
Federal project for the prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency
Education workers, teaching staff, educational institutions, teachers, parents
Project participants will receive
Documents of the project participant
With an indication of all project partners
And a certificate for the school about the participation of the team in the program for the prevention of neglect and delinquency in adolescence
Documents in adolescence
A lot of informational garbage, which is very often presented as the ultimate truth, but you can’t believe it, because this is not the opinion of real, true specialists, but often people who pretend to be such
V. V. Putin
The program includes a large number of interesting speeches that will help protect your schoolchildren and your own children from real threats in the modern world
Project participants will meet and have the opportunity to ask questions to the author of the most popular crime prevention videos on the Internet, Vladimir Ivanovich Ivlev, colonel of the internal service .
Vladimir Ivanovich's experience in working with the most difficult teenagers in Russia is one of the most sought after in the country.
- 2012-2018 – head of the Kolpino educational colony for juvenile offenders.
- 2018-2020 - head of the largest pre-trial detention center in Europe "Pre-trial detention center No. 1" of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia "Crosses"
"Take care of the person in yourself" prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency Vladimir Rogov, founder of the Center for Protecting Children from Internet Threats, in his speech "The use of social networks in the system of prevention of juvenile delinquency" will reveal the following questions:
- Ways to involve children and adolescents in deviant, destructive, crime-oriented and other ideologies with the help of ITCS;
- Threat markers;
- Illegal acts committed by children and teenagers in ITKS.
Behavioral markers;
- Read more
- Legislation governing the area of activity under discussion;
- Main types of qualifying threats and their classification;
- Mechanisms of influence of information on the life, mental health, safety, behavior of children. Manipulation in social networks;
- Peculiarities of behavior of children and teenagers in ITCS;
- Fundamentals of analytical work in social networks. Detection of media content that is harmful to the health and development of children, affecting behavior patterns;
- Classification of events detected in the ITCS by risk categories;
- Procedure for documenting events and routing incidents;
- The procedure for resolving incidents in an educational organization;
- Methods, tactics of working with minors and their parents (legal representatives) to ensure information security.
He will also tell about the unique practice of early prevention of destructive, deviant, criminogenic manifestations in the youth environment with the help of social network analytics. He will talk about new Internet threats, give examples of Internet content that is harmful to the health and (or) development of children. He will share his experience in organizing systematic work, which is actively used in several regions of Russia.
Levchenko Anna Olegovna, director of the monitoring center for the identification of dangerous and prohibited content by law, leader of the “Surrender a Pedophile” movement, author of the book “Children Online. Dangers in the network.
Within the framework of the Federal project for the prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency, he will speak on the topic: "Prevention of sexual abuse of children, pedophilia in social networks, work with victims of sexual abuse"
Current state of the problem. What parents should know. How to recognize child sexual abuse. Features of the mental state and behavior of the child. What children need to know to protect themselves. How to have a conversation with a child.
Alexander Tselikov, Family and child psychologist.
- Founder of the Academy of Family Relations. More than 10 years of consulting and teaching parents on best practices in parenting
- Coach of an educational camp for children aged 8-15
- Creator of the online marathon "Raising with love"
- Happy husband and father of 3 children
As part of the Federal project for the prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency will speak on the topic: "Juvenile delinquency"
The most common types of delinquency. responsibility for their implementation. Interaction between the organs of the system for the prevention of juvenile delinquency
Alshanskaya Elena Leonidovna, President of the Volunteers to Help Orphans Foundation
Within the framework of the Federal Project for the Prevention of Neglect and Juvenile Delinquency, she will speak on the topic: “Children from orphanages and foster families in the school system education”
- School reality of a foster child and its origins
- School problems of children from orphanages and foster families
- Individual educational program for a child
- Tactics of a teacher and a foster parent
- Forms of school support for a child from an orphanage or foster family
Yakovenko Valentina Vladimirovna, Head of the Department of Medical, Social, Psychological and Psychotherapeutic Assistance with a "Hotline" of St. Petersburg GKUZ TsVL "Children's Psychiatry" named after S.S. Mukhina, psychiatrist of the highest category, Ph.D.
Within the framework of the Federal project for the prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency, he will speak on the topic: “Implementation of the All-Russian project “Children's Helpline 8-800-2000-122” in St. Petersburg”
Concept of the project. Strategy and tactics of action. resource base of the project. What worries the child in the minutes of the call? Causes and analysis of the situation. Algorithm and way out of the current situation. Child motivation.
Bril Mikhail Sergeevich, Candidate of Psychological Sciences Associate Professor, Department of Psychology of Crisis and Extreme Situations, St. Petersburg State University Head of the Center for Conflict Resolution, St.0003
As part of the Federal Project for the Prevention of Neglect and Juvenile Delinquency, she will speak on the topic: "What is a "difficult teenager" and what to do about it?"
Let's talk about how this or that behavior of a teenager is formed.