Tablets for increasing breast milk
Domperidone for improving breast milk supply fact sheet
Information for breastfeeding mothers
This fact sheet has been written about how to use this medicine in breastfeeding mothers of children being treated at Queensland Children’s Hospital (QCH). This information sometimes differs from that provided by the manufacturers, because their information is usually aimed at patients taking domperidone for another reason. Please read this information carefully and keep it somewhere safe so that you can read it again.
IMPORTANT: Domperidone is not recommended for use in mothers with cardiac arrhythmias or mothers taking any medication which may cause cardiac arrhythmias. If you are taking any other medication, including over the counter or complementary medicines (also known as traditional or alternative medicines including vitamins, minerals, herbs, aromatherapy and homeopathic products) from a health food store, discuss this with your doctor prior to commencing domperidone.
There is very limited transfer of domperidone to babies whose mothers are taking this medicine to increase breast milk supply and no published information to suggest it causes cardiac effects in babies. The Cardiac Team at QCH have reviewed the available information about this, and are happy to continue to use domperidone in otherwise well-breastfeeding mothers of babies being treated at QCH.
Domperidone is available as
- Tablets: 10mg
- The brand of product supplied to you is: Motilium 10mg tablets
It is available on prescription from the hospital or community pharmacy.
How can this medication help breastfeeding mothers?
Breastfeeding is recommended as the optimal form of nutrition for term and preterm infants. There are many health advantages to breastfeeding for both you and your baby. However, mothers who wish to express milk for their hospitalised newborns are faced with numerous stressful situations. Your baby may have been born early. You may be from a rural or regional area and you or your baby; or both of you may have been transferred to Brisbane for specialised care. It may also be some time until your baby can begin breastfeeding. All of these things can affect how well your body produces breast milk at this time.
Even if you are expressing frequently, your milk supply may not increase, and when this happens, it might help to also take domperidone.
Sometimes medicines, taken for other purposes, have the effect on increasing breast milk as one of their side effects. They stimulate the release of prolactin, which in turn stimulates breast milk production. This is how domperidone will help with your milk supply.
Domperidone (Motilium ®) is the most effective medicine used to improve breast milk supply. This is a medication that was developed to treat nausea, vomiting, indigestion and gastric reflux, but has been found to be effective when used to increase milk supply. Domperidone is currently widely used around the world and in Australia for this purpose and your doctor will consider the following before prescribing this for you:
- Whether you have been provided adequate support from a lactation consultant, and they agree there is a persistent breast milk supply problem that may benefit from using domperidone.
- Other medical conditions (particularly a significant personal or family history of cardiac arrhythmias or abnormal heart rhythms), the use of medicines that affect the rhythm of the heart (QT-prolonging medications), and any medicines that may increase the side effects or action of domperidone.
- The risks and benefits of using domperidone to increase your breast milk supply to ensure that you make an informed choice. You will be asked to sign a consent form showing that you have been given this leaflet and sufficient information about the medicine.
- Ensure you are prescribed domperidone at the lowest effective dose and increase the dose as needed based on you, or your baby’s response, or as directed by the doctor.
- Ensure regular follow-up, while you are taking domperidone, to monitor that it is working to increase milk supply, and to look for any side-effects or adverse reactions.
How do I get domperidone?
The best person to manage prescribing domperidone and monitoring therapy is a general practitioner (GP), who is able to review your history, current conditions and medicines and if domperidone is suitable for you.
Your own GP is the best option, but if you are admitted at QCH, you many need to see a GP nearer to the hospital. Find a GP Brisbane can help with this.
If you cannot make a GP appointment and be seen by the close of business the following work day, a QCH prescriber who can treat adults can start domperidone for you if it is appropriate to do so. They can only provide a prescription for twenty-five tablets, and can only write a dose of one tablet three times a day. The hospital pharmacy can dispense 25 tablets on this prescription, which is enough for one week. You will need to organise a GP visit before these tablets run out, for the GP to take over your care.
You will need to take this information leaflet to your doctor as you will require a prescription for this medication.
When should I take domperidone?
- Domperidone is used together with frequent expressing. It will work best for you if you are expressing regularly with an electric breast pump – this is at least eight times per day with no breaks longer than five hours.
- Domperidone is normally taken by the breastfeeding mother every eight hours (three times per day). A suggested regime would be at 6am, 2pm and 10pm. Check with the lactation consultant or pharmacist on the best way to fit this medicine into your and your baby’s routine.
How much should I take?
- The usual starting dose is 10 mg (one tablet) every eight hours (three times per day e.g. 6 am, 2 pm and 10 pm). The starting dose at the hospital should never exceed 30mg (3 tablets) in each 24 hours.
- Once your milk supply is well established, keep taking the dose of one tablet (10mg) every eight hours (three times per day) for one more week; then it may be possible to gradually reduce the medicine slowly over a few days and then stop. It is advisable to contact the lactation consultant before you plan to stop this medication, to review your milk supply, and then talking to the doctor who prescribed it to give you a weaning plan.
- The dose may change, depending on each woman’s individual response.
Rarely, doses of up to 60mg (6 tablets) are used in each 24 hours, in consultation with your regular GP.
How should I take it?
- The tablets can be swallowed with some water.
- The tablets can also be dispersed in a small amount of water (5 mL), which is then swallowed, followed by some water.
When should the medicine start working and how will I know?
- Most breastfeeding mothers see an improvement in milk supply usually starting after the first week.
- If you are regularly expressing and taking the medication, the milk supply should improve within 3-4 weeks. If this doesn’t happen, the lactation consultant and doctor will want to review your use of the medicine.
- Staying on the medicine long term has no benefit once the initial increase in milk occurs.
What if I am sick (vomits)?
- If you are sick (vomit) less than 30 minutes after having a dose of domperidone, take the same dose again.
- If you are sick (vomit) more than 30 minutes after having a dose of domperidone, you do not need to take another dose.
Wait until the next normal dose.
If you continue to be sick (vomit), seek advice from your lactation consultant or GP, as this might affect your breastfeeding. They will decide what to do based on your condition and your baby.
What if I forget to take it?
Take the missed dose when you remember during the day, as long as this is at least four hours before the next dose is due.
Never take a double dose of the amount of domperidone prescribed.
What if I take too much?
Too much domperidone can make you feel uncomfortable, with more side effects
Contact the Queensland Poisons Information Service on 13 11 26.
Are there any possible side effects?
Sometimes domperidone might have other effects that we don’t want (side effects).
Side effects you must do something about
- Dizziness, fainting or heart palpitations. Stop taking domperidone and seek medical attention
- Muscle spasms
- Restlessness
Other side effects you need to know about
- Headache, dry mouth, abdominal pain
Possible side effects on your baby
A very small amount of the domperidone you take can pass into your breast milk, but there is no record of harmful side effects in the baby from the mother taking domperidone.
Can other medicines be taken at the same time as domperidone?
- When you are breastfeeding, it is important to check all medicines that you want to take with your lactation consultant, pharmacist or doctor. Some medicines might affect your milk supply, or be transferred in the milk to your baby.
- Domperidone should not be taken with some other medicines that you get on prescription or over the counter at a community pharmacy without checking first. Tell your doctor and pharmacist about any other medicines you are taking before starting any new medicine.
- Domperidone can interact with some medicines that affect the heart, or are broken down by the body by a certain pathway, which increases the risk of domperidone causing problems with the heart. The doctor will check your list of medicines to make sure you are not taking any of these medicines.
Where should I keep this medicine?
- Keep domperidone in the container it came in. At home, you may want to keep it in your medicine cupboard/storage area, out of reach of children and away from heat and direct sunlight.
- If you are admitted to hospital with your baby, the nurses can store your dispensed domperidone safely, and return it to you when you need your dose. This is a safety initiative to prevent other hospitalised or visiting children being able to find the medicine in your bag, which might result in accidental poisoning.
- Make sure that children cannot see or reach the medicine.
- Keep the medicine away from pets.
General advice about medicines
- Try to take the medicine at about the same times each day. This will help you remember to take it every day.
- This medicine should only be used by you, and only for the required time to improve milk supply. Never give it to anyone else, even if their condition appears to be the same, as this could do harm.
- If you think someone else may have taken the medicine by accident, contact your doctor straight away or contact the Queensland Poisons Information Centre on 13 11 26.
- Make sure that you always have enough medicine. Contact your prescriber at least two weeks before you will run out. They will review whether a new prescription is required.
- Make sure that the medicine you have has not reached the ‘best before’ or ‘use by’ date on the packaging. Give old medicines to your pharmacist to dispose of.
Who to contact for more information
Your lactation consultant, doctor, pharmacist or nurse will be able to give you more information about Domperidone and its use in improving breast milk supply.
If you have questions about the medicine, about whether it is working, or if you notice anything unusual, please phone:
- your lactation consultant
- the doctor who prescribed the medication
- the doctor looking after your baby.
Contact us
Pharmacy department
Level 2, Queensland Children’s Hospital
501 Stanley Street, South Brisbane, QLD 4101
t: 07 3068 1901
In an emergency, always call 000 for immediate assistance.
Information sheet developed by Pharmacy Department, Queensland Children’s Hospital. Updated: September 2019.
The primary source for the information in this leaflet is the published articles on domperidone use in improving milk supply. For details on any other sources used to create this leaflet, please contact us via [email protected].
We take great care to make sure that the information in this leaflet is correct and up-to-date. However, medicines can be used in different ways for different patients. It is important that you ask the advice of your doctor or pharmacist if you are not sure about something. This leaflet is about the use of these medicines in Australia, and may not apply to other countries. Children’s Health Queensland Hospital and Health Service cannot be held responsible for the accuracy of information, omissions of information, or any actions that may be taken as a consequence of reading this leaflet.
Prescription drugs used for increasing milk supply • KellyMom.

By Kelly Bonyata, IBCLC
There are several prescription drugs that have been used to increase milk supply: Metoclopramide (Reglan), Domperidone (Motilium), and sulpiride (Eglonyl, Dolmatil, Sulpitil, Sulparex, Equemote).
The presence of an appropriate level of the hormone prolactin permits lactation to proceed normally. When a mother has low prolactin levels, milk supply may be affected. Prolactin levels are primarily regulated by inhibition: the presence of prolactin-inhibiting factors (dopamine is the principal one) keep prolactin levels in check. The drugs used for increasing milk supply work by blocking dopamine, which results in an increase in prolactin levels. These drugs do not work in all women and would not be expected to increase milk production in a woman who already has normal (high) prolactin levels.
Reglan has often been used in the U.S.. One major side-effect of Reglan is severe depression; it is contraindicated in moms with a history of depression, and all moms who take this should keep an eye out for signs of depression. One of my sources advises all adoptive mothers to stay away from Reglan, since it has caused serious depression/anxiety in moms regardless of previous history. This depression side effect usually develops over 3-4 weeks, and goes away if mom discontinues the Reglan. Other side effects include diarrhea, sedation, gastric upset, nausea, seizures and extrapyramidal effects (twitching, etc.)
Domperidone has been used successfully in Canada and other areas of the world, and has significantly fewer side effects than Reglan. It was approved by the American Academy of Pediatrics for use in breastfeeding mothers (this list is no longer maintained), and has been given Lactation Risk Category L1 (“safest”) in the 2017 edition of Medications and Mothers’ Milk. It is not available in the U.S. because the FDA issued a warning against it in 2004. See the links below for more info.
Sulpiride is commonly used in various countries including Zimbabwe, South Africa and Chile. The primary use for sulpiride is for schizophrenia (it is an antipsychotic and antidepressant), but it also increases serum prolactin levels and thus can enhance breast milk yield.
Prescription drugs that stimulate lactation | |
Name of medication | Lactation Risk Category** |
Domperidone (Motilium, Motilidone) | L1 (safest) |
Metoclopramide (Reglan)† | L2 (safer) |
Sulpiride (Dolmatil, Sulparex, Sulpitil, Eglonyl, Equemote) | L3 (limited data, probably compatible) |
** Per Medications and Mothers’ Milk by Thomas Hale, PhD (2017 edition) † Hale reports results of a number of studies and indicates that domperidone is preferred but not available in the US. He notes that no pediatric concerns have been reported via milk, and that this drug is commonly used in pediatrics. |
Motilium (Domperidone) | Reglan (Metoclopramide)
Motilium (Domperidone)
- Domperidone, Getting Started and Domperidone, Stopping by Jack Newman, MD, FRCPC
- Domperidone Safety Update & the Politics of Prescribing it from Analytical Armadillo IBCLC
- Domperidone Effective But Unavailable (January 2010) by Amy Spangler
- Domperidone & the FDA
- FDA Warning on Domperidone (June 7, 2004)
- Judge rules for compounding pharmacists (May 28, 2006) from the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons.
“In a landmark ruling, U.S. District Judge Rob Junell, in Midland, Texas, ruled that customized compounds created by compounding pharmacies are not new, unapproved drugs that must be sanctioned by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.”
- Medical Center Pharmacy v. Mukasey (May 6, 2009) On July 18, 2008, the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit issued a ruling in Medical Center Pharmacy v. Mukasey, No. 06-51583. The court rejected the finding by the United States District Court for the Western District of Texas that compounded drugs are exempt from the definitions of “new drugs” and “new animal drugs” in the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FDCA).
- Domperidone Alert from
- On the FDA and Domperidone by Jack Newman, MD, FRCPC
- How to request Domperidone for gastrointestinal disorders from the FDA
- Data sheet on domperidone [PDF] from MedSafe in New Zealand
- Campbell-Yeo ML.
Effect of domperidone on the composition of preterm human breast milk. Pediatrics. 2010 Jan;125(1):e107-14.
- Wan EW, et al. Dose-effect study of domperidone as a galactagogue in preterm mothers with insufficient milk supply, and its transfer into milk. Br J Clin Pharmacol. 2008 Aug;66(2):283-9.
- Hansen WF, et al. Metoclopramide effect on breastfeeding the preterm infant: a randomized trial. Obstet Gynecol. 2005 Feb;105(2):383-9.
- da Silva OP, Knoppert DC. Domperidone for lactating women. CMAJ. 2004 Sep 28;171(7):725-6.
- Hale T. Medications and Mothers’ Milk, 14th edition. Amarillo, TX: Hale Publishing, 2010, p. 324-326.
- Gabay MP. Galactogogues: medications that induce lactation. J Hum Lact. 2002 Aug;18(3):274-9.
- Krouse AM. The family management of breastfeeding low birth weight infants. J Hum Lact. 2002 May;18(2):155-65.
- da Silva OP, Knoppert DC, Angelini MM, Forret PA. Effect of domperidone on milk production in mothers of premature newborns: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial.
CMAJ. 2001 Jan 9;164(1):17-21.
- Brown TE, Fernandes PA, Grant LJ, Hutsul JA, McCoshen JA. Effect of parity on pituitary prolactin response to metoclopramide and domperidone: implications for the enhancement of lactation. J Soc Gynecol Investig. 2000 Jan-Feb;7(1):65-9.
- Cheales-Siebenaler NJ. Induced lactation in an adoptive mother. J Hum Lact. 1999 Mar;15(1):41-3.
- Silvers D, et al. Domperidone in the management of symptoms of diabetic gastroparesis: efficacy, tolerability, and quality-of-life outcomes in a multicenter controlled trial. DOM-USA-5 Study Group. Clin Ther. 1998 May-Jun;20(3):438-53.
- Thompson NM. Relactation in a newborn intensive care setting. J Hum Lact. 1996 Sep;12(3):233-5.
- De Leo V, et al. Use of domperidone in the induction and maintenance of maternal breast feeding. Minerva Ginecol. 1986 Apr;38(4):311-5.
- Hofmeyr GJ, Van Iddekinge B, Blott JA. Domperidone: secretion in breast milk and effect on puerperal prolactin levels.
Br J Obstet Gynaecol. 1985 Feb;92(2):141-4.
- Petraglia F, De Leo V, Sardelli S, Pieroni ML, D’Antona N, Genazzani AR. Domperidone in defective and insufficient lactation. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol. 1985 May;19(5):281-7.
- Cann PA, Read NW, Holdsworth CD. Galactorrhoea as side effect of domperidone. Br Med J (Clin Res Ed). 1983 Apr 30;286(6375):1395-6.
- Hofmeyr GJ, van Iddekinge B. Domperidone and lactation. Lancet. 1983 Mar 19;1(8325):647.
- Maddern GJ. Galactorrhoea due to domperidone. Med J Aust. 1983 Nov 26;2(11):539-40.
- Heykants J, Hendriks R, Meuldermans W, Michiels M, Scheygrond H, Reyntjens H. On the pharmacokinetics of domperidone in animals and man. IV. The pharmacokinetics of intravenous domperidone and its bioavailability in man following intramuscular, oral and rectal administration. Eur J Drug Metab Pharmacokinet 1981;6(1):61-70. Among other things, this study found that that absorption of domperidone increased from 13% to 23% if domperidone was given 90 minutes after eating.
- Fujino T, et al. Effects of domperidone on serum prolactin levels in human beings. Endocrinol Jpn. 1980 Aug;27(4):521-5.
Reglan (Metoclopramide)
“I just thought I would let you know about a very serious side effect related to the use of Reglan… I wanted to share my experience with the hope of warning any unsuspecting women of this possible nasty side effect.
“First, you should know that I am a lactation consultant, I recently gave birth to my fourth child and despite my training and knowledge, I was in need of a galactogogue. I opted for Reglan upon consultation with my physician and despite a history of mild depression.
“After taking the medication for approximately 6 weeks, I decided it was time to taper off of the medication. Within 48 hours of my last dose, I began to suffer from severe anxiety and eventually even had one panic attack. I have never had any problems with, or history of anxiety or panic attacks in my life and as the result of an in-depth assessment by an anxiety disorder specialist, it was determined that this development was directly related to my use of Reglan.
“This experience was absolutely horrible! I was bed ridden for 10 days and it took a total of three weeks for me to recover completely. Subsequently, my milk supply suffered substantially from the physical insult. I have since, however, been able to recover it partially only after arduous pumping and retraining of my baby to take the breast once again.
“As a lactation consultant, I will be happy to educate my clients on the use of this drug, but I will never again recommend it myself.”
- Reglan (Metoclopramide) from
- Reglan from Breastfeeding Online
The best lactation pills for 2022
Every nursing mother worries about the amount of breast milk, believing that it is produced too little. Such assumptions may arise due to frequent attachment, the baby's concern that he sucks either for too long or for too little time. It happens that excitement has a real basis, and it would be desirable to increase milk production. Trying to somehow solve this problem, women take various pills to increase lactation, but how do you know in advance if they are effective? nine0004
Any medications or food supplements must be prescribed by a doctor. Pills to increase lactation are no exception. But first you need to completely clarify the situation - is the baby healthy, why is his mother not satisfied with the amount of her milk, and in general to understand how the process of breastfeeding takes place. Even if the doctor has prescribed nutritional supplements or homeopathic remedies, it is imperative for a nursing mother to clarify the composition of the drug, the principle of its action, possible side effects, and how safe it is for the child. nine0004
- 1 How to find out that it is not enough breastfeeding
- 2 Is there any benefits from the "lactogon" products
- 3 rating for lactation for 2022
- 3.1 Natural
- Leptaven
- 3.
1.2 A nicotinic acid
- 3.2 Homeopathic remedies
- 3.2.1 Apilak
- 3.2.2 Mlecoin
- 3.3 Combined dietary supplements
- 3.3.1 lactogon
- 3.3.2 Femilak
- 3.3.3 Apimilk
- 3.1 Natural
Before starting to actively increase lactation, every nursing mother needs to figure out if this is necessary. How to understand that the baby is not enough maternal product? Usually, women base their conclusions on a purely subjective basis - the amount of milk pumped, sensations in the mammary glands, how the baby behaves during feedings, etc. But all these data are not universal for all women. You can say more: the sensations in the chest during lactation are very individual and different women manifest themselves in different ways, and how the baby behaves and what mood he is in can be influenced not only by hunger. nine0005
How do you know that the baby has eaten enough? The main and most objective result of the fact that the baby has enough nutrition can be considered weight gain. Until the age of six months, only breastfed babies should add at least 600 g, that is, 20 g per day. If the baby pleases the mother with a good weight gain, then milk is enough. According to the norms, after the age of seven months, weight is added more slowly.
If the baby gains less than the required minimum weight, the reasons for this situation must be found. Factors that can affect the rate of weight gain in an infant include:
- Is the baby properly attached to the breast? The baby, who was correctly attached to the breast, is able to receive the amount of product he needs, qualitatively emptying the mother's breast. If the baby is attached to the breast incorrectly, then no matter how much time he sucks, he will still not have enough food, and he will not be able to empty his chest. Incorrect application is fraught with a decrease in the production of the product in a nursing mother, since some part of the milk remains in the gland, and milk is produced more slowly in a full breast than in an empty one.
- Feeding mode. Feeding too infrequent or limited in time, refusal of night sucking negatively affects the amount of milk and, accordingly, the rate of weight gain by the baby. In order for the baby to always be full, up to three months you need to feed him on demand - very often. Older babies should preferably be breastfed at least 10-12 times day and night.
- Infant health. All sorts of problems associated with the well-being of the baby can adversely affect weight gain. The infant may have difficulty absorbing breast milk and for this reason, and not because of lack thereof, may be underweight. nine0016
In these cases, no "lactation" pills can solve problems with weight gain, even if a nursing mother actually has reduced breast milk production. The World Health Organization advises to pay close attention to the correct attachment to the breast and the competent organization of the feeding schedule. For a healthy child, this is usually enough for normal weight gain and sufficient milk production.
Is there any benefit from "lactagon" drugs
The higher the concentration of prolactin in the blood of a nursing mother, the more stable lactation will be and the greater the volume of milk produced. Synthesis of prolactin occurs during and after breastfeeding or pumping by stimulating receptors in the area of the nipple and areola.
If this condition is not met, prolactin does not begin to be produced, and lactation gradually decreases. That is why any "lactagon" means do not affect the amount of milk. This also applies to various teas, drinks or food. nine0005
It happens that lactation products contain substances and herbs that inhibit milk production instead of increasing it. Therefore, you need to choose them very carefully, based on the recommendations of the doctor and having studied the instructions in detail. And do not forget to correctly and often apply the baby to the breast, since this is the main condition for normal lactation.
The rating includes only those products that have successfully passed numerous clinical studies and have actually confirmed their effectiveness and safety for the health of mother and child. They can actually influence the milk production process, only to different degrees and at different speeds. The pros and cons of each are based on real reviews from breastfeeding moms. nine0005
2022 Best Lactation Ranking
The choice of lactation pills that will not adversely affect the health of the breastfeeding mother and baby should be made by a doctor. Rating helps to reduce the search circle, compare different offers, their advantages and disadvantages. Specialists examined several dozen commodity items and chose the best ones for enhancing lactation, according to doctors and users.
Dietary supplement, available in tablet form, with a tangible fast effect, designed to increase or stabilize the production of breast milk. The composition contains two active components - herbs braynia and leptadenia reticularis, which have high lactogenic properties. Brainia is able to fight any inflammation, and leptadenia increases the vitality of the body.
According to its composition, it is absolutely safe for the health of mother and child, enriches the composition of milk with calcium, proteins and fats, does not allow to burn out or stagnate if the milk has not been expressed for a long time. The package contains 50 capsules. Taking the medicine gives a quick effect, which persists for some time after stopping the intake. nine0005
Leptaven is the most demanded and bought, having a huge number of positive reviews. There are no contraindications, except for individual intolerance. It is taken before meals 2 capsules twice a day with a sufficient amount of water. The course is designed for a month, since dietary supplements have a cumulative effect.
- completely natural composition;
- hypoallergenic;
- conveniently packaged; nine0015 quick effect;
- is easy to use;
- low price.
- compulsory course admission;
- come across fakes.
Nicotinic acid
Water-soluble vitamin PP has a positive effect on blood vessels, improves blood flow, has a sedative effect, and improves hormonal levels. All this contributes to an increase in the amount of breast milk that is produced by the mammary glands during lactation. Available in tablets. nine0005
Nicotinic acid is prescribed to lactating women quite rarely, usually it is done in cases where it is not possible to take other drugs, or in case of individual intolerance. The prescribing physician must constantly monitor the condition of the nursing mother and monitor the course of therapy. The doctor selects the duration of the course and the regimen for each patient individually. The usual regimen is 1-3 tablets during the day, the duration of the course is 2 weeks.
Nicotinic acid
- has a positive effect on blood vessels;
- improves blood flow;
- has a sedative effect;
- helps in the production of sex hormones.
- not identified.
Homeopathic remedies
The composition of the homeopathic remedy contains only natural ingredients that have a general strengthening effect on the body. The drug is based on royal jelly, famous for the properties of a natural immunomodulator. This substance has many healing qualities, due to the rich content of various minerals, amino acids, fats, proteins, vitamins and hormones. Royal jelly accelerates metabolism and other metabolic processes in the body, which has been confirmed by clinical trials. Fatty acids and enzymes have a lactogenic effect. The source of energy in the product is glucose. The drug is prescribed to women to increase lactation during stress, lack of milk, arterial hypotension. nine0005
It is recommended to drink daily for 10-15 days, 3-4 tablets per day. A contraindication to the use of the drug is an individual intolerance to bee products or other components contained in Apilak. Not recommended for insufficient work of the adrenal cortex. May cause side effects such as an allergic reaction or disturbed sleep.
- immunomodulator of natural origin; nine0016
- general strengthening effect on the body;
- natural composition;
- low cost;
- has a good effect on the body of babies;
- has a long list of therapeutic properties.
- may cause an allergic reaction.
The homeopathic remedy consists only of natural ingredients, and there are several active substances here - agnus cactus, meadow lumbago and stinging nettle. Available in the form of small granules. Backache meadow has a diuretic, analgesic and sedative effect, it also helps to stabilize the psychological state of a person. Nettle promotes hematopoiesis and improves the functioning of the reproductive system, and agnus cactus normalizes hormonal levels. nine0005
The drug promotes lactation and uterine contraction, which has been proven in clinical trials. The indication for the use of the drug is a lack of milk, prevention of mastitis, prolongation of breastfeeding.
Granules can be taken throughout the lactation period, sucking them 1-6 pieces per day. It is not recommended to take the remedy for women with individual intolerance to the substances contained in Mlekoin, as this can cause an allergic reaction. nine0005
- milk production increased by 50%;
- natural ingredients;
- wide spectrum of therapeutic action;
- prophylaxis of mastitis;
- low cost;
- granules are easy to use.
- components may cause allergies;
- packaging is not convenient to use the drug.
Combined dietary supplements
Belongs to the category of dietary supplements and contains only natural substances. The remedy can be purchased in the form of tablets or tea. Carrot extract has lactogenic properties, which increases the secretion of the mammary glands. In addition, this substance has a beneficial effect on the condition of nails, hair and teeth. The composition includes royal jelly, which perfectly calms in stressful situations. Ginger and nettle are natural immunomodulators, strengthening the entire body, oregano anesthetizes, and dill eliminates colic in a child. nine0005
Contains vitamin C and potassium iodide, thanks to which its therapeutic properties significantly expand its spectrum. It is recommended for use in case of lack of milk, prolongation of the lactation period or to strengthen the immunity of a young mother.
Tablets are taken for a month 3 times a day with meals. It is not recommended to take during pregnancy, in the presence of diabetes mellitus, individual intolerance to the substances contained in the drug, as well as in violation of the functioning of the thyroid gland. If the instructions for use are violated, allergic reactions and complications of diseases may occur. nine0005
- general strengthening effect on the body;
- consists of natural ingredients;
- quick impact;
- pleasant taste;
- useful supplements.
- high cost and fast consumption;
- side effects and contraindications.
The drug is very convenient to use, as it comes in the form of a powder that must be dissolved in food or drink before use. The rich composition of the product saturates the body of a young mother with all the necessary substances. It contains 13 vitamins, 12 minerals, dry dairy products and vegetable oils. It is recommended for use not only after childbirth, but also during pregnancy, as it contains such important substances for the development of the fetus as calcium, folic acid and iron. nine0005
To prepare a drink, dissolve 1 tablespoon of the powder in a glass of water and drink immediately. It is recommended to take 1 time per day. A contraindication to the use of Femilac is the presence of individual intolerance to the substances contained in the drug, as this threatens the development of allergies.
- natural ingredients;
- a large number of various active substances; nine0016
- is easy to use;
- pleasant taste;
- saturation of the body with vitamins and minerals;
- no side effects.
- the presence of flavors in the composition;
- ends quickly.
Based on natural royal jelly, which has a beneficial effect on the secretion of the mammary glands. The dietary supplement is available in the form of tablets that need to be dissolved 3-4 times a day, 1 piece each. The duration of the course is 2 weeks. It can be prescribed as a source of vitamins, amino acids and trace elements to maintain the health of a young mother. nine0005
Contraindication for use is the presence of individual intolerance to bee products, as well as Addison's disease. If the dosage and duration of the course of administration are not observed, the drug can cause an allergic reaction and upset the digestive system.
- contains natural royal jelly;
- short duration of application.
- the presence of individual intolerance to bee products.
When choosing a product to increase milk production, you should focus on the characteristics of your body and taste. All drugs presented in the rating are in great demand among women, due to their natural composition and excellent effects on the body. To obtain the desired result, it is recommended to strictly follow the instructions for use.
"Drugs for lactation" - articles on the site Vapteke.

Breast milk is the main source of nutrition for the baby in the first six months of his life. Mother's milk contains all the necessary vitamins and minerals necessary for the full development of the child. Stress, malnutrition, a weakened body, overwork can cause problems with lactation in a nursing woman. In such cases, you can use special drugs to stimulate lactation.
Preparations for stimulating milk production
The most popular drugs for breastfeeding women:
Apilak is a drug for lactation in the form of tablets, which is based on royal jelly. It has no side effects and has practically no contraindications.
Laktogon is a preparation in the form of tablets containing carrot juice, ascorbic acid, nettle, dill, ginger, royal jelly.
Mlecoin is a homeopathic remedy based on herbal ingredients: Agnus cactus, stinging nettle and meadow lumbago.
The drug improves blood circulation, has a sedative effect, stimulates the production of breast milk. A lactating woman can take Mlekoin throughout the entire period of breastfeeding. nine0005
Femilac - a medicine for increasing lactation in the form of a dry mixture, contains powdered milk, a complex of vegetable oils, minerals, whey. It is a source of vitamins and microelements, saturating the woman's body with all the necessary substances that provide a full-fledged process of breast milk production.
Drinks to stimulate lactation
To stimulate the production of breast milk, you can also use special drinks that can be purchased at the pharmacy:
Babushkino Lukoshko is a special tea based on herbal ingredients without sugar, flavoring additives, preservatives and flavors. The tea contains nettle leaves, anise, fennel, cumin seeds, clover.
HIPP is a herbal-based instant lactation drink with a pleasant mild taste.
Humana is a lactation stimulant based on blackberry, fennel, hibiscus, raspberry and verbena. The composition of the drink also includes vitamin C, fennel oil and sucrose. nine0005
Lactavit - tea based on herbs (fennel, cumin, nettle, anise).
Vitamin complexes
For the full production of breast milk, a woman's body needs a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals. Various vitamin complexes are often used to stimulate lactation:
Gendevit is a multivitamin complex for lactating women.
Materna is a multivitamin complex, an effective remedy for vitamin deficiency in a woman's body during breastfeeding. nine0005
Elevit is a vitamin complex for breastfeeding women. Does not contain iodine.
Dry mixes
Various dry mixes can also be used to stimulate lactation:
Milky Way is a lactation stimulation medicine, a mixture enriched with vitamins and galega herb extract.
Olympic is a dry mix based on soy protein, enriched with vitamins.
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Femilak is a dry mix enriched with vitamins, polyunsaturated fatty acids, taurine.
Enfa-Mama, Dumil Mama plus - dry mixes that do not contain taurine.
For the normal production of breast milk, it is important that a woman feels peaceful and comfortable. Nerves, stresses, experiences negatively affect lactation, milk can “burn out” with prolonged psycho-emotional stress. In such cases, some sedative medications help to normalize lactation:
Alora is a homeopathic sedative medicine in the form of tablets or syrup.
Valerian tablets and drops - a safe natural drug,
Glycine - tablets that normalize sleep, relieve fatigue.