How to born male child
Sex positions to conceive a baby boy: What science says
If you’re embarking on the journey to parenthood you’ll be hoping for a healthy, happy baby at the end.
You might also have a preference for the sex of that baby. There are many claims about influencing the outcome, including certain sex positions increasing your chance of having a baby boy, but what’s actually true? We asked two gynecologists.
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Sex positions for a baby boy: What determines whether you conceive a baby boy or a girl?
Put simply, the sperm determines whether you conceive a baby boy or a baby girl. Here’s the science: Eggs carry the female X sex chromosome, while sperm carry either the female X or male Y chromosome. If the egg is fertilized with the X chromosome sperm, you will conceive a girl. If the egg is fertilized with the Y chromosome sperm, you will conceive a boy. There are also different combinations of chromosomes that can result in the baby being intersex.
It’s important to note here that there’s a difference between sex and gender. Your sex (female or male) is what you’re assigned at birth and relates to your biologically defined characteristics. Gender is your personal perception of yourself (so woman, man, fluid or somewhere in between). For some people, their sex and gender align. For others, they don’t and that’s completely normal.
Best position to conceive a boy: Do you have an equal chance of conceiving a boy or a girl?
The sex ratio, that’s the ratio of female to male births, is slightly skewed male. According to a 2011 World Health Organisation Report, around 49 percent of births are baby girls while 51 percent are baby boys.
Sex positions for a baby boy: What is The Shettles Method?
While the majority of people simply want a healthy, happy baby, some scientists have developed theories surrounding conception and sex which have led others to google “sex positions for a baby boy.” This can be traced back to American doctor Landrum B. Shettles.
In the 1960s, Shettles developed “The Shettles Method,” a set of protocols to use before and during sex, which he claimed would help couples influence the sex of their baby. His controversial book, Your Baby’s Sex: Now You Can Choose, was published in 1971.
His advice included the best sex positions to conceive a baby boy and theories on vaginal pH. It was based on the belief that male sperm are smaller, faster, and die quicker, while female sperm are larger, heavier, and live longer. Due to X chromosome and Y chromosome sperm’s different characteristics, he claimed couples could influence the sex of their baby by timing intercourse, choosing certain sexual positions, and making dietary changes.
Best position to conceive a boy: Does The Shettles Method work?
However, numerous clinical trials have dispelled his claims, including his theories on sperm presentation. “You won’t find a single scientist or a qualified medical professional of repute who will endorse these methods,” says London-based gynecologist Dr. Nitu Bajekal.
“There is no science to it. When you have a [approximately] 50 percent chance (of conceiving a boy or girl), then you can say anything and statistically, you have a 50 percent chance of being correct. They don’t withstand the test of rigor.”
Dr. Bajekal points out that while male sperm have been shown to swim faster, “we’re talking about lab conditions, not in real life.”
Sex positions for a baby boy: Will having sex at certain times help?
Another theory put forward by Dr. Shettles was the idea that having sex at certain times could influence whether you have a baby boy or a baby girl.
Dr. Shettles claimed male sperm die quicker, so they should spend as little time as possible waiting for an egg to be released. His theory, therefore, goes that couples should have sex on the day of ovulation — or just after it — to give Y chromosome sperm the best chance of fertilizing the egg if you’re hoping to conceive a boy.
However, a 1995 clinical trial studied the menstrual cycles of 221 women who were trying to conceive and found “the timing of sexual intercourse in relation to ovulation has no influence on the sex of the baby. ”
Best position to conceive a boy: Does the pH of my vagina influence a baby’s sex?
Dr. Shettles believed vaginal pH had a bearing on whether you conceived a boy or a girl, but like his other claims above, this has since been refuted by scientists.
The pH scale measures how acidic or alkaline a liquid is, so 7 is neutral, greater than 7 is alkaline, and less than 7 is acidic. A healthy vaginal pH level is around 4–4.5.
Dr. Shettles claimed female Y chromosome sperm live longer in the vagina’s acidic environment than the male X chromosome sperm, which prefer a more alkaline environment. To have a greater chance of conceiving a boy, Shettles advised creating a more alkaline vaginal environment (more on that below).
However, Dr. Tiffanny Jones, reproductive endocrinologist and infertility specialist is quick to dispel this: “[A baby’s] sex cannot be influenced by any of these parameters.”
Sex positions for a baby boy: Do female orgasms help conceive a boy?
Dr. Shettles claimed exactly that, believing that alkaline secretions from female orgasms created favorable conditions for the Y chromosome sperm to fertilize the egg.
However, studies have since found female orgasms have little effect on vaginal pH (which is good news, considering the orgasm gap sits at 30 percent between heterosexual partners).
Best position to conceive a boy: Will certain sex positions help you conceive a baby boy?
Simply put, no, having sex in certain positions won’t increase your chances of conceiving a baby boy. Though it’s easy to see where this thinking comes from.
Dr. Shettles advised couples to have deep, penetrative sex if they wanted to conceive a boy, so the speedy Y chromosome sperm can get as close as possible to the alkaline-rich cervix and reach the egg first. Ever since, couples have been trying that approach in the hope of conceiving a baby boy.
Dr. Bajekal is quick to reiterate that there has been little scientific research to support Shettles’s claims. “And you only need one sperm out of the millions to make its way in,” she says.
Best position to conceive a boy: What does help?
We now know that there’s nothing you can do in the bedroom to influence whether you have a baby boy or a baby girl. Though there’s a slightly greater chance you’ll have a baby boy (due to the ratio of male to female births), sex positions, timing sex, and your vaginal pH have no bearing.
“When you have a lot of myths around fertility and conception, it harms vulnerable groups,” Dr. Bajekal says. “Stress is a huge factor in fertility, and the last thing you want is to bring in sex preference to add another layer of stress. It is so outdated to think about sex preference. Gender is fluid [after all] — the person might identify as non-binary.”
There are, however, things you can do to give conception a helping hand. Dr. Bajekal recommends:
- Looking after your physical and mental health
- Stopping smoking and drinking alcohol
- Maintaining a healthy weight
- Having regular sex
- Eating a diet that’s low in ultra-processed food and high in fruit, vegetables, whole beans, and grains
Knowing when your fertile window falls in your cycle makes all the difference when you’re trying to have a baby. Period tracking apps, like Flo, take away the guesswork by monitoring what’s going on in your body to let you know when you’re likely to be ovulating. You can then have sex (or elect for insemination) on these days.
Your doctor may also suggest that you take folic acid. It’s important that you start to build up your supplies of folic acid before conception because it can help prevent neural tube birth defects later down the line. Around 400 mcg is the recommended amount.
It’s common for conception to take a while. However, if pregnancy isn’t happening after 12 months of trying (if you’re under 35) or after six months (if you’re 35+), see your doctor or health care professional so they can offer help and support.
How To Conceive A Boy | How To Have A Baby Boy
Are you wondering how to conceive a boy?
If so, I’m sure you’re interested in knowing the various methods said to stack the odds in your favour, when it comes to conceiving a boy. This is also known as gender swaying.
Various gender swaying theories have been around for decades.
These theories aren’t guaranteed for success and aren’t always backed by science (unlike some of our suggestions!).
But if you’re keen to learn all the theories and want a boy, it can’t hurt to try – you have a 50% chance either way!
How to conceive a boy
At the end of the article, I’ve included details of a more recent book to be published, which is based on scientific research and evidence about how to specifically conceive a boy or girl.
As far as BellyBelly is concerned, we believe the very best outcome is a healthy baby. You also can’t be sure of baby’s gender, but you can try to have a specific sex.
So it’s important to bear that in mind as you read on about increasing your odds of conceiving a baby boy.
However, we do understand couples around the world have their own personal reasons for wanting to try for a boy (1).
How to conceive a boy – step by step
So you can get to the information you need faster, here’s a helpful list of what you need to know while trying to conceive:
- How to have a boy – the basics
- How to guarantee a baby boy
- What is the Shettles Method for conceiving a boy?
- Best sex positions to have a boy
- Foods to eat to conceive a boy
- The best time to conceive a baby boy after periods
- Sperm and a man’s underwear
- Female orgasm to conceive a boy
- The Babydust Method
How to have a boy – the basics
Before we jump into tips about how to have a baby boy, there are some important basics you need to know.
Male reproductive cells (sperm) contain one of two chromosomes related to your baby’s sex (2).
A baby girl will have an X chromosome and a baby boy will have a Y chromosome.
Therefore, the sperm that fertilizes the egg will determine the sex of your baby.
So if you want to have a boy, you need to focus on the external conditions which make it favorable for boy sperm.
How to guarantee a baby boy
If you’re looking for methods to guarantee a baby boy, currently there are no known natural options of gender selection which will 100% guarantee the sex of your baby.
The only way you can do this is via artificial means (such as in-vitro fertilization – IVF), if your country allows gender selection in a fertility clinic.
However, if you’re not wanting to go down a clinical gender selection path, or if you’re unable to, your best chances at conceiving a boy are via the methods mentioned in this article.
What is the Shettles Method for conceiving a boy?
No matter if you’re trying for a boy or a girl, you may have heard of The Shettles Method.
Dr. Landrum Shettles, the author of the best-selling book, How to Choose the Sex of Your Baby, believes male and female sperm have a number of key differences.
Through research, Dr. Shettles reported finding male sperm to be weaker, smaller and faster than female sperm.
He also reported female sperm to be more resilient, being able to survive for longer periods inside a woman’s body.
However, some medical specialists disagreed with his findings, specifically that male and female sperm had any differences.
Dr. Shettles guidelines can be found in some of the suggestions below, along with other more current views about how to conceive a boy.
#1: Sex positions
Dr. Shettles believed deep penetration during sex was important to give the male y sperm a head start.
With less distance to travel, they would be able to out-swim the x sperm and fertilize the egg.
The Shettles method claims that to improve your chances of conceiving a baby boy, you should have sex in positions that allow for deep penetration.
The closer you can get to the cervix, the better.
Best sex positions to conceive a boy
#1: Doggy style
The position most recommended for those who want to know how to conceive a boy is doggy style.
Doggy style allows for deep penetration and is considered the optimum position in which to conceive a boy.
You should kneel on all fours, and have your partner enter you from behind.
You could also adjust this position so that you are kneeling or leaning over a raised surface, if you prefer.
#2: Standing up
Another position allowing for deep penetration is standing up.
According to some gender swaying experts, boy sperm are given an advantage in this position.
This is because it’s claimed male sperm can swim faster than female sperm. It’s a race against gravity to reach the finish line!
While standing up, your partner may be able to lift you up, or you prefer to lean against a wall.
#3: Straddling
Another great position to conceive a baby boy is straddling.
The man should lie or sit up on the bed, chair, sofa, or wherever you choose.
The woman should sit on top, straddling him.
Straddling allows for deep penetration, but with the added benefit of the woman being in control.
If the man has a large penis, or if the woman feels discomfort when trying the positions mentioned above, she may prefer a position like this where she can be on top. This will allow her to control the depth of penetration.
#2: What foods to eat to conceive a boy
Want to know how to conceive a boy? You need to go bananas!
One study claimed a diet high in potassium and sodium favored the conception of a boy (3).
Specialist in mammalian biology at Exeter University, Fiona Mathews, said:
“We were able to confirm the old wives’ tale that eating bananas and so having a high potassium intake was associated with having a boy, as was a high sodium intake.”(4)
Bananas are one of the worst fruits for carbohydrate content (meaning it will spike blood sugar levels). So if you have diabetes, or want to avoid gestational diabetes, go easy on the fruit.
See a helpful visual representation of the carbohydrate content of a range of fruit here.
As for sodium, sprinkle Himalayan salt on your foods, or perhaps consider stocking up on electrolytes. Electrolytes are fantastic for proper hydration during pregnancy and in the post-natal period (and any time!).
See our article about electrolytes during pregnancy.
#3: The best time to conceive a baby boy after periods
This tip is believed to be one of the most important ones – which is the best day to conceive a baby boy after periods?
Because male sperm is the faster of the two, Shettles suggests having intercourse as close to ovulation as possible, so the male y sperm can reach the egg first.
If you have sex several days before the day of ovulation, the less resilient male sperm may die off.
This leaves more female sperm to fertilize the ovum (5).
Not sure how to identify ovulation?
It’s a good idea to start charting your monthly cycle and observing your cervical mucus. When you notice egg-white cervical mucus, this is fertile mucus, and a good time to have intercourse. Your chances of conceiving a boy are high around this time.
Also, around ovulation time, you can use ovulation test kits (like pregnancy test kits) to give you added evidence that you’re ovulating.
Check out our article on signs of ovulation.
#4: Loose underwear is best for conceiving a boy
You may already know the underwear a man wears can affect sperm production (6).
So this is something you may not want to mess around with, especially if the male partner has fertility issues.
Tighter underwear causes to scrotum to reach a higher temperature, reducing the number of sperm.
Boxer shorts are the best underwear if you want to conceive a boy.
Tighter underwear apparently favor the survival of the more resilient female x sperm.
#5: Female orgasm is key if you want to have a boy
A popular theory is female orgasm plays an important role in how to conceive a boy.
Some sources claim when a woman orgasms, an alkaline secretion is released into the vagina.
This alkaline secretion gives male sperm an increased chance of survival.
To increase your chances of having a boy, you should orgasm before your partner ejaculates.
Struggling with orgasm?
Female orgasm is difficult for some women (and men) to achieve. A fantastic resource I recommend to those who want to become skilled in female orgasm is Jason Julius’ video course.
He offers some very effective tips for giving women amazing orgasms (according to … a friend). Opt-in for the free video, and you’ll get details of his course. There is some strong language, but there is no nudity.
#6: The Babydust Method
The Babydust Method is a more recent book on the market. Couples wanting to know how to conceive either a boy or a girl need to read this book!
The Babydust Method, written by Kathryn Taylor, claims to be based on the latest, scientific research, and has a bunch of raving fans.
Kathryn has a Bachelor of Science in Microbiology, Immunology, and Molecular Genetics.
In her book, Kathryn discusses egg polarity, pH, and acidic/alkaline/ion diets.
A combination of precise timing and frequency, which has been proven to work in a published clinical study, is also discussed.
Here are some of the many rave reviews from readers:
“I love the science behind this. After 3 girls my husband and I wanted to try one more time for a boy. We followed the very simple instructions and 2 weeks ago we found out we are expecting our first son!!! Highly recommend this book to couples.” – Ashleigh
“We were really hoping to give our son a brother and thought it couldn’t hurt to give it a try! We found out we were expecting after the first attempt – and we are getting another son! This book is super easy to read and it’s probably the easiest method you could ever try as well.” – Airanp
You can grab a copy from Amazon.
So to sum it up:
You’re more likely to have a boy if…
- You have a diet high in potassium, and sodium.
Fiona Mathews, specialist in mammalian biology at Exeter University confirmed that having a high potassium and high sodium intake is associated with having a boy.
- You have intercourse as close to the ovulation as possible, because male sperm is the faster than female sperm.
- Your partner has loose underwear – tighter underwear favours the survival of more resilient female sperm.
- You have orgasm before your partner. During female orgasm, there is an alkaline secretion released into the vagina. This increases the survival of male sperm.
- Your partner has a high sperm count.
+ Popular Questions Our Readers Ask
Q: How do you avoid a faint line pregnancy test result?
A: If you don’t want to feel disappointed by getting a faint line on your pregnancy test, patience is your friend. Wait to take the test until after your period doesn’t arrive.
Q: How do you conceive a baby boy?
A: In order to conceive a baby boy, there are various theories some people follow. One is to adopt a diet higher in potassium and sodium. Another is to schedule intercourse precisely before ovulation, in order to give the faster male sperm a better chance to get to the egg first.
Q: When should a baby start talking?
A: A baby should start talking anytime between 11 months and 14 months of age. They usually say ‘mama’ and ‘dada’ as their first words, although they could also say other words they hear often enough.
Q: Can you drink hot tea while pregnant?
A: Now that you’re pregnant, you might be wondering if you can still drink tea. Fortunately, you can continue drinking tea. However, opt for a herbal one. You should avoid teas that are known to contain caffeine, such as black tea and green tea.
Details on how to conceive a boy
popular and professional sex planning methods
When planning a pregnancy, many people think about how to get pregnant with a boy. After all, it is men who are the successors of the clan and bearers of the surname. Therefore, most families tend to conceive a male representative.
Is it possible to plan the sex of the child
This question is rhetorical. If you use only folk signs, stick to diets and schedules, the probability of getting the desired result is quite low. Actually, as well as when you do nothing.
In contrast to these methods, a completely official planning of the sex of the child appeared. Such ways to conceive a boy are available during the IVF procedure. In this case, embryos with the desired set of chromosomes are placed directly into the uterus.
The best ways to conceive a boy
All methods can be divided into 2 large groups:
Folk. These are calendar planning, selection of poses and diet, as well as other options that do not have scientific confirmation.
These include chromosomal analysis and IVF. In this case, the selection of spermatozoa, carriers of the Y chromosome, takes place in the laboratory.
Each method has its own characteristics and specifics. Therefore, it is worth talking about them in more detail.
Scientific approach or working with chromosomes
If you have definitely decided: I want to conceive a boy, you should use the guaranteed method. Indeed, to obtain a male child, the correct set of chromosomes in the spermatozoon is important. Believe me, it is impossible to find out which carrier of genetic information will reach the egg first without a microscope and appropriate equipment.
Reference: all eggs are carriers of the female set of X chromosomes, and spermatozoa can contain both X and Y chromosomes. At the same time, in a portion of the seminal fluid, these particles are in a ratio of 1: 1. To get a boy, it is important to combine a female X egg with a male Y sperm.
To obtain the desired result, there are 2 scientific methods:
Embryo sorting for IVF. After fertilization, doctors examine the resulting material under a microscope. Then, only embryos of the desired sex are placed in the uterus.
Artificial insemination. Spermatozoa with a Y chromosome are smaller than X-material carriers. Therefore, doctors sort male cells under a microscope, screening out potential girls. During ovulation, only future boys are introduced into the cervical canal of the uterus.
When choosing the best way, listen to the advice of doctors. After all, it is not enough just to place the desired embryo in the uterus, it is important to help it gain a foothold and begin to develop. Therefore, you should be well prepared for pregnancy, make the right diet and be sure to take the drugs prescribed by doctors.
Planning for ovulation
This is one of the most popular methods. The only expense item in this case is the purchase of ovulation tests. Why is it important? The fact is that Y-spermatozoa are significantly different from their "colleagues" with the X chromosome. They are more mobile and light, but less hardy and can expect an egg for a very short time. Therefore, in order to get pregnant with a guy, timing is important.
Before you conceive a boy by ovulation, you should pause in your sexual life for 4-5 days. Then, when the release of the egg has begun, it is worth actively working on pregnancy for several days. This approach will increase the likelihood of the birth of a small man. After all, theoretically, more nimble sperm will come to the finish line faster. And the tenacious carriers of the female chromosome, waiting from past sexual intercourse, by this moment will no longer be in the uterine cavity.
Blood matters
Many are guided by the age of the main body fluid. It is easy to calculate it. It is enough to divide the real age of a man by 4, and women - by 3. If the partner's blood is younger, there will be a boy.
Important: in order to calculate how to conceive a boy by blood renewal, you need to remember about blood loss and surgical interventions. If they were - the age should be considered from the date of the operation. For example, you were born at 1986, but were operated on in 2017, which means that 2017 should be taken as the year of birth.
Also important is the Rh factor of the expectant mother. If it is negative, then the man's blood must be older. If positive - younger.
What depends on the age of the couple
You can also calculate when to conceive a boy by the date of birth of future parents. There are 3 ways:
if the woman's age is a multiple of 2, then a boy can become pregnant in odd months, and if it is not a multiple of 2, in even months;
to the age of the woman (calculated by year of birth) add the number of the current month and 1, and then divide the resulting number by 2 - if the result is with a remainder, then it will be a boy;
age and activity ratio - if the husband is older than his wife and more active, then the chances of conceiving a boyfriend increase.
There are also many tables according to which you can calculate when it is better to conceive a boy, depending on the year of birth. For example, the Dobrotin-Freiman technique.
Conception according to the calendar
This method came to us from the East from ancient times. There are 2 main reference points for planning:
Chinese calendar. Everything is extremely simple here. It is enough to compare the age of the expectant mother and the current month. Before conceiving a boy, the Chinese calendar is used by many. After all, the method is very simple and does not require long calculations.
Japanese calendar. This is a more complex technique. First, it is important to find out the number of the couple, focusing on the months of birth of the husband and wife. Then, we plan the sex of the child, considering the graph with the red line - from it you will determine the months when it is easier to get pregnant with a male representative.
Many parents-to-be like these methods. But it is worth remembering that there is no guarantee of success.
Boy Pregnancy Charts
This is one of the most popular predictive methods. If you are thinking about how to conceive a boy, the Dobrotin-Freiman table will help you find the answer, taking into account the age of the husband and wife, and other factors.
Method consists of 6 tables with numbers. For the first 5, you write out the numbers that match your data, and for the 6th, you calculate the coefficient. Repeat the procedure, but with information about her husband. Compare your results. If a man has a higher coefficient, there will be a boy.
What postures can help
It is believed that male sex depends on the nature of sexual life. It is important that the husband always plays a dominant role and adopts appropriate postures. If an intimate relationship was in the positions of a man behind or above (missionary), then the likelihood of a boy's appearance increases.
Also important is the weight of the future mother. It is believed that fragile girls, weighing up to 54 kg, are more likely to give birth to girls. Therefore, it is better for a thin girl to gain a couple of kilograms in order to increase the likelihood of a child of the desired gender. But it is worthwhile to understand that in how to conceive a boy, folk methods are not very effective.
Nutritional considerations
Since the man is responsible for the sex of the child, he should eat foods high in sodium and potassium. Therefore, the diet should include:
Women should start preparing their bodies for pregnancy. Saturate the diet with fresh vegetables and fruits, cereals, meat and fish dishes.
IVF and conception of a boy
This is an innovative procedure involving artificial insemination. At the same time, the miracle of conception does not take place in the uterus, but in the laboratory, under the strict control of doctors. After the union of the sperm and the egg, the embryos grow up to the age of 3-5 days. This increases their viability and increases the likelihood of pregnancy after implantation in the uterus.
In vitro fertilization with sex selection is effective in most cases. These are not empty tips on how to conceive a boy, but a scientifically proven method that involves sorting embryos before replanting. As a result, only future boys enter the uterus. At the same time, the cost of IVF may vary, depending on the need for sorting embryos by gender.
Useful tips
It should be understood that preparation of the body for conception also plays an important role in fertilization. This applies to both men and women. Preparing for pregnancy should begin a year before fertilization. It is important to adhere to the following rules:
giving up bad habits;
frequent walks;
proper nutrition and balanced diet;
complete examination by a gynecologist and urologist to exclude diseases of the genitourinary system;
genetics consultation.
The only proven and most effective method of conceiving a boy is IVF. After all, doctors do not try to predict gender, but simply choose embryos with the right genetic material in the laboratory. This is the only method that has been proven effective in 90% of cases. More details about artificial insemination and preparation for the procedure can be found in our medical center.
How to conceive a girl or a boy: only scientific methods
June 12, 2019 Likbez Health
No matter how hard scientists try, it is not always possible to determine the sex of a child.
If you just have sex in a comfortable environment, the probability of conceiving a boy or a girl is about the same - 50 to 50. But this can be influenced.
What may determine the sex of the unborn child
At first glance, everything is simple: if the egg is fertilized by a sperm with a Y-chromosome, a boy will be conceived. If with X - a girl. It would seem that it is enough to somehow influence the composition of the sperm so that the necessary chromosomes are the first to enter the egg, and the job is done. But no.
Statistics show that the sex of a child may depend not only on spermatozoa, but also on the physical condition and lifestyle of the future father and mother. Here are just a few examples.
Mom's diet
Researchers asked 740 women who had just given birth to remember what they ate before conception. It turned out that if the expectant mother prefers foods rich in potassium, eats cereal for breakfast and receives a large number of calories daily, then the likelihood of having a boy is higher.
There is something in this, because a similar pattern is observed in nature. For example, malnourished hamsters usually produce females, while well-fed hamsters usually produce males.
Parents' stress level
The researchers found that during the two years after the earthquake, far fewer boys than girls were born on the island of Zakynthos.
Scientists suggest that more fragile Y-chromosome spermatozoa do not survive periods of high psychological stress. In addition, stress can affect the hormone levels in the mother's body and cause the egg to prefer X-chromosome sperm.
Father's financial situation
According to some reports, men who grew up in prosperity and inherited a large fortune from the family are more likely to have boys. This trend does not apply to female heirs, as well as those who have achieved financial success on their own.
Maternal blood pressure
In 2017, Canadian endocrinologist Ravi Retnakaran discovered a link between blood pressure levels in expectant mothers and the birth of a child of a certain gender. Women's blood pressure was measured approximately 26 weeks before conception.
Those who had it higher were more likely to give birth to boys. Ravi called pressure "an as yet unrecognized biological factor in gender balance."
Recall that these are just statistics.
There is no evidence that changes in diet or other factors always affect the sex of an unborn baby.
How to influence gender
Since modern science is not able to take into account all the "gender balance factors", there are no natural ways to plan and guarantee a child of the desired gender. But there are artificial ones. Let's go through the most popular.
How to conceive a girl or boy naturally
The best known option is ovulation planning, or the Shettles method. This American doctor in the 1960s published the book "How to choose the sex of the child", which became an instant bestseller. In it, the author explains: “male” (Y) spermatozoa are smaller, lighter and faster than “female” (X). Therefore, couples who want to conceive a boy should have sex during the period as close as possible to ovulation. Then the "male" sperm will get to the egg first.
According to Shettles, Y chromosomes benefit when sperm is ejected as close as possible to the opening of the cervix. This is achievable in the doggy-style position (man behind).
If parents want to conceive a girl, the doctor recommends having sex in the missionary position and doing it 2-4 days before ovulation. In this case, only the more stable and heavy "female" spermatozoa will survive until the moment the egg appears.
Alas, ovulation planning and other natural methods are very unreliable.
The method is criticized by other physicians. Estimates of its effectiveness vary. Some doctors claim a 96% success rate, while others claim that ovulation planning only works 39% of the time, which is even worse than regular sex with its 50/50 probability distribution.
How to conceive a boy or a girl by artificial means
Sperm sorting
This method involves "filtering" the sperm, sifting out the lighter Y-sperm. They are then injected into the female egg using in vitro fertilization (IVF) technology.
Efficiency is quite high.