How much is a child bus ticket
Regular Fares | Maryland Transit Administration
Fares & Passes | Full Fare | Senior/Disability | Student | Mobility |
One-way | 2.00 | 1.00 | 1.50 | 2.20 |
Day Pass / 1-Day Pass | 4.60 | 2.30 | -- | -- |
Weekly / 7-Day Pass | 22.00 | -- | -- | -- |
Monthly / 31-Day Pass | 77.00 | 23.00 | -- | -- |
All Access College Transit Pass | -- | -- | 57.00 | -- |
Mobility 20-Trip Book | -- | -- | -- | 44. |
Single Trip Fare
On CityLink, LocalLink, and Express BusLink, if you pay at the farebox in cash, no change is given or ticket issued. When using a CharmCard the trip is deducted from stored value. When riding Light RailLink or Metro SubwayLink purchase single trip fare at a Ticket Vending Machine (TVM) and a single trip Go Pass will be issued. TVMs accept cash or credit card payment. One-way fares may also be purchased on the CharmPass mobile transit fare app. Single trip fares are valid on the system where the ticket is purchased. Tip: If you take more than 2 single trip rides in one day, consider purchasing a Day Pass or CharmFlex option in the mobile app.
Round Trip Fare
Are only available for trips on Light RailLink. Round trip fare is purchased at a ticket vending machine and a Go Pass is issued. The first trip must be completed within 90 minutes of purchase and is only valid for travel on the system where the fare is purchased. The return trip must be completed on the same day of purchase. Round trip fares are not available for CharmCard.
Two children under the age of six may ride free of charge when accompanied by a full-fare paying passenger. Additional children (under the age of six) and children age six and above will be charged the appropriate full fare. The free-child allowance does not apply to passengers traveling on any type of reduced fare. Children age six and above who are in grades K-12 participating in the MDOT MTA School Program pay the appropriate student fare.
Day Pass, CharmPass 1-Day Pass, & CharmCard 1-Day Pass:
The day pass is valid for unlimited travel on Local Service from the time purchased (and activated for CharmCard or CharmPass) until 3:00 AM the following day. The day pass is either issued as a Day Pass, loaded onto a CharmCard, or purchased through the CharmPass mobile transit fare app. The paper pass may be purchased on the bus with exact change or at any ticket vending machine.
CharmFlex 3-pack and 10-pack (Local Bus, Metro SubwayLink, Light RailLink):
Available only on the CharmPass mobile transit fare app, the CharmFlex 3-day and 10-day fare options for Local Service let you choose when to ride, for about 15% less than the cost of a day-pass. CharmFlex fares do not have to be used on consecutive days. Each pack consists of 3 or 10 day passes.
Weekly Pass, CharmPass 7-Day Pass, & CharmCard 7-Day Pass:
The Weekly is valid for unlimited travel on Local Service for 7 days beginning at 12:01 AM on Sunday of the designated week and ending at 3:00 AM on the following Sunday. The CharmCard and CharmPass 7- Day Pass is valid for unlimited travel on Local Service for 7 consecutive days from the time the pass is first activated. The paper Weekly Pass may be purchased at Ticket Vending Machines (TVM), walk in vendors and the MTA Transit Store. The CharmCard 7-Day Pass may be loaded at TVMs, the MTA Transit Store, at a limited number of walk in vendor locations or purchased online and autoloaded to the CharmCard. The CharmPass 7-Day Pass can be purchased directly from your smartphone on the CharmPass mobile transit fare app. Tip: If you purchase more than 4 Day Passes in one week, consider purchasing a Weekly Pass.
Monthly Pass, CharmPass 31-Day Pass, & CharmCard 31-Day Pass:
The Monthly Go Pass is valid for unlimited travel on any Local Service from the first day of the designated month until 3:00 AM the first day of the following month. The CharmCard and CharmPass 31-Day Pass is valid for unlimited travel on any Local Service for 31 consecutive days from first activation. The paper Monthly Go Pass is available for purchase approximately ten days each month from Ticket Vending Machines at Metro Subway stations and at Light Rail stops, at the MTA Transit Store, and at Pass Sales Outlets throughout the service area. CharmCard 31-Day Pass may also be purchased with a credit card online from the MTA Pass Store. The CharmPass 31-Day Pass can be purchased directly from your smartphone on the CharmPass mobile transit fare app.
The CharmCard 31 Day Pass may be loaded online, at all TVMs, the Transit Store and at a limited number of consignment vendors equipped with CPOS devices throughout the Baltimore area. When activated, the pass is valid for 31 consecutive days of unlimited travel.
Commuter Bus & MARC Train
Paper tickets and passes may be purchased from Commuter Bus 10-trip and monthly tickets are available at the new MARC ticket vending machines. Additionally, Commuter Bus riders may purchase one-way, and 31-day passes directly from their smartphone on the CharmPass mobile transit fare app. MARC Train riders may purchase one-way, 5-day, 7-day, and 31-day tickets and passes directly from their smartphone on the CharmPass mobile transit fare app.
CharmFlex 6-pack and 20-pack (Commuter Bus, MARC Train):
Available only on the CharmPass mobile transit fare app, the CharmFlex 6-pack and 20-pack fare options for Commuter Bus and MARC Train let you choose when to ride, for about 15% less than the cost of a day-pass. CharmFlex fares do not have to be used on consecutive days. Each pack consists of 6 or 10 one-way fares.
Fares & Passes - IndyGo
Fare Costs
*Effective 8/31/21 – The 7-Day Pass is no longer available to riders. However, riders are encouraged to download the MyKey app to take advantage of fare capping and cashless pay options.
Pass Types | Cost | Half Fare |
2-Hour Transfer Ticket | $1.75 | $0.85 |
One Day | $4.00 | $2.00 |
10 Trips | $17.50 | $8.50 |
31 Days | $60.00 | $30.00 |
IndyGo Access One Trip | $3.50 | N/A |
College S-Pass | $30.00 | N/A |
Veterans Pass | $2.00 for initial, $5.00 for replacement | N/A |
*Children age 5 and under ride free with a fare-paying rider, limit two.
Fare Policy
With the implementation of the Marion County Transit Plan, IndyGo is transitioning its bus service to a grid-based network, adding three rapid transit lines, and improving its local routes.
As part of this transition, IndyGo staff has adopted major fare policy change to accommodate and improve the customer experience with the new system.
Prior to the fare policy adoption, IndyGo opened the public comment period on the proposed policy change. The comment period was publicized through regular communication channels in accordance with the Public Involvement Plan.
MyKey is here! We are moving our city forward with a new way to pay and ride! Choose to GO with your smartphone or reloadable card on bus rapid transit or local bus service. To learn more about MyKey click here.
Buy Fare Passes Online
Passes are available for purchase at For more information about Fare Passes, please view the information below.
Buy Passes
In Person
Julia M. Carson Transit Center
201 E. Washington St.
Monday – Friday 8:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Saturday 9:00 AM – Noon
By Phone
317.635.3344 (Relay Indiana: 711)
Monday – Friday: 7:00 AM – 7:00 PM
Saturday: 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM
Please allow 10 business days for shipment.
Click Here to purchase tickets. Please allow 10 business days for shipment.
On Board an IndyGo Bus
Exact change must be used and only One Trip and One Day passes are available.
At Partner Locations
- PL$ Check Cashers
- 3801 E. Washington St.
- 8010 E. Washington St.
- 5516 W. 38th St.
- 4701 West 38th St.
- 2335 East 38th St.
- 444 E. Sumner Ave.
- IUPUI Campus Center
- 420 University Blvd.
Fare passes are non-refundable and nontransferable; they cannot be sold to other riders.
IndyGo offers half fare pricing to the following individuals with qualifying proof of eligibility:
- Persons 65 and older with a Government Issued Medicare Card or IndyGo Half Fare ID Card.
- Youth 18 and younger with a valid K – 12 Student ID or IndyGo Half Fare ID Card.
- Persons with disabilities with an IndyGo Half Fare ID Card.
To request a Half Fare ID Card, fill out the application (English & Spanish). If you are requesting a Half Fare ID Card due to a disability, a health care professional or agency who can verify the disability must fill out the Half Fare Supplemental Application Form in English or Spanish. Half Fare cards cost $2.00.
MyKey Half Fare cards are now available! If you turn in your current IndyGo Half Fare ID, there’s no fee for your MyKey card. New Half Fare MyKey cards without an exchange will cost $5. Your half fare MyKey card will give you the flexibility to buy fare value online, through the MyKey mobile app, at a ticket vending machine, or at IndyGo’s Customer Service. Additionally, you can benefit from fare capping! Visit to learn more.
*Only certain riders are eligible for half-fare. To see if you are eligible, visit
IndyGo’s S-Pass program allows local colleges and universities to purchase 31-day bus passes for their students at half price.
- Only local colleges and universities can purchase the S-Pass for students.
- Each S-Pass costs $30.
- Once activated on an IndyGo bus, S-Passes are good for 31 consecutive days.
- The S-Pass can be used on all bus routes.
- Unactivated cards will not expire.
Ordering Information:
- Orders must be placed by a college or university employee by contacting customer service at 317.635.3344. A minimum of 50 passes must be ordered and payment is expected at the time of purchase.
- Order Forms should be faxed to the IndyGo Customer Service Center at 317.637.0751 or mailed to 201 E.
Washington St., Indianapolis, IN 46204.
- Please allow up to 10 days for delivery upon IndyGo’s receipt of the order. Purchased S-Passes can also be picked up at the IndyGo Customer Service Center (201 E. Washington St.) within 2 days of receipt of the order.
Section 132 (f) of the Internal Revenue Code allows employers to provide tax-free public transit, vanpool, and parking benefits to their employees. Contact the Central Indiana Regional Transit Authority (CIRTA) 317.327.7433 for more information.
Updated guidelines per IndyGo Board Action July 26, 2021, linked HERE.
Any veteran approved for a Veterans Pass prior to July 26, 2021, is not required to re-register under the updated policy.
IndyGo offers free fixed route and rapid transit rides to Veterans with an IndyGo issued pass.
Below are the steps to obtain and use an IndyGo issued Veteran’s Pass:
- Fill out an application (English or Spanish) in person at IndyGo’s Customer Service located at the Julia M.
Carson Transit Center.
- Must be a veteran in the United States Armed Forces.
- Must provide a valid photo ID.
- Provide proof of veteran status. IndyGo will accept any of the following:
- Copy of DD 214 Certificate of Release/Discharge from Active Duty
- Valid U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs ID.
- Veteran stamp on the back of a state driver’s license or state ID.
- Must not have been dishonorably discharged.
- Have a photo taken at the Customer Service desk for the pass.
- Wait for the pass to be printed.
- Pay $2.00 for the pass. Replacement passes cost $5.00 each.
*This program does not include IndyGo Access/Paratransit service.
Cards are non-transferable and must be swiped at fare box on-board. Other forms of eligibility will not be accepted on the bus. To access the program, veterans must obtain the IndyGo-issued fare card. Learn more.
Visit the Indianapolis Public Transportation Foundation website here for additional details.
Fare Inspection
Since the Red Line has off-board fare collection, how will IndyGo know whether or not I paid my fare to board the bus?
The Red Line will include fare inspectors that will periodically check passengers for proof of fare payment. Riders will be required to have proof of fare payment in the form of a validated MyKey fare card or a validated MyKey mobile app at all times while at Red Line station platforms or on Red Line buses.
Traveling with children - Official website of the State Enterprise of the Kaliningrad region "Bus station"
CARRIAGE OF CHILDREN traveling with the passenger.
In accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation, a passenger has the right to carry with him:
in suburban traffic:
children under 7 years old inclusive - FREE OF CHARGE without providing a seat
children from 8 years old - full ticket
in intercity traffic:
2 (two) children from 0 to 12 years old inclusive - 50% of the fare with a seat for each.
children from 13 years old - full ticket
except for the following intercity routes
No. 509 "Kaliningrad - Zheleznodorozhny"
No. 520 "Kaliningrad - Chernyakhovsk"
No. 525 "Kaliningrad - Ozersk "
No. 527A "Kaliningrad - Ozersk"
No. 534 "Kaliningrad - Zheleznodorozhny"
No. 536 "Kaliningrad - Mozyr"
No. 554 "Kaliningrad - Ozersk"
No. 567A "Kaliningrad - Chernyakhovsk", where transportation is carried out as follows:
children under 5 years old inclusive - FREE OF CHARGE with a seat
children from 6 to 12 years old inclusive - 50% of the fare with a seat for each child .
children from 13 years old - full ticket
In all cases, the passenger must have a document confirming the age of the child.
from Federal Law No. 259-FZ of November 8, 2007, as amended
"Charter of road transport and urban ground electric transport".
from the Rules of the Road of the Russian Federation
(Approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 23, 1993 No. 1090 in the current version)
Article 21 of Federal Law No. 259 of 08.11.2007
1. When traveling in a vehicle that carries out regular transportation of passengers and luggage,
the passenger has the right:
1) to carry children under the age of seven years free of charge in urban and suburban traffic without providing separate seating places, except for the cases provided for in paragraph 2 of this article. nine0007 2) carry with them free of charge in long-distance traffic one child under the age of five years without providing a separate seat, except as provided for in paragraph 2 of this article.
2. In cases where the carriage of children in vehicles without providing them with separate seats is prohibited in accordance with the established procedure, the passenger has the right to carry with him two children under the age of twelve years with the provision of separate seats for them for a fee, the amount of which cannot be more than fifty per cent of the carriage charge. nine0007 3. The passenger must carry with him a document confirming the age of the child transported with the provision of the carriage fare advantages specified in paragraphs 1 and 2 of this article, and which must be presented at the first request of the persons exercising control over the fare.
from Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1090 dated 10/23/1993.
"On the Rules of the Road"
clause 5..1. When traveling in a vehicle equipped with seat belts, the passenger is obliged to wear them. nine0007 section 2.1.2. The driver is obliged, when driving a vehicle equipped with seat belts, to be fastened and not to carry passengers who are not wearing seat belts.
section 22.3. The number of people transported in the back of a truck, as well as in the cabin of a bus carrying out transportation on an intercity, mountainous, tourist or excursion route, and in the case of organized transportation of a group of children, should not exceed the number of seats equipped for sitting.
section 22.8. "It is forbidden to transport people in excess of the number provided for by the technical characteristics of the vehicle." nine0007 Based on the foregoing, the transportation of passengers in long-distance traffic, not wearing seat belts, entails administrative liability under Articles 12.6, 12.23 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.
Provision of child restraints (seats) for the transportation of children under 7 years old in intercity buses, which are equipped with seat belts, is not regulated by laws and regulations. nine0005
What you need to know before going on vacation
Free travel for children in urban and suburban public transport is allowed for children under seven years of age, without providing a separate seat, in intercity transport the same conditions apply for children under five years of age. Also, if children cannot be transported in any mode of transport without providing a separate seat, then the passenger is entitled to transport two children under the age of twelve with separate seats provided to them at a 50% discount (Resolution No. 259-FZ "Charter of road transport and urban ground electric transport").
Children's tickets for socially vulnerable categories of citizens
Children from large families are provided with benefits for free travel on trams, trolleybuses, metro, and city taxis (this does not apply to ordinary taxis). In addition, these benefits apply to students of secondary schools for travel in buses of intracity routes (Presidential Decree No. 431 "On measures of social support for large families"). For disabled children and orphans, there are privileges for travel in public transport, which, after receiving them, remain until the age of eighteen. And for children who have lost their breadwinner, benefits remain until adulthood, for university students up to twenty-three years. For orphans up to twenty-three years of age on the same terms. nine0005
Benefits for travel in railway transport
A train passenger has the right to provide free travel for one child under the age of five years, provided that he does not occupy a separate seat in compartment cars, SV cars, common seated or reserved seats, and in addition but not older than ten years in luxury carriages. In addition, any passenger has the right to travel for children aged five to ten years on separate seats, paying the corresponding child fare with a discount in domestic directions, as well as in the Baltic and CIS countries (the amount of the discount depends on the type of train, category, wagon class, service, and travel distance):
- Children are entitled to travel free of charge in domestic deluxe carriages.
- 65% discount for travel in SV carriages, compartment carriages, second-class carriages, as well as general seated carriages of domestic traffic.
- Preferential travel for children in interstate traffic (foreign countries).
In order to issue a discount ticket for a child, it is mandatory to present a birth certificate.
In addition, students of general education schools not older than ten years old . They can get a 50% discount on tickets in reserved seat and common carriages of long-distance passenger and fast trains, as well as in carriages of 1-3 classes, trains of the 800th numbering of long-distance domestic traffic. When traveling in ordinary fast trains and branded passenger trains, similarly, half the ticket price is paid.
To obtain preferential travel documents, a certificate of a student or full-time student is required. nine0005
Children's tickets
All airlines offer discounts and discounts for children. On domestic and international flights children under two years of age are transported by their parents absolutely free of charge , without giving them a separate place. If parents are transporting two or more children, then starting from the second, they are provided with separate seats and only half the cost of the ticket is paid without the right to carry baggage free of charge. Also, children aged two to twelve years are entitled to flights with a discount of not more than 50% of the ticket price, while they are entitled to a separate seat and twenty kilograms of baggage, in accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 106 of the Air Code of the Russian Federation . nine0005
For transportation of unaccompanied children, each company individually determines the conditions for granting benefits, since each company has its own technology and its own rules for transporting unaccompanied children.
It is worth recalling that when transporting a child abroad, he must have a issued foreign passport, or be entered in the passport of one of the parents, so that there are no problems when passing through passport and visa control.
Benefits for children for water transport
There are also preferential conditions for transporting children by water. On the territory of the country, children have the right to free travel without providing a separate seat. On foreign routes, children are served at a discount - at a special rate. Children under twelve years of age have the right to travel with a 50% discount, with the provision of a separate seat for them, in accordance with Article 181, paragraph 2 of the Merchant Shipping Code of the Russian Federation.
Many citizens of the country have to travel long and short distances with their children. They naturally have a question, until how many years the child travels for free, up to how much for 50%. The article provides clarification on all these issues. nine0005
No fee required for children up to what age?
The basic rules for transporting children are determined by the laws of regional authorities and the rules for transporting passengers approved by the heads of the relevant organizations.
In bus transport:
In accordance with the decision of the regional authorities, children under the age of 7 are transported free of charge on buses, route, trolleybuses within the city and within the district, without providing a separate seat nine0003 .
Interregional communication - up to 5 years .
Children from large families and children with disabilities, in accordance , free travel by intracity and intra-district bus until the age of majority is provided.
defines the rights of disabled children to travel by bus, train, air, river transport, to medical institutions free of charge until recovery.
- In railway transport .
Right of free travel, without provision of a separate seat, have children under 5 years old . If 2 or more children under 5 years old are transported, they are provided with one separate seat for two for 50% of the cost.
For free transportation of children under 5 years of age, parents must have a birth certificate of the child. - By air.
The age of a child entitled to free travel by air is determined by the Air Transport Code of the Russian Federation. A child under 2 years of age is transported free of charge. nine0087 By sea.
The age of a child entitled to free travel on sea transport is determined by Code of Merchant Shipping of the Russian Federation and is 2 years.
Other features of purchasing transport documents for babies
To purchase travel documents for children, the passenger must have:
- birth certificate of children;
- passport with a mark on the presence of children; nine0088
- if children are transported abroad without parents, their written consent to transport children abroad.
Only one child has the right to travel free of charge, if there are two or more, one seat for two is purchased for 50% of the cost.
Parents transporting children under 5 years of age are required to have a non-cash ticket for them.
You should not try to somehow cheat and smuggle an older child, passing him off as a five-year-old. Will cost more.
Example: Relatives traveling to visit their older sister decided to save money and not take a ticket for their eldest 6-year-old son. On the way, the auditors demanded a birth certificate for their son. Relatives, referring to their forgetfulness, said that the certificate was forgotten at home. As a result, a fine was paid, a ticket of 50% of the cost was paid, the conductor was punished. nine0007
When traveling by passenger transport with children, you need to remember that each region has its own characteristics and rules for transporting children. When buying a ticket, be sure to inform the cashier that you are accompanied by children, their number and age.
Completely free children's train ticket until what age?
Paid train ticket for 50% can be bought for a child even from birth. Caring parents will not do this because if the train moves unevenly, there is a danger of the child falling. It is safer if he is in the arms of one of the parents. nine0005
Completely free train ticket for children under 5 years old . However, a non-cash ticket for a child must be issued . If this was not done at the box office, when buying the main ticket, this will have to be done on the train, but with the payment of insurance fees.
Discounts for children
Travel benefits for children:
- on city bus, trolleybus, tram transport;
- railway transport; nine0088
- river, sea, air transport.
When using urban passenger transport (except for taxis), children can enjoy the following benefits:
- under the age of 7 - free of charge;
- under 14 years old 50% of the ticket price;
- orphans and children from large families - 50% of the ticket price until the age of majority;
- disabled children 50% up to the age of majority;
- students of secondary vocational schools 50% before graduation, if they have a student card; nine0088
- university students 50% up to 23 years old, with a student card;
- students of general education institutions 50% before graduation, with a certificate from the school;
Benefits for rail transport:
Parents can take one child under the age of 5 by train free of charge, without providing a separate seat.
With a 50% discount, you can use railway transport:
- secondary school students; nine0088
- students of universities and students of secondary vocational schools with student and student cards;
Air transport benefits:
On ethereal passage children are eligible up to 2 years old . Children from 2 to 12 years old have the right to purchase ticket for 50% of its cost.
When traveling by sea, children under 12 are entitled to a 50% ticket . nine0005
What documents are needed to purchase a child ticket
- birth certificate for children under 14, Over 14 - passport;
- the parent buying tickets must have a stamp in their passport with data on children;
It must be remembered that the right to determine the amount of benefits for various types of transport is granted to regional authorities and owners of certain types of transport, so when going on a trip with children check what benefits children enjoy nine0003 of one age or another.
Don't forget to take your children's birth certificates and marriage certificates with you. One of the parents in the passport must have data on children.
Example: On one of the sections of the railway there was information that the abducted child was on the train with the abductors. When checking the documents, the police patrol did not find any marks in the passports of the parents concerning the children. The parents were removed from the train, only after the trial it was established that the people were removed by mistake. But the vacation was completely ruined. nine0005
Every day a modern person is faced with the need to travel by transport. Parents should know the answer to the question, free travel for children in public transport until how old is the bus provided.
Daily travel is carried out by metro, various minibuses, city and intercity buses, as well as trolleybuses. Using them is an inevitable and very important part of human life and, like everything else, it is strictly controlled by modern legislation. nine0005
Most parents are well aware that modern law defines the legal rights of babies to travel completely free of charge in all types of public transport. At the same time, not everyone knows how this system works, what are the nuances in solving this issue.
According to the law, article number 786 of the modern Civil Code of the Russian Federation, there are certain rules related to the transportation of passengers - adults and children - on different types of transport. Any adult may legally use ticketless or special concessionary transportation for their toddlers. What kind of legal grounds for obtaining such benefits deserve special attention? nine0005
Children up to a certain age can be transported without paying and buying a ticket, if they are in the process of moving on their hands throughout the journey. This condition applies to vehicles moving within the city or outside it.
If it is not possible to transport a child without an individual seat in the city mode of transport that was chosen for the move, 2 children under the age of 12 can be transported. The fee for their travel will be 50% of the total amount of the child. nine0005
Important! So that the controllers do not have relevant questions, you need to take a document confirming the legal basis for the transportation of children on benefits.
This can be a standard birth certificate. According to the terms of modern legislation, such paper is presented at the first request of the person controlling the passage.
Basic rules and requirements for carriage
Free transport of children is characterized by different age categories, it all depends on the type of transport used and on how old the baby is. Here are the main conditions for transporting babies:
- Metro, urban trolleybus, all types of buses, i.e. urban vehicles. Children are able to move around the territory of a particular settlement without any payment if they are under 7 years old. Children of this age do not have a separate place. This rule also applies to commuter modes of transport.
- Intercity, as well as various interregional trips are carried out according to slightly different rules. Children can travel free of charge up to 5 years. In this case, they must sit or lie on the lap of the parent who accompanies them. nine0088
- Railway transport. An adult can take with him everything necessary for making a free ride for one child under 5 years old. This is especially true for those guys who do not occupy an individual shelf. If there is no desire to travel with the baby on the same shelf, you will need to purchase a separate ticket for him. When traveling internationally by train, a child will have to purchase a ticket after the child is 4 years old.
- Regional electric trains. Moving without paying in them can apply to a baby who is not yet 5 years old. From 5 to 7, the rule related to the purchase of a child ticket is relevant. If the baby is over 7 years old, it will be paid according to adult fares. nine0088
- Air transport. Here, free travel is provided for children under 2 years old, and only if the baby is sitting in the arms of an adult.
During the flight abroad, it will be possible to take advantage of a discount that reaches 90%, while the rule of carrying a child on hand remains.
- Aquatic type of vehicle. Children under 5 years old are allowed to travel on water without buying a ticket. If a tourist carriage is carried out, the rules may change, the legal right to install them remains with the carrier company. nine0088
Regardless of the type of transport used to transport a child, there are several rules that must be taken into account when transporting babies.
Important! Any conscious parent should know these rules. Compliance with them will ensure the protection of the child, and will also make transportation as comfortable as possible.
So, if parents move around the city with their baby or travel outside of it, among the rules that you need to know and follow, it is worth noting:
- When traveling on water, the baby must wear a small life jacket;
- Children from 5 to 12 years old can travel by plane on their own, the airline takes responsibility for them;
- Free travel on city buses only applies to those provided by the municipality.
Commercial urban transport has the right to ignore this rule. If a ticket is bought for a child, he has the right to his own individual seat, it is not necessary to hold him in his arms; nine0088
- Every capable adult who has reached the age of 18 has the right to accompany a small child during the trip;
- When traveling by train, even if you have permission to travel without purchasing a ticket, it is still issued.
When traveling to other countries, a child of any age is issued a personal passport. Entering the name of the baby in the personal passport of the parents is not relevant here.
Rules for social beneficiaries nine0121
Such socially unprotected citizens as the disabled, orphans, members of large families, are fully entitled to receive assistance in the form of benefits from the modern state. Children born in large families, orphans and disabled children have certain benefits. Benefits are based on documents.
Children with disabilities deserve special attention. They have every right to receive certain support. For such children, travel without purchasing a ticket is installed on various types of modern vehicles, with the exception of city taxis. nine0005
The legal rule of full free travel applies to a child with a disability, but also to the parent, responsible guardian or social worker who accompanies them. To receive the due benefit, you will need to provide the conductor with a special pension certificate, passport or children's birth certificate.
Every person is obliged to know all his rights and obligations, especially if there are children in the family. The state provides many benefits for parents, and the more children in the family, the more benefits you can use. nine0005
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Traveling by any means of transport is troublesome and expensive. And traveling with children is also very responsible.
In order not to face insurmountable problems at the time of departure, not to spend extra money on transporting a child, you need to familiarize yourself with all the rules and benefits that apply to children in advance.
To date, there is no single instruction governing the rules for the travel of babies. Each type of transport has its own benefits. nine0005
We travel for free
The main criterion for a child to travel free of charge in transport is their age and the absence of the need to provide such a passenger with a separate seat or bed.
Age limits vary from 2 to 7 years, depending on the type of transport:
- City (buses, trolleybuses, trams, metro) and suburban (buses, electric trains) messages free travel benefit applies to children under 7 years of age, a separate seat is not provided. nine0088
- A child under 5 years old can travel free of charge on intercity buses , but only in the hands of parents.
- Trains allow free travel up to 5 years without providing a separate seat.
- Traveling by air and sea in international traffic , you can count on a free ticket only for babies under 2 years old. In some cases, this benefit is not provided by the carrier service, but significant discounts are possible up to 90%.
Features of purchasing transport documents for preschoolers
It is not necessary to issue a separate ticket for free travel on the bus. It is enough to have with you a document confirming the age of the child to whom the benefit applies.
When boarding the train, you will definitely need a transport document for the baby. The presence of a ticket entitles the child to free travel without a seat.
You can issue such a document:
- with electronic registration , indicating the passport details of the accompanying person;
- immediately before departure at the box office by presenting a ticket (electronic or paper) for an adult.
Important! One adult ticket provides for the issuance of one children's free document. If more discounted children's tickets need to be issued, the travel document of another accompanying person must be presented, or a ticket with a seat must be purchased at the rates for children from 5 to 10 years old. nine0005
Age limits for free train travel
A small child is much more comfortable on the road next to his parents. But the long road is very exhausting for both children and adults.
Deciding to travel by train with a baby under 5 years old, you need to weigh all the factors well and make a choice between comfort and economy.
A child under 5 years old when traveling by train on the territory of the Russian Federation can:
- issue a free travel document based on a ticket nine0003 accompanying person without providing a bed;
- purchase a "child ticket" with a guaranteed seat using the age discount (30 - 65%)
These rules apply to domestic trains. When crossing the border, benefits and conditions for issuing travel documents vary significantly.
Consider this factor when planning your travel expenses:
- CIS countries, Baltic states. nine0003 Tariffs and travel conditions for children are identical to those in Russia.
- Ukraine . Age restrictions for children do not differ. But the issuance of a travel document is possible only on the territory of Ukraine in person.
- Finland . The exemption for free travel without a seat applies to children under 6 years old, a "child ticket" - up to 17. Documents for the travel of children are issued together with an adult ticket.
- Far Abroad. Four years - age limit for travel without payment, up to 12 years old can travel at children's rates. Tickets for children are purchased together with adult travel documents. nine0088
Discounts for children
In addition to the free travel of children, there are significant discounts and benefits for children of school age on the trains.
Children of primary school age (5-10 years):
Important! To purchase a child ticket with a discount, a document confirming the age of the child is required.
Adolescents over 10 years of age:
- Older school children need purchase a full adult ticket. nine0088
- During the period of study (October 1 - May 15) for this age category, a discount of 50% of the full price is provided.
- Get a discounted student card is available only at the box office.
- Teenagers over 10 years of age travel can independently.
Important! You can use the student ticket discount only if you have a certificate from the educational institution.
Documents for the purchase of children's tickets
When going on a trip with a child, you need to check or complete all the necessary documents:
- Original birth certificate for children under 14;
- Passport of a Russian citizen of full age;
- Certificate from the educational institution for the purchase of a ticket 90,003 children over 10 years of age during the benefit period;
- Permission to take a child abroad by one of the parents is not required.
Exception - the presence of an application from the second parent for an export ban in the border service; nine0088
- Consent of parents (guardians), certified by a notary, for the departure of a minor child outside the country on their own;
- Documents confirming relationship , when crossing the border with relatives;
- Notarized power of attorney from the parents to take the child out from the country of accompanying persons.
Traveling with children is best thought out to the smallest detail, and the purchase of suitable tickets cannot be attributed to an insignificant issue: nine0005
- Sales of discounted tickets, including children's tickets, start 45 days in advance. If the date of travel is known, it is better to choose and purchase suitable tickets in advance.
- It is convenient to use the online ticket ordering service.
- Determine which type of car is best for traveling with a baby.