How to register a child for school in georgia
Enrollment / Required Documents
Ear, Eye, Dental and Nutrition Form
No child entering a Georgia school for the first time shall be admitted unless the child has a certificate of ear, eye, dental, nutrition screening. This Georgia Department of Human Resources certificate (Form 3300) must be signed by the Health Department or a licensed Georgia physician.
Immunization Certificate
Georgia law requires students to be immunized against measles, mumps, polio, rubella, whooping cough, tetanus, diphtheria, hepatitis B, haemophilus influenza, varicella and meningitis or provide a notarized waiver for medical or religious exemption. Immunization information must be on the proper Georgia Department of Human Resources form; these are available through the Fulton County Department of Health and Wellness or local physicians (Form 3231).
- Form 2208 Affidavit of Religious Objection to Immunization
- Form 2208 Affidavit of Religious Objection to Immunization - Spanish
For more information visit: http://www.
Proof of Date of Birth
Students entering the school district for the first time must submit proof of date of birth to be copied by the school for placement in the permanent record folder. The school will accept evidence in the order set forth below that shows the student’s date of birth:
- A certified copy of a birth certificate, certified hospital issued birth record or birth certificate;
- A military ID;
- A valid driver's license;
- A passport;
- An adoption record;
- A religious record signed by an authorized religious official;
- An official school transcript; or
- If none of these items can be produced, an affidavit of age sworn to By the parent, guardian or other person accompanied by a certificate of age signed by a licensed practicing physician, which states that the physician has examined the child and believes that the age as stated in the affidavit is substantially correct.
Parents may be given up to 30 calendar days after the student enrolls to secure proof of birth date. It is the parent's responsibility to pay the fee and postage for obtaining such proof of birth date.
Birth certificates for children born in Georgia may be requested from:
State Office of Vital Records
1680 Phoenix Boulevard, Suite 100
Atlanta, GA 30349
Phone: 404-679-4702
Hours of operation: 8 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Proof of Residency
Proof Required: Persons enrolling a student shall submit two proofs of residency from the school systems’ approved list of verifiable residency documents: one from the approved utility list and one from the approved residency list, upon initial enrollment in Fulton County Schools and when there is any address change (see list below). Schools will retain a copy of documents in the student’s permanent record folder. Schools will follow the records retention guidance found in the following policies: EHB Records Administration.
Please provide ONE PROOF from EACH LIST
Two Total Proofs Required
Both Documents must contain Parent/Guardian Name & Current Address
One Utility Proof
(Must Be Current)
- Water Bill
- Electric Bill
NOTE: Gas bills are no longer accepted.
One Residence Proof
(Must Be Current)
- Copy of Home Mortgage Bill
- Valid Driver's License or State-issued ID
- Copy of Home Sale Contract
- Section Eight/HUD Housing Document
- Homeowners/Renter's Insurance Registration Card
- Current Bank Statement
- Current Paycheck
- Current HOA Bill
- Current Apartment/House Lease
Provisional Enrollment: If the provision of proof of residency, age, or any other requirements is delayed, the student will be provisionally enrolled for a period of 30 calendar days. The 30-calendar day period starts on the 1st day of enrollment. At the end of this 30-calendar day period, if the two required proofs of residency have not been provided, the student will be withdrawn. By the 20th day, if no proof of residency has been provided, a withdrawal letter will be sent to the enrolling person notifying them of the imminent withdrawal of the student if no documentation is provided.
Click here to find more information about the Residency Verification Process.
Social Security Number
Social security numbers are voluntary. Waivers are available in local schools. Applications for social security numbers are also available in local schools. A migrant number is acceptable.
Academic Records
If possible, please bring most recent report card, withdrawal form from previous school and/or transcripts. These are essential for proper placement of students. Students in grades 7-12 also will need copies of any discipline records.
Student Registration - Rockdale County Public Schools
Welcome to Rockdale County Public Schools!
(para traducir esta página al español, haga clic aquí o haga clic en "Traducir" en el parte superior de este página)
Closed: Friday, October 7, 2022
Monday, October 3-Thursday, October 6, 2022
Walk-in Assistance by Appointment Only
General Information: 770-918-6185
Walk-up assistance is available Monday - Friday,
from 8:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.
and from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.
(La asistencia sin cita está disponible de lunes a viernes, de 8:00 a.m. a 10:30 a.m. y de 1:00 p.m. a 3:00 p.m.)
Online registration only. Click the "OLR" button below to begin online registration. Please check your junk mail or spam folder if you completed the online registration and have not received a return email.
(Solo hay registro en línea. Haga clic en el botón "OLR" para comenzar el registro en línea. Verifique su correo no deseado o carpeta de correo no deseado si completó el registro en línea y no ha recibido un correo electrónico de respuesta.)
Required Documents to Register
(Español) Documentos Requeridos para Registro
• CLICK HERE for an affidavit of residence or Statement of Legal Residence form, when a contract or lease or rental agreement is not available (IMPORTANT: Affidavit must be signed by the LANDLORD or PROPERTY OWNER, not just an occupant/renter, and must be notarized).
• For a change of address within Rockdale County, use your Infinite Campus Parent Portal account to update this information.
• CLICK HERE for COVID-19 protocols, FAQs, testing, vaccination, and more.
• CLICK HERE to find the school attendance zone for your address.
1) Registration Online
For students new to Rockdale County, parents/guardians must fill out the online application (CLICK HERE). Please submit required documents and current proof of residence by uploading photos or scans of documents into the online registration form; make sure the photos or scans are clear and readable. (Best to use Firefox browser).
2) EnrollmentParents/guardians and students will be contacted by student registration personnel and personnel from the assigned school to enroll and receive class information, schedules, and other information unique to the school.
Who to Register
Parents of students new to Rockdale County must register online using the OLR button above.
Parents of current students moving within Rockdale County from one school attendance zone to another must update their change of address request in Infinite Campus Parent Portal and submit current proof of residency (2 items, see required documents below) to validate their change of address.
The McKinney-Vento Act defines homeless children and youth as individuals who lack a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence. This definition also includes:
• Children and youth who are sharing the housing of other persons due to loss of housing, economic hardship, or a similar reason.
• Children and youth who may be living in motels, hotels, trailer parks, shelters.
• Children and youth who have a primary nighttime residence that is a public or private place not designed for or ordinarily used as a regular sleeping accommodation for human beings.
• Children and youth who are living in cars, parks, public spaces, abandoned buildings, substandard housing, bus or train stations, or similar settings, or
• Migratory children who qualify as homeless because they are children who are living in similar circumstances listed above.
If you feel that you meet the criteria or would like more information, please visit Homeless Education - Rockdale County Public Schools (CLICK HERE) or contact Kathia Brown at 770-761-1448.
Age RequirementsPre-K - Child must be 4 years old by September 1st of the school year In order to enroll in a Georgia Pre-K class within RCPS. Click here for Pre-K program information.
Kindergarten - Child must be 5 years old by September 1st of the school year. See "FAQ" at bottom of this page. Click here for kindergarten registration information.
First Grade - Child must be 6 years old by September 1st of the school year. See "FAQ" on at bottom of this page.
Parents/Guardians Parent's name must be listed on the birth certificate or have court-ordered proof of custody/guardianship.
All student address changes within RCPS must be validated by the Student Registration office. Please make changes through your Parent Portal by uploading current proof of residency (2 items, see "Required Documents, Current Proof of Residency" below on this page). The Student Registration office will process your request and you will receive an email confirmation. Change of Address requests sent by email will not be accepted.
Students Entering From Another County or State If you are registering a child from out of state, please obtain their records (such as report card, transcript, discipline records) BEFORE your child's former school system closes (many school systems close completely over the summer and your child may not be able to start school in Georgia without those records).
Required Documents
Printable PDF of required documents (En Español: Documentos Requeridos)
In order to register your child for school, you will need the required documents listed below.
PLEASE NOTE: All documents containing the child's name must match the name on the birth certificate.
1. Current proof of residency
a. Current signed lease agreement OR
b. Current mortgage statement or property tax receipt OR
c. Statement of Legal Residence Form {Affidavit} *this requires the owner/landlord’s signature and notary. For an affidavit of residence form, click here.
PLUS one of the following:
d. Automobile registration with the same address
e. Current gas, electricity, or water bill with the same address
2. Certified Birth Certificate showing the registering parent(s) name(s) OR court-ordered proof of custody/guardianship if you are not the birth parent. If you need further information about obtaining legal guardianship, please contact the Rockdale County Probate Court at (770) 278-7700.
3. Social Security Card (or waiver) Printable PDF of SS waiver
4. Form 3231 Georgia Certificate of Immunization (obtain from doctor's office or Rockdale County Health Department) (Georgia Department of Public Health information on Immunization for school attendance) Printable PDF of Affidavit of Religious Objection to Immunization
5. Form 3300 (Certificate of Ear, Eye, and Dental Examination) (obtain from doctor's office or Rockdale County Health Department) (Georgia Department of Public Health information on immunization for school attendance)
6. Photo ID of parent/guardian (government or state issued)
7. Certified copy of your child’s transcript (grades 9-12) - Georgia Statute O.C.G.A. 20-2-670.
*We can request a copy of the transcript from the previous school system if the parent does not have this.
8. Certified copy of your child’s discipline record (grades 6-12) - Georgia Statute O.C.G.A. 20-2-670. We will also need a copy of the withdrawal form.
*We can request a copy of discipline record from the previous school system if the parent does not have this.
Additional Information You May Need
• If your child has a disability which requires special education, please submit a copy of your child's IEP.
• If you are coming to Rockdale from another school system, please submit a copy of your child's records from the previous school. This would include a copy of the report card (Kindergarten - 8th grade) or transcript (9th - 12th grades). Please obtain your child's records BEFORE your child's former school system closes. Many school systems close completely over the summer and your child may not be able to start school in Georgia without those records.
• If you are transferring within the county, please submit current proof of residency (2 items, see above) to your Parent Portal to validate the change of address. Changes of Address requests sent by email will not be accepted.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
What is my school attendance zone or the school my child is assigned to attend?
To find what schools are zoned for your address, click here (includes search function and Excel list to look up your address).
What if I change my address within the county?
All student address changes within RCPS must be validated by the Student Registration office. Please make changes through your Parent Portal and upload current proof of residency (proof of residency requires at least 2 items; See "Required Documents, Current Proof of Residency" above on this page). The Student Registration office will process your request and you will receive an email confirmation. Change of Address requests sent by email will not be accepted.
Who is allowed to withdraw a student from a school system?
Please note: The enrolling parent/guardian is the only person who can withdraw the student. Please see the Official Code of Georgia Annotated (O.C.G.A.) § 20-2-780.Change of custody of minor child by removing child from premises of private or public school prohibited.
Do I need to re-register my child if they are going from elementary to middle school or middle to high school within the county?
No, students already attending a school in RCPS and advancing from elementary to middle school [5th to 6th grade] or middle to high school [8th to 9th grade] do not need to re-register.
How do I register my child for RCPS Georgia Pre-K?
Children who will be 4 years old by September 1 in the school year are eligible to register for the RCPS Georgia Pre-K lottery. For deadline and more information on Georgia Pre-K registration in RCPS, click here.
How do I apply and register for the Early Learning Center?
For deadline and more information on the RCPS Early Learning Center (ELC), for ages 3-4, click here.
What is the entry age for Kindergarten and First Grade?
A child must be 5 years old on or before September 1 to enter a public kindergarten. The child must be 6 years old on or before September 1 to enter first grade. School systems must verify age before enrollment. A child who was a legal resident of one or more states or countries for a period of two years immediately prior to moving to Georgia and who was legally enrolled in either a public kindergarten or first grade, or a private kindergarten or first grade accredited by a state or regional association, would be eligible to enroll in Georgia schools, provided that the kindergartner is 5 years old by December 31 or the first grader is 6 by December 31. For more information on kindergarten registration, click here.
What vaccinations / immunization schedule does my child need to register for school?
Click here for information from the Georgia Department of Public Health on immunization for attending school in Georgia or visit
What if I do not have a transcript or discipline record for my child?
All students entering grades 6-12 must have a discipline record from their previous school system. If the parent does not have this, we can request it from the previous school system. Students entering grades 9-12 also need to have a certified copy of their transcript from the previous school system. If the parent does not have this, we can request it from the previous school system.
I am registering my child over the summer. Does my child have to do Summer Reading or Summer Math?
All students entering grades K-12 who enroll in Rockdale County Public Schools are encouraged but not required to complete the optional Summer Reading challenge and optional Summer Math activities. Go to and for lists, activities, and guidelines.
What is Specialty and Choice at RCPS and how can I apply for that?
RCPS Specialty and Choice programs are specialized programs and academies housed within schools that focus on areas such as STEM, STEAM, arts, language immersion, engineering, technology, and pre-medical sciences. RCPS students can apply for a middle school and high school Specialty and Choice program regardless of their school zone. There may be more applicants than seats available and some programs require an audition. The application time is traditionally November and December for the following school year. This is separate from Non-Traditional programs such as the Rockdale Magnet School for Science and Technology, Open Campus, or Rockdale Career Academy, which have different application processes and different deadlines. For more information about Non-Traditional programs, contact the school/program. For more information about RCPS Specialty and Choice programs, visit
What about students returning from a Department of Juvenile Justice placement?
If a student has completed his or her sentence in a youth detention center and he or she is returning to the local education agency, the student must re-register at Student Registration. Pursuant to Georgia Department of Education Rule 160-4-8-.17, a case management consultation team (school and involved local law enforcement agency personnel) will schedule a meeting with you to determine the best placement for your child.
Schools in Tbilisi for Russian-speaking children.

Everything about schools in Tbilisi for Russian-speaking children is collected in one article! Follow the link right now and choose the best school for your child! We will talk about both private and public schools in Tbilisi for Russian-speaking children.
About Georgia
- Anton Berezhkov
- schools for Russian speakers
- Education in Georgia
- School in Tbilisi
Vide video
All about schools in Tbilisi for Russian -speaking children⬇️
Content 9000
- State schools for Russian -speaking children in Tbilisi
- Paid private school children in Tbilisi
- What you need to enroll in a Tbilisi school for Russian-speaking children
Russian-speaking children can easily receive school education in Georgia. For this, special private and public schools have been created. Let's talk about which ones are suitable for Russian children in Tbilisi.
There are 12 such schools, which are provided by the state. Education in them is free, a special program “School of Russia” has been created for students who know only Russian.
Among the peculiarities noted are the Georgian accent of some teachers and classes of 40 people. However, schools numbered 37, 96, 98 and 116 receive a lot of praise from students and their parents.
The main disadvantage of teaching a Russian-speaking child in a Georgian school is the increased difficulty in mastering the material due to differences in the school curriculum. In this regard, before enrollment, the student takes exams in the main subjects to determine the passing score. In some institutions, it is enough to successfully pass an oral interview with a teacher.
Many parents are dissatisfied with the format of education and the arrangement of study hours. The number of students in one class reaches up to 40 people, so the public school works in two shifts. The quality of the Russian language taught may also suffer, as many teachers speak with a characteristic 9Ol000 98 named after Avlabari
There are only 4 private schools in Tbilisi for Russian-speaking children. .
List of private schools in Tbilisi for Russian-speaking students
- Projector .
There are no more than 15 students in the class, which ensures individual instruction. It is considered the most expensive school, but classes include participation in electives, trips, various events aimed at developing not only the intellectual abilities, but also the human qualities of the child.
- Intellect + . The largest school for Russian-speaking children, children from 12 different countries study there. The cost of training is up to a thousand dollars a year, which is 7 times less than in the "Projector".
- New Georgian Gymnasium . A school based on the British model, the sector for Russian-speaking children has not existed for a long time, but has already established itself among the Georgian population. Compulsory study of the national and English languages in the process of obtaining education.
- Free School . Education for Russian-speaking children is already available.
School day from morning to evening. You will have to pay about five thousand GEL.
As in any country, in order for a student to be included in the list of students, it is necessary to fill out an application and settle some formalities.
- Birth certificate or passport and notarized copies thereof.
- Application in the form of the school.
- Health certificate.
- Passports of parents and their copies.
- Two photographs of a child.
- When enrolling in a class other than the first, the student's personal file from the previous school.
Please note that a particular educational institution has the right to impose increased requirements for the enrollment of students. It is best to contact the school reception in person or by phone to obtain up-to-date and reliable information, for example, before entering, you need to check the availability of places in classes.
Catalog Mudlob wants to get a decent education for your children! If you have chosen one of the Georgian schools for admission, do not forget to contact the school management directly to clarify the list of required documents and tuition fees.
- Anton Berezhkov