How do i sign my child up for medicaid
Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) Eligibility Requirements
The Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP)
If your children need health coverage, they may be eligible for the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP).
CHIP provides low-cost health coverage to children in families that earn too much money to qualify for Medicaid. In some states, CHIP covers pregnant women. Each state offers CHIP coverage, and works closely with its state Medicaid program.
See if your children qualify and apply for CHIP
Each state program has its own rules about who qualifies for CHIP. You can apply right now, any time of year, and find out if you qualify. If you apply for Medicaid coverage to your state agency, you’ll also find out if your children qualify for CHIP. If they qualify, you won't have to buy an insurance plan to cover them.
2 ways to apply for CHIP:
- Call 1-800-318-2596 (TTY: 1-855-889-4325).
- Fill out an application through the Health Insurance Marketplace®.
If it looks like anyone in your household qualifies for Medicaid or CHIP, we’ll send your information to your state agency. They’ll contact you about enrollment. When you submit your Marketplace application, you’ll also find out if you qualify for an individual insurance plan with savings based on your income instead. Create an account or log in to an existing account to get started.
FYI: Apply any time
You can apply for and enroll in Medicaid or CHIP any time of year. There’s no limited enrollment period for either Medicaid or CHIP. If you qualify, your coverage can start immediately.
What CHIP covers
CHIP benefits are different in each state. But all states provide comprehensive coverage, including:
- Routine check-ups
- Immunizations
- Doctor visits
- Prescriptions
- Dental and vision care
- Inpatient and outpatient hospital care
- Laboratory and X-ray services
- Emergency services
States may provide more CHIP benefits. Check with your state for information about covered services.
What CHIP costs
Routine "well child" doctor and dental visits are free under CHIP. But there may be
A fixed amount ($20, for example) you pay for a covered health care service after you've paid your deductible.
for other services. Some states charge a monthly
The amount you pay for your health insurance every month. In addition to your premium, you usually have to pay other costs for your health care, including a deductible, copayments, and coinsurance. If you have a Marketplace health plan, you may be able to lower your costs with a premium tax credit.
for CHIP coverage. The costs are different in each state, but you won’t have to pay more than 5% of your family's income for the year.
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Children’s Medicaid & CHIP | Texas Health and Human Services
Children in Texas might be able to get low-cost or free health coverage through Children's Medicaid or the Children's Health Insurance Program.
Children's Medicaid is a health care program for children in low-income families. CHIP is a health care program for children without health insurance whose families earn too much to get Medicaid but cannot afford health insurance.
To get Medicaid or CHIP, a child must be age 18 and younger (in some cases children with disabilities age 19 and 20 can get Medicaid). They must also be a Texas resident and a U.S. citizen or qualified non-citizen.
When you apply, we'll ask about your family's income to see which programs your child can get.
Apply for Medicaid and CHIP
Services Covered by Medicaid and CHIP
- Regular checkups at the doctor and dentist
- Medicine and vaccines
- Hospital care and services
- X-rays and lab tests
- Vision and hearing care
- Access to medical specialists and mental health care
- Treatment of special health needs and pre-existing conditions
These services are provided by health plans. If your child gets Medicaid or CHIP, you will choose a plan from the ones available in your service area.
Children with Disabilities
Children with disabilities can get long-term services and supports through Medicaid. These services can include:
- Home care and personal care, like having someone help monitor your child's health and help them with daily activities.
- Having someone help take your child to their medical appointments.
- Nursing home care.
- A hospital for mental illnesses.
- A place of care for people with intellectual disabilities.
Learn about Medicaid programs for children and adults with disabilities.
CHIP does not cover long-term services and supports.
If you have a child with a disability and make too much money to get Medicaid, you might be able to get coverage through the Medicaid Buy-In for Children program. MBIC allows families of children with disabilities to make a monthly payment to get Medicaid coverage.
Learn about other programs and services for people with disabilities.
Income Guidelines for Children's Medicaid
Your income is the money you get paid before taxes are taken out. Find your family size on the table below. If your monthly income is the same or less, your child might get Children's Medicaid.
Family Members (Adults plus children) | Monthly Family Income |
1* | $1,510 |
2 | $2,034 |
3 | $2,559 |
4 | $3,083 |
5 | $3,607 |
6 | $4,132 |
7 | $4,656 |
8 | $5,180 |
For each additional person, add: | $525 |
*A family of one might be a child who does not live with a parent or other relative.
If your income is higher than the limits listed above, check the limits below for CHIP.
Income Guidelines for CHIP
Your income is the money you get paid before taxes are taken out. Find your family size on the table below. If your monthly income is the same or less, your child might get CHIP.
Family Members (Adults plus children) | Monthly Family Income |
1* | $2,277 |
2 | $3,067 |
3 | $3,858 |
4 | $4,649 |
5 | $5,439 |
6 | $6,230 |
7 | $7,020 |
For each additional person, add: | $791 |
*A family of one might be a child who does not live with a parent or other relative.
How Much Does It Cost?
Children's Medicaid is free.
If we find your child can get Children's Medicaid, there is no cost to receive services.
CHIP fees vary based on your income.
If we find your child can get CHIP, your enrollment fee and co-pays will be based on your family's income. Enrollment fees are $50 or less per family, per year.
Co-pays for doctor visits and medicine range from $3 to $5 for lower-income families and $20 to $35 for higher-income families.
Frequently Asked Questions - Family Health Centers
Frequently Asked Questions - Family Health CentersHere are answers to some of the most frequently asked questions.
Do we accept bypass?
We recommend calling in advance and making an appointment for the same day.
Are we accepting new patients?
Yes, Family Health Centers are accepting new patients. Some providers may be limited in the number of new patients they currently accept. Our planners will help you find a provider in a location that is convenient for you.
Do we see patients in person or telemedicine?
FHC examines patents in person, via telemedicine and video visits. Telehealth or video visiting is useful if you have problems with transportation or child care. Some medical needs are best served in person.
What should I do if I get sick when the Family Health Centers are closed?
If you need to contact an FHC provider while we are closed, please call (502) 774-8631. The answering machine will help connect you to the call provider. The call provider will usually answer your call within 30 minutes or less. Your health insurance card may also include a nurse's out-of-hours telephone line to answer your questions.
Can another family member or other person bring my child to an appointment if I cannot go?
We prefer that a parent or guardian be present at the appointment so that important questions about the child's health, any illnesses and treatment options can be answered during the visit. However, if the parent is unable to attend, the adult named on the power of attorney form may bring the child. Proxy forms can be completed at the front desk and must be completed by the child's parent or guardian.
Test and laboratory results
How will I receive my lab results?
There are several ways to get lab results. First, the FHC will notify you of any abnormal or alarming results. Please make sure FHC has a good phone number for you so we can contact you with these results. Patients can also view test results online at My Medical Record, FHC Patient Medical Record Online. Patients can also call and ask for a nurse to get lab results. Results are usually available within one week after the procedure.
How do I get a referral to a specialist?
You should first contact your Family Health Center provider about a health problem. They can then refer you to a specialist or recommend one for you.
I haven't made an appointment with my specialist yet, what should I do?
If you have questions about the status of a referral or need to renew it, call the FHC website and select the "Request Referral" option from the phone menu.
Medical records
How can I get a copy of my medical record, including my vaccination card?
If you need a copy of your medical records, you can contact our Health Information Management Department at (502) 772-8311. You will be asked to fill out a "Request for Reports" form. You will be asked to present a photo ID when requesting and receiving an appointment. FHC will contact you as soon as your documents are ready for release. Only the patient or legal representative (parent, legal guardian, etc.) may collect records. Your entries cannot be mailed.
What forms of identification can I use to get my records?
FHC accepts any official ID with your name and photo, including Kentucky ID, any state driver's license, student ID, work ID with photo and name, and passports.
How can I give my FHC records to my new doctor or attorney?
Come to the Family Health Center to sign an authorization to release your medical records. You can also subscribe to My Health Record and request that the records be sent to your new provider or to another person to whom you authorize the records to be shared. You will need to provide FHC with a name, address, telephone and fax number where records can be sent.
Can I view my medical records online?
Yes, register My health card. You can view and download your medical records, lab results, and your children's medical records. You need an email address to create a My Health Record account.
My relative has verbal access to my Protect Health Information (PHI). Can they sign my records?
FHC can only release medical records if you have given permission to release medical records to that person. You can request authorization at any FHC branch.
Where can I go to collect my medical records or sign an authorization?
You can go to the nearest branch to pick up your medical records or sign an authorization. When requesting medical records, tell FHC which site to send your medical records to for collection.
Can I e-mail authorization or receive my medical records?
No, FHC cannot use email to send or receive medical records, authorizations, or other protected information. However, you can use My Medical Record to submit an authorization or receive records online.
Are COVID-19 home tests available at the FHC?
Sometimes. In the past, the FHC has provided free home testing to the public. When available, FHC will offer free testing kits to our patients and the community at no cost.
Can I get tested for COVID-19?
How much does it cost to get a test or vaccine for COVID-19?
FHC does not have out-of-pocket payments for COVID-19 testing or vaccinations. If you have insurance, FHC will bill you for your insurance.
Sliding fee and insurance
Do you accept my insurance?
FHC accepts all Kentucky Medicaid Managed Care (Passport-Molina, United Healthcare, Aetna, Anthem, Humana, WellCare) and most major carriers for Medicare and private health insurance. If you have questions, please call our billing department at (502) 772-9064.
What can I bring to prove my income? If I don't have it, what can I do?
Do Family Health Centers sign patients for insurance?
Yes, FHC can help patients and community members get Medicaid or insurance purchased through kynect. Visit the Health Insurance Help Page for more information.
If I don't have insurance, can they see me?
yes. FHC accepts patients with and without insurance. We offer rolling discounts and help with health insurance to make your health care affordable to you.
Can be seen without photo ID?
yes. Family Health Centers do not require patients to present photo ID at their visit. We invite everyone to the Family Health Centers; we won't ask about immigration status and we don't need Social Security Numbers (SSNs) to get you help.
Early Intervention Program - Growing Up NYC
- Eligibility
- Statement
- Reference
The Early Intervention Program (EIP) is designed to help young children (birth to age 3) with learning disabilities and developmental delays (differ from other children of their age in learning, play, growth, communication, or ability to walk). Program representatives work with families to set appropriate goals for the child and create a service plan that will help the child and family achieve those goals.
- The EIP is available to all families in New York City, regardless of income or immigration status.
- Assistance to families under the program is provided free of charge. Your health insurance, including Medicaid, can be used to pay for early intervention services, with no direct cost to you or impact on health benefits.
- If your child is 2 years and 11 months old, you can call 311 to see if they can be enrolled in the program.
- Children can leave the program at any time, but around the time the child is two years old, families and their team begin planning for the family's next steps after our program ends.
- When a child turns 3, they may be eligible for preschool special education services provided by the Committee on Preschool Special Education with support from the Department of Education.
- If your child is not eligible and is under three years of age, you can enroll your child in an early intervention and developmental program. This free monitoring program will let you know if your child is developing according to his age. The program is available to any family that believes their child may have a developmental delay.
Who is eligible
To be accepted into the EIP program, a child must:
- Live in New York City.
- Be no older than three years.
- Complete an assessment. Program representatives will help you select an institution to conduct the assessment.
How to apply
Anyone can send a child under three years of age to the EIP program. To refer your child to the program:
- Call 311 and say you want to refer your child to EIP.
- Complete the referral form and fax it to the regional EIP office (listed on the form).
- Call the regional office in the borough where your child lives and tell them you want to enroll your child in an early intervention program.
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