How to abort the child
The Abortion Pill | Get the Facts About Medication Abortion
In This Section
- The Abortion Pill
- How does the abortion pill work?
- What can I expect after I take the abortion pill?
- How do I use the abortion pill?
- How safe is the abortion pill?
- How do I get the abortion pill?
- How much does the abortion pill cost?
The Abortion Pill | Planned Parenthood Video
The Abortion Pill | Planned Parenthood VideoWhat is the abortion pill?
Medication abortion — also called the abortion pill — is a safe and effective way to end an early pregnancy.
How does the abortion pill work?
“Abortion pill” is the common name for using two different medicines to end a pregnancy: mifepristone and misoprostol.
First, you take a pill called mifepristone. Pregnancy needs a hormone called progesterone to grow normally. Mifepristone blocks your body’s own progesterone, stopping the pregnancy from growing.
Then you take the second medicine, misoprostol, either right away or up to 48 hours later. This medicine causes cramping and bleeding to empty your uterus. It’s kind of like having a really heavy, crampy period, and the process is very similar to an early miscarriage. If you don’t have any bleeding within 24 hours after taking the second medicine, call your nurse or doctor.
Your doctor or nurse will give you both medicines at the health center. When and where you’ll take them depends on state laws and your health center's policies. Your doctor or nurse will give you detailed directions about where, when, and how to take the medicines. You may also get some antibiotics to prevent infection.
How effective is the abortion pill?
The abortion pill is very effective. The effectiveness depends on how far along you are in your pregnancy when you take the medicine.
- For people who are 8 weeks pregnant or less, it works about 94-98 out of 100 times.
- For people who are 8-9 weeks pregnant, it works about 94-96 out of 100 times.
- For people who are 9-10 weeks pregnant, it works about 91-93 out of 100 times. If you're given an extra dose of medicine, it works about 99 out of 100 times.
- For people who are 10-11 weeks pregnant, it works about 87 out of 100 times. If you're given an extra dose of medicine, it works about 98 out of 100 times.
The abortion pill usually works, but if it doesn’t, you can take more medicine or have an in-clinic abortion to complete the abortion.
When can I take the abortion pill?
Depending on where you live, you may be able to get a medication abortion up to 77 days (11 weeks) after the first day of your last period. If it has been 78 days or more since the first day of your last period, you can have an in-clinic abortion to end your pregnancy.
Why do people choose the abortion pill?
Which kind of abortion you choose all depends on your personal preference and situation. With medication abortion, some people like that you don’t need to have a procedure in a doctor’s office. You can have your medication abortion at home or in another comfortable place that you choose. You get to decide who you want to be with during your abortion, or you can go it alone. Because medication abortion is similar to a miscarriage, many people feel like it’s more “natural” and less invasive.
Your doctor, nurse, or health center staff can help you decide which kind of abortion is best for you.
More questions from patients:
Can the abortion pill be reversed after you have taken it?
Here’s the deal: The “abortion pill” is the popular name for a safe and effective way to end an early pregnancy using a combination of two medicines: mifepristone and misoprostol. The first medicine (mifepristone) is given at a health center or your health care provider’s office. After taking mifepristone, you take a second medication (misoprostol) at home 6-48 hours later. This causes cramping and bleeding and empties your uterus.
Claims about treatments that reverse the effects of medication abortion are out there, and a handful of states require doctors and nurses to tell their patients about them before they can provide abortion care. But these claims haven’t been proven in reliable medical studies — nor have they been tested for safety, effectiveness, or the likelihood of side effects — so experts like the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists reject these untested supposed treatments.
Studies on the abortion pill do show that if you take the first medicine but not the second, the abortion pill is less likely to work. So if you’ve begun the process of having an abortion using the abortion pill but are having second thoughts, contact the doctor or nurse you saw for the abortion right away to talk about your best next steps and what to expect.
What is the RU-486 abortion pill?
RU-486 is the former name of mifepristone — one of the medications that you take to have a medication abortion. RU-486 is now called "the abortion pill" or "Mifeprex" (the brand name for mifepristone).
RU-486 was developed in the 1980s. It's been safely used in Europe since 1987, and in the US since 2000.
RU-486 blocks a hormone that your body needs to continue a pregnancy. It works best when you use it with another medication called misoprostol, which causes bleeding to empty your uterus.
The RU-486 abortion pill is a safe and effective way to end an early pregnancy.
What happens if I take the abortion pill after 11 weeks?
The abortion pill is very effective, but it works less well when you’re more than 8 weeks pregnant. The effectiveness depends on how far along you are in your pregnancy and when you take the medicine. After 11 weeks, there’s a bigger chance of stronger bleeding or cramps.
You can make sure that your medication abortion worked by taking a pregnancy test, ultrasound, or blood test. Your nurse or doctor will also walk you through everything you need to know during your medication abortion appointment.
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How Does the Abortion Pill Work?
In This Section
- The Abortion Pill
- How does the abortion pill work?
- What can I expect after I take the abortion pill?
- How do I use the abortion pill?
- How safe is the abortion pill?
- How do I get the abortion pill?
- How much does the abortion pill cost?
The abortion pill causes cramping and bleeding that can last several hours or more. You can be at home, or wherever is comfortable for you. Plan on taking it easy for the day.
What do I need to do before I take the abortion pill?
Before you take the abortion pill, you’ll meet with your nurse, doctor, or health center staff to talk about whether abortion is the right decision for you, and what your abortion options are. You’ll get an exam and lab tests, and you may get an ultrasound to figure out how far into your pregnancy you are.
Your nurse or doctor will let you know if there’s anything else you need to do to prepare for your abortion. They’ll give you written instructions on how to take your pills. You will have access to a caring professional through the process — you’ll get a number you can call 24/7 if you have any questions or concerns.
You’ll have a lot of bleeding and cramping after you take the second medicine, so plan ahead to make the process more comfortable. You can be at home, or wherever is comfortable for you to rest. You may also want to have someone you trust with you (or nearby) that you can call for support if you need anything.
Stock up on maxi pads, food, books, movies, or whatever you like to help pass the time, and a heating pad for cramps. Make sure you have some pain medicine — but don’t take aspirin because it can make you bleed more.
What happens during a medication abortion?
The abortion pill process has several steps and includes two different medicines.
First, you take a pill called mifepristone. This medicine stops the pregnancy from growing. Some people feel nauseous or start bleeding after taking mifepristone, but it’s not common. Your doctor or nurse may also give you antibiotics to take to prevent infection.
The second medicine is called misoprostol. You’ll either take the misoprostol right away, or up to 48 hours after you take the first pill — your doctor or nurse will let you know how and when to take it. This medicine causes cramping and bleeding to empty your uterus.
For most people, the cramping and bleeding usually starts 1-4 hours after taking the misoprostol. It’s normal to see large blood clots (up to the size of a lemon) or clumps of tissue when this is happening. It’s kind of like having a really heavy, crampy period, and the process is very similar to an early miscarriage. (If you don’t have any bleeding within 24 hours after taking the second medicine, misoprostol, call your nurse or doctor.)
The cramping and bleeding can last for several hours. Most people finish passing the pregnancy tissue in 4-5 hours, but it may take longer. The cramping and bleeding slows down after the pregnancy tissue comes out. You may have cramping on and off for 1 or 2 more days.
You can take pain medicine like ibuprofen about 30 minutes before you take the second medicine, misoprostol, to help with cramps. You can also take anti-nausea medicine if your doctor or nurse gives it to you. Don’t take aspirin, because it can make you bleed more.
It’s normal to have some bleeding and spotting for several weeks after your abortion. You can use pads, tampons, or a menstrual cup — whatever's the most comfortable for you. But your nurse or doctor may recommend you use pads for the first few days after the abortion so you can track how much you're bleeding.
The last step is a follow up with your nurse or doctor. You may go back into the health center for an ultrasound or blood test. Or you’ll get a pregnancy test to take at home, followed by a phone call with your nurse or doctor. These tests will make sure the abortion worked and that you’re healthy.
In the unlikely case that the abortion doesn't work and you're still pregnant, your doctor or nurse will discuss your options with you. You may need another dose of medication or to have an in-clinic procedure to complete the abortion.
How does a medication abortion feel?
For most people, medication abortion feels like having an early miscarriage. You might have:
lots of cramping and aches in your belly
very heavy bleeding with large clots (If you don’t have any bleeding within 24 hours after taking the second medicine, misoprostol, call your nurse or doctor.
an upset stomach and vomiting (Your doctor or nurse may give you medicine to help with nausea.)
mild fever (99-100° F) or chills on the day you take the misoprostol (If you have a fever after the day you take the misoprostol pills, call your doctor or health center right away.)
To help ease pain and make you more comfortable, you can:
Take pain medication like ibuprofen (Advil or Motrin). Don’t take aspirin because it can make your bleeding worse.
Put a heating pad or hot water bottle on your belly.
Take a shower.
Sit on the toilet.
Have someone rub your back.
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Medical termination of pregnancy in the early stages in Nizhny Novgorod at the Tonus clinic, medical abortion, mini abortion
Termination of pregnancy is an important step in the life of a woman who is going to do this. It is important to think carefully about everything, and also, to choose a clinic where you would like to have an abortion. After you have made up your mind, the question arises, where to have an abortion? Not all clinics are licensed to perform abortions, so if you want to do abortion, clinic , in which it will be performed, must have the appropriate permission.
In our country, at her own request, a woman can have an abortion for up to 12 weeks.
There are also various indications for termination of pregnancy. Abortion for social reasons a woman can do up to 22 weeks, for medical - at any stage of pregnancy.
Abortion in this case is performed after determining the indications for it by a gynecologist and related specialists. The reason for termination of pregnancy for medical reasons can be both a serious pathology on the part of the woman and on the part of the fetus. Only a competent and experienced gynecologist will help you decide on the choice of the method of abortion - medical, mini-abortion or surgical.
The best is early termination of pregnancy . Early termination of pregnancy reduces the risk of complications in the future and can be carried out without the use of invasive techniques.
Early termination of pregnancy. Medical abortion
Medical abortion is one of the safest methods and an excellent alternative to surgical abortion. Medical abortion is performed up to 6 weeks of pregnancy. When holding medical termination of pregnancy in the early stages, drugs are used that, by their mechanism of action, inhibit the synthesis of progesterone.
Medical abortion is performed only under the strict supervision of a gynecologist. After medical termination of pregnancy, an ultrasound scan is required to examine the uterine cavity.
Early termination of pregnancy by medical abortion method does not impair the woman's reproductive function. According to many studies, after medical termination of pregnancy, ovulation is restored in the shortest possible time. An additional positive quality of medical abortion is the possibility of its implementation directly on the day of treatment.
Early termination of pregnancy - mini-abortion
Mini-abortion as a method of early termination of pregnancy can be performed from 6 to 12 weeks. The main technique for mini-abortion is vacuum aspiration. The fertilized egg is removed from the uterine cavity using a special electric suction. This option for early termination of pregnancy is more gentle than the standard options for surgical abortion.
We must not forget that the sooner have an abortion , the lower the risk of complications.
The procedure takes about 5 minutes and the woman can go home within a few hours after the procedure. The uterine mucosa, unlike curettage, is slightly injured. A contraindication to abortion in this way is the presence of infection in the acute period. After the mini-abortion, a control ultrasound examination of the uterine cavity is performed.
Where to have an abortion?
Many women (especially young women), in order not to advertise their pregnancy, start looking for options, where to have an abortion . It must be remembered that it is most correct to have an abortion in a clinic, under the supervision of specialists, and not with the help of folk remedies.
An abortion made outside the walls of a medical institution that has the right to perform this manipulation is called criminal. A self-performed abortion by untested means can lead to serious consequences. In this case, a woman risks not only the possibility of having children in the future, but also her health.
Medical abortion
Termination of pregnancy by indications or at the request of a woman for a period of 6 to 12 weeks can be performed by curettage of the uterine cavity. This procedure is a surgical procedure and requires preparation. As with any other operation, all the necessary tests are given. Termination of pregnancy is carried out on an empty stomach, as the woman is given anesthesia.
In the postoperative period during the month you need to refrain from sexual intercourse, do not go to the sauna, bath, bathing in water, it is not recommended to take a bath. All these measures are aimed at preventing infection.
It is also not advisable to overcool, be subjected to excessive stress and physical exertion for some time. It is necessary to give the body a rest, so that in the future there will be no problems with conception.
After the abortion, it is necessary to visit a gynecologist. During the appointment, the doctor will conduct a comprehensive examination with obligatory ultrasound control, as well as select the optimal method of contraception, which will help to avoid unwanted pregnancies in the future, and therefore new abortions. A large number of abortions brings with it a large number of complications that can affect the reproductive potential of a woman.
Psychological support for a woman is also important, both before and after an abortion. The doctor in this case should be not only a competent specialist, but also a sensitive psychologist who can encourage the patient.
A great role is given to conversations with a woman, since she must understand that the doctor is on her side and in no case condemns the perfect act.
Within a month after the abortion, women should monitor their well-being.
If you experience pain, bleeding, fever or other unusual phenomena, you should definitely visit a gynecologist for a comprehensive examination and identify the cause of the symptoms.
Where to have an abortion in Nizhny Novgorod?
Termination of pregnancy in Nizhny Novgorod is performed by experienced specialists at Tonus Medical Center. It is possible to carry out manipulations at various stages of pregnancy. An abortion performed at Tonus Medical Center is a safe procedure carried out by highly qualified doctors who choose an individual approach to each woman and provide reliable medical care.
You can make an appointment at the Center for Obstetrics and Gynecology by calling 8 (831) 411-11-22
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Medical abortion
Unwanted pregnancy forces many women to seek help from antenatal clinics. If you make an appointment with a gynecologist when the gestational age is only 3-4 or 6-8 weeks, you can do without a surgical effect on the body. At an early stage of pregnancy, the doctor will suggest a medical abortion, for which a drug interrupter is used. This will avoid damage to the uterus and psychological consequences for the patient. Farmabort is especially effective for nulliparous women, although it has contraindications. Therefore, at the preparation stage, it is necessary to exclude the presence of inflammatory processes in the body and dangerous diseases. The Academy of Health Medical Center offers to undergo a medical abortion procedure by gynecologists of the highest category. Turning to us, patients receive complete confidentiality, attentive attitude, competent preparation for the procedure and the result. Call to make an appointment for a consultation.
What is a medical abortion
A medical or pharmaceutical abortion is an abortion that is carried out with the use of medicines without the use of curettage or vacuum pressure on the uterus. In fact, this is an atraumatic method with a minimum number of undesirable consequences for the patient. This type of abortion is carried out in several stages under the supervision of a doctor. To carry out the procedure at the level of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, the use of special tablets has been approved, the action of which is aimed at removing the fetal egg from the uterus. It will take a minimum of time to restore the body after the procedure.
There may be clear indications for drug termination of pregnancy against the background of a stop in the development of the ovum. Also, a woman has the right to apply for a service of her own free will. The main condition - the failure of pregnancy using the pharmaceutical method should occur no later than 6-8 weeks from the date of the start of the last menstruation. Therefore, an ultrasound examination is mandatory before an abortion in order to identify the exact period. In rare cases, when the drug interrupter caused incomplete rejection, mechanical removal of the remaining fragments is prescribed. In general, after taking targeted pharmaceutical drugs, miscarriage occurs at 95-98% of cases. The use of medicinal interrupters of pregnancy is possible in the absence of contraindications and with the written consent of the patient. Each tablet is taken strictly under medical supervision.
Stages of medical abortion
To obtain a positive result, the tablet method of removing the ovum must be carried out after a series of examinations. Preparation begins with an ultrasound scan and setting the exact gestational age. After the woman will be sent:
- pass urine;
- donate blood for HIV, RW, hepatitis;
- will be examined to take a vaginal swab.
Additional tests may also be required:
- test for TORCH infection;
- cardiogram.
The obtained results will allow the gynecologist to assess the state of health of the pregnant woman, exclude contraindications and prescribe a pharmaceutical abortion. After the preparatory stage, suitable medicines are selected. A conversation is held with a woman during which they tell:
- How does the tablet method of abortion work?
- how to prepare for the procedure;
- what restrictions to follow after medical exposure.
The medical abortion procedure begins with taking a pill, the chemical composition of which, after entering the body, causes the gradual rejection of the ovum. You need to drink it under the supervision of a doctor and spend 2-3 hours in the clinic. After that, the woman is sent home.
After 36-48 hours, the patient should return to the gynecologist, where she will be given a pharmaceutical preparation that causes uterine contractions. This will be the final stage of medical termination of pregnancy, after which discharge resembling menstruation will begin. Together with them, a fetal egg will come out of the uterus. At this moment, the woman remains under the supervision of the medical staff of the clinic. This is necessary in order to prevent deterioration in the event of significant blood loss, to provide timely medical assistance in case of pain, fever or vomiting. The prescribed medication has certificates. The cost of the procedure depends on the drug interrupter of which production is used.
What to do after a medical breakdown has taken place?
Although this type of abortion is not dangerous, the woman should take precautions after the procedure:
- do not have sexual intercourse during the recovery period;
- exclude physical activity;
- visit a gynecologist at the appointed time after an abortion.
It is especially important to have an ultrasound at 14 days to confirm the positive effect of the drug interrupter and to eliminate the need for curettage.
Pharmaceutical abortion: advantages and contraindications
Medical abortion, unlike surgery, has many advantages:
- medical abortion is not traumatic;
- is suitable for nulliparous women;
- does not cause strong uterine contractions;
- does not require anesthesia;
- eliminates the infection of the patient, the formation of adhesions in the fallopian tubes;
- is easier to tolerate psychologically;
- requires less recovery time;
- gives a high success rate.