Baby moves when i touch my belly
Bonding with your baby during pregnancy
Bonding with your baby during pregnancy | Pregnancy Birth and Baby beginning of content5-minute read
You don't need to wait until your baby is born to bond with them. Pregnancy can be the perfect time to start forming an attachment with your baby, which is very important for their development once your baby has actually arrived.
What might babies experience in the womb?
At around week 18 of your pregnancy, your baby will begin to hear the sounds of your body, such as your heartbeat and your stomach rumbling. At 26 weeks, a baby may react to noises both inside and outside the mother’s body, and may be soothed by the sound of her voice.
The outside noise your baby hears inside the uterus is about half the volume we hear. However, unborn babies may still startle and cry if exposed to a sudden loud noise.
Language development
After 32 weeks, your baby may start to recognise certain vowel sounds from your language. Some research suggests that very early language development may begin before birth.
As well as remembering certain sounds from their mother’s language, babies may remember certain music played to them in the womb.
Unborn babies’ retinas are developed at 20 weeks, and they open their eyes and can see light from 22 weeks. However, babies’ eyes continue to develop after they are born.
After around 18 weeks, babies like to sleep in the womb while their mother is awake, since movement can rock them to sleep. They can feel pain at 22 weeks, and at 26 weeks they can move in response to a hand being rubbed on the mother’s belly.
Ways to bond with your baby during pregnancy
Here are some things that might help you and your baby to start forming an attachment before birth.
- Talk and sing to your baby, knowing he or she can hear you.
- Gently touch and rub your belly, or massage it.
- Respond to your baby’s kicks. In the last trimester, you can gently push against the baby or rub your belly where the kick occurred and see if there is a response.
- Play music to your baby. Music that mimics a heartbeat of around 60 beats per minute, such as lullabies, is useful. You can also search online for relaxing or calming music.
- Give yourself time to reflect, go for a walk or have a warm bath and think about the baby. You may like to write a diary or stories to the baby about what you are experiencing.
- Have an ultrasound. Seeing your baby moving inside the womb can be a poignant experience for parents, and can help them to bond with the baby since it can suddenly seem ‘real’.
- Relax, look after yourself and try not to stress. Evidence shows that if a mother feels less stressed during her pregnancy, the health outcome for the baby is better.
Your partner or a close friend may be helpful if you need someone to talk to.
How dads and caregivers can bond with the baby
If you are the baby’s father or other significant caregiver, here are some things you can do to help you become attached to the unborn baby.
- Massage the baby bump if the baby’s mother is happy for you to do so.
- Feel the baby kicking as often as you can.
- Attend ultrasound appointments with the mother.
- If you’re planning to be a support person at the birth, go to the prenatal classes, as well. Understand and discuss the birth plan with the baby’s mother and meet the maternity team. The more confidence you have in the pregnancy and birth process, the easier it will be for you to bond with the baby.
- Read and talk with the baby so they get used to your voice.
- Talk to other parents. Share your thoughts and feelings, and allow them to share theirs about their pregnancy and birth experience.
Older siblings can bond too
By preparing your toddler or child for the upcoming birth, you can help them to bond with the baby. This may involve talking to them about the baby, reading stories about pregnancy and babies, allowing them to touch your belly to feel the baby kicking, and preparing a gift together for the baby.
You could involve your child in preparation for the birth by taking them shopping for baby supplies or setting up the nursery. Your child may also like to put a piece of their art on the wall of the baby’s room.
Your feelings and the baby
You may find that instead of being excited about the birth of your baby, you are feeling stressed and confused. Your feelings during pregnancy can affect the baby too. For example, if you are feeling stressed, the baby’s heart rate will respond to this and potentially increase.
Talk to someone about your feelings and ask questions when you see your maternity team. Try to increase your support network and meet other expectant mums to share your experiences. Try to look after your own health and wellbeing, and make sure you get enough rest and relaxation.
If you have had a mental health issue before, or you are experiencing feelings that differ from those you usually have, you should visit your doctor as soon as you can. A range of treatments can help, including psychological therapy and certain antidepressants that can be used safely during pregnancy for moderate to severe depression. Your doctor will tell you which ones are safe or suggest another way to help you.
If you were already taking an antidepressant before you became pregnant, your doctor may advise you to stay on the antidepressant. You and your doctor may decide this is the most effective way to help your baby get the best start in life and it may give you the best chance of bonding with your baby.
Where to go for help
- Talk to your doctor, child health nurse or midwife.
- Call Pregnancy, Birth and Baby on 1800 882 436 to speak with a maternal child health nurse.
- Find a parenting helpline that suits you here.
- Call Beyond Blue on 1300 22 4636.
Beyond Blue (Pregnancy and parents - depression), Beyond Blue (Pregnancy and parents - emotional health and wellbeing), Centre for Community Child Health (The First Thousand Days - an evidence paper), Raising Children Network (Pregnancy week by week - second trimester), NSW Ministry of Health (Having a baby), Centre of Perinatal Excellence (Bonding with your baby), Virtual Medical Centre (Bonding with your baby during pregnancy), Women's and Children's Health Network (Attachment – babies, young children and their parents), Developmental Psychobiology (Maternal stress responses and anxiety during pregnancy - effects on fetal heart rate), Raising Children Network (Can you spoil a baby?), Raising Children Network (Bonding and attachment: newborns), Acta Paediatrica (Language experienced in utero affects vowel perception after birth: a two country study), Baby Centre (10 ways to bond with your baby bump)Learn more here about the development and quality assurance of healthdirect content.
Last reviewed: February 2021
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Can Baby Feel When I Rub My Belly?
It’s a classic pregnancy pose: a mother stroking her belly, with a Mona Lisa smile on her face.
Surprisingly, a mother rubbing her bump in public can bring on controversial reactions.
People wonder if women do it for attention or if the growing baby can even feel it from the inside.
You might rub your belly for many reasons: protectiveness, communication, or just to push that little foot out of your ribs.
The team at BellyBelly think, whatever the reason and wherever you are, you should go ahead and rub your tummy!
Can my baby feel when I touch my belly?
After a certain point in pregnancy, babies can definitely feel and even enjoy the touch from their mothers.
In the first trimester, the baby is deep inside your abdomen and surrounded by a lot of amniotic fluid. Her body is tiny and still developing, so it’s unlikely she has any awareness of the outside yet.
However, big changes happen in the second trimester, which allows your little one to feel touch and respond to it.
Researchers have discovered babies as early as 21 weeks gestation show a response to their mother’s touch from the outside. In this study, researchers used ultrasound and watched fetal movements and heart rate increase when the belly was rubbed.
The study showed when mothers touched their tummy it produced a range of responses from the fetus inside.
This connection between mother and baby is perhaps the secret behind that Mona Lisa smile in pregnancy. A mother knows all along her baby can feel her touch.
It’s exciting of course to have science prove the things parents already believe to be true.
And it’s confirmation that bonding and connection begin in the womb.
Do babies like it when you rub your belly?
Another study suggests this in utero touch and bonding can have lasting effects on the baby’s temperament. Regular gentle touch means a more easygoing baby.
If that’s not another strong reason to rub your belly during pregnancy, I don’t know what is!
For more ideas on ways to connect with your baby before birth, check out Bonding With Your Unborn Baby – 12 Tips
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Can babies in the womb sense their father?
The truth is, an unborn baby can feel a touch from anyone, but babies start to show a preference for touch that’s familiar.
Pregnancy is a time for babies to get to know the people who will be important to them in the outside world.
Your partner might get an exciting reality check just to feel a kick or movement from the outside. The baby suddenly becomes tangible and it’s common to wonder, ‘Does my child know it’s me?’
How can family members bond with baby before birth?
The more your partner touches your tummy during pregnancy, the more familiar that touch becomes. This increases the bond for the whole family.
This is especially true when touch is combined with sound. Your little one can hear the sound by 16 weeks. And by 24 weeks she might respond to your voice.
Dads and siblings can all add their voices and join in. It’s been shown newborns recognize songs, after birth, that were sung to them in the womb.
If you have chosen it already, use your baby’s name when talking to your little one.
Touching while talking or singing to the baby will build a strong sense of familiarity, even before the baby is born.
The baby might even respond with playful pushbacks.
Dads can press a protruding part and see the baby roll to the other side. Older siblings trying to climb on their mother’s disappearing lap may find baby brother or sister kicking back!
Often the opposite happens. When you feel the baby kicking and quickly put your partner’s hand on that spot to feel it, the baby goes quiet.
Why does a baby stop moving when somebody touches your belly?
Only the baby truly knows the answer to this one!
My husband’s hands are always very warm, even in the dead of winter, and my babies seemed to hold very still whenever he touched my belly.
We joked that his body heat made them sleepy. This was useful later when we were dealing with a fussy newborn. I’d hand them to him and he would use his magic warming hands to rock them to sleep.
Can I hurt my baby by pressing on my stomach?
New parents are often concerned about whether pushing or prodding will hurt the baby or damage anything within.
Chances are, rubbing your baby bump is much more likely to create comfort than cause harm. It’s similar to a massage.
Of course, if you’ve experienced a big impact from a fall or an accident, it’s a good idea to consult your healthcare professional to make sure everything is okay.
Your body is designed to protect your child from the normal wear and tear of life. Your muscular uterus and the amniotic fluid surrounding the baby will cushion her from impact or injury.
Why does my baby move when I touch my belly?
But what about you? How does your body feel with a new life developing inside?
There might be feet under your ribs, and little fists punching your bladder.
As a growing baby takes up more space, rubbing might be a necessary way to coax the baby out of a painful spot.
Rubbing those hard spots on your baby bump is also a way to learn more about optimal fetal positioning. With practice, you can learn to discern between elbows and knees, hands and feet.
Your little one might favor one side of your body or constantly kick the same area until it’s sore.
Your response can have a positive effect on you and baby, gently shifting out of the uncomfortable positions and strengthening the bond.
Does rubbing my belly really matter to baby?
As we’ve learned from studies and from natural instincts, there are lots of good reasons for women to touch their tummy in pregnancy.
Rubbing your belly can:
- Create a special bond
- Start a pattern of playfulness
- Introduce baby to other family members
- Help you get familiar with fetal positioning
- Increase the chances of calm newborn temperament.
Although each child and each situation is different, all parents can connect with their children before birth through the power of touch.
The benefits show us that bellies really are for rubbing.
Fetal movement - how and when does it occur
- At what time does fetal movement begin
- Fetal movement rate
- Methods for assessing the "sufficiency" of fetal movements
- Changes in fetal activity
- Determination of the condition of the fetus
“Dear patients, we are glad to welcome you to the website of the Fetal Medicine Center – a medical center of expert level in the field of modern prenatal medicine.
We see our mission in making the expectation of a child and its birth a happy, calm and most comfortable period for every woman. By providing professional medical support, we help couples plan pregnancy, control its harmonious course, conduct expert-level prenatal diagnostics, providing comprehensive care for the health of the expectant mother and baby.”
Roza Saidovna Bataeva
Head of the Fetal Medicine Center in Moscow
From the very beginning of pregnancy, every expectant mother begins to listen carefully to the sensations inside her growing belly. Can't wait to feel your baby move. When does the fetus begin to move? At what time can a pregnant woman begin to listen carefully to herself, waiting for the first movements of her child? Should I be worried if they are not felt or the baby suddenly calmed down? And can movements carry any other information, besides communicating with mom?
At what time does the fetal movement begin
The first movements of the future baby begin early - already at 7-8 weeks of pregnancy . It was at this time that the first muscles and the rudiments of the nervous system of the fetus are formed. Naturally, at this time, the movements of the embryo are still very primitive - these are muscle contractions in response to nerve impulses.
Approximately from 10 weeks of pregnancy the fetus begins to move more actively in the uterus, and, encountering an obstacle on its way (walls of the uterus), change the trajectory of movements. However, the baby is still very small and the impacts on the uterine wall are very weak, the expectant mother cannot yet feel them. At 11-12 weeks of intrauterine life, a little man already knows how to clench his fists, grimace, frown, by 16 weeks of pregnancy he begins to react to loud, sharp sounds with increased motor activity, at 17 weeks the first facial expressions appear, and at 18 weeks he covers his face with his hands and plays with the umbilical cord, compresses and unclenches the fingers of the hands.
Gradually, with increasing gestational age, movements become more coordinated and more like conscious. When the baby grows up, the pregnant woman begins to feel his movements.
When does the fetal movement begin during the first and subsequent pregnancies
It is generally accepted that during the first pregnancy, the expectant mother feels the first fetal movements at 20 weeks of pregnancy, with repeated pregnancies - at 18 weeks. This is not entirely true. A mother who is expecting her first child, indeed, most often begins to feel the movements of the fetus a little later than a multiparous woman. This is due to the fact that "experienced" mothers know how the movements of the crumbs are felt at first and what they should feel. Some primigravidas perceive the first movements of the fetus as an increase in intestinal peristalsis, “gaziki”. Many women describe the first movements of the fetus as a feeling of fluid transfusion in the abdomen, "fluttering butterflies" or "swimming fish."
The first movements are usually rare and irregular. The time of the first sensations of fetal movements naturally depends on the individual sensitivity of the woman. Some future mothers feel the first movements as early as 15-16 weeks, and someone only after 20. Slender women, as a rule, begin to feel movements earlier than full ones. Women who lead an active lifestyle, work hard, usually feel the movements of the fetus later.
By 20 weeks, due to the formation of the spinal cord and brain, as well as the accumulation of a certain amount of muscle mass in the fetus, movements become more regular and noticeable .
From 24 weeks of pregnancy, the movements of the fetus are already reminiscent of the movements of a newborn - the expectant mother feels how the fetus changes position, moves its arms and legs. The motor activity of the fetus increases gradually and its peak falls on the period from the 24th to the 32nd week of pregnancy. At this time, the activity of the baby's movements becomes one of the indicators of its normal development. After 24 weeks, the child begins to "communicate" with the mother with the help of movements, respond to the sounds of voice, music, and the emotional state of the mother. With an increase in the gestational age of more than 32 weeks, the motor activity of the fetus gradually decreases due to the fact that the baby is growing up and he simply does not have enough space for active movements. This becomes especially noticeable at the time of childbirth. By the end of the third trimester of pregnancy, the number of fetal movements may decrease somewhat, but their intensity and strength remain the same or increase.
Fetal movement rate
The baby in the mother's belly moves almost constantly. At the 20th week of pregnancy, the fetus makes about 200 movements per day, and between the 28th and 32nd weeks, the number of movements reaches 600 per day. Naturally, a pregnant woman does not feel all the movements of the fetus, but only a small part of them. So, after 28 weeks, the frequency of fetal movement, according to the sensations of a woman, is usually 4 to 8 times per hour, with the exception of periods of fetal sleep (3-4 hours in a row).
In the third trimester, a pregnant woman may notice that her baby has regular sleep and wake cycles. Children are usually most active from 19:00 to 4:00 in the morning, and the period of "rest" occurs more often from 4 to 9:00 in the morning. Of course, the movements of the fetus depend on the mood of the mother, if the mother is worried or happy, the baby can move more actively, or vice versa, calm down. The fact is that when a mother rejoices, her body significantly increases the amount of hormones of joy - endorphins, which regulate the work of the heart and blood vessels, including the vessels of the placenta. During stress or pronounced negative emotions, biologically active substances are also produced - stress hormones, they also affect the work of the heart and blood vessels. It is thanks to this biological interaction between the organisms of mother and baby that the fetus feels the state of the mother. When the expectant mother is resting, the baby usually becomes more active, if the pregnant woman is active, busy with some kind of work, the child most often calms down. The movements also change depending on the satiety of the expectant mother. Usually the baby begins to move actively after the mother eats, especially something sweet. At the same time, the level of glucose in the blood increases sharply, which causes the fetus to be more active.
Fetal movements are the language in which the unborn child speaks to the mother. Naturally, a pregnant woman should listen to the movements, because in some cases, changes in the movements of the fetus may indicate a violation of its intrauterine state and a not entirely successful pregnancy.
If, after 20 weeks of pregnancy, the expectant mother does not feel the movement of the fetus, it may be worthwhile to see a doctor and make sure that everything is in order with the baby.
Methods for assessing the "sufficiency" of fetal movements
Counting the number of movements
The easiest way to assess fetal movements is to count the number of movements of the pregnant woman herself. Self-assessment methods are very easy to use, do not require additional equipment, the presence of a doctor and are easily reproducible by any woman. Their disadvantages are that each woman has different thresholds of susceptibility.
Count to ten
The most common method for assessing fetal movements is called count to ten . It can be carried out after 28 weeks of pregnancy, when the fetus is mature enough for active movements. Its essence lies in the fact that the expectant mother counts the movements of the fetus for a 12-hour time interval, for example, from 9 am to 9 pm. The time when a pregnant woman catches the tenth movement is recorded on a tablet. If the fetus makes less than 10 movements in 12 hours, this is a reason to consult a doctor for an additional examination.
Sadowski Method
In the evening after dinneruntil 11 p.m.), the woman lies on her left side and counts the movements of the fetus. At the same time, everything is considered, even the smallest movements. If 10 or more movements are noted within an hour, this indicates that the baby is moving quite actively and feels good. If the fetus moved less than 10 times in an hour, then the movements are counted for the next hour. Evening time for this assessment method was not chosen by chance. It is in the evening hours, especially after dinner and the associated increase in glucose, that the greatest activity of the fetus is noted. If the number of fetal movements during this test is less than 10 per two hours, this should be considered as a sign of a violation of his condition and additional studies should be carried out.
For an obstetrician-gynecologist, fetal movements are also an important diagnostic criterion for some deviations in the course of pregnancy from the norm. Too active, violent, painful fetal movement or weak, rare movements may indicate its unfavorable condition.
Changes in fetal activity
Changes in fetal activity may be associated with external influences. For example, if a pregnant woman lies on her back for a long time, then the enlarged uterus compresses a large vessel - the inferior vena cava, the blood flow to the fetus is disrupted, which immediately causes its violent reaction - active movements. The same changes in the activity of the baby can occur in any other uncomfortable position of the mother - if she leans forward, squeezing her stomach, sits with her legs crossed, the child forces her mother to change her position with her activity. A similar situation occurs if the baby himself squeezes or presses the loops of the umbilical cord, limiting the flow of blood through it. He begins to move more actively, changes his position and relieves pressure on the umbilical cord. However, in some cases, an increase or vice versa, a subsidence of fetal movements can be a sign of a serious pathology.
After 28 weeks of pregnancy, if your baby does not let you know for 3-4 hours, he may just be sleeping. In this case, the expectant mother needs to eat something sweet and lie down on her left side for half an hour. If these simple manipulations do not lead to a result, it is worth repeating them again after 2-3 hours. If this time the baby does not make itself felt, this is an occasion to consult a doctor. Rare and weak movements can also indicate a fetal problem, most often a lack of oxygen for the baby, that is, fetal hypoxia.
Determining the condition of the fetus
To determine the condition of the fetus, the doctor conducts a series of examinations:
Auscultation (listening)
The simplest is auscultation (listening) using a special wooden tube (obstetric stethoscope) or a special device that captures the fetal heartbeat, doctor listens to the baby's heartbeat. Normally, it is about 120-160 beats per minute. A decrease in heart rate less than 120 or an increase of more than 160 indicates intrauterine suffering of the child.
Ultrasound and dopplerometry
During ultrasound, the doctor visually assesses the size of the fetus, the correspondence of the development of the fetus to the gestational age, because with oxygen starvation, the growth rate of the fetus slows down and its size lags behind the norm for each period of pregnancy. Also important is the structure of the placenta, the presence of signs of aging in it, as a result of which the function of transferring blood, oxygen and nutrients to the fetus usually worsens. During ultrasound, the amount and type of amniotic fluid is assessed, which can also change with intrauterine fetal suffering. Dopplerometry of the vessels of the placenta and umbilical cord is a method for studying blood flow velocities in these vessels. With a decrease in the speed of blood flow in any vessel, one can speak of fetal malnutrition of varying severity.
Learn more about services:
- Pregnancy Ultrasound
- First Trimester Ultrasound
Cardiotocography (CTG)
CTG is performed at a gestational age of 33 weeks or more, since only in this period of intrauterine development of the baby is a full-fledged regulation of the activity of the cardiovascular system of the fetus by the centers of the spinal cord and brain. Recording of fetal heartbeats is carried out for at least 40 minutes, and if necessary, the study can be extended up to one and a half hours. The device registers and records the baby's heart rate. For example, with a decrease in the concentration of oxygen in the blood of the fetus, the supply of oxygen to the cells of the nervous system decreases, which in turn affects the heart rate, especially during the period of wakefulness of the child. The obstetrician-gynecologist evaluates the heartbeat recording curve, episodes of slowing down and a sharp increase in the fetal heart rate, and based on these data, makes a conclusion about how comfortable the baby feels in the mother's stomach.
If during additional methods for assessing the condition of the fetus, initial disturbances in the supply of oxygen to the baby are detected, drug treatment is carried out aimed at increasing the access of blood and oxygen through the placenta and mandatory control examinations against the background of ongoing therapy. If the changes are profound and the baby experiences a pronounced deficiency of oxygen and nutrients, his condition suffers, an emergency delivery of such a patient is performed.
Fetal movements are not only an indicator of his condition, it is a way of communication between the baby and parents. The movements of the crumbs in the mother's tummy are unforgettable sensations that a woman can experience only in this short, but such a happy period of her life.
Center for Fetal Medicine in Moscow:
The main activities of our center are the early detection of congenital malformations in the fetus, prenatal screening for the detection of chromosomal abnormalities in the fetus, as well as pregnancy complications such as preeclampsia, fetal growth retardation and threatened abortion.
Our center is organized in such a way that the whole range of services is concentrated in one place, where a woman receives the results of various types of examinations, including ultrasound, biochemical, and specialist consultation within 1-1.5 hours. In the presence of a high risk for chromosomal diseases in the fetus, invasive diagnostics and genetics consultation are carried out here in the center.
Fetal echocardiography is given special attention in our center, since congenital heart defects in the fetus are increasingly common today, but, unfortunately, are often missed during ultrasound during pregnancy.
In view of the ever-increasing number of multiple pregnancies, which requires more time and a special approach, the observation of women with multiple pregnancies has been allocated to us in a separate clinic for multiple pregnancies.
All examinations in the center are carried out according to the international standards FMF (Fetal Medicine Foundation) and ISUOG (International Society for Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology). In complex clinical cases, we can consult with specialists from King's College Hospital, King's College Hospital (London, UK).
The team is a special pride of the center. Our doctors are not only one of the leading specialists, professors, doctors and candidates of medical sciences, doctors of the highest categories, they are also a team of like-minded people and real enthusiasts in their field. All ultrasound diagnostic doctors in our center have international FMF certificates. Having extensive experience in prenatal diagnostics, we share our knowledge with our colleagues by conducting training courses.
The Center is equipped with the most modern diagnostic equipment: these are the latest generation ultrasound machines, GE Voluson E8 Expert, with a complete set of modern technologies, including three-dimensional ones, this is a biochemical analyzer, Delfia Xpress, these are workplaces with professional computer programs.
How the baby behaves before birth
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The activity of a child in the mother's womb is a key sign of his life. The baby moves and pushes throughout the entire period of pregnancy. The frequency and nature of these movements is constantly changing - from very tangible shocks to barely perceptible stirring. The end of the third trimester - 38-40 weeks of pregnancy - the period when the baby slows down a little, calms down and begins to prepare for the moment of its birth.
4 min. for reading Feb. 17, 2022
How does a child behave before giving birth, why count the number of movements and when to start preparing for a trip to the hospital? More on this later.
Behavior of the baby in the womb at 38-40 weeks of pregnancy
At the beginning of the third trimester of pregnancy, the baby is very active - constantly somersaults and pushes, constantly reminding his mother of his presence. He has enough space for such acrobatic tricks. Toward the end of the gestation period, the amniotic fluid is increasingly restricting his movements, so the behavior of the crumbs changes markedly. He becomes calmer, and only from time to time announces himself with strong, but confident pushes. This is due not only to the lack of space, but also to the fact that the baby begins to prepare for his first meeting with the outside world.
What happens to the baby before birth:
- he changes his position
- all organs and systems are already fully formed
- the body begins to produce cortisol - a hormone that helps the lungs to fully mature
- the first feces are formed in the intestines
- the weight of the crumbs reaches an average of 3250 kg, and the height is 48 cm
Why count the number of baby's movements before birth
As we have already noted, at the final stage of pregnancy, the baby calms down. This condition is absolutely normal. However, the dynamics of its activity must be monitored. If the child behaves too quietly, or vice versa - moves too often - this is a cause for concern.
Approximately 10-12 movements within 6 hours are considered normal. That is - 1-2 times per hour. If you find this to be quite common, don't worry. This has its advantages - so you can better feel the baby, understand his claims and discontent.
If the child does not move more than 6 times a day, consult a doctor immediately. After all, this may indicate a danger to the life of the crumbs. This usually happens with intrauterine hypoxia, when the umbilical cord is wrapped around the neck. That is why it is so important to record everything that happens to the baby in the womb.
How the baby behaves before birth: the position of the fetus
In preparation for the birth, the whole small organism inside you gathers strength and takes a low start position. He turns his head down. This is considered the correct position of the fetus before childbirth. This position is the key to normal childbirth.
But quite often the baby takes other positions, which are less comfortable both for the mother and for him/herself.
Pelvic position.
The baby is in a vertical position with the butt down. This position does not necessarily involve a caesarean section. Natural childbirth is also possible. It all depends on the individual indicators of pregnancy. Modern medicine recommends only girls, as it is believed that boys during childbirth experience too much stress on the genitals.
Oblique position.
Successful natural childbirth requires the fetus to be in an upright position. But sometimes he takes a position slightly oblique in relation to the pelvic floor. Most often, in the process of labor activity, the baby aligns the position and is safely born. When this does not happen, doctors recommend surgery.
Cases of this position of the child are rare, only about 4% of women in labor. Moreover, a large fetus does not take such a position, because it is inconvenient for him. But small ones can. They have enough space in the womb, so they spin as they want. Perhaps this is the only case when doctors and obstetricians are unanimous in favor of a caesarean section.
What does a woman feel at 38-40 weeks. Harbingers of childbirth
Expectant mother in this period is not easy. Against the background of a general tense emotional state, she also experiences quite a strong physical discomfort. Now every movement of her crumbs is painful and palpable.
When the baby changes his position, turning his head down, it becomes easier for the woman to breathe. After all, the fetus no longer presses on the diaphragm. But at the same time, it becomes harder for her to walk.
38-39 weeks of pregnancy is a period when the probability of childbirth is very high. Therefore, it is worth preparing everything you need for the maternity hospital and not leaving home without an exchange card. A very small percentage of women give birth on a predetermined date. But you can find out when this moment is likely to come with the help of the birth date calendar.