Changes in bowel movements during pregnancy
Bladder and bowel problems during pregnancy
Bladder and bowel problems during pregnancy | Pregnancy Birth and Baby beginning of content2-minute read
During pregnancy, many women experience some rather unpleasant conditions like constipation, needing to urinate more frequently, incontinence and haemorrhoids (piles). Maintaining a healthy diet (nutrition) and doing regular exercise (movement) can help make your pregnancy a bit less uncomfortable.
You may become constipated very early in pregnancy because of the hormonal changes in your body. Constipation can mean that you are not passing stools (faeces/poo) as often as you normally do, you have to strain more than usual or you are unable to completely empty your bowels. Constipation can also cause your stools to be unusually hard, lumpy, large or small.
Learn more about constipation during pregnancy.
Haemorrhoids, also known as 'piles', are enlarged and swollen veins in or around the lower rectum and anus. Anyone can get haemorrhoids — they don’t just happen in pregnancy. When you’re pregnant, haemorrhoids can occur because of constipation and/or pressure from the enlarging baby and uterus.
Haemorrhoids may itch, ache, feel sore or even bleed. You can sometimes feel the lumpiness of them around your anus. They may also make going to the toilet uncomfortable or painful. You may also notice pain when passing a stool and a discharge of mucus afterwards. Sometimes you may feel as though your bowels are still full and need emptying.
Learn more about haemorrhoids during pregnancy.
Frequent urination
The need to frequently urinate (pass water, or pee) often starts from early in your pregnancy. Sometimes it continues right through pregnancy. In later pregnancy, the need to frequently urinate results from the baby pressing or resting on your bladder.
Learn more about frequent urination during pregnancy.
Incontinence can be a common problem, and it can affect you both during and after pregnancy. Sometimes pregnant women are unable to prevent a sudden spurt of urine or a small leak when they cough, laugh or sneeze, or when they move suddenly, or just get up from a sitting position. This may be temporary, because the pelvic floor muscles (the muscles around the bladder) relax slightly to prepare for the baby's delivery. You can help to prevent incontinence by doing pelvic floor exercises.
Learn more about incontinence during pregnancy.
Continence Foundation of Australia (Pregnancy guide), NSW Health (Having a baby)Learn more here about the development and quality assurance of healthdirect content.
Last reviewed: November 2021
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- Constipation during pregnancy
- Frequent urination during pregnancy
- Incontinence during pregnancy
- Haemorrhoids during pregnancy
- Bladder weakness after birth
- Pelvic floor exercises
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Incontinence during pregnancy
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Constipation in children -
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Constipation - Better Health Channel
Most cases of constipation are treated by eating a diet high in fibre, drinking more fluids, and exercising daily.
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Read more on RANZCOG - Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists website
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Bladder weakness after birth
Leaking urine after childbirth is very common. It can be embarrassing and inconvenient, but there are ways to improve bladder weakness.
Read more on Pregnancy, Birth & Baby website
Pregnancy health problems & complications | Raising Children Network
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Pregnancy - signs and symptoms - Better Health Channel
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Read more on Better Health Channel website
Physiotherapy advice after pregnancy
When you are pregnant, your body changes. Read about simple exercises and healthy habits to help cope with these changes.
Read more on Pregnancy, Birth & Baby website
Pregnancy at week 33
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All the Ways Your Bowel Movements May Change
Pregnancy takes your body through a lot of changes, so at times you won’t feel like yourself. But while some pregnancy issues are expected — a growing bump, morning sickness, and moodiness — changes in your bowel activity might come as a surprise.
Granted, pregnancy poop isn’t the most exciting topic to talk about. But knowing what to expect can remove the element of surprise and settle worries when the unexpected does occur.
First thing about pregnancy poop: There may be times when it doesn’t seem to be happening at all. Constipation is having fewer than three bowel movements a week. To be fair, irregularity can happen anytime, whether you’re pregnant or not. But it’s a complaint that affects a lot of pregnant people.
Different factors contribute to constipation, such as too little fiber, inactivity, or eating foods that don’t agree with you. When it occurs during pregnancy, though, it’s often due to an increase in the hormone progesterone.
This hormone slows muscle contractions in the intestines. And when muscle contractions slow down, your bowels don’t flow as freely or as easily.
Symptoms of constipation include hard, dry stools, bloating, and straining. You may also have gas or stomach pain, which is probably the last thing you want to deal with when pregnant.
The good news is that constipation can be an easy fix. Drink plenty of fluids, especially water, to help soften stools so that they’re easier to pass. In addition, add more fiber to your diet. This includes eating more vegetables and fruits.
A stool softener might help severe constipation, but be sure to talk with your doctor first.
Blood on the tissue after wiping can send you into a state of panic. But don’t think the worst.
Seeing some blood in your stool or on the toilet paper is another common pregnancy occurrence, especially if you’ve been dealing with constipation.
Constipation isn’t only physically uncomfortable, it can also lead to straining. This can cause small rectal tears (fissures) or swollen veins (hemorrhoids). Both can cause bleeding from the rectum — usually a small amount of blood that appears pink or bright red.
Hemorrhoids and anal fissures can heal on their own. But to prevent the occurrence of new ones, take steps to avoid constipation and don’t strain.
Even though fissures and hemorrhoids are common, you should always notify your doctor of bleeding during bowel movements. Bleeding is sometimes due to other issues in the digestive tract — more so when blood appears black or tarry.
Be mindful that eating certain foods can also change the color of your stools, making them appear red. This can happen after eating beets or foods that contain red or black food coloring.
Fluctuating hormones during pregnancy can also cause loose or watery stools. Diarrhea occurs as your body produces the hormone relaxin. This hormone is only released during pregnancy.
It prepares your body for labor and delivery by loosening your joints and ligaments. The problem, though, is that relaxin can also loosen the joints around your rectum, causing bouts of diarrhea.
For the most part, mild diarrhea isn’t serious, but it’s important to stay hydrated and drink plenty of fluids.
Contact your doctor if you have more than three loose stools a day, or if you have other symptoms such as:
- blood or mucus in your stools
- weight loss
- stomach pain
- fever
Speak with your doctor before taking any over-the-counter medications to treat loose stools.
Interestingly, the color of your stools can also change during pregnancy. Normal stools are usually light to dark brown, but during pregnancy, your poop could turn green.
Again, don’t be alarmed. A lot of times this is triggered by an increase in fiber intake, or more specifically, eating more vegetables and leafy greens. Good for you if you’ve increased your healthy food intake during pregnancy!
If you’re taking prenatal vitamins or an iron supplement, both have also been known to change the color of poop from brown to green. You may even have green bowel movements if you take a prescribed antibiotic while pregnant.
Your stools will return to a normal color after you stop taking certain vitamins and medications.
But although green poop is normal and doesn’t usually indicate a problem, talk with your doctor if you have any concerns. Sometimes, green poop is due to an infection, gallstones, food poisoning, and irritable bowel syndrome.
Very dark stools can also occur during pregnancy. Notify your doctor if you notice black or tarry poop. Again, although food dyes can turn stools dark, a dark color can also signal bleeding in your digestive tract.
When you tell friends and family that you’re expecting, some will see this as an invitation to share their own pregnancy story — the good, the bad, and the ugly.
And when it comes to actually having the baby, you may feel it doesn’t get any uglier than losing your bowels during delivery. In fact, this might be your greatest fear.
But the truth is that pooping during delivery is common, and it’s nothing to be ashamed or worried about. (It doesn’t happen to everyone, so you might be worrying about nothing.)
The muscles you use to bring life into the world are the same muscles you use during a bowel movement. So yes, it can happen. Just know that you wouldn’t be the first mother to poop during delivery, and you won’t be the last.
If it makes you feel any better, the hospital prepares for this possibility. A nurse will swiftly clean it up — as if it never happened.
But if you’re still concerned about this, you can try and relieve yourself before you’re ready to push. Ask your nurse or doctor if it’s safe to take a suppository. These often trigger a bowel movement within minutes.
After a vaginal delivery, it’s only normal to be a little anxious about the first bowel movement after giving birth.
You might worry about additional soreness down below or irritating stitches if you had some tearing. Of course, this is only if you’re able to go. Pain medication you receive during and after labor can make your muscles a bit sluggish, initially causing constipation.
When you’re ready to go, taking a stool softener and drinking plenty of water and juice can make your first poop after delivery easier.
It also helps to have a pain reliever on hand, and maybe witch hazel cleansing pads, to reduce burning and inflammation. The important thing to remember is don’t strain.
Let things flow naturally to avoid hemorrhoids and anal fissures, which can cause more pain and discomfort.
Pregnancy poop may not be something you want to talk about, but it’s something you need to think about.
Pregnancy can affect every part of your body, so expect your bowels to go through some changes, too. Keep in mind that every pregnancy is different. The key is knowing what to expect, so when changes do occur, you’re not caught completely off guard.
If you have any concerns, talk to your doctor. They’ll be able to help figure out the cause.
Toxemia, Intestinal Problems, and Heartburn
Find out how pregnancy affects your digestive tract, which trimesters are more likely to cause indigestion and nausea, and what to do to manage them.
During pregnancy, the burden on the mother's body increases. The body needs more nutrients, the body produces additional hormones. And the growing fetus puts pressure on neighboring organs, including the stomach and intestines. We tell you what symptoms are observed in each trimester, how to cope with toxicosis and get rid of heartburn.
- 2. Toxicosis and pregnancy
- 3. Causes, risks and treatment of diarrhea during pregnancy
- 4. Heartburn and stomach pain during pregnancy
- 5. Bloating, constipation and microbiota during pregnancy
- 6. Note
Changes in the work of the gastrointestinal tract by trimesters of pregnancy
The average duration of pregnancy is 40 weeks, which are usually divided into trimesters in accordance with the stages of intrauterine development of the child.
Each trimester is accompanied by a number of changes in the body, including in the gastrointestinal tract:
The first trimester 1–13 weeks | 900 26 weeks | Third trimester of pregnancy 27–40 weeks |
Morning sickness Morning sickness CSPU Intestinal disorder increased appetite TREAM to certain products Acid reflux | Construction Equity reflux 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 Flatulence Constipation Heartburn Violation of the outflow of bile Hemorrhoids |
The Atlas Genetic Test will help you find out how your genes affect the level of female sex hormones necessary for fertility and pregnancy.
Causes of gastrointestinal problems during pregnancy
Every pregnancy is accompanied by inevitable changes in the functioning of the digestive system. They are most often caused by hormonal changes and increased stress on organs, but they can also be associated with lifestyle and health conditions, for example:
- Sedentary lifestyle and unbalanced diet;
- Certain drugs, including calcium or aluminum antacids;
- Viral and bacterial infections;
- Intolerance to certain nutrients and allergic reactions;
- Stress;
- Diseases of the thyroid gland.
If you have chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and you are planning a pregnancy, try to consult your doctor in advance. Symptoms of conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) or acid reflux are more likely to get worse during pregnancy. Your doctor will help prepare your body and create a prevention plan to help relieve symptoms during this time.
Irritable bowel syndrome, or IBS, is a functional bowel disease that causes frequent abdominal pain, impaired peristalsis, bloating, constipation, or diarrhea.
Morning sickness, vomiting and general malaise during pregnancy
Morning sickness and morning sickness during early pregnancy are common, because the body undergoes important changes necessary for the development of the child.
up to 90%
women experience nausea during pregnancy
Doctors find it difficult to say with certainty why pregnant women feel sick in the morning. The main theory is hormonal changes. But there are some patterns associated with an increased risk of morning sickness:
- Multiple pregnancy;
- Toxicosis during previous pregnancy;
- History of morning sickness during pregnancy in close relatives;
- Tendency to motion sickness in transport;
- Use of oral contraceptives containing estrogen before pregnancy;
- Frequent migraines;
- BMI 30 and above;
- Elevated levels of stress hormones
Risks of severe morning sickness and how to reduce nausea
Nausea and vomiting are usually not associated with a risk for mother and child and disappear by 16-20 weeks of pregnancy, but it is not necessary to wait so long - there are ways that can help reduce nausea and enjoy the process of waiting for a new person:
- Get plenty of rest - fatigue increases toxicosis;
- Avoid smells and foods that cause nausea;
- Eat something right after waking up.
A toast or a slice of bread will help reduce nausea;
- Avoid hunger - empty stomach increases nausea. Eat small meals often, prefer low-fat, high-carbohydrate foods;
- Try ginger - studies show it helps with nausea;
- Sip as often as possible and prefer still water.
In rare cases, pregnant women may develop hyperemesis gestationis or excessive vomiting. This is a serious condition that can lead to dehydration, kidney damage, seizures, abnormal heart rhythms, and even death.
Signs of dehydration include dry mouth, dizziness, dark urine, infrequent urination and/or dizziness.
Symptoms of excessive pregnancy vomiting:
- frequent nausea for a long time and regular vomiting after meals;
- dry skin and lips;
- sudden weight loss;
- low blood pressure (below 90/60).
If symptoms of excessive pregnancy vomiting occur, do not wait until the condition resolves on its own. It is necessary to seek medical help as soon as possible - the doctor will prescribe treatment, help adjust the diet and lifestyle of the expectant mother.
pregnant women experience excessive vomiting
Diarrhea in pregnancy
The word "diarrhea" comes from the Greek language and literally means "to flow through". This is a condition during which bowel movements or bowel movements occur three times a day or more often. This phenomenon is especially typical for the third trimester of pregnancy, but it can also occur earlier.
Symptoms of diarrhea:
- Three or more bowel movements per day
- Urgent urge to have a bowel movement
- Abdominal pain and cramps
- Bloating
Causes of diarrhea during pregnancy poisoning, dysbacteriosis, bacterial and viral infections:
Gastroenteritis | Use of lactose and gluten in case of intolerance to these nutrients |
Bacterial infections: listeriosis or salmonella | Chronic gastrointestinal diseases: Crohn's disease, IBS, ulcerative colitis |
Certain antibiotics and antacids to reduce acidity | Laxatives |
Sugar substitutes such as sorbitol | Overconsumption of certain foods |
Tip: If you have recently returned from a vacation in an exotic country with nausea and diarrhea and find out you are pregnant, see your doctor as soon as possible.
One common cause of diarrhea during pregnancy is gastroenteritis or stomach flu. It is caused by bacterial or viral infections: norovirus, rotavirus, E. coli, salmonella, which enter the body through contact with contaminated surfaces, dishes, food and water.
Gastroenteritis usually lasts about three days. However, severe illness is a health hazard, especially during pregnancy, as it can cause dehydration, electrolyte imbalance, and lead to preterm labor.
The main symptoms of gastroenteritis are diarrhea without blood, nausea and vomiting, stomach cramps and pain, slight fever, headache and muscle pain.
Take extra precautions to reduce your risk of getting sick: frequent handwashing and surface disinfection. If the expectant mother has small children, they are not recommended to use the same cutlery.
Risks of diarrhea during pregnancy
Usually diarrhea during pregnancy is not a cause for concern. However, you should consult a doctor if the following symptoms occur during this period:
- Diarrhea for more than two days;
- Blood or mucus stools;
- Sudden weight loss;
- Pain in the abdomen;
- Dehydration.
How to treat diarrhea during pregnancy
If you have diarrhea during pregnancy, drink plenty of fluids, avoid foods high in fat and sugar, avoid dairy products, and caffeinated drinks.
Dehydration is a serious risk, especially during pregnancy, so electrolyte balance should be restored first with fluids and simple foods:
Moderate fruit juices | Drinks without alcohol and caffeine |
Bananas | Potato |
Rice | Toast |
Rusks | Light soups and broths |
Pasta | Applesauce |
Find out about your body's ability to break down lactose and gluten with the Atlas Microbiota Test.
Stomach pain and heartburn during pregnancy
Many women experience stomach pain during pregnancy, especially in the upper part of the stomach, as well as heartburn - a burning sensation in the chest and esophagus.
This is more common in the third trimester, after about 27 weeks. This is an unpleasant but natural phenomenon during pregnancy: the baby grows inside the uterus and presses on other organs, including the stomach. And hormones cause the muscles to relax, which causes acid from the stomach to enter the esophagus and irritate it. In addition, pain can be caused by problems with certain organs such as the gallbladder, or inflammation of the pancreas.
Symptoms of heartburn during pregnancy:
- Burning in chest and esophagus;
- Feeling of overeating, heaviness or bloating;
- Belching, including with acid and/or food particles;
- Nausea.
It is unlikely that you will be able to avoid cramps and heartburn during pregnancy. However, some tips can help reduce their frequency:
Nutrition : try to avoid overeating - eat easily digestible food in small portions; do not eat three hours before bedtime; watch your posture while eating - so the pressure on your stomach will be less.
Smoking and alcohol: In addition to known harms to mothers and babies, tobacco smoke also relaxes the muscles in the lower esophagus, allowing acid to enter the esophagus. And alcohol provokes heartburn and acid reflux.
Although stomach pain and heartburn often accompany pregnancy, abdominal pain, especially in the third trimester, should be taken seriously. It can be a sign of preterm labor or placental abruption, and puts mother and baby at risk.
If you experience severe abdominal pain during pregnancy that is accompanied by the following symptoms, seek medical attention as soon as possible:
Abdominal pain and fever | Bleeding |
Regular convulsions | Unusual vaginal discharge / spotting |
Vomiting | Low back pain |
Pain or burning when urinating | Severe pain that lasts 30-60 minutes |
Bloating, constipation and microbiota during pregnancy
Excessive gas and constipation during pregnancy can be caused by hormonal changes, such as increased production of progesterone. This hormone, essential for nourishing the uterus and fetus, relaxes the muscles of the body, including the muscles in the intestines, which slows down digestion and increases flatulence. A similar reaction of the body can be observed before each menstruation, when the production of progesterone increases.
Flatulence - bloating of the abdomen due to the accumulation of gases.
Here are a few simple rules that will help improve bowel movements and avoid constipation and bloating:
- If you don't usually eat a lot of fiber and indigestible foods like legumes, try to gradually introduce them into your diet;
- Avoid carbonated drinks and fatty foods;
- Move more;
- Drink plenty of fluids.
If bloating and constipation are accompanied by severe pain that lasts more than 30 minutes, or if you have been constipated for two or more weeks, see your doctor.
Gut microbiota and bacteria during pregnancy
A woman's body goes through many changes during pregnancy, and this can affect the microbiota, the bacterial ecosystem that lives in the gut. Trillions of microorganisms do important work for the whole body: they synthesize vitamins and essential acids, keep your intestines working and protect it from disease and inflammation.
The additional influx of female hormones that accompanies pregnancy alters gut function and affects the microbiota. This is good, because the bacterial community is constantly adjusting to external and internal conditions in order to keep up with the needs of the body.
To keep your gut bacteria running smoothly, they need your help. Provide them with healthy foods and plant fibers. Fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, and seeds contain prebiotics, special substances that beneficial bacteria feed on. When properly balanced, the bacteria even increase your body's defenses against harmful microorganisms that can cause gastroenteritis during pregnancy.
The Atlas Microbiota Test will help you understand how to prepare your intestines for future pregnancy and reduce the risk of digestive problems.
☝️ Take note
Now you have all the necessary knowledge and tools to help you deal with digestive problems during pregnancy. They are quite varied and quite natural, but in some cases it is necessary to immediately seek medical help:
- Vomiting blood;
- Blood in stool;
- Diarrhea for more than two days;
- Constipation for more than two weeks;
- Sudden weight loss;
- Severe pain interfering with daily activities;
- Difficulty breathing;
- Pain when swallowing or difficulty swallowing;
- Excessive fatigue.
More articles on the causes of digestive problems in the blog:
- 7 foods that cause gas and bloating
- Lindsey J Wegrzyniak, Treatment of Hyperemesis Gravidarum, 2012
- Edwards A. et al., The Maternal Gut Microbiome During Pregnancy, 2018
- National Health and Safety (NHS), Vomiting and morning sickness in pregnancy
- Kudzai Kanhutu, Travel and pregnancy: an infectious diseases perspective, 2011
- CDC, Pregnant travelers
- U.
S. Department of Health and Human Services, Agency for healthcare research and quality, Abdominal Pain in Early Pregnancy
- Robyn Horsager-Boehrer, M.D., UT Southwestern Medical Center, Should pregnant moms be concerned about gastroenteritis?, 2018
- International Foundation for Gastrointestinal Disorders, Pregnancy and Irritable Bowel Syndrome, 2016
- NHS Vomiting and morning sickness in pregnancy
- NHS, Severe vomiting in pregnancy
- Lindsey J Wegrzyniak et al., Treatment of Hyperemesis Gravidarum, 2012
- Karen Miles, Diarrhea during pregnancy, 2020
- Cleveland Clinic, Diarrhea
- You and your hormones, Progesterone
- Traci C. Johnson, MD, Pregnancy, Bloating, 2020
Diarrhea during pregnancy. What is Diarrhea During Pregnancy?
The information in this section should not be used for self-diagnosis or self-treatment. In case of pain or other exacerbation of the disease, only the attending physician should prescribe diagnostic tests. For diagnosis and proper treatment, you should contact your doctor.
Diarrhea during pregnancy is a pathological condition during gestation, characterized by the rapid release of unformed feces. Disorder of the stool can proceed painlessly or be accompanied by belching, nausea, vomiting, discomfort in the mouth, abdominal pain, imperative urge to defecate, fever, weight loss, weakness, fatigue. To determine the cause of diarrhea, clinical, bacteriological, biochemical studies of feces, blood, probing, sigmoidoscopy are carried out. Treatment is most often conservative - medications, dietary adjustments.
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Diarrhea (diarrhea) - an increase in the frequency of bowel movements up to four or more times a day with the separation of liquid or mushy stools, the volume of which exceeds 200-300 ml. Diarrhea is not a separate disease, but one of the manifestations of a violation of the functions or anatomical structure of any organ or body system. Sometimes diarrhea is the first symptom of a pathology that can complicate gestation. The frequency of diarrhea in obstetrics is 34%. Diarrhea is recorded less frequently than constipation, it is more susceptible to age-related (after 35 years), as well as young (under 19years) mother. Usually there are forms with a mild course, ending in a quick recovery. Severe forms pose a serious threat to the life of the mother and fetus. Inpatient treatment with intensive care is necessary for 1.5% of pregnant women suffering from diarrhea.
diarrhea during pregnancy
Most often, diarrhea during pregnancy is caused by physiological (that occurred during gestation, associated with this condition, which is a variant of the norm during this period) changes in the digestive, endocrine, and nervous systems. Another common reason is dietary errors. Diarrhea is manifested by diseases that developed during gestation in women whose body could not adapt to increased stress, and that arose before conception. There are the following sources of intestinal upset in pregnant women:
- Non-communicable diseases of the digestive system. Diarrhea may be accompanied by a physiological decrease in gastric secretion during gestation, as well as pathologies: dysbiosis, cholestatic hepatosis of pregnant women, hypoacid gastritis, less often - ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, chronic pancreatitis, tumors.
- Features of the diet. Diarrhea can lead to addiction to coffee, excessive consumption of fatty (including nuts), spicy, spicy foods, sweets, pastries, as well as foods containing a large amount of fiber (fruits, vegetables, cereals). In addition, diarrhea may be accompanied by hypovitaminosis of pregnant women, which occurs due to an imbalance or scarcity of the diet.
- Food intolerance.
The cause of diarrhea can be a food idiosyncrasy associated with a lack of enzyme production (for example, lactulose with intolerance to whole milk) or an allergic reaction (more often to citrus fruits, berries, cereals, eggs, chocolate, legumes). At the same time, hypersensitization often develops for the first time during the gestational period.
- Neurogenic factors. By the last trimester of pregnancy, the processes of excitation of the cerebral cortex begin to prevail over the mechanisms of inhibition, which increases the likelihood of developing irritable bowel syndrome. Other causes of neurogenic diarrhea are prolonged psycho-emotional stress, neuropathy.
- Infections and infestations. Diarrhea is caused by acute intestinal infections - bacterial, viral, protozoal, affecting the digestive tract. Nonspecific infections may be the result of the growth of opportunistic flora against the background of a natural decrease in immune activity during pregnancy. The flu is often accompanied by diarrhea.
Of the helminths, roundworms are most often involved in diarrhea.
- Taking medications. Iron preparations, magnesium salts, antibiotics, antacids, sugar substitutes, antidiabetic, laxatives, dietary supplements cause diarrhea, using various mechanisms of gastrointestinal dysfunction.
Other, more rare causes of diarrhea in pregnant women include metabolic endocrine diseases (diabetes mellitus, hyperthyroidism, amyloidosis), surgical pathologies (acute appendicitis, intestinal obstruction, mesenteric vascular embolism). False diarrhea is sometimes accompanied by persistent constipation, which is often observed in pregnant women: a prolonged stay of feces leads to irritation of the colon wall, increased secretion of mucus, and the release of liquid stools.
About nine liters of fluid enter the intestinal lumen daily, 22% of which is water obtained from food, the rest is formed as a result of the secretion of the digestive organs. About 89% of this liquid is absorbed by the small intestine, about 10% - by the large intestine, only 1.1% (about 100 ml) is excreted in the feces. Diarrhea occurs with increased fluid intake (mostly due to excess intestinal secretion) or as a result of a decrease in absorption capacity. Hypersecretion of the small intestine is associated with infection by pathogenic microorganisms, the use of irritant laxatives. The secretion of the lower intestine is most often increased due to a decrease in the absorption of bile acids.
Enzymatic deficiency and acceleration of the passage of contents leads to a disorder in the absorption capacity of the small intestine. At the same time, unabsorbed substances accumulate in its lumen, retaining water due to their osmotic action. Reduced absorption in the lower sections is a consequence of increased fluid intake from the ileum, damage to the epithelium, impaired motility of the colon, and a lack of bacteria that ferment carbohydrates. As a result of severe diarrhea, hypovolemia, acidosis, deficiency of nutrients, vitamins, microelements develop. Irritation of the colon leads to a reflex increase in the tone of the pregnant uterus, and the release of active substances associated with inflammation into the blood enhances the effect.
According to the form of the flow, acute and chronic diarrhea are distinguished. The acute form is characterized by vivid symptoms observed for no more than 3 weeks. The chronic course is characterized by a longer duration of manifestations and less pronounced symptoms. According to the pathogenetic mechanism that contributed to the development of the disorder, four types of diarrhea are distinguished:
- Secretory. This type of diarrhea develops with an increase in the secretion of fluid and electrolytes in the intestine due to damage by pathogenic microorganisms, their toxins, as well as an excess of bile acids.
- Hyperosmolar.
Occurs due to the influx of water during the accumulation in the intestine of osmotically active substances (potassium and sodium ions, glucose) as a result of impaired digestion and absorption (with chronic pancreatitis, dysbiosis, enteritis, food intolerance, amyloidosis, obstruction of the biliary tract), intake of excessively salty or sweet food .
- Hyperexudative. Diarrheal syndrome is caused by sweating of exudate through the damaged mucosa in autoimmune, neoplastic diseases of the intestine, some infections (dysentery, salmonellosis, intestinal tuberculosis, campylobacteriosis).
- Motor (dyskinetic). The cause of diarrhea is an increase or decrease in the rate of chyme transit due to impaired intestinal motility. Hyperkinetic diarrhea is accompanied by nervous shocks, neuroses, neuropathies, hyperthyroidism, taking laxatives. The hypokinetic type is associated with small bowel obstruction.
Symptoms of diarrhea during pregnancy depend on the causes of diarrhea, its type, localization of the lesion, intensity of manifestation. Enteritis is manifested by abundant voluminous loose stools without impurities, bowel emptying is often "explosive" in nature. Colitis is characterized by sharp tenesmus (frequency up to 30 times a day), increased defecation with scanty mucous discharge, often mixed with pus and blood. A significant increase in stool in acute diarrhea leads to a rapid decline in strength, severe weakness. Chronic diarrhea is characterized by fatigue, weight loss.
Secretory diarrhea is characterized by abundant light watery or frothy stools without severe abdominal pain, the disorder does not depend on diet, and is not stopped by fasting. Osmolar diarrhea is manifested by an abundant separation of feces containing particles of undigested food: light, pasty in case of pathologies of the hepatobiliary system and gray, with a rancid odor in case of pancreatic insufficiency; diarrhea usually resolves after fasting. The exudative type is characterized by an admixture of blood and pus in the feces. A distinctive feature of hyperkinetic diarrhea is a slight increase in the daily volume of liquefied yellow or greenish stools. With diarrhea caused by decreased motor function, mucus is usually present in the stool.
Diarrhea may be accompanied by other pathological manifestations. Fever accompanies infectious and autoimmune enterocolitis. Tachycardia, sweating is accompanied by a significant loss of water and electrolytes, hyperthyroidism, irritable bowel syndrome. The latter also proceeds with alternating diarrhea with constipation, epigastric discomfort; there may be intense pain, simulating a picture of an acute abdomen, characteristic of surgical pathologies. Epigastric discomfort is also observed with diarrhea associated with the pathology of the liver, pancreas, dysbiosis. Cholestatic diarrhea is accompanied by jaundice, and caused by autoimmune colitis, amyloidosis - inflammation of the joints. With diarrhea associated with Addison's disease, diabetes mellitus, skin pigmentation disorders are observed.
The most common and dangerous complication of diarrhea is miscarriage. In 30-44% of cases, the cause of spontaneous abortion is gastrointestinal diseases that occur with diarrhea. Severe diarrhea with a large loss of fluid poses a threat to the life of the patient due to the development of collapse and shock, often leading to death. For the mother and the unborn child, it is also not the intestinal disorder itself that can be dangerous, but its causes. So, the result of an intestinal infection can be purulent-inflammatory gynecological complications (the most formidable is obstetric sepsis) in a woman and intrauterine infection with the development of fetal pathology in the fetus.
Diagnostic search is aimed at finding out the causes of diarrhea (alimentary factors, internal diseases, endocrine, neurological or obstetric pathology). Most often, to establish the root cause, it is enough to consult a therapist and an obstetrician-gynecologist: differential diagnosis is carried out on the basis of anamnesis data (information on the frequency and volume of defecation, the nature of the stool, dietary characteristics, the presence of general somatic diseases) and the results of an objective examination (identification and evaluation of concomitant symptoms). To clarify the diagnosis, narrow specialists (gastroenterologist, infectologist, endocrinologist) are involved and instrumental and laboratory research methods are used:
- Fecal analysis. Bacterial culture allows you to identify the pathogen in case of infection and choose an antibiotic for its treatment. According to the results of the coprogram, it is possible to confirm or exclude functional pathologies of the stomach, digestive glands, intestines, and also to suspect a violation of the integrity of the mucous membranes (by occult blood). A positive test result for helminth eggs indicates a helminthic invasion.
- Blood tests. Based on the results of the general clinical analysis, it is possible to establish the inflammatory, allergic nature of diarrhea, suggest malabsorption or malignancy. Biochemical research allows to reveal pathologies of the hepatobiliary system, pancreas, diabetes mellitus.
- Endoscopy. Sigmoidoscopy is performed to detect colitis, tumor changes.
With the help of gastric and duodenal sounding, it is possible to detect a decrease in the pH of gastric juice, an increase in the concentration of bile acids, and violations of the exogenous function of the pancreas.
Treatment of diarrhea during pregnancy is carried out under the supervision of an obstetrician-gynecologist. In mild cases, symptomatic and etiotropic therapy is prescribed, aimed at eliminating intoxication and correcting the water-salt balance: enterosorbents, oral rehydration solutions. Particular attention is paid to the diet: food should not irritate the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract, increase peristalsis, or cause fermentation. Fresh pastries, cabbage, legumes, onions, garlic, spices, seasonings, strong broths, fried and stewed foods, carbonated drinks are excluded from the diet. With severe dehydration, intensive therapy is used. Specific treatment is prescribed for chronic, severe acute diarrhea and is selected depending on the underlying disease.
Prognosis and prevention
The prognosis depends on the cause of the intestinal disorder. With alimentary diarrhea, neurogenic diarrhea, easily occurring infections, recovery occurs quickly, complications do not develop. With advanced, progressive pathologies manifested by chronic diarrhea, severe infections, the prognosis worsens, especially for the fetus. Preventive measures include the identification and treatment of chronic internal diseases before pregnancy, regular visits to the antenatal clinic during the gestational period, hygiene, eating fresh, optimally balanced in vitamins, macro- and micronutrients food, avoiding uncontrolled intake of drugs, herbs, dietary supplements, fight against constipation.
You can share your medical history, what helped you in the treatment of diarrhea during pregnancy.
- Acute diarrhea in obstetric practice / Uspenskaya Yu.B. - 2014.
- Differential diagnosis of internal diseases / Hagglin R.