How long is hospital stay after birth
Newborn 101 – What To Expect In The Hospital After Giving Birth – Tiger Pediatrics
You have likely spent time researching, reading books, and attending classes on the process of labor. But knowing what to expect for your baby after delivery at a hospital can also help ease tension and create a smooth transition from the hospital to home. For an uncomplicated vaginal birth, you can plan to stay in the hospital for a minimum of 24 hours – however, most people stay for about two days. So what happens directly after you’ve given birth?
What Can New Moms Expect After Giving Birth?
Your new baby is here, now what happens? The first hour after giving birth is usually the most eventful, and depending on the hospital where you deliver and your personal preferences, one of two things could happen – Your baby is cleaned & assessed, or your baby is placed directly on your bare chest for you to hold.
Skin-To-Skin Contact
In the case of a healthy birth, whether vaginally or by Cesarean section, it is recommended that your baby be placed on your bare chest as soon as possible. During this time your baby will be naturally awake and alert, which makes it a great time to bond, and giving immediate skin-to-skin contact offers a variety of health benefits. These benefits include temperature regulation for your baby, less crying overall, more stable heartbeat and breathing, increased blood oxygen levels, more successful initiation of breastfeeding, decreased stress, and increased oxytocin levels (which can aid in breastfeeding and bonding).
Cleaning up and Assessing Baby
A few minutes after some skin-to-skin time with your new baby, the medical staff will take your baby to the side for an examination. The baby will be cleaned, weighed, and measured. The nurses will observe your baby’s activity, heart rate, reflexes, appearance, and breathing.
Babies are born with low levels of vitamin K, which aids in blood clotting, so they will also be given a vitamin K shot to protect them against potentially dangerous bleeding. They will receive an antibiotic ointment applied to the eyes to protect them against harmful bacteria they may have been exposed to in the birth canal. At this time we recommend your baby gets their first Hepatitis B vaccine. Your baby will also be footprinted and given identification bands.
Breastfeeding for the first time
After you and your baby are cleaned up, you’ll have a chance to breastfeed your baby for the first time, if you choose. In the first hour after birth, it is unlikely that a lactation consultant will be able to give you direct care because they usually make their rounds at specific times. However, your delivery nurses have the experience to get you situated and help the baby latch on to your breast.
Breastfeeding is a learning process for both and your baby and may, or may not, come as naturally as you hope. Make sure to talk to a lactation consultant while in the hospital or at Tiger Pediatrics. They have a lactation consultant on staff who is happy to meet with you and get their expert advice before going home.
You Did It, Mom!
After all the serious and exciting moments you will have been through, it’s important to rest. Remember that each new step is all part of the learning process, and take it easy on both your mind and your body. Allow your spouse or birth partner to spend time bonding with the baby while you take time to sleep and let your body recover. Your doctor and nurses will be there to help guide you through the process while you enjoy the sweet new baby who has just been brought into the world.
How long are you in the hospital after birth?
How long you stay in the hospital after birth varies based on many factors – including hospital rules, insurance, and your own birth experience – but the average hospital stay after birth is usually between 24 hours and four days. Your stay might be longer if there are complications, and your baby may be in the hospital longer than you if it's a preterm birth or they're in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) for other reasons.
Some new parents are eager to go and spend their first days at home with their baby, while others might wish they could stay in the hospital with extra help for a bit longer. Here's what to expect, depending on your situation:
How long do you stay in the hospital after a vaginal delivery?
After an uncomplicated vaginal birth, you'll likely stay in the hospital for 24 to 48 hours. There's a lot that happens in those two days after delivery before you go home, including:
- You'll need to rest and wait for any anesthesia to wear off.
- Your healthcare provider will evaluate any perineal tears, check on the progress of the uterus’ return to its pre-pregnant state, make sure there isn't any excessive vaginal bleeding, and will monitor you and your baby for the first day or so to make sure that no problems develop.
- You'll move from the labor and delivery unit to a new private or shared room on the hospital's postpartum floor. Some hospitals have rooms incorporating labor, delivery, recovery, and the entire postpartum stay, but the majority move new moms to the postpartum unit a couple of hours after delivery, once they're stable.
- You'll have the chance to meet with a lactation consultant to help with breastfeeding.
If you think you'd like to be discharged sooner than 24 hours after giving birth, talk to your provider about it in the final weeks of pregnancy. With early discharges, you'll need to take your baby to see a doctor within two or three days after leaving the hospital. Some pediatricians require the baby be seen in the office within 24 hours. (You'll need to see your doctor or midwife, too, but you can wait a week or so as long as you're feeling fine.)
If any complications develop during labor and birth, such as infection or excessive blood loss, you’ll probably be encouraged to stay for the full 48 hours.
Your partner will most likely be able to stay with you in the postpartum unit. Some have private rooms with bed-chairs or cots for partners to sleep in. Check with your provider about your hospital's accommodations.
How long do you stay in the hospital after a c-section?
The average hospital stay after a c-section (cesarean section) birth is two to four days. Women who experience any complications during or after delivery may need to stay longer. Similar to after a vaginal delivery, your healthcare provider will be monitoring you and your baby to make sure you're both doing well.
After a c-section, the medical staff will also make sure your baby is well enough to leave, and your provider will want to be sure you can do the following before you go home:
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- Walk to the bathroom unassisted
- Urinate without a catheter
- Eat and drink without vomiting
- Pass gas
You should continue to limit your activity for several weeks or so after you get home, depending on how your body is recovering. Your medical team will provide guidance and any pain medication before you go home. The incision at your abdomen might be sore for a while longer as well.
Hospital stays after childbirth with complications
Your hospital stay after childbirth may be longer if you have any complications during labor, such as a postpartum hemorrhage, blood clots, or an adverse reaction to anesthesia. Each length of stay is different, but your healthcare provider and hospital staff will be monitoring you and your baby throughout.
Moms whose babies end up in the NICU after birth are rarely able to remain in the hospital longer than the usual postpartum stay. Unfortunately, insurance won't cover an extended stay if you can be discharged, and hospitals don't allow it.
It can be very hard to leave your baby at the hospital. Try to make the most of this time by getting rest at home, using a breast pump to regularly pump breast milk (with the same frequency as you would do if your baby was with you nursing), and visiting your baby for as many hours a day as possible.
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The first days in the hospital - articles from the specialists of the clinic "Mother and Child"
Bogomolova Marina Vadimovna
Clinic "Mother and Child" St. Petersburg
Immediately after childbirth
Immediately after the birth of the child is placed on the mother's stomach , then the umbilical cord is cut and the baby is applied to the mother's breast. Then the skin of the newborn is cleaned, its length and weight, head and chest circumference are measured. The doctor examines the birth canal, if necessary, sews up tears in the soft tissues of the birth canal, assesses the tone of the postpartum uterus, and helps the woman empty her bladder. But even after all these standard manipulations, the mother is not transferred to the postpartum ward, another for two to three hours, the puerperal stays in the maternity block . Why? In the first two hours after childbirth, some complications are possible, primarily uterine bleeding or an increase in blood pressure. Therefore, during these two hours, the mother lies on a stretcher or a bed in the maternity ward, since doctors and midwives are constantly there, and the operating room, in which case, is also located nearby. The child at this time is usually taken to the children's department, where he most often sleeps. And only two hours later, if everything is fine, the mother is transferred to the postpartum ward.
How does a woman feel at this time? Chills may occur, abdominal pain may occur, especially in multiparas.
What should a woman do at this time? Relax and unwind. Take shelter so as not to freeze, especially if chills appear. Place an ice pack on the uterus. If possible, ask the midwife to bring hot tea.
1st day after birth0009 postnatal midwife . She will tell you about the arrangement of the department (where the shower, toilet, dining room are), about the daily routine (the time for visiting doctors, eating) and will help the young mother, if necessary, to empty the bladder using a catheter. If a woman lies together with the baby, then immediately after the transfer to the postpartum ward, the child will be brought to her. The midwife will help the mother to properly attach the baby to the breast and start breastfeeding. Then nurse will come and show you how to swaddle your baby and explain how to take care of him. Do not be afraid that after childbirth there will not be enough strength for the child: most newborns sleep most of the day and wake up only for feeding. In addition, in the maternity hospital, the child is usually washed and dressed by nurses, so that the woman will have enough time to relax. If there is no joint stay of mother and child in the maternity hospital, then every three hours they will bring him to the ward for feeding, and then take him back to the children's department. Over time, the woman herself will pick up and carry the child.
How does a woman feel at this time? On the first day after giving birth, women feel differently. Some experience an incredible elation (this is due to the release of endorphins into the blood - the hormones of pleasure), while others, on the contrary, feel very tired. Some want to call all their friends and announce the birth of a child, they are inspired, full of energy and ready to take care of the baby on their own. Other mothers want to be alone and come to their senses, they still do not have the strength to constantly be with the child.
What should a woman do at this time? In any case, immediately after childbirth, as after any heavy load, you need to restore strength: first eat, and then go to bed or just relax. By the way, the following situation is possible: the birth occurred in the evening or at night, and dinner time has already expired; therefore, in order not to starve, you need to bring something light for a snack (cookies, bread rolls) with you to the hospital in advance.
6 hours after birth, the mother can usually get out of bed.
In general, if the childbirth went without complications, then you should start getting up as early as possible, first with the help of a midwife, and then on your own.
This helps to improve blood circulation, normalize the functioning of the urinary system and intestines, and accelerate healing processes. In addition, very soon the baby will require more attention.
Important point: After childbirth, the tone of the bladder decreases, so the urge to urinate may be absent or it may become painful and frequent. However, you should go to the toilet at least four times a day. Urination can be caused reflexively by opening a tap with water, this helps many people a lot. In the absence of the desired effect, urine is removed by a catheter. Most often there is no stool on the first day after birth.
Next days
Every day, the mother will be examined by an obstetrician-gynecologist : he will evaluate the contraction of the uterus, the condition of the sutures and the amount of discharge, see if colostrum is secreted. The midwife will regularly measure the temperature, pulse, blood pressure and treat the external stitches with disinfectant solutions several times a day. Also, every day the baby will be watched by a pediatrician, after which he will tell his mother about the condition of the child. After a normal birth, a woman, as a rule, is discharged on the 3rd-4th day (after a caesarean section - on the 5th-6th).
How does a woman feel at this time?
After childbirth, a woman may experience pain in the abdomen due to uterine contractions, as well as slight muscle pain in different parts of the body. On the face and on the whites of the eyes, a “rash” may appear - pinpoint hemorrhages that appear due to the fact that small capillaries burst during attempts from tension. Blood pressure can be lowered, so dizziness is possible (to avoid it, you should get up smoothly, without sudden movements). There may be pain in the perineum, even if there were no tears and its incision (pain appears because the perineum was severely stretched during childbirth). If the perineum is sutured, then it will not be possible to sit for at least the first two weeks. Sometimes after childbirth, varicose veins appear in the anus (hemorrhoids), which means discomfort in this place.
What should a woman do at this time? Mom needs to continue to rest and gain strength. And you should also follow the rules of personal hygiene: often change postpartum pads, do air baths for seams (if any), take a shower daily, wash yourself every time after a bowel movement. Well, the most important thing is to establish breastfeeding and learn how to take care of the baby in practice.
Time in the maternity hospital flies very quickly. Try to spend it usefully - restore your strength and acquire useful skills: at home, all this will be very useful to you!
Things to do at the maternity hospital
- Have a good rest: sleep all your free time and eat well.
- Get complete information about your child's condition: so ask your pediatrician all your questions.
- Establish contact with the child: therefore, spend as much time with the baby as possible, ideally being with him all the time. Take the baby in your arms, unfold the diapers, carefully examine the baby without clothes.
- Learn how to take care of your baby: so ask your baby nurse to show you how to wash your baby, change clothes, swaddle, change diapers, clean ears and nose, cut nails.
- Establish breastfeeding: To do this, feed your baby on demand. Ask the midwife to show you how to properly hold the baby at the breast, how to give and take away the breast.
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to the doctor - Bogomolova Marina Vadimovna
Clinic "Mother and Child" St. Petersburg
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the moment when you can finally say goodbye to the ward, doctors and take the baby home - for every mother, discharge becomes an exciting and at the same time joyful moment. Before this important day, most parents are interested in many questions: how is the discharge going, what needs to be taken to the hospital, what clothes will mom and baby need, how should dad prepare for the arrival of the crumbs? Let's look at everything in order.

Discharge from the maternity hospital
Discharge from the maternity hospital takes place in the following order: most often, the mother is discharged 3-5 days after birth. In case of caesarean section, the period of stay in the maternity hospital can be extended by doctors up to 7-9 days. Before discharge from the hospital, the mother and her child must undergo a medical examination. If the mother still has questions about the health of the baby, she can ask them when examined by a pediatrician. When the analyzes and conclusions of doctors have shown that the condition of the child and his mother does not cause any concern, all the necessary medical documents are drawn up. Before discharge, parents will need to obtain a birth certificate, an exchange card and a statement of the child's health. Also, in some maternity hospitals they give a certificate of vaccinations.
On the morning of discharge, the mother will be told what time to be ready and to invite people to meet her. Most often, relatives are allowed to come for mom and baby after 14.00. When the discharge permit has already been received, the mother should start packing the bags. If desired, she can do makeup and hair to look good in photos.
When the mother announces readiness to the staff, the nurse escorts her from the ward to the discharge room. There, the mother changes into things brought by relatives, while the nurse collects the baby. After that, a solemn meeting with relatives begins.
By the way, do you know what habits you should definitely give up during pregnancy? Read an article from a leading expert at the link...
What things you need to take for discharge
On this day, mom will need a bag with everything she needs. You don’t need to take it with you, relatives will give the bag to the maternity hospital right on the day of discharge. Discharge items:
- Baby clothes and diapers
All items must be washed and ironed thoroughly. Do not forget that all clothing that comes into contact with the baby's body should be made of hypoallergenic materials. Also, things should be easy and quick to remove. When choosing clothes for an extract, be sure to take into account the time of year. In the summer, it is better to put on a baby hat, light knit overalls, and then wrap it in a thin diaper. Be sure to protect the head of a newborn with a cap, even if the day seems warm and windless. In the off-season, under a warm envelope or a blanket, a cotton vest, a shirt with sliders or overalls are perfect. Also, the baby should wear a warm fleece or plush overalls, scratches for pens, socks and two hats: a knitted cap and a thicker hat on top. For winter discharge, you can use the same combination of things by adding a sheepskin envelope or a transformer overall
- Clothes for mom
It is recommended to take clothes that mommy wore during pregnancy to the maternity hospital, because the belly does not disappear immediately after childbirth.
- Car seat with diaper
The car seat is an important item that the family often forgets about. For parents who will take the baby from the maternity hospital by car, you will definitely need a diaper so that the baby does not sweat when it comes into contact with the surface of the car seat. The same accessory ensures hygiene while traveling. It is better to buy diapers specially designed for a car seat with convenient slots for belts.
– Camera and gifts!
A camera is often taken for discharge to capture this important moment for young parents. It is also customary to bring small gifts to the hospital for the staff. Usually nurses are given a cake or sweets.
More details about collecting a bag to the maternity hospital, our experts told in the article at the link: read the article about the bag to the maternity hospital
How to meet a wife from the maternity hospital
Meeting a wife from the maternity hospital is almost the duty of every loving husband! But it is worth taking care not only about the beauty of the discharge, but also the comfort that will be created for mom. Before the arrival of mother and baby from the hospital, the apartment must be thoroughly prepared. Dad has several important responsibilities at once:
- Thoroughly clean the apartment
Before the baby appears in the apartment, it is recommended to do a general cleaning. But if this is not possible, order and cleanliness must be restored at least in the rooms where the newborn and his parents will sleep. In the entire apartment, it is necessary to wipe the dust from all cabinets and shelves, because it can cause allergies in a child. It is also necessary to wipe the upholstered furniture with a damp cloth, thoroughly clean the carpets, and wash the floors in all rooms.
- Organize a bed for the newborn
By the time the baby arrives, dad must have time to assemble the crib and choose the perfect place for it. It’s not so easy, because you need to keep a number of points in your head at once: you can’t put a crib near the window so that the newborn doesn’t get blown away, and near the batteries in the cold season. The fact is that infants have a very weak thermoregulation system; a hot battery can easily overheat it. It is better to put the crib next to the parent's bed or against the wall. Each part of it must be thoroughly washed with a sponge and soapy water.
- Buy and wash baby clothes and linen
Both clothes and baby bed linen should be washed with special baby powder and then rinsed thoroughly. After washing, experts recommend carefully ironing things with an iron, because steam destroys harmful microbes that get on clothes during drying.
- Check the first aid kit
From the first days, the baby will need medication to treat the umbilical cord. A whole first-aid kit should be ready for the arrival of a mother with a baby at home: hydrogen peroxide, two pipettes, brilliant green, antiseptic, cotton wool and cotton swabs. Also, from the first days, you may need a bath thermometer, a nasal aspirator, diaper powder and baby cream that prevents diaper rash.