Vaccinations before pregnancy
Vaccine Safety for Moms-to-Be | CDC
Pregnant women may safely receive inactivated vaccines (Tdap and flu), mRNA (Moderna and Pfizer), and viral vector vaccines (J&J).
Vaccines help protect pregnant people and babies against serious diseases
Pregnant people share everything with their babies. That means when a pregnant person gets vaccines, she isn’t just protecting herself— they are giving the baby some early protection too.
CDC has recommendations for the vaccines needed before, during, and after pregnancy. Currently, CDC routinely recommends Tdap and flu shots during pregnancy.
- Get the Tdap vaccine (to help protect against whooping cough), during pregnancy.
- The flu shot can be given before or during pregnancy, depending on whether or not it is flu season during a pregnancy.
- It is safe for pregnant people to receive vaccines right after giving birth, even while breastfeeding.
- Some vaccines, such as the measles, mumps, rubella (MMR) vaccine, should be given a month or more before pregnancy if a pregnant person didn’t get the vaccine as a child.
Live virus vaccines, such as the MMR and chickenpox, should not be given to pregnant people, but should be given to them before or after pregnancy, if indicated. Talk to your doctor about the MMR, Tdap, and flu vaccines before getting vaccinated. The COVID-19 vaccine is also recommended for pregnant people. The authorized and recommended COVID-19 vaccines for pregnant people are the mRNA Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech vaccines, which contain no live virus, and the J&J/Janssen viral vector vaccine, meaning it uses a modified version of a different virus (the vector) to deliver important instructions to our cells. If you have any questions about these vaccines, talk to your doctor.
Vaccine safety before, during, and after pregnancy
It’s important to know that the Tdap and flu vaccines are safe for a pregnant person and their baby. Likewise, the limited information collected for COVID-19 vaccines given to pregnant people have not identified any safety concerns for them or their babies.
- The Tdap and flu vaccines are inactivated vaccines, which means they are made by inactivating or killing the germ during the process of making the vaccine.
- Studies done on the Tdap vaccine have concluded that it is safe and effective for pregnant people and babies.
- Similarly, results from multiple studies on the flu shot continue to support the safety and effectiveness of the vaccine during pregnancy.
- There is limited information available about the safety of the COVID-19 vaccines for people who are pregnant; however, based on how these vaccines work in the body, experts believe they are unlikely to pose risk for pregnant people.
It is important to get MMR before becoming pregnant to reduce the risk of becoming infected with rubella which can pass on to the unborn child, causing Congenital Rubella Syndrome (CRS). CRS can cause severe birth defects and neurodevelopmental problems. Even though MMR is a safe and effective vaccine, there is a theoretical risk to the baby. This is because it is a live vaccine, meaning it contains a weakened version of the living viruses.
- Live vaccines are generally not recommended during pregnancy.
- If a pregnant person did not get MMR as a child, she should get the vaccine before pregnancy.
All vaccines are held to the highest standards of safety—meaning they are carefully studied and monitored for side effects. Vaccines are like any medicine, which means they can have some side effects. However, most people who get vaccinated have no side effects or only mild side effects. CDC continually monitors vaccine safety, and the most common side effects seen are mild and go away quickly on their own (redness, swelling, and tenderness at the site where the shot was given. Other possible side effects associated with the COVID-19 vaccine are tiredness, headache, muscle pain, chills, fever, and nausea. ).
For more studies, the FDA also has a pregnancy exposure registry,external icon which is a study that collects health information from pregnant persons who take medicines or vaccines when they are pregnant.
Vaccinations and pregnancy | March of Dimes
Make sure your vaccinations are up to date before you get pregnant.
When you do get pregnant, talk to your health care provider about vaccinations that are safe to get during pregnancy.
Vaccinations can help protect you from certain infections that can harm you and your baby during pregnancy.
Vaccinations you get during pregnancy help keep your baby safe from infection during the first few months of life until he gets his own vaccinations.
Pregnant and breastfeeding people who want to get vaccinated against COVID-19 may choose to do so.
What is a vaccination?
A vaccination is a shot that contains a vaccine. A vaccine is a medicine that helps protect you from certain diseases. During pregnancy, vaccinations help protect both you your baby. Make sure your vaccinations are current before you get pregnant. And talk to your health care provider about vaccinations that are safe to get during pregnancy.
Our vaccination chart shows which routine vaccinations are recommended before and during pregnancy. It’s based on the chart from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (also called CDC) shows which vaccinations are recommended before, during and after pregnancy.
Before you get any vaccination, tell your provider if you have any severe allergies or if you’ve ever had a severe allergic reaction to a vaccine. An allergy is a reaction to something you touch, eat or breathe in that makes you sneeze, itch, get a rash or have trouble breathing. For example, some vaccines are made with eggs. If you’re allergic to eggs, those vaccines may cause an allergic reaction for you. If you have allergies, your provider can tell you which vaccines are safe for you. And you may need to get the vaccine at your provider’s office or at a hospital or health clinic so you can get treatment quickly if you have an allergic reaction.
What vaccinations are recommended before pregnancy?
If you’re thinking about getting pregnant, get a preconception checkup. This is a medical checkup you get before pregnancy to help make sure you’re healthy when you get pregnant. At your checkup, ask your provider if you need any vaccinations and how long to wait after getting them to try to get pregnant.
If you have a copy of your vaccination record, share it with your provider. If you don’t have a copy, your provider can do blood tests in most cases to find out what vaccinations you need.
Your provider may recommend these vaccinations before you get pregnant:
Flu (also called influenza). Get a flu shot once a year during flu season (October through May). The flu is a serious disease that can cause fever, chills, cough, sore throat, body aches, vomiting and diarrhea. Getting the flu when you’re pregnant increases your risk of preterm labor and preterm birth (labor and birth before 37 weeks of pregnancy). Babies born prematurely may have more health problems and may need to stay in the hospital longer than babies born later. The flu shot is safe to get before and during pregnancy.
There are many different flu viruses, and they’re always changing. Each year a new flu vaccine is made to protect against three or four flu viruses that scientists think are going to be most common during the upcoming flu season.
HPV (stands for human papillomavirus). HPV is the most common sexually transmitted infection (also called STI, sexually transmitted disease or STD) in this country. An STI is an infection you can get from having unprotected sex or intimate physical contact with someone who is infected. HPV can cause genital warts or cervical cancer. You can’t get the HPV vaccine during pregnancy, so if you need it, get it before you get pregnant.
MMR (stands for measles, mumps and rubella). You probably got the MMR vaccine as a child, but you may need a booster shot (another dose) as you get older. Before you get pregnant, ask your health care provider for a blood test to see if you’re immune to measles, mumps and rubella. If you do get a booster shot, get another blood test after the shot to check your immunity again before you get pregnant. Wait 4 weeks after you get an MMR vaccination before you get pregnant.
Measles spreads easily and can cause rash, cough and fever. It can be harmful during pregnancy and can cause miscarriage. Miscarriage is when a baby dies in the womb before 20 weeks of pregnancy. Mumps can cause fever, headache and swollen glands in the face and neck. Rubella can cause mild flu-like symptoms and a rash. It can cause serious problems during pregnancy, like miscarriage, stillbirth, premature birth or congenital rubella syndrome (also called CRS). Stillbirth is when a baby dies in the womb after 20 weeks of pregnancy. CRS may cause a baby to be born with one or more birth defects, including heart defects, vision problems and hearing problems.
Varicella (also called chickenpox). Chickenpox spreads easily and can cause itchy skin, rash and fever. If you get chickenpox during pregnancy, it can cause birth defects. Birth defects are health conditions that are present at birth. They change the shape or function of one or more parts of the body. Birth defects can cause problems in overall health, how the body develops or how the body works. If you’re thinking about getting pregnant and haven’t had chickenpox or been vaccinated for it, tell your provider. This vaccination isn’t safe to get during pregnancy. If you need it, get it before you get pregnant. Wait 1 month after you get this vaccination to get pregnant.
Other vaccinations. Your provider may recommend vaccinations to protect you against other diseases, depending on your risk. These include:
- Pneumonia. This is an infection in one or both lungs.
- Meningitis. This is an infection that causes swelling in the brain and spinal cord.
- Hepatitis A and B. These are liver infections caused by the hepatitis A and B viruses.
- Haemophilus Influenzae Type b (also called Hib). This is a serious disease caused by bacteria. It can cause meningitis, pneumonia, other serious infections and death. Bacteria are tiny organisms that live in and around your body. Some bacteria are good for your body, and others can make you sick.
- Tdap (stands for tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis). Pertussis also is called whooping cough. In some cases, providers recommend a Td vaccination, which protects against tetanus and diphtheria but not pertussis. Ask your provider what’s best for you.
- COVID-19 vaccine. Coronavirus disease 2019, also called COVID-19, is a new disease caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2).
Pregnant people are at increased risk for severe illness from COVID-19. The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) has recommended that the COVID-19 vaccines currently approved for emergency use can be used in people ages 16-18 and older for the prevention of COVID-19.
What vaccinations are recommended during pregnancy?
The CDC recommends two vaccinations during pregnancy:
- Flu shot if you weren’t vaccinated before pregnancy.
- Tdap vaccine as early as possible between 27 and 36 weeks of pregnancy. Getting the Tdap vaccine during pregnancy helps protect your baby from pertussis in the first few months of life before she gets vaccinated herself. The first few months after birth are when your baby’s most at risk of getting pertussis and when pertussis is most dangerous. Get a new Tdap vaccine during every pregnancy.
If your provider thinks you may be at risk, he may recommend vaccinations during pregnancy to help protect you from:
- Hepatitis A and B
- Meningitis
- Pneumonia
- Tetanus and diphtheria (Td vaccination), although the Tdap vaccination is recommended.
If you’re at high risk for serious infections because of travel outside the United States or other possible exposure, your provider may recommend these vaccinations during pregnancy:
- Anthrax. This is a rare disease caused by bacteria. It can be found in soil, and people can get very sick when they come in contact with it. It’s not passed from person to person.
- Japanese encephalitis. You can get the Japanese encephalitis virus from a bite from an infected mosquito. This disease can cause swelling of the brain. It kills 1 in 4 people who get infected.
- Polio. This is a disease is caused by a virus that infects the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord). It can cause lasting disabilities.
- Rabies. You get rabies from a bite from an infected animal. If you’re bitten by an animal with rabies, call your health care provider right away. Rabies is a serious disease that can cause death if it’s not treated immediately.
- Typhoid (also called typhoid fever). Typhoid fever is serious and common in most of the world. You can get it from food and water. It can cause high fever. In rare cases, it can cause internal bleeding (bleeding inside your body) and death.
- Vaccinia (for smallpox). Smallpox is a disease caused by a virus. It can spread from person to person, causing a rash and sometimes death. You don’t need this vaccination unless you’ve been exposed to smallpox, which isn’t likely. Because of vaccinations, there have been no cases of smallpox in the United States since 1949 and in the world since 1977. If you think you’ve been exposed, tell your provider.
- Yellow fever. This disease is caused by a virus and spread by infected mosquitoes. In some cases, it causes high fever, bleeding, organ failure and death.
- COVID-19. According to the CDC, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) and the Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine (SMFM), pregnant and breastfeeding people may choose to get the COVID-19 vaccine when it’s available to them.
Can you get a COVID-19 vaccine with other vaccines?
The CDC is learning more about how safe and effective the COVID-19 vaccine is when it’s given at the same time as other vaccines, such as the flu or Tdap vaccine. The CDC currently recommends:
- That you wait at least 14 days after getting the COVID-19 vaccine to get any other vaccine.
- That you wait at least 14 days before getting a COVID-19 vaccine after getting other vaccines.
- That you complete your vaccinations on schedule even if you’ve gotten a COVID-19 vaccine.
What vaccinations are not recommended during pregnancy?
These vaccinations are not recommended during pregnancy:
- BCG for tuberculosis. Tuberculosis is caused by bacteria that usually infects the lungs.
- Varicella
- Zoster to protect you against shingles, which causes a painful rash
If you had any of these vaccinations before you knew you were pregnant, tell your provider.
What vaccinations are recommended after pregnancy?
If you haven’t caught up on vaccinations before or during pregnancy, do it after your baby’s born. This can help protect you from diseases in future pregnancies.
If you didn’t get the Tdap vaccine before or during pregnancy, get it right after you give birth. It takes your body 2 weeks to build up protection after getting vaccinated. Once that happens, you’re less likely to pass pertussis to your baby. Your baby gets his first pertussis vaccination at 2 months old. Until then, the best way to protect him is to get vaccinated yourself and keep him away from people who may have pertussis. Care givers, close friends, relatives and anyone else who spends time with your baby should get a Tdap vaccine at least 2 weeks before meeting your baby.
Your provider may recommend other vaccinations after you give birth. Most babies don’t start getting most vaccinations until they’re 2 months old. By getting vaccinated, you can help keep from getting sick and passing an illness to your baby.
If you’re breastfeeding, most vaccinations are safe for you and your baby. Tell your provider you’re breastfeeding before you get any vaccination to make sure it’s safe.
Do vaccinations cause autism spectrum disorder?
No. Vaccinations do not cause autism spectrum disorder (also called ASD). ASD is a developmental disability that can cause major social, communication and behavior challenges.
Last reviewed: September, 2021
See also: Your baby’s vaccinations
Immunizations before pregnancy
Preparing for pregnancy is not only a healthy lifestyle, taking vitamins, not smoking, and much more. Sometimes it is also a vaccination.
Ideally, a woman should be fully vaccinated by the time she becomes pregnant. Pregnant women are at high risk of developing severe forms of certain infections when the disease poses a risk to herself or to the formation of a healthy fetus.
At the same time, it is important to know that during pregnancy a number of vaccinations are not recommended, except for emergency situations in accordance with the doctor's recommendations, so it is better to carry out all the necessary vaccinations in advance (some vaccinations are best done a few months before pregnancy).
Discuss with your doctor the possibility of vaccination at the stage of pregnancy planning. It is necessary for some time to be protected from pregnancy after the introduction of some vaccines (how much is indicated in the instructions for use of a particular vaccine). Quite often, vaccines can be administered at any time before pregnancy and even during pregnancy (if pregnancy is not a contraindication in the instructions for use of this vaccine).
If a woman has not previously been ill, has not been vaccinated or has been vaccinated once against measles and rubella, and also does not have documented information about these vaccinations, then in accordance with the National Immunization Schedule, the doctor may recommend that she get one vaccination against measles and rubella. However, the measles and rubella vaccine should not be given during pregnancy.
Please note that only a doctor can determine the vaccination schedule and, if necessary, give appropriate recommendations.
It is equally important to talk to your doctor about the need for the varicella vaccine. The chickenpox virus can severely harm the fetus when infected at the beginning or end of pregnancy: skin lesions are possible, the baby's eyesight and nervous system are endangered.
Please note that only a doctor can determine the vaccination schedule and, if necessary, give appropriate recommendations.
The hepatitis B virus is environmentally resistant, surviving desiccation, boiling, and freezing. The vaccination schedule for protection against viral hepatitis B, if necessary, is determined by the doctor. If a woman did not have time to complete a full course of vaccination against hepatitis B before pregnancy, the remaining vaccinations are transferred to the postpartum period and are done as directed by the doctor.
Vaccinations against diphtheria and tetanus in accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation of March 21, 2014 N 125n (National calendar of preventive vaccinations of the Russian Federation and the calendar of preventive vaccinations according to epidemic indications) must be repeated every 10 years. If a woman is vaccinated, then during pregnancy she can pass protective antibodies to her child, which protect him in the first months of life, before the start of his routine vaccinations.
If a woman is planning a pregnancy during the flu season (autumn-winter), her doctor may recommend that she be vaccinated against the flu. Pregnant women have a high risk of developing a severe form of influenza with subsequent development of complications, which is associated with some natural decrease in immunity, high oxygen demand, pressure of the growing fetus on the respiratory diaphragm and, accordingly, difficulty in breathing.
Please note that only a doctor can determine the vaccination schedule and, if necessary, give appropriate recommendations.
Remember, protecting a mother from serious infections is protecting the health of her unborn child!
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Vaccination during pregnancy planning - health articles
Planning for pregnancy is an important stage in the life of any person. During this period, it is very important for a woman to pass a number of tests and undergo some examinations. Immunization is desirable. At the moment, it is carried out in order to prevent infection with measles, rubella and influenza. Even if a pregnant woman gets sick, the disease will be mild.
Vaccination against coronavirus is also important when planning a pregnancy. This is due to the fact that women who are expecting a baby are at risk for the severe course of the pathology and the development of its complications.
Consider all aspects of vaccination.
Is vaccination necessary during pregnancy?
We have already figured out what we need! Immunization recommended by international health organizations. Moreover, the vaccine can be delivered already during pregnancy (from the 22nd week). At the same time, there is no scientific evidence confirming that earlier dates are not recommended for immunization.
Can the COVID-19 vaccination be combined with other vaccinations during pregnancy planning?
Yes! Drugs can be administered in one period. There must be 14 days between vaccinations. Therefore, a woman can quickly protect herself from influenza, whooping cough and a number of other diseases.
Should there be some time between vaccination and pregnancy planning (including with the use of assisted reproductive technologies (ART))?
Natural conception or entry into ART programs is not allowed between the administration of the first and second component of two-component preparations. After the vaccination, 2-3 weeks should pass. This is due to the period of a possible acute immune response to the vaccine. In addition, a natural immune response should form. The date of entry into assisted reproductive technology programs is determined on an individual basis. It is advisable for a woman to consult a doctor.
As for men, it is possible to donate sperm for IVF or start natural conception already after 3-5 days (including after the first vaccination when using two-component preparations). At the same time, it should be understood that the effect of vaccines on spermatogenesis has not yet been precisely established. If a man is worried about the quality of germ cells, it is recommended to consult a doctor.
If necessary, cryopreservation of oocytes or spermatozoa prior to vaccination can also be used. This procedure does not affect the quality of germ cells. At the same time, it allows you to quickly eliminate any existing doubts.
If the vaccine is not given in preparation for pregnancy, is it possible to administer the drug during pregnancy?
Relatively recently, the Ministry of Health changed the previously up-to-date instructions for the use of Sputnik V. The vaccine was allowed to be used for immunization of pregnant women. In this case, a consultation with a gynecologist is required. It will determine whether the expected benefit of the vaccine to the mother outweighs the potential risks to the baby. When is the best time to vaccinate? So far, the period has been set from the 22nd week of gestation. Perhaps it will change in the future, and it will be possible to vaccinate earlier.
Are there possible side effects after vaccination during pregnancy planning?
Some mistakenly believe that modern drugs can cause infertility. Such claims are not substantiated and are not supported by scientific evidence. Vaccination does not affect the planning of pregnancy and does not affect the fertility (ability to conceive) of men and women. It does not complicate the course of the process and does not contribute to the disruption of the menstrual cycle.
No relationship has been established between pregnancy loss and vaccinations. At the same time, the threat of miscarriage increases when infected with a coronavirus infection, especially in cases of a severe course of the disease.
Important! It should be remembered that vaccination, both by itself and at the stage of pregnancy planning, can cause a deterioration in well-being. Typically, patients complain of a slight fever, aching joints, headache, redness of the mucous membranes of the eyes, and other minor symptoms of standard colds.
Benefits of contacting MEDSI
- Experienced specialists. Vaccination is carried out by paramedical personnel (nurses) with the necessary knowledge and skills
- Diagnostic options. Before vaccination, you can perform a rapid test for coronavirus antigen (smear) or PCR study to detect virus RNA (smear), as well as a study of the level of IgG antibodies to the spike protein of the SARs CoV-2 virus
- Possibilities for the administration of two drugs. Immunization can be carried out with Sputnik V, Sputnik Light and Kovivac vaccines
- Mandatory prior medical consultation. He will talk about the possibilities of planning pregnancy after vaccination, identify indications for vaccination and possible contraindications
- Immunization preparation program. It includes an examination by a doctor before the introduction of each component of the vaccine, a rapid test for COVID-19, vaccination (1-2 doses) and 2 telemedicine consultations in the SmartMed app
- Comfortable conditions for the procedure.