How does braxton hicks feels like
Braxton Hicks contractions | Pregnancy Birth and Baby
Braxton Hicks contractions | Pregnancy Birth and Baby beginning of content4-minute read
If you feel tightening or cramping in your abdomen during your pregnancy, you may be having Braxton Hicks contractions. This is normal and not a sign that you’re ready to give birth.
Braxton Hicks contractions are sometimes called ‘false’ or ‘practice’ contractions.
What are Braxton Hicks contractions?
Braxton Hicks contractions are a tightening in your abdomen that comes and goes. They are contractions of your uterus in preparation for giving birth. They tone the muscles in your uterus and may also help prepare the cervix for birth.
Braxton Hicks contractions don’t cause labour and aren’t a sign that labour is beginning.
If you’re not sure whether what you’re experiencing is Braxton Hicks contractions or actual labour, contact your doctor or midwife. They will be able to tell by doing a vaginal examination — if there are no signs that your cervix is changing, it is not labour.
What do they feel like?
Braxton Hicks contractions feel like muscles tightening across your belly, and if you put your hands on your belly when the contractions happen, you can probably feel your uterus becoming hard.
The contractions come irregularly and usually last for about 30 seconds. While they can be uncomfortable, they usually aren’t painful.
If the pain or discomfort of your contractions eases off, they’re probably Braxton Hicks contractions.
When do you get them?
Braxton Hicks contractions occur from early in your pregnancy but you may not feel them until the second trimester. If this is your first pregnancy, you might start to feel them from about 16 weeks. In later pregnancies, you may feel Braxton Hicks contractions more often, or earlier. Some women won’t feel them at all.
In late pregnancy, you may experience Braxton Hicks contractions more often — perhaps as much as every 10 to 20 minutes. This is a sign that you are preparing for labour — known as prelabour.
How are Braxton Hicks contractions different from labour pain?
There are some differences between Braxton Hicks contractions and true labour contractions that will help your doctor or midwife decide whether you are in labour:
Braxton Hicks contractions:
- don’t result in your cervix thinning and opening
- usually last for about 30 seconds
- can be uncomfortable, but usually aren’t painful
- come and go at irregular times
- usually occur no more than once or twice an hour (until late in the pregnancy), a few times a day
- usually stop if you change position or activity or go for a walk
- usually go if you have a warm bath or shower
Real labour contractions:
- result in your cervix thinning and opening
- last 30 to 70 seconds
- become very regular
- get closer together
- last longer as time goes by
- get stronger or come more often when you walk
- get stronger over time
Should I call my doctor or midwife?
If you are less than 37 weeks pregnant, contractions can be a sign of premature labour. Contact your doctor or midwife immediately if:
- you feel pain, pressure or discomfort in your pelvis, abdomen or lower back
- the contractions become stronger, closer together and more regular
- there is fluid leaking or gushing from your vagina
If you are full-term, you may choose to wait until a bit later in your labour, depending on what you have arranged with your doctor or midwife. If your waters break, or your contractions are strong and 5 minutes apart, it’s time to go to the hospital.
As any stage of pregnancy, you should contact your doctor or midwife immediately if you:
- you have persistent pain in your abdomen
- you have vaginal bleeding
- you notice your baby’s movements have slowed or stopped
- you feel very unwell
If you are in doubt, don’t hesitate to call your doctor or midwife for advice.
How can I ease the discomfort?
Braxton Hicks contractions are normal and don’t need treatment. But if you feel uncomfortable, you can try:
- lying down
- taking a walk
- relaxing in a warm bath
- having a massage
It may help to practise your breathing exercises during your Braxton Hicks contractions.
Raising Children Network (23 weeks pregnant), RANZCOG (Labour and birth), Elsevier Patient Education (Braxton Hicks Contractions)Learn more here about the development and quality assurance of healthdirect content.
Last reviewed: October 2020
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- Giving birth - stages of labour
- Health professionals involved in your pregnancy
- Signs of premature labour
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Definition, What They Feel Like, and Triggers
Written by WebMD Editorial Contributors
In this Article
- What Are Braxton Hicks Contractions?
- What Do Braxton Hicks Contractions Feel Like?
- Triggers of Braxton Hicks Contractions
- How Do Braxton Hicks Contractions Compare With True Labor Contractions?
- Other Abdominal Pain During Pregnancy
- When to Call Your Doctor
- Treatment of Braxton Hicks Contractions
What Are Braxton Hicks Contractions?
Braxton Hicks contractions are the "false" labor pains that a pregnant woman might have before “true” labor. They’re your body's way of getting ready for the real thing. But they don’t mean labor has started or is about to begin.
What Do Braxton Hicks Contractions Feel Like?
Some women describe Braxton Hicks contractions as tightening in their belly that comes and goes. Many say they feel like mild menstrual cramps. Braxton Hicks contractions may be uncomfortable, but they don’t cause labor or open your cervix.
Unlike true labor, Braxton Hicks contractions:
- Usually aren’t painful
- Don’t have a regular pattern
- Don’t get closer together
- Don’t last longer as they go on
- Don’t get stronger over time
- May stop when you change activities or positions
- Are felt only in your belly
- Taper off and disappear
You may have Braxton Hicks contractions during your third trimester of pregnancy or as early as your second trimester. They’re normal and nothing to worry about.
Triggers of Braxton Hicks Contractions
Dehydration is the most common cause of Braxton Hicks contractions. Other triggers include:
- Illness that causes nausea or vomiting
- The fetus’s movement
- The mother’s activity, especially lifting something or having sex
How Do Braxton Hicks Contractions Compare With True Labor Contractions?
To figure out whether your contractions are the real thing and you're going into labor, ask yourself these questions.
How often do the contractions happen?
- False labor: Contractions are often irregular and don’t get closer together.
- True labor: Contractions come at regular intervals and last about 30 to 70 seconds. As time goes on, they get stronger and closer together.
Do they change when you move?
- False labor: Contractions may stop when you walk or rest. They may go away if you change positions.
- True labor: Contractions continue even after you move, change positions, or try to rest.
How strong are they?
- False labor: Contractions are usually weak and don't get much stronger. Or they may be strong at first and then get weaker.
- True labor: Contractions get stronger at a steady pace.
Where do you feel the pain?
- False labor: You usually feel it only in the front of your belly or pelvis.
- True labor: Contractions may start in your lower back and move to the front of your abdomen. Or they may start in your abdomen and move to your back.
Other Abdominal Pain During Pregnancy
Sharp, shooting pains on the sides of your belly are called round ligament pain. This happens because the ligaments that support your uterus and attach to your pelvis get stretched as your uterus grows.
Round ligament pain tends to happen with movement, like standing up, rolling over, coughing, sneezing, or even urinating. The pain may also move into your groin. It typically lasts only a few seconds or minutes.
To ease round ligament pain:
- Change your position or activity. It might help to lie on your opposite side.
- Support your belly when you stand or roll over. Move more slowly.
- Try to rest. A hot bath or heating pad may help.
When to Call Your Doctor
Early in your pregnancy, talk to your doctor about what may or may not be expected and when you might need to call them.
If you're not sure that what you're feeling may be labor, call your doctor or midwife. They should be available at any time to answer questions and discuss your concerns.
Call your doctor or midwife right away if you have:
- Any vaginal bleeding
- Constant fluid leaks, or if your water breaks (this can be gushing or trickling fluid)
- Strong contractions every 5 minutes for an hour
- Contractions that you can’t "walk through"
- A distinct change in your baby's movement, or if you feel fewer than 10 movements every 2 hours
- Any signs of true labor before 37 weeks of pregnancy
Treatment of Braxton Hicks Contractions
You don't have to do anything for these contractions. If they’re making you uncomfortable, try one of these tips:
- Drink water.
- Take a walk. False labor contractions often stop when you change position or get up and move.
- If you've been active, take a nap or rest.
- Relax by taking a warm bath or listening to music.
- Get a massage.
Health & Pregnancy Guide
- Getting Pregnant
- First Trimester
- Second Trimester
- Third Trimester
- Labor and Delivery
- Pregnancy Complications
- All Guide Topics
false or real / “Waiting for a baby”
Shortly before the birth, the expectant mother may be disturbed by training contractions, rhythmic contractions of the uterus, which quickly pass and appear occasionally. How to distinguish them from real contractions, and why they are needed, we will try to find out.
For the first time, the phenomenon of temporary contractions was described by the English doctor John Braxton Hicks. That is why they are called - Braxton Hicks contractions or false, training contractions, precursor contractions. In his scientific work of 1872, he argued that these contractions are short-term (from half a minute to 2 minutes) contractions of the muscles of the uterus, which are felt by a pregnant woman as an increase in the tone of the uterus. They appear after the 20th week of pregnancy. And during the day they happen often, but the expectant mother in the daytime may not even notice them. However, as time goes on, they intensify, becoming more and more obvious.
The uterus is a muscular organ. And like any muscle that has to perform the work allotted to it in the body, it needs training. After all, if she hangs for all forty weeks like a bag, she will not cope with the load in childbirth. Thus, the purpose of training or false contractions is to prepare the uterus and cervix for childbirth. That is why one of the names of training bouts is contractions harbingers - harbingers of an approaching birth.
As a rule, false contractions are painless, but with increasing duration they become more noticeable and bring more discomfort. However, in all women, they manifest themselves in different ways, someone does not feel them at all, and someone does not sleep at night, tossing and turning and trying to find a comfortable position for sleeping. It all depends on the pain threshold. The main thing in this situation is to stop being nervous about this and calm yourself with the thought that such training is necessary for the most important upcoming event - the birth of your crumbs. And to calm down a little and sleep better, ask your doctor to prescribe a sedative for you and get a special pillow for expectant and nursing mothers. With her, falling asleep and experiencing the discomfort of the last weeks of pregnancy will be much easier!
Some expectant mothers complain that their Braxton Hicks contractions are frequent and cause significant discomfort, even when they are doing housework or other light physical activity. In such a situation, obstetricians are advised to lie down or vice versa, take an easy walk, in any case, change the type of activity. If training contractions bother you a lot, it is recommended to drink a glass of water, juice or herbal tea, calm down and get some rest. Ask someone close to give you a massage. Lie in silence. And to also benefit from training fights, try doing breathing exercises: practice breathing techniques in childbirth in practice.
The most important thing to understand is that real contractions are much more painful than Braxton Hicks contractions. You will understand it right away. In addition, the contractions that bring you closer to childbirth are more regular. The contractions begin in the lower back, spread to the front of the abdomen, and occur every 10 minutes (or more than 5 contractions per hour). Then they occur with an interval of about 30-70 seconds and over time the intervals between them are reduced. Some women describe the sensations of labor pains as severe menstrual cramps, or sensations during diarrhea, when the pain rolls in waves in the abdomen. These contractions, unlike false ones, continue even after a change in position and when walking, constantly intensifying. As soon as you feel all these symptoms, call your ob-gyn - hour X has arrived. If in doubt, also do not be afraid to disturb the doctor. The doctor will ask you a few questions that will help him determine the type of contractions and eliminate all your doubts and worries. After all, it is always better to consult a doctor and trust his professional experience.
You should seek help if:
• you have more than four contractions an hour and they happen regularly
• contractions are accompanied by pain in the lower spine
• contractions are accompanied by watery or bloody vaginal discharge
• the contractions are so strong that it is very difficult for you to endure them
• there is a noticeable change in the child's movement, or less than 10 movements every 2 hours
• you think your waters have started to break
Alla Misyutina, Consultant Physician, Independent Laboratory INVITRO
Dear women, during labor, the body needs a lot of oxygen, so proper breathing is very important. A large influx of oxygen into the blood of mother and baby alleviates the condition of the crumbs, which during childbirth experiences oxygen starvation. Special breathing techniques help to properly open the birth canal and make contractions and attempts as effective as possible.
Different types of breathing should be used at different stages of labor.
• During "false" contractions, breathing should be deep and slow. During the period when the contractions become more intense, it is necessary to use "pain-relieving breathing". This breathing is slow, deep, the inhalation is done through the nose, it should be longer than the exhalation through the mouth. More details: inhale is done at the expense of 1-2-3-4, and exhale - at the expense of 1-2-3-4-5-6. With the help of such breathing: mom relaxes, distracts from pain, focuses on the score; the baby receives as much as possible, so he needs oxygen.
• In breaks from contractions, you need to rest and breathe evenly without any effort, so that you can then easily follow the doctor's recommendations.
• During attempts, you need to exhale all the air from the lungs, then take a deep breath and push for up to 6-9 seconds. Quickly exhale all the air, quickly take a deep breath and again hold your breath for 6-9 seconds, and so on - about three times per attempt.
• In breaks from attempts to rest and breathe deeply, evenly and relaxed.
• It is very important to only push on the perineum and never push on the head. In this case, all efforts are wasted and will appear in the form of burst vessels in the eyes and on the face.
• In the period after the birth of the head, it is necessary to stop pushing and breathing shallowly, some call this breathing “dog-like”, deep breathing can harm both mom and baby. Then everything goes on as usual, the main thing is to obey the doctor.
• After the baby was born, within half an hour the last stage of labor begins - the birth of the placenta. Special breathing is no longer required, at the doctor's command, push a little into the perineum and EVERYTHING! Dear women, pain during childbirth is good, it means that your baby will be born soon. There is no need to resist the pain, this is a mistake that brings a woman and a child nothing but fatigue. On the contrary, it is necessary to concentrate and help in every possible way to give birth to a healthy baby.
So, you have decided that this is no longer a “teaching”, but the beginning of childbirth. In addition to contractions, the onset of labor can be indicated by the outflow of amniotic fluid and the passage of a mucous plug that closes the lumen of the cervix. The mucous plug can also come off 2-3 days before delivery. However, her departure does not always mean that it is time to go to the hospital. During pregnancy, the cervix is tightly closed. With the onset of labor pains, its opening begins: the cervix of the uterus gradually expands to 10-12 cm in diameter (full disclosure). The birth canal is preparing to "release" the child from the womb. Intrauterine pressure increases during contractions as the uterus shrinks. And in the end, this leads to rupture of the fetal bladder and the outflow of part of the amniotic fluid.
The first, preparatory, period of labor for women giving birth for the first time takes an average of 12 hours, and 2-4 hours less for those who have second births. At the beginning of the second stage of labor, contractions join the contractions - contractions of the muscles of the abdominal wall and diaphragm. In addition to the fact that different muscle groups are involved in contractions and attempts, they have one more important difference: contractions are an involuntary and uncontrollable phenomenon, neither their strength nor frequency depend on the woman in labor, while attempts to a certain extent obey her will , it can delay or strengthen them. Therefore, at this stage of childbirth, a lot depends on the expectant mother and her ability to quickly and correctly follow the commands of the obstetrician taking delivery. And most importantly - to tune in correctly and not allow panic and thoughts about something bad. Obstetricians and gynecologists recommend that mothers perceive childbirth as a holiday, a baby's birthday. Then it will be easier to concentrate on the fact that now your main task is to help the baby be born. If, during childbirth, the expectant mother panics, the concentration of adrenaline in her blood will increase significantly. Which will not have a very good effect on the process of childbirth. Adrenaline affects the synthesis of oxytocin, which significantly weakens contractions and slows down the process of childbirth. In addition, adrenaline completely blocks the production of endorphins, which will increase the feeling of pain during contractions and attempts. That is why it is so important to properly tune in, concentrate and help the baby to be born as soon as possible.
Lilia Egorova
Training bouts - KGBUZ City hospital №12, Barnaul: articles
Pregnancy is a difficult and important time for the female body. During this period, pregnant women do not experience heavy, frequent urination and swelling. Many of these changes are aimed at preparing the woman's body for the birth of the future, and the training of labor (or the same in the case of lies) is no exception.
The development of the fetus takes place in the uterus. The fetus floats in the amniotic fluid like an astronaut and is in infidelity. The size of the uterus increases from small to very large during the nine months of pregnancy, especially when twins are pregnant. The wall of the uterus has a three-layer structure, and the middle is smooth muscle tissue. Thanks to this layer, the birth hardly starts from 270-280 days of pregnancy. This is also the reason for fake contracts.
Training contraction during pregnancy consists in the fact that the smooth muscle of the uterus periodically contracts. Blaxton-Hicks Trud is scientifically named after the British obstetrician who first reported the phenomenon in 1872. Prostrian labor does not directly lead to childbirth, but it is necessary to prepare the birth canal for childbirth.
How long before birth do training contractions start?
In most cases, Blakestone Hicks labor pain is not painful, and it is almost uncomfortable for women who are giving birth. It usually starts around the end of 2-3 months of pregnancy and the period before delivery is short, so it seems to come as a surprise to pregnant women.
The time when training starts depends on each woman and each pregnancy. In some cases, it starts earlier than 20 weeks, but it happens more often than this time, sometimes a few weeks before delivery. Some women do not feel this feeling at all.
Why do practice contractions appear?
The main causes of false reductions include the following factors:
- High physical activity for pregnant women
- Children often work in the womb.
- Lack of water in the body
- Women of care and feelings
- Shortening of training feels like a sharp and unpleasant contraction and tension in the lower abdomen without much pain. The lower belly and back may be slightly curly.
- How long will a fake pregnancy last? From a few seconds to 2 minutes, repeat 4 times an hour.
Unlike the labor of pregnant women, this occurs irregularly and takes place in the evening.
How to distinguish false contractions from real ones?
Such work usually ends immediately, but the longer the period of pregnancy, the greater the discomfort of pregnant women. There are individual differences in this frequency of shrinkage, and it varies from several times per hour to several times per day.
There is a difference between a reduction in learning (fake) and a reduction in labor (real), and in most cases it is fairly easy to identify.
Irregular study period.
Interval not periodic.
- Pseudo labor can be easily stopped by changing your posture or taking a shower.
- This shrinkage gradually disappears.
- How to distinguish between fetal movement and exercise? It is regular, repeats at a certain interval and gradually decreases. Compared to labor after childbirth, it lasts a long time, is in a lot of pain, and does not relieve cramps even if you relax, such as changing your posture.
- In some cases, it is difficult to distinguish between false labor that occurs after 38 weeks of pregnancy, but obstetricians and gynecologists have advised "calm down, not panic."
A few women do not usually recognize training contracts during pregnancy.
While learning to workout it's a good idea to do the following.
Change your body position, such as sitting, facing to the side, and lying on your back.
What to do with false contractions?
Take a short walk along the road and around the house and move slowly and smoothly.
- Take a hot shower.
- Go to the bathroom and empty your bladder.
- Take plenty of water and fruit drinks without carbonated newspapers.
- You can distract the battle, such as doing what you like, listening to music and reading.
- You can use fake fights at any time for training before giving birth. We value breath. Pregnant women are taught in a training class for giving birth to give proper breathing at birth, but labor training can be learned while staying at home.
- Do the following exercises:
Explode the candle. Inhale deeply from the nose and exhale from the mouth. Inhale slowly and sharply and spits quickly.
Breathe gently during a race like a dog. In this way, the breath is held for 30 seconds, so that the dizziness does not start.
- Bring your breath. While racing, breathe in slowly and then inhale deeply and deeply. After the race, repeat the practice.
- If symptoms of a normal reduction in training appear, do not panic, and in the following cases, contact a specialist immediately.
- There is a lot of pain on my waist and back.
How do you know when to see a doctor?
Significant pain in the waist; significant pain in the waist; significant pain in the waist; blood secretion, bleeding.
- Convulsions and pain in wrestling.
- Nausea and diarrhea
- Fetal movement is surprisingly reduced.
- Of course, if the water runs out, you need to go to the hospital urgently.
Strength of adhesion, duration, dynamics is meaningless a-you were definitely born!
- During late pregnancy, the mother of the future listens to the sensation of her body and tries to raise the signature "X Time". In the initiative, some people take the "mother's suitcase" trivially, especially for a birth. In fact, it is impossible to know the time before giving birth. However, there are signs that indicate a "pending" status.
Pregnant women should carefully treat their body and symptoms. There is a sign that appears a few days to a few days before labor begins. Many women treat them very seriously, but it is important to understand that the precursor is 100% signs, but reflects changes in the body of an indirect pregnant woman, all in the hospital. Pare "no signal.
Thin mother of the future
What are the harbingers of childbirth?
During pregnancy, the level of hormones changes dramatically, especially the amount of secreted progesterone. This hormone is necessary for the development of the fetus, and when the child's body is substantially formed, its concentration begins to decrease. A side effect of progesterone is to keep the body hydrated. As a result, the amount of progesterone secretion decreases, resulting in less swelling of body tissue. Such changes can be quantified in the form of weight loss in future mothers, and the reduction could be £1-2.
Why are preterm births called indirect births? Firstly, the dynamics of weight depends not only on hormones, but also on many factors. Then some women have individual differences in living organisms, and some women do not lose weight before birth. Thirdly, weight loss does not determine the expected date of activity of children and can be started both the next day and after 2-3 weeks.
Baby's movements become less
You may notice that your baby's activities decrease before birth. This is because he has grown and has enough space for "acrobatic sketches" in the uterus. In contrast to these changes in the behavior of the baby, as you get closer to birth, the excitement of the fetus may increase. In any case, this sign is only written as "soon" and cannot show a calendar date. It is also important to understand the decrease in children's activity as an event in the past month. If such symptoms are indicated in the previous menstruation, it is not a little baby at the time of delivery, so it is not useless to leave it and consult a specialist.
Occurs in the abdomen
The most well-known signs of an early birth are jumping from the abdomen, because the position of the child to prepare for childbirth at the end of pregnancy. In this abdomen, it usually appears two weeks before the baby's birthday. In the case of women who give birth, they usually fall later, but sometimes they fall shortly before labor begins. However, there are some cases where the expectant mother's stomach goes out a few weeks before the scheduled date. In other words, it could be hours before the feature arrives, or it could be a few weeks—no more specifically.
The upper part of the uterus descends, the contraction of the lungs and stomach is reduced, and breathing is easier. At the same time, he has a character like "duck ah-chan" during his late pregnancy. Such changes in the mother's future future are also related to the assessment of the uterus and preparation for childbirth.
The number of pregnant women rushing to the bathroom has increased
Some pregnant women notice an increase in urination, which in principle occurs when the internal organs of the pelvis compress the vesicles of the fetus. Porous urine is not the primary shade of childbirth, it is the result of uterine deposition, and not a sign of these beginnings.
Pregnant women have diarrhoea.
However, this may be a sign that work will begin quickly. In fact, in the process of preparing labor, a mechanism began to relax the smoothness of the uterus. There is no selective effect, and at the same time it relaxes the intestinal muscles.
Diarrhea starts 1-2 days before delivery and resolves without other symptoms.

Relieves congestion of the mucous membrane
Another sign of the rapid onset of labor is the separation of congestion of the mucous membrane. It is a clot of mucus with a volume of 2-3 ml, less thick than daily vaginal discharge, colorless or with a few streaks. Vaginal discharge that varies in amount, thickness, color, or has a lot of blood is a signal to seek immediate medical attention.
Many pregnant women consider mucous secretions to be the most reliable sign of the onset of labor, but this is not entirely true. It does not give special instructions from the body, it simply drops with the full expansion of the birth canal, but this can happen at any time. After that, a woman often has a few days left before giving birth, and the cork may recede already in the process of childbirth.

What are the specific signs of birth?
The only two sure signs of the first birth are wrestling and irrigation, and these events can occur in any order. Each of them acts as an immediate signal "Go to the hospital!"
the battle has begun
Generic harassment as a certain time before the onset of labor is not easy to understand and distinguish if many emotions have not been experienced before, so there are always many questions, especially for primiparas.
In a contraction, the situation is even more complicated - in addition to the true ones, there are training contractions, the appearance of which is only one of the signs of an approaching birth. During training contractions, the muscles of the uterus “open and warm up”, such contractions are irregular, long and painful.
Real contractions are much more painful than training ones, they do not stop even with the help of breathing exercises, they are regular, and their duration and frequency are steadily increasing. Once all three conditions are met, it's time to go to the hospital!
the water has run out
How many birth waters break in the plot of a popular film. With a normal pregnancy and in healthy children, such discharge is usually the result of detachment of the lower part of the fetal bladder from the uterine wall. And this is also a natural and normal stage in preparing the mother for the upcoming birth. In this case, it is important to observe and pay attention to the expectant mother and those around you - noting the exact time, estimating the amount and color of water - these data can be useful to the doctor.
After these simple steps, call an ambulance and wait with a spare "mom's suitcase" and, most importantly, all the necessary documents. Now just wait for a miracle!
How long after the onset of labor?
The starting point is one of the events that happened earlier, such as the outflow of amniotic fluids and labor. After that, the remaining time until childbirth becomes 9 to 11 hours for Primipara and 6 to 8 hours for those who replay birth. These patterns can differ in one direction. Almost gone! In a few days, for the first time, the most attractive and attractive baby in the world can be hugged in her arms and hugged her chest.
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Do you want to know when your baby is due? Please use a calculator.
A quick pregnancy test is available in all pharmacies and many chain stores. At first glance, it is not difficult, but many women.
Doctors have already advised their parents to visit their genetic officers when planning a pregnancy. Geniologists are doctors who study genetics.
Pregnant women who are about to give birth first monitor their physical condition, worrying about the health of the fetus.
We are checking the situation and we continue to supply baby food in the store. If you have any questions, please contact the hotline.
We believe that breastfeeding is the ideal diet for infants and strongly supports breastfeeding for the six months recommended by the World Health Organization. We also recognize that breastfeeding is not always possible for parents. Nestle Baby & Me Club provides the latest scientific information to give you the confidence to experience the best nutrition and support, no matter which nursing method you choose.
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We believe that breastfeeding is the ideal diet for children and we recommend it by the World Health Organization, breastfeeding only for six months and then supplemented with nutritious complementary foods appropriately. We fully support continued breastfeeding.
In addition, some parents may not be able to breastfeed, so it is recommended that you consult your healthcare provider about breastfeeding methods and advice on when to introduce supplemental foods. Keep in mind that if you decide not to breastfeed, it is difficult to reverse the decision and have social and economic consequences. In part, the introduction of a baby bottle reduces the amount of breast milk. Infant milk must be prepared, used and stored according to label instructions to avoid risk to the baby's health.
The first time approach is dedicated to all mothers-to-be. Pregnant women do not let go of unknown fears, despite the proliferation of various schools as preparation for giving birth and becoming a mother. Therefore, it is necessary to study and prepare the stage of childbirth.
First pregnancy is always exciting. In order to observe the growth of the fetus, it is important to register on time, consult a gynecologist regularly and take a test. Birth strongly influences the progress of pregnancy.
The fact that a woman soon becomes a mother is a characteristic sign.
Signs of approaching labor
A few weeks before birth, the stomach drops. Women who carefully notice visual changes. Most people who become mothers feel their physical condition change. When the abdomen is lowered, the fetus moves into the pelvic cavity. At the same time, pressure on the gastrointestinal tract and diaphragm also decreases. Pregnant women commented that "breathing became easier", "breasts disappeared" and "discomfort during breastfeeding disappeared".
On average, traffic is resolved after a week. The formula is located in the cervix and protects the fetus from infection during pregnancy. He sees that the cork looks like mucus, and its total amount reaches 50 ml. The planned colors are clear to brown, and vaginal discharge occurs partially.
- We lose weight in 1-3 days. Shortly before giving birth, pregnant women may notice their weight loss. The change in hormones is caused by excreted excess moisture outside the body. In addition to the scales from the eyes, it can be said that the swelling disappears, and urination.
- The period of appearance of the measure at birth may vary depending on the case. Cardiovascular evacuation occurs at the first time of birth, so some people may not notice. Pain in the pelvis can also be indicated and due to its controversy. Many of them are discomfort in the lower abdomen and due to intense movements of the fetus.
- All mothers in the future have heard false difficulties. When he makes the first gesture, it is difficult to recognize him. Many women who feel pain and discomfort after 20-25 weeks are scared.
At present, it must be assumed that there will be a fight between the so-called "train" and Braxton Hicks.
One of the characteristics of the period of active birth is that it lacks stability. The contraction that trains the muscular layer of the uterus occurs and disappears as soon as possible. The mother of the future feels nervous. Many people compare it to disinfection. At the same time there is an explosion in the pelvis, but should not be accompanied by pain or wet secretion.
How to recognize training contractions
Learning often occurs in response to stimuli such as exercise, driving or working. As childbirth approaches, pregnant women often feel false about the uterus.
If the birth starts between 37 and 42 weeks, it will be considered an imminent birth (equipment in time). The average mother who gave birth without complications delivers within 39-40 weeks. You can judge the day of an important event in the last period of menstruation.
Uncomplicated emergency labor usually begins with a productive contraction of babies or amniotic fluid devices. At this point, you need to contact the hospital or call an ambulance without delay.
When and how does the first labor start?
If labor starts at 37 weeks and has a maternity hospital, the medical staff will respond. If the procedure is canceled or postponed, use this opportunity. The premium is a delivery that starts between 22 and 37 weeks of pregnancy.
Sometimes this does not happen after 42 weeks. In this case, it will stimulate according to the condition of the patient.
Especially pregnant women worry about what will happen with the birth. None of the experts can be informed in advance of the period until the baby arrives. The average normal time for first birth is 9-12 hours.
Fast delivery is characterized by a short period. In this case, pregnant women will give birth in 4-6 hours. In response to this result, you need to pay special attention, as subsequent delivery may be accelerated.
How long
Birth can be delayed. This is common with the advent of the eldest son.
In this case, labor takes more than 12 hours and often requires the use of stimulants. It is important to see the situation, as the long-term condition of the fetus can deteriorate rapidly.
The distribution process has a period, and the average period is set for each period. It is important to understand that the total time is rough and may differ depending on the woman who is giving birth.
This is the outflow of amniotic fluid and the beginning of normal labor. Usually there is no problem, because the water comes out, because it is difficult to be confused with something. If it's what's called an amniotic fluid leak, there's something else. This is a condition where the integrity of the fetal bladder is slightly broken and the amniotic fluid is gradually released. For this reason, women who are always aware that more water like water should be contacted as soon as possible. There is amniotic fluid, which can differentiate between amniotic fluid and other secretions. Such test drugs are also sold in pharmacy chains, but it is better to consult a specialist immediately.
The difference between normal shrinkage and learning contraction is that the actual contraction occurs after a certain time and gradually increases in frequency and duration. Whether you soak in a hot bath or take painkillers, it doesn't go away. A woman in this situation should record the time when shrinkage began and its duration. If the interval is within 5 minutes, it's time to go to the hospital.
How to understand that labor has begun
There are also terrible symptoms, such as bleeding, and this is also the reason for the immediate ambulance and rush to the hospital, but this is already a variant of the pathology, so do not explain it.
Opening the cervix is necessary to pass the birth canal without failure. The fight is to increase the contraction of the muscle fibers in the reproductive organ. It occurs in part of the uterus and gradually spreads over the entire surface. At this time, the neck contracts and then opens slightly.
In the early stages of productive contraction, the opening of the neck is 1-2 cm. Within a few hours, the duration of the higher episodes will be longer and the interval will be shortened. The first stage of labor is divided into two stages.
First stage - the process of cervical dilatation
Dilation before the incubation period a-4 see
Active stage - full dilation
- The first stage of labor is the longest. Ends when the cervix is no longer palpable.
- The second stage of labor, the worst for pregnant women, usually lasts less than 30 minutes. When giving birth to their first child, most women do not understand how a child passes through the birth canal. Physiology, hormonal changes, muscle reflexes, the work of maternity hospitals can help.
In the second period, Rokia feels tense. At this point, they are usually transferred to the delivery room. Some clinics also practice water births or vertical births. This moment is predetermined.
Second period - strain - the birth of the first child
A miscarriage occurs when the muscular layer of the genitals tightens and contracts. The first child is usually born after 2-4 attempts. In the presence of complications, obstetricians, according to indications, use instrumental interventions, such as episiotomy and vacuum extraction.
A few minutes after the removal of the baby, the woman in labor again experiences involuntary contractions. It is necessary for the expulsion of the placenta along with the fetal membranes. Usually it should separate on its own, but in some cases it may be necessary to separate the child seat manually.
It is important for the doctor to make sure that all the elements come out intact. If the integrity of the placenta is violated, there is a high risk that part of the position of the child will remain in the uterine cavity. Therefore, there is a risk of bleeding and infection, and subsequent surgery is required. Childbirth ends with the processing of internal and external genital organs.
The third period - the birth of a child's place
In the first few minutes after completion, the necessary support is provided to women. Depending on the situation, sutures, antibiotics, uterine contraction hormones, anti-postpartum hemorrhage, etc. are administered.
You can see a doctor in 2-3 hours. At this time, apply cold air to the abdomen to stop the bleeding. If there are no complications, you will be transferred to the ward in 2-3 hours.
Condition after childbirth: features of the postpartum period
In addition, depending on the condition of the newborn, we will arrange accommodation with the mother or separately.
Nipple stimulation causes uterine contractions, so you can increase the number of chest compressions. Statistics show that breastfeeding women recover faster. During the first week after childbirth, new mothers may feel movements in the abdomen that mimic the movements of the fetus. It has to do with bowel function. After childbirth, there is often no strong urge to urinate, so it is necessary to monitor the state of urination.
In the case of a first delivery without complications, the patient is discharged from the hospital after approximately 4 to 5 days. Previously, the examination was carried out while sitting in a chair, ultrasound of the small pelvis was performed. On an individual basis, recommendations are given for recovery and, if necessary, medications are prescribed.
Giving birth for the first time is exciting. It is important to keep an eye on your obstetrician with good posture. It is very important to choose an obstetrician in advance. After discharge from the hospital, no later than 2 months later, visit the district gynecologist.
What is fetal movement, why do fetal movements occur only before giving birth? Let's explain step by step. A few weeks before birth, a woman's body begins to prepare for the birth of a child. Pregnant women regularly feel contractions to the uterus. Why did labor appear only before childbirth, although I did not have childbirth during pregnancy? In fact, during early pregnancy, the dominant pregnancy began in women. This is a complex change in all organs of the mother in the future, aimed at correcting favorable conditions for the birth of the fetus. It is said that the focus of excitement is formed in the cerebral cortex, and the activity of the subcutaneous structure is suppressed.
This causes many changes that are beneficial to pregnancy, such as uterine excitement and reduced contraction activity. As a result, the uterus during pregnancy has a minimal response to stimulation, and its contraction is negligible. Of course, the change in the body of pregnant women is very large and wide, so the reduction in uterine contraction is only one of the changes.
This is important!
The body is a dynamic structure. As birth approaches, the pregnant woman's body begins to change for childbirth, and the act of childbirth begins. When the excitability of the cerebral cortex decreases, the excitability of the subcutaneous structure increases. Among these are sensitivity of the peripheral nervous system, increased sensitivity of the uterine muscles, and increased contraction of the uterus. The restoration of the cerebral cortex indirectly leads to an increase in estrogen levels.
Every pregnant woman today knows that a hormone called progesterone is involved in maintaining a pregnancy. However, its reduction is undesirable and dangerous. However, it is different during the prenatal period! ? As the amount of estrogen increases, the amount of progesterone decreases. And since the birth is approaching, there is no need to maintain the pregnancy. Now it's time to get to know each other. An increase in the concentration of physiologically active substances such as estrogen and oxytocin increases uterine contraction.

These processes cause other changes in birth changes. In this way, you can see how complex and varied processes are preparing for childbirth. Focus on changes in antecedents before giving birth to women who are about to give birth. And training is one of them.
Women often have a question: “How long will labor last before childbirth?” The work of the predecessor takes place 10-14 days before the birth of the child, and occurs to prepare for childbirth. The womb is a kind of training that learns its work by giving birth. Therefore, this labor is called prepared labor, preliminary labor, and the fruit of labor. Preparation for infertility for women begins earlier, 10-14 days before birth.
In case of multiple pregnancies, after a few days. Naturally, there is no preliminary work before childbirth. Then there is Braxton Hicks, which is named after a British doctor who first focused on some patients. This is a labor that starts from the expected date of delivery, that is, the beginning of 3 months of pregnancy, on the way and the second month.
How long before delivery can practice contractions start?
These reductions are not caused by the preliminary war and their mechanisms have not been fully elucidated. In principle, it is recommended to contact an obstetrician and gynecologist if a pregnant woman occurs and under the dynamic supervision of a doctor, despite the fact that it does not have a bad effect on the pregnancy process. The feel of a woman's experience with the Braxton Hicks and pre-labor is similar.
What emotions shrink learning? Pregnant women periodically have severe symptoms and complain of uterine tension. Feeling that the uterus clearly shows its limit and volume. Now we are starting to feel it. If you put your hands on your stomach during a practice game, you will immediately see that the uterus is as hard as a rock. After a few seconds to one minute, you will again feel the uterus softer, but at the moment you are going through the tension.
Precontraction is not painful. The feeling is like holding a hand firmly in greeting. Did you hit? But you feel clearly. Training by training is not regular. This can happen repeatedly in a day, but at the same time there is no clear period. Between the match 30 minutes, 20 minutes and 6 hours. The neck does not open in training. Learning contraction plays an important role not only in the mature process of shayrok, which speeds up labor, but also trains the uterus to work. It is important to understand that learning cuts are common.
How to recognize contractions before childbirth?
As you already understand, training is trying to train and give birth. But when will it be born and what to do to miss this important moment?
Let's see how the struggle after childbirth and postpartum origin is different. The training contraction is painless, the pre-delivery struggle does not reach the opening of the cervix. The struggle with the birth progresses with increasing pain, rhythm, shortening the time between struggles, increasing the time of the struggle, which leads to the opening of the cervix (uterine phase). Important here is the opening of the uterus port, which is behind the usual battle.
Why is it important to measure the contractions interval before childbirth?
At the first stage of labor, normal labor begins (at least 15-20 minutes), and the uterine austrium opens. The presented table clearly shows the difference in wrestling.
Preliminary contract
Introduction of battle | No | Yes |
Long battle | No | Yes |
Painful | No | Yes |
Increased pain syndrome | No | Yes |
Stress relief during position conversion | No | Yes |
Pain in the lower back and due to illness | Yes | No |
Get to the opening of the cervix | No | Yes |
How do women have difficulties? To determine the time of a match, we track the time from start to finish of the matchmaker.![]() | No | Yes |
Most pregnant women ask this question. Women try to stick it to the wall of their house as long as possible. Well, let's wait a little longer and call an ambulance. This is a fundamentally wrong tactic. The duration of the act of childbirth varies from person to person and does not always coincide with previous births. Labor takes less than 2 hours, which is why it is called "short labor". This time includes tens of minutes to think about calling an ambulance, the call itself, waiting for a car, planning a birth, transportation to a maternity hospital, hospitalization, an appointment with a midwife-polylogist, etc. Imagine.
We have time in two hours, is it worth the risk? In addition, by contacting a doctor in the early stages after childbirth, you can draw up an action plan to prevent or minimize the occurrence of complications, conduct the necessary examinations and treatment in a timely manner. Reducing the risk of complications during childbirth for both mother and fetus. In case of complications - timely treatment. Therefore, within 15-20 minutes there were several rhythmic contractions, and an ambulance should be called immediately. Of course, it is necessary to collect in advance the items and accessories that will be used in the maternity hospital, as well as the necessary documents. Don't forget the bill of exchange and the results of any additional tests.
The first contractions have begun, is it worth going to the maternity hospital?
Separately, pregnant women should be cared for in a pregnancy pathology department. With the development of general activity, you will not wait for the morning, fearing to wake up the neighbors or disturb the midwife on duty. Approach the midwife any time you are informed that a periodic fight is taking place.
Pregnant women who are about to give birth may move faster through the uterus. How to distinguish training fights from real ones, what they are for, how to make them easier - read the article.
This is a fake battle, a story about child abuse. First described by Dr. John Braxton Hicks in 1872 as transient contractions of the uterine muscles, the tone was found to increase after the 20th week of pregnancy. Therefore, training bouts are also called Braxton-Hicks wrestling. Appears day or night, gradually worsens and becomes more frequent as symptoms progress.
Experts believe that uterine activity occurs in response to hormonal changes in the body. Cutting back on training helps you "work out" before a real fight to prepare your uterus for the upcoming birth and easily cope with serious stress.
Training contractions: content of the article
Training contractions: what is it and why does it happen?
This usually occurs during the second trimester of pregnancy (around 20-25 weeks). In primitive people, it can begin with subsequent pregnancies, closer to the third month of pregnancy. In the later stages (weeks 35 to 37) you will often feel a decrease in training intensity and be able to actually train. Therefore, it is often called generic harassment. It is believed that if false labor pains become more frequent, the child will be born soon.
Brandon Hicks' labor pains last from a few seconds to a minute. It seems that the playback time of one time is from 10 to 15 minutes to 1 hour. They usually go away as suddenly as they started. The intervals are chaotic and don't usually show regularity, but this is different from actual battles.
What week do the training bouts start?
Think that labor has begun and start listening to the sensations. However, while the fight will end soon, it may flare up again after a few hours.
How long it lasts
False contractions are usually painless. However, since the prototype woman has nothing to compare to, the feeling is so strong that you might find it disgusting.
Drawing pain and slight tension in the lower abdomen.
Training contractions: sensations
Ephemeral character (lasts from a few seconds to minutes).
- Absence of severe pain (no "spills" in the back, spine).
- Training contractions usually manifest as spasms in some part of the uterus. Some people note that it is similar to the feeling of menstruation.
- There is no evidence that it affects fetal development. The risk is more psychological. Enhanced women are no longer afraid of phony hardships, and those about to give birth for the first time may panic. But such uterine contractions are nothing more than sounds.
If you don't have severe pain symptoms, slight tension, and visible discomfort, you probably don't have to worry. At the same time, training for uterine contraction does not harm either the woman or the child.
Are practice contractions dangerous?
During the second and subsequent pregnancies, the expectant mother already knows the difference in sensations and can easily determine whether the contraction has begun. Former or suspects may want to look out for the following signs that may indicate a false alarm:
There is no pain, there is a strong sense of discomfort. When you actually give birth, the contractions of the uterus are much weaker, the pain intensifies, it kind of wraps around the back. The content of education is similar to menstrual cramps.
How to tell practice contractions from real contractions
is easy to pass. A woman finds that her uterus has stopped contracting after doing calming and relaxing exercises in a comfortable position. Real fights just don't work. This can only be done with little effort. Either way, you can tell by the voltage.
- Lack of regularity. The interval between pseudobits is not constant. Even if it occurs frequently and lasts all day, it is not difficult to distinguish it from the present, because it does not become severe, it progresses as if in the background and does not interfere with daily life. or suddenly stop.
The normal pattern usually appears five or more times an hour, and each time it is reinforced with deceptive regularity.
- The difference between real fights and training fights is obvious. The first is very painful and rashes all over the abdomen and often the back. There is a difference in the upward trend. Crashes start randomly during the day, evening, or night, often after a change of position or long walks. However, at the same time, progress is rapid and symptoms are not severe.
- Painful training childbirth can turn into labor activity. This is usually possible even during pregnancy. This phenomenon is easy to recognize. If ordinary pseudo-deliveries become more frequent, do not stop for a long time, walk every 5-10 minutes, childbirth is likely soon. Even if the abbreviation disappears, even if the form disappears, birth is far away. Especially in a first pregnancy, it may not be possible to determine with certainty whether a baby has been born or not. In case of doubt, it is better to consult a doctor.
I can't do anything - false labor is too selfish. But if the feeling is still unpleasant, there are several ways to alleviate it.
Walk slowly. You can take a walk or stand at home for a bit and stretch. But don't drag it out all day. Otherwise, the tone will be louder, and this is undesirable if you are not yet approaching labor.
What to do during practice contractions?
Please relax. In the evening and during the day you lie down, read books and take a nap. Pregnant women have proven that it is better to sleep on the left side.
- I take a shower. It is a process that relaxes and releases muscle tension. However, it is forbidden to be too warm. Hot water is not hot and warm.
- Do you want to do it? Drinking water or berry juice may be effective. The body complements the lack of water, and the muscles do not have strong tension.
- exercise. Respiratory composite exercises and easy exercises for pregnant women make you look refreshing.