Does pregnancy hurt
Pregnancy - Pain and discomfort
In early pregnancy, women may feel some breast tenderness, and mild period-like cramps. (See 'Symptoms and feelings in early weeks'). Although it is normal to feel some abdominal cramps, women should consult their doctor if worried or if the cramps are severe or accompanied by bleeding. (See 'Bleeding and miscarriage'). One woman's pain was so strong that she was admitted to hospital in case she had an ectopic pregnancy or an ovarian cyst. However, this degree of pain is unusual. Eventually all was well and her GP suggested it might be something like irritable bowel syndrome; changes to her diet helped.
The hospital could not explain her severe abdominal pain. Her GP suggested it could be irritable...
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The hospital could not explain her severe abdominal pain. Her GP suggested it could be irritable...
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When did the pain go away?It didn't actually [laugh]. I was back in hospital about four weeks later because it had - I went back to work in, the beginning of January and about two weeks later I was getting lots of pain walking. I went back to my GP who referred me straight back to the hospital and then they admitted me for three days and ran lots more tests. And by this stage I was 8 or 9 weeks pregnant so then they did a scan and it was all fine. But they couldn't do any more kind of invasive tests because I was pregnant. So then I went back to my GP. So they didn't really help me [laugh]. So I went back to my GP who decided that it might be something like bowel-related and gave me some anti, some stuff for irritable bowel syndrome which he decided that it might be, which helped. So then I just cut wheat and dairy out of my diet because one of my colleagues had said her daughter suffered from something similar and she'd done that. And that actually helped. But for the whole of my pregnancy I just ate no wheat and no dairy and - because every time I ate something like that and then it flared up again.
So I really don't know what caused it to be quite honest [laugh].
As the baby grows bigger during the second and third trimester of pregnancy, it can press on the joints and internal organs such as the stomach, bladder and lungs, and cause discomfort. This explains why some women feel breathless and get backache or aching legs, especially when standing for a long time. One woman had had helpful advice at an antenatal physiotherapy class about managing a tingly feeling in her legs. Another was surprised to start feeling breathless quite early in pregnancy, at 13 weeks.
She went to a physiotherapy exercise group. The physiotherapist gave her advice about painful...
She went to a physiotherapy exercise group. The physiotherapist gave her advice about painful...
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I went to two different sorts of antenatal classes. I went to one organised by the midwife that she, that you learnt about labour, the processes, process of labour and pain relief and breastfeeding. And I went to a physiotherapy one which was based in our local hospital, maternity hospital. And it was the same group of people at both, so I suppose it was one but split into two different places. Both of them I found really useful.
What did you learn at the physiotherapy one?
At the physiotherapy one you learnt about how you, what pains you had in pregnancy. I had really tingly legs and it was because I was standing in a bad position and other people had really bad back pain. And we did some massage and we did breathing techniques for during labour and we did exercises to do after the birth like pelvic floor exercises and ones to try and get your stomach back in shape.
How's that going?
Slowly [laughs] yeah, yeah. No, it's, it was a chance to ask a physiotherapist about any problems that you might be having, and actually at the end of one of our sessions she asked me to stay behind at the end because I'd been complaining of some symptoms that no-one else had and so she asked me if I wanted private sessions which I didn't have in the end, but that was, that was helpful.
What were the symptoms that you were having?
I had this tingling sensation in my legs that I'd [laugh], it's funny because I didn't feel very confident in the classes and I plucked up the courage to say, “Oooh, and this symptom” and then no-one else had it [laughs] so my confidence just went right back down again. But she'd asked me to stay behind and I talked about it, and she showed me some exercises where if I stood with my legs in a different position - I can hardly remember now - then it stopped the pain. But it also, it meant that I couldn't walk very far and I couldn't stand to do a whole basin of, a whole load of washing up because it got too painful. But, it's funny, it's just all gone now. I've forgotten about all the pains and the, everything now.
Some women experienced quite strong pain resulting from a condition called symphysis pubis disorder or dysfunction (SPD). This is caused by the separation of the small joint at the front of the pelvis. This needs to stretch or open a little to allow for birth, but in a few women it opens too much, making walking painful and difficult. Physiotherapy or a support bandage or brace can help. Most people who had this condition felt staff provided helpful information and treatment, but one woman thought her midwife did not really recognise how much pain she was in.
She developed symphysis pubis disorder (pelvic joint pain). She went to physiotherapy and wore a...
She developed symphysis pubis disorder (pelvic joint pain). She went to physiotherapy and wore a...
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My midwife has been really good, really friendly, I've had a pelvic condition, which means that one of the joints in my pelvis has been very achy and painful, and that started at about four months of pregnancy, but I was able to be referred to a physiotherapist up at the hospital, to get some advice.
And what did they do to help solve it in the end? Has it been solved?
Well, it's not the sort of thing that can be solved. It's more a question of managing it so it doesn't get, it doesn't get worse. Actually at the group session they were handing out crutches to the most severely affected. They were handing out Tubi-grip to pretty much everybody, the idea being that you sort of wear this piece of Tubi-grip to keep all your sort of bits in place. And then they were handing out special support belts to people in the intermediate category, and to be honest I don't think I fitted into the intermediate category, but I - for me - was very assertive in saying that I would like a belt because I was still quite early in my pregnancy. And I have worn this belt a lot, when sort of walking, and that does really help a lot. But I do, I do think, looking back on it, if I hadn't actually pushed I wouldn't have been given the belt. So then after the group session, if you're very bad, you can go and have an individual appointment with the physiotherapist. And again, I didn't feel I was as bad as some of the women there, and I wasn't going to bother. But I spoke to the local support group for the condition I've got, and they said, 'No, you know, it's every woman for themselves, really' [laughs].
How did you find out about the support group?
There was a leaflet about the condition, actually, in my maternity pack that I got on my first visit from the midwife. I think in [name of city] they are quite aware of, of the condition. And the leaflet was very good for me recognising that I had a problem, that it wasn't a question of just normal aches and pains in pregnancy. So it was an excellent leaflet, and it had the local support group number on the back.
She had very painful symphysis pubis disorder (pelvic joint pain) and used a back brace and...
She had very painful symphysis pubis disorder (pelvic joint pain) and used a back brace and...
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Why did you need a back brace?My SPD, which is symphysis pubic disorder. It's your pubic bone, it's where they crack, mine cracked. The baby's bum was actually leaning on my pubic bone and cracked it. And I went into hospital with it, and I ended up on crutches and having to go to see a physio.
And the physio give me a back brace and it went, well, I suppose it'd have to go round my back and then go under my bump and push my bump up to push the baby up, so that the baby was away from my pubic bone so that it could stop the pain on the pubic bone and so the pubic bone could like mend easier. But I had that on for a while, and I was taking loads of painkillers for it because it was dead painful. I was on crutches, but then I stopped using the crutches because the crutches were causing me damage. I, it was raining one day and I nearly slipped with the crutches, so I said to my mum, 'I'm not using them no more, I'd rather just walk'. And, and I took off one day at a time and walked and walked, and now I, I feel fine. I feel as fit as a fiddle, as if nothing had happened.
How long did that go on for?
I went to hospital with that when I was 32 weeks pregnant. They said to me as well if the baby didn't turn within a week I'd have to have a Caesarean and have the baby out, because my bone would be too delicate to give birth. But I had that. I was using the crutches, and I used the crutches for all four weeks, five weeks at the most. And then I just give up. But they said it can take up to twelve months after your having the baby that your, your bone actually goes back to, back to normal, the way it should be. But they've already advised me that if I do get pregnant again it's likely it will crack again. Because it's already cracked once it'll crack again with the pressure of the baby pushing down and everything. So I'm never getting pregnant again with that one anyway.
The midwife did not recognise how much pain she was in from symphysis pubis disorder (pelvic...
The midwife did not recognise how much pain she was in from symphysis pubis disorder (pelvic...
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And I remember walking around for my thirty-eight week check, walking around to the surgery, which was literally normally a less than a five-minute walk up the hill, and down the hill - slight hill, slight slope, not a huge hill - and it taking me a huge length of time, taking me fifteen minutes.
So I just didn't feel it was safe for me to drive, so there was no point keeping the car on the road. But if I had still had the car and felt safe to drive, I definitely would've driven round. I was almost on the point of, you know, going home and calling a taxi or something, or getting them to come round to me. It was, it was excruciating pain. I had to keep stopping. And I went to this appointment, and now it was the different midwife, and I told her about this pain. And she just, she just sat there and she went, 'Mm, yeah, mm. Oh well, yeah, mm. Oh, everything seems fine. ' And I said 'Well, what about this pain?' and she's like, 'Well, it's late pregnancy.' You know, and so consequently - 'mm' - and I thought, "Oh well, obviously" - it's the first time I'd been pregnant - "obviously this is just another one of those aches and grinds of pregnancy about which I knew nothing, and I've just got to put up with it till I have the baby', you know. And that's what she'd indicated to me.
And I had a good look through my sort of text book, couldn't find any reference to it. I wasn't quite sure what I was looking for, mind. And just decided to put up with it and, and carried on, and was in quite a lot of pain at times. You know, I had to keep sitting down. They kept saying, 'Well, exercise is good for you,' and I'm, you know, walking was excruciating, and I just wanted to sleep all the time and not put any weight on my feet. It caused quite a few problems as home as well, which is not really of relevance to the pregnancy, but I did find that, you know, I didn't want to do, stand up and do washing up because it hurt. I was leaning over at an angle and it was hurting my bones as well, and a distinct lack of support about all of this.
Heartburn can be very uncomfortable, especially at night, and several people had been advised by their doctor or midwife to take an antacid. (See also 'Sickness and hyperemesis'). One woman described a combination of backache, heartburn, changes in sleeping patterns and needing frequent trips to the loo. Some people develop varicose veins or haemorrhoids during pregnancy, and some get cramp in their legs or feet, especially at night. Several people said at times they could not sleep, either because they were uncomfortable or because they felt anxious thinking about the approaching birth and motherhood. One mother just did something else till she felt sleepy again.
She had back pain, gastric reflux and sleep problems in later pregnancy. She had to go to the loo...
She had back pain, gastric reflux and sleep problems in later pregnancy.

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Well, it's like the nausea is the, is the worst thing for the first trimester, and then that goes and you think, 'Oh wow'. And then everything seems okay for a while, but then backache. I had a - and I don't know if it was to do with the flight [to America] as well - but once we'd got back from that trip I had really bad lower backache and in my buttocks, you know, in your maximus gluteus. In there was really painful. But I had a massage, which helped to ease it off. And then quite early on in this pregnancy, probably from sort of six months, I've had gastric reflux. But the Gaviscon does work [laughs].Does it stop you sleeping?
I've had insomnia on and off, but I can't kind of pinpoint what the problem is. I can't work out whether it's my back's just a bit, got a dull ache, or whether it's the baby that's waking me up or - I can't put my finger on it - or whether it's just sort of psychologically I'm worrying about something, I don't know.
Are you conscious of worrying about anything or..?
feeling more anxious, or less anxious?
No, no I'm not. But I had about a whole week where I just didn't sleep. Then I had about a week where I slept like a log and didn't want to get up, and now I just have the odd night where I don't. Oh, and the weeing. It's a complete nightmare. That's the worst thing about it. [laughs] From day one it's just like your whole waterworks goes to pot. Well, mine did, has. It's just kind of four times during the night easily, but you just kind of get up, plod to the loo and plod back to bed, and it just - but that's probably the worst bit, actually.
Being uncomfortable in bed made it difficult to sleep. She would just do something else till she...
Being uncomfortable in bed made it difficult to sleep.

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What about aches and pains? Did you have, suffer with back or'?I had a bit of backache, but nothing, just uncomfortable, and uncomfortable in bed. That was the biggest thing, and I became a bit of an insomniac, loving my sleep as I do. I would be surfing the internet between two and three in the morning and ringing my sister in New York. And she thought it was great. She never got to talk to anyone after her kids had gone to bed, normally. But now she was having endless phone calls [laughs].
Did you find anything that helped with the sleep?
I would get into the - our nursery, which was starting to evolve, had a bed in it. So I would get into bed with a cup of hot, you know, a glass of hot milk, and read. And I would nod - I'd wake up in the morning with the book propped up on my face or whatever. So I got through quite a lot of books. So I found that I, it was good to be active for sort of fifteen, twenty minutes, making the milk, surfing the internet, what have you, and then start reading, and I'd nod off again. But I guess it's all just getting you ready, really.
Regular maternity appointments and antenatal classes offered opportunities to discuss these symptoms and things that might help, and the maternity information pack also contains useful advice.
For more information see our resources section.
Last reviewed May 2017.
Last updated August 2014.
How Painful Is Childbirth, Really?
Moaning, screaming, and cursing. These are some of the pleasant sounds commonly associated with childbirth.
You’ve likely seen birth graphically depicted on television, or if you’re pregnant, all of your family and friends may have decided to share their harrowing birth stories with you. If you’re like most women, this has led to a lot of fear about the amount of pain you’ll face during labor.
Is this really the truth about birth though? How much pain will you actually experience? Can you do anything to diminish that pain? While birth is different for everyone, we’ve got the information, tips, and tricks to help you feel prepared for the pain of childbirth.
Every person’s experience with birth will be different. Pain is subjective and can vary greatly. This means that you may have a very different pain experience from even your mother or sister.
It’s important to remember that the pain of childbirth is a manageable one, and both medicated and more holistic pain relief measures like visualization and massage are available.
Despite what you may have seen on YouTube or elsewhere, there’s no reliable unit to measure pain. Back in the 1940s, researchers tried to employ a device known as the dolorimeter, which used the heat from a light source, to establish levels of pain.
However, this measurement fell out of favor with growing evidence that pain isn’t solely dependent on an isolated physical sensation. Rather, it’s affected by a person’s fears, mood, memories, and personality, as well as factors like the duration and overall experience of the pain source.
Your healthcare provider will likely ask you to track and quantify your pain by rating it on a scale. They may discuss the intensity of the pain and your feelings about your ability to work through or manage it. This information will help them determine the appropriate pain relief options with you.
Pain is not necessarily consistent during the labor process, and you’ll probably experience breaks from it between contractions or while pushing. Although, you may notice though that it increases after your water breaks or as labor picks up, and that some elements of the pain are temporary while others continue for a period of time after giving birth.
When you think about the pain of childbirth, just remember that it’s purposeful, anticipated, intermittent, and a necessary part of your baby coming into this world!
You can expect to experience a variety of sensations during the end of your pregnancy and labor.
During pregnancy, you may experience Braxton-Hicks contractions, which are usually irregular and inconsistent. They tend to be felt in the abdominal area and make the belly feel tight, causing discomfort more than pain.
One thing that sets these contractions apart from labor contractions is that they don’t become more consistent, stronger, and longer. (If you would like to reduce the discomfort of Braxton Hicks, you can try drinking some more water, changing position, or resting on your left side.)
Early labor
In the early stages of labor, contractions will increase in intensity and frequency as they fall into a steady pattern.
Early labor contractions will usually cause the abdomen to feel tight to the touch. You may also experience a dull backache, feelings of pressure in the abdomen and pelvis, and sensations similar to those of intense menstrual cramping.
When contractions begin, they may only be 30 to 45 seconds in length with several minutes of rest in between.
Active labor
As labor progresses, contractions may feel like they are wrapping around your body from the back to the front. You may also begin to notice cramping and discomfort in your legs as the contractions become more frequent and last closer to 1 minute in length.
When you’re approximately 8 centimeters dilated, you may have 30 seconds to 1 to 2 minutes between contractions as you prepare to enter the pushing stage of labor. During this time it’s not uncommon to feel lightheaded, nauseous, and have hot flashes or chills.
When you are fully dilated (around 10 cm) and it’s time to push, you may feel an intense pressure that feels like you need to poop. You can relax a little knowing that your body is just telling you that it’s ready for you to help push out your baby.
During this period, you’ll typically be instructed to push with the peaks of your contractions. Because you’re pushing with the contractions, many women find these contractions less painful than the contractions helping them to dilate.
Other parts of the experience may also cause discomfort or pain, including an episiotomy or vaginal tearing. You may also feel muscle pain or fatigue from pushing or experience uncomfortable side effects from medications used during labor.
If you’re feeling nervous about giving birth, there are things you can do before and during labor to decrease your pain (and increase your chance of having a positive birthing experience!).
Before giving birth
Exercise frequently
While you may need to modify your normal exercise plan, it’s worth continuing to exercise during pregnancy. Regular exercise during pregnancy not only helps control your blood pressure, mood, and weight but also can help keep your body in shape for the work of labor.
Take a birth preparation class
Knowing what’s ahead can help you relax and feel more comfortable during labor. Most birth preparation classes include instruction on comfort measures during labor, so you and your partner can get ideas and practice before the big event. (While you’re at it, you may also want to sign up for a baby care or breastfeeding class!)
Eat well and take your prenatal vitamins
It’s important to put the right nutrients in your body to help your baby grow properly and give yourself energy for labor.
Consider optimal fetal positioning
It’s easier to birth your baby when they’re in an optimal position. If your baby is breech or transverse, you may want to consider actions that will encourage them to shift their position… before you go into labor!
During labor
Pain relief during labor is a personal choice. You can try any combination of the following methods.
Breathing techniques
Whether you choose to follow a particular breathing routine during labor or just need to do some low vocalizations to help you through the more intense contractions, focusing on your breathing can help you manage the pain.
Even if you don’t want to give birth in water, spending some time in a shower or bath can help relieve the pain of childbirth.
Being in water has been found to be particularly effective in the first stage of labor. It can help relieve both pain and anxiety. If you have access to a moveable showerhead, aiming warm water directly onto the lower back may feel especially pleasant.
Massage and counterpressure
Many different types of massage can help manage pain during labor. Foot, hand, back, and shoulder rubs may all appeal to you. One study from 2010 found that a 15-minute massage each hour during labor helped alleviate pain and was even associated with shorter labor.
Additionally, perineal massage can help protect and prepare the perineum for the stretching involved in birthing a baby.
In addition to massage, many women enjoy pressure being strategically placed on parts of their body to help counteract the discomforts they may be feeling.
Music can lower stress and blood pressure. It can also improve your mood! But can it really help with pain during labor? Yes — a large meta-analysis found that music interventions helped alleviate pain and anxiety during labor.
Visualization or hypnosis
Guided imagery, hypnotic tracks, and other visuals can all help relax a mother in labor and relieve pain.
Walking, rocking on a birthing ball, or even slow dancing with your partner can help labor progress and relieve some of the discomforts you may be feeling.
Experimenting with different positions, including sitting, standing, or squatting, may also help reduce pain. One study found squatting offered the most pain reduction, but you can experiment with what feels best for you.
A doula
Research shows that having a doula present at your birth can lead to a better birth outcome. A doula can help with positioning/counterpressure, offer suggestions for comfort measures, advocate for your choices, and help answer your questions throughout the laboring process.
Not sure where to find a doula? Start here.
A TENS unit
Many people have found some pain relief during labor by stimulating their lower back with a transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) unit. (Some hospitals even have TENS devices that you can borrow during labor!)
If you’re feeling nauseous or anxious, peppermint, lavender, or some citrus essential oils may provide some relief during labor.
IV narcotics
Intravenous (IV) narcotics offer some of the pain relief of an epidural for a more limited time. As in the case of an epidural, nausea, headaches, drowsiness, and the transmission of medication to the baby are potential risks.
For a woman seeking a brief reprieve from the intensity of birth, an IV narcotic can be a very appealing pain relief option.
Nitrous oxide
While you may have seen it during dental visits, in the United States nitrous oxide is less commonly used as a pain relief option during childbirth. It’s a fast-acting option for pain and anxiety relief that doesn’t stay in the system as long as narcotics.
Nitrous oxide has been used for over a century and is generally considered safe for the mother and baby. While it’s used regularly in some locations around the world, you’ll need to check with your provider as to whether it’s available where you’re delivering.
The most common pain medication for birthing mothers in the United States, an epidural can relieve the pain a mother is feeling within 10 to 20 minutes. Most hospitals provide epidural analgesia, and if your pain is beyond a manageble level, you can request one.
The vast majority of women who receive an epidural feel pressure and not pain from that point on in their labor. (Many women can even sleep while laboring once the epidural has been placed.)
There’s some risk that an epidural will result in a specific type of headache, pushing may be more difficult, your lower half may remain numb for a period of time after giving birth, or you may react to the medication used in the epidural. Still, many women find that the pain relief an epidural offers outweighs these risks.
There’s no way to know exactly what childbirth will be like for you. Even if you have given birth before, each experience is different. Taking steps to prepare beforehand and using comfort measures during labor can reduce the pain of childbirth.
There’s no reason to be fearful about giving birth. While it’s called labor for a reason, millions of babies are born each year. You’re not alone! Your care provider can work with you to ensure that you have the medication and holistic pain reduction measures you need to handle your contractions.
Pregnancy and the female body. Benefit or harm?
Everyone is wondering if it is useful for a woman to bear and give birth to a child? After all, the body during this time completely changes.
The female body is unique, because only women are capable of childbearing. Men are the stronger sex, possessing many virtues: strong muscles, analytical mind, endurance. But they are not able to conceive, endure and give birth to a small creature, a piece of themselves. By nature, such an opportunity is given only to women, and it can only be compared with a miracle. Just think about it: one fine day, the future life begins to develop inside the female body, it grows, eats, rests, moves. A woman will always remember this period of her life with tenderness, unpleasant sensations in the morning, nagging pains in the lower back and painful contractions will be forgotten. But to forget how the baby moves inside, tickling your body with gentle arms and legs, is simply impossible! nine0003
A woman's body is designed to bear, give birth and feed a child. If a woman tries to deceive natural processes throughout her life by protecting herself from pregnancy, nature punishes with hormonal disruptions, diseases in the mammary gland and reproductive organs. During this period, a woman disappears gynecological diseases associated with hormonal disorders.
Most girls who suffer from painful periods will be able to breathe easy after pregnancy and childbirth. Most often, painful spasms go into oblivion. This is due to a change in the hormonal background of a young mother. nine0003
Taking care of her unborn baby, a woman tries to eat healthy foods, which has a positive effect on the general condition of the pregnant woman's body. As a rule, the expectant mother gets rid of bad habits, if any, before pregnancy. Such a refusal also has a positive effect on the entire body.
With the onset of pregnancy, the expectant mother pays more attention to her health, taking care of her baby. She tries to relax more, walk in the fresh air, observe the daily routine. All this positively affects the state of her health and appearance. nine0003
Courses for parents-to-be can be attended, where there is an opportunity to make new acquaintances who share common interests. What can later become a strong friendship or possibly develop into a business relationship.
Wonderful relationships are being established with loved ones, especially with her husband. The relationship itself becomes much warmer and more tender.
Pregnancy rejuvenates a woman's body, especially for mothers after 35-40 years. "Late mothers" after the birth of a child again feel young. This is not surprising, as the hormonal background has changed during pregnancy, which has a positive effect on the monthly cycle and appearance. Pregnancy and childbirth in adulthood restore the regularity of menstruation, if there were problems with this. nine0003
Some women react aggressively to the expression “benefit of pregnancy”. Immediately with bitterness, they begin to list the problems that appeared after childbirth:
- teeth fell out;
- appeared stretch marks and excess weight;
- chronic constipation;
- hair falls out;
- chronic fatigue, the child does not give rest;
- postpartum depression.
Aren't we to blame for most of these problems? After all, if you think about your health in advance, these problems might not exist! nine0003
- To keep teeth healthy during pregnancy and breastfeeding, they must be cured before pregnancy.
Then, properly organizing your diet and taking vitamins, maintain the balance of calcium in the body. And note that non-pregnant girlfriends also deteriorate their teeth if they are not treated.
- First of all, heredity is to blame for the appearance of stretch marks and excess weight. But we ourselves sometimes do not give a damn about our health. It just so happened that from the very first days of pregnancy, others begin to feed the expectant mother “for two”. Yes, and a pregnant woman often shows weakness, crushing rolls at night and attributing it to the fact that you sometimes want to break the regime in this position. As a result for 9months, quietly gained 15-20 extra pounds, throwing off which, we will find those very stretch marks.
- The occurrence of constipation during pregnancy and after childbirth is also largely related to nutrition. The use of fresh vegetables and fruits, physical activity, drinking water in the amount of 1.5-2 liters will regulate the work of the intestines, and constipation will not be afraid of it.
- Falling hair disturbs women of different age groups. To keep them healthy, you need to eat right and take care of them at all times, including pregnancy. nine0024
- Chronic fatigue. It's just another opportunity to feel sorry for yourself. What kind of fatigue are we talking about in our age of ready-made food for children, diapers and a city apartment? Remember our great-grandmothers: in the morning they had to run to the well for water, water the cow, milk milk, and that's all before breakfast! Try to properly organize your day, paying attention only to vital matters. If that doesn't help, write a schedule for the day, specifying what time, what to do, and where to go. nine0024
- Postpartum depression. There are many reasons for these psychological problems, but basically, if there is mutual understanding and love between spouses, there is simply no place for depression.
As you can see, the benefits of pregnancy are much greater. And most importantly, you will have a little man whom you will love all your life. He will unite your family and be a source of joy for you.
First pregnancy - only pluses
Pregnancy will teach you to appreciate and plan time. After all, during these nine months you need to have time to do a lot of really urgent things. This includes medical supervision, choosing a maternity hospital, buying a dowry for children, possibly registering a marriage, preparing your work files in order to transfer them or continue after the end of maternity leave. All this will ensure the well-being of you and your baby. If before pregnancy you repeatedly tried to "go on" a diet, but it didn’t work out for you, then during pregnancy, proper nutrition will become simply necessary. Moreover, it will not be such a far from harmless diet, which includes a leaf of lettuce for breakfast, a boiled egg for lunch, and a glass of water for dinner. Pregnancy is a time of rational, proper, balanced nutrition. In addition, as you know, the onset of pregnancy is often accompanied by early toxicosis, one of the manifestations of which is a change in taste preferences. At the beginning of pregnancy, you will be able to afford to satisfy these addictions. Then, by about week 16, your tastes are likely to become normal, and this is just the time when you need to be especially strict about the rules of rational nutrition. nine0003
Perhaps, in this regard, you will be able to introduce into your diet products that you have not used before, for example, a variety of vegetables, cereals (by the way, you can get acquainted with such products in the “Delicious Health” section). Pregnancy will push you to new culinary achievements - cooking delicious and healthy dishes that will satisfy your new needs and the tastes of your family.
If before pregnancy you each time postponed the start of physical exercises on Monday, then during pregnancy the number of such "Mondays" is strictly limited - the entire pregnancy lasts 40 weeks. From these 40 weeks, you need to take away the first 12-16 - this is the time of the onset of pregnancy, when physically unprepared women should not start exercising. The classes started in recent weeks have no special meaning either. In addition to a fairly limited period for starting physical exercises, it is also a favorable fact that during the period of bearing a baby it is impossible that the loads are excessive, you cannot get tired, and such tireless exercises will only give you pleasure. One of the options for exercise during pregnancy can be classes in the pool. If you begin to systematically exercise during pregnancy, physical education will become an integral part of your life. Thus, you will acquire another useful habit. nine0003
Walking is another pleasant activity that you can indulge in during pregnancy. And they must also be logged in. Walking is a kind of training for the respiratory, cardiovascular and muscular systems of a young mother. They contribute to the prevention of certain complications of pregnancy, ensure the good condition of the fetus.
For good health, women, and even more so expectant mothers, need to sleep 8-10 hours a day. You can also afford this pleasure with a clear conscience during pregnancy, because it is not only a pleasure, but also a necessity. In the first trimester of pregnancy, drowsiness is especially pronounced. This is due to the action of the hormone progesterone, which "dominates" in the body of a woman during this period. By the end of the first pregnancy, most women experience some difficulty falling asleep, waking up several times during the night, but still allowing themselves to rest during the day. nine0003
Many women are afraid of the changes that can happen to their appearance. But there are a lot of advantages here too. Yes, indeed, changes will certainly occur, and among them - an increase in breast size, improved hair and nail growth.
Many of the fair sex dream of having a slightly larger breast; during pregnancy, this dream will come true. The size of the mammary glands often increase in the first trimester of pregnancy. This is due to an increase in the volume of glandular tissue, that is, the tissue that will produce milk. Along with an increase in volume, the breast becomes elastic. nine0003
Changes in the hormonal background, characteristic of pregnancy, will lead to increased hair growth and slower hair loss. Therefore, your hair will become thicker, shiny, attractive. These same hormonal changes will lead to the rapid growth of nails, reducing their fragility.
A mysterious look, turned as if inward, gives a pregnant woman a unique charm. All these changes in appearance, of course, can be classified as positive.
If you have problematic, oily or combination skin and before pregnancy you did everything to prevent the appearance of pimples, then during the period of bearing a baby, you will most likely forget about this problem, because the skin becomes dry at this time. nine0003
It would be foolish to deny that not all women have oily skin, that after childbirth there comes a time when the hair begins to fall out intensively, that the breasts after breastfeeding will acquire “pre-pregnant” sizes, but may change shape. In addition, there is still a chance of gaining excess weight, “getting” stretch marks, the advantages of the first pregnancy are age spots. These phenomena can hardly be attributed to positive ones, but they also conceal an indisputable plus. The likelihood of these changes just makes it necessary to improve skin and body care, but isn't it nice to dedicate as much time and effort to yourself as possible? nine0003
It is a well-known statement that doctors often use: there are no healthy people - there are underexamined. During pregnancy, one way or another, you will have to pass a number of tests and visit doctors of various specialties. This will allow you to find out all the details about your state of health, if necessary, undergo treatment. We emphasize once again that this is not an inconvenience brought by the first pregnancy, but a plus, because otherwise, you might have been going to the doctor for a very long time. Of course, you will be in a somewhat more advantageous position if you pass all the necessary examinations before pregnancy. In any case, the baby will make you pay attention to your health. Remember how many times you put off visiting the dentist, and only the realization that the first pregnancy sometimes contributes to significant changes (and not for the better) in the state of the oral cavity led you to the dentist. So do not miss such a great opportunity to “pull up” your health. nine0003
If smoking was one of your habits, then now is the time to quit. And if earlier you could give up on your health by reaching for another cigarette, then during pregnancy this habit harms not only you, but, first of all, your baby. It is during the period of bearing a child that many women once and for all refuse this addiction.
Relations with others
New acquaintances are another plus of the first pregnancy. After all, while carrying a baby, you will regularly attend a antenatal clinic, possibly a school for pregnant women, a fitness club. Internet users, as a rule, make new acquaintances on profile sites for future and young parents. By the way, often such acquaintances develop into family friendships. nine0003
In the most positive way, the first pregnancy can affect relations with relatives. The husband will somehow take care of the expectant mother - and this will not necessarily be expressed in the fulfillment of your (sometimes very changeable) desires. Perhaps the future dad will help you around the house, take on some of your responsibilities, or, on the contrary, go headlong into work in order to properly provide for the growing family. Believe me, the vast majority of future fathers take progressive and positive actions in anticipation of the baby, it is only important to be able to see them. nine0003
In a positive way, family relationships can also be affected by the renewal of intimate relationships. After all, during pregnancy there is no need to use contraception, and the pregnant position requires the search for new forms of intimate communication.
During this period you will understand your parents better. In addition, you will have a very responsible and not very easy period of life - the first year of a baby's life, when the help of parents will be far from superfluous - this is another reason to get close to them. In the end, everyone benefits from good family relationships. nine0003
Work, study
Exams are usually easy for pregnant students, there is a great incentive to pass everything ahead of schedule, to pull up all the “tails”.
At work, pregnancy also has many benefits. Anticipation of future expenses is a great incentive to move up the career ladder. In addition, pregnancy is a whole 10 weeks of legal prenatal leave. During this time, you can complete some serious long-term project (thesis, book), pass the exam session ahead of schedule, etc. nine0003
New clothes, purchases
Undoubtedly, a pleasant event is the purchase of a child's dowry. Even if you are superstitious and do not want to buy a dowry in advance, before the birth of the baby, then you must choose a stroller, crib, baby clothes before giving birth, because then there simply will not be time for this, and it is not always possible to rely on the taste of relatives. And how much fun it will give you the choice of tiny children's things and everything that is necessary when caring for a baby. Therefore, you should not put off going to the children's store and the children's fair on the back burner. It is most practical to do this in the second trimester of pregnancy, when the physical condition is optimal for sufficiently long shopping trips. nine0003
Pregnancy is a great time to update your wardrobe, as most "pre-pregnancy" clothes will not fit the rounded shapes of the expectant mother. Already at the very beginning of pregnancy, breast size often increases, a rounded tummy begins to appear by the fourth or fifth month of pregnancy, so you will need special maternity clothes for at least two seasons. When updating your wardrobe, do not forget about shoes - among comfortable models with low heels, you can always pick up a beautiful, stylish pair. nine0003
At the end of the second - the beginning of the third trimester of the first pregnancy, expectant mothers have the so-called "nesting instinct", which is also embodied in the desire to create a nest for the baby.