Position of uterus at 18 weeks
Pregnancy: Week 18 | Huggies® US
It's hard to describe exactly how your baby's first movements will feel to you. Many women say it is like the lightest of flutters, or a small bubble of excitement in their belly. Others say it feels like gas, though less painful. There are all sorts of words used to describe it - a tickle, a whisper, or something like the sensation of being in an elevator when your heart is in your mouth, just lower down. You will probably find that you become more conscious of your baby's movements when you’re lying down or sitting still and not distracted by other things. It’s impossible to not smile when you first become aware of movements; it's just one of those life affirming moments.
Remember though, every baby will develop their own pattern of movements and every mother will have her own unique experience of her baby's movements. It’s very common to be unsure in the early days of feeling movements and you may question if it’s all in your imagination. Try to be patient as you wait and see. You will soon have no doubt that what you’re feeling is your baby!
At 18 weeks pregnant, you should be able to feel the top of your uterus between your pubic bone and your navel. It will feel like a firm, muscular ridge which doesn’t yield when you press gently down. When you go for your prenatal appointments, the size of your uterus will be checked by your provider every time. This measurement provides an ideal way to assess the growth of your baby and compare its size against your dates.
Your uterus is about the size of a cantaloupe, so it's no wonder that you are feeling a dense, heavy feeling in your pelvis. Pick one up next time you're at the grocery store and feel the weight of it. You're entitled to feeling a little worn out by the end of the day!
If you have put on a fair amount of weight, you may be starting to get stretch marks. Most women do develop these during pregnancy and not a lot can be done to avoid them. Excess weight gain is one risk factor, as is a family history. Rub some moisturizer onto your belly each day but avoid spending a lot of money on creams which claim to prevent stretch marks. They don’t tend to work.
Think that noisy snorer is your partner? You may want to think again. This is the time a lot of pregnant women start snoring, much to their horror. Blame those congested mucous membranes and your nasal stuffiness. Sleeping on a couple of pillows can help, as can lying on your side. For some women, saline nasal sprays are useful. They help to liquefy nasal secretions and moisturize the nasal passages if dryness if a problem.
Where's the food? This week you could really find your appetite increases. Until now, the baby has been growing quickly, though for the next couple of weeks its growth will plateau slightly. Stock the fridge and pantry with lots of healthy foods which will help support you both. Look for low GI (Glycemic Index) foods which take longer to digest and will satisfy your hunger for longer periods of time.
Your heart is working extra hard to pump your blood. Your total circulating blood volume has increased so much that your heart needs to work almost 50 percent harder in pumping blood around your body.
If you've been feeling a little ho hum about the whole pregnancy deal, this week you may start feeling a bit brighter. You’re likely to be feeling the first of many of your baby's movements and have a sense that your pregnancy is all very real.
You may feel as if you just want to keep the news of the baby's movements all to yourself for a while. A lot of women feel some silent, secret connection with their baby which they want to keep private. This is fine though you may want to let your partner know too, just to be fair.
If the thought of childbirth has seemed like some far off event, this week it may not seem so distant. Your expanding belly and the baby's movements combine to provide a constant reminder that at some stage, your baby will need to come out. Do allow yourself time to think about how you want your labor to proceed and what you can do to feel actively involved in your birth plan.
It's getting a little tight in your uterus. Your baby, the amniotic fluid, the placenta and membranes and the umbilical cord all must fit inside the uterus. Not to mention the extra space your baby takes up when rolling and kicking, stretching and turning. Fortunately, your uterus is a uniquely designed muscle which is able to expand and grow many times bigger than its original size and shape.
This week your baby could be sucking its thumb. Ultrasounds taken at 18 weeks have shown lots of babies have found their little thumbs by this stage and don’t want to let go. Some babies are born with blisters on their fingers and thumbs, from months of thumb sucking.
Your baby's bones are ossifying, meaning they're getting stronger and are less like cartilage. Watch your calcium intake and make sure you're getting enough dairy foods. Even if you're not a milk drinker make sure to get calcium in your diet with cheese, yogurt, fish with edible bones and even almonds. Green leafy vegetables also contain calcium.
If you’re still drinking a little alcohol, give it up entirely for your baby’s sake. There’s no guaranteed, safe level of alcohol for pregnant women to drink and the only 100 percent safe level is through abstaining altogether. Go for mineral or soda water or just plain water with a squeeze of lemon.
Most women have their screening ultrasound between the 18th and the 20th week of pregnancy. Make your appointment for a time when your partner can come as well so you're not on your own. Check when you make the appointment if you need to bring in your own USB to record the images - you don’t want to be caught short!
Start a list of questions for your pregnancy care provider. Pregnancy amnesia can make your memory, well, a distant memory. Keep a notebook for jotting down any questions or worries you have. Then all you have to do is remember to take the notebook with you to your appointments.
Stay tuned for Week 19.
The information of this article has been reviewed by nursing experts of the Association of Women’s Health, Obstetric, & Neonatal Nurses (AWHONN). The content should not substitute medical advice from your personal healthcare provider. Please consult your healthcare provider for recommendations/diagnosis or treatment. For more advice from AWHONN nurses, visit Healthy Mom&Baby at health5mom.org.
Baby and You at 18 Weeks Pregnant: Symptoms & Development
Key Takeaways at 18 Weeks Pregnant
- Quickening—that’s the term for those early fluttery movements you feel. If you haven’t felt a little jab yet, just you wait.
- Baby is doing all sorts of tricks in utero—swallowing, hiccuping and flipping!
- Symptoms will come and go.
You might be experiencing round ligament pain, swelling and varicose veins (oh joy!). Meanwhile, that bump of yours is probably no longer in stealth mode.
- That all-important 20-week ultrasound (a.k.a. anatomy scan) should be on your schedule for the next week or so! Get ready to see baby on screen.
Starting around 18 weeks pregnant, you should begin to sleep on your side instead of your back. That’s because baby (and your uterus) is getting big enough to press against large veins in the back of your abdomen, which can reduce the amount of blood going to your heart, making you feel lightheaded—or worse, lowering your blood pressure. Sounds scary, but it’s totally preventable by simply sleeping on your side. Of course, your veins aren’t the only things that are prone to pressure—you are, too! At pregnancy week 18, there’s a lot going on. Be sure that you plan some time to take breaks and unwind.
Watch Week 18 Highlights
Baby at Week 18
What the heck is baby doing inside your 18 weeks pregnant belly? A lot! Your 18-week fetus is working their muscles and practicing all kinds of moves. Can you believe baby is yawning, hiccupping, sucking and swallowing? They’re twisting, rolling, punching and kicking, too—and are big enough that you might be able to feel them doing it!
How big is baby at 18 weeks?
At 18 weeks pregnant, baby is as big as an artichoke. Baby's about 5.6 inches long and about 6.7 ounces now and keeps growing quickly. That's why you’re probably feeling so hungry!
What does baby look like at 18 weeks in the womb?
Baby’s face and head are taking shape. The facial features and ears are moving into place—but you need to wait a while to see if they have your eyes or your partner’s nose! Also, an 18-week fetus now has a working digestive system, as well as a light coating of hair all over their body that’s called lanugo.
18 weeks pregnant is how many months?
At 18 weeks, you’re about four months pregnant. Since pregnancy is 40 weeks long, at 18 weeks pregnant you’re nearly half-way there!
18 week ultrasound
At 18 weeks pregnant, the big ultrasound is on your calendar for sometime in the next few weeks. The mid-pregnancy ultrasound (a.k.a. anatomy scan or level-two ultrasound) is a detailed examination of baby’s entire body. It’s a pretty cool peek inside! Your 18-week fetus will be measured to make sure their growth is on track. Major organs will be checked for proper development. And amniotic fluid, placenta location and fetal heart rate will all be examined as well, to be sure baby is thriving.
If you’re 18 weeks pregnant with twins, there’s a membrane that separates your two 18-week fetuses. As they wiggle around in there, they’ll push fluid around and the membrane will shift slightly—you’d probably be able to see that on an 18 weeks pregnant ultrasound. Yes, if you’re 18-weeks pregnant with twins (or other multiples), both (or all) babies’ anatomy will be scanned at one appointment.
If you want to know whether you’re having a boy or girl, the technician will be able to tell you with about 95 percent certainty at the mid-pregnancy ultrasound—as long as baby moves into a position where their organs are visible. Some babies don’t exactly cooperate!
3D Views: My Baby, My Body
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Pregnancy Symptoms at Week 18
Not only are you super busy preparing for baby, but you might be having some not-so-fun 18 weeks pregnant symptoms, like swollen feet or hands, backaches, leg cramps and nosebleeds. And the stress and discomfort can keep you up at night around week 18 of pregnancy. Here’s the scoop on the 18 weeks pregnant symptoms you may be feeling:
Swollen feet and/or hands
Swelling can be an annoying pregnancy symptom. It’s nothing to worry about as long as the swelling isn't sudden or severe. If it is, tell your doctor right away.
Baby is putting a lot of pressure on your insides, causing aches and pains in your back. Plus, pregnancy can take a toll on your posture, which can also lead to backaches.
Leg cramps
Cramps can be a sign of dehydration, so drink up!
Varicose veins
These visible purple or blue veins are swollen due to all that extra pressure on your circulatory system. To deal with them, change positions often, prop your legs up when you can, get plenty of exercise and avoid tight clothes and shoes.
Trouble sleeping
Your mind is working overtime and you're getting more and more uncomfortable. This can wreak havoc on your ability to catch the ZZZs you need.
Bet you never expected these! Increased pressure on the veins in your nose may be making it bleed more than usual. If you have a nosebleed, apply pressure by pinching your nose for five to 10 minutes. An ice pack can also help stop the bleeding.
Baby kicks
Whether you’re 18 weeks pregnant with twins, triplets or a single baby, you’re probably feeling not just tiny flutters but more definitive sensations resembling actual kicks. They’re getting stronger!
What should I be feeling at 18 weeks of pregnancy?
If you’re tired and achy, you’re not alone—week 18 symptoms can really wear you down! That’s why it’s important to take care of yourself by eating well, exercising and getting plenty of water and sleep. If you aren’t experiencing the common symptoms, take advantage of the energy you have to start planning for baby’s arrival. Another thing on your to-do list: shopping for maternity clothes. Your 18 week baby bump may be showing!
Your Pregnant Belly at 18 Weeks
Your 18 weeks pregnant belly is rapidly expanding—all the stretching and pressure it’s causing are what’s prompting those symptoms.
Weight gain at 18 weeks pregnant is recommended to be about 1 to 2 pounds per week for women of normal BMI, whether you’re having one baby or you’re 18 weeks pregnant with twins. Let your doctor know if you have any concerns with your weight gain so far. Drastic or sudden weight gain or weight loss could be signs of a problem.
If you’re 18 weeks pregnant and not showing much, everything is probably a-okay. Remember: Every pregnant body is different, and your uterus will grow up and out of your pelvis at a slightly different time than another pregnant woman’s does.
What happens at 18 weeks of pregnancy?
You’re busy taking care of yourself to help baby grow! You still have a couple of weeks until you reach the midpoint of your pregnancy, when you’ll likely have your next big doctor appointment. You can also look forward to an ultrasound, where you get to check in on your little one.
Tips for 18 Weeks Pregnant
Here’s what you can do this week to prioritize your health and wellness—and that of your little one too!
Get a leg up on cramps
In addition to drinking plenty of water, you can help prevent leg cramps by including the right nutrients in your diet. Make sure you’re getting calcium, magnesium and potassium, either in your prenatal vitamin or in fresh fruits and vegetables.
Treat your feet
Your feet may be swollen thanks to all that extra fluid you’re carrying in your body to support baby at 18 weeks, and gravity isn’t helping matters. You can find some relief by using pillows to elevate your feet above heart level—another good reason to relax and get some rest when you can! If swelling is especially bad, or you’re on your feet a lot, try compression socks.
Stretch it out
Show your aching back some TLC with a couple of simple yoga-style stretches that ease pain. Start in tabletop position on your hands and knees with a flat back, and then round your back upwards as you gently pull your stomach up in cat pose. Hold it for a few seconds before resuming tabletop. Child’s pose is also great—and it’s super relaxing too!
Buy a body pillow
If you’re craving a good night’s sleep (and really, who isn’t?), try using a pregnancy pillow. It can help you maintain a comfortable sleeping position on your side to accommodate your 18 weeks pregnant belly, and it can even reduce back and hip pain too.
Pregnancy Checklist at 18 Weeks Pregnant
Reminders for the week:
- Read up on baby care
- Plan a date night with your partner
- Switch your sleep position from back to side
17-20 weeks of pregnancy
17th week
The 17th week of pregnancy is marked for the baby by an active increase in the mass of his muscles, their gradual strengthening, which allows him to move in the tummy more intensively and variously. Quite frequent movements of the limbs help the child train the muscles, as well as develop the joints of the knees and elbows. At this time, the handles are still clenched into fists, rarely unclenched, and only in order to capture the umbilical cord or suck a finger. Up to 17 weeks, the head of the fetus was practically motionless, rather low, and the chin was close to the chest. Strengthening the muscles of the dorsal and cervical region at this time allows the child to raise his head almost to a vertical position. nine0008
Internal organs continue to develop and improve. Their structure only becomes more complex, which contributes to the expansion of functionality. Their preparation will allow after the birth of the baby to begin normal, full-fledged functioning.
It is important to note the changes that occur in the system of blood vessels and heart of the fetus. The nerve plexuses that surround the heart give rise to the formation of the conduction system; its uniqueness lies in the fact that the heart does not need external signals to work. All internal organs of a person obey the central nervous system. The brain sends certain instructions according to which each of the organs works. The heart, in turn, functions with the help of command signals that arise in itself and cause it to contract. The exceptionally autonomous mode of operation of the heart allows it not to depend on the level of activity of the central nervous system throughout a person's life. nine0008
The 17th week of pregnancy is also characterized by the formation of the respiratory system, namely, the strengthening of the muscles of the lungs. Active respiratory contractions resemble inhalation and exhalation and thereby strengthen the muscles of the chest. There is also the formation of the alveolar apparatus of the lungs. Alveoli are presented in the human body in the form of small bubbles that are located on the surface of the respiratory apparatus and are responsible for gas exchange. Each breath contributes to the saturation of the blood with oxygen. At the 17th week, the alveoli are in a compressed state, but immediately after birth with the first breath, they will straighten out and be ready for normal functioning. nine0008
The weight of the fetus at this time is about 150 g, and the length of the body is 12-13 cm. Normal weight gain for a given week is 5 kg. Also, the 17th week of pregnancy is characterized by an increase in the total blood volume of the expectant mother, because her fetus needs intensive nutrition. You can also note a rapid heartbeat due to the passage of a large amount of blood through the heart. Additional contractions of the heart or tachycardia may not be felt at all by the pregnant woman, or cause her discomfort. In the case of an active manifestation of tachycardia, it is necessary to seek help and advice from your gynecologist or cardiologist, who can determine the symptoms of a pregnant woman's heart disease, as well as prescribe the correct treatment to maintain normal well-being. nine0008
A sharp increase in the volume of blood in the habitual circulation can cause an expectant mother to have an increased level of bleeding gums, as well as nosebleeds. An increased load on the capillaries often leads to a failure in their work. Especially vulnerable are the mucous membranes of the nose and mouth. Properly selected vitamin complexes will correct this situation, strengthen the walls of blood vessels. In addition, doctors recommend using a soft toothbrush for hygiene purposes, which will reduce the risk of bleeding gums. It is also recommended to wash the nasal passages with solutions such as AQUAMARIS, PHYSIOMER, SALIN. If desired, you can prepare a similar solution at home. To do this, you will need 1 teaspoon of salt and a glass of water. All ingredients should be mixed before use. If these simple recommendations are ineffective and bleeding becomes more frequent, you should seek the help of a specialist. nine0008
18th week
At the 18th week the baby weighs about 200-250 g, and its length is about 20 cm. During this period, the structure of the brain becomes more complex, and its total mass, nerve fibers increase covered with myelin, a special fatty membrane that promotes accelerated conduction of nerve impulses. Already after the birth of the child, this shell will allow the child to respond to stimuli from the outside.
The appearance of the fetus is already a bit like a newborn baby and is actively approaching this state. Facial features are becoming more and more distinct, the ears that were previously tightly pressed to the head are straightening out, the middle ear is being formed, and its perception is also improving. At this stage of pregnancy, the baby can already perceive stimuli from the outside, respond to all sorts of sounds. The noises that occur in the mother's body due to the active work of the internal organs are quite normal, familiar to him, and also contribute to the training of auditory perception. nine0008
It is impossible not to note the intensive work of the fetal endocrine system. At 18-19 weeks, the release of "baby" hormones is large enough, which allows even the mother's body to provide them. With a lack of own hormones in the body of a woman, they are compensated at the expense of children, and the mother's condition returns to normal.
Expectant mother
This week, some of the mothers feel the first movements of their baby. Most often, women for whom this is the first child can feel fetal movements at 19-20th week. At earlier periods, namely, at 16-18 weeks, those women who already have their own children, as well as quite thin women with a slight layer of fat under the skin, note the movement.
At the first stages, the movements will be rather weak, brief and episodic, but after a short period of time they will become more distinct and become more frequent. The nature of the shocks can be different:
- touches;
- light shocks;
- twitches; nine0041
- rolling.
For a woman, her baby's first kicks are very much expected. This is an exciting moment that will allow the expectant mother to remember these pleasant sensations with trepidation, and also as proof of her connection with the child. At the 18th week, the movements of the child are quite chaotic, varied and appear during the wakefulness of the baby. With emotional stress, they can become more intense. Also, the child may report an insufficient amount of oxygen, which occurs due to the lack of movement of a woman, insufficient time spent on the street, as well as when staying in the same position for a long time (driving a vehicle, at work). Most of the time at this stage of development, the fetus sleeps. nine0008
19th week
The 19th week is characterized for the fetus by intensive growth of limbs in length, increase in size, slowing down of head growth. Its length is already 25 cm, and its weight is approximately 250-300 g. The child changes greatly in appearance, his body no longer looks disproportionate.
Fat under the skin allows the relief of the torso to change slightly and round. This brown fat is just laid down for a period of 19-20 weeks. After birth, it is he who will perform the function of thermoregulation and protect the child from hypothermia or overheating. With age, this fat disappears and remains only in certain places: in the thickness of a person’s cheeks, in the kidney area, under the armpits, and shoulder blades. nine0008
At this time, the laying of permanent teeth, which are located in the dental plate under the rudiments of milk teeth, and the maturation of the brain also take place. Special processes allow you to establish connections between neurons. Cells intertwine with each other and create a whole system for the transmission of impulses, ensure the synchronism of the brain. Structures that are responsible for touch, taste, sight, hearing, and smell are actively developing.
Changes also occur in the hematopoietic system. The spleen is connected to the process of formation of blood cells, produces leukocytes, whose task is to protect the child's body from external and internal factors. Under 19-20 weeks, the fetal blood consisted only of erythrocytes and at this stage its composition changes dramatically and approaches the composition of the blood of a newborn.
Expectant mother
The tummy of the expectant mother is actively growing, and the fundus of the uterus is already located up to 2 cm below the navel. Weight gain is about 3-6 kg and is distributed proportionally between the placenta, uterus, fetus, amniotic fluid. The weight of the fetus is only a tenth of the total added weight.
Due to the intensive growth of the uterus, a woman may feel discomfort. Often this condition manifests itself when changing the position of the body, bending to the sides, walking. The nature of pain can be different. It can be pulling, sharp, sudden pains that occur both on one side and on both sides. The stretching of the ligaments that are attached to the side walls of the uterus and the pelvic bones in order to fix the uterus is quite active. The uterus of a woman is, as it were, in limbo due to this ligamentous apparatus. When the ligaments are pulled during a change in the position of the uterus, pain occurs. nine0008
This kind of pain is quite normal and typical for this period of pregnancy. In critical situations, a gynecologist may recommend that a woman take antispasmodics, which will help to relax the uterus, as well as eliminate the problem of pain almost completely. At the 19th week, it is important for the gynecologist to exclude such risks of pregnancy complications as the threat of miscarriage and uterine hypertonicity. If one of these risks is detected, the expectant mother will be prescribed hospital treatment. nine0008
20th week
The baby at this time is 28 cm long and weighs about 340 g. Until this week of pregnancy, the length of the fetus was measured by calculating the length from crown to tailbone. After the 20th week, the specialist includes in the concept of growth the length of not only the body, but also the lower limbs as well.
At this stage of development, the child is quite active, makes numerous movements, since there is enough space in the uterus for him to roll, push off the walls, and other movements. The baby can smile, grab the umbilical cord, feel himself, frown, close his eyes. His facial expressions are quite developed and more pronounced than before. nine0008
The skin becomes dense, actively covered with fluffy hairs and a special lubricant. A large amount of this lubricant is in the folds. This lubricant prevents the risk of mechanical friction, has bactericidal properties, and ensures optimal passage of the fetus through the mother's birth canal during childbirth.
It is impossible not to note the intensive development of the gastrointestinal tract. Small portions of amniotic fluid, which the child swallows, wash the walls of the intestines and stomach, lead to the training of peristalsis, and contribute to the contraction of the intestines. nine0008
At the 20th week, amniotic fluid is processed. In the body of a child, the first feces - meconium - is formed. It has a dark green color. It consists of mucus, water, epithelial cells, and bile. Accumulation of meconium is carried out in the intestinal lumen. On the first day of birth, it comes out.
Expectant mother
The 20th week is the end of the first half of a woman's pregnancy. Starting from the following weeks, the load on the body of the expectant mother only increases. This fact can be explained by the active development of the fetus in the womb. nine0008
The belly of a pregnant woman is significantly enlarged, and the fundus of the uterus is already at the level of the navel. During this period, a woman may complain about the manifestation of symptoms of shortness of breath: after all, the uterus is already beginning to put pressure on the lungs. Also characteristic of this week is an increase in urination. Squeezing of the bladder leads to frequent urination.
The discharge from the woman's vagina also increases. A large blood flow contributes to increased secretion production. The discharge may be mucous or white. It should also be noted that they should not have a foreign unpleasant odor, and also cause itching, burning. Changes in a woman's secretions are an occasion to consult a doctor for advice, because this can signal to the expectant mother about the presence of various kinds of diseases. Curdled, thick, yellow discharge with an unpleasant odor can signal the presence of sexual infections and their exacerbation, a violation of the microflora, and the manifestation of thrush. Pregnant women are prone to colpitis, as their mucosa becomes more attractive to microbes, promotes their active reproduction and thereby increases the risk of infection of the fetus with an infection. nine0008
That is why, on the 20th week, women are required to undergo screenings, a smear of secretions for flora, and also undergo diagnostics of genital infections. If any signs of deterioration in the condition of the pregnant woman are detected, the doctor may prescribe an additional examination and a course of treatment.
what is happening, the development of pregnancy and fetus
echo "";
Week after week
17 - 20 weeks of pregnancy
Elena Gevorkova
Obstetrician-gynecologist, Moscow
17th week
The length of the body of the fetus at this time is 12-13 cm, and its weight reaches 150 g by the end of the 17th week.
The main process of this week is to increase the baby's muscle mass. Various muscle groups are strengthened, which is manifested by increased motor activity of the fetus. Movements become more varied and complex. Frequent movements of the arms and legs not only train the muscles, but also contribute to the development of joints - knee and elbow. The handles are clenched into fists and are unclenched infrequently - to capture the umbilical cord or when sucking a finger. Until this time, the fetal head practically did not move, it was lowered low, the chin was tightly pressed to the chest. By the 17th week, the muscles of the back and neck are strengthened so much that the fetal head can rise to an almost vertical position. nine0008
All internal organs continue to improve, their structure becomes more complex, and their functional abilities expand. In other words, intensive preparation continues, allowing the internal organs to begin full-fledged work immediately after the birth of the child.
Important changes are taking place in the baby's cardiovascular system. Around the heart there are many nerve plexuses that form the conduction system of the heart. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that the heart does not require external signals to work. Each internal human organ obeys the central nervous system - the brain, which sends a command, and the organ works according to the signal "from above". The peculiarity of the functioning of the heart lies in the fact that the command signals that cause it to contract arise in itself. This autonomous mode allows the heart to work throughout life, day and night, regardless of the activity of the central nervous system. nine0008
The development of the fetal respiratory system continues. The respiratory muscles of the lungs are strengthened. Breathing movements become more and more intense - contractions that simulate inhalation and exhalation, which allows you to strengthen the muscles of the chest. At a period of 17 weeks, the alveolar apparatus of the lungs is completely formed. Alveoli are the end parts of the respiratory apparatus in the lung, having the form of tiny bubbles, in which, after the birth of the baby, gas exchange will occur: oxygen from the air will enter the blood vessels of the lungs, and carbon dioxide will be released into the lumen of the alveoli. Each breath will saturate the baby's blood with oxygen. From 17 weeks, the fetal alveoli are in a collapsed state. The first breath of the baby will fill the lungs with air, and the alveoli will expand widely. nine0008
Future MOM
The tummy continues to grow, and the bottom of the uterus is in the middle between the pubic symphysis (pubis) and the navel. Weight gain by this period is about 5 kg. An increase in the total volume of the mother's blood is natural, since the fetus needs intensive nutrition. The expectant mother feels this as a rapid heartbeat, as more blood passes through the heart of a pregnant woman than usual, and this requires additional heart contractions. An increased heartbeat - tachycardia - may not be felt at all, and may be a source of discomfort for a woman. If tachycardia occurs, it is necessary to report this to a gynecologist or cardiologist to determine whether this is normal or a symptom of a heart disease, such as arrhythmia. nine0008
Another manifestation of increased blood volume (CBV) in pregnant women can be nosebleeds and increased bleeding of the gums. This is due to the increased load on thin-walled vessels - capillaries located in the mucous membranes of the nasal and oral cavities. Vitamins come to the rescue, the timely appointment of which will strengthen the walls of blood vessels. Hygiene procedures will also require caution: the use of toothbrushes with soft bristles is recommended. If minor nosebleeds appear, you can rinse the nasal passages with a salt solution using AQUAMARIS, PHYSIOMER, SALIN preparations or prepare the solution yourself by adding 1 teaspoon of salt to a glass of water. The salt solution will compress the walls of the capillaries of the mucosa, thereby helping to stop the bleeding. For more severe bleeding, see a doctor. nine0008
18th week
At the 18th week, the length of the fetus is 20 cm, and the weight reaches 200-250 g.
During this period, the structure of the brain becomes more complicated, its total mass increases. Nerve fibers that braid organs and tissues are covered with a special fatty sheath - myelin. The myelin sheath provides a high speed of nerve impulses. In the future, this will allow a person to instantly respond to external stimuli, for example, pull his hand away from a hot or sharp object at the slightest contact with it. nine0008
The appearance of the fetus approaches the appearance of a newborn child, facial features become more and more distinct, ears straighten out, which until this time were tightly pressed to the head.
The middle ear is being formed and the neural transmission pathway responsible for auditory perception is being improved. In other words, from this period the baby is able to perceive external stimuli and respond to excessively loud sounds - knocking doors, screams, car signals, etc. The noises of the mother's body (intestinal peristalsis, heartbeat, blood flow through large vessels, etc.) are a completely normal environment for the fetus, moreover, they train his auditory perception. nine0008
The fetal endocrine system functions very intensively. Starting from the period of 18-19 weeks, the release of "children's" hormones is so great that even the mother's body is able to provide. For example, if the mother had an insufficiency of adrenal or thyroid hormones, then at this time it is quite possible to compensate for this condition.
Expectant MOM
18 weeks of pregnancy is the period when you can feel the movements of the fetus. Usually, in primiparas, these sensations occur later - at 19— 20th week. As a rule, at earlier terms (at 16-18 weeks), movements are felt by multiparous or thin women who have an insignificant layer of subcutaneous fat.
At first it will be episodic, short-term, weak sensations. After some time, the movements are felt more and more clearly. Their nature can be different: light pushes, touches, rolling or twitching. The first movements of the baby are a very anticipated and exciting moment in the life of pregnant women. For the first time, the expectant mother receives a response to her condition, “proof” of the connection between her and the baby. nine0008
Fetal movements are very chaotic, varied. The motor activity of the fetus increases during its wakefulness and is practically absent during sleep. Most of the time the fetus sleeps. Movement can become more active if the expectant mother is experiencing emotional stress. In this case, the level of stress hormones in the pregnant woman's body rises and the fetus, receiving them with the mother's blood, experiences similar sensations, which is manifested by an increase in its activity. Also, the baby may respond to an insufficient supply of oxygen to the mother's body if the pregnant woman does not move much, spends insufficient time in the fresh air, or is in a forced position for a long time (for example, driving a car). nine0008
19th week
At the 19th week, the fetus is 25 cm tall and weighs 250-300 g. , and the fetal head significantly slows down its growth. Due to this, the baby changes outwardly and no longer looks disproportionate.
The relief of the fetal body changes somewhat and acquires roundness due to the accumulation of subcutaneous fat. This is the so-called brown fat of newborns, which is laid down for a period of 19-20 weeks and after the birth of a child, it performs the function of thermoregulation - it protects against overheating and hypothermia. Gradually, this fat disappears, and in adults it remains in the form of lumps in the thickness of the cheeks, in the region of the kidneys, shoulder blades, and armpits.
At this time, an interesting event occurs - the laying of molars (permanent) teeth. They are located under the rudiments of milk teeth in the thickness of the dental plate - this is a special formation from which the maxillo-dental complex is formed and which disappears by the full term of pregnancy. nine0008
The most important process of the 19th week of fetal development is rightly considered the maturation of the brain. Separate units of the brain (neurons) form connections with each other with the help of special processes. Cells seem to cling to each other, thereby providing the possibility of a variety of pathways for the passage of impulses and the synchronism of the brain. There is a formation of brain structures responsible for perception - taste, sight, smell, hearing, touch.
Interesting changes occur in the hematopoietic system of the fetus. The spleen is involved in the formation of blood cells. It produces mainly "white" blood cells - leukocytes. Their main task is to protect the body from external and internal factors - toxins, microbes, etc. Thus, the composition of the blood of the fetus changes. Until deadline 19-20 weeks, the blood of the fetus consisted exclusively of erythrocytes - cells of the "red" blood, but now it is close in composition to the blood of a newborn.
Future MOM
The tummy continues to grow rapidly, and by this time the bottom of the uterus is 1.5-2 cm below the navel.
By the 19th week, the weight of the pregnant woman increases by 3-6 kg. This increase is distributed between the placenta, amniotic fluid, uterus and fetus, and it accounts for only a tenth of the total weight. nine0008
Rapid growth of the uterus may cause discomfort. Most often this is due to the fact that when you change the position of the body, when walking or bending, pain is felt in the lateral sections. Its nature is different: the pain can be pulling or sudden, acute, occur only on one side or on both. This is how the ligaments are stretched. These are special strands that are attached to the side walls of the uterus and pelvic bones and fix the uterus. The uterus is "suspended" with the help of this ligamentous apparatus. When there is a change in its position, the ligaments are stretched, and this can cause pain. nine0008
Such "ligamentous" pains are normal and do not require treatment - sometimes it is enough to take antispasmodics that relax the uterus and eliminate pain. But you need to inform your gynecologist about this condition and undergo an examination to exclude pregnancy complications - uterine hypertonicity, the threat of interruption. In this case, treatment should be prescribed - possibly in a hospital setting.
20th week
Fetal length reaches 28 cm, weight increases to 340 g.
Until the 20th week, the length of the baby was measured from the crown to the coccyx, after this period, the concept of growth will also include the length of the body and legs.
The fetus is active, makes many different movements: pushes off the walls of the uterus, somersaults, grabs the umbilical cord with its handles, feels itself. The facial expressions of the baby become more pronounced: he frowns, smiles, closes his eyes.
The skin of the fetus thickens, completely covered with downy hairs and cheese-like grease. The largest amount of lubricant accumulates in the folds, which prevents skin irritation during mechanical friction. Also, the lubricant has bactericidal properties, and during childbirth, it provides better gliding of the fetus along the mother's birth canal. nine0008
The gastrointestinal tract is developing intensively. The fetus constantly swallows amniotic fluid in small portions, which washes the stomach and intestines and trains peristalsis - reducing bowel movements.
From the 20th week, the process of processing amniotic fluid begins, a prototype of future digestion. The fetus produces the original feces - meconium, a sticky substance of a dark green color. Meconium consists of epithelial cells, mucus, bile and water. It accumulates in the intestinal lumen of the fetus and normally comes out on the first day after birth. nine0008
Future MOM
20 weeks complete the first half of pregnancy. Starting from this period, the load on the mother's body increases due to the intensive growth of the fetus.
The tummy increases in size, the height of the fundus of the uterus reaches the level of the navel. The growing uterus begins to put pressure on the lungs, pregnant women experience the first symptoms of shortness of breath.
Some increase in urination is possible. The reason for this is mechanical irritation due to compression of the bladder by the growing uterus. In many cases, there is an increase in the volume of vaginal discharge. The extra blood flow to the genitals causes an increase in vaginal secretion, which appears as a mucus or white discharge. Normally, they should not have a smell and be accompanied by discomfort in the vagina - itching, burning, etc. It is necessary to monitor the nature of the discharge and consult a doctor for any changes - with the appearance of yellow, thick, curdled discharge, an unpleasant odor, etc. Such whites can be a sign of trouble - thrush, microflora disorders, exacerbation of genital infections. During pregnancy, the tendency to inflammation of the vagina - colpitis - increases, as the mucosa changes its composition and becomes more "attractive" to microbes. Saturation with mucus increases its nutritional value, and microbes multiply in such an environment at a high rate.