How many days after period does ovulation
Calculating, Timeline, Pain & Other Symptoms
What is ovulation?
Ovulation is a phase in the menstrual cycle when your ovary releases an egg (ovum). Once an egg leaves your ovary, it travels down your fallopian tube where it waits to be fertilized by sperm. On average, it happens on day 14 of a 28-day menstrual cycle.
Ovulation and your menstrual cycle
The process of ovulation begins when your hypothalamus (a part of your brain) releases gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH). GnRH causes your pituitary gland (a gland in your brain) to secrete follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH).
Between days six and 14 of your menstrual cycle, FSH causes follicles (small sacs of fluid in your ovaries that contain a developing egg) in one ovary to begin to mature. During days 10 to 14 of the cycle, only one of the developing follicles forms a fully mature egg. Around day 14 in the menstrual cycle, a sudden surge in LH causes the ovary to release this egg. This is ovulation. After ovulation, the hormone progesterone rises which helps prepare your uterus for pregnancy.
Ovulation, conception and pregnancy
Once ovulation occurs, your egg travels through your fallopian tube. It’s in your fallopian tube that your egg meets sperm for fertilization. If conception occurs (sperm fertilizes your egg), the fertilized egg travels down to your uterus. After about a week, the fertilized egg (now a blastocyst) attaches to the lining of your uterus. This is called implantation. Release of the hormones estrogen and progesterone causes the endometrium to thicken, which provides the nutrients the blastocyst needs to grow and eventually develop into a baby. As cells continue to divide — some developing into the fetus, others forming the placenta — hormones signal your body that a baby is growing inside your uterus. This also signals your uterus to keep its lining, which prevents you from getting your period. Not getting a period is usually the first sign you’re pregnant.
When does ovulation occur?
In an average 28-day menstrual cycle, ovulation occurs about 14 days before the beginning of your next menstrual period. The exact timing varies — your cycle length may be longer or shorter. You may find it helpful to track your menstrual cycle using an app on your phone or a calendar. This can help you determine when ovulation is most likely to occur. Most people will have a period 14 to 16 days after ovulation, regardless of the length of their overall cycle.
How many hours does ovulation last?
An egg only survives 12 to 24 hours after ovulation. If sperm doesn’t’ fertilize the egg, your body reabsorbs it. Unlike your egg, sperm can survive for several days in your body.
How do I know I’m ovulating?
Pinpointing ovulation can be tricky. There are several methods people use to track their menstrual cycle and estimate when ovulation occurs. Since each method has its drawbacks, it’s always best to use more than one for the most accurate answer.
Menstrual cycle
Ovulation happens at around the midpoint of your cycle if you have a 28-day cycle (day 14). However, a “normal” cycle is anything between 21 and 35 days, so this means ovulation is unique to your menstrual cycle. Keep track of your cycle on paper or on an app on your phone for several months. Take note of any unusual symptoms. Most people ovulate 14 days before their period begins, regardless of cycle length.
Calendar method
People using the calendar method to predict ovulation, analyze six months of menstrual cycles to determine when they’re fertile. To calculate when you may be ovulating, you find your shortest cycle and your longest cycle in a six month period. You subtract 18 days from your shortest cycle and 11 days from your longest cycle. These two numbers give you the days in your cycle you’re most fertile. For example, if your cycle lengths are 31 and 18, your fertile time is day 10 to 20 of your cycle.
Cervical mucus
Cervical mucus is a vaginal fluid produced by your cervix. Your cervical mucus goes through stages during your menstrual cycle. Your cervical mucus is thick, white and dry before ovulation. Just before ovulation, your cervical mucus turns clear and slippery (like egg whites). This consistency makes it easy for sperm to swim up to meet your egg.
Basal body temperature
Your body temperature increases slightly during ovulation (typically about 0.5 to 1 degree). Take your temperature every morning using a digital thermometer meant specifically for measuring basal body temperature. This method only works if you take your temperature before you get out of bed and before you eat/drink. Record your results for several months and note what day of your cycle a temperature increase occurs.
Ovulation kits
Ovulation kits work similarly to at-home pregnancy tests because you pee on an indicator strip in the comfort of your own home. They work by detecting LH (luteinizing hormone) in your pee. LH is the hormone that surges before ovulation. A positive result means you’re about to ovulate (usually within 36 hours).
What are the symptoms of ovulation?
Every person is different and not everyone has signs of ovulation. In those that do, the most common symptoms are:
- Tender breasts.
- Bloating.
- Minor pelvic or abdominal pain.
- Light bleeding or spotting.
- Changes in the position and firmness of your cervix.
- Increased sex drive.
- Heightened sense of smell, taste or sight.
- Mood changes.
- Appetite changes.
How many days during ovulation can you get pregnant?
Even though your egg only lives for 24 hours, sperm can live in your uterus for between three and five days. This means you can get pregnant from having sex from about five days before ovulation to one day after ovulation. If pregnancy is your goal, it’s better to have sperm already in your body when you ovulate. The highest probability of conception occurs when intercourse takes place one to two days before ovulation and on the day of ovulation.
Is pain during ovulation normal?
Yes, many people experience ovulation pain. Ovulation pain (or mittelschmerz) is cramping or pelvic pain that happens around ovulation. You typically feel the pain in your lower abdomen and pelvis, in the middle or on one side. Ovulation pain may happen when an egg bursts from a follicle (the sacs in your ovaries that contain eggs). It can even cause light bleeding.
Pain during the time of ovulation may also be caused by a medical condition, so it’s best to contact your healthcare provider to be sure the pain isn’t something more serious.
What happens if I’m not ovulating?
Certain health conditions or life events may affect ovulation or cause you to stop ovulating. Some of these are:
- Breastfeeding (chestfeeding) or hyperprolactinemia.
- Menopause.
- PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome).
- Primary ovarian insufficiency.
- Amenorrhea from things like high or low body fat, excessive stress or fatigue or excessive exercise.
If your period is irregular or you go months without a period, you may have not be ovulating. Contact your healthcare provider if this is the case so they can rule out any serious conditions.
Do you still ovulate if you’re on birth control?
No, if you’re taking birth control pills or other hormonal contraception as directed, you shouldn’t ovulate. Keep in mind, this is only the case if you’re using pills, patches, IUDs or other devices exactly as prescribed. The hormones in birth control work by stopping ovulation and thickening cervical mucus (which makes it harder for sperm to swim).
Can you ovulate but not get your period?
Yes. You can ovulate but not get your “period.” Technically, if you’re ovulating regularly, you should also get your period regularly. However, it’s possible to get your period without actually ovulating and to ovulate but not have a true period.
Can medicine help you ovulate?
Yes, there are fertility medications to induce ovulation. Talk to your healthcare provider about your symptoms and goals, such as if you wish to become pregnant. They can work with you on the best treatment based on your condition.
A note from Cleveland Clinic
Ovulation is a process that occurs during your menstrual cycle. The exact timing of ovulation varies from person to person and even from cycle to cycle. Without ovulation, it’s hard for you to get pregnant or have regular menstrual periods. There are many methods available to help you predict ovulation. Knowing when you ovulate can help you either achieve a pregnancy or avoid a pregnancy. There are several health conditions that affect ovulation. Contact your healthcare provider if you’re concerned that you’re not ovulating.
Right Time For Sex , When Do You Ovulate ?
When are you more likely to conceive?
We’re talking about the 'fertile window’ – the days in a woman’s menstrual cycle when pregnancy is possible. The ‘fertile window’ depends on the length of the menstrual cycle, which varies among women.
The ‘fertile window’ is the day an egg is released from the ovary (ovulation) and the five days beforehand. Having sex (intercourse) during this time gives you the best chance of getting pregnant.
Ovulation Calculator
What day did you your most recent period start?
Number of days in your cycle Please select20 Days21 Days22 Days23 Days24 Days25 Days26 Days27 Days28 Days29 Days30 Days31 Days32 Days33 Days34 Days35 Days36 Days37 Days38 Days39 Days40 Days41 Days42 Days43 Days44 Days45 Days
Your ovulation day
Most fertile time
What is an ovulation calculator and how does it help you get pregnant?
This ovulation calculator or ovulation calendar can help you work out your most fertile time.
These are the days you are most likely to get pregnant.
It can also estimate your due date if you do become pregnant during your next fertile days.
Others ways to help you work out when you're ovulating:
- Notice changes in vaginal mucus
A few days before ovulation, you may notice your vaginal mucus becomes clear, slick and slippery, and feels a bit like egg white.
This is a sign that ovulation is about to happen. It’s the best time to have sex, as sperm travel more easily in this kind of mucus.
- Use an ovulation predictor kit
You can use a predictor kit from a supermarket or pharmacy, to test your urine for signs of ovulation. If you start testing your urine a few days before the day you next expect to ovulate, a positive result means you are going to ovulate within the next 24 to 36 hours (one to two days).
Facts about timing
Ovulation is when a mature egg is released from the ovary. The egg then moves down the fallopian tube where it can be fertilised. If sperm are in the fallopian tube when the egg is released, there is a good chance that the egg will be fertilised, creating an embryo, which can grow into a baby.
Pregnancy is technically only possible if you have sex during the five days before ovulation or on the day of ovulation. But the most fertile days are the three days leading up to and including ovulation. Having sex during this time gives you the best chance of getting pregnant.
By 12-24 hours after ovulation, a woman is no longer able to get pregnant during that menstrual cycle because the egg is no longer in the fallopian tube.
There’s almost no chance of getting pregnant if you have sex before or after the fertile window (but if you’re not trying to get pregnant, don’t rely on this – contraception is your best option!).
How to know when you’re ovulating
Knowing when you ovulate can help you plan for sex at the right time and improve your chance of getting pregnant. You can keep track of your menstrual cycles on a chart, in a diary, or on a free period-tracker app on your smartphone.
To work out the length of your menstrual cycle, record the first day you start bleeding (first day of your period). This is day 1. The last day of your cycle is the day before your next period begins.
- What is a ‘menstrual cycle’ and a ‘period’?
Some people think the ‘menstrual cycle’ and a ‘period’ are the same thing.
A period is when you bleed (or menstruate).
A menstrual cycle starts on the day when a period starts (day 1) and ends the day before the next period. A cycle’s length is considered normal if it’s between 21 and 35 days. They can vary between women and from one cycle to the next.
- Working out your ‘average’ menstrual cycle length
If your menstrual cycles are different lengths (most women’s cycles are) you can work out your average cycle length.
The number of days in a woman’s menstrual cycle can vary month to month. Periods are not always regular. It can be useful to work out an ‘average’ cycle length, based on the length of three menstrual cycles, to estimate when you’re most likely to be ovulating.
If you add the number of days in three cycles and divide the total number by three, it gives you your average cycle length.
Sarah tracked her last three menstrual cycles by counting the time from the first day of one period, to the day before the next period.
Cycle 1 was 28 days; Cycle 2 was 32 days; Cycle 3 was 27 days
28 + 32 + 27 = 87
87 divided by 3 = 29
So the average length of Sarah’s menstrual cycles is 29 days.
- Working out your most fertile days
When you know your average menstrual cycle length, you can work out when you ovulate.
Ovulation happens about 14 days before your period starts.
- If your average menstrual cycle is 28 days, you ovulate around day 14, and your most fertile days are days 12, 13 and 14.
- If your average menstrual cycle is 35 days ovulation happens around day 21 and your most fertile days are days 19,20 and 21.
- If you have shorter cycles, say 21 days, ovulation happens around day 7 and your most fertile days are days 5, 6 and 7.
Your most fertile days are the three days leading up to and including the day of ovulation.
Some women have very irregular cycles or find it difficult to work out an average cycle length. This can make it hard to work out when ovulation happens. If it’s all too hard, having sex every 2-3 days covers all bases and improves your chance of getting pregnant.
Myth busting
A woman can get pregnant any time of the month.
A woman can only get pregnant on a few days during her menstrual cycle.
Because eggs and sperm only live for a short time:
- Sperm live for around five days.
- Eggs can only be fertilised for around 24 hours (one day) after being released from the ovary.
Eggs and sperm need to come together at the right time for fertilisation to happen to create an embryo.
Getting the timing right
If you're trying to get pregnant, timing is everything. Dr Karin Hammarberg explains how to work out when you are ovulating and the right time to have sex to improve your chance of pregnancy.
What are the chances?
Having sex as close as possible to the time of ovulation increases the chance of pregnancy.
If a woman has sex six or more days before she ovulates, the chance she will get pregnant is virtually zero.
If she has sex five days before she ovulates, her probability of pregnancy is about 10 percent.
If she has sex on the day of ovulation, or the two days before, the chance of getting pregnant is around 30 percent.
These are average figures and depend on a woman’s age.
When does preconception health begin?
Professor Sarah Robertson, Director of Robinson Research Institute, University of Adelaide, highlights the key time before pregnancy that your health is most important to ensure your child has the best start to life.
How to know you are ovulating
Kerry Hampton, a registered nurse and fertility specialist, discusses the importance of fertility awareness, and how to determine your fertile window to improve your chances of conceiving.
- References
- American Society for Reproductive Medicine, Optimizing natural fertility,
- Berglund Scherwitzl, et al. (2015). Identification and prediction of the fertile window using Natural Cycles. The European Journal of Contraception and Reproductive Health Care, 20(5), 403-408. doi:10.3109/13625187.2014.988210
- Ecochard, R., et al. (2015). Self-identification of the clinical fertile window and the ovulation period.
Fertility and Sterility, 103(5), 1319-1325.e1313. doi:
- Pfeifer, S., et al. (2017). Optimizing natural fertility: a committee opinion. Fertility and Sterility, 107(1), 52-58. doi: 10.1016/j.fertnstert.2016.09.029
- Stanford, J. B. (2015). Revisiting the fertile window. Fertility and Sterility, 103(5), 1152-1153. doi:
- Stanford, et al. (2002). Timing intercourse to achieve pregnancy: current evidence. Obstetrics and Gynecology, 100(6), 1333-1341.
- Stephenson, J., et al. (2018). Before the beginning: nutrition and lifestyle in the preconception period and its importance for future health. The Lancet, 10.1016/S0140-6736(18)30311-8 doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(18)30311-8
- Vélez, M. Pet al. (2015). Female exposure to phenols and phthalates and time to pregnancy: the Maternal-Infant Research on Environmental Chemicals (MIREC) Study. Fertility and Sterility.
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- Verón, G. L., et al. (2018). Impact of age, clinical conditions, and lifestyle on routine semen parameters and sperm kinematics. Fertility and Sterility, 110(1), 68-75.e64.
- Waylen, A. Let al. (2009). Effects of cigarette smoking upon clinical outcomes of assisted reproduction: a meta-analysis. Hum Reprod Update, 15(1), 31-44.
- Zenzes, M. T. (2000). Smoking and reproduction: gene damage to human gametes and embryos. Hum Reprod Update, 6(2), 122-131.
Page created on: 28/08/2018 | Last updated: 15/10/2022
When ovulation occurs after menstruation, on which day of the cycle
- At what period does ovulation occur?
- Does ovulation occur every month?
- What day does ovulation occur?
- How many days does ovulation occur?
- How to know if ovulation is happening?
- When does fertilization occur after ovulation?
Ovulation is the process of release of the egg from the follicle and normally happens regularly. Fertilization is possible exactly at the time when ovulation occurs. If a couple wants a baby and is looking forward to getting pregnant, the question of when a woman ovulates is very important.
When does ovulation occur?
If the reproductive system works smoothly, a woman ovulates on average once a month. How often an egg matures depends on the characteristics of the menstrual cycle of a particular woman.
Does ovulation occur every month?
Normally, a woman can have several cycles a year without ovulating. With age, the number of anovulatory cycles increases, so after 30–35 years, the chances of a quick conception decrease. If a woman is about 40 years old, conception is possible, but to the question "how long does ovulation occur?" the likely answer would be: "In a few months." During menopause, ovulation in women stops altogether.
What day does ovulation occur?
The menstrual cycle lasts an average of 28-32 days. Without special studies, it is impossible to accurately answer the question of when a girl ovulates. Ovulation usually occurs in the middle of the menstrual cycle (day 12–15). For a more accurate calculation, it is necessary to plot the basal temperature over several months.
Another way to try to find out when ovulation occurs is with a calendar. To find out when ovulation occurs after menstruation, you need to count 14 days from the beginning of the last menstruation according to the calendar. With an ideal 28-day cycle, there will also be 14 days left until the next menstruation, that is, ovulation will occur exactly in the middle of the cycle. But does ovulation always occur on the 14th day?
Doctors say that the ideal classic version is not so common. Most women ovulate between day 11 and day 21 of their cycle, counting from the first day of their last period. At the same time, from 12 to 16 days remain until the next menstruation. After what time ovulation occurs, it depends on the hormonal background, and the emotional and physical state of the woman, and in different cycles ovulation may occur on different days. Doctors also know cases when a woman had two ovulations at once during one menstrual cycle.
How many days does ovulation occur?
Ovulation is a short stage of the menstrual cycle, lasting only 48 hours. During this period of time, the egg, ready for fertilization, leaves the ovary, descends through the fallopian tube and moves towards the uterus, where it will wait for fertilization. If fertilization occurs, the egg will attach itself to the wall of the uterus.
Days favorable for pregnancy are considered two to three days before ovulation and one day after, and on the day of ovulation, the chances of conception are especially high. Therefore, in order to calculate favorable days, it is very important to keep an ovulation calendar and imagine how long ovulation occurs. More about this here.
A mature egg is viable for only 24 hours, so the so-called safe days come within a day after ovulation. The chance of conception after ovulation is extremely low.
How do I know if I'm ovulating?
Many women think about how to find out when ovulation occurs - after all, the correct definition of this period will allow you to conceive a child faster. At home, without going to the doctor, it is convenient to use the following methods.
If you have regular periods, you can use the calendar method to calculate ovulation. According to him, ovulation should occur approximately in the middle of the cycle, but how to understand if ovulation occurred on the days you planned? Connect additional methods for determining ovulation!
To determine that ovulation has occurred, measurement of basal temperature will also help. An increase in temperature in the rectum indicates the release of an egg ready for fertilization. At what temperature ovulation occurs, you can find out by monthly charting your basal temperature. Usually, the basal temperature during ovulation differs from pre-ovulatory values by about half a degree.
An ovulation test is another way to determine if ovulation is occurring. Ovulation test strips are similar to pregnancy tests, only they show two strips not in case of successful fertilization, but when an egg is released from the ovary.
There are many more signs that help to independently determine the onset of ovulation. More about them in this article.
When does fertilization occur after ovulation?
After ovulation, the sperm has about a day to meet the egg and fertilize it.
If conception does not occur, the egg is destroyed in the fallopian tube within a day, and after about 14 days the woman starts menstruating again - this is the release of an unfertilized egg.
If the meeting of the sperm and egg was successful, the fertilized zygote descends into the uterus for 6-12 days, after which it is fixed there and pregnancy occurs. With the onset of pregnancy, the ovaries stop producing new eggs, so you can not be afraid that ovulation occurs during pregnancy - re-fertilization is impossible.
Author: |
January 16, 2012 |
Everyone knows where the baby comes from and that sperm has to meet the egg. However, in order to realize this meeting, more active sperm must be "coming" to the final line, eggs must be mature and follicles. The etymology of "ovulation" is "ovum", which means "egg" in Latin. Ovulation is the release of mature eggs that can be fertilized in the ovaries. The most important condition for pregnancy is the existence of good mature eggs, and doctors are interested in this problem in order to assess the general condition of the genitals. Ovulation testsThe characteristic of ovulation is an isolated sign that feels uncomfortable with the lower abdomen in the middle of the menstrual cycle, and this period is the period of ovulation. On the same day, the genitals may cause bloody discharge or increase libido. However, to get more accurate results, it is better to use one of the following methods. Measurement of rectal temperature (basal body temperature) This method is one of the simplest methods that does not require any financial investment other than buying a thermometer. However, it is impossible to completely accurately measure many conditions, such as regular sleep for a long time, measure body temperature at the same time without getting out of bed in the morning. Take the temperature in the rectum. Body temperature information is graphed by taking the menstrual cycle on the horizontal axis and body temperature on the vertical axis. Ovulation test This is a method to more accurately measure the concentration of LH (hormone Lutea l-Formation), one of the gonadotropins to support the reproductive function of women. Before ovulation, the value of this hormone increases significantly, and as a result, the LH peak point before ovulation can be assumed to be a certain day of the menstrual cycle in the urine, and a special test strip is used for this. He was. Questionnaire If it is a stable cycle, the luteal period will last from 12 to 16 days, so it is best to start the examination about 17 days before the next period. In the case of a total 2 8 day cycle, the test will start on day 1 1st and the 3 5 day cycle should be from day 1 8. Dynamic Ultrasound Progesterone Check and Measurement Ultrasound tests allow you to see the formation of mature missed follicles in the ovaries. After the eggs are released, luteins are formed in this place, producing progesterone, which contributes to the normal growth of the pregnancy. The value of this hormone allows you to get effective information about ovulation. Age and ovulation If you are a young woman who is pregnant, almost your entire menstrual cycle will be ovulated. In addition, they say that in 10-15% of the year there is no ovulation. The general trend is that the older women are, the lower the frequency of ovulation. At age 40, ovulation does not occur more than six times a year. However, this is not only ovulation. For women over 40, it not only decreases in the ovulation cycle, but also reduces the chance of pregnancy and due to the degradation of egg quality. If you can't get pregnantRegular sexual activity for 1 to 1.5 years is considered a normal period. If a young woman is of reproductive age and she does not become pregnant after the deadline, doctors will diagnose her couple as infertile. After that, it is recommended that both couples have a consultation to clarify that they can be considered not pregnant. It is recommended that women over 35 not become pregnant for six months after regular sexual activity. Such suggestions were made to avoid wasting time because ovarian function and egg quality decline with age. Factors that affect ovulation Whatever the cause, such as environment, difference in eating habits, and medication. All this causes a hormonal imbalance, which leads to the occurrence of ovulation. These factors, such as constantly changing time zones, long flights, and normal climate changes, can be stressful for the body and cause the reproductive organ to have a normal rhythm. Impractical use of weight loss and fasting often supports anorexia nervosa. For example, patients with anorexia nervosa will give up on their own and fall into extreme fatigue. When weighing less than 45 kg, the body clearly reacts to this and begins to suppress the normal functioning of the reproductive organ. These women stop menstruation and ovulation. Hormonal abnormalities also cause ovulation, most of which are due to genetic causes. Various diseases such as polycystic ovary syndrome, hyperprolactinemia, thyroid dysfunction, syndrome accompanied by an increase in male hormones and sexualization disorders can cause normal ovulation. Some of them can be expected to restore ovulation and pregnancy, while others completely eliminate the processes of ovulation. Therefore, the problem of treating hormonal abnormalities and choosing medications should be left to the physician's decision. Ovulation is achieved by prescribing drugs that correct hormonal imbalances and promote ovulation. How does ovulation affect the sex of the baby David Lowick and Lendran Shettles of Harvard spent nearly half a century developing a method for planning intercourse based on known ovulation periods. Here's how. Empirically, it has been found that male Y-chromosome spermatozoa are more mobile than X-chromosome spermatozoa, so they can reach the egg first. When exposed to the acidic environment of the vagina, Y-spermatozoa quickly die, becoming less active and giving way to slower, but more viable X-spermatozoa. Scientists believed that X-chromosome sperm could survive in the womb for several days in anticipation of ovulation, unlike Y-chromosome sperm, which could not. Interestingly, there is some seasonality, which is confirmed by many observations. Girls are often born in early winter, spring, early summer, early autumn and late autumn. Boys are often born in the first two months of winter, in early or late spring, late summer or mid-autumn. With these observations, you will be able to plan the timing of conception and increase your chances of having a gender-differentiated child.
Hysterectomy (or hysterectomy) is a fairly common operation. Since this type of surgery has been around for about 100 years, a lot of experience has been accumulated in this area of gynecology. In addition, many clinical studies have been conducted, and now it is possible to draw certain conclusions about the outcome of the operation and the quality of life of the operated patient. In modern gynecological medicine, laparoscopic hysterectomy is possible as long as the size of the uterus allows, providing high accuracy during the operation and a quick recovery after the operation. However, most women who recommend hysterectomy are concerned about the outcome of the operation. However, in many cases, you need to worry about the status of an operation. How does life change? Do I need to make fundamental changes to remove important organs like the uterus and adapt to how my body works? How does this feature affect your sex life, and how should you build relationships with sexual partners? Does surgery change, such as weight gain, rapid skin decline, and black hair on the face and body? If you try to briefly answer these questions, the answer will be. “There are no sudden changes in lifestyle and appearance. And if you want more explanation, read on. Why do such questions arise?The stereotype works on a woman's heart. There is no uterus, no menstruation, no climax. Klimax = aging. Women are convinced that when the uterus is removed, the body is artificially reconstructed, aging is faster, sexual desire is reduced, and many functions are lost. There is a problem with health and happiness, you will be depressed and you will have irrational fatigue, and as a result it will affect relationships with others, especially relationships with your lover. In fact, this stereotype can be extremely easy to break by understanding the anatomical structure of a woman's body and understanding the purpose of the uterus, the occurrence of menstruation and menopause. We are going to help you The uterus and its functions (briefly about the main things)The uterus is an organ that has a specific function in a woman's body (see "Normal Anatomy of the Internal Pelvic Organs") and plays a role in the transfer of embryos for the development of the embryos. At birth, the uterus contracts and plays a very active role in fetal hatching. Among them, it is "supported" by a mucous membrane called the endometrium. The endometrium is saturated with blood vessels, and the blood supply is remarkable in the middle and late period of the menstrual cycle (the doctor says that "the endometrium is thickened"). When the uterus is removed, there is no menstrual flow due to the absence of the endometrium and there is nothing to excrete outside the body. However, this condition has a completely different character from menopause. This is called "surgical menopause". What is menopauseClimax is the disappearance of ovarian function. The secretion of sex hormones (estrogen, testosterone, progesterone) is reduced and the eggs are not mature. Estrogen (female hormone) is very important in the condition of the skeleton and blood vessels, and a shortage is often accompanied by muscle circulation and blood circulation. Reducing testosterone (male hormone) decreases leads to a decrease in libido (libido). Clinical studies have proven that the ovaries work at the same time as genetically programmed in the body when the uterus is removed. Estrogen is generated independently of the uterus and continues to have a positive effect on the skeletal and cardiovascular system. Since testosterone is also generated, libido does not decrease and the quality of sex life does not change. In addition, those who are familiar with symptoms such as pre-menstrual syndrome (PMS) will continue. Pre-menstrual syndrome is due to periodic ovarian function. Approach to surgery If the doctor thinks that the uterus needs to be removed, she does not remove the types of uterus (ovaries or testicular tubes). It has also been confirmed that the risk of developing ovarian cancer after hysterectomy is reduced. It appears that the risk of ovarian cancer in women after hysterectomy is 1/300, and the risk for women after uterine preservation is 1/80. Psychological consequences of hysterectomy
The correct way to hold is healthy, the key to returning to daily life after surgery. For a good psychological state, you need to first trust your doctor and be convinced that your body will work as before (this is true). Positive attitude and support of important people is very important. Many women give the uterus some kind of symbolic and consider it super, which is important. In their minds, the womb is assimilated into the essence of women. The fact that the situation is different, as described above. If you emphasize the opinions of others and want to protect yourself from psychological adverse effects, you do not need to explain the details of the operation (including a close relative other than your husband). Sexual life after hysterectomy
In sexual negotiations are prohibited for 1-1.5 months after removal of the uterus (and also after another operation). This is basically the time it takes for the wound to heal. If you understand that your body is recovering and you can live a normal life again, there is no interference in sexual intercourse. The sensitive areas that give pleasure to women with sexual activity are not in the uterus, but in the vagina and vulva. Of course, the degree of rapport with your sexual partner plays a very important role here. He feels cramped and anxious, tries to adapt to your new state, is afraid of sudden movements, experiences a general fear. In addition, his feelings will be determined solely by your feelings. He will take your situation positively and take everything very seriously. Remember that your partner also needs reliable information. Feel free to discuss any questions or concerns he may have. If necessary, seek a joint consultation with a gynecologist. Perhaps your partner will take his words with more confidence. He must be sure that your sex appeal and feelings will not undergo major changes and that you can continue to be an attractive and voluptuous woman for him. like before. So you have to weigh the pros and cons. The results of a hysterectomy will not cause you any discomfort. You always have to choose between your health after the removal of a diseased organ and imaginary fears of changes in appearance and lifestyle. In the first phase of the menstrual cycle, the development and maturation of the follicle, called the main follicle. Ovulation occurs when the dominant follicle breaks its wall and comes out. enter the fallopian tubes. You can fertilize throughout the day. The dominant follicle of the second cycle turns into a corpus luteum and its main function is the synthesis of progesterone.
The corpus luteum functions for 10-12 days. If conception does not occur, the egg dies, the corpus luteum recedes, which leads to menstruation. Symptoms of ovulation
Most women ovulate completely asymptomatically, but some experience symptoms a few days before ovulation. During ovulation, women may experience pain in the lower abdomen. This can make a very strong impression. This disorder is called ovulatory syndrome. The discomfort lasts for several days. Women can change and become more viscous. During ovulation, her sex appeal increases. Egg maturity changes the number of days as follows.
Single cycle studies are considered inconsistent. The duration of the menstrual cycle directly depends on the rate of maturation of the egg in the first stage before ovulation. A typical classic version is 14 days, and the cycle is 28 days. After the release of the egg, the second phase of the cycle (luteal phase) begins, which in the same woman is constant from 12 to 16 days, but more often 14 days. In a long cycle, the egg matures longer than usual and ovulates later. For example, in a woman with a 32-35-day cycle, the release of the egg occurs at 18-21 DC, two weeks before the start of the next menstruation, and not in the middle of the cycle, as many believe. Ultrasonic folliculometrySome ultrasounds with a vaginal probe can calculate a woman's ovulation and conception dates. Examinations in the ultrasound diagnostic room are carried out 3-4 times per cycle every 2-3 days. If you have an irregular cycle, you should visit your doctor 3-4 times every 2-3 days, starting on the 7th day after your period ends. If you have a regular cycle, you can have an ultrasound 2-3 days before delivery. With a 30-day cycle, ultrasound control begins 4-5 days before the middle of the monthly cycle, on days 10-11. The eggs are then checked with ultrasound every 2 days until the eggs are released. With the size of the follicle the day before from 20 to 24 mm and the beginning of the development of the corpus luteum, ultrasound diagnostics confirmed the beginning of the ovulation period. This operation can be performed through the vagina or through the abdominal wall. Vaginal examination does not require prior preparation and is primarily associated with the emptying of the cyst.
Ovulation TestsOvulation tests can be done at home if the follicles can be seen with ultrasound. The mechanism is the following. 24-36 hours before the release of the egg from the ovary into the urine, the amount of luteinizing hormone (LH) rises sharply. A day or two before that, she, as it were, “pushes out” the egg from the wall of the ovary. Ovulation test strips determine if the amount of hormones is increasing. Fertile days can also be calculated. Test twice a day 5-6 days before your expected ovulation date. Since we are interested in ovulation in a 30-day cycle, it is recommended to start measuring around the 13th day. If ovulation is not observed, the second strip will be absent.
Basal Temperature Method This method measures the temperature of the rectum (rectum). This is measured immediately after sleep during the cycle. To do this, use a thermometer. You need to knock at night before going to bed. The measurement is taken immediately after getting up in the morning. By correctly measuring your basal body temperature, you can determine whether a patient is ovulating normally, fast, or slow. This is one of the easiest ways to appreciate a day when it's easy to get pregnant. It's a good idea to do this after waking up in the morning without getting out of bed. Calendar method This ovulation judgment method is suitable for people with regular menstrual cycles. Full ovulation occurs 14 days before the start of a new cycle. To find out the number of days it is easy to get pregnant, you need to analyze the last three months. The first day of the menstrual cycle is the first day of menstruation. Fully ovulation occurs 12-14 days before the start of a new cycle. The cycle also changes due to various factors such as health, nervousness, stress, physical activity and changes in climate while driving. Cervical mucus assessment methodIn a woman's ovaries, estrogen is secreted just before ovulation. As a result, the number of vaginal cells and cervical mucosa will increase. This mucus is viscous and can be controlled by expanding a small amount of about 2 cm between the fingers. Why doesn't ovulation occur?There may be no ovulation for various reasons. It is divided into two types, normal and uncommon. In this case, you do not need to worry about not ovulating.
Oral contraceptives should not occur.
Early rupture of the follicle has the following causes.
Not everything, but the female body moves like clockwork. The case when there is no ovulation, although there is regular menstruation, is called the menstrual sutra. Don't worry if this phenomenon doesn't happen two or more times.
Class Noopris Nensekaya
This question worries women who dream of children and those who want to protect themselves from unwanted pregnancies. This time, together with the Health Clinic, we will clarify what kind of ovulation occurs from a physiological point of view and how to catch it. Ovulation is the short period of a woman's menstrual cycle when pregnancy is at its strongest. Ovulation lasts from 12 to 24 hours and traditionally occurs in the middle of the 11-21 day cycle, depending on its length. Only women with an ideal menstrual cycle can accurately calculate ovulation using a calendar. It is noteworthy that they are few. Most women should see a gynecologist or try to determine ovulation by a set of symptoms specific to this time of year. Fortunately, we live in the 21st century and we have several ways to determine when we are ovulating. Methods for determining ovulation1. Calendar method This method is very popular but has poor accuracy. As I wrote above, using the calendar, only women who do not have disruptions in the menstrual cycle can determine ovulation. For example, if you have 29- the daily menstrual cycle, menstruation comes on time, and reproductive health is normal, then the calendar method is a good choice. Of course, it should be used by those who want to conceive a child. Otherwise, it will be more reliable to protect yourself, regardless of the day of the cycle. 2. Spawn test Ovulation test is available at any pharmacy and is now available to all women in developed countries. Such tests should be used from the 11th day of the cycle, not earlier. Two days before ovulation, both test and control strips will become lighter, signaling the start of the fertile period. However, this test only detects the luteinizing hormone peak that promotes the distribution of the follicular capsule. 3. Follicle A modern and accurate method for determining ovulation. During the operation, a special sensor is inserted during crushing, and the doctor evaluates the condition of each ovarian follicle. From the moment of ovulation, the dominant follicle matures and reaches 20 mm, the optimal time for conception. This procedure should be carried out at least 3 times per cycle on the first day, on days 11-12 and on days 24-25 after the end of menstruation. The first ultrasound will assess the condition of the ovaries and the number of follicles, the second ultrasound will assess the likelihood and timing of ovulation, and the third ultrasound will assess the chances of pregnancy. In any case, it is necessary to consult a gynecologist before the ultrasound. 4. Symptoms of ovulation The effect is not confirmed, but it is a popular method for women. In the days leading up to ovulation and during the ovulation period, you will experience various symptoms that indicate a favorable time for conception. There are nuances here. Some women have severe symptoms, while others hardly notice them. But we will talk about them in the next part. Symptoms of ovulationSo what should we be afraid of? Basal body temperature (lowest body temperature after sleep). On the day of ovulation, the temperature drops sharply by about 0.5 ° C, the next day it rises sharply and continues to rise until the 23-27th day of the cycle. To calculate the exact date of ovulation, you need to take your temperature immediately after waking up every day of your cycle and plot it on the change curve. Temperature is taken rectally by inserting a thermometer into the rectum. Changes in cervical mucus. During the fertile period (4-6 days), the mucus is almost transparent, watery and slippery, like egg white, but at the same time thick and elastic. If you pay attention to such changes, your chances of conception will increase significantly. breast swelling; The breasts may become swollen and painful, and the nipples may become tender. Increased libido A few days before ovulation, a woman's attraction to a partner increases. Some women report that their skin and hair have improved and they are more confident. Pain and unpleasant twitching in the lower abdomen on the side of the ovary where the ovum has matured. Keeps no more than 5 days. To keep track of all these symptoms, a woman must make an effort to monitor her body throughout the cycle for several months. Symptoms of the end of ovulationThere are also symptoms indicating that ovulation has ended.
How to accurately determine the days of ovulation?Currently, only a folliculometer can accurately determine the date of ovulation and the possibility of pregnancy. This is because ultrasound can confirm and evaluate the condition of the follicles before and after ovulation. For example, during the second phase of the cycle, follicles can be reborn and turn into cysts. Ovulation may not occur for various reasons, including stress in a woman's life, rapid weight loss, climate change, and hormonal imbalances. Is it possible to get pregnant not on ovulation, but on other days of the cycle? Yes, I can. It is said that from 6 days before ovulation to 2 days after ovulation, the chance of pregnancy is 16-30%. Since every living being has its own biorhythm, no one will tell you the exact number. |