How many teeth do you have as a child
Teeth development in children - Better Health Channel
The development of primary teeth begins while the baby is in the womb. At about 5 weeks' gestation, the first buds of primary teeth appear in the baby's jaws. At birth, the baby has a full set of 20 primary teeth (10 in the upper jaw, 10 in the lower jaw) hidden under the gums. Primary teeth are also known as baby teeth, milk teeth or deciduous teeth.
Types of teeth
The names of the different types of teeth are:
- Incisors – the front teeth located in the upper and lower jaws. Each incisor has a thin cutting edge. The upper and lower incisors come together like a pair of scissors to cut the food.
- Canines – the pointy teeth on both sides of the incisors in the upper and lower jaws; used to tear food.
- Premolars – which have flat surfaces to crush food.
- Molars – these are larger than premolars towards the back of the mouth, with broad, flat surfaces that grind food.
'Eruption' refers to the tooth breaking through the gum line. In babies, tooth eruption is also called teething. The timing of tooth eruption differs from child to child. For example, one child may cut their first tooth when only a few months old, while another may not start teething until they are 12 months old or more.
The exact timing may be different from child to child but the order of tooth development is more consistent.
Generally, the average child has their full set of 20 primary teeth by the age of 3 years.
Managing the teething process
Babies’ immune systems start to change when they are around 6 months old. Along with the tendency to put things in their mouths, this makes them more prone to illnesses. Symptoms of common childhood illnesses such as changes in sleep and eating patterns, fussiness, rash, drooling, runny nose and diarrhoea are often linked to teething when that might not be the cause. If your child has these symptoms, speak to your child’s doctor about other possible causes such as bacterial, viral or middle ear infections.
Teething takes about 8 days, which includes 4 days before and 3 days after the tooth comes through the gum. (You may see a blue-grey bubble on the gum where the tooth is about to appear. This is called an eruption cyst and will usually go away without treatment.) During this time, it can be tough to keep children comfortable.
Some tips include:
- Massage – gently massage the gum with clean fingers or a soft, wet cloth.
- Chilled (not frozen) teething rings or rusks – pressure from a cold object can relieve discomfort from teething. Do not sterilise plastic teething rings in boiling water or dishwater, unless specified by the manufacturer. Be sure to check product information before buying teething rings. Avoid the ones that use a plastic softener called 'diisononyl phthalate'.
- Unsweetened teething rusks or sugar-free teething biscuits – these can be given to infants over 6 months who have started eating solids.
- Pain-relieving medications – paracetamol works well for children.
Ibuprofen may also help, but it is not as well tolerated by children.
- Dry the drool – the skin around the mouth, particularly the chin area, can become irritated. Gently wipe this away with a soft cloth throughout the day.
Some treatments should be used with caution or not at all. These include:
- Teething necklaces – amber is believed by some people to release healing oil on contact with warm skin. The oil is thought to be soothing or help to reduce pain. Although amber teething strings or necklaces are designed to be worn around the neck, wrist or ankle, they have been incorrectly used to chew on. The ACCC has issued a product safety statement about amber teething necklaces, warning of possible choking and strangulation hazards. Parents are asked to consider other less risky ways of providing relief from teething.
- Teething gels – common teething gels contain 8.7–9.0% of the ingredient choline salicylate. Salicylate is related to aspirin. The use of aspirin for children younger than 16 is not recommended because in some children it has been known to cause Reye's syndrome – a rare but potentially lethal condition that can cause liver and brain damage.
Although there has not been a reported case of Reye's syndrome associated with the use of teething gels, the general advice is that it is a risk not worth taking when there are other things available.
Teething gels containing benzocaine are also not recommended for use in children. Research also suggests that teething gels may not relieve teething pain, rather the act of massaging it into the gum is what helps.
Caring for baby teeth
Some parents may feel that caring for baby (primary) teeth isn't as important as caring for adult (permanent) teeth, simply because baby teeth fall out.
However, baby teeth are very important. They allow children to chew food and speak properly, and they reserve the spaces in the gums for future adult teeth.
Tooth decay in baby teeth
Tooth decay is preventable. The risk of developing dental decay can be significantly reduced by good oral hygiene habits and a healthy diet from a young age.
Decayed baby teeth need to be treated by a dental practitioner. In some cases, specialist treatment in a hospital under a general anaesthetic is needed. If neglected, decayed baby teeth can lead to mouth pain, dental abscesses (a boil or swelling resulting from infected teeth), and problems with the surrounding teeth. Severe decay in baby teeth can affect eating and sleep, which can slow growth.
If a baby molar is lost too early due to severe decay, adjacent baby teeth may drift into the gap and create spacing problems for the adult tooth when it comes through.
Watch this Australian Dental Association video about caring for children’s oral health.
Loss of baby teeth
From the age of about 6 years, baby teeth start to become 'wobbly' and fall out to make way for adult teeth. It is perfectly normal for a child to lose their first tooth up to a year or 2 earlier or later than 6 years of age. Girls generally lose teeth earlier than boys. The first tooth to fall out is usually located in the front of the lower jaw.
Losing baby teeth can be unsettling and painful for young children. Suggestions for parents include:
- Reassure your child that losing baby teeth is a natural process and new adult teeth will come in their place. It's normal for gums to be tender and bleed a little, although some children experience little or no discomfort while losing their teeth.
- Use cold packs or over-the-counter anti-inflammatory or pain-relieving medication to help relieve loose tooth pain. Ask your dentist or pharmacist for recommendations on appropriate medication for your child.
- Make use of the Tooth Fairy. This myth has lasted a long time with good reason! The idea of getting some money or another reward in exchange for a tooth might soften the idea of tooth loss for your child.
Permanent teeth
Permanent teeth are also known as adult teeth or secondary teeth. The permanent teeth start to develop in the jaws at birth and continue after a child is born. By about 21 years, the average person has 32 permanent teeth, including 16 in the upper jaw and 16 in the lower jaw. (In some cases, the third molars – commonly called wisdom teeth – do not develop or do not erupt so some people only have a set of 28 permanent teeth.)
At about the age of 6 years, the first permanent molar teeth erupt. These 4 molars (2 in each jaw) come out behind the child's baby teeth. Other permanent teeth, such as the incisors, canines, and premolars, erupt into the gaps in the gum left by baby teeth that are lost.
As with baby teeth, the timing for when the permanent teeth come through can differ. Generally, the order of and rough timeline for each type of permanent tooth is:
- First molars – between 6 and 7 years.
- Central incisors – between 6 and 8 years.
- Lateral incisors – between 7 and 8 years.
- Canine teeth – between 9 and 13 years.
- Premolars – between 9 and 13 years.
- Second molars – between 11 and 13 years.
- Third molars (wisdom teeth) – between the ages of 17 and 21 years, if at all.
Mouthguards protect children's teeth
Mouthguards help protect teeth and prevent dental injuries, particularly when playing and training for contact sports. All children playing contact sports should wear a custom-fitted mouthguard, even primary school-age children. Custom-fitted mouthguards are comfortable, allow speech and do not restrict breathing. Learn more about mouthguards.
Where to get help
- Your dentist
- Australian Dental Association ‘Find a Dentist’ or Tel. (03) 8825 4600
- Dental Health Services Victoria Tel. (03) 9341 1000 or 1800 833 039 outside Melbourne metro - provides public dental services through the Royal Dental Hospital of Melbourne and community dental clinics, for eligible people.
- Maternal and Child Health Line (24 hours) Tel. 13 22 29
- NURSE-ON-CALL (24 hours, 7 days) Tel. 1300 60 60 24 – for expert health information and advice
- Royal Children's Hospital (Dentistry) Tel. (03) 9345 5344
On Top, On Bottom, and Babies
Do you know how many teeth you have? Depending on if all of your adult teeth came in, or if you’ve ever had teeth removed or damaged, all adults have roughly the same number of teeth.
Do you know how many teeth you have? Depending on if all of your adult teeth came in, or if you’ve ever had teeth removed or damaged, all adults have roughly the same number of teeth. Teeth are an important part of both your bone structure and your digestion.
Every tooth has three layers: the enamel, dentin, and pulp.
- Enamel.
Enamel is the visible, white, outer layer. This hard surface protects the inner
layers of each tooth from the damage of decay or injury. Enamel is the hardest
tissue in the whole body. - Dentin.
This is the middle layer of the tooth, which is the most similar to bone
tissue. Dentin makes up the majority of the tooth structure. It has millions of
tiny tubes connecting it to the life-source of the tooth: pulp. - Pulp.
The pulp is the living core of each tooth, and the innermost layer. The pulp is
made up of blood and nerves.
The part of the tooth above the gumline is called the crown. And the part of the tooth below the gumline is called the root, which attaches the tooth to your jawbone.
On average, babies first start getting new teeth around 6 months. But it’s not unheard of to see a 3 month old with a tooth, or a 1 year old with just one tooth still. All a child’s “baby teeth” should be in between 2-3 years old.
Baby teeth are also called primary, or deciduous teeth, because they’re temporary and they fall out. A full set of baby teeth is 20 teeth: 10 on top and 10 on bottom.
We get baby teeth because as a child, our mouths aren’t big enough for a full set of adult teeth, but kids still need teeth to chew. So all people are born with both full sets of teeth in their jaw. First come the baby teeth and later, as kids grow older, they lose them and gain their larger, adult teeth one by one.
Even though baby teeth are “temporary,” it’s important that they’re kept clean so that they’re healthy, to maintain lifelong oral health. Tooth decay in childhood can adversely affect adult teeth.
Brush your child’s baby teeth for 2 whole minutes, just as you do your own.
How to care for baby teeth
- Start a brushing routine as soon as your baby’s first tooth pops up.
- Use a clean baby towel with warm water to rub each tooth. You can rub to clean gums, too.
- Let your child chew on a cold, wet towel. This can soothe teething soreness.
- When your toddler has most of their teeth in, you can switch to brushing with a kid’s toothbrush (usually one with soft bristles). Be sure to use one with a small head so that you can comfortably and effectively brush all their teeth.
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People start losing their baby teeth and getting their adult set as early as 5 years old. Adults have 32 teeth. You should have this full set of adult teeth by your late teens.
Adult teeth include incisors, canines, premolars, and molars:
- 8
incisors. Your four front teeth on the top and bottom are sharp for holding
and cutting food.Incisors
also help you sense the texture and kind of food you eat. - 4 canines
or cuspids. The pointed teeth on the top and bottom are called canine teeth, or
cuspids. They have cusps for grabbing and tearing food. - 8
premolars. These teeth are between the cuspids and molars both physically
and in form. Premolars
look like molars but they have two cusps and are sometimes called bicuspids.
Premolars cut and tear food. - 12 molars.
You have eight molars on top and bottom. They have broad chewing surfaces to
grind down food before it’s finally swallowed. This includes wisdom
teeth, your third set of molars, which can show up as late as your early
20s and are often removed.
Not everyone can comfortably fit all 32 adult teeth in their mouth. Science shows that human jaws began shrinking around the time humans transitioned from hunter-gather societies to sedentary farmers. This could be because the new foods that humans could eat were cooked softer and easier to chew, and thus eating to survive didn’t require a big strong jaw.
Having too many teeth, or overcrowding, can cause:
- misaligned teeth
- increased decay
- impacted wisdom
teeth - risk for periodontal disease
This is why many people have their wisdom teeth removed.
You get two full sets of teeth over your lifetime. As a baby, you have 20 teeth, and as an adult you should have 32 teeth.
Among the 32 teeth, each has its own function in the chewing and eating process. Take good care of your teeth and keep your gums healthy in order to avoid cavities and other overall health issues.
How many teeth does an adult have? – news and articles Refformat
The question “how many teeth does an adult have?” causes some confusion even among the adults themselves. This is because from childhood we were taught that there are 32 of them, but if you go to the mirror, you are more likely to see a completely different picture.
- How many teeth should a person have?
- How many wisdom teeth does an adult have?
- How many permanent teeth does an adult have?
The question "how many teeth does an adult have?" causes some confusion even among the adults themselves. This is because from childhood we were taught that there are 32 of them, but if you go to the mirror, you are more likely to see a completely different picture. Some people have 28 teeth, others have 30, and some have 32. Why is this happening? Where is the truth? Let's look into this issue.
How many teeth should a person have?
In fact, 32 is the maximum number of teeth that a person can grow, if you do not take into account some diseases, when there can be more teeth. However, this is not always the case in real life. The process of replacing milk teeth with molars is completed at about the age of 14, and there are 28 in total. They are divided into the following groups:
- Cutters.
They have a sharp, chisel-like shape and are located in the front of the jaw (four upper and four lower). Their main function is to bite off food.
- Fangs. They have a pointed shape and are designed to capture and tear food.
- Small indigenous. They have two sharp bumps on the chewing surface and are designed for grinding food.
- Molars. They have several tubercles on the upper surface and are designed for grinding food.
In total, their number can be from 28 to 32. What are these 4 lost teeth? They are called molars or, as they are called in medical terminology, third molars. They do not grow in everyone and not always in the amount of 4 pieces.
How many wisdom teeth does an adult have?
It is generally accepted that all wisdom teeth (4 pieces) grow only by the age of 30, but in practice things are different - for some they do not even begin to grow. The whole secret is that at present these third molars have already lost their relevance. If earlier our ancestors often ate hard, solid food, then we have long since switched to a different diet and we have become useless for extra teeth. Accordingly, the third molars began to gradually turn into rudiments and remain in their infancy throughout life.
Moreover, evolutionary changes have also affected the structure of the jaw - it has become much smaller. For example, up to 44 teeth were placed in the mouth of our ancestors (depending on the period of development), and now there is usually only enough space on the jaw for 28 teeth.
Surprisingly, in fact, every person has molars, regardless of whether they look outward or not. The crowns themselves are formed by the age of 14-15, but they begin to be cut much later, and sometimes even remain under the surface throughout their lives.
Sometimes not all third molars are exposed. As a rule, they are cut in pairs, that is, their number can be limited to two. Accordingly, there will be only 30 teeth in the upper and lower jaws.
Today, the practice of removing wisdom teeth is very common. All due to the fact that the process of their eruption is accompanied by severe pain, inflammation and other unpleasant symptoms. In addition, there is not always a place for them in the jaw and they can either grow in the wrong direction or interfere with the rest of the teeth.
How many permanent teeth does an adult have?
Summarizing all of the above, we can safely say that a person has from 28 to 32 permanent teeth. The exact amount is determined individually. For some, third molars grow only partially or do not grow at all, while others intentionally remove them.
Although now in most medical books and reference books you can often find the number 32, most likely, 28 will become the standard in the foreseeable future - you need to move along with evolution.
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Complete replacement of milk teeth with permanent teeth.

We have already said that from the age of 5, children begin to lose temporary milk teeth and gradually replace them with permanent teeth that will last a lifetime. To the question of interest to many parents: how many teeth change in children , we repeat - all milk teeth fall out, and permanent ones grow in their place. The order of change is the same as it was during their eruption. But parents should know that at the age of 6-7 years, a child grows first permanent molars teeth (sixes, 6th teeth from the center) - they are for life. The last to fall out and be replaced by permanent ones will be molars in children (5th). As a rule, a complete replacement ends by the age of 12-14 - this is individual, depending on the characteristics of the body and some other factors.
Peculiarities of replacing milk teeth with permanent ones
Often in the process of replacing teeth, some peculiarities and non-standard situations are observed that become a cause for concern for parents. Let's take a quick look at the most common parenting questions:
1. What reactions of the child's body can be in case of loss of milk teeth and during the growth of permanent teeth?
Answer: The process of replacing teeth is almost painless. Milk teeth fall out on their own after complete resorption of the root or are removed at home, or better, by a pediatric dentist, when a permanent tooth is already growing, and the milk tooth has not yet fallen out. The eruption of permanent teeth is not accompanied by pain. In very rare cases, there may be a slight increase in temperature, abdominal pain, itching of the gums. Treatment is not required, but a consultation with a dentist is recommended.
2. Why do paired teeth fall out not at the same time, but sometimes with a long period of time?
Answer: First of all, it is so appointed by nature, and each child individually. Secondly, it all depends on the time period of resorption of the root of the milk tooth. If milk teeth were treated, filled, then the root resolves much more slowly, sometimes it does not resolve at all. Filled roots of milk teeth often have to be removed by the dentist, because they may not fall out on their own.
3. Why does it often take a long time between the loss of a baby tooth and the appearance of a permanent one?
Answer: As a rule, the front teeth grow quickly. But the premolars ( milk molars ) and canines are often delayed. After a temporary tooth falls out, even 4-6 months can pass before the permanent tooth erupts in this place. Therefore, you should just wait and take good care. But if the period exceeds six months, and you are very worried, come to the appointment. After the examination, the doctor will decide on the need to stimulate the growth of a permanent tooth.
4. Which teeth in children 8 years old should be changed?
Answer: By the age of eight, a child should normally have such permanent teeth - 6th molars, 4 upper incisors and 4 lower incisors. Plus/minus six months is the norm.
5. Why is it necessary to carry out caries treatment in children if then you have to pull out the filled roots of milk teeth?
Answer: We already wrote (“What is the danger of premature removal of milk teeth”) that an empty space in the dentition contributes to the shifting of the existing milk teeth, which means that the rudiments of permanent teeth under them move and they grow incorrectly - in one place overlap each other, and in another - cracks are formed. A treated, filled baby tooth saves room for a permanent tooth. An untreated tooth infects the rudiment of a permanent tooth with caries, which can lead to deformation or even the absence of the latter.
6. Why sometimes there is a toothache in a child 7-14 years old, but the teeth are all intact?
Answer: Yes, such a phenomenon occurs, but it is not the tooth itself that hurts, but the jaw that is growing intensively at this age. Permanent teeth are almost twice the size of milk teeth, which means they need a lot more space. If the new teeth are large, then they can even overlap, break out of the dentition, or grow at an angle to each other. As the jaw grows, they settle into place and align. But only a qualified specialist can correctly assess such a situation and the risk of developing defects and anomalies, so consult an orthodontist at the Utkinzub clinic.
7. At what age should an overbite be corrected?
Answer: The best option is before the change of milk teeth, from 4-5 years. In this case, permanent teeth will grow, as a rule, evenly, in the place intended by nature. There will be no need for subsequent long-term bite correction. In any case, if there is a malocclusion, then the sooner you contact a qualified orthodontist, the faster and better the problem will be fixed. Read more in the article "Treatment of malocclusion".
To the question: how to treat caries in milk teeth , you will find a complete answer in the section on caries in children's teeth.