How to find out my child support case number
DCS: Child Support: Child Support Orders
- Child Support
- Custodial Party Information
- Current: Child Support Orders
Child support orders are legal obligations to provide financial support for a child(ren), and are established by a court of law. All child support obligations in Indiana are governed by the Indiana Child Support Rules and Guidelines issued by the Indiana Supreme Court. The guidelines employ a methodology designed to calculate child support as the share of each parent's income estimated to have been spent on the child if the parents and child were living in an intact household. For the non-custodial parent, the calculated amount establishes the amount of child support to be paid to the Custodial Party for the benefit of the child(ren). The amount calculated for the custodial party is presumed to be spent directly on the child(ren). The Guidelines also address special considerations for extraordinary education expenses and parenting time(visitation).
When a child turns 19 years old, the child is emancipated by operation of law, and the non-custodial parent's obligation to pay current child support terminates. An exception is if the child is incapacitated. In this case, the child support continues during the incapacity or until further order of the court. A court order for the child support to extend beyond 19 years old is required.
The court shall emancipate a child prior to the age of 19 if the court finds that the child:
- Marries; or
- Goes on active duty status with the US Military; or
- The child is not under the care or control of either parent or an individual or agency approved by the court.
The court may terminate a non-custodial parent's support obligation, with or without emancipating the child if the court finds that all of the following circumstances exist:
- The child is at least 18 years old; and
- The child has not attended a secondary school or post-secondary educational institution for the prior 4 months; and
- Is not enrolled in a secondary school or post-secondary educational institution; and
- The child is, or is capable of, supporting himself or herself through employment.
In order for a court to terminate a child support order prior to 19, a petition must be filed with the court. If a non-custodial parent owes any arrearage at the point when the order for child support terminates, he or she is still required to pay the arrearages.
If two or more children are covered by a child support order and one child is emancipated, the amount of the child support is not automatically reduced. The parties must seek a modification of the court order to determine the new amount of support for the remaining child(ren).
If you are ordered to pay support, you are also responsible for payment of the annual support fee (ASFE) for each of your court orders. This fee is sometimes referred to as a "docket fee" or a "clerk fee". The current annual support fee is $55.00. For more information about annual support fees, please click Annual Support Fees.
How are child support obligations enforced?
Some of the enforcement tools that may be used include:
- Withholding support payments from wages, unemployment compensation and other benefits
- Intercepting federal and state income tax refunds, lottery winnings, and insurance settlements
- Reporting of unpaid support to a credit bureau
- Suspending driver's and professional licenses as well as hunting and fishing licenses
- Applying vehicle liens
- Locating and withholding bank assets
- Cross matching parents who owe support with employer new hire reports
- Denying/revoking passports
- Interfacing data with numerous other federal and state agency systems
How to Pay Court-Ordered Support
Income Withholding
If an Income Withholding Order (IWO) was sent to your employer or income payor, they will forward the support withheld from your earnings to the Indiana State Central Collection Unit (INSCCU). However, you are responsible for paying child support until the IWO becomes effective.
How do I pay child support before the IWO is in effect?
Only cash payments can be accepted by the office of the County Clerk in the county where your court order originated. Payments by personal check, money order, cashier's check or certified check are to be made payable to INSCCU and mailed to:
PO Box 7130
Indianapolis, IN 46207-7130
When sending a payment to INSCCU, please include the following information:
- Your name
- Your address
- Your phone number
- Your child support case number
- Last 4 digits of your social security number
- Your court cause number
- Payment amount
If you have more than one child support case, you may either:
- Send one check, money order, cashier's or certified check per case, or
- Send one check, money order, cashier's or certified check that covers the amount due on all of your cases.
If you send one check to be applied to more than one case, please be sure to identify the amount of payment to be applied to each case and list each child support case number individually.
A Child Support Remittance Form to include with your payment is available for download here. It is important that all information is completed. If you do not know your child support case number or court cause number, you may contact the Kidsline at (800) 840-8757 or (317) 233-5437. Customer Service representatives are available Monday through Friday from 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. excluding state holidays.
Child support payments can be made online or by phone. Annual Support Fees (ASFE) cannot be made online or by phone. To make a child support payment online, please click Make a Child Support Payment.
To make a child support payment by credit/debit card over the phone, call 1-855-972-9427. When prompted, enter the information requested from the automated phone system which includes:
- Social Security number
- 10 digit child support case number
- payment amount
- credit/debit card information
- phone number
At this time, we cannot accept payment by electronic check; however you can use credit and debit cards. You will not need a PIN number. You will need your child support case number and your social security number to make a payment. Enter the 10 digit case number by using leading zeros (e.g. 0000221133). If you do not know your child support case number, please call the Kidsline at (800) 840-8757 or (317) 233-5437.
On your credit card statement, the transaction will be listed as "IN Child Support Payment". There is a convenience fee associated with making a phone or online payment. This fee is 2.25% of the total payment paid. The convenience fee will be listed as "Child Support Conv.Fee". This fee is non-refundable and is not applied to your case. If you have any questions regarding the transaction, please call the phone number listed on the credit card statement.
If you make a mistake with the payment, you can contact the Kidsline at (800) 840-8757 or (317) 233-5437 regarding any questions. Please review each payment carefully before you submit it. Once transactions are submitted, they cannot be canceled or changed.
Child Support Program Frequently Asked Questions
What services are provided by the Child Support Program?
The following services are available through the Child Support Program:
- Location of a child’s parent(s) for the purpose of obtaining support or establishing paternity
- Establishment of paternity Establishment and enforcement of child support orders
- Establishment and enforcement of medical support
- Collection and distribution of payments
- Modification of child support orders
- Enforcement of spousal support orders if child support is also involved
Note: The Child Support Program cannot help with civil matters such as divorce petitions, custody, or parenting time/visitation, nor can they provide legal advice on these issues. Contact the court mediator in your judicial district to discuss how these matters can be addressed by the court.
Who can apply for services?
Any custodial parent, non-custodial parent or caretaker of a child who needs the services offered by the Child Support Program may apply for services regardless of their income.
How do I apply for services?
You may apply for services by submitting an online application, or by downloading and printing an Application for Child Support Services and mailing, faxing or visiting your local Child Support Office. Applications are available in English and Spanish.
Application for Services (English)
Application for Services (Spanish)
Once completed, you should mail the application to your local child support office.
What is my child support case number?
Once a case is established in the Tennessee Child Support Enforcement System (TCSES), a case number will be assigned. The case number will appear on forms received from the Child Support Office as the IV-D or TCSES case number. You may also contact the Child Support Disbursement Unit at (615) 253-4394 (local) or 1-800-838-6911 (toll free) to obtain your case number.
Note: If you are calling from a cell phone and have free long distance, please call the local number instead of the toll free number.
IMPORTANT: Your name, date of birth, social security number, and other identifying information will need to be provided when you call and request your case number. Due to confidentiality guidelines, we want to be certain we are providing this information to the correct individual.
What are the payment options available to the non-custodial parent?
Most non-custodial parents pay through Income Withholding Orders, if this is not an option, the non-custodial parent can pay their court ordered obligation by mail or on-line by automatic withdrawal, phone, mobile website or credit card.
How can I check the status of a child support payment?
You may find this information online at Noncustodial parents (NCPs) and custodial parents (CPs) can view processed payments. The site will show the most recent payment information first. However, you may narrow your search to payment information for the current month, the last six months, a date range, and/or full payment history.
I have a child support order, but the non-custodial parent doesn’t pay. How can I get my order enforced?
One of the principal goals of the Child Support Program is to ensure families receive the child support they need and deserve in accordance with the child support order. Most enforcement tools utilized to collect past due support are administrative and do not require the involvement of the court. When administrative mechanisms do not prove effective, court involvement may be necessary. For assistance in enforcing your child support order, contact your local child support office.
How can I obtain the child support balance?
Contact your local child support office to request the balance on your case(s). If you do not agree with the amount stated, you may request a manual calculation be completed based upon your court order.
I think the child support obligation needs adjusting. How can I get it changed?
Both parents have the right to request a review and possible modification of the child support order at any time. A significant variance is required for modification of an existing order. Current income information for both parties will be reviewed to determine if an adjustment is appropriate based on the Tennessee Child Support Guidelines. For assistance, contact your local child support office or your private attorney.
My employer continues to deduct too much child support even though my arrears are paid (or there has been a recent modified order). Who should I contact?
If you think your payroll deduction for child support is incorrect, contact your employer or your local child support office for assistance.
My child will soon be 18 years and is still in high school. Do I need to do anything?
Tennessee Code Annotated Section 34-1-102 (b) states that parents shall continue to be responsible for the support of each child for whom they are responsible after the child reaches eighteen (18) years of age if the child is in high school. The duty of support shall continue until the child graduates from high school or the class of which the child is a member when the child attains eighteen (18) years of age graduates, whichever occurs first. Please contact your local child support office for case specific information.
How to find out child support debt by last name - check child support debt online
There are several ways to see the amount of child support debt. To do this, you can contact the MFC or come to an appointment with a bailiff. In addition, you can find out the debt by last name via the Internet. To do this, you need to use the main website of the FSSP, the State Services portal or the State Payment service.
State payment
State payment online service offers the easiest and fastest way to find out the amount of alimony debt from yourself or another individual. The service does not require registration. To start checking: nine0004
- Go to the State Payments website;
- Enter the last name, first name and patronymic of the debtor, his date of birth and region of residence. Click "Check";
- Next, enter the code from the picture and wait for the verification results.
The service will check the FSSP database and provide information about the amount owed by a particular person.
With the help of "Gosoplata" you can not only find out, but also immediately pay the debt using any bank card. nine0004
The service has the following benefits:
- Instant payment of legal, tax and other debts;
- Simple and intuitive interface;
- Convenient mobile application;
- Payment information is automatically transferred to databases;
- All transmitted data is securely encrypted;
- Payment receipt is sent to the payer's e-mail immediately after the payment is made. nine0011
FSSP website
To find out the debt for alimony through the official website of the FSSP, you need:
- Go to the site at the link:;
- In the site menu, select the "Service" section, the "Database of Enforcement Proceedings" category;
- Next, you need to fill in all the fields marked with an asterisk (*):
- Territorial bodies;
- Last name, first name; nine0011
- Click the "Find" button to start checking.
Next, the system will ask you to enter the code from the picture to confirm that the request is made by a person and not a robot.
If several debtors have the same first and last name, you need to enter the middle name and date of birth for a more accurate search.
As a result of the search, you will see a table where all the necessary information will be presented:
- amount of debt and enforcement fee; nine0011
- production number;
- court order number;
- territorial subdivision of the FSSP;
- surname and phone numbers of the bailiff.
On the main website of the bailiff service, you can not only find out the debt for alimony, but also pay it. If necessary, you can pay the debt online through the State Services portal or generate a receipt and pay it through any bank.
Public services
To find out the amount of alimony arrears through the Gosuslug portal, you must first register.
Attention! The search for accruals is carried out according to the data from your personal account.
To see if you have a legal debt, log into your personal account and follow these steps:
- Select the "Services" section, then the "Authorities" subsection and the "FSSP of Russia" category; nine0011
- Next, open the "Territorial authorities" tab and select the name of the desired department from the list;
- Select the electronic service “Providing information…”;
- Next, select the service "Law Debt";
- Click "Get Service";
You can pay your debt in several ways: nine0004
- With any bank card;
- Through Google Pay or Samsung Pay;
- Using an electronic wallet WebMoney, Qiwi, Yandex.Money;
- From a mobile phone account.
You can also generate a receipt and pay it at the bank or at the post office.
How quickly will an entry in the FSSP database be deleted?
If you have fully or partially paid the child support debt, the entry in the Database will be deleted or changed no earlier than 3-7 working days from the date of payment. This is due to the fact that first the funds go to the account of the bailiff unit, and then to the account of the claimant. It takes at least 3 days to process and transfer funds. If the workload is high, it can take up to 7 days to delete or change an entry. nine0004
If you have any additional questions, you can personally contact the territorial division of the FSSP. You can make an appointment for a personal appointment through the official website of the bailiff service -
Kontselidze Ednary Emzarievich Legal Expert
How to find and find the 2022 child support enforcement number
Enforcement information is usually required for a court case (for example, if a person is filing for a challenge or bankruptcy). And how to find out the number of the writ of execution for alimony? First of all, through the Federal Bailiff Service, where, in fact, enforcement proceedings are initiated. But you can also do this through the State Services portal by logging in to the system. nine0004
Consider why you need to find out the number of the writ of execution, how it happens and other nuances of this procedure.
Why does a person need to find out the number of a writ of execution?
The question is really interesting. In principle, if you intend to pay the debt, then you don’t really need to know the production number. It is enough to contact your bailiff and express a desire to pay the full amount. Or go to the FSSP website and find your own business. You will also find payment details there. nine0004
Note that many people are not at all hiding from the "punitive system" of the FSSP - they are sincerely blissfully unaware of their debts until they are hit on the hat. In other words, the visit of a bailiff and the arrest of a car or other property becomes a terrible surprise for a person.
Well, of course, it is difficult to surprise a person with alimony: nevertheless, he knows that he has a child and that his mother applied for alimony. And not only filed, but also won the court. Normal people do not shy away from this honorable duty, but even here there are sometimes surprises. nine0004
For example:
- the person changed jobs, registration address or other data, which led to alimony arrears;
- the employer of the payer made a mistake in the settlement documents and transferred the alimony less than it should be. Or didn't list them at all.
Oh well, it's all lyrics. Now back to our question - why is the number of the writ of execution required?
- The mother of the child (most often it is the mother) sued, won the case and applied to the bailiffs for recovery. But the father of our hypothetical child does not agree with the claims and does intend to go to court. He wants to remove the issue of paternity in general, having achieved a DNA examination.
For such a case, he will need a writ of execution (if the recovery has already begun). nine0011
- The child's father has decided to file for bankruptcy. He needs to apply to the arbitration court and form a package of documents for verification. These include information on current court decisions.
- The child's father regularly pays alimony, but the bailiff still imposes tough measures, as in case of delay. In particular, the father is forbidden to leave the Russian Federation, the seizure of property and bank cards is introduced. Of course, the situation requires explanation. Note that such errors are quite common in practice. nine0011
- The bailiff began to pursue not the father of the child, but his namesake. An outsider's cards were blocked by mistake, money was withdrawn, and now they set about property. Of course, he needs to contact the bailiff and explain the circumstances. This may also require the number of the writ of execution.
Writ of execution for the recovery of alimony
Where can I find a writ of execution for alimony?
Actually, you can view or find out the document number in the following ways:
- Personally appearing at the territorial branch of the FSSP.
- By contacting the bailiffs at the phone number listed on the site.
- Turning to the bailiffs with a written statement.
There is also an alternative option for introverts - to find on the Internet the official portal of the FSSP and the Bank of Enforcement Proceedings. It is located at this address.
Where exactly is the number of enforcement proceedings indicated?
The submitted number in the document is indicated after the word RESOLVED. The code set includes:
- the year in which the proceedings were initiated;
- subdivision code of the FSSP;
- serial number of the case.
In general, the number looks something like this: 49522/20/40354.
Is it possible to find a writ of execution?
Yes, you can. Follow this instruction:
- Enter the bailiff portal or through the State Services and go to the search database.
- Next, find yourself by your full name and you will receive a case and a number of enforcement proceedings.
Also, the document will indicate the details of the court order or decision and the full name of the judge or the name of the court. nine0011
An alternative is an independent search for a court decision or order. The easiest way is to do an internet search. Information about court orders and decisions is published on the websites of judicial departments. It is important to know one nuance - as a rule, the recovery is carried out through the court, which is located at the place of residence of the defendant.
So if you are looking for a court order against yourself, you will need to find a court site that works in your area. Accordingly, the search is carried out as follows:
- We are looking for the name of the judicial body in the search line. It is a magistrate's court or a court of general jurisdiction. You can find a court through the GAS Justice system. Fortunately, the portal has a function to select a court on the map.
- We go to the site of the court we need and look for the section "Judicial proceedings" there.
There you will need to find the button "Search for information on cases".
- In the appropriate form, enter all the information you know. In particular, the search can be carried out simply by the names of the defendants in the case. nine0011
- Next, cards will drop out for you. They can be opened to receive data. For each card, you will find out the case numbers, dates of registration of materials, dates of court decisions, the name of the judge and other relevant data.
Search by last name is a rather difficult task. Especially if you have a common surname like Ivanov or Semenov, and not Zaduyveter or Dobryysvet.
If you also log in to the court portal, you will be able to use the electronic documents in the case. You can enter only through the account of the State Services or with an electronic digital signature. And yet, you can get acquainted with the information about the court order without these formalities. nine0004
Further, when you know the name of the judge and the case number, you can apply for a copy of the documents to the court. You will have to apply to the judge with a statement. It must also indicate the date of the judgment or order and the case number.
Order for the recovery of alimony
What information cannot be obtained via the Internet?
Not all information can be placed on portals where lawsuits are published. This moment is regulated by No. 262-FZ. For example, publications about certain texts of trials, about state secrets, and personal data of citizens were strictly banned. nine0004
Consider what is meant by personal data? First of all:
- contact information of the person - claimant, defendant, and so on;
- full name of all participants in the court case;
- information about property objects.
Also on the official pages of courts and government departments you will not find information:
- on declaring a person incompetent;
- on the transfer of a person to a psychiatric clinic;
- about family relationships of individuals; nine0011
- on sexual violence.
You can only find out the number of a writ of execution for alimony through the FSSP
If you urgently need information regarding a writ of execution, you need to contact the FSSP. You can visit your local office in person, or by phone or online. An alternative option is the State Services, but even here we will have to apply through the FSSP.
What information can be obtained from the FSSP portal?
We already wrote that the court decision can be checked in the database of enforcement proceedings. This database is under the control of the FSSP, but in the public domain. You can find out for free who and how much is demanding from you, on what grounds and why.
So, you will need to go to the production bank and fill in the search fields:
- territorial body of the FSSP - here you just need to select the region in which you are registered;
- your full name;
- is your date of birth. nine0011
Next, press the search button and go through the captcha. After a few seconds, the search results will be displayed on the screen. If enforcement proceedings are actually being conducted against you, you will see this. It will be displayed on the screen. The following data will also be presented here:
- Date of excitation and production number.
- The date when the writ of execution was issued.
- Full name and contact information for the debtor.
- Amount owed. nine0011
- Grounds on which the debt is collected.
- Information about the bailiff who handles the case.
Note that even if you receive information through the State Services portal, you still actually apply to the FSSP. Through the State Services, you can:
- send requests regarding proceedings to bailiffs;
- find out how many cases are open against you;
- to direct appeals against the actions of bailiffs. nine0011
Accordingly, if you need a document in the form of a writ of execution or a decision, you will need to either contact the FSSP or go to court.