Cold weather baby
Babies in cold weather | Pregnancy Birth and Baby
Babies in cold weather | Pregnancy Birth and Baby beginning of content7-minute read
It can be hard to know how your baby feels when it comes to dressing them. So it is normal to worry if your baby is feeling too hot or cold. Getting the balance right, and feeling confident about your baby’s comfort, can take practice and time.
What are the effects of cold weather on babies?
When a baby is cold, they will feel uncomfortable and are unlikely to sleep well. Similarly, if they feel hot, a baby can become unsettled and irritable.
Healthy babies, who are on track with their development, can maintain a normal body temperature with ease. But if they are sick or the weather is very cold (or hot), how they are dressed may need more consideration.
Since babies lose body heat from their head and face, hats and beanies — as well as warm clothing — are good ways to help them maintain warmth. Keep in mind that warm clothing can also cause a baby to overheat. To help prevent hats or beanies from overheating your baby:
- Take your baby’s hat or beanie off when you are indoors or in a warm place, including in the car or on public transport. This will help them to avoid becoming overheated.
- Always take your baby’s hat or beanie off before they go to sleep. To keep them safe when they are sleeping, it is important that your baby’s head is uncovered.
How can I tell if my baby is too cold or too warm?
A good guide for dressing your baby in cold weather is to think about how you are dressed. Generally, the recommendation is the same number of layers as you have on plus one more for your baby. Try to dress your baby in lightweight layers that are easy to remove if they warm up. It does not take much for them to overheat if they are dressed or wrapped in thick layers of clothes.
Although your baby’s hands and face may feel cold, this may differ from their core body temperature. To give you a better idea if they are warm or cold, feel the skin on their tummy and back. Their skin should feel warm and not too hot or cold.
Your baby’s behaviour will give you an insight into how comfortable they feel. Signs that your baby is comfortable, include if they are happy, active and feeding and sleeping well.
What are the risks for babies in extreme cold weather?
Due to a baby’s smaller size and having less muscle mass than an adult, babies are at a greater risk of developing hypothermia. Signs of hypothermia include shivering, breathing slowly and having pale, cool skin. Babies who are hot, tend to look uncomfortable. Like adults who overheat, a baby’s skin will become red, and they will look flushed.
Where possible, consider dressing your baby in natural fibres such as cotton or bamboo. These will help your baby’s skin to breathe and not overheat. If the weather is cool, put socks on your baby’s feet. When the weather is even cooler, dress them in clothing that has a closer weave. This will help to keep your baby warm.
Should I take my baby out in cold weather and how can I protect them?
It is safe to take your baby out when the weather is cold. Make sure they are dressed warmly and protected from the wind and rain. Outside play and activities help children to learn about how their body responds to the environment.
If your baby becomes wet, they are more likely to feel cold. Take spare clothes with you when you go out, even if you do not plan to be out in the weather.
Dress your baby in an extra layer of clothing and take a lightweight blanket to cover them if they are in a pram. Choose clothing that covers your baby’s arms and legs. A good alternative to separates is an all-in-one jumpsuit. It will not ride up and need tucking in.
Remember that your body heat will warm up your baby if you carry them in a carrier or sling. Baby sling safety is important. Follow this checklist to make sure your baby stays safe.
How do I dress my baby for cold weather, outdoors?
Dress your baby in lightweight layers that are easy to remove if they warm up. It may help to check the weather forecast before you go out and to pack extra layers of clothing in case your baby becomes too cold.
How do I dress my baby for cold weather at bedtime?
Whatever the temperature, it is important that you follow the safe sleeping guidelines when you put your baby to sleep. Because babies control their temperature through their face and head, they should sleep on their back. This will help to protect them from overheating. You may like to dress your baby in night clothes so they are more comfortable for sleep.
To keep your baby warm and safe when they are sleeping in their cot, put them in a safe sleeping bag. A correct-sized sleeping bag will help to keep your baby warm and their face and head uncovered. Make sure the sleeping bag has a fitted neck, armholes or sleeves and no hood.
Cold weather guide
Step by step guide on how to dress your baby for cold weather.
Never use an electric blanket or a hot water bottle in your baby’s cot. These can easily make your baby overheat. Instead, use layers of lightweight blankets that you can add or remove. Make sure the blankets are large to be able to be tucked underneath the mattress to ensure sleep safety.
Avoid using soft bedding like doonas, pillows, cot bumpers, lamb’s wool and sheepskin in your baby’s cot. These can make your baby overheat and may cover their face.
Will my baby sleep more in winter?
Babies do not necessarily sleep more in winter, though it can be easier to care for them when the weather is cool. Like adults, babies like to feel warm and cosy. When you swaddle a baby, they feel more secure.
You do not need to measure the room temperature where your baby will sleep or leave the heating (or cooling) on all night. Make sure you dress your baby in clothes and bedding that are suitable for room temperature.
Read more
Dressing a newborn
When dressing your newborn, here are a few things to consider, like which clothes to use, how to dress them and making sure the change table is safe.
Getting out of the house with your new baby
Having a healthy pregnancy means following a healthy diet, getting regular exercise, knowing what to avoid and making sure your vaccinations are up to date.
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Call Pregnancy, Birth and Baby to speak to a maternal child health nurse on 1800 882 436 or video call. Available 7am to midnight (AET), 7 days a week.
Product Safety Australia (Baby sling safety), Raising Children Network (Children playing outside in all weathers), Red Nose (Room temperature), Northern Sydney Local Health District (Weather safety for babies and children), Red Nose (What is a Safe Sleeping Bag?)Learn more here about the development and quality assurance of healthdirect content.
Last reviewed: April 2022
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- Guide to dressing your baby in cold weather
- Dressing a newborn
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Cold Weather Tips for Babies and Toddlers – Happiest Baby
By Dr. Harvey Karp, MD, FAAP
When dropping temperatures are enough to chill to the bone even the heartiest among us, parents may wonder: How cold is too cold for a baby? Or a toddler for that matter!
Everyone’s tolerance for the cold is a bit different (there’s always that one guy who shovels his driveway…in shorts!). But for little kids there comes a point where the cold isn’t just uncomfortable, it’s downright dangerous. So, even as the snow outside begs to be frolicked in, here’s a quick guide to help you enjoy the winter weather…while keeping Jack Frost from nipping a little too meanly at your little one’s nose.
Babies and toddlers are not built like adults.
Babies and young children are more susceptible to the dangers of extreme temperatures because their bodies aren’t as good as regulating body temperature as their grown-up counterparts. They have very little subcutaneous fat (the layer of fat that acts as insulation to help keep us warm).
Also, your child’s head is a very big part of their body. As a proportion of their body, it is about 20% of the total surface area…an adult head is just 13%. So, a child with an uncovered head gets colder much faster than an adult with an uncovered head.
Plus, their small bodies have not yet learned how to shiver efficiently, which is a mechanism that creates heat. This means that hypothermia is a bigger threat to babies and toddlers than it is for adults.
How cold is too cold for a baby to be outside?
Freezing temperatures occur when the mercury dips to 32 degrees Fahrenheit (0 degrees Centigrade) or below. Babies who are well bundled can be in this temperature safely for short stints, but it is wise to watch for signs of discomfort such as fussing, red nose and digits, and blue lips…and definitely don’t dawdle outdoors longer than you need to.
When the thermometer reads 20 degrees or lower, the temperature is too cold for a baby. If you must be outside in extreme temperatures, take measures to make sure your child isn’t exposed to the elements for more than a few minutes at a time.
You’ll also want to keep an eye on the wind. The wind chill factor means that the wind exaggerates the effect of the cold as it brushes against our bodies pulling heat off of our exposed skin or thin garments. Sometimes 32 degrees can feel more like 20, making exposure for your child more uncomfortable…and potentially more dangerous.
How to bundle your child against the cold.
Babies and little kids can play comfortably outside in cold temperatures when they are dressed appropriately…and that means layering up!
- To prevent overheating, dress your child in layers with natural-fiber clothing, such as soft cotton, next to the skin and other layers, like wool, outside. Then a tightly woven wool coat or wind resistant parka.
- Kids of all ages are protected by hats, warm boots, mittens, and outerwear such as snow pants.
- If your baby is in a stroller, be sure to dress them up and then cover them with a warm blanket. Have something that is a very tight weave, that keeps the heat in and the wind out.
- Watch their face for signs of being too hot. (Overheating causes a red face and a hot and sweaty neck—here's how to know if your baby is overheating.)
- Avoid scarves because they can present a choking hazard.
- If you are driving, make sure you have a "car jacket" that is lighter than a fluffy parka.
Big winter coats can make car seat straps ineffective and put a child in danger.
- Keep extra-warm jackets in the trunk and a couple of foil emergency or “space” blankets. (These blankets help to keep out the wind and keep in your body heat if your car gets stuck in the snow for hours).
The consequences of spending too long in the cold.
Frostbite, and hypothermia are two conditions caused by exposure to the extreme cold for too long.
Frostbite is when the skin (and possibly underlying tissue) essentially freezes. Extremities like fingers, toes, noses, and ears are most likely to get frostbitten. The skin may burn, feel prickly, or even go numb. The affected skin could look waxy, red, whiteish, or gray, or in some cases may blister.
If you suspect frostbite…
- Get to a source of warmth and shelter immediately.
- Avoid rubbing the frostbitten skin or placing anything hot directly on the affected area. Instead, you could soak the area in warm—not hot—water.
- Use warm blankets and give your tot a warm drink to help warm them up.
- Always call your child's doctor for guidance.
Hypothermia happens when your internal body temperature drops below 95 degrees. It is a dangerous condition and requires immediate medical attention. Some signs that your child might be hypothermic include intense shivering, drowsiness, clumsiness, lethargy, slurring words, or weak pulse.
One curious aspect of hypothermia is that it can actually occur in temperatures as high as 40 degrees Fahrenheit, especially if the person is wet and chilled. Wet clothing can draw heat away from the body, so it’s important to keep kids and babies dry in any cool temps. If you suspect hypothermia…
- Call 911.
- Remove wet clothing.
- Wrap your child in warm clothing and blankets—wind breakers or plastic sheets help to prevent the wind chill effect. Be sure to cover up the head and the body’s core, too.
- Wrap your body around your child’s to give extra warmth.
- Offer a warm drink.
- If you child loses a pulse or stops breathing, give mouth-to-mouth or CPR.
As scary as that all sounds, as long as you take precautions, you can still keep winter days…delightful, not frightful!
About Dr. Harvey Karp
Dr. Harvey Karp, one of America’s most trusted pediatricians, is the founder of Happiest Baby and the inventor of the groundbreaking SNOO Smart Sleeper. After years of treating patients in Los Angeles, Dr. Karp vaulted to global prominence with the release of the bestselling Happiest Baby on the Block and Happiest Toddler on the Block. His celebrated books and videos have since become standard pediatric practice, translated into more than 20 languages and have helped millions of parents. Dr. Karp’s landmark methods, including the 5 S’s for soothing babies, guide parents to understand and nurture their children and relieve stressful issues, like new-parent exhaustion, infant crying, and toddler tantrums.
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Climate control for a newborn - articles from the specialists of the clinic "Mother and Child"
Baibulatova Alfiya Fatikhovna
Clinical Hospital "Mother and Child" Ufa
Climate control for the newborn
All parents want their child to be healthy and cheerful. To do this, you just need to create comfortable conditions for him to live. And what is it - comfortable conditions? First of all, it is the love and attention of loved ones, then healthy nutrition, and in third place is the right environment. We will talk about the latter today, or rather, we will talk about climate control for a newborn in his house. nine0014
Infant thermoregulation
Why does the question of the right environment even arise? The fact is that thermoregulation in a newborn is still imperfect. And this means that the baby can easily overheat or, conversely, overcool. What it looks like in real life:
- If the ambient temperature rises, the child's body cannot fully give off its heat and the newborn overheats. nine0027 If the ambient temperature drops, then the baby quickly begins to give off heat, which can lead to hypothermia.
It turns out that in the house where the child is, the air temperature should be such that he could not overheat or freeze. Parents understand this instinctively. True, more often they are still afraid of one thing: that their baby will be cold. After all, hypothermia, drafts and cold air for many people are synonymous with illness. That is why the heaters are turned on, the windows are closed, and several layers of clothing are put on the child, and a hat and warm socks are also required. As a result, the baby not only does not receive fresh air, but also overheats. Because of this, the newborn cries more often, sleeps worse, and he also starts prickly heat, diaper rash, diaper dermatitis. Less often, but the reverse situation also happens. After reading about the benefits of cold, fresh air and the fact that it is useful to keep children without clothes, parents open the windows and undress the child as much as possible. Of course, if it is 25-30 degrees outside the window and there is no wind, this is justified: here you need not only a window, but also open the window, plus take off your clothes. But in cold weather, while the newborn is just adapting to the world around him and the temperature difference, he does not need such “hardening” at all, he may not retain heat and simply freeze. nine0003
It turns out that "the child breathes cool air" and "the child is cool" are completely different things .
Weather in the house
So how many degrees of heat should be in the house where the baby lives? It is believed that in the first month of life the air temperature can be 22–24 ° C, but then it should not be higher than 20–22 ° C, at night the baby can even sleep at a temperature of 18–20 ° C (coolness is more comfortable for sleep). And of course the room must always have fresh air. To do this, you need to ventilate it often, and if it’s warm outside, then generally keep the windows open (in order not to be afraid of a draft, you can curtain the window with thick curtains, the air will pass through them, but there will be no strong breath). But what about clothes? If the room temperature is 18 ° C, then a child dressed in a cotton suit should even be covered with a blanket or blanket. When the air temperature is above 20 ° C, then a simple bodysuit or suit may be enough. If the house is very warm or even hot, then it is better to completely undress the child. nine0003
Another indicator of the microclimate is also important - air humidity. Its optimal value is 40–60% .
The level of humidity in your home depends on the time of year, weather, battery life, and even the condition of your home. For example, in winter, in clear and frosty weather, when the batteries are working at full capacity, the humidity in a city apartment can be only 20-25%. Then the air becomes very dry, it dries out the skin and mucous membranes of the nasopharynx. The baby has a stuffy nose, breathing becomes difficult, the baby becomes more vulnerable to infection or allergies. There may also be such an option: if the walls of the apartment are poorly waterproofed, the apartment is corner, then after rainy weather it will feel not only high humidity, but real dampness. Most likely, in the cold season in such a dwelling at an air temperature below 20-22 ° C it will be very uncomfortable. nine0003
But how to set the right temperature and humidity in the house? If batteries are working in the room and there is a temperature switch controller, then it is easy to lower it. In addition, the less the battery “fries”, the higher the humidity of the air. But if the battery does not have a regulator, and even the weather is dry outside, then the humidity must be artificially increased. Folk remedies - basins of water placed around the apartment, spraying water from a spray bottle, wet towels on a battery - are ineffective. It is better to purchase a good humidifier and use it periodically. Another situation: if the apartment is damp or cold and there is not enough battery power to heat it, you will have to connect an additional heater. nine0003
Important: The temperature and humidity in the room may be uneven. At the battery, the air is much hotter, but at the same time it can blow cold from the window. Therefore, the baby's crib should not be placed near the window and the battery. And of course, when a humidifier or air conditioner is running in the house, the stream of air (steam) should not fall on crumbs .
What else should I pay attention to? Different children react to the microclimate of the house in their own way. There are babies who quickly overheat and sweat a lot, even if the room is only 20-22 degrees Celsius, they like to sleep even at a cooler temperature. But there are also children for whom 20-22 ° C is quite a comfortable temperature, and if it drops, the child may freeze. Often, while mom and dad are just getting used to a new life with a baby, it’s hard for them to figure out what their son or daughter likes and what doesn’t. And the microclimate conditions are not always so easy to change (especially with centralized heating). What then to focus on? Look not only at the temperature and humidity of the air, but also at the condition of the child. If he is hot, then the baby needs to be undressed, cool - it is worth adding another layer of clothing. In general, no extreme conditions, stick to common sense, and then the child will be comfortable in the apartment. nine0003
Water treatments
When bathing your baby, you also need to monitor the air and water temperature.
For the first time, the temperature of the water should be 36.6-37 °C (as the human body) .
First, it is determined by dipping a water thermometer into the bath, but then it is still worth dipping your elbow into the water. At a temperature of 37 degrees, the skin of the elbow does not feel either heat or cold, which means that the child will also be pleased to swim in such water. And then you need to watch the crumbs. The water cools down quickly, and after a couple of minutes you will see how the baby reacts to it. Some children prefer warmer water, others prefer colder water, and if they don’t like something, the child will immediately report it (worry or even cry). How to understand whether a child is cold in water or hot? If the baby freezes, his nasolabial triangle turns blue, after a while the baby begins to tremble and cry. If the newborn is hot, his skin turns red, he becomes lethargic and may also worry or cry. Here it is easy to correct the situation - taps with cold and hot water are at hand. nine0003
The air temperature in the bathroom should be slightly warmer than the normal temperature in the house, about 26-27 degrees Celsius. This is necessary so that the baby does not freeze too much in the air when it is taken out of warmer water. But you shouldn’t create a “steam room” in the bathroom; for this, you can leave the door open while bathing.
When a child grows up, he will definitely learn to control the heat transfer of his body. And until that time, mom and dad should help him in this. And according to pediatricians, parents should not be afraid to overcool the child, it will be much worse if he overheats. This is what you should be guided by, creating a climate for the baby in the house. nine0014
Frozen or overheated?
1. If the baby is cold, his skin turns pale, blue appears in the area of the nasolabial triangle, the baby begins to move actively (if he is not swaddled) and cry.
2. Cool feet or hands are not a sign of freezing - they are always below body temperature due to the peculiarities of blood circulation and nervous regulation.
3. If the child is overheated, his skin turns red, becomes wet (sweats), hot. The baby may worry too much or, on the contrary, become lethargic. nine0003
4. To determine whether the baby is dressed correctly, touch the back of the neck. If it is dry and warm - everything is in order. If wet and hot - the child overheats. Well, if it is dry and cold, it’s probably cool for the baby.
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Let's go for a walk! - articles from the specialists of the clinic "Mother and Child"
Purely theoretically, all parents understand that walking is fresh air and health, but let's look at what gives us the exit from a warm apartment or house. By and large, any walk is a contact with nature (unless, of course, walking not along busy streets, but at least in a park) and an attempt to get away from the harmful factors of civilization. What does it mean? Each city apartment (and a country house too) accumulates a huge amount of harmful substances. First of all, it is dust and a variety of allergens (particles of household chemicals, varnishes, paints), which are always found in furniture, books, carpets and, in general, in any items of our house. Plus all that street rubbish that flies through the windows if it's a city apartment. But there is no or very little fresh air in our homes, because in winter it is difficult to keep the windows open and constantly ventilate the room. There is no sunlight in our homes - useful UV radiation, which is necessary for the growth of all living things. And finally, sitting at home, we sharply limit our physical activity. Therefore, it is clear that everyone, including children, needs to go out into the fresh air and walk. Of course, walking in summer is more pleasant than in winter: it's warm, the birds are singing, the grass is green, the flowers are blooming, it somehow becomes immediately clear that walking is both pleasant and useful.
What about in winter? Cold, snow, monotonous landscape - all this is uncomfortable, so what is the use of winter walks? nine0003
1. Health. In cold weather, the air becomes cleaner and more oxygenated, and all the dust is trapped in the snow. Fresh air will cleanse the lungs of everything that the baby inhales in the apartment, the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract will begin to work better, and the blood and, accordingly, all organs will be enriched with oxygen. Walking, the child will grow better and physically develop.
2. Hardening. The air temperature during a walk in winter is significantly different from the air temperature in the room - all this will harden the baby's body. nine0003
3. Vitamin D. In winter there is very little sun and a walk is the only opportunity for a child to get a "portion" of ultraviolet radiation. Namely, under its influence, our body produces vitamin D, which is necessary for the prevention of rickets. Of course, in order to prevent rickets, it will be necessary not only to walk, but still it is worth taking advantage of this simple and natural “medicine”.
4. Physical activity. Walking in winter, when we are wearing a lot of clothes, especially if we move actively, we spend more effort and energy. The baby also spends it, even if he just moves his legs along the road, digs snow, rolls over a snowdrift or rolls down a hill with his parents. So a winter walk willy-nilly gives us physical activity, and it in turn stimulates the work of the cardiovascular and immune systems. It turns out that again there are health benefits. nine0003
5. Development and socialization. On the street, the world is completely different than in an apartment or house familiar to a child. It is full of all sorts of amazing things for children: it is snowing or the sun is shining, a dog is running, a crow is croaking, a car is passing by. Moreover, all this changes very quickly: the baby sees a new picture all the time and receives new information, studies the properties of different objects. While walking, children learn to establish different connections: the dog barks, the bird flies, and the snow is white and beautiful. Plus communication with other children and new contacts. Well, yes, in the warm season there are more street entertainments, but do not sit in the apartment until the snow melts! nine0003
Of course, not all of these factors will work on every walk: the sun does not always shine, and as for infants, they often sleep outside and do not have any movement and special acquaintance with the outside world. But winter walks give health and hardening for sure, unless, of course, walking in the fresh air, and not along gassed streets or shops full of people.
True, no matter how much they talk about the benefits of winter walks, anyway, at this time of the year, many mothers and fathers with their children do not walk or walk rarely or for a short time. Adults understand that this is wrong, but the reasons for staying at home seem convincing to them. What Parents Assure Themselves:
The child will get sick in the cold. This is a typical horror story, which mothers and grandmothers especially love: they say that the child will breathe air in the cold and he will start coughing, runny nose or sore throat . But cold air does not cause illness - this is a myth.
Actually. A person gets sick from bacteria or viruses, not from cold. On the contrary, many viruses die in the cold, so walking in sub-zero temperatures is safer than in positive ones. Another thing is that hypothermia (frozen feet, for example) can contribute to the fact that a virus or microbe that has entered the body begins to develop. Well, it (hypothermia) simply should not be allowed. nine0003
Only infections in the street . Now, when a flood of various negative information has hit us, in particular about all sorts of viruses and diseases, many anxious mothers are generally afraid to go outside with a small child once again. Especially in the first weeks and even months after childbirth if the child was born in autumn and winter. It is believed that a baby can be sneezed on the street, or a virus will remain in the entrance after a sick person, and the child will pick it up. The endless media horror stories about new and horrific strains of the flu, the daily news about severe complications from illness, and other horror stories only add fuel to the fire. So mothers with a child sit at home all winter and walk only on the balcony. nine0003
Actually. An apartment will not protect against illnesses - dad, grandmother, mother herself can bring a virus into the house: a family does not live in complete isolation from the world. But a walk in the fresh air, on the contrary, will strengthen health and immunity.
Walking in winter is so difficult and boring. In winter, you have to dress for a long time: first by yourself, and then dress the child in several layers of clothing. And you need to dress according to the weather, otherwise you will quickly freeze and have to return. The question is: why did they leave at all? And you also have to not forget anything (the same mittens), otherwise, again, you have to return home, and this is always inconvenient with a small child. In addition, many babies do not tolerate the dressing process well: they scream so much that it is easier to spit on a walk and stay at home. It’s cold in winter, you can’t sit on a bench with a stroller, you can’t read a book, you have to walk all the time. Plus, many parents are generally bored with walking with a stroller or by the hand with a child, even if the weather is good and the baby is calm. nine0003
Actually. These are all excuses and banal laziness. Today, there are so many high-tech and comfortable clothes (for both adults and children) that you can dress for a walk easily and comfortably. Children very quickly get used to the process of dressing or simply put up with it. If you try a little, then even in a walk with a stroller you can find something interesting (listen to audio books, music, communicate in the company of the same mothers).
The child will freeze or overheat . In winter, you need to put a lot of clothes on the baby, and it’s difficult to understand exactly whether the legs are cold or, on the contrary, whether the baby has mated. nine0003
Actually . Usually, parents dress the child so warmly that he definitely does not freeze. Even if the baby is in the stroller, you can always feel his arms and legs and determine if they are cold. Much more often, a child is hot on a walk, and you can find out about this by his appearance and behavior. The baby's face turns red, he begins to worry (naughty or crying), asks for water. Then you need to put your hand behind the baby's collar and feel his back (whether she was sweating).
The child will want to eat, but in winter you will not give breasts on the street . Therefore, it is better not to go out for a walk, especially since if you go out, you still won’t leave for a long time.
Actually . The child can be fed before the walk. Then you are guaranteed to have 1–1.5 hours to go outside and get some fresh air. And this is quite enough for a winter walk. In general, on the street in winter, children quickly fall asleep and then sleep for a very long time. So there is usually enough time to walk between feedings. nine0003
Bad weather in winter - if not a blizzard, then ice, if not frost, then slush.
Actually. Bad weather in winter, if a person does not really live in difficult climatic conditions, still happens infrequently. Blizzards do not sweep all winter, and severe colds are replaced by a light and pleasant frost, so most often the same parental laziness is hidden under the words “bad weather”. Or the lack of habits of a healthy lifestyle and walks in particular. Plus, at home we are anchored by the usual benefits: a soft sofa, TV, computer. nine0003
It turns out that there are no particularly serious reasons not to walk in the winter with a child. But here, too, it is necessary to observe the measure. You don’t have to perform feats and walk for the sake of the baby’s health if you don’t have the strength, the food for yourself or your husband is not ready, the weather is bad outside, or something just went wrong today. Nothing bad will happen if the child stays at home for one or even a couple of days. But as soon as the weather improves and strength appears, we must go outside. But what about the balcony? To be honest, everyone understands that a walk on a balcony is not the same as a walk in a park or forest. This is a way out for those who live in a house without an elevator, who don’t even have a public garden nearby, if it’s very cold and bad weather outside, their mother feels unwell or is very busy with household chores or work. nine0003
When to start. If a child was born in winter or cold spring or autumn, then in the first days after birth, he does not need to walk. And not only because it's cold outside, it's just that the baby needs to first adapt to the outside world, and he and his mother need to enter a new rhythm of life. In general, the opinions of pediatricians about when to start walking with a newborn differ. Some doctors believe that a healthy child can be taken outside in winter already a week after birth, others recommend walking from the 10-14th day of life, and others generally advise waiting up to three to four weeks. Here it will be necessary to look at everything: the weight of the child (underweight children are advised to start walking later in winter), his condition, the weather, the possibilities of the family (mother may not have the strength, dad works, and there are no grandmothers nearby). nine0003
At what temperature and how long to walk. Here, too, you need to focus on the weather. Doctors recommend taking a newborn out for the first walk if the temperature outside the window is not lower than minus 5 ºС. At first, you can not even go outside, but “walk” with a dressed baby in a room with a wide open window or sit on the balcony. Then go out with the baby from the house holding him in his arms, and then walk in the stroller.
Every day the walk is increased by about 5-10 minutes, and it turns out that after going outside for an average of 10 days, by a month a child can already walk for an hour, and then 1.5-2 hours. But here again it is necessary to look at the climate. It can be 0 ºС or even plus on the street, but a strong north wind will blow - walking in such weather is unpleasant and not necessary. Or maybe the frost is below minus 15 ºС, and the day will be sunny, the weather will be mild - then the numbers on the thermometer will not interfere with taking a walk in the fresh air. nine0003
How to dress your child . As mentioned earlier, with clothes now everything is simple. Woolen leggings that still need to be pulled on, numerous handkerchiefs under a hat, heavy children's fur coats, one socks, and on top of the second socks, scarves so as not to blow, and other grandmother's tricks for warmth are a thing of the past. It's simple: a child walks in a stroller - cotton overalls (slip) to the body, fleece on top, and then overalls or an envelope with insulation.