Pictures of the placenta after birth
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What to do with the placenta? 10 uses
The placenta (baby place, afterbirth, storage) is a unique organ. It appears only for 8-9 months to provide the unborn child with oxygen and all the necessary nutrients, but after the third stage of labor it becomes unnecessary. What can be done with the placenta after the doctor examined it and said that everything is in order? There are at least 10 options, and each has its supporters.
Eat. This is exactly what female placental mammals do after giving birth, even herbivores. After all, the afterbirth contains many valuable nutrients, and after giving birth in the wild, you need to restore strength as soon as possible in order to be able to run and get food again.
Women still do this too, especially in parts of Asia. Some experts recommend eating the placenta for the prevention of postpartum depression and anemia. However, in our time, placentophagy has acquired many exotic forms: since it is rather problematic for a civilized person to simply eat a raw afterbirth, as in the wild, the placenta is either heat-treated, like ordinary meat, or smoothies are prepared, or encapsulated. To do this, the placenta must be steam-dried, turned into powder, and then taken in the form of capsules. Of course, only those who have the appropriate technical capabilities resort to such methods. However, you should be aware of the risks: the placenta contains hormones, is not sterile, and may even be infected.
Bury. In our climatic latitudes, the placenta was most often buried in the ground. This could be accompanied by rituals: the placenta was washed, sprinkled with fragrant herbs, spices, put in an embroidered bag (they could cover it with a layer of wet clay and dry it so that it would not become food for wild animals), and only then they put it in a specially prepared hole - under the house, in a wasteland but most often under a tree. If a girl was born, the placenta was buried under a "female" tree - for example, an apple tree. If the family was replenished with a boy, the children's place was buried under a maple or oak tree so that the guy would grow up strong and powerful. Nowadays, the placenta can be buried under the so-called "family tree" to ensure the baby's health and well-being, or they can simply be buried in a flower bed - they say, this is how flowers grow better.
Bury. In some countries (particularly on the island of Bali), it is customary not just to bury the placenta, but to ritually hide it in a cemetery, believing that it is a living being.
Make a decoration. The placenta looks good in epoxy, so some women order a pendant, bracelet, ring or necklace from their own placenta from jewelers. Such decoration should symbolize the bond between mother and child.
Dry for memory. Dried placentas are sometimes used in art compositions or sewn into toys.
Sell. Cosmetics made using the placenta are very popular on the market - creams, gels, serums, shampoos, etc. Especially effective are products with a placenta in anti-aging cosmetology - because in this way you can stimulate the appearance of new cells, as well as activate the production of collagen and elastin, and the skin becomes more elastic. Therefore, some women sell their afterbirth. Although, of course, you won’t earn a lot of money this way.
Use in homemade skin cream. However, a cream that will help heal the skin, reduce scars and stretch marks, and even heal sore or cracked nipples is even made independently. To do this, placenta powder is added to other components.
Dispose of. In Ukraine, this is the most common scenario for the development of events. Maternity hospitals are guided by a protocol for handling biowaste: after the completion of the third stage of labor, the placenta is examined and sent for freezing in a special chamber. When it is full, the placentas are taken for disposal - more often they are buried, less often they are burned.
Deposit in the cryobank. Today, the placenta - like cord blood - is used to isolate the most valuable mesenchymal stem cells. Even now, stem cells are successfully used for the treatment of various diseases and in cosmetology, this area is rightly called "medicine of the XXI century." Therefore, such a “contribution” can be a very profitable investment in the health of the child and the longevity of the parents. Interestingly, stem cells are obtained from a smaller part of the placenta, from the amnion and chorion, which are genetically related to the child. The remains of the placenta can be used as the family decides, because everyone has their own opinion and traditions of the family.
Read also 10 unique facts about the placenta
6 famous women and one man who ate the placenta of their children
nutrients and vitamins. Women around the world use their placenta after giving birth in a variety of ways, and celebrities are no exception.
Alina Krasnova
Kim Kardashian
Pregnancy and childbirth
Despite the fact that doctors warn that there is no need to eat the placenta, as this can even lead to infection, this trend has remained popular for many years, ahead of many others in prevalence. Scientists still don't have any proof that eating the placenta has any amazing properties.
Kim Kardashian
After the birth of her second child, son Saint, Kim surprised fans by admitting that she eats her own placenta. According to the new mother, "biological material" helps to survive postpartum depression.
“It turns out that a lot of mothers do the same as me. It's amazing, but I feel on the rise, and there is not even a hint of postpartum depression. When I say that I eat my placenta, I mean that I eat frozen and dried placenta processed into tablets. After each "pill" I feel a surge of energy and a good mood. I recommend that all mothers do this. And no, I don't eat it like, say, a steak. Although many people think so, ”Kim admits on his website.
Kourtney Kardashian
In fact, Kim got the idea from her older sister Kourtney, who, after becoming a mother, also took pills with powder from her placenta.
Kim Kardashian and other stars who turned from best friends into sworn enemies
Who would know about Kim Kardashian now if Paris Hilton hadn't introduced her to the right people at the time! And Kim admits it. “She helped me launch my career. I fully acknowledge it! I understand that few people would like to say: "I became famous thanks to Paris." But it's true," Kim said. Kardashian and Hilton were close friends for a long time, but at one point they stopped talking. What is the reason is still unknown. The girls are trying to renew their relationship, but so far nothing has come of it.
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Blac Chyna
The infamous model, who also became part of the Kardashian clan, decided to keep up with the family tradition. Having given birth to a child from Rob Kardashian, the only son in a famous family, the young mother also tried to regain her youth and beauty with the help of placenta pills.
Sasha Zvereva
But the former soloist of the Russian group Demo, who became a mother for the third time, drank smoothies with a placenta.
“You speak with your doctor in charge of pregnancy and childbirth in advance: do not cut the umbilical cord, do not take the placenta, do not use epidural anesthesia. I wrote my plan with wishes and prohibitions even in case I have to go to the hospital. For this is my body, my placenta, my child, and I have all the rights to it. Kindly explain that this is important to you. And that's it," Zvereva explained.
Mayim Bialik
The Big Bang Theory and Blossom star believes it's natural for mammals to eat their placenta. True, the actress did not dare to eat the placenta in the same way as some animals do - in raw form immediately after childbirth. After the birth of each of her sons, she also sent her biomaterial for processing into tablets.
Alicia Silverstone
The actress fully shares Kim Kardashian's point of view that dried placenta pills save a young mother from mood swings. Alicia, who has a son, called pills with her placenta "pills of happiness."
Tom Cruise
The only man on our list is actor Tom Cruise, who has his own ideas about how babies should be born.