How long does it take child protective services to respond
Children's Protective Services Investigation Process
CPS has 30 days to complete an investigation unless extenuating circumstances require an extension. A CPS investigation must begin within 24 hours and usually includes:
Face-to-face interviews with the alleged child victim(s), the child's caretaker(s), the alleged perpetrator(s).
Viewing the family's home.
Reviewing any necessary documents, such as police reports, criminal history, medical reports, school reports, CPS case file, etc.
Interviewing neighbors, friends, relatives or professionals that have had contact with the family.
An assessment of the child's safety.
An assessment of the child's future risk of abuse and/or neglect.
An assessment of the family's needs and strengths.
CPS investigator considers the following factors during the investigation:
Are there alternative explanations to the allegations?
What are the family dynamics and family circumstances?
Who is making the complaint?
Is there corroborating evidence? (For example, witness statements, findings during a home visit, etc.
Should there be a medical exam of the child?
Does the child have an injury? If so:
What is the explanation of the injury?
Is that explanation feasible?
Where is the injury located?
Is there more than one injury at different stages of healing?
What is the condition of the home? (For example, cleanliness, safety hazards, etc.)
What is the condition of the child? (For example, appropriately dressed, cleanliness, etc.)
Are the child's basic needs being met?
Is there adequate supervision?
Are the caretakers emotionally/mentally abusing the child?
Disposition of the CPS Investigation
Based on the review of the above factors, CPS must determine if there is a preponderance of evidence of child abuse or neglect. Preponderance of evidence means evidence which is of greater weight or more convincing than evidence which is offered in opposition to it; a 51% likelihood that abuse or neglect occurred.
Following a completed investigation, CPS will put a case in one of the following categories:
Category V - Cases in which CPS is unable to locate the family, no evidence of child abuse or neglect is found or the court declines to issue an order requiring family cooperation during the investigation.
Category IV - Cases in which a preponderance of evidence of child abuse or neglect is not found. The department must assist the child's family in voluntarily participating in community-based services commensurate with risk level determined by the risk assessment (structured decision making tool).
Category III - Cases in which the department determines that there is a preponderance of evidence of child abuse or neglect and the risk assessment indicates a low or moderate risk.
A referral to community-based services must be made by CPS.
Category II - Cases in which the department determines that there is a preponderance of evidence of child abuse or neglect and the risk assessment indicates a high or intensive risk. Services must be provided by CPS, in conjunction with community-based services.
Category I - Cases in which the department determines that there is a preponderance of evidence of child abuse or neglect and a court petition is needed and/or required. Services must be provided by CPS (or foster care), in conjunction with community-based services.
When a case is placed in Category II or I, the perpetrator's name is listed on the Child Abuse and Neglect Central Registry. See the Central Registry page for more information regarding central registry.
Court Petitions
If necessary to ensure a child's safety, CPS may file a petition with the court requesting that the court order any of the following:
The family to cooperate with in-home services.
Removal of the perpetrator from the home.
Removal of the child from the home.
CPS cannot remove a child from the home without a court order. The court may deny the petition, including the request for removal.
Factors Considered Prior to Requesting Removal
Prior to making the decision to request that the court order removal of a child, the following is assessed:
- Is the child at imminent risk of harm?
How does the caretaker view the situation?
Is the caretaker cooperative?
Is the caretaker asking for help?
Is the caretaker capable of change?
Are there alternatives to removal?
Are there immediate services that can be put in place to keep the child safe in the home? Can arrangements be made for the child until those services case be put in place?
Will the perpetrator leave the home?
- Can court orders be put in place that would keep the child safe?
Required Petitions
Under the Child Protection Law, the MDHHS is required to file a petition with the court. MCL 722.628d(1)(e) requires MDHHS to file a petition if MDHHS determines that there is evidence of child abuse and neglect and there is a violation, involving the child, of a crime listed or described in MCL 722.628a(1)(b), (c), (d) or (f) or of child abuse in the first or second degree as prescribed in the Michigan Penal Code, MCL 750.136b.
MCL 722.637 requires MDHHS to file a petition, with a few exceptions, when MDHHS determines a preponderance of evidence exists that a child has been:
Sexually abused or exploited.
Severely physically injured due to abuse or neglect, including abuse or neglect that results in the death of the child.
Exposed to or had contact with methamphetamine production.
MCL 722.638 requires MDHHS to file a petition when MDHHS determines a preponderance of evidence of child abuse or neglect of a child or a sibling of a child that includes one or more of the following:
- Abandonment of a young child.
- Criminal sexual conduct involving penetration, attempted penetration, or assault with intent to penetrate.
- Battering, torture, or other severe physical abuse.
- Loss of impairment of an organ or limb.
- Life threatening injury.
- Murder or attempted murder.
Requests for Termination of Parental Rights
Michigan's Child Protection Law also requires MDHHS to request termination of parental rights if the parent is responsible for any of the abuse or neglect listed above (under MCL 722.638) or if the parent failed to protect the child from someone else who abuses them in the ways listed above (under MCL 722.638).
The MDHHS must also file a petition for termination of parental rights if the parent's rights to another child were terminated in Michigan or another state and there is current cases with a finding of a preponderance of evidence of abuse or neglect. Previous termination of parental rights includes situations in which:
- A court terminated a parents' rights because the parent abused or neglected the child.
- A parent voluntarily releases their parental rights and the child is a temporary court ward due to abuse or neglect.
It is important to remember that MDHHS files termination petitions as required by law, but the court determines if there is grounds for termination of parental rights.
What Might Happen after a Report is Filed?
Usually the identity of the person who filed the report remains confidential. Typically CPS and/or police do not share information with anybody about the progress of an investigation – even with a protective parent. This can feel frustrating, especially if the process is moving slowly.
Reports are reviewed for investigation
Once a report of child abuse has been made, the protective authorities (either child protective services or the police), decide whether or not to follow up the report. When a report is “screened in,” it means that protective authorities will follow up with an investigation. When it is “screened out,” it means that the report will not be investigated.
Reports can be “screened out”
When a report is “screened out," no action is taken, or the report is transferred to a more appropriate agency. Usually, a report is “screened out” when:
- There’s not enough information on which to base an investigation
- CPS or police judge the information to be inaccurate or false
- The information in the report doesn’t meet definitions for child abuse or neglect used by the protective authorities
When reports are “screened in”
When the protective authorities decide that the report may indicate child abuse, they must investigate the suspected abuse within a time period specified by state law, typically within 24 or 48 hours or up to 5 days, depending on the state. Sometimes there is a “preliminary” investigation to gather more information to determine whether or not they will proceed with a full investigation. However, when it is judged that there is no immediate danger to a child, CPS is allowed more time before they begin an investigation.
Who participates in the investigation?
Investigations may be managed by child protective services, by the police, or by both. Where criminal acts may have taken place, only the police can make arrests. The team of professionals involved in investigations can include a protective services worker, a doctor, therapist, social worker and law enforcement officials. Interviews may be held with the child, a non-offending parent, and the person suspected of sexually abusing. Sometime interviews are also held with the child’s brothers and sisters, and anyone else who may have knowledge about possible danger to the child such as neighbors, teachers, child care providers, doctors and therapists. As part of the investigation, the child is sometimes given a physical exam for the purpose of collecting evidence or attending to medical needs. Legally admissible confessions or disclosures often must be made directly to an investigator or professional.
The child interview
Interviews of the child should be held in locations where children feel safe. Generally, a child is not interviewed in their home; however, they may be interviewed at their school or therapist’s office. If there is a Child Advocacy Center (CAC) in your community, you may be referred there for interviews and/or medical exams. CAC’s are centers especially designed to provide a child-friendly environment where the professionals who see the children have been trained in child interviewing and assessment.
When the investigation substantiates that abuse has taken place
If the investigation indicates that a child has been sexually abused, interventions are taken to protect the child from immediate harm. Police are also involved when criminal acts have taken place. Once the child is out of immediate danger, CPS decides what kind of follow-up actions are needed to keep the child safe. Follow-up actions might include ongoing supervision by the Department of Social Services, services for the whole family, as well as for the abused child, including counseling and support programs.
Often parents are frightened that children will be removed from the home. Remember that removing a child is always the very last resort that is considered. This is only done when it is confirmed that a child is not safe in their home due to the protective adult’s inability to prevent harm or adequately care for the child.
When abuse is not substantiated
After an investigation has been conducted, a case is considered unsubstantiated if the protective authorities determine that no abuse has taken place, or if there was not enough evidence to prove the suspected abuse took place. It can be extremely upsetting and disappointing when a parent believes their child is being abused but can’t get protection for the child from the system because of a lack of evidence.
What should children be protected from?
June 1 is designated as Children's Day in our calendar. It appeared under Soviet rule, when the party and the state had a monopoly on social activities, and the vices of society were carefully retouched. For an inattentive observer, the children then seemed completely protected without him.
Now that the scenery and real mechanisms of social protection of the Soviet period have collapsed, society is faced with an ever-increasing need to protect its weakest members - including children - from an increasing number of troubles and dangers. “What do we need to protect children from today?” - this question was asked by our correspondents on the eve of June 1 to experts, teachers, psychologists, specialists in the field of protection of the rights of minors and clergy working with children.
Tatyana Borovikova, Chairman of the Board of the Regional Public Organization “Community of Large Families “Many Children is Good”:
“We need to protect ourselves from the indifference of officials!”
– Today, it is necessary to protect children, first of all, from violation of their constitutional rights to a decent life. The fact is that now the enemy is not a specific person, as it used to be, or not a specific structure. Lack of legislation and inaction - that's the enemy! The very modern situation in which our children find themselves is an enemy. It is necessary to protect children from the legal vacuum in the field of protection of the interests of the child. Make laws in the interests of children, and inspect them from the standpoint of whether they will benefit the children or they will harm the children. For example, laws in the field of advertising or propaganda. I believe that they are also directly related to children. Laws on housing, on some social positions - all relate in one way or another to the situation of children, because if they put parents in a disadvantaged position, then children automatically suffer ...
And the main thing that needs to be protected from is from officials, from their indifference. Giving birth, raising their children abroad, they do not know the realities of Russian life and make laws for themselves, and not in the interests of children who live in our country. That is why our social structure has lagged far more behind than the technical sphere. We need to protect ourselves from irresponsible and indifferent officials and from people who do not give a damn about Russian realities, who do not know and do not want to know the reality of Russian life.
Maria Kapilina, child psychologist, deputy director of the orphanage:
"When there is no internal moral law, external restrictions will not help."
– From whom to protect children in our time? Actually this is a difficult question. He sets up to search for the source of the threat, but it seems to me that this is not quite the right statement. It seems to me that children should be taught to be viable. That is, on the one hand, to be benevolent, to teach courtesy, to cultivate goodwill and tolerance so that the child does not turn into an aggressor, to teach, in the presence of a potential threat, not to provoke it. On the other hand, a child who is alien to suspiciousness, who has a very healthy mental disposition, and who himself does not provoke aggression, has a sensible look at the world and does not expect a threat where there is none. Such a child can be taught what the threat is and what to do when, for example, there is a risk of sexual abuse or corruption of any other kind. The child needs to be set up so that he is ready to notice that they are trying to involve him in something bad, he needs to be taught to determine, according to his own inner feelings, what is good and what is bad. When a person has a conscience and common sense, he will notice that something is wrong in his soul, and something is not worth doing.
It seems to me that in our time the real danger comes not from direct violence, but precisely from situations that can involve a child in some outwardly harmless, but in fact things that spoil and disfigure the soul.
It is very important that parents take care of their children's upbringing. Because it is closeness with children that provides parents with the opportunity to notice the situation when something wrong, bad happens to the child. If a child trusts his parents enough, he can tell himself, ask for advice. Parental love is the prevention from so many dangers in this life.
In addition, the spiritual health of society is very important, because when there is no internal moral law, external restrictions will not help. Society must be imbued with a truly Christian spirit - not outward churchliness, but genuine mercy, kindness, patience and tolerance. We need some institutions for parents, where they could consult, ask their questions to psychologists, for example. The opportunity to turn to a believing psychologist... Of course, to engage in spiritual guidance is not his competence, but if a psychologist is a believer, this determines his attitude towards people, the attitudes on which he relies in his work. But this is my personal opinion. But in general, for parents, on the one hand, the spiritual health of society is important, on the other hand, information is important and access to these sources of information is important so that people can ask the question they are interested in in time and get the answer they need.
Ekaterina Chistyakova, coordinator of the Donors to Children initiative group:
“The only way to overcome indifference is not to be silent”
– First of all, children should be protected from human indifference. And the only way to overcome this indifference is not to be silent. Chekhov wrote that satisfied and well-fed people need a little man with a hammer who will walk around and constantly remind that there are people in need, that we can help them in some way. Recently, it has become a little easier in the social sphere, primarily due to the fact that many people have become more active and involved in charitable activities. But we must remember that all our successes will come to naught if we rest on our laurels, if everyone decides that everything he could do has already been done. It remains only not to give up and try to do at least what depends on each of us, not to remain indifferent to someone else's need and grief.
Elena Alshanskaya, project manager "Volunteers to help orphans" (Otkazniki. Ru):
"You need to look around and understand what you personally can do!"
- Protect children from adults. First of all, from those adults who steal their childhood from them, and from those adults who do not give them the opportunity to form mechanisms to protect the child. In our country, these legal norms have not been developed. A huge number of people stand guard over the interests of an adult, and the rights of the child are not respected. Great reforms are needed, but things are not moving forward, because the interests of the "adult world" are guarded by, let's say, not very good ... "adults".
Our children are the most unprotected category of the population, precisely because there is no special relationship to them. Children are forgotten, children are abandoned. There is no state policy that would guard their interests.
Each of us today should stop and think: What to do? How should children be protected? Considering that there are a huge number of problems, we must start with the fact that children now have nowhere to go. We need to make circles! You can gather children in your yard and teach them how to plan wood in the evenings. It does not require money or higher education. Take and adopt an orphan child. Go in your free time to help somewhere. To teach children something, to become an optional teacher at school. A person chooses a day, agrees and teaches children, for example, drawing for free. Everyone can create opportunities for children to develop. You need to look around and understand what you personally can do!
Boris Altshuler, Head of the NGO “Right of the Child”, member of the Public Council under the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia:
“We need to elect reasonable human deputies…”
– Human rights, children’s rights in particular, can be violated as a direct action violence against a child, and inaction, when state bodies do not intervene in situations in which it is impossible not to intervene.
For example, an 11-year-old boy hanged himself in the Kurgan region, for two years everyone knew how his mother was mocking him - no one lifted a finger. In Moscow, they talk about a boy who is in prison for the murder of his father. Here, too, for a year and a half or two, everyone knew how his father mocked him, his father wanted to hang him, then he wanted to stab him with a pitchfork. The boy pulled out the pitchfork and killed his father, the boy is sitting. I am also saying that today in Russia it is necessary to protect children, figuratively speaking, from the inaction of the state system, which does not protect them. This may be a logically difficult conclusion, but in fact I think this is the only way out. Because in conditions when the state system for the protection of the child does not work, the rights of children are violated en masse.
It is necessary to choose reasonable humane deputies, I can't say anything more concrete! This is very serious, because there are no laws, there is a legal vacuum. Why is there no state system, why are the rights of the child violated by inaction? Because there is no proper legal basis for this work! Why isn't she? Because we have such deputies.
I'll tell you this: we need two things. Patronage and strong guardianship. Today there is only one specialist per five thousand child population, and this is not everywhere, not in all municipalities. Guardianship should have at its disposal institutions, powerful teams of psychologists, social workers, doctors who would work both on prevention and on the protection of children. Usually, after all, it’s like: they beat the child in the family, they scoff - and either no one pays attention to it, the child dies or kills himself, runs away into the street. Or the child is taken away from his parents, and then he becomes an orphan. And there is no intermediate option, when the state, on the one hand, would work with the family, would have a legal basis for saving the family, for its restoration - there is no such work, with rare exceptions. Secondly, we simply need to introduce social patronage as a federal norm, which will allow the relevant services to work with the family, but not to select the child every time. We have 200 thousand orphans in boarding schools, and another 300 thousand children of parents who live in boarding schools, because either the family is bad, or far away, or the child is sick. This is also not the case, the child's living in institutions all his life, this is degradation!
priest Mikhail Rezin, spiritual director of the Vera. Hope. Love”:
“Society should condemn unscrupulous parents!”
– I think children should be protected from their parents! Because 95% of children's problems come from their parents, from their families. If the parents themselves were undereducated at one time, did not receive affection, then, accordingly, they have the same children grow up, who also did not receive affection. Vicious circle.
But in order to protect a child from parents, the entire system of civil society and the prevention system must work very clearly so that not a single fact of cruel treatment or bad attitude towards a child is heard or brought to the attention of the relevant organizations. A family that is not involved in parenting needs to know that it is under civilian control and will eventually be questioned.
Society should condemn unscrupulous parents. The question is how? Just shout to your mother: are you a fool, are you bad? Or help her reach a different level of relationship with the child?! You need to denounce, first of all, by your own example, and only then take repressive measures. If necessary, even to bring to administrative, criminal liability. But here we must not engage in hypocrisy. It is clear that any form of sharp punitive intervention in the process of family education is not always adequately perceived by society. But what is important to us? Should the fact of the child's death at the hands of his own parents be recorded later, or will this sharp punitive intervention, at least for a while, save his life? Here you need to know in the name of what to act. Is the life of the child or the external image of this bad family more important to us? I think the life of the child is more important here. And then this child will someday understand us correctly, understand that we acted in his interests.
Vladimir Chernobrovkin, Chairman of the Commission on juvenile affairs and protection of their rights under the Government of the Saratov region:
“A child should be treated like a person, not like a living toy”
– We must talk about what needs to be done in order to our children were educated, well-mannered, healthy, so that they would grow up safely. What needs to be done so that they live in care, in love, in attention?
If you treat a child like a parent, if you love him, if you take care of him, if you think about what will happen to him if he is out of your love - this will, in general, be the best protection for him. Of course, if a child is abandoned, like a homeless kitten or dog, if the parents do not pay attention to him, do not communicate with him, but stick him to the TV so that he does not interfere, then, of course, after a while it turns out that he is subject to all sorts of different negative influences from strangers. And the child develops various bad habits: smoking, drinking, drugs, and so on and so forth. Only primitive answers are not needed here, do you understand? "Let's get up, chest, let's start together ...". I believe that these expressions are not entirely correct.
And don't confuse love with being caressed and played with like a doll. The child should be treated as a person, not as a living toy. There is love, and there is connivance, you understand? There is such a concept of common sense and measure. Our life is arranged in such a way that there should be common sense and measure in it. Any mother who loves a child sees what is happening to him and does not indulge her desires. It happens, you know how? I love a child. What is love? I give him everything he wants, or I want him not to need anything, or I want him to be full - and I start feeding him so that he, poor guy, goes over the weight by the age of two. This is not love. It is necessary to clearly define those concepts that exist. What happens to be spoiled in a family is not love.
It is necessary to teach a child to behave and live in such a way that he can distinguish good from evil, useful things from harmful ones, and so that he understands that there is freedom in Christ and that the freedom that he can receive implies responsibility. From a spontaneous attitude towards a child - this must be protected. And since our parents are, as they used to say, a cell of society, in principle it is necessary that our “cells”, communicating with each other, would create such a community in which favorable conditions would be created for adults and children to live.
Archpriest Viktor Gurov Director of the New Korcheva Children's and Youth Center in Konakovo, Tver diocese:
“Children must be protected from the media”
– What to protect from? From the depravity and shamelessness of adults.
It is necessary to create various preventive structures, laws for working with street neglected children. Work with parents in dysfunctional families should be built in the same vein. If there is no law, they will slam their doors and refuse to communicate, they will drink, walk and everything else. There must be a legislative framework to combat corrupting influences in the family from the position of educational authorities, from elementary school, from kindergarten to higher education. Children need to be protected from the media as well. There, the tribune is now given to everyone who is not lazy, except for the Orthodox Church, which is the only one who can show what is good and what is bad. Every day we are faced with manifestations of obscenity, vulgarity, which reigns in schools, and even in kindergartens, and even more so on television.
Not only children and adolescents should be targeted by the bodies concerned, but also adults. For negligent parents who abandon their children, those methods that were still in the Soviet Union should be introduced - compulsory treatment for alcoholism, for example, and so on. If a nation wants to save itself, it must be able to apply harsh measures against those who corrupt and destroy the nation.
Alexander Petrynin, Director of the Municipal Educational Institution for Children in Need of Psychological, Pedagogical and Medical and Social Assistance, Center for Psychological and Pedagogical Rehabilitation and Correction, Khabarovsk:
“We usually save money on children and schools…”
It is necessary to protect a child from indifference. And if each of us, seeing an unfortunate child, does not mentally put his child in the place of the unfortunate child, then the person is indifferent, and the suffering child will perish. This is a multifaceted and complex issue, since there is much to discuss here. On the one hand, you can try to change the situation at the state level. After all, for some reason, if there is a policy of saving the budget of the region, then, as a rule, they save on children and schools. They are reducing study groups, reducing the salaries of teachers - all of this is very hard on the education industry, and, above all, it is bad for children, for the future of Russia. Because if teachers are not paid, then talented people run away from the school, either losers or enthusiasts remain, of which there are fewer and fewer. And then the police come to the school, which is why such a thing as a school inspector is fashionable lately. People in uniform come to schools instead of people who led sports clubs and sections. This is trouble. Secondly, it is very difficult for us with the family support program, for a prosperous family. A lot is being done for the families of the unfortunate - and rightly so. But, I think that it is necessary to stimulate economically prosperous families as well. Because by stimulating dysfunctional families, especially non-working parents, we bring up dependency: you can not work, you can give your child to the state, and the state will support him and the parents of those who drink. This is also indifference, blatant indifference.
On the one hand, this is state policy - support for education, culture and sports for children, and support for a prosperous family. On the other hand, this is a volunteer movement. We, ordinary people from the street, want to volunteer to help someone else's child. Help him with clothes, bring him to school, work with him, organize some circles in the yard. In some regions there are councils of fathers, which are very helpful in education.
Oleg Petruk, former businessman, head of the children's village of the Family Hearth community:
"Everyone in his place must do what he can!"
– Children must be protected from immorality. It glows everywhere - from TV screens, from programs in schools. If we do not protect our children from this violence, there will be trouble. Because now being gay is normal, but being Orthodox is criminal, so you need to protect children from immorality. For example, today I do not watch television channels, but my children know all Soviet cartoons, all popular science films, all Bible films, they know the history. The meaning is this: everyone in his place does what he can. If you are the mayor of the city, remove the pornography from the poster. If you're a newspaper editor, don't print nasty things. But I can't answer for the whole country. I am responsible for the family, for the village. In our village, no one smokes or drinks, I believe that this is what it was in Russia before the revolution. We need to return our Orthodox roots, I am now talking about moral canons: about diligence, about respect for elders, about respect for a woman - about everything that was before. This is the most important thing, no money is required for this, only desire.
Aleksey Golovan, Commissioner for Children's Rights in Moscow:
“Children have to be protected from defenders…”
I think that children need to be protected from many temptations that are artificially imposed on us today and corrupt our children. They destroy childhood, make children possessive, selfish, which has never been characteristic of our culture, our worldview.
Well, from my own experience, I will say that it is often necessary to protect children from those who should protect children themselves: from parents, and from those structures that, by virtue of the law, must protect the rights of the child. Paradoxical as it may seem, very often we deal with complaints against guardianship authorities, prosecution authorities, etc., we have to protect children from the same courts, from the police, from unscrupulous employees of educational authorities.
Nadezhda Drobyshevskaya, child psychotherapist, worked for 6 years in the children's department of the Belarusian Republican Psychiatric Hospital, author of the book "Children's Truth" (Minsk, Publishing House of the Belarusian Exarchate, 2003). Now a leading specialist of the Main Ideological Directorate of the Minsk Regional Executive Committee:
“Everything must be done on time and not by force, but by personal example”
— Today, children need to be protected, first of all, from parents who do not know how to properly raise children, they show bad example. Their words are one, but their deeds are different. In words, they want their children to behave well, but they themselves get drunk, do not know how to keep peace in the family, and so on. In socially more prosperous families, children are now oriented only to study, but they do not know about life, about the problems that occur in the family, about how to resolve them. We do not prepare children for life.
If there is no personal example, no words will protect: "words edify, examples attract."
It is also necessary to protect children from the media, which have a destructive effect on the mental and psychological development of a person.
But if I start protecting my son when he turns 16, nothing will work. In childhood, up to 5-7 years old, you need to instill good habits in him - it's like luggage, like a passbook. If he accumulates spiritual experience, then he will then have the strength to do good. If there is no such experience from early childhood, then let there be a desire, but he will not be able to realize it.
Today, there is an acute problem of personnel capable of protecting children from bad parents. And you can't create them artificially. After all, the teacher must do his work "as before God", then he will be able to do something. And in any case, you will not achieve anything by order - children feel hypocrisy.
This is a real feat - to re-educate those morally deformed children that we have today. Why are there few people willing to work with them? First, there are very few spiritually oriented specialists. Secondly, their work is not paid.
Ilya Berdyshev, senior lecturer at the Faculty of Psychology, St. Petersburg State University, child psychiatrist-psychotherapist, crisis specialist, one of the oldest employees of the Crisis Service for Children and Adolescents (St. Petersburg, Chapygina str., 13):
– Children must first of all be protected from unreasonable adults. Secondly, from trampling on their rights to a happy childhood. It is very sad to watch when preschoolers and younger schoolchildren have no idea what good, interesting outdoor games are, what games with some kind of human plot are, and moreover, they are not even interested in this. The third thing children need to be protected from is that here I seem to be such a caveman, from a hegemon-computer that sucks out the intellect, sucks out the soul, all the brightest that potentially still exists in a child. It is necessary to protect children from the expansion of the same Internet and from moving away from books. It is very sad that a child feels like a hero if he has overcome four pages of War and Peace. It is necessary to protect them from what they are now increasingly faced with - this is manipulation, this is exploitation (in every sense of the word). Children must be protected from financial discrimination in terms of their right to receive the highest quality education. There are very few schools that are ready to select talented children with their eyes closed, regardless of the size of their parents' wallets. It is also necessary to protect children from the lack of opportunities to engage in their favorite activities due to some material circumstances. Otherwise, it turns out that talented children cannot afford something, because their parents cannot afford it.
This is unfair and unfair. Culture cannot be self-supporting, this is absurd. It is impossible for a child to be offered base, residual culture (in particular, base television art, which modern children can contemplate at any hour on any channel) just because it is cheap. We must protect children from illusions. A person is suggested that if he goes through the "Star Factory", he will already be an artist, a person who has known and produced culture. Also, loneliness. It is necessary to save from family selfishness. It is very bad when one child is brought up in a family. Still, it is better when there are several children, when there is a relay race from generation to generation, the support of the younger ones by the older ones, respect. I, of course, take a good variant of the patriarchal family. And to say what is most relevant here, and what can wait is not entirely correct, since the world of childhood is endless.
Elena Chechetkina, senior educator of the Ryazan VK for girls:
“From criminal romance”
– Based on our experience of working with juvenile delinquents, children, probably, first of all, need to be protected from the influence of criminal elements. Most of our girls arrive already infected with the so-called criminal romance. Parents sometimes miss the moment when friends and the street become dearer to teenagers than home and relatives. Although in some cases it is necessary to protect children from the parents themselves, for example, when parents abuse alcohol.
In the matter of protecting children, the main roles belong to teachers - school and even kindergarten, and, of course, the family. It is necessary to communicate more with the child, to look after his environment, to notice the slightest changes in his behavior. And children whose parents lead an unhealthy lifestyle should be protected by guardianship and guardianship authorities. But in principle, the whole society, neighbors, any citizen who sees the wrong attitude towards the child, some systemic violations in his upbringing, should not stand aside.
Prepared by Dmitry REBROV, Igor LUNEV, Elena NASLEDYSHEVA, Mikhail AGAFONOV
Model questionnaire For interviewing unemployed women raising children of preschool age
Dear survey participants!
We ask you to answer the questions of the questionnaire, which will help the employment authorities of your region to identify the need of women raising children of preschool age in vocational training, retraining and advanced training, as well as assistance in organizing childcare.
To answer, mark the selected option and / or enter the required information.
The data received from you during the survey is strictly confidential and will be used in a generalized form.
Thank you in advance for your participation!
1. Please indicate your age. (MARK ONE OPTION) | Under 20 21-30 31-40 41 and older |
2. Indicate the type of settlement where you live? | In the city In the urban-type settlement In the countryside |
3. What is your level of education? (MARK ONE OPTION) | General secondary education Primary, secondary vocational education Incomplete higher, higher education Postgraduate professional education |
5. Please indicate your current status: (MARK ONE OPTION) | Are on parental leave until the child is three years old (GO TO QUESTIONS #6-9) Not in an employment relationship and raising a child/preschool child (GO TO QUESTIONS #10-12) |
6. Indicate where you plan to continue your labor activity until or after the child is 3 years old? (MARK ONE OPTION) | At the same place of work Change jobs, find a job in an existing profession (specialty) Change jobs, find a job in a new profession (specialty) Complete training in a new profession (specialty) to occupy a new position in the previous organization I do not intend to work after end of parental leave I don't plan to work I don't know |
7. (MARK ONE OPTION) | Yes, I plan to No Do not know |
8. If you answered "NO" to question 7 - questions 8-19 do not require an answer. If you plan to undergo short-term vocational training, retraining or advanced training before going to work, please indicate in what period of time? | Planning this year Planning next year I plan until my child is 3 years old Do not know |
9. Please indicate in which profession (specialty) you would like to receive vocational training? | |
10. (MARK ONE OPTION) | Yes, I plan to No |
11. Indicate whether you plan to apply to the employment service in order to find a job before the child is 7 years old? | Yes, I plan to No |
12. Indicate, if there is no suitable job, do you plan to undergo free short-term vocational training, retraining or advanced training in an existing profession (specialty) in the direction of the employment service? (MARK ONE OPTION) | Yes, I plan to No Do not know |
If you answered "NO" to question 11 - questions 12-19 do not require an answer. 13. If you are planning to undergo free short-term vocational training, retraining or advanced training, please indicate in what period of time? | Planning this year Planning next two years Plan within 3-4 years Do not know |
IV. | |
14. Please tell us what type of training you are ready to undergo in the direction of the employment service for subsequent employment? | Complete vocational training Get a new profession (specialty) Improve qualifications in an existing profession (specialty) Complete courses on the basics of organizing entrepreneurial activities to start your own business |
15. Indicate the period of time when you would be able to start working if you completed short-term courses for vocational training, retraining or advanced training in the direction of the employment service? | Immediately after training Within a year Within the next two or three years After the child enters kindergarten, school Not expected to work Do not know |
16. Please indicate which form of vocational training, retraining or advanced training is most convenient for you? | Full-time education (5 academic days a week for 6-8 academic hours) Evening (part-time) education (flexible schedule of studies) Education on weekends Distance education (using IT technologies and modern means of communication ) Difficult to answer |
17. (SPECIFY ALL THAT APPLY) | Short-term professional development programs Internships Mentoring Trainings, seminars Retraining programs Other Do not know |
18. Indicate whether you can provide childcare during the period of your short-term vocational training, retraining or advanced training in the direction of the employment service? | Yes No Do not know |
19. Evaluate your ability to combine the responsibilities of raising a child with the passage of vocational training (vocational training, retraining, advanced training) in the direction of employment services. | Opportunity available (child is attending preschool or otherwise able to provide childcare) Opportunity available soon (voucher to preschool available or prospective opportunity to otherwise provide childcare) Opportunity for vocational training not available (please specify please reason) |
20. |