Having a baby in the summer
10 Reasons I’m Planning for a Summer Baby — and You Should, Too!
Whenever anyone talks about having a child during the summer months, most people automatically turn to thinking about being massively uncomfortable in sweltering heat at the end of a pregnancy. You know — the swelling, the sweating and just the general feeling of discomfort.
However, after having two children, both born in the middle of the winter, my husband and I totally see the merit of a summer baby, no matter how uncomfortable I may be. And — if we have any control over it — our next child will be born in a warmer month for sure!
Here’s why I’m crossing my fingers for a summer baby (and why you should):
1. No. More. Layers (HOORAY!)
Whether you’re layering yourself or your child/children up in 3 shirts, a scarf, a jacket, a hat and gloves, winter is just a whole lot more work. Especially since wherever you’re going will most likely be warm on the inside, so you’ll have to repeat the whole dressing or undressing process four times every time you go somewhere. Trust me — it’s not fun.
2. Hello Free Vitamin D!
When our second child was a little jaundiced, our pediatrician recommended that she be exposed to several hours of sunlight per day. Which was a great idea, except for the fact that it was the beginning of January and ten degrees outside. Since it was the middle of winter, we had to bump up our heat a TON, open up her little sleepers, and put her swing in front of a window to accomplish the recommendations. If we’d have had a summer baby, we could have just walked outside.
3. No More Lousy Driving Conditions
Want to know what pushes an already terrified first time parent over the edge? Making them drive anywhere with their baby through ice or snow. I’m pretty sure that when our first child was born, we inched home from the hospital, to and from the pediatrician’s office and to and from errands. It honestly felt like I was 16 and behind the wheel for the first time again with how fearful I was that we were going to get in an accident!
4. Actually being able to do something — anything!
When you have a child in a warmer month, you can easily leave the house to take them on walks, go to a park, or just get outside for some fresh air. With a winter baby, it’s easy to find yourself just walking around the grocery store or Target, for lack of any free or better options.
5. Less Germs!
With a delicate and fragile new baby (especially if your child was born premature or has any medical issues), the middle of the winter during cold, flu, and RSV season is not the best time to leave the house. When taking a winter newborn out, you run a much higher risk of picking up something during those cold months when illness seems to be rampant, no matter where you go.
6. You Won’t Have to Feel Guilty for Avoiding the Holidays
With both of our children, my husband and I were unable to travel during the holiday season of their births. Our daughter was born only a few days after the holiday and our son born only about a month after Christmas. At those times, we weren’t willing to chance leaving our hometown, chosen hospital, and chosen doctors to visit our out of town families. Because of this, we’ve missed out on several family gatherings in the past few years. The opposite of this is if your family is in the same town. You might end up spending all your time running around and none of it relaxing right before the impending birth of your child — which you may regret in those first few sleepless months! Either way, there aren’t too many holidays in the summer that require you to either travel or run you ragged.
7. Embrace (and Enjoy!) Your Figure
Here’s a simple, obvious reason: if you’re expecting, you don’t have to suck it in at the pool while wearing your bathing suit!!!
8. Summer Comes With More Perks
If you work in education or are currently taking courses yourself, planning a baby in the summer can be ideal to give yourself as much time at home with your child as possible. I have several friends who’ve been lucky enough to time their babes either right before, during, or after a summer break, enabling them to tack on their maternity leave to the beginning or the end of the summer break, giving them several additional months of being home with their child. Why didn’t I become a teacher, again?
9. Easier birthday parties!
My parents had one winter baby and one summer baby. Between the two of us, they’ve often said they feel bad about how much more fun my parties were when I was a kid. I remember going horseback riding, going swimming, having tons of outdoor games and themed activities, etc. While my parents always worked really hard to keep my sister’s birthday just as special, it was a lot more time consuming and difficult to come up with equally as fun ideas in the winter.
10. Two words: Flip flops.
Need I say more?
Would you prefer a summer or a winter baby?
10 Reasons Why Having A Newborn In The Summer Is The Best
Courtesy of Steph Montgomery
by Steph Montgomery
To say I planned my first pregnancy is kind of an understatement. I actually made a pro/con list and, through careful analysis, determined when I should get pregnant so I could enjoy an early-summer delivery date. Because after careful research, all evidence clearly pointed to the fact that having a newborn in the summer is the best. When my planning paid off, and I was lucky enough to get pregnant at the right time, I learned that my research was, in fact, correct. I had my first baby right at the beginning of the summer, and the experience did not disappoint.
It was so wonderful to be on maternity leave from Memorial Day through Labor Day. I had a pretty idyllic summer with my baby. The weather was nice, we could actually get out of the house for a daily stroll, and before I knew it I was starting to feel like a person again. When I was home I could lounge around the house without a bra or shirt, and when we were out and about it was easy to dress for breastfeeding. I didn't have to worry about putting socks and shoes on my newborn, or even clothes for that matter, unless I wanted to. We had a few friends and family visit, and even took a road trip. I am relatively sure that there's nothing cuter than a baby in a romper, too... unless it's a baby in a swimsuit, that is.
My younger two children were born in the winter, and postpartum life was such a different experience. I felt isolated, alone, and like I didn't have enough energy to leave the house — especially when I faced icy roads, cold weather, and the stress of the holiday season. So believe me when I say that I know, from experience, that having a baby in the summer is the way to go, and for the following reasons:
Maternity Leave In The Summer
If you are able to time your pregnancy (and I totally get that it's not always possible), I highly recommend shooting for an early-summer due date. Not only will you avoid being pregnant during the summer heat, but you'll have the summer season off for maternity leave (which is way more fun that being stuck at home with a newborn during the winter months).
Baby Swimsuits
Courtesy of Steph MontgomeryI'm pretty sure that baby swimsuits are the most adorable thing on the planet — maybe in the entire universe. For me, they are definitely one of the best parts of having a baby in the summer. There's just so much cuteness to enjoy.
Going For Walks Outside
After having my first baby in the summertime, and having my second two babies in the winter, I can tell you that my summer maternity leave felt so much less isolating. The difference in my mental health was pretty astounding, too. When I had my baby in the summer the two of us were able to go for long walks and get some sunshine almost every single day, which did wonders for my mood.
I am not ashamed to admit that one of my favorite parts of summer is indulging in the occasional margarita, glass of white wine, or a cold beer. While this made being pregnant in the summer the worst, after my baby was born I was able to enjoy summer backyard, campfire, and porch-drinking season.
Summer Vacation
Summer vacation with kids is a ton of work, and not a whole lot of fun for the moms that are doing that work. Summer vacations with a tiny newborn, however, are surprisingly easy. Once you figure out feeding and sleeping arrangements, newborns are actually pretty good travelers, especially when it comes to road trips and hotel stays.
Hanging Out Topless
Courtesy of Steph MontgomeryHanging out topless was a must for me — and my baby — during the summer months. The first few weeks of breastfeeding made my nipples so sore that wearing a shirt or bra was a no-go. My baby preferred to wear just a diaper, too, so it seemed like a win-win scenario for both of us if we just ditched the clothes when we were at home.
As an added bonus, we got to have a ton of skin-to-skin time, and without freezing your you-know-what off in the process.
Not Having To Worry About Socks & Shoes
Keeping socks and shoes on your babies seems, at times, like an endless, futile endeavor. Thankfully, in the summer you don't have to worry about it, because you can just let your newborn go barefoot. You get to look at cute little baby toes all day, and you don't have to walk down every aisle of Target looking for that lost miniature shoe.
Courtesy of Steph MontgomerySummer baby clothes are ridiculously adorable, you guys! There are so many cute options, from hats and rompers with ruffles, to onesies with rainbows on the butt and adorable t-shirts.
Fewer Germs Going Around
When you have a baby during cold and flu season it feels like you can't leave the house without some germ-infested person trying to touch your baby or, worse, coughing on them. It kind of makes you want to just stay home. In the summer, however, you tend to feel a little safer and more at east when bringing your child around other human beings.
Not Being Pregnant The Rest Of The Summer
Courtesy of Steph MontgomeryI'm not gonna lie, I absolutely hate being pregnant, especially in the summer time, and when the heat made life pretty unbearable. Having my first baby at the beginning of the summer season meant I no longer had to be pregnant, which was, by far, the best thing ever.
The best time of the year for the birth of a baby
Even if the pregnancy is planned in advance, it is extremely difficult to influence this joyful event. However, it is still possible to slightly adjust the plans, taking into account all the pros and cons. In the early years, and especially the months of life, seasonal advantage can play an important role in a baby's well-being and development. Let's see what is the best time of the year to have a baby.
Winter: cold and humidity problems
At this time of the year, epidemics of infectious diseases are most acute, which can negatively affect the emerging immunity. Winter makes walking difficult. To control the right temperature, buy a warm blanket and an extra light woolen blanket.
According to statistics, children conceived in the summer weigh more at birth and are born healthy.
How to properly prepare for the birth of a child in winter?
You definitely need a heater for the baby's room. The optimum temperature is 18-20 °C. The room should be cool, but the child should not freeze. Install a thermometer next to the crib and monitor its performance.
A large supply of natural vitamins for a breastfeeding mother will help to provide the child with the necessary substances for growth. They can be obtained from pre-prepared dried fruits, berry jam, frozen vegetables and herbs.
Eating exotic fruits can cause allergies in the baby through the mother's milk.
In winter, batteries cause the air to become dry. It can lead to an inflammatory process in the upper respiratory tract and a decrease in resistance to infections, so a humidifier is needed for a child. Keep indoor humidity above 50%.
Mandatory! Even in winter, the room must be ventilated by opening the window for a few minutes.
Spring: safe walks and good mood
Babies due in the spring need to buy a stroller with protection from the bright sun. A newborn who weighs more than 4 kg needs only 2-3 hours in the fresh air.
Spring sunshine provides enough vitamin D to prevent rickets.
The duration of sunbathing should be increased gradually so that there are no burns on the skin, starting from 2 minutes.
Important points in child care
Clothing and bedding should be made from natural materials. In the spring, washed clothes dry quickly, additionally moistening the air in the room.
Parents whose family has allergies should be careful, spring is the time of flowering, the time of the first vegetables. Remember: up to 7 months, the impact on the baby's body of third-party irritants that may come to the baby due to the wrong diet of the nursing mother is highly undesirable.
Allergy manifests itself in the form of red spots with a small rash and peeling. When the first symptoms appear, be sure to contact your pediatrician or pediatric allergist.
Summer: unexpected difficulties
Hot weather, summer drafts in the house - all this can be a serious test for the baby's parents, since it will be difficult to control the temperature of the newborn's body. Take care in advance of a comfortable temperature in the house (not higher than 25 ° C). The air conditioner should not distribute direct currents of cold air to the baby.
It is important to take air baths for 1-2 minutes after each diaper change, gradually increasing this time to 10 minutes.
What do you need to have a baby in summer?
The effect of bright sunlight and sudden changes in light is harmful to the eyes of a child. To protect the baby, you need to take care of the curtains in bright rooms and a night lamp with soft light.
Babies born in summer often develop prickly heat due to their sensitivity to changes in temperature. Outwardly, it looks like a red rash. Overheating can also lead to diaper rash, so you should stock up on a special cream or other cosmetics in advance.
Baby wipes and talcum powder help keep skin hygienic.
Pay special attention to the hygiene of the newborn, wash the baby only with warm running water. Consider also the fact that in many houses in the summer you will be left without hot water for several weeks. During this period, you can install a boiler in the bathroom or heat water in the kitchen.
Autumn: unstable weather and little light
If the birth of a child occurs in autumn, the last months of pregnancy proceed well due to the abundance of vitamins and other useful components. This is a positive aspect of birth planning for a new mother.
Autumn is the time of cold weather and sharp temperature changes, the time of rains and the first frosts. Install thermostats for heating batteries in advance. General heating around the house can be turned on when it is still hot outside. You will also have to stock up on a heater, since with a sharp onset of cold weather, the heating season may not yet begin. Take care of comfortable clothes for walking, due to the volatility of the weather and high humidity, there is a high risk of hypothermia.
To determine if a child is cold, feel his nose. If warm, then the clothes are chosen correctly, if cold, it freezes.
In autumn, you can use healthy decoctions of herbs dried in summer to bathe your baby. To choose the right composition, consult a pediatrician. The correct temperature for bathing a newborn is 36-37 ⁰C, gradually it can be reduced to 25 ⁰C.
The best time of the year to have a baby is a very individual question. You have to decide for yourself what time of the year is best for you. Remember that you can always consult with mothers who have already overcome this important period in their lives. You can also consult with your doctor, therapist or obstetrician-gynecologist, they will help you plan a pregnancy, taking into account the health of a young mother.
When are the healthiest babies born? Wedding time was in October. This was due to religious traditions and the season of field work. Just in September, the time for harvesting was ending, and the peasant could rest. And as you know, everyone worked in the fields - both men and women. It is not difficult to understand how this affected the health of children who were hardened and taught to work from an early age.
But if we consider the time of conception and birth from a scientific point of view, then in each season you can find its pluses and minuses. Choose what is more important to you and decide for yourself.
Conception in summer - birth of a child in spring
- Many vitamins (fresh fruits and vegetables), good health.
- Minimal risk of contracting acute respiratory infections and influenza.
- Opportunity to relax on the sea, gain strength.
- A lot of positive emotions in connection with the rest, in the summer.
- The last months of pregnancy take place during the flu season and increased risk of injury (ice, slush). You will be helped by hardening on the eve of pregnancy, a sports lifestyle and vitamins, as well as accompanying your husband during walks.
- Childbirth takes place during a seasonal weakening of the body and a deficiency of natural vitamins - lean on vitamins in autumn and winter, and take pills in spring.
Conception in autumn - birth of a child in summer
- Many vitamins during conception (fruits, vegetables).
- You can relax in the velvet season in the south - get positive emotions.
- Lactation time also falls on a period rich in vitamins.
- Less chance of seasonal injuries.
- The first months of pregnancy are during the cold season, which poses a danger to the fetus.
Prepare well for conception: harden and fortify.
- The last months of pregnancy are summer. If the weather is hot and stuffy, it is hard to bear, especially with late toxicosis - buy a fan and do not go outside during the day, but take a walk in the evening or early in the morning, when there is fresh air and no stuffiness.
- Long daylight is not conducive to the production of pregnancy hormone - melatonin, which is very important in the last months. The hormone is produced by the pineal gland mainly at night, so most of all it is in late autumn and winter. If you're healthy and happy, you'll be able to manage your pregnancy with the amount of melatonin you have.
Conception in winter - birth of a child in autumn
- There are a lot of natural vitamins (fruits and vegetables) in the last months of pregnancy. They are especially necessary for the fetus for birth and the period of adaptation.
- Lactation also takes place in conditions of fortification of the body.
- The first months of pregnancy are at the peak of influenza and acute respiratory infections. This is very dangerous, since in the first two months the formation of the main organs of the child takes place. Protect yourself from infections with vitamins and a healthy lifestyle.
- By the end of pregnancy, the production of the pregnancy hormone melatonin decreases. A healthy and hardened body is not scary.
- The first months of a baby's life are in the cold season - this is not very good for walking. If the child is healthy, they begin to harden him from the first days (air baths, etc.), and walk with him in any weather (the stroller and hood will protect from wind and rain).
Conception in spring - birth of a child in winter
- Conception occurs during the most joyful period of nature's rebirth - the season of love. It brings a lot of positive emotions.
- The last months of pregnancy proceed in favorable conditions, when the vitamin supply has not yet been depleted.
- In the last months of pregnancy, the production of melatonin, the hormone of pregnancy, is highest.
- Good weather conditions in order to more easily endure late toxicosis (it's not hot outside).
- During conception, parents may experience vitamin depletion, which occurs in most people in the spring. Take vitamins.
- In the last months of pregnancy, there is a high probability of injury (ice, slush).
- The first months of a baby's life fall on the period of the influenza epidemic and acute respiratory infections - harden and take care of the child, use oxolin ointment.
- Not very good conditions for walks in cold and windy weather - dress your child according to the weather, get a reliable stroller with a hood.
As you can see, any minuses can be overcome and even turned into pluses, for example, bad weather is good for tempering a child. In addition, the baby in the first months is reliably protected by maternal immunity, which he received at birth and continues to receive from breast milk, he is not so afraid of viruses. The main thing is that the child is dressed for the weather, and not sweating in several layers of clothing.
Material for publication provided by Piter Publishing House
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