How to prepare for twin babies
Preparing for Twins - Tips on How to Prepare & What to Expect
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The thought of twins can be overwhelming. Shannon O’Reilly-Fearn, CEO & Founder of Twin Love Concierge, shares her expert tips on how you can prepare for the birth of multiples.
Finding out that you are expecting twins is the ultimate bombshell. It’s an amazing blessing that’s often followed by a big shockwave. Your initial response of ‘wow, we are having TWO babies’ quickly turns into ‘HOW are we going to manage?’ Don’t worry. You are not alone – these are the initial, confused feelings of all expecting parents of multiples.
Preparation is not optional. It’s essential. You can’t just hope that everything will fall into place, because it won’t – you’ll have double the demands and double the responsibilities for your two gorgeous babies. As a multiples prenatal educator, I’m an expert in helping new parents ready and steady themselves.
Here are 7 key points to keep in mind when getting ready for twins both during your pregnancy as your due date gets closer and raising twins once they have arrived:
- Pause and take 5 deep breaths
- Be as prepared as you can by 30 weeks
- Don’t buy two of everything
- Talk to and get advice from other moms of multiples
- Choose a medical support team that has experience with multiples
- Plan to schedule everything from the moment your babies come home
- Book your post-natal support pre-delivery
Whether you’re having identical or fraternal twins, your two new bundles of joy require a bit of a different approach. We explore each of these tips in depth below.
Pause and take 5 deep breathsClose your eyes, take five deep breaths and know that you are not alone. A relaxed Mommy will make for healthier babies. Then begin to prioritize and focus on what’s immediately important: educating yourself in key subjects such as breast and bottle feeding, sleeping, scheduling and baby gear. Anything outside of these areas isn’t necessary to know initially. Anytime you start to feel overwhelmed take another five deep breaths.
Close to 50% of moms expecting multiples are placed on some form of bed rest by about 30 weeks. Try and make this your ‘readiness point’ and save yourself the stress of being stuck in bed worrying about untested strollers or still-to-be-selected bedding. At the very least, make sure you’ve had your baby shower by then (if you are having one) and have your maternity pictures taken.
It’s also a good idea to get your hospital bag packed early so that’s out of the way as well.
Don’t buy two of everythingIt is a myth that twins can’t or won’t share. This is especially true when it comes to activity toys such as rockers, bouncers or anything electric. When shopping for your newborn twins, it’s much better to buy different types of equipment so that you can rotate the babies between them.
What’s most important is buying individual pieces of gear that help make your life easier. Some of my favorites include a double feeding pillow, a double stroller that fits your lifestyle (think tandem vs. side-by-side) and the Keekaroo peanut change table for easy-to-clean use. There are many well-designed products to consider. Just remember, it’s the quality not the quantity that matters.
You will need multiples of some items though like car seats, highchairs and cribs. Just think of the items the twins will typically be using at the same time consistently.
Talk to and get advice from other moms of multiplesThere’s great comfort and advice to be gained from moms who have been through it all. Parenting techniques are constantly evolving so recent experiences and techniques can be really useful. The backbone to your twin learning experience can often come from older moms who have a wealth of amazing information at their fingertips and are eager to share.
Find out about and join your local multiples group and try to attend the monthly meetings before and after your twin pregnancy. Surrounding yourself with a network of parents in the same situation will guarantee that you walk out with a sense of reassurance and a smile on your face.
Choose a medical support team that has experience with multiplesThis applies in all areas, from OB/GYNs to pediatricians. Multiple births, premature babies, twin development and even twin milestones, can vary greatly from singletons. Try and find experts who are suitably experienced so that you feel completely comfortable in their care.
Plan to schedule everything from the moment your babies come homeKeeping the twins on the same feeding, sleeping and activity schedule means that you can plan your day more efficiently and not feel like you are running around 24/7 with no respite. Think about who you can organize to help aside from your partner with tasks such as feeding. If you’re considering hiring a baby nurse or a doula, they can be extremely knowledgeable of the scheduling process and can help you manage the emotional instincts of instant response.
Budget and preferences permitting, you could benefit immensely from the services of a postpartum doula, baby nurse and/or a lactation consultant. Whichever you choose, ensure that they have extensive twin experience and can provide substantial references to confirm their expertise. This is non-negotiable for parents of twins: no multiples experience = not worth pursuing.
What to Expect with Twins
Did you know that twins can be birthed vaginally? In fact, a recent study has found that delivering twins vaginally is the safer option. So why are 75 percent of twins born by C-section in the U.S.? Find out more in our article Can you have a natural birth with twins.
Parenting multiples can be a challenging yet wonderfully engaging experience. If you stay organized the stress involved can be alleviated allowing you to enjoy your new babies. See our 12 organizings tips for twins, triplets or quads.
Once you hit the twin toddlerhood phase, you’ll be tackling new issues like how to deal with twin tantrums.
Twin Gear
For the best selection of double and twin strollers, see our Double Strollers section to suit all styles and budgets
More on Twins
Two babies on the way? You’re going to need all the help you can get. Here are 10 life hacks from a twin mama to make your life (a little bit) easier.
Preparing for Twins the Smart Way
Overwhelmed with preparing for twins? Make sure you cover these 7 areas, and you’ll be set on the right path (includes a checklist, too!).
What if they come early? How will I carry TWO babies? Can I really do this? My mind was swimming with thoughts on preparing for twins. I was trying to wrap my head around the reality—and inevitability—of having two babies.
I had a three-year-old at that point, so I already knew how crazy life gets, even with just one baby. And despite already having gone through the newborn stage once, I still had no idea how to prepare for twins. I felt like a first-time mom all over again.
After all, this is two babies we’re talking about.
Preparing for twins
I know I wasn’t alone, either. Since having my twins, I’ve spoken to other expecting twin moms about the shock, excitement, and nerves about bringing two babies home.
If you’re reading this, you’re likely in the same shoes.
You may still be in shock knowing you’re having twins, riding the emotional roller coaster. You’re wondering what has helped other twin moms handle the news, or feeling nervous about the delivery. You want to buy the right gear, but are also on a tighter budget now that you’re having two.
In short, you’re shocked and terrified, all while trying to stay positive during your pregnancy.
Yes, life with twins is about to get crazy, and you know you’re in for a challenge. But rest assured that you can get through it, all while feeling prepared. Below are several tips on preparing for twins that will make this transition a simple, less stressful one:
1. Give your emotions time to settle
I cried every day for a week after hearing the news that I was expecting twins. From processing my worries to feeling anxious about the delivery, I was a wreck for the first couple of days.
Thankfully the rest of my twin pregnancy was not so doom and gloom.
Yes, the initial wave of emotions is overwhelming, especially in that first trimester. I even felt guilty for not being overjoyed at having two babies, especially when so many struggle to conceive one. And yes, this isn’t to say I felt confident and chipper the minute that first week passed.
But I promise, you won’t feel these intense emotions the whole time. The shock will eventually dissipate, coming back only once in a while (and not always in unpleasant ways). The more you dive into the world of twins, the more mentally prepared you’ll feel.
Learn how to manage if you’re freaking out about having twins.
2. Get your finances in order
One of the biggest worries many twin families face is how to afford two babies at the same time. You may have been financially prepared to welcome one baby, but the sudden news of having two is throwing you off.
Thankfully, you don’t have to be overwhelmed. Here’s how to manage:
- Prepare for one-time expenses, such as hospital bills, baby gear and registry, and even a loss of income while you’re on maternity leave.
- Make a list of recurring monthly costs for after the twins arrive, like childcare, diapers, clothing, and health insurance.
- Don’t stress about getting two of everything. Start with one, and see if it warrants buying another. For instance, there’s no point in getting two bouncy seats right now if you find, down the line, that only one (or even neither) of your twins takes to it.
- Don’t get everything right now. You will need two high chairs, but not until the twins are at least four months old. Even if you need two pacifiers, many come in packs, which means you don’t need to get two packs of pacifiers.
- Accept any hand-me-downs from friends and family so you can test-drive these items without spending a ton.
Free printables: Want a handy printable of all the items you’ll need for your twins? Join my newsletter and download your copy of the Twin Registry Must-Haves! Keep track of what you have and the items you still need to get. Grab it below—at no cost to you:
3. Learn as much as you can about twins
Part of the anxieties about preparing for twins is the unfamiliarity of it all. I had no clue about twins before having them—all I knew was that my belly would be bigger than usual and that twins tend to be born smaller. That was it.
But the more you dive into the world of twins, the better prepared you’ll feel. Research the different types of twins (identical vs fraternal, or MoMo vs MoDi vs DiDi). Ask your doctor how much weight you need to gain, or whether it’s okay to exercise or not.
The more you know about a twin pregnancy and life with twins, the better you’ll feel about it. You’ll see that you’re not alone, and that others who thought they could never do this overcame their limiting beliefs as well.
Just found out you’re having twins? Here’s what to do next.
4. Prepare your toddler for life with twins
I worried about how I’d manage not just two babies, but a toddler as well. I already had my hands full with one and had no idea how he’d react to the overnight additions to our family.
As I say in my book, Expecting Twins:
“It’s tough for kids to adjust to one baby, let alone two. He won’t spend as much time with you like he does now. You’ll feel more tired and be more likely to snap and lose your patience, and a more attention will go toward the two babies.
But starting now, you can begin to prepare him for what’s to come. While he won’t understand the changes yet, he’ll feel better informed when they do.”
If you have an older child, start preparing him now for life with twins. For instance, encourage him to be more independent and self-sufficient with tasks you normally help him with. This way, you won’t have to be forced to teach him these tasks when the twins come.
Some ideas include:
- Getting his own diapers and wipes
- Bringing his plate back to the kitchen
- Getting his own snacks
- Dressing himself in the mornings
Set expectations so that he’s a little less surprised when the big day arrives. Talk about bringing home two babies or that you’ll be nursing and changing diapers. He’ll still have to adjust once they’re home, but he can refer to past conversations you’ve had about these expectations.
And finally, start transitioning him into any new changes he might go through with their arrival. For instance, assemble the twin bed he’ll eventually sleep in, or research preschools you want him to attend. That way, he’ll have more time to adjust to these changes long before the twins arrive.
Get more tips on how to handle twins when you already have a singleton.
5. Get your maternity leave organized
Most singleton moms can work up to their due date, but twin moms are a whole other story.
While some can work up to 38 weeks, most of us had to stop working much earlier than that (I was on bedrest at 31 weeks and completely not working by 32). Whether from complications, discomfort, or twins that arrive early, be prepared for just about anything.
Talk to your boss or Human Resources department early about your rights and benefits. You’ll likely need to read a ton of paperwork, so set aside a physical and digital folder to house all these materials.
Discover the signs to stop working during pregnancy.
6. Prepare for your twin labor and delivery
Every birth story is unique to the mom who delivered. (For both my deliveries, I didn’t even know I was going into labor!) Still, you can start preparing now, especially with these steps:
- Ask your doctor about typical symptoms to watch out for, and what to do when the signs point to delivery. You’ll want to know when it’s okay to come to the hospital versus laboring at home, and what to expect once you arrive at the hospital.
- Ask about the hospital procedures post-delivery. Will you have a chance to bond and breastfeed them right away? Would you like them to stay in the nursery or in your room?
- Find out what paperwork needs to be filled out after the twins are born. You’ll likely get started on birth certificates, social security numbers, and adding the twins to your health insurance.
- Expect to have your hospital bag packed a good two months before you’re expected to deliver.
Learn what to do when you’re in labor with twins.
7. Learn how to care for your twins at home
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Perhaps the biggest hurdle for any twin mom to wrap her head around is exactly how to take care of the twins once they’re home.
For all the similarities caring for twins has with caring for one, there are just some things that sets twins apart. Routines and schedules, for one. While singletons can get away with feeding on demand or following sleep cues, twins need synchronized schedules.
For instance, feed your twins at the same time, including breastfeeding. Master tandem feeding and you will save yourself a ton of time, instead of feeding one right after the other. (This is why I also recommend bringing a twin nursing pillow like this one with you to the hospital, so you can practice right away. )
Get more tips on surviving twins in the early months.
Hearing news about twins can throw any mom for a loop, which makes preparing for them so important.
Start by giving your emotions time to settle, including learning as much as you can about twins to ease your anxieties. Next, prepare your older child for life with twins and encourage self-sufficiency and independence.
Get your finances in order, like having the right items on your registry and budgeting for one-time and ongoing expenses. Prepare for your maternity leave, both in the paperwork you need to file as well as making the transition to leaving work as smooth as possible.
Then, get everything ready for your labor and delivery, from being familiar with your hospital to packing your hospital bag. And finally, learn tips and hacks to care for your twins now, so that you’re well-informed by the time you bring them home.
As crazy as life with newborn twins can get, know that you’ll get through it in one piece—just ask any twin mom who has ever wondered, Can I really do this?
Get more tips:
- 12 Sneaky Ways to Beat the High Cost of Twins
- Preparing for Twins: A Checklist of Everything You Need to Do
- 11 Interesting Facts about Twins You Probably Didn’t Know
- Tandem Breastfeeding: How to Breastfeed Twins
- When You Don’t Have a “Village”: How to Take Care of Twins Alone
Don’t forget: Join my newsletter and download your copy of the Twin Registry Must-Haves below—at no cost to you:
how to prepare for pregnancy with twins
Twin birth: how to prepare for twin pregnancy
The birth of twins is a unique experience full of positive emotions, but parents have many questions: discover tips and advice from the experts of the Chicco Children's Research Center.
Birth of twins: a flood of emotions and many questions
First trimester ultrasound came with a surprise: two heartbeats, two babies. Double happiness for future parents, but also anxiety and many questions about pregnancy and childbirth and, above all, how to manage life in the first few months after the birth of babies. From a physiological point of view, pregnancy with two babies has a higher degree of risk and requires extra care and attention, especially in the third trimester of pregnancy.
Pregnancy with twins: some tips
Rest is crucial: women pregnant with twins should make sure they are not too tired and should be even more careful to avoid stress as they are more at risk of preterm labor . In general, multiple fetuses result in a shorter pregnancy, and for twins, this usually lasts around 36-37 weeks. The option of allowing vaginal delivery instead of caesarean section is evaluated at the end of pregnancy based on the health and well-being of the mother, the growth of the fetus, and the position of the children in the womb.
Organization is a key factor
As in the case of pregnancy with one baby, the moral and material preparation for childbirth in advance prevents unnecessary stress, especially in the first year of life. Tidying up the house is the first thing to decide: two cribs in the bedroom, a well-equipped changing table with cleaning products , diapers and linen changes, a double bath tub and two high chairs in the kitchen. Not to mention the many pacifiers , as well as bed linen .
Hint: pack maternity bag in advance so that you are ready to go to the hospital at any time and not worry about forgetting something important.
To get out of the house, you need a baby carriage
To get out of the house with two children, you need a set of necessary things, starting with a double or two strollers . The market offers a wide range of models that meet all requirements. You can choose from side-by-side, front-to-back or with fixed or removable seats, in a classic or more sporty style. How to choose? It's important to take into account your personal needs, from where you live - whether you have an elevator, for example - and your lifestyle.
Expecting twins is a special experience full of emotions. By preparing ahead of time, you can safely approach the upcoming event to fully enjoy this amazing adventure. Follow the advice from the Chicco Children's Research Center to prepare for this incredibly important milestone in your life.
How to organize life with twins: life hacks of experienced mothers
How not to lose your head from double happiness and cope with double difficulties? Use the experience of other parents and the achievements of modern technologies.
Nowadays, twins are rarely a surprise for parents at the time of birth. As a rule, the family finds out about this at the first ultrasound. You should not put off preparing for the appearance of babies until later, especially since a multiple pregnancy lasts less than usual. It is better to prepare and stock up on everything you need in advance.
Get organized
If you haven't thought about self-organization before, it's time to reconsider your views. Even if you really don’t want to plan, paint and customize everything, caring for twins will definitely require this! It is very convenient to use a notebook for notes, in which you can first make a list of necessary purchases and things to do, and after the birth of the babies, indicate the hours of sleep and feeding, changing diapers, portions of food, weight and any other features of each of the twins. Keeping all this information in memory will be quite difficult, because a notepad should always be at hand (there are magnetic notepads that can be placed on the refrigerator door). You will appreciate this habit when there is too little free time left.
Don't be a heroine!
Never refuse help. All mothers of twins agree on this. Help for a mother of twins is not a whim, but an urgent need. The husband can become the main assistant, especially if he has the opportunity to take a vacation from work in the first month after the birth of the babies. Dads can do absolutely everything except breastfeeding.
You can also arrange help with grandmothers and other relatives in advance. Partial help is better than no help at all. If there is no one to turn to, then even a student who comes twice a week for a couple of hours will be able to solve many everyday problems. The main thing is not to be shy about asking for help and accepting it with pleasure.
Reduce household to-do lists
Do not try to maintain the same lifestyle that you had before pregnancy. It is better to reduce all domestic issues to the most necessary minimum. The time has come to actively use all the possible benefits of civilization: a washing machine and dishwasher, a dryer, a slow cooker, a food processor, a robot vacuum cleaner and other technical assistants.
Less ironing, more cooking
The amount of ironing will be significantly reduced if you switch to wrinkle-resistant knitwear in the first years of your baby's life. Cooking in reserve will make life much easier. You can cook food in advance, several days in advance, and freeze "home-cooked foods". This will free up a lot of time.
Tips for taking care of twins
In order not to feed the same baby twice and not leave the other one hungry, you need to learn how to distinguish between twins. Colored bracelets, different clothes, or something that you can think of yourself will do. Be sure to call your children by their first names.
Most pediatricians believe that it is better to schedule twin feedings so that the mother's life does not turn into one continuous feeding. After all, newborn children, especially when breastfeeding (when the mother does not see the amount of milk actually eaten), may not suck out the norm for one feeding and demand a breast every half an hour.
Can feed both babies at the same time . If a mother is alone, she must choose what suits her best. In addition to using a special nursing pillow for twins, there are other ways you can try.
Can feed twins in turn . In order to separate the feeding of children in time, the most impatient one is awakened half an hour earlier for feeding, and the second, more patient baby can be awakened when the first one has already eaten. As a rule, newborns easily get used to such a feeding schedule.
This mode is generally more convenient. The only condition is to feed the newborns immediately one after the other, otherwise the feeding will be busy all the time. However, if the babies have a big difference in weight, the little one will need to eat more often, and the schedule will be completely different.
If newborns feed irregularly at first, record feeding times and note the weight of newborns to determine how much they eat. This will help you set up your daily routine.
In order for the mother to have free time from caring for children, it is necessary to synchronize the sleep and wakefulness of both babies.
During the mode setting period, it will be very difficult. Think about the advantages of the regime and the reasons why you want to introduce it, and hang this list in a prominent place. It is very motivating in difficult times. But after a couple of weeks, you can find that after feeding at the same time, the children fell asleep at the same time, giving two or four hours of free time during the day and a good night. Is it worth it?
Twins and twins will enjoy bathing together, but only after seven to eight months, when they can sit confidently. Before that, babies should be bathed separately. It is recommended to bathe the most impatient and noisy baby first. Prepare everything you need for swimming, towels, clothes in advance. Arrange everything for your convenience.
It is easier to bathe babies when there is a helper. He will be able to intercept one of the children while you wash the second one. And also feed a washed baby from a bottle if you have already switched to mixtures. If, for some reason, the mother has to cope alone, then the bathing of children can be separated, both by time and by day. It is quite possible to bathe them every other day.
Newborn twins tend to cry at the same time, complementing and provoking each other's cries. Whom to grab first? Having studied the characteristics of the character and temperament of each of the twins, an observant mother will easily find the instigator. If you calm him down, the second one will calm down on its own.
Handling also helps: it is best to use slings, and for both children at once. The main thing is not to panic, children's tears and screams are unpleasant, but natural. One of the children tries to tell you about the problem, and the second one supports him. Just out of solidarity.
Any means is suitable for walking: strollers, slings, kangaroos, carriers and car seats.
The main problem is to go outside without helpers. How to take out the stroller and not leave the children alone? If the mother is alone, then first you will have to dress the children, leave them in their beds, quickly lower the stroller, and go for the children.