Pregnant poop a lot
Is Pooping A Lot A Sign Of Pregnancy?
You've heard all about morning sickness and tender boobs as early signs of pregnancy, but what about your uh...bathroom habits? Whether you’re newly pregnant or wondering if you could be, there are some digestive changes that come along with pregnancy that you should know about, particularly if you're suddenly running to the toilet for number twos all the time. (Not fun!) pooping a lot one of the signs of early pregnancy?Actually, this is a bit of a myth, says Temeka Zore, MD, a board-certified ob-gyn and reproductive endocrinologist at Spring Fertility. Pooping a lot isn't linked to the beginning of most pregnancies. In fact, constipation is more likely.
Hormonal changes, particularly during the menstrual cycle, can have an affect on bowels, especially for people with IBS, research has found. But without a regular cycle during pregnancy, you may not notice the same digestive patterns (a. k.a. period poops) that you might have during menstruation. (Still, that's not to say *no one* experiences an increase in poops during early pregnancy, it's just not super common.)
During the early stages of pregnancy, the first thing you’ll probably notice is your period dropping off. Then, it’s common to experience nausea or vomiting, breast tenderness, fatigue, and increased urination, says Dr. Zore. Bloating and cramping, particularly of the uterus, are also some things you should be prepared for. It’s important to note that most of these unpleasant symptoms won’t last for too long in your pregnancy (thankfully!).
What if I *am* pregnant and pooping more frequently—normal?If your stomach issues go beyond occasional cramping, bloating, and fullness—these are signs that the uterus is expanding and compressing your bowels, says Dr. Zore—there might be something else going on. Of course, if you’re already aware that you have a form of inflammatory bowel disease, just note that the symptoms may flare up during pregnancy, according to a study published in Gastroenterology and Hematology.
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If you’ve never been diagnosed with any gastroenterological conditions and are experiencing frequent bouts of diarrhea throughout your pregnancy, for example, this is worth getting checked out, since it could be a sign of a more serious inflammatory bowel condition, like ulcerative colitis or Crohn’s disease. "These include multiple episodes of diarrhea per day, bloody stools, fever, and abdominal pain,” Dr. Zore explains. It’s important to pay attention to any of these symptoms, whether they’re mild, moderate, or severe, she says.
What can you do if you have pregnancy diarrhea?Again, diarrhea throughout pregnancy is actually less typical than constipation, but if you do experience it, it's more likely to happen closer to the time of delivery. “At that time, your uterus starts producing hormones known as prostaglandins, which help soften the cervix and prepare the uterus to contract in labor,” explains Dr. Zore.
The prostaglandins also get the smooth muscles of the digestive tract moving, so stool will pass more quickly, Dr. Zore says. You may just experience increased frequency or urgency to go to the bathroom, or you may even get diarrhea in some cases.
If you do have diarrhea, hydration is super important. Basically, loading up on water is your best defense mechanism. Eating a diet rich in fiber while pregnant is also key to make sure you don’t end up with loose stools, says Dr. Zore.
What other poop changes can happen during pregnancy?You’re likely to have constipation at any point of your pregnancy due to the hormonal changes going on. “The elevated progesterone levels in pregnancy lead to smooth muscle relaxation in the uterus (to prevent uterine contractions early on) but can also lead to the relaxation of the smooth muscle in the colon, leading to reduced bowel activity and constipation,” says Dr. Zore.
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The other unpleasant symptom you may experience during pregnancy is hemorrhoids, which can affect 30 to 40 percent of people during pregnancy and the postpartum stage, according to Dr. Zore. They can make constipation worse, first of all, but can also cause pain and even bleeding. This makes your hydration and high-fiber diet even more of a priority, Dr. Zore says.
If you’re experiencing persistent bleeding or bloody stools, that is a red flag of a potentially more serious condition.
When should you see a doctor?Any time you notice blood in your stools while pregnant, contact your ob-gyn to check in on what could be wrong, Dr. Zore says. If you have persistent diarrhea that’s causing you to lose weight during pregnancy or is accompanied by a fever greater than 100.4 degrees, alert your doc, she adds. And, if you find yourself not making it to the bathroom, or having extreme stomach pains or cramping, you should bring these symptoms up to your gyno, too.
In some cases, it might benefit you to see a G.I. doctor as well as your ob-gyn. “If you have a known history of inflammatory bowel disease and notice you are having a flare of your symptoms, you should contact your ob-gyn as well as your gastroenterologist,” says Dr. Zore. Or, if your pregnancy is causing stomach issues beyond the scope of what seems normal, it wouldn’t hurt to have a check up with a gastroenterologist to make sure your digestion is healthy.
The bottom line: Pooping more and having diarrhea usually isn't an early sign of pregnancy. Most pregnant women deal with constipation. If you are having diarrhea, check in with your ob-gyn.
Mara Santilli
Mara is a freelance writer and editor specializing in culture, politics, wellness, and the intersection between them, whose print and digital work has appeared in Marie Claire, Women’s Health, Cosmopolitan, Airbnb Mag, Prevention, and more. She’s a Fordham University graduate who also has a degree in Italian Studies, so naturally she’s always daydreaming about focaccia.
Pooping A Lot While Pregnant
When you are pregnant, a lot of small problems can be an indication of a much larger problem. For example, one of the most overlooked pregnancy issues is pooping, especially during late pregnancy. Often, it is not a problem, but frequent bowel movements during pregnancy can be a sign of an infection, a condition called irritable bowel syndrome or allergies. To better understand how much is too much when it comes to bowel movements during pregnancy, it is first important to understand if this is a normal phenomenon.
Is It Normal to Poop a Lot During Pregnancy?
The first thing we must understand about bowel movements is that it varies from person to person. In most cases, frequent bowel movements during early pregnancy are a symptom of minor hormonal changes that are common during this period. In some cases, however, frequent bowel movements signify an infection, irritable bowel syndrome or an upset stomach. Considering this aspect, we recommend you avoid spicy foods, fried foods, and foods that are hard to digest when pregnant and poop frequently. Apart from this, you may have also increased your intake of fruits and vegetables during this phase. This can also lead to an increase in your bowel movements in a day, as certain fruits like prunes, apples, and kiwis can act as a natural laxative. At any rate, it’s usually best to visit the bathroom often than be constipated, as long as there isn’t an unhealthy reason behind this development!
Reasons for Frequent Bowel Movements During Pregnancy?
1. Changes in Hormones
Most of us will experience at least a few undesirable side effects during pregnancy due to the high levels of pregnancy hormones; frequent urination may be one of them for you. Progesterone can relax muscles, including the muscles involved in digestion. As a result, constipation is a common side effect for many women, but it’s excessive defecation for some.

Most of us take prenatal supplements while pregnant, and some women may have stomach trouble. Although folic acid or folate is essential, if your diet is healthy, you might not need the other nutrients.
3. Stress and Anxiety
Anxiety and stress are other causes of frequent bowel motions. Feeling anxious and even afraid is normal when you first learn you’re pregnant. Additionally, there is no assurance that your anxiety will diminish as your pregnancy continues. If you believe that your shift in poop habits is due to anxiety or high-stress levels, now would be an excellent time to learn some relaxation techniques.
4. Changes in Diet
Of course, it might just be a result of your altered diet. When you learn you’re pregnant, you probably feel inspired to improve your diet and take better care of yourself. This entails consuming more organic fruits, veggies and water. You might discover that you’re using the restroom more frequently due to all of this, which can directly affect your bowel movements.
How to Ensure Excessive Pooping Is Not Diarrhoea
Diarrhoea is commonly the cause of frequent bowel movements. It is also important to note that diarrhoea often results in stools that are watery or present in a semi-liquid form. In most cases, if your stools are solid during pregnancy, it is not diarrhoea. If you are often pooping and it isn’t diarrhoea, consult your doctor to rule out any infections or other complications.
What if You Are Suffering From Diarrhoea?
If you are suffering from diarrhoea, you shouldn’t panic; this is normal during pregnancy. Diarrhoea during pregnancy is most commonly caused due to the shift in hormone levels and weaker immunity, which strains your digestive tract. If you are suffering from diarrhoea, first consult your doctor. If the doctor says there is no food poisoning, infection, or any other medical problem or condition (apart from the pregnancy itself), then make key lifestyle changes by avoiding consuming heavy foods, sugary drinks, and other hard-to-digest consumables. Remember to exercise as well as this helps your digestive tract and keeps your body resistant to conditions that may harm you due to a weakened immune system.
When to Call a Doctor
In most cases, frequent bowel movements during pregnancy, from the second trimester to the end of your pregnancy, should be monitored carefully. During the first trimester, the risk of suffering any complications is minimal. After the first trimester, diarrhoea and frequent stools will be common but dissipate within a couple of days or a week. If this doesn’t happen, visit a doctor immediately.
Frequent bowel movements during pregnancy can strain an already exhausted body. During this time, the stools will drain essential minerals from your body and dehydrate you. Therefore, it is important that you stay hydrated and consume mineral-infused water frequently during this period. Consult your doctor for more information about frequent bowel movements during pregnancy.
1. Why Am I Pooping a Lot in My Third Trimester?
As your due date draws closer, diarrhoea during the third trimester becomes more likely. It can happen just before labour or a few weeks beforehand, and it might be a clue that labour is about to start. An early birth should not be anticipated if you are a few weeks past your due date.
2. Can You Have a Miscarriage While Pooping a Lot?
While it doesn’t result in a miscarriage, diarrhoea can impact a pregnancy. Sometimes having a loose stool is normal, but if you have more than three days of diarrhoea or a fever of at least 100.4 F, consult your doctor immediately.
Also Read:
Pooping During Delivery
Diarrhoea During Pregnancy
Green Stool During Pregnancy
Treatment of constipation in pregnant women in a private clinic
This is one of the most common, but at the same time the most delicate problems that occur in at least 50% of pregnant women. In a normal state, bowel movements should be daily and in sufficient volume. Any deviations in this process require attention and adjustment of the diet, lifestyle and even psychological attitude. From a physiological point of view, problems in the work of the gastrointestinal tract are explained by hormonal changes and the physiological characteristics of the body of a pregnant woman (under the influence of various processes in different phases of pregnancy, the contraction of the smooth muscles of the intestine is weakened, in addition, the enlarged uterus compresses the intestines, etc.).
Among other - non-medical reasons - the most common are the features of a woman's lifestyle: systematic stress; lack of mobility; lack of fiber; low water intake (not liquids!) and/or high intake of refined foods and foods with a high composition of sugar, homogenized fats and salt (fast food). “Refined foods are refined oils, polished rice, white flour and all the familiar white refined sugar, plus fast food with a high composition of sugar, homogenized fats and salt, which slow down the absorption of nutrients by the body and the passage of food in the intestines” (Laima Lankmane, naturopath, herbalist).
Homeopaths say that constipation is not only a “problem” of the rectum, “it is a problem of the whole organism as a whole and it must be solved in a complex way” (D.V. Arkhipova, Ph.D., homeopath): for example, this may be an allergic reaction to certain foods. Therefore, constipation is, in principle, an individual problem, and an individual approach will be the most effective solution to the problem: “Even equally pregnant women do not have 2 identical constipations: some had them before pregnancy, others did not eat properly, others did not move. All good wishes for real constipation will work only in 10% of cases. The only right decision is a full-fledged visit to a homeopath, who will approach the solution of the disharmony that has arisen, taking into account all the individual characteristics of a woman, looking at her as an integral unique system ”(A.S. Gavrilenko, obstetrician-gynecologist, Ph.D., homeopath , reflexologist).
First, about how NOT to solve the problem of constipation: classic laxatives such as hay, aloe vera and castor oil are contraindicated for pregnant women - they can cause premature contractions.
Now about what is POSSIBLE and NEEDED.
- Need to temporarily eliminate dairy products. “The main milk protein, casein, is one of the most difficult to digest proteins and is also a strong allergen. The fact that cottage cheese itself is capable of causing constipation is probably known to everyone. If you solve the problem with constipation in this way, then carefully introduce natural fermented milk products into the diet (preferably without flavorings and sugar) ”(D.V. Arkhipova, Ph.D., homeopath). It’s not worth worrying that the baby won’t get enough of something - he will take everything he needs from “mother’s reserves”, and the question is not in the amount eaten, but in the amount absorbed by the mother’s body. From the point of view of homeopathy, if you want - eat, no - you don’t need to force yourself, because. food likes and aversions are in accordance with our constitution, and therefore our needs (naturally, this applies to healthy and healthy eating habits).
- It is necessary to monitor the fluid used - or rather, drink enough clean water. Volume - from one to three liters per day, if desired, but not less than a liter. “If you don’t feel like drinking water, you need to remove sweet drinks and teas from the diet and compensate for this with clean water (preferably raw, of artesian origin, pleasant to the taste, and even better thawed).” (T.G. Sadovaya, obstetrician, author of the lecture “Nutrition during pregnancy”).
- “Dried fruits are required (you can pour prunes with water at night and drink an infusion in the morning), and / or drink a glass of water in the morning on an empty stomach (you can add a little lemon juice there) and a glass of water with honey at night” (I.S. Arefyeva, obstetrician gynecologist).
- The diet should have a sufficient amount of fiber: at least 50% of the diet of natural plant foods in raw and processed form (fiber stimulates peristalsis). It can be whole grain cereals, products made from wholemeal flour, fruits before meals or in between, vegetables, berries (the same cranberries help with constipation).
- A daily intake of 1 to 3 tablespoons of unrefined oils has a good effect on the body. “Sweet almond oil (food) has a pronounced laxative effect and does not irritate the intestinal wall. Olive and linseed oils, as well as walnut oil, also have a mild laxative effect. Do not forget that unrefined oils should be stored in the refrigerator (with the exception of olive oil), and flaxseed should be eaten within a month after opening the bottle. (O.L. Bannikova, obstetrician).
- Add magnesium-rich foods to your diet, such as green leafy vegetables, walnuts and almonds, sunflower seeds (unroasted and preferably pre-soaked for 5-7 hours), green buckwheat and spinach. “You can try this recipe - soak 1 teaspoon of flax seeds in ½ cup of warm water and leave for several hours. Then eat it just like that or add it to porridge, soup” (L. Lankmane, naturopath, phytotherapeutist).
- You can try to consume more foods that normalize the balance of intestinal flora - such as kefir (preferably homemade), miso soup, sauerkraut.
- You should not get carried away with strong tea, black coffee, cocoa, chocolate, white bread, flour and slimy soups, semolina, blueberries. All these products, like dry food, have a fixing effect. For the time of problems with the gastrointestinal tract, it is better to observe separate fractional meals, drink liquid 15 minutes before meals or some time later, etc. - that is, to facilitate the assimilation of the food consumed as much as possible. Make sure that there are no distortions - the daily diet should be balanced.
- Enzymatic preparations can be drunk for a short time. If these are preparations of animal origin - no more than 7 days, plant enzymes can be taken longer. You can take probiotics, beneficial gut bacteria that aid digestion. Long-term use of these biological products not only normalizes the intestinal flora, but also contributes to a less pronounced manifestation of dysbacteriosis in a newborn child. (D.V. Arkhipova, homeopath, PhD, pediatrician)
- Check the level of iron with a doctor - against the background of its deficiency, intestinal disorders are also possible.
“But keep in mind that some iron-containing dietary supplements, unfortunately, can only worsen this condition (not to mention dosage forms). It is better to add foods rich in iron, such as almonds, pine nuts, apricots, avocados, sunflower and pumpkin seeds, wheat germ ”(L. Lankmane, naturopath, herbalist).
- Freshly squeezed juices, diluted 1 to 1 with water 15 minutes before meals, stimulate the production of pancreatic enzymes and aid digestion in the most natural way. (D.V. Arkhipova, homeopath, PhD, pediatrician)
- Drink hot - as far as possible - water on an empty stomach, a little later, eat half a banana, chewing it for a long time and macerating it with saliva to a liquid slurry (the banana must be ripe!). (O.L. Bannikova, obstetrician).
- Starting from the second trimester, you can use essential oils: exotic basil (Ocimum basilicum in Latin), seaside pine (Pinus Pinaster), saro (Cinnamosma fragrans, Saro), rosewood (Aniba rosaeodora). “Oils should be only edible, of good quality! It is not recommended to use essential oils during the first 3 months of pregnancy.
1st composition - take 1 drop of basil, 2 drops of pine on a small piece of sugar or honey and suck under the tongue in the morning on an empty stomach. 2nd composition - basil 30 drops, rosewood 20 drops, saro 10 drops and 40 drops of apricot kernel oil or any other unrefined food oil. Mix. Take 3 drops of this mixture under the tongue on sugar or honey morning and evening before meals for 5-7 days or as needed. When buying aroma oils, be sure to check whether there is information on the packaging that this oil can be eaten. (O.L. Bannikova, obstetrician)
- If this does not help, you can try to use "Duphalac" for a short time.
Enough physical activity, swimming in the pool. Walking for at least one hour. But the load should be increased gradually. To begin with, one lesson should be no more than 30 minutes. The step should be slow, the shoes are comfortable, and the route should be laid away from the roads. Gymnastics for pregnant women for at least 30 minutes daily. As gymnastics, our yoga instructor for pregnant women Svetlana Shnyrova recommends a few simple exercises:
- backbends in cat pose (standing on all fours),
- alternating leg raises from a sitting position on the floor with support on the hands,
- certain types of soft twists of the spine from a sitting or lying position,
- Breathing exercises such as a few deep belly breaths can also help.
During class, you should carefully monitor your well-being and, if any discomfort occurs, immediately leave the pose. And watch how your baby reacts to the exercises.
These exercises stimulate the intestines, improve blood circulation in the abdominal cavity, and help to establish a regular bowel movement. In general, the problem of constipation should be approached comprehensively, drink more water in the morning, adjust nutrition, move more, walk, swim, do yoga.
Constipation in pregnancy - what to do? Obstetrician-gynecologist consults: articles of the Oxford Medical Medical Center Ivano-Frankivsk
Deba Victoria Tarasovna - obstetrician-gynecologist of the Oxford Medical Medical Center.
Pregnancy is a special condition during which a woman needs attention, care and safety. When you carry a separate life under your heart, you feel a special responsibility, you try to pay more attention to your health, you create optimal conditions for your environment. This condition is difficult to describe in words, therefore, I think that every pregnant woman will simply understand me.
Unfortunately, during pregnancy, our body also throws out not very pleasant things: toxicosis, swelling, mood variability. Did you know that the most common problem during pregnancy is constipation?
Why does pregnancy get constipated?
Normally, defecation should be 1 time per day. According to statistics, eight out of ten women go to the doctor with complaints of constipation. So what is the connection between pregnancy and a tendency to constipation?
It so happened that anatomically, the uterus and intestines in women have a common innervation. Accordingly, during pregnancy, the woman's body mobilizes all the forces to ensure that the uterus is relaxed. And next to the uterus, the intestines relax. This process is activated by the pregnancy hormone, progesterone.
Therefore, a pregnant woman can, at best, once every 1-2 weeks go to the stool. Of course, this is accompanied by discomfort, flatulence, abdominal pain. This process is also facilitated by a decrease in physical activity, reduced water intake due to fear of edema, compression of the intestines by the uterus.
It is worth noting that taking certain drugs, such as iron and calcium supplements, which are recommended for pregnant women, also causes constipation.
What can complicate constipation?
As stool stagnates in the intestines, it becomes hard due to the constant absorption of fluid in the large intestine. The exit of solid feces from the rectum is accompanied by constant attempts in a woman, and this can very soon lead to the appearance of hemorrhoids. Also, hard feces irritate the walls of the anus, which creates a risk of anal fissures.
Prenatal Nutrition Tips
In order to eliminate the problem of constipation and prevent the occurrence of complications, it is worth reviewing your diet and making certain adjustments. Let's start with drinking water: it is worth drinking at least 1.5 liters of water. If this amount causes swelling, it is worth consulting with a leading ob-gyn to eliminate this problem.
In the future, completely avoid during pregnancy such foods as:
- chocolate;
- mushrooms;
- legumes;
- sweets;
- strong tea and strong coffee;
- hard cheeses;
- smoked sausages;
- spices;
- animal fats;
- white bread, etc.
It is easy to understand that everyone who sees this list will at least want to cry, because how can one refuse this yummy? And we will provide options for wonderful alternatives that will be both tasty and healthy for a pregnant woman:
- fiber-rich foods: greens, apples (raw and baked), green beans, whole grain bread;
- baked pumpkin, pumpkin cream soup;
- dried fruits;
- sweet fruits: kiwifruit, bananas;
- fermented milk products (preferably in the first and second trimester, in the third Not recommended)
- boiled meat of rabbit, chicken;
- obligatory ratio of meat to vegetables - 1: 2 (zucchini, broccoli, carrots, cucumbers, etc.