Is olive oil good for cradle cap
Cradle Cap
Is this your child's symptom?
- A scaly rash on the scalp that starts in newborns
Symptoms of Cradle Cap
- Yellow scales and crusts attached to the scalp
- Occurs in patches
- Scales can be greasy or dry
- Not itchy or painful
- Begins in the first 2 to 6 weeks of life
Cause of Cradle Cap
- Cradle cap is probably caused by hormones from the mother. These hormones cross the placenta before birth. The hormones cause the oil glands in the skin to become overactive. They then release more oil than normal.
- Dead skin cells normally fall off. The extra oil causes these cells to "stick" to the skin. These cells form yellow crusts and scales on the scalp.
When to Call for Cradle Cap
Call Doctor or Seek Care Now
- Baby less than 1 month old with tiny water blisters or pimples in a cluster
- Your child looks or acts very sick
Contact Doctor Within 24 Hours
- Baby less than 1 month old with any water blisters or pimples
- You think your child needs to be seen
Contact Doctor During Office Hours
- Raw rash behind the ears
- Rash spreads beyond the scalp
- Cradle cap gets worse with treatment
- Cradle cap lasts longer than 12 months
- You have other questions or concerns
Self Care at Home
- Mild cradle cap
Seattle Children's Urgent Care Locations
If your child’s illness or injury is life-threatening, call 911.
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Care Advice for Cradle Cap
- What You Should Know About Cradle Cap:
- Cradle cap is a common skin condition of newborns.
- It's caused by overactive oil glands in the scalp.
- It's harmless and will go away on its own. But it takes time.
- Here is some care advice that should help.
- Shampoo Daily:
- Wash the hair with an anti-dandruff shampoo (such as Head and Shoulders).
Do this twice a week. No prescription is needed. Note: The daily use of anti-dandruff shampoo isn't approved until after 2 years old. But, using it twice a week is fine.
- On the other days, wash the hair with baby shampoo.
- Wash the hair with an anti-dandruff shampoo (such as Head and Shoulders).
- Scalp Massage:
- While the hair is lathered, massage the scalp with a soft brush. You can also use a rough washcloth or your fingers for 5 minutes. Don't worry about hurting the soft spot.
- Baby Oil:
- If the scalp has thick crusts (scales), put some baby oil on the scalp. Do this for 15 minutes before shampooing to soften the crusts.
- Wash all the oil off, however, or it may worsen the cradle cap. (Reason: The oil blocks the oil glands on the baby's scalp.)
- Do not use olive oil. (Reason: may increase the growth of yeast)
- Cradle cap lotions for loosening up the scales are also available without a prescription. Apply the lotion 15 minutes before shampooing.
- Steroid Cream:
- If the rash on the scalp is red and irritated, use 1% hydrocortisone cream.
An example is Cortaid. No prescription is needed.
- Put this on once a day.
- After 1 hour, wash it off with soap and water.
- Do this for 7 days or less.
- If the rash on the scalp is red and irritated, use 1% hydrocortisone cream.
- Expected Course:
- Cradle cap will eventually go away on its own between 6 and 12 months of age. Usually, it doesn't cause any symptoms (such as pain or itching).
- Therefore, treatment is optional. It is mainly done for cosmetic reasons.
- Shampoos, lotions and brushing will reduce the thickness of the scales. They will usually make them go away sooner.
- Return to Child Care:
- Cradle cap cannot be spread to others.
- Your child does not need to miss any child care.
- Call Your Doctor If:
- Gets worse with treatment
- Lasts over 12 months of age
- You think your child needs to be seen
And remember, contact your doctor if your child develops any of the 'Call Your Doctor' symptoms.

Disclaimer: this health information is for educational purposes only. You, the reader, assume full responsibility for how you choose to use it.
Last Reviewed: 10/19/2022
Last Revised: 01/13/2022
Copyright 2000-2022. Schmitt Pediatric Guidelines LLC.
4 ways to get rid of cradle cap for good
Toss the hats! Your baby’s crusty, scaly scalp is harmless, but it can also be hard on the eyes. Luckily, there are effective ways to treat cradle cap.
Grown-ups get dandruff, babies get cradle cap. Both conditions are due to a harmless and common skin issue called seborrheic dermatitis, which causes rough, scaly patches and flaky skin on the scalp—not really what you want when you’re showing off your beautiful newborn to friends and family. Unfortunately, most babies get cradle cap, and it usually appears between one and three months of age, says Michele Ramien, a paediatric dermatologist and clinical associate professor at the Alberta Children’s Hospital in Calgary.
What causes cradle cap?
No one is entirely sure where cradle cap comes from, but there are some theories. “It usually occurs on areas of the body that have lots of oil glands, such as the scalp, face, upper chest and upper back,” says Ramien. “Oil glands are more active in babies because hormone levels are high during the first year of life.” Another possibility is the presence of a yeast called Malassezia, which is normally found on the skin and grows in the sebum secretions produced by oil glands.
Should you see a doctor?
Cradle cap is often mistaken for eczema, another dry-skin condition. But while eczema can be itchy and irritating, most babies remain blissfully unaware that they have cradle cap. The scaly patches are white or yellow in colour and can be dry or greasy. “Cradle cap isn’t contagious or associated with poor hygiene,” says Julia Orkin, a paediatrician at the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto and chair of the Canadian Paediatric Society’s Community Paediatrics Committee. “It’s primarily a cosmetic concern, and it usually goes away on its own within a couple of weeks to a few months.”
That said, if your baby’s skin becomes red and inflamed or involves more than the scalp or if your child is unwell or has a fever, Orkin says it’s time to check with your healthcare provider. “Cradle cap shouldn’t bleed easily or be extremely itchy,” says Ramien. “A baby shouldn’t be unwell from cradle cap. If symptoms persist and there seems to be no improvement with treatment, I would suggest seeing a doctor because—very rarely—severe, treatment-resistant cradle cap can be associated with immune system problems.”
Getting rid of cradle cap
Treating cradle cap can be very rewarding, says Ramien. “Often, parents just assume that they have to wait for it to go away on its own, but mild cradle cap can completely resolve on its own within a few days of treatment,” she says.
Newborn care: Everything you need to know about baby grooming

Shampooing your baby’s scalp daily can help treat and prevent cradle cap. “Use gentle baby shampoo with as little fragrance as possible because it’s less likely to cause skin sensitivities later on,” says Ramien.
2. Apply oil
Baby or mineral oil can help soften the scales on your baby’s skin, says Orkin. “Apply a very small amount of oil—just a couple of drops—and massage it directly into the scales,” says Orkin. Ramien recommends avoiding olive oil, regardless of what you read on the internet. “Olive oil seems to detract from the skin’s natural barrier function,” she says. Though most research supports the use of baby or mineral oil to treat cradle cap, “coconut and sunflower oils are better options for patients who want to use a natural oil, says Ramien. As for essential oils, such as geranium and tea tree oils, it’s best to skip those altogether. “I wouldn’t recommend using these oils in babies with cradle cap because we know the condition can be a predictor of eczema and those with eczema are more likely to become allergic to highly scented products, such as geranium and tea tree oils,” says Ramien.
3. Brush your baby’s scalp
To remove scale build-up, gently brush or massage your baby’s scalp with a baby brush or comb.“It’s a good idea to brush out the scales, roughly 30 to 60 minutes after you’ve applied shampoo or oil to give it time to sink in, says Orkin. Avoid scratching or picking at the scales because it can make the condition worse.
4. If all else fails…
Occasionally, Ramien will prescribe an antifungal shampoo (ketoconazole) to help treat the yeast and, very rarely, an anti-inflammatory cream or oil that contains a mild topical corticosteroid (like hydrocortisone), combined with an anti-yeast cream. But, she says, it’s better not to overtreat the condition. “If your baby isn’t bothered by the cradle cap, it will usually go away on its own by eight to 12 months of age,” says Ramien.
Read more:
25 baby-care hacks for first-time parents
5 weird things about your newborn that nobody talks about
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In the cradle of olive oil - All Salt
The Turkish national wrestling is called Guresh. It differs from other types of wrestling common in the world, in particular, in that the wrestlers lubricate the body with olive oil to make it more difficult to make grips.
The tradition of lubricating the body of athletes with olive oil dates back to ancient times, but only the Turks seem to have preserved it to this day: a small detail, but, to my taste, characterizing the attitude of the Turks to this cult product.
Old olive tree. Several olive trees grow in Turkey, whose age is estimated at more than a thousand years
Our trip around Turkey passed around the Sea of Marmara - it is in this region that the main plantations of olive trees are concentrated in the country, which ranks fourth in the world in terms of production olive oil. In addition to the fact that everything we ate and drank in four days (except tea, ayran and Turkish wine) was somehow related to olive oil, we also visited a very interesting museum of olive oil, and a modern production, where we saw the whole process of transformation olives into thick yellow oil, which was immediately tasted.
With these stone millstones, Turkish peasants used to press olive oil in the old days
In recent years, I have participated in olive oil tastings and visited olive plantations on three continents - from Chile and Argentina to South Africa to Italy, France, Spain, Greece and Portugal, but only in Turkey for the first time it turned out to be an operating oil mill, which will be discussed later.
Olive oil has been produced on the territory of modern Turkey since ancient times. Amphora from the Turkish Olive Oil Museum in Adepe
Let's start, of course, with history. The Turks are convinced that the spread of olive trees around the world began in South-Eastern Anatolia, which is usually called the "cradle" of olives. Needless to say, historians of different countries have been arguing on this score for more than a thousand years. If we assume that the olive had several cradles, then, undoubtedly, one of them was in the territory of modern Turkey.
Museum of olive oil in the village of Adepe on the slopes of Mount Ideyskaya
The only olive oil museum in Turkey is located in the picturesque village of Adepe on the slope of the Idei Mountain, located on the shores of the Gulf of Edremit. The village is surrounded by a whole sea of olive trees, and this gray-green sea on the horizon flows into the blue Aegean Sea.
Winter in Turkey is the season for picking olives
In the building of an old soap factory (soap was made here, naturally, from olive oil), the owners of the museum collected interesting exhibits from the villagers, allowing them to restore in detail the entire traditional process of olive oil production. Turkish know-how can be considered the use of goat wool rugs as filters.
In Turkish villages, olive oil was produced using homespun goat wool rugs as filters. I posted the photo on social media and did a mini-survey on what that could mean. Not a single correct answer was received, which is not surprising. Meanwhile, when you know the answer, everything is quite simple.
The paste formed after the berries were crushed with stone millstones was laid out on mats, layer by layer, and this multi-layered "sandwich" was placed under a press. So there was a cold first extraction of olive oil, which would now be called Extra Virgin.
In a modern oil mill this olive paste is filtered into olive oil in a matter of minutes.
Yesterday we visited a modern olive oil production facility. The oil mill is located next to the fashionable restaurant Kahvalti, which, in turn, has a shop that sells olive oil of every conceivable kind, as well as olives, cheeses, sausages and more, all of which are local and very colorful. We had a small break in the schedule, and I, of course, spent it in the store.
With Nermin-khanym, the little mistress of a large complex that includes a modern oil mill and a restaurant
A middle-aged lady, whom I took for a seller, comes up and offers to taste olives and oils. My favorite pastime is tasting olive oil by dipping slices of fresh bread into it.
I left the store with a heavy jar of dried olives and Turkish Roquefort.
Nermin-khanym treats us with freshly squeezed olive oil
And the lady, whom I took for a seller, turned out to be the owner of a restaurant and an oil mill. Nermin-khanym (hanym in Turkish “lady, lady”, usually attached to the name to emphasize respect for its owner) took us around her factory, where we tasted fragrant, thick, bright yellow olive oil, which was transformed from olive oil before our eyes. pastes.
Olive oils from the Edremit region
Olive oil produced from fruits that ripen in the foothills of Mount Idea, has a low acidity level, comparable to that of oils from Italian Tuscany and Greek Crete.
Realizing that on an empty stomach such pictures can be simply unbearable, Ms. Nermin treated us to a magnificent dinner, the only drawback of which was the fact that her restaurant was located on the road. Under strict Turkish laws, this deprives him of the right to sell alcohol.
Restaurant Kahvalti at the oil mill
I had to limit myself to ayran. However, a significant part of our trip - before and after the meeting with Nermin Khanym - was devoted to Turkish winemaking, which will be discussed in a separate report from this series about unknown Turkey.
I would like to thank NTC Intourist, which, together with its partner Istantour, organized a press tour — a memorable trip to winter Turkey across the three seas.
P.S. This report was already made up when it became known about a strong earthquake with human casualties in the East of Turkey. The epicenter of the shocks fell on the province of Elazig. It's quite a distance from the places we visited last December, but it's hard to remain indifferent when looking at the photos from the crash site. I would like to express my sincere condolences to the families affected by the natural disaster.
Can children use olive oil?
Can children take olive oil?
Every responsible parent takes their child's nutrition seriously, right? Especially when it comes to the smallest children under the age of 2-3 years. Indeed, in this period, the reaction to new products in a developing organism can be very different: from favorable to the most negative - which does not depend on how natural and useful a particular product is in itself. And therefore, the question of whether it is possible to give olive oil to children is quite logical and logical. And if so, when and how best to add it to the children's diet?
What are the benefits of olive oil for children?
Let's start with the main thing - with the answer to the key question posed in the title of this article: yes, it is possible and even necessary to give olive oil to small children. After all, this product has a unique balanced composition of various trace elements that help the growth and harmonious development of the child's body. True, in this situation it is necessary to immediately make a remark: all these, as well as the following words, fully apply only to the oils of the so-called first cold pressing, or in other words, the Extra Virgin category. Yes, it may be more expensive than others, but it is in this pomace of the olive that contains the maximum of useful substances. Among them, it is worth noting several of the most important for a small child at once:
- Vitamins A, E and D . It is hardly worth talking about the need for vitamin-rich nutrition for any person. But in the case of children, it is important that these vitamins not only participate in metabolism, improving it, but also help strengthen bone tissue. And this is the basis for the steady growth of the entire child's body.
- Fatty acids . Oleic, linoleic and other omega acids are an excellent source of healthy fats. They are needed to create cell membranes and make them both stronger and more elastic.
Which favorably affects the development of the muscular system. These acids also help improve brain function.
- Antioxidants . Olive oil contains quite a lot of these substances. They block oxidative processes and free radicals, which can disrupt the integrity of cell membranes and even the structure of DNA. Therefore, antioxidants are very necessary: they prevent possible violations in the development of a small child.
- Phytosterols . These substances are involved in the regulation of cholesterol levels, which is necessary for a number of processes. Firstly, thanks to this, the body produces the right amount of hormones and vitamin D. Secondly, cholesterol is needed to produce all the same cell membranes. Thirdly, it is involved in the process of digestion.
Of course, the composition of olive oil is not limited to this list. But even such a list is enough to understand that this product can play an important role in the future development of your young children.
At what age can children be given olive oil?
It is possible to introduce olive oil into baby food quite early - from the age of 6-7 months. But, as with any other product new to the baby, it should be done very carefully and in small doses. The first portions should be minimal: literally 1-2 drops (1-3 g). Only somewhere in six months you can increase the volume to half a teaspoon. At the same time, it is desirable that the oil during this period be exclusively raw, simply added to mashed potatoes or soup. But it’s worth cooking or frying on it much later, when your baby is “adult” enough for this. By the way, the individual fatty acids in olive oil are very similar in composition to those found in breast milk. Therefore, for artificially fed children, such an addition to their diet will be very useful and “natural”.
What is baby olive oil?
Sometimes in the store you can find oils marked "children's". But this is nothing more than a marketing gimmick! High-quality Spanish oil from Extra Virgin olives is absolutely safe at any age, the risk of allergy to it is virtually zero.