How to get child care assistance in georgia
Child Care Aware® of America
Find out more about child care in your area. Click on the links below, or contact your local Child Care Resource and Referral (CCR&R) agency for one-on-one help.
Child Care and COVID-19
Your state’s hub for information, resources and guidance around child care and COVID-19
Child Care Licensing
Your local child care regulatory office
Phone: (404) 657-5562
Provider Complaint Line: (404) 657-5562
Inspection Reports
Find out what programs in your area are in compliance with licensing regulations
Child Care Fact Sheet
Basic facts about child care in your area
State Fact Sheets
Georgia Child Care Information
Information and resources for parents looking for child care in Georgia
Child & Adult Care Food Program (CACFP)
Reimburses child care providers for healthy meals and snacks
Phone: (404) 657-1779
WebsiteFind a Local Sponsor (FCCs)Find a Local Sponsor (Centers)
Criminal Background Checks
Understanding criminal background checks requirements in your area
Quality Rating and Improvement System (QRIS) – Quality Rated
Child care providers earn a rating when they meet quality standards. These ratings can help families choose quality care and can assist child care providers to improve and communicate their quality.
Phone: 1(877) 255-4254
Quality Care for Children Provider Resource Hub
A one-stop location for ECE professionals for policies, forms, regulations, guidance, discounts, and more to save time, reduce costs, and improve quality (Note: typically requires purchase of a subscription or membership)
Discover resources that will provide more information regarding local services such as health care and child well-being.
Are you looking for help paying for child care? Buying groceries or diapers? Find out what assistance programs are offered locally.
Learn about valuable resources for parents of children with special needs.
- Child Care
Find out about the ins and outs of child care in your area.
What is required to become a provider in your area? What requirements are there for a background check? Does your state offer any quality improvement programs?
Child Care and COVID-19
Your state’s hub for information, resources and guidance around child care and COVID-19
Child Care Licensing
Your local child care regulatory office
Phone: (404) 657-5562
Phone: (404) 657-5562
Inspection Reports
Find out what programs in your area are in compliance with licensing regulations
Child Care Fact Sheet
Basic facts about child care in your area
Georgia Child Care Information
Information and resources for parents looking for child care in Georgia
Child & Adult Care Food Program (CACFP)
Reimburses child care providers for healthy meals and snacks
Phone: (404) 657-1779
WebsiteFind a Local Sponsor (FCCs)Find a Local Sponsor (Centers)
Criminal Background Checks
Understanding criminal background checks requirements in your area
Quality Rating and Improvement System (QRIS) – Quality Rated
Child care providers earn a rating when they meet quality standards.
These ratings can help families choose quality care and can assist child care providers to improve and communicate their quality.
Phone: 1(877) 255-4254
Quality Care for Children Provider Resource Hub
A one-stop location for ECE professionals for policies, forms, regulations, guidance, discounts, and more to save time, reduce costs, and improve quality (Note: typically requires purchase of a subscription or membership)
- Health and Social Services
Discover resources that will provide more information regarding local services such as health care and child well-being.
- Financial Assistance
Are you looking for help paying for child care? Buying groceries or diapers? Find out what assistance programs are offered locally.
- Children with Special Needs
Learn about valuable resources for parents of children with special needs.
If you find that any of the information above is incorrect, please contact us at [email protected].
Quality Care for Children
Quality Care for Children offers online and in-person trainings in Atlanta, Athens, and Cartersville.
The Boost Initiative is a two-generation solution for increasing access to quality child care for low-income families in Georgia.
Quality Care for Children offers Quality Rated support for programs in Regions 1, 2, and 6.
Quality Care for Children provides free referrals to parents seeking child care, afterschool, and summer camps.
The Child Care Food Program supports programs committed to serving nutritious meals and snacks to their children.
QCC works with Early Head Start family child care providers to support quality improvement efforts, provide training, and engage parents with educational programs.
Farm to ECE connects child care providers to locally grown healthy foods, increases nutritional awareness among young children, and promotes the development of local gardens at programs.
Provider Resource Hub members have access to online resources, trainings, and business support services.
Are you interested in advancing your career in supporting Georgia's earliest learners? We encourage you to apply to join our fun and professional team at one of our offices in Atlanta, Cartersville, and Duluth.
Quality Care for Children’s Georgia Parent Power team is providing resources and information you can use during the national quarantine through weekly texts and articles.
Support your child’s learning while they are at home. Here are resources for every age group.
The United Way of Greater Atlanta’s comprehensive database answers many of your most urgent questions. Please note that they are experiencing extremely long wait times for calls, so please check here first.
FAQs for participants in Quality Care for Children’s nutrition services (CACFP, Farm to ECE, Nutrition Training). Updated 2.15.21
Georgia Department of Early Care and Learning resources.
Interim guidance for administrators of US schools and child care programs from the CDC.
Resource: CDC – Supplemental Guidance for Child Care Programs that Remain Open
For 40 years, Quality Care for Children (QCC) has worked to ensure Georgia’s infants and young children reach their full potential.

Quality Rated Support
Business Resources
Child Care Referrals
Parenting Tips
Tuition Assistance
Child Care Food Program
Farm to ECE Program
Harvest of the Month
90% of a child’s brain is “hardwired” before the age of 5, setting the groundwork for future learning
40% of a low-income family’s budget can easily be spent on child care (average cost in Atlanta is $9,284)
26% of children in GA live in food insecure homes, and more than 24% live below the poverty level
By age 3, there is a 30 million word gap between children from the wealthy and poor families.
✔ 7,029 on-site consultation visits and 21,854 hours of support at child care programs
✔ 104,852 participant hours of training supplied to child care professionals at 732 classes
✔ 22,542 children received nutritious meals at 654 programs through the Child Care Food Program
✔ 233 Boost child care scholarships for college student parents at Georgia universities
✔ 5,582 free referrals for parents seeking child care, afterschool, and summer camps
✔ $590,351 in grants provided to child care providers to improve their facilities and programs
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And we're back with DAY 8! These books are perfect to get your child excited about reading and learning this holida… https://t.
Did you know that literacy can directly affect your child's future? With your support today, we will host Book Fair…
2022-23 Harvest of the month
Teachers! We’ve compiled some activities you can implement in your classrooms that connect to the Georgia Early Learning and Development Standards (GELDS). Parents! You can do these activities at home too. Learn more.
Watch on Demand
The pandemic has shocked us all with waves of emotions, especially grief. Our children are experiencing the loss of beloved family and community members and their favorite things. Grief in children also extends to when a valued way of life shifts tremendously–changes such as divorce, moving homes or illness. Watch to hear from mental health experts about coping strategies. Learn more.
“Look Again” Public
Awareness Campaign
QCC joins the Governor, DECAL and several state agencies to remind parents, caregivers and the public about the dangers of leaving children unattended in vehicles to prevent heatstroke deaths of children, especially during the hot summer months. Watch PSA video.
Summary of family allowances | Sotsiaalkindlustusamet
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After the birth of a child
Registration of the birth of a child
The birth of a child must be registered with the local government of the place of residence within the first month of the child's life. For good reason, the period for registering a birth may be extended up to two months.
The birth of a child can be registered in the population register.
For more information on registering a child's birth, please visit the Birth Registration and Name Selection page of the State Portal.
Birth allowance from the local government
Local governments pay new “citizens of the world” a childbirth allowance, either in one lump sum or divided into several installments. In order to receive benefits from a local government at the birth of a child, it is generally a prerequisite that at least one of the parents must be registered in the same local government before the birth of the child for a minimum period of six months to a year.
Each local government has its own conditions for the payment of the allowance and its amount. To learn more about the conditions, please contact the local government in your place of residence.
Childbirth allowance
Childbirth allowance is a one-time allowance provided by the state for each child. You can read more here.
You can apply in the self-service environment of the Social Insurance Board
Child allowance
We pay child allowance for each child from the moment of his birth until he reaches the age of 16. After your child turns 16, we will pay you child support if the child is in school.
Read more here.
You can apply for the self-service environment of the Social Insurance Board
Child care allowance
One of the parents is entitled to receive child care allowance if the family has a child under the age of three or several children aged three to eight years old.
Read more here.
You can apply in the self-service environment of the Social Insurance Board
Parental benefit
We pay parental benefit in order to maintain your previous income, as it decreases due to raising children. Until the child reaches 70 days of age, the mother of the child is entitled to parental benefit. After the child reaches the age of 70 days, one of the parents who is on parental leave is entitled to compensation - the child's father can also apply for compensation. We pay parental allowance for 435 days or until the child reaches one and a half years of age.
Read more here.
You can apply in the self-service environment of the Social Insurance Board
Together with parental allowance, we pay the difference between parental benefit and maternity benefit if your previous child is less than two years and six months old, and the amount of maternity benefit for one day less than the amount of parental allowance for one day.
Read more here.
Paternity leave
Find out more about the father's additional parental allowance
Benefit for triplets or more children born at the same time
Starting from 01.03.2018, one of the parents, a parent in a foster family or a guardian is entitled to receive an allowance for the birth of triplets or more children raising triplets or more children born at the same time. The right to receive benefits is available until the day the children reach the age of 18 months. The allowance is 1000 euros per month. You do not need to apply separately for the allowance for the birth of triplets or more children.
Read more here.
Large family allowance
If your family has at least three children receiving child allowance, we pay your family the large family allowance. If there are seven or more children in the family, the allowance will be higher. You do not need to apply separately for the allowance for a large family.
Read more here
Additional mandatory funded pension contributions
If you live in Estonia, have a child under the age of 3 in your family and join the II pension pillar, we will add 4% to your mandatory funded pension account from the average Estonian income for one calendar month subject to social tax. You can read more here.
The application can be submitted in the self-service environment of the Social Insurance Board
Who else can count on benefits of 200 lari? Explanations of the Ministry of Finance of Georgia
TBILISI, January 8 – Novosti-Georgia. The Revenue Service of the Ministry of Finance of Georgia has explained in detail who else will be able to receive assistance in the amount of 1,200 lari as part of the government's anti-crisis economic plan.
Payments will start from January 2021. Within six months, 200 lari will be transferred to people left without work after the introduction of new covid restrictions at the end of November. At the same time, specific criteria are defined:
a) Citizens were employed for at least two months from January to November 2020 and received a salary. These provisions must be confirmed by the employer's declarations submitted before January 1, 2021.
b) For at least one month between December 2020 and February 2021, persons meeting a) did not receive a salary (including due to termination or suspension of employment). This also includes those who were on maternity leave and parental leave. All these persons are also entitled to compensation in the amount of 200 GEL.
Lists of citizens who meet these criteria must be submitted to the Ministry of Finance by employers. In order to clarify the data, they will have to do this regularly for six months, until the 20th day of each month.
“Based on the information provided by the employer, the Revenue Service of the Ministry of Finance checks whether or not the employee satisfies the compensation conditions established by the Georgian government. A list of persons is compiled, and then within three days the relevant information is transmitted to the State Employment Promotion Agency of Georgia.
A video instruction on how to fill out the form for 200 GEL assistance has been prepared, as well as answers to frequently asked questions, which are available here .
The department also reminds that company representatives can apply remotely, from the authorized user page on the website of the Revenue Service, without visiting the service center.
In addition, the Revenue Service of the Ministry of Finance has installed new software that will allow citizens to independently check the register of compensation recipients and find out if the employer provided the data of an employee. With this service, authorized users will be able to contact the employer if they discover that their data has not yet been sent to the tax office in accordance with the compensation law.
As Finance Minister Ivane Machavariani said earlier today, the state budget for 2021 provides 150 million lari (almost $45.5 million) for this compensation package.
Today the government of Georgia announced the third targeted social assistance package worth 610 million lari (over $185 million). In addition to citizens who have lost their jobs, 71,000 socially unprotected families and 24,000 low-income large families are promised to pay 100 lari (more than $30) within six months. 43,000 persons with disabilities can count on similar assistance - these are children with disabilities, as well as adults with complicated forms of physical limitations.