When second trimester ends
Second trimester worries | Tommy's
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Common worries in the second trimester of pregnancy
I'm four months pregnant and struggling with stress at work. What can I do?
Talk to your line manager about this. Be realistic about what your priorities are and learn to say no at work if you're being asked to do too much. Make sure you take regular breaks and cut down on household chores when you're at home.
Take time out from your anxieties to relax by practising deep breathing exercises, stretching or yoga. Reading a book, having a nap or going for a walk will all help to lower your stress levels. Also, stick to a healthy diet and try to avoid comfort eating.
Your partner may also be feeling anxious and worried about becoming a parent, so try talking together calmly about the issues you have. You can also see your doctor to discuss whether treatment would help.
Find out more about your mental wellbeing in pregnancy.
Is my bump big enough?
During the third trimester your bump will begin to appear. For a while it will look like you have just put on weight, but in the late second trimester it will become rounder and strangers will begin to be able to tell that you are pregnant.
Your bump is measured by your midwife at appointments from 25 weeks (if it’s your first baby) to tell if your baby is growing at a normal rate. They measure from your pelvic bone to the top of your bump. The top of your womb is called the fundus and this measurement is called the fundal height. The measurement should be around the same as the number of weeks pregnant you are (give or take 2cm). So if you are 25 weeks, the measurement should be 23-27cm. it also depends on what is normal for you though. The overall pattern is more important than the isolated measurements and you may be given a personalised growth chart.
If your bump is measuring bigger or smaller than expected your midwife will refer you for a scan and review at the maternity unit.
Read more about measuring the growth of your baby during pregnancy
All the things that made me feel pregnant have stopped and it's making me anxious
In the second trimester many of your pregnancy symptoms will often disappear or reduce. Your breasts may not feel so tender, nausea or sickness will often stop and the deep tiredness of the first trimester usually goes away, leaving you with more energy than you had before. For some people however, the symptoms of pregnancy, even if they are unpleasant are a reassuring reminder that you are pregnant, and the loss of physical pregnancy feelings brings some worries.
Try instead to enjoy this time, you are not too far away from the third trimester when you will get slower and your bump grows to a size that makes sleeping uncomfortable. Continue being active and eating well, spend time with loved ones, and above all, enjoy your sleep, as it will soon be in short supply
My pelvis has started hurting
Pelvic pain in pregnancy could be a sign of Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction (SPD/PGP), which often starts in the middle of pregnancy. It can cause pain or discomfort that can range from manageable to serious. It is thought to be caused by the hormone relaxin, which loosens the joints in pregnancy to allow your womb to stretch for your growing baby. When you have SPD your joints loosen too much and your pelvis goes out of line.
Read more about pelvic pain and how to manage it here.
I don't smoke but my partner does. Should I tell them not to smoke in the house?
Other people’s smoke is a health hazard for you and your baby, before and after the birth. Because of this, it’s important to be very firm about insisting that your partner doesn’t smoke in the house or anywhere around you.
Explain that pregnant women who breathe in secondhand smoke are at risk of having a low birth-weight baby. Secondhand smoke also puts your baby at greater risk of birth defects and stillbirth.
Keeping your home free from smoke is important after the birth, to protect your baby from chest infections, cot death, glue ear and asthma. Do everything you can to make sure your new baby is not exposed to smoke. If your partner is finding it hard to quit, suggest they use nicotine gum or patches instead when they’re at home and find some support to help them kick the habit for good.
Find out more about the risks of smoking in pregnancy.
Is it safe to use complementary remedies during pregnancy?
Not all alternative or complementary remedies are safe for you to take now you’re pregnant. There is less information about these types of treatment than there is about conventional medicine in terms of how safe they are and how they work in pregnancy.
If you do decide to go ahead, always go to a qualified practitioner who is registered with their relevant organisation, as they will be trained to advise you on what's best to use during your pregnancy. You can find a qualified practitioner in your area through the Institute for Complementary and Natural Medicine (ICNM).
Review dates
Reviewed: 28 June 2018 | Next review: 28 June 2021
This content is currently being reviewed by our team. Updated information will be coming soon.
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What is the second trimester of pregnancy?
The typical pregnancy lasts about 40 weeks. It’s divided into three periods of time — the first, second and third trimester. Each trimester is roughly 14 weeks long. When you enter your second trimester, you are around 14 weeks pregnant. This middle trimester will last from week 14 to the end of week 27.
During your second trimester of pregnancy, you’ll start looking and feeling more pregnant. For many people, this is the best part of pregnancy because the morning sickness and fatigue of their first trimester fade into the past. Often, any anxiety that went with your first trimester also starts to diminish at this point. You’ll start to feel your fetus move by the end of this trimester, and you might begin to settle into your pregnancy and enjoy it more. Of course, it’s important to remember that pregnancy is different for everyone. Some people never experience negative symptoms like morning sickness in their first trimester. Others might continue to feel sick well into their second trimester of pregnancy.
How does my baby develop during the second trimester of pregnancy?
Your fetus will go through many changes during your second trimester of pregnancy. During this trimester, the fetus starts to look more like a child — with its facial features aligning, and its fingers and toes becoming well-defined. By month four, the fetus will actually have eyelids, eyebrows, eyelashes, nails and hair. The fetus will also be able to stretch, make faces and even suck on its thumb. You’ll soon be able to determine the sex of the fetus on an ultrasound — often around 20 weeks.
At this point, you might also start feeling the fetus move. The movement is often described as a flutter or similar to the feeling of having butterflies in your stomach. The fetus will be doing flips and movements throughout your second trimester. This first movement is called the quickening. If this isn’t your first pregnancy, you might feel the fetus move sooner.
In the last few weeks of the second trimester, the fetus can also hear you. If you talk to your growing belly, you might notice movement in response.
If your baby was born at the end of your second trimester (premature birth), they would be likely to survive with intensive care.
What happens to my body during the second trimester of pregnancy?
The fetus isn’t the only one growing and changing during your second trimester. You'll notice several changes in your own body during this time. Your uterus — the place where the fetus grows during pregnancy — continues to stretch. This organ will expand throughout your pregnancy as the fetus gets larger. After pregnancy, your uterus will return to its pre-pregnancy size (picture an upside-down pear).
However, your uterus isn’t the only thing growing during the second trimester either. You’ll start gaining weight and might start developing the tell-tale enlarged belly of a pregnant person. Don’t worry if this takes time to develop. Everyone is different, and no two bodies will look exactly the same during pregnancy.
You might also feel or develop a few new symptoms of pregnancy during your second trimester, including:
- An increased appetite.
- An achy body.
- Some swelling in your hands, feet and ankles.
- Some stretch marks.
If you experienced morning sickness during your first trimester, it’s likely fading away now. The uncomfortable symptoms of early pregnancy (nausea and extreme fatigue, for example) don’t typically continue into your second trimester. This is one reason why many people consider their second trimester of pregnancy to be the best part of pregnancy.
What tests will I have during the second trimester of pregnancy?
Throughout your pregnancy, your healthcare provider will order various tests to check on your health and the health of your developing fetus. During your second trimester, you’ll typically be screened for a few different things, including the Rh factor of your blood and the condition gestational diabetes. You'll also have an ultrasound during your second trimester. This ultrasound is probably best known for telling new parents the sex of the fetus, but it’s mainly used to look at their anatomy.
One thing your provider will test for during your second trimester is your Rh factor. Rh factor is an antigen protein found on most people’s red blood cells. If you don’t have the protein, then you are Rh- (negative). You’ll be given an injection of Rh immune globulin (called Rhogam®) during the 28th week of your pregnancy to prevent the development of antibodies that could be harmful to the fetus. You’ll also be given an injection of Rhogam® after delivery if your fetus has Rh+ (positive) blood.
If you are Rh-, you may also receive this injection if you:
- Are having an invasive procedure (such as amniocentesis).
- Had an abdominal trauma.
- Had any significant bleeding during pregnancy.
- Need to have the fetus turned in your uterus (due to breech presentation).
Your provider will also order a test called the oral glucose screening test. This is usually done at the end of your second trimester — often between weeks 24 and 28. The purpose of the glucose screening test is to see if you are developing gestational diabetes. During the test, you’ll be given a syrup-like drink. The healthcare provider administering this test will give you a set amount of time to drink the entire bottle, then you'll be asked to wait nearby for one hour. After the hour is over, you’ll have your blood drawn. Your healthcare provider will then go over your test results with you.
What do I need to prepare or plan for during the second trimester of pregnancy?
There are many things you can start thinking about during your second trimester of pregnancy to prepare for your new family member. Many of these things will center around conversations that you should start having at this point in your pregnancy. It’s good to discuss the type of birth you hope to have and learn about the different ways your child might be born.
A few ways your baby could be born can include:
- Vaginal birth (this could be medicated so that your pain is decreased, or unmedicated).
- Assisted birth (you might need tools like forceps or a vacuum to help with your delivery).
- Cesarean section (C-section).
You can learn more about these types of birth through your own research or in a birth class. This is the time for you to look into educational classes about birth, breastfeeding and parenting of your newborn. These classes can help prepare you for your new role as a parent. Ask your healthcare provider for more information on classes and groups you can join at this point in your pregnancy.
This might also be a good time to take a tour of the hospital where you’ll give birth. A hospital tour is a great way to get familiar with the place where your baby will be born. During the tour, you’ll learn where you should go when you first get to the hospital during labor and what will happen afterward. You’ll typically get to see hospital rooms and learn more about the hospital staff, as well.
What should I be doing during the second trimester of pregnancy to stay healthy?
Throughout your second trimester, you should continue maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Try to exercise for about 20 minutes a day. Regular exercise is good for you and your developing fetus. Some of the safest types of exercise include walking and swimming; though, there are many other options you can try. Talk to your healthcare provider about the type of exercise you'd like to do beforehand just to be safe. You’ll want to avoid contact sports and activities where you could fall, as these could endanger your pregnancy.
It’s also a good idea to do kegel exercises throughout your entire pregnancy. These exercises will help strengthen your pelvic floor muscles.
Apart from exercise, you should continue eating a healthy diet, taking your prenatal vitamins and attending each of your appointments.
When should I call my doctor during the second trimester of pregnancy?
You’re the person who knows your body the best. If you ever feel like something is wrong, it’s completely OK to reach out to your healthcare provider. It’s also a good idea to call your healthcare provider right away if you have:
- Unusual or severe cramping or abdominal pain.
- Noticeable changes in how much the fetus moves (after 28 weeks of gestation). If you don’t count six to 10 movements in one hour or less, call your provider.
- Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath that seems to be getting worse over time.
You should also reach out to your provider right away if you start having any signs of premature labor. Talk with your provider if you have any of the following signs of premature labor:
- Regular tightening or pain in your lower abdomen or back that occurs more than four times in an hour.
- Any bleeding in your second or third trimester of pregnancy.
- Any fluid leakage. Vaginal discharge often increases as part of the hormonal changes in pregnancy.
- Pressure in your pelvis or vagina.
School portal
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educational institution MBOU secondary school No. 4:
(2022-2023 academic year)
- Duration of the academic year:
1st class
Duration (number of training weeks)
1 quarter
8 weeks
2 quarter
8 weeks
3 quarter
8 weeks
4th quarter
9 weeks
Grades 2 - 4
Duration (number of training weeks)
1 quarter
8 weeks
2 quarter
8 weeks
3 quarter
9 weeks
4th quarter
9 weeks
5-11 grades
Duration (number of training weeks)
1 trimester
12 weeks
2 trimester
11 weeks
3rd trimester
11 weeks
Grade 9
Duration (number of training weeks)
1 trimester
12 weeks
2 trimester
11 weeks
3rd trimester
11 weeks
- Duration of holidays during the academic year:
Vacation start date
Vacation end date
in days
9 days
12 days
9 days
Additional holidays for grade 1
7 days
- Deadlines for intermediate certification:
at the end of the first quarter
10/17/2022 – 10/28/2022
according to the results of the II quarter
12/14/2022 – 12/27/2022
according to the results of the third quarter
03/03/2023 – 03/17/2023
at the end of the academic year
05/18/2023 – 05/31/2023
at the end of the first trimester
11/17/2022 – 11/30/2022
at the end of the second trimester
02/14/2023 – 03/01/2023
at the end of the academic year
05/18/2023 – 05/31/2023
When the second trimester ends at school.
School holidays: trimesters or quarters
Almost every working person dreams of a vacation, and most parents prefer to spend this joyful and always long-awaited period with their children. However, it is quite difficult for schoolchildren to break away for study. Therefore, a lot of people are constantly wondering when this or that quarter will end in order to boldly go on vacation with the whole family.
School calendar 2015-2016
Holidays are an important period in life and study. Most experts are sure that the child is not able to constantly absorb new knowledge. Need a break too. Overloading can lead to various diseases. In this regard, the academic year was divided into quarters, between them - breaks, and in the summer - a long rest.
2015-2016 school holidays schedule may change. According to the project under discussion, parents will be given the right to choose when and how much to rest their children: in the old fashioned way or according to the new scheme.The academic year can be divided into three trimesters with longer holidays. It is possible to distribute study time into five segments, with weekly breaks.
Whichever option is approved, the number of non-school days will remain the same.
Local unification
Date of school holidays should be the same throughout the region, officials say. Now government officials are discussing a new bill, according to which local education ministers will name the dates when all schools in a particular subject of the Russian Federation will go on vacation. The initiative has already been supported by residents of Moscow and other territories of the country.
Schedule of extracurricular activities
The school holidays schedule is also necessary for those families where children are engaged in additional sections and circles in order to evaluate the possibility of participation of a small talent in any music or dance competition, sports competition or art exhibition.
Preparing for and participating in these activities can be detrimental to learning, which is why many parents distribute extracurricular activities over the weekend. A unified vacation calendar will make it possible to conduct competitions on a regional scale with greater efficiency.
Current situation
Now the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation recommends certain dates for the autumn holidays, New Year holidays and spring holidays. However, these regulations are not mandatory for adoption in various educational institutions of the country. Each school has the right to change the numbers and prescribe them in its charter.
So far, only approximate dates can be named. And so, if schoolchildren study according to the traditional scheme, then the first quarter will most likely end on October 26, the second will begin on November 5 and end on December 27. Again, you will have to sit down at your desks on January 11, and spring break will last from 21 to 29Martha.
Summer vacation must be the longest and take at least 8 weeks, regardless of the study schedule and the schedule of other, shorter vacations.
Every school back at the end of summer comes the annual calendar. This is the school schedule for the 2016-2017 academic year at the school, which describes in detail the study hours, plans, vacations. The academic year begins, traditionally, and this has not changed for a long time, from September 1. On Knowledge Day, the day goes to schools, where teachers are already ready to accept them and gradually join the learning process together.
How long is the academic year 2016-2017:
1. In the first grade, the number of academic weeks will be 33.
2. In grades 2 to 4, there will be at least 34 academic weeks.
3. The same figure as for grades 2-4 will be for students in grades 5-9. Moreover, the summer examination period of the ninth grade is not included in the number of academic weeks. This means that in fact, ninth graders will have to study for more than 34 weeks.
4. Grades 10-11 have 34 academic weeks. But here, again, eleventh graders and male schoolchildren will have a summer examination period, holding training camps on the basics of military service.When the school year ends
As a rule, the end date for classes is May 25th. At least for 2017, this period can be found in resolutions and training calendars. But as for the end of the academic year 2016-2017, it takes place on August 31, 2017. That is, the summer holidays are included in the academic year as a whole and, as it were, end it.Study period limits
The annual calendar and study schedule for the 2016-2017 academic year at the school also provides for a study period duration frame. Moreover, in our country it is generally accepted that 1-4 and 5-9classes study in quarters, but for grades 10 and 11, the school year at school is divided into semesters.Quarters for the 2016-2017 academic year:
1.The first quarter consists of nine academic weeks. It will start on September 1st and run until October 30th.
2. The second quarter is two weeks shorter, that is, seven weeks. It starts on November 9th and ends on December 28th.
3. The third quarter will start after the two-week winter holidays, that is, only on January 12th and you will have to study for ten weeks until March 24th.
4. The fourth quarter consists of eight weeks. It starts April 3rd and ends May 25th. On this day, the educational process ends, but the current academic year itself will end only on August 31.As for the semesters for grades 10-11, the first semester consists of 16 weeks and includes the first two quarters. The second semester is 18 academic weeks and it also includes two quarters. That is, holidays for high school students will be according to the general schedule.
Separately about vacations
As for the fact that education in an educational institution is conducted traditionally, by quarters, then there are also recommendations from the Ministry of Education, which are included in the plan for the year.Although, depending on each school, the deadlines may shift slightly, but still, they should fit within the framework.
So the autumn holidays will last nine days and here the recommended dates are the last day of October and the eighth of November as the end of the holidays. Winter holidays will be exactly two weeks, starting on 29December, they will end on January 11, 2017, that is, you will need to go to school again on January 12. Then spring break, which lasts nine days and is recommended to start on March 25, ending on April 2.
With special impatience schoolchildren, not students of grades 9 and 11 (they have exams ahead), are waiting for the start of summer holidays. They begin on the first day of summer and last until August 31, with this day the last academic year will end, on September 1 the new academic year will already begin.
Important! Schoolchildren who are studying in special development classes, as well as have an additional seven days of winter vacation.
Roughly, they begin on February 6 and last until February 12.
How schools work
Probably no one thinks about it, but the educational institution has its own established working hours. The annual calendar and study schedule for the 2016-2017 academic year at the school also has a prescribed working time. On weekdays, that is, from Monday to Friday, the school is open from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m..00 pm. But on Saturday, schools are open from 8 am and only until 4 pm, Sunday is a day off.How long is the academic week according to the annual calendar for the academic year 2016-2017:
1. A five-day week is provided for the first classes. Provided that the training takes place according to general educational programs (that is, this is not a profile class).
2. A five-day week is also provided for students in grades 2-6. This is for general education, as well as for English specialized classes.
3. Pupils in grades 7-11 study for six days.Classes in schools in the Russian Federation should start at 9.00 am, and training should be carried out on the first shift. In the first grade, training should take place taking into account certain requirements: children must study for only five days and only in the first shift.
Also for first-graders, a step-by-step mode of study has been adopted. The school year for these newcomers to the school starts with just three lessons during September and October each day. Moreover, the lesson lasts only 35 minutes. In November, the duration of the lessons does not change yet, but there are four of them a day. From January to May there are four lessons left, but they increase to 45 minutes.
Important! Schools are closed on Sundays and public holidays. During the school holidays, the director and administration of the school approves a separate work schedule.
Other important points
In the new academic year, according to the recommendations of the Ministry of Education, six after-school groups should work in schools.They work only on weekdays and from 13.00 to 18.00
In grades 2-8, as well as 10 grades, intermediate certification must be carried out in all subjects of the program. That is, it is held at the end of each quarter for students in grades 2-8 and at the end of each semester for students in grades 10. 9and grades 11 take exams at the end of the year and this process is called the state final certification.
GIA is held at the end of the school year, usually it should be within the framework of May and June. The Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation for the whole country sets the exact dates for certification. Only after passing the exams is it allowed to hold graduation parties. Pupils of 11 classes are guided by June 20-25 for graduation. Moreover, June 22 is excluded from the possible date of celebration, because, in our calendar, this day is marked as the Day of Memory and Sorrow (the beginning of the Second World War).
Since 2013, a law has come into force that allows general educational institutions in Russia to organize the educational process at their own discretion and decide on an individual basis how many vacations should be in the academic year.
But is it right? How to accurately and evenly distribute the load on students? How many times a year is best for schoolchildren to relax, MedAboutMe figured out.
Quarters or trimesters: who sets the holidays?
In Russia, the law "On Education", which provides for the number of vacation days in the academic year, gives educational institutions the right to choose. There are practically no restrictions, although a mandatory rule has been established - school students must rest for at least 30 days during the year.
The vacation schedule for each individual school is drawn up on an individual basis, as a rule, by the director of the institution. The workload of children, the number of students, the location of the school (distance from large settlements) and many other facts are taken into account. In practice, such a schedule very rarely contradicts the recommendations of a higher governing body. Not everyone wants to change their usual study schedule.
The new academic year 2016-2017 provides for two different calendars, students "live" either in quarters or in trimesters.
Taking into account the advice of the Ministry of Education, educational institutions establish an individual vacation schedule.
For the third year in a row, every Russian school can refuse the system of quarters that is familiar to many former and current students. The academic year is now divided into three full trimesters, each of which lasts from 10 to 12 weeks.
- I trimester ends on 18.11.
- II trimester - 23.02.
- III trimester - 31.05.
Today schools in Great Britain, Russia and some US states work according to this principle.
Among the benefits of training in trimesters, it is worth highlighting:
- Frequent vacations, which inevitably affects not only the progress of children, but also their health. Pupils (especially in the lower grades) get tired quickly due to an intense and tough study schedule. Regular rest is a great way to recuperate. Teachers in those schools that already work on the principle of trimesters are increasingly saying that educational innovations only have a positive effect on the educational process and.
Trimesters allow you to exclude the third protracted quarter, for which neither teachers nor students have enough strength.
- Trimesters are longer than quarters, and this is a huge plus for certification, because for such a long period the teacher has the opportunity to analyze the knowledge of each student. Everyone gets their grades.
- With regard to health, according to statistical calculations, a positive trend can be traced. Schoolchildren spend almost all the peak periods of the incidence of acute respiratory infections at home, because the second trimester ends at the end of February, and the autumn holidays begin in October.
Negative aspects: cons of training in trimesters
Allocate today and the disadvantages of training in trimesters:
- Vacations that begin in the middle of the trimester often leave a feeling of incompleteness. The children did not have time to tune in to study and enter into a rhythm, as they “go” to rest again.
- School holidays rarely coincide with art school holidays. Children attending circles cannot fully relax, because it seems that they don’t even need to go to school, and additional education continues.
- The more vacations children have, the more "headaches" for busy parents. The problem with the child's leisure always remains relevant, especially if both mom and dad work.
In the event that the school schedule provides for quarters, then all holidays are divided into such periods:
- Late October - early November (9 days).
- 14 days for New Year holidays (last days in December and first 10 days in January).
- 1 week in spring (most often - the end of March).
- 3 months in summer.
This vacation schedule most often coincides with days off at art schools and music studios. After each quarter, the students go, as it were, to a well-deserved rest with a finished certification and a feeling of some kind of completeness.
It is to some extent beneficial for schools to follow the generally established rules, because most often cultural institutions work, focusing on the quarter system. The classic vacation calendar provides more opportunities for organizing children's leisure.
But quarters also have their disadvantages. Schoolchildren get very tired during the long term, and get sick more. The outbreak of acute respiratory infections falls on the most protracted third quarter.
Holidays of the 2016-2017 academic year are lined up according to their plan even before September 1, as a rule, at the School Council. What exactly an educational institution chooses depends on numerous factors, including the internal routine of the school. But other experts, taking into account practice, argue that children like the trimester education system more. The students get the impression that they are resting much more.
As for teachers, over the past few years they have increasingly preferred quarters.
Under the trimester system, just starting to study, they go on vacation. You have to think over and apply additional methods of quick motivation when you go to school, which is not always possible.
It is best for parents to choose the education system that suits their children. If there are several children in the family, and they study in different educational institutions, then it is very beneficial that the rest periods coincide. This option will help moms and dads easily build a routine that will favor healthy learning.
As a result, as practice shows, both systems of education give their positive results, if, of course, education is organized at the proper level.
- In the 19th century in the United States of America, schoolchildren did not have summer holidays. Such rest (as in the modern sense) simply did not exist. Children from rural areas left their studies for the time of harvest, and students living in cities rested 7 days after every 3 months of study.