How far back can you go for child support
What is the Statute of Limitations on Child Support in Texas?
Texas parents have a general duty to provide financial support for their children.
If child support is not paid on time, custodial parents have a number of different enforcement tools at their disposal.
What happens if you don’t pay child support in Texas?
As explained by the Office of the Attorney General of Texas, the failure to pay child support could potentially lead to the interception of an income tax return, wage garnishment, or even a bank levy.
However, parents do not always have an unlimited amount of time to make a claim to recover overdue child support. A parent will lose their right to bring a legal claim if action is not taken before the statute of limitations expires.
Here, our experienced Waco, TX child custody attorneys explain the most important things that you need to know about the Texas child support arrears statute of limitations.
Texas Child Support Statute of Limitations
What is the Statute of Limitations With an Existing Court Order?If there is already a court order in place, then parents in Texas have considerable — but not unlimited — time to file for back child support.
Under Texas law, the statute of limitations for seeking back child support when a court order is already in place is ten years from the child’s 18th birthday. If a claim isn’t filed by the deadline, then any recovery for back child support in Texas may be denied.
What is the Statute of Limitations Without an Existing Court Order?If there isn’t an existing child support order in place, that does not mean that a non-custodial parent can simply avoid making payments. Child support is still owed, even without an official court order to mandate it.
However, in this circumstance, parents have far less time to seek financial relief for unpaid, overdue child support. Under Texas law (Texas Family Code – FAM § 154.131), the custodial parent has four years after the date of the child’s 18th birthday to file a claim. This is a far more strict back child support Texas statute of limitations.
Notably, this type of case is known as a retroactive child support claim — since financial recovery is being sought without any existing court order. With retroactive child support, Texas courts presume that the total amount of child support that will be awarded will not exceed the amount that would have been due over the previous four years had a child support order been in place.
This is a rebuttable presumption. If evidence can be presented that the non-custodial parent intentionally sought to avoid paying child support, a Texas court may allow retroactive child support in an amount beyond the general four-year limit.
Contact Our Waco, TX Child Support Lawyer Today
At the Law Office of Simer and Tetens, our Texas family attorneys have extensive experience handling the full range of child support cases.
If you have any questions about back child support in Texas, we are here to help. To set up a free, no obligation initial consultation, please do not hesitate to contact us today.
With an office in Waco, we also serve communities in McLennan County and throughout Central Texas.
South Carolina Rules on Back Child Support
If you fall too far behind with your child support obligation, your ex can come after you to collect with the full force of the government backing her up, no matter where you live. In South Carolina, she needs only to sign up with the Child Support Services Division, or CSSD, of the Department of Social Services. She can also enforce your child support order by going back to court on her own or with the help of an attorney, but it isn’t necessary, because CSSD is waiting in the wings, ready and willing to help her.
The Rule to Show Cause Hearing
The first step in the collection process -- with or without help from CSSD -- involves your ex filing for a Rule to Show Cause hearing with the court. She must serve you with a copy of the paperwork so you know when the hearing is scheduled. You’ll have an opportunity to explain to the judge why you haven’t been paying support. You may have a valid reason, such as illness or job loss. If so, the judge will typically work with you to figure out a solution.
If you don’t have a good reason for skipping payments, the judge can order one or more enforcement measures and might even find you in contempt of court for willfully disobeying a court order -- your child support order. This can result in a fine of up to $1,500 in South Carolina, a year in jail, or possibly both, depending on how far in arrears you are and the facts of your case.
If you don’t have a good reason for skipping payments, the judge can order one or more enforcement measures and might even find you in contempt of court for willfully disobeying a court order -- your child support order. This can result in a fine of up to $1,500 in South Carolina, a year in jail, or possibly both, depending on how far in arrears you are and the facts of your case.
Read More: Will You Go to Jail at a Show-Cause Hearing for Child Support?
Collection Methods
If your ex signs up with CSSD to collect your support arrears, the division can take several actions against you, many of them unilateral; the agency doesn’t even have to get court approval first.
- If you’re out of work and collecting unemployment benefits, the state can intercept your payments. It can also take your wages, workers' compensation benefits, Social Security benefits and service-related disability benefits.
- CSSD can place an administrative lien against your real or personal property, including bank accounts, if your arrears top $1,000.
- CSSD can claim your state or federal income tax refunds. You must owe at least $500 in arrears and be three months or more behind before the state can take your federal refund unless your ex is collecting public assistance on behalf of your kids. In this case, the threshold drops to $150.
When your federal refund is intercepted, this automatically triggers denial for a passport if you’re $2,500 in arrears or more. Your state refund is vulnerable when you owe at least $100 and haven’t paid in three months or more.
- Your driver’s or professional license can be revoked or suspended if you owe a minimum of $500 and haven’t made a payment in 60 days. The state will give you 45 days’ notice first so you can either pay what you owe or make payment arrangements.
Statute of Limitations
South Carolina has no statute of limitations on collecting child support arrears. If you owe money, the state or your ex can continue pursuing you for it even after your child emancipates and you no longer owe current support.
The judge can -- and probably will -- order a bench warrant for your arrest if you don’t appear at the Rule to Show Cause hearing.
How do I file for child support in a 209A protection order case?
The decision to get child support as part of a 209A protection order is an important decision that can help you keep you and your children safe. But only you can decide whether it is safe for you to file a child support petition as part of a 209A protection order.
If you wish to include child support in a 209A protection order, you should:
- Decide in which court you will file your child support petition with a 209A order.
- Decide whether you will receive support through the Division of Collections Support Collection Assistance (DOR/CSE).
- On the Violence Protection Complaint Form, check box 7 on page 1 and complete any additional forms required.
- Be aware that the judge will most likely not hear the child support order at the first hearing. The first hearing is the hearing the court sees when you come for an emergency order and the defendant has not yet been notified of the case. In this case, you will need to return to the court to participate in a second hearing, the so-called "ten-day" or "long" hearing. nine0012
- At your second hearing, be prepared to explain your reasons for filing child support.
- You need to be prepared to know how to answer the judge if the judge asks you to go to another court.
How can a 209A order help keep you safe?
Getting child support as part of a 209A protection order can help keep you and your children safe because:
- It will help you manage and care for your children yourself; nine0012
- This will help you pay for the costs of things for children in case of violence or abuse;
- This will help you get support faster than if you filed a separate support case;
- You will not have to deal with the abuser in court as if you were filing a separate child support case;
- The abuser will not be able to contact you to discuss child support;
- The Division of Collections Support Assistance (DOR/CSE) can collect child support from the abuser in your favor: nine0028
- The abuser can pay directly to the department, or
- Child support may be collected directly from the abuser's salary and transferred to the department in your favor; and

Which court should I apply to?
Any court that hears 209A cases may issue a child support order in conjunction with a 209A protection order. District Courts, Boston City Courts, or the Registry and Family Courts may administer 209 cases.A. If you have time to decide which court to apply to, consider:
- Which court is the safest for you;
- Which court is easiest to get to;
- The fact that the Civil Status and Family Courts more often than require the completion of more complex questionnaires; and
- What you need to be prepared to know how to answer the judge if a District Court or Boston City Court judge asks you to go to the Civil Status and Family Courts. nine0012
What forms do you need?
When you file a request for child support as part of a 209A protection order, you fill out all of the same forms you need to fill out when you apply for a 209A order, plus a few more. Forms to fill out:
- Page 1 Complaints for Protection from Violence (Code 209A),
- Page 2 Complaints for Protection from Violence (Code 209A) - Children's Cases,
- Complainant Privacy Form,
- Defendant Data Form
- Plaintiff's Statement in Support of Support Request,
- Support Compliance Calculation Form,
- If you are filing with the Civil Status and Family Courts, you may also need to complete:
- Financial report,
- Petition and application for exemption.
What are these questionnaires for?
Page 1 Complaints about protection from violence (C.Z. s. 209A)
Section J of the form begins with the words: "Why do I ask the court ..." . Check all boxes that apply to why you are asking the court. If you are filing for child support, check box 7. Item 7 tells the judge that you are also filing page 2 of the complaint form. Page 2 is about children.
Page 2 Complaints for Protection from Violence (C.3. 209A)
begins with "Child Matters". To apply for maintenance, check the box in section F. TEMPORARY SUPPORT . Section F is at the top of the page. See sample page 2 for an F which means this is a request for temporary support.
Plaintiff's statement in support of a support request. You are the plaintiff. Your abuser is the defendant.
This form tells the judge all the information it needs to know about your income, the defendant's income, and expenses. Support Application - New 2012 Form When you sign this form, you must swear that you are giving the correct testimony to the court. nine0007
Complainant privacy form. By completing this form, you are letting the court know whether your details, such as your address and phone number, will be kept confidential and not shared with the defendant.
Respondent data form. This form is needed in order to notify the police on how to find the defendant.
Form for Compliance with Support Rules
Judges are required to follow certain rules when calculating child support. These rules are called the "Alimony Rules". In the calculation form, the parent who will have to pay child support is called the "payor". If your child lives with you and you are the parent who receives support, you are a "recipient". nine0007
At the end of the form, you will find a heading, "Child Support Guidlines Chart". This table establishes the amount of "joint support" that must be entered in line 2(a) of the calculation form. The online form calculates this amount automatically.
Financial report. To be completed only if you are filing with the Civil Status and Family Court.
If you are filing for a 209A protection order, you may you will need to complete the Financial Report. See How to Complete a Financial Statement. The Respondent will also be required to complete a Financial Statement.
To prevent the respondent from learning personal information about you that could endanger you:
- Do not include your address; telephone number; the name of the employer; work address, and work phone number on the Financial Statement.
- You may also need to keep other personal information confidential. In such a case, complete and file the Petition and Withdrawal Application, and the judge will therefore withhold your confidential information from the defendant. nine0012
Review basic information about 209A protection orders.
Some forms already provided as images:
- Sample Complaint for Protection from Violence (Code 209A) with application (page 1)
- Sample Complaint for Protection from Violence (C.
209A) (page 2)
- Sample Claimant's Application for Support Request
- Sample Complainant Privacy Form
- Sample Defendant Data Form
- Sample Petition and Application for Withdrawal
What to do if the husband does not pay child support by court order
If the husband does not pay alimony voluntarily, then you should go to court, get a writ of execution and send it to the enforcement service at the place of residence of the defendant, i.e. the father of the child. When there is no court decision yet, then first you need to file a statement of claim or an application for a court order. A family lawyer can help you prepare these documents correctly. nine0007
- What to do if the husband does not pay child support by court order
- Control of the executor (bailiff)
- Initiation of a criminal case.
- Other methods
Control of the executor (bailiff)
If alimony has not started to arrive, then you should act actively, otherwise you may never see it.
First you need to go to the bailiff. and present executive documents for collection. How to find out the debt of your debtor in the future, you can read here. Complain that alimony is not being received, life is difficult and ask what he is going to do and did in order to collect alimony. And write everything down on a piece of paper. This will be needed later. nine0007
If you travel far, then, in principle, you can write a letter on your own behalf, in which you indicate: the names and surnames of the parties, the No. of the enforcement proceedings, the essence of the case, the No. of the court decision. And notify that alimony has not yet been received, and you are asking to take action. In simple writing, send this letter with registered notice. This behavior of yours will make it clear to the bailiffs that you are in control of everything, and if anything, you will complain. After that, it is necessary to give the performer time to fulfill his official duties. Wait a month or two. If after that the alimony has not started to arrive, then we proceed to the next steps. nine0007
Again, you need to pay a visit to the bailiff who is handling your case and complain again that life is very difficult, alimony is not received. It is possible that the performer may be in collusion with the alimony payer so that the case does not move forward. So you need to check some things. You can go to the bailiff yourself or contact an enforcement lawyer.
You need to check whether the bailiff has made inquiries at the debtor's place of work about his income. If the payer does not have an official job, then whether a request has been made to the tax service about the possible receipt of taxes from him. And according to these data, it is possible to calculate where the alimony payer officially or unofficially works. nine0007
In addition, it should be checked whether information about the movable and immovable property of the debtor has been received and whether they have been seized. If not, then be sure to ask the performer to make appropriate requests. And after receiving the answers, be sure to seize the property of the alimony payer. You can also ask the contractor to issue an appropriate decision to restrict the debtor from crossing the border due to non-payment of alimony. This works very effectively, especially if the debtor is a seafarer or his work involves frequent border crossings. nine0007
In addition to all this, you must personally send a letter to the debtor with a request to pay alimony. In this letter, you must indicate the amount of child support owed and the request to pay it. And point out the difficult living conditions. Such letters should be sent to the debtor every month, no matter how stupid it may seem.
At the next visit to the executor, you need to take a camera or a good mobile phone with you and familiarize yourself with the materials of the enforcement proceedings, while photographing all the sheets of the case. It must be remembered that in this case you are a party (collector) and therefore have the right to familiarize yourself with the enforcement proceedings. And also to appeal against illegal actions or inactions of the bailiff. nine0007
In order to be able to get acquainted with the materials, you need to write the appropriate application, in which you indicate that you want to make photocopies of the file. And you are obliged to provide such an opportunity. This is done so that you subsequently have the opportunity to appeal against the actions of the performer or his inaction. If you have a reasonable suspicion that he is colluding with the debtor.
If, despite all these actions, you still do not receive alimony, then you need to use more serious methods of influence. The strongest of them is the initiation of a criminal case. nine0007
Initiation of a criminal case.
If the debtor does not pay alimony for more than three months without a good reason, then there are grounds for initiating a criminal case for malicious non-payment of alimony. To do this, you need to apply to the bailiffs with a statement about the desire to bring the debtor to criminal liability for malicious non-payment of alimony. And the performer, at your request, prepares all the materials and sends a statement to the police. But at the same time, we want to draw attention to the fact that you need to think about the future of the child. It is not known whether it will be good if there is a convicted father in the child's biography. This may spoil his future possible career in the state security agencies, the courts, or somewhere else where the father's criminal record can play a decisive role. nine0007
In addition to bringing to criminal responsibility, there are other methods.
Other methods
If the amount of debt has grown to a significant amount that can be compared with the price of a car, motorcycle, or even real estate, then you can seize this property and demand that it be sold at auction.
For this, it is necessary that the bailiff calculate the entire amount of the debt and also the penalty. The penalty is 1% of the amount owed for each day of delay. The total amount of the penalty cannot be more than the amount of the debt itself. nine0007
After that, when you hit the amount, you need to apply to the court to collect the debt on alimony and fines. Having won this case, and having received a writ of execution, you can seize the debtor's property already under this writ of execution. And demand its execution by selling the debtor's property at auction.
And this is where a stack of letters with evidence of sending to the debtor that you ask the debtor to pay alimony every month, say that it is difficult to live, and that the amount of alimony is a certain amount, will be very useful to you. And you ask her to pay. And by submitting 15-20 such letters to the court, believe me, you will change the inner convictions of the court. And the claim will be much easier to win.