Do you still ovulate when your pregnant
Can You Get Pregnant While Pregnant? It’s Rare But Possible
There are plenty of reasons to not love every minute of pregnancy — morning sickness, leg cramps, and heartburn, just to name a few — but the freedom to have sex with your partner whenever you want without worrying about birth control is one of pregnancy’s bigger selling points.
After all, you can’t get pregnant when you’re pregnant, right? RIGHT?!
Sorry to be the bearer of mind-blowing news, but everything you thought about pregnancy and fertility is pretty much wrong. OK, not everything… just enough to make it necessary for us to inform you that — technically — you can add another bun to your oven even when one’s already cooking in there.
A double pregnancy, or superfetation, is extremely rare — in fact, there aren’t even stats on how often it happens — but it’s scientifically possible. We’re not saying you should worry about it happening to you, just that you can’t say that it’s impossible. Here’s why.
There are three things that happen to your body when you get pregnant that make it super unlikely you’ll be able to get pregnant again in the next 9 months:
- You stop ovulating. You need to produce a healthy egg in order to get pregnant. Once that egg has been successfully fertilized and implants in your uterus, pregnancy hormones tell your ovaries that you don’t need to ovulate anymore right now.
- Speaking of your uterus, it gets pretty tough for another fertilized egg to implant once the first one has nestled in there. The uterine lining thickens to support the first egg and that makes it hard for another to attach itself.
- During pregnancy, your cervix produces something called a mucus plug, which not only protects your uterus from infection but also prevents sperm from passing through the cervix.
Any one of these things — ovulation, second implantation, or sperm getting through in the first place — happening after conception would be unusual.
Having all three of them happen, resulting in superfetation, is practically unheard of. (We mean this literally: Medical experts can only point to about 10 confirmed cases in the literature, as evidenced by a 2017 article.)
In order to have a double pregnancy, you’d have to either ovulate while pregnant or have two uteri. Both of those scenarios, again, are highly unlikely.
Ovulating during pregnancy happens so infrequently doctors haven’t been able to study why it may occur.
While uterine abnormalities aren’t quite as uncommon, doctors typically see people with a divided or partially formed uterus, not two separate uteri.
This condition, called didelphic uterus, is rare. While it can cause a double pregnancy, it’s more likely to result in a miscarriage than two pregnancies at the same time.
Since double pregnancy happens so infrequently, there’s no definitive info about how close in gestational age the two fetuses would be.
A 2013 study suggests these fetuses are usually conceived between 2 and 4 weeks apart, so it’s likely to be something that happens within a short window of time after the first conception. Considering that the average length of time between menstrual cycles is about 28 days, that makes sense.
As far as the timing of labor and delivery, a double pregnancy can complicate things a little but not dramatically. You wouldn’t be dealing with, say, a 7-month-old fetus and a 3-month-old one.
Your babies will be close in age. For the most part, babies born between 37 and 38 weeks gestation have healthy outcomes, so you could — in theory — schedule a delivery that falls somewhere in between the younger and older babies’ estimated due dates.
There have been a handful of confirmed double pregnancies over the years, including:
- Jessica Allen agreed to be a surrogate for a Chinese couple. When it was discovered she was carrying two fetuses, doctors assumed the embryo had split into twins. After delivering the babies, however, both Allen and the biological parents were confused about how different in appearance they were. DNA testing eventually confirmed that one baby was the biological child of Allen and her husband while the other was the biological child of the Chinese parents.
- Julia Grovenburg became pregnant with one baby in early 2010 and then conceived another roughly 2 and a half weeks later. The superfetation was discovered by her doctor during an ultrasound, which revealed the babies were growing at two different rates within two different uterine sacs. The babies also had two different due dates but were ultimately born via cesarean section on the same day.
- Kate Hill conceived two babies 10 days apart after receiving treatment for polycystic ovary syndrome. She and her husband were trying to conceive but only had sex once — despite the two eggs being fertilized separately.
Twins happen when a fertilized egg splits in two after implantation (for identical twins) or when two separate eggs are fertilized at the same exact time (for fraternal twins).
These are different from superfetation, which occurs when two eggs are fertilized during separate instances of ovulation.
In other words, twins are conceived during the same ovulatory cycle. In superfetation, one egg is fertilized and implants in the uterus, and then — during a secondary ovulatory cycle — another egg follows suit.
As far as knowing when a double pregnancy has occurred instead of the more likely twin conception, it’s fairly tough to decipher before the babies are born.
Two of the indicators — a significant difference in gestational size and a second baby suddenly appearing on a later ultrasound — can have other explanations. For example, it’s more reasonable to assume that the fetuses are simply growing differently or that an ultrasound technician missed the second fetus the first time around.
After birth, of course, a marked difference in the babies’ physical appearance (like being of two different ethnicities, as in Jessica Allen’s case) is a strong enough sign that DNA testing may be warranted, which would confirm or rule out superfetation for certain.
Further complicating things, there’s a similar-but-different biological phenomenon called superfecundation, which refers to fraternal twins with two different fathers.
This happens when two eggs are released during one ovulatory cycle, with each one being fertilized by sperm from a different male partner. A woman would need to have sex with two different men within the short window of ovulation, which is typically about 5 days.
Since the eggs are released, fertilized, and implanted during the same ovulatory cycle, superfecundation isn’t the same as a double pregnancy. It’s almost equally as rare, though. One study from way back in 1992 estimated it had happened in about 2 percent of the twin cases examined.
Once more for the people in the back: This situation happens so infrequently that doctors can’t say if the risks of carrying and delivering babies with a double pregnancy are higher or not than in traditional pregnancies.
If both fetuses are developing normally, there may not be any increased risks in carrying them. On the other hand, problems may arise if one is significantly “younger” in gestational age or less developed than the other.
Beyond that, a person facing delivery with a double pregnancy would simply have the same risks as anyone delivering multiples. Those risks include low birth weight, preeclampsia, and preterm delivery, among others.
Do you need to be worried about winding up with a superfetation situation? Probably not. It can happen once in a blue moon — and if you’re an extremely rare case, it could explain why your “twins” aren’t developing along the same growth pattern.
Otherwise, consider this a fun fact to pull out at parties: Yes, you can (in theory) become pregnant while pregnant.
Do You Ovulate When Pregnant? – Knix
Your menstrual cycle is typically interrupted by pregnancy. This means when you are pregnant, you typically don’t ovulate or menstruate. The body “switches gears”, so to speak, and focuses on developing the growing embryo.
However, on rare occasions (i.e. undergoing fertility treatment), fertilization and implantation of a second embryo may occur during an ongoing initial pregnancy.
In this article, we’ll explain the key phases of a menstrual cycle and then look more closely at what happens during ovulation. Then we will dive deeper with simple terms, into current theories surrounding the complex and rare occurrence of superfetation, which by definition is when a woman becomes pregnant during a different ovulatory cycle, while already pregnant.
Your Menstrual Cycle: The Structures and their Phases
Your monthly menstrual cycle can be divided into 3 phases occurring in two different structures at the same time.
- The ovary
- The uterus
The Ovary
- Follicular
- Ovulation
- Luteal
The Uterus
- Secretory
- Proliferative
- Menstruation
The most commonly referenced menstrual cycle is 28 days. However, the normal range for many adult women of reproductive age is 21-35 days.
Many also experience irregular menstrual cycles, which can be caused by a variety of differing factors. Tracking the menstrual cycle can be helpful in collecting information and detecting any abnormalities or deviations from your normal menstrual baseline.
What Is Ovulation?
In women of reproductive age, the ovary releases a follicle (oocyte) each month, around days 13–15 of a 28-day menstrual cycle.
After the oocyte is released from the ovary (ovulation), it moves into the fallopian tube. The rupture of the ovarian follicle during ovulation can cause some light spotting, and some can even feel it happen.
Ovulation is controlled by the release of specific hormones like (i.e. luteinizing hormone (LH) from the pituitary gland (also in the brain) at a specific time within the menstrual cycle. The predictability of ovulation can be affected by other hormone levels as well as stressors.
What Happens After Ovulation?
After ovulation, the oocyte moves through the fallopian tube for 12–24 hours, waiting to be fertilized by sperm. Your sex drive may also increase during ovulation. It’s worth noting that sperm can live inside a female body for up to 5 days, so the window for getting pregnant is longer than just a couple of days.
If the egg is not fertilized during that time, it disintegrates (breaks down), and menstruation (your period) begins approximately two weeks (14 days) later.
Ovulation and Pregnancy: ‘The Fertile Window’
For those trying to get pregnant and have a baby, knowing when you might be ovulating is important. Your most fertile days ("the fertile window") are the five days leading up to and including ovulation. The fertile window is when you’re most likely to get pregnant. So, having sex during your fertile window gives you the best chance of ensuring the egg is fertilized by sperm, so you become pregnant.
Taking Advantage of the Fertile Window
As previously mentioned, ovulation is a calculated process. Not to mention, the woman's reproductive cycle is just one side of the equation, i.e. knowing when you're likely to get pregnant is only part of the picture. Sperm health is also key in your chances of getting pregnant.
When you ovulate, an egg is released from a mature follicle in your ovary. The ruptured t follicle transforms into a structure known as the corpus luteum, which exists for two weeks post-ovulation.
The corpus luteum releases mainly progesterone which works to maintain the lining of your uterus (the endometrium) in preparation for implantation of a fertilized egg.
When Does Ovulation Happen?
Every person’s cycle is different. Some have longer periods than others. So the timing of ovulation is not always the same in every woman's cycle, and there can also be a normal variation between cycles in the same person.
A normal menstrual cycle in an adult can be anywhere between 21 to 35 days and21 to 45 days in teens. Tracking your menstrual cycle can be extremely helpful in understanding your normal.
How Do You Count Your Menstrual Cycle?
Your menstrual cycle range is counted from the first day of one menstrual period to the first day of the next menstrual period. Typically ovulation is counted backwards and is about 13-15 days before the first day of your menstrual period flow.
When Are Your Most Fertile Days?
If your average menstrual cycle is 28 days and the first day of your cycle is day 1 of your menstrual period, ovulation typically occurs between days 13-15. Thus, you want to have sex every day or every other day, five days before your fertile window (day 13-15) and continue through your fertile window.
If your average menstrual cycle length is 35 days, ovulation typically happens between days 20-22. Therefore, sexual intercourse should begin five days prior to day 20.
Signs of Ovulation
Ovulation often goes completely unnoticed by women. However, when you ovulate, there are some trackable signs.
Ovulation Symptoms
- Your basal body temperature falls: Your basal body temperature drops a little bit just before the egg is released from your ovary. Then, 24 hours after the egg's release, your body temperature rises, and the temperature stays up for several days.
- Cervical mucus changes: The changes in your discharge over the course of your menstrual cycle also hold clues about fertility and when you might be ovulating. If your cervical mucus is:
- Dry, absent, thick, sticky: ovulation is less likely
- White, creamy: Ovulation may be coming
- Clear, slippery and stretchy (cervical mucus is an egg white texture): The probability of ovulation and thus conception is highest.
- Your cervix softens and opens up: As you approach your most fertile time, your cervix softens. This is sometimes known as having a short, high, open, and wet cervix (SHOW) and is a sign of high fertility.
- You may experience a slight twinge or cramping: “Mittelschmerz” translates literally as “middle pain” and is the name for the slight twinge or cramp that some women experience during ovulation (when the follicle releases the egg).
- Spotting: When the ovary releases an egg, a mature follicle ruptures to allow the egg to be released.
This may be a cause of spotting for a day or so.
What Usually Happens When You Get Pregnant?
When you get pregnant, a fertilized egg is implanted in your uterine lining (the endometrium) and grows into an embryo.
The corpus luteum produces progesterone to maintain the lining of the uterus (endometrium) in a way that facilitates implantation and growth for 14 days. If human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) is produced by the developing placenta, this stimulates the corpus luteum to continue progesterone production, until the placenta itself takes over the production of progesterone. HCG is detected in urine during a pregnancy test.
Hormonal Changes
The hormonal fluctuations after becoming pregnant are different (and rightfully so!) from your usual menstrual cycle.
Pregnancy hormones usually “interrupt” the usual menstrual cycle so that the lining can remain intact for the developing embryo.
These hormonal changes help prepare the woman’s body for a developing fetus and a healthy pregnancy).
According to this article in the New York Times, “Ordinarily, the release of eggs [ovulation] ceases once a woman is pregnant, and the hormonal and physical changes of pregnancy work together to prevent another conception.”
There is a Rare Exception: Superfetation
Theoretically, based on pregnancy physiology, it would be impossible or highly unlikely for a woman to ovulate after getting pregnant.
However, it is speculated that it is possible to overcome the natural physiological barriers to superfetation with advanced reproductive therapies (i.e. fertility medications used to improve chances of pregnancy).
Superfetation is, by definition, what happens when a woman becomes pregnant, during a different ovulatory cycle, while already pregnant. Superfecundation is a similar but different term that refers to the fertilization of two eggs during the same ovulatory period via separate instances of sex (same or differing partners) or artificial insemination during the ovulatory period.
While it’s common to certain animals (e.g., rodents, rabbits, horses, sheep, kangaroos, badgers, and mink), it is rare in humans.
How Does Superfetation Occur?
Theoretically, in order for superfetation to occur, a series of unlikely events must happen. These include:
- Spontaneous ovulation during pregnancy.
- Additional sperm would have to be present in the fallopian tube or would have to travel through a pregnant uterus.
- The endometrium must be able to accept a second pregnancy.
The first step alone is unlikely to happen because the hormones released during pregnancy typically block future ovulatory cycles. Of the few cases of superfetation reported, the cause of this has usually been that the person was undergoing advanced reproductive therapies, i.e. fertility treatment.
To give you a real sense of how rare this is, according to a 2008 paper published in the European Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, there have only been 10 cases recorded in medical history.
Other Factors That Can Disrupt Your Menstrual Cycle
Odds are most of us have experienced a late or missed period related to stress at least once.
Your menstrual cycle is a very calculated and hormone-dependent process that can be disrupted by fluctuations in hormone levels due to stress and other causes.
Though you shouldn’t panic, some of the factors that can disrupt your menstrual cycle can also be cause for medical concern. Here are some examples.
- Stress & anxiety: Increased stress may trigger many reactions, including stress hormone (cortisol) fluctuations. Increased levels of cortisol in response to stress may cause changes to your health, including irregularities in menstrual bleeding. For some, breakthrough bleeding may be a sign that you're experiencing high levels of emotional stress.
- Exhaustion: Feeling jet-lagged or suffering from insomnia? Healthy sleep habits are key, and sleep deprivation can impact the regularity of your menstrual cycle.
- Diet & eating disorders: Nutrition is key for general wellbeing, including reproductive health. People with eating disorders or energy deficiencies due to decreased or inadequate daily caloric intake may find their cycles disrupted.
- Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS): Women with PCOS may have infrequent or prolonged menstrual periods in combination with increased androgen levels (i.e. testosterone). The ovaries may develop numerous tiny follicles due to their inability to mature follicles and ovulate regularly.
- Uterine fibroids or polyps: Fibroids are benign growths that can cause heavy and irregular bleeding and disrupt your cycle. They can also cause pain and discomfort.
- Birth control: Hormonal birth control essentially regulates how the uterus bleeds while also preventing pregnancy.
- Common infections: Infections such as sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) may cause period irregularities.
It’s worth noting that most are treatable when diagnosed early. However, some can become serious and impact future fertility if symptoms are ignored, or an asymptomatic infection is undetected.
- Medications: Certain medications may cause abnormal vaginal bleeding. Your pharmacist should advise you of any side effects of medication.
- Perimenopause: This is the stage prior to menopause (when periods cease completely) and is usually characterized by irregular menstrual cycles as periods gradually stop. Menopause is diagnosed when there has been an absence of the menstrual cycle for 12 months (1 year).
When to See a Doctor to Have Symptoms Medically Reviewed
If you experience any of the following, it’s worth scheduling a checkup with your doctor for medical advice:
- Heavy periods with a lot of clotting (especially clots larger than a quarter)
- Irregular periods outside of the normal menstrual cycle range or a significant deviation from your normal cycle.
- Spotting between periods with or without abdominal pain or cramping
- Pain or a burning sensation when peeing
- Unusual vaginal discharge and/or redness and itchiness
Don't Ignore These Signs and Symptoms
Even if you don’t have any of the above symptoms, always visit the doctor in the following situations:
- If you think you’re pregnant or are trying to get pregnant: To be administered a pregnancy test and have an ultrasound performed to confirm the intrauterine location of the pregnancy.
- If you experience inconsistent spotting: That occurs frequently and randomly and may or may not be associated with cramping and/or pain.
- Bleeding or spotting after unprotected sex: Unprotected sex can put you at risk for STIs and other infections.
- Post-menopausal vaginal bleeding: You’ve been through menopause, and you experience vaginal bleeding.
Medically reviewed by Dr. Chimsom T. Oleka, M.D, Written by Jane Flanagan — Updated on November 1, 2021.
1st week of pregnancy after conception
The third week of OB is the first week of pregnancy, a magical time when your unborn baby begins to form. How does your mother feel then?
First Signs of Pregnancy - 1 Week Term
To Mothers-to-be, I want you to quickly remember that there are two views of pregnancy: obstetric and fetal. We are talking about the gestational period of one week after conception, the fetal period. Doctors usually work in obstetrics based on the last day of menstruation. To get obstetrics from the fetal period, you need to add two weeks. Thus, the first gestational week after conception corresponds to the third obstetric week.
At this time, the reconstruction of the female body was just beginning. The first signs of the first week of pregnancy are observed by a very small number of lucky ones.
From conception to the first week of pregnancy, the shape of the body does not change. Because the fetus is still small, the mother's belly is exposed. The zygote, consisting of an egg and a sperm, quickly divides into 2 cells, 4 cells, 8 cells, up to a maximum of 32 cells, but not enough. Therefore, a photograph of the abdomen in the first week of pregnancy is not indicative.
An embryo in the first week of pregnancy is called an embryo, but it is not actually formed until the sixth week.
The fetus, on the other hand, lives in a small fluid-filled sac and is fed not from the mother, but from the yellow sac. The size of the unborn baby at this time is about 0.1-0.2 mm. Given her miniature size, no one would have guessed about the interesting position of the woman in the photo of the abdomen of the first week of pregnancy.
How to check pregnancy at 1 week
Confirmation of pregnancy within a week is almost impossible. Changes in the body are so insignificant that they cannot be caught either by tests or by ultrasound diagnostic equipment. To be sure that pregnancy is possible, you need to wait until at least the 7th day of pregnancy, and even better after the 10th day of pregnancy, until the highly sensitive test can no longer show precious strips.
Tests during the first week of pregnancy are either empty or questionable. Changes are noticeable because very little time has passed since conception.
“During the first week of pregnancy, the usual test at the pharmacy will definitely be negative, because the strips will have to be torn off. The fluctuations in the level of human chorionic gonadotropin were so small that the results seemed doubtful.
As a result, expectant mothers have to wait more than 10 days of pregnancy to increase the reliability of the test.
Take your time with ultrasound diagnostics. Ultrasound in the first week of pregnancy is not indicative, as it does not allow visualizing the fetus even with modern equipment.
In principle, this early ultrasound is recommended for women with symptoms typical of an ectopic pregnancy. Therefore, to exclude such a diagnosis, gynecologists sometimes prescribe ultrasound diagnostics, which is dangerous.
The same girl hoping to get the first pictures of her baby will have to wait up to 2-3 weeks.
How can you feel in the 1st week
— In the first week of pregnancy, the mother feels well and rarely notices any changes in her body. Particularly sensitive girls may already notice by 3-4 days of pregnancy that their mood and taste preferences have changed, and they may suddenly start eating foods that they did not like before, or even give up their previous preferences. It seems that there is something to do. Some people get used to it even at such an early age, but there are very few such women, ”explains obstetrician-gynecologist Dina Absalyamova.
Most of the sensations you experience during the first week of pregnancy are usually similar to those you experience before childbirth. Many women note that about a week before the start of the cycle, they begin to experience characteristic pain in the lower abdomen.
Some girls with this condition report that their breasts become increasingly sensitive and even painful. Some people have improved nipple pigmentation and freckles. In general, the signs of the first week of pregnancy are almost invisible.
Pregnancy occurs around day 13-14 of the menstrual cycle, so the typical 28-day-old girl is often unaware of her pregnancy. The month is still ahead. The first week of pregnancy lasts approximately 21-25 days, so there is probably no need to talk about menstruation or delays yet.
When the deadline approaches an important date and does not start, it becomes clear that the woman is expecting a baby.
abdominal pain
This is a false sign in early pregnancy. Many women ignore discomfort in the middle or end of their menstrual cycle because they experience pain before the big day. However, expectant mothers often note that for them it was pain in the lower abdomen that became the first sign of pregnancy. Usually felt 5-7 days before the menstrual cycle, at the end of the first week of pregnancy.
However, pain can also be caused by other causes, such as deterioration of the intestinal environment or decreased function. Gynecologists tell us that pelvic pain is often caused by the spine. For example, osteochondrosis can cause pain only in the lower abdomen. It may also be associated with adhesions in the pelvis after a previous gynecological operation or caesarean section.
Lower abdominal pain is commonly considered a possible symptom of an ectopic pregnancy, in which a fertilized egg attaches to the fallopian tube, cervix, or ovaries rather than to the uterine cavity. But in the first week of pregnancy, there may not be any discomfort. As the fetus grows, this often happens by 3-4 weeks.
What to do if you become pregnant
First of all, don't be nervous and try to register with a doctor. Whether it's a desired pregnancy or an unplanned pregnancy, going to the gynecologist is essential. Your doctor will check you in, make recommendations for upcoming tests, prescribe vitamins, and sign a full nine-month action plan.
If you don't have time to visit a gynecologist, just remember a few simple rules and stick to them until your next visit.
In the first week of pregnancy, do not drink alcohol, do not take antibiotics, avoid hot baths and stress, do not lift weights, try to give up cigarettes, and even better, avoid smoking. Take care of yourself when you start to catch a cold.
Try to get more rest, walk in the fresh air, increase immunity and do things that bring you joy.
Every woman wants to know about pregnancy as early as possible. Over the centuries, many observations have accumulated confirming the emergence of new life at an early stage. Signs of preterm pregnancy are mainly related to emotional changes. That is, as a result of the analysis, we can conclude that a child will be born in the near future.
Change in how you feel
When pregnancy begins, you may feel a little tired almost immediately. Unreasonably, fatigue occurs at minimal loads, which leads to a decrease in performance. This is due to the fact that the restructuring of the female body begins.
An increase in body temperature is often observed in the first days of a new life, so cautious women who want to conceive a child will definitely pay attention to this factor. In particular, a runny nose, sore throat, and cough can be diagnosed as a cold. Such symptoms indicate that restructuring has begun and the immune system is weakening. The flu-like illusion lasts for several days and sometimes passes, indicating that the body has "adapted" to the new situation.
Changes in sensation and perception
The early symptoms of pregnancy, before your period is over, are always associated with some kind of sensory or perceptual change. In most cases, in the first days after conception, women notice increased soreness of the mammary glands. It hurts even with a light touch.
When the breasts enlarge, they appear to be swollen.
The skin around the nipple may also change. The lump becomes noticeable with darkening, sometimes fluid is released from the nipple. These symptoms indicate that the body is preparing for future breastfeeding. However, such changes are not necessary and very often the condition of the breast remains unchanged during long pregnancies.
In fact, it has been observed that women do not like certain smells after conception. This should not be overlooked, as you will develop an aversion to smells that have never caused a negative reaction before. The smell of fried meat and fish is often unpleasant. In early pregnancy, you may experience an aversion to your favorite scents. Such symptoms may indicate the onset of early toxicosis, which will bring many problems in the near future.
In addition, taste preferences can change before it's too late. For example, you might be tempted to eat something incompatible or try something you can't eat. During the first few weeks of pregnancy, you may not have an appetite at all or feel hungry all the time.
Physiological signs
Frequent urination may occur before a missed period. This is due to the increase in the amount of female hormones. As a result, kidney function is impaired. Also, after conception, the uterus enlarges slightly and puts pressure on the bladder. Of course, this symptom becomes more pronounced in later pregnancy.
Progesterone levels rise immediately after conception. This hormone slows down the excretion of salt and water from the body. Because of this, the legs and arms swell, but in the early stages of pregnancy it is hardly noticeable.
Initially, people may feel heaviness or mild cramping pain in the lower abdomen. It resembles premenstrual syndrome and does not cause serious discomfort. This is due to the fact that blood circulation in the pelvis improves when the fetus attaches to the uterus.
It is important to understand that unexpected severe pain is a possibility of an ectopic pregnancy and a sign of a natural miscarriage. It is dangerous and needs urgent medical attention.
Psychological changes
Symptoms and delays during pregnancy are often accompanied by psychological changes. First, there is an unreasonable change. Such a sign is found in a balanced woman. A sudden change in mood is a change in the background of hormones.
Actually, it is a manifestation that mercy has been greatly replaced by the spleen for not explaining it. Early pregnancy women may be frustrated, forgetful, cry and have more demands for others. Also, as a general symptom, anxiety may be increased.
When changing the female body, it was noted that sleep is almost worse immediately after pregnancy. These symptoms are one of the obvious signs of pregnancy before the period is delayed. You may need to increase the night interrupt.
A cautious woman who wants to get pregnant can be changed before being detained at any time. Thus, you can make the appropriate preparation when you first go to gynecology. It is important to understand that the first symptoms of pregnancy will be observed within 8-10 days from the date of conversion. At present, the embryo is registered on the wall of the uterus, and some changes are beginning to appear in the female body.
The remarkable signs of pregnancy depend on the characteristics of the body. If sensitivity to hormonal changes is high, symptoms may not be noticed. Most women who are already using pregnancy testing drugs are confident in their situations. Therefore, before you see a doctor, you need to understand your health. It is important to start a proper diet, exclusion of nervous sensitivity and excellent physical activity. If you have any abnormalities, contact your doctor immediately.
All materials listed on this site are for educational purposes only and are not intended for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Site operators, authors and articles are not responsible for any results or damages when using site material.
Pregnancy is a time when all women are truly exciting and unforgettable. But usually the first week ends with no future notification of the mother. Most girls know their position when two lines appear in the examination and two lines appear.
Some women expect pregnancy in the first few weeks. What symptoms do you know? Read more
Subjective First Signs of Pregnancy
The first body changes that women distinguish from signs of pregnancy are often symptoms of PMS. However, if you have never suffered from pre-menstrual syndrome, be careful.
Even with normal exercise, weakness, fatigue and fatigue increase.
Symptoms appear to be sleepy during the day and become sleepless at night.
Unstable emotional state. The mood of a woman changes dramatically in a few seconds without meaning.
Lower abdomen, waist and pelvis are heavy.
I always have a headache and dizziness.
Changes in libido, in addition, it may decrease or increase.
Cyclic fever and chills.
The mammary glands become more sensitive, and every time the breast is touched there is a very unpleasant sensation, even pain.
Increased appetite or change in eating habits. Early in your pregnancy, you may find yourself craving more or eating foods you didn't enjoy before.
Appearance of causeless nausea. In some cases, heartburn and vomiting may also occur. This condition is called toxicosis.
Increased sensitivity to odors, distorted sense of smell.
All of the above signs cannot accurately answer the question of whether pregnancy has occurred. But it allows us to question and move forward with more accurate and reliable diagnostic methods.
External changes during the first days of pregnancy
In addition to the symptoms noted by women themselves, as shown in the previous section, there are also changes in appearance that others notice.
Skin problems may occur due to hormonal changes. Girls who have never suffered from acne before often notice that they have started to break out.
Edema of the face and extremities also accompanies early pregnancy. In some cases, it becomes so pronounced that it becomes impossible to walk in ordinary shoes.
Your bust can increase by 1-2 sizes already in early pregnancy. At the same time, a pattern of venous vessels appears in it, darkening of the papilla is noted.
There is also increased pigmentation in the midline of the abdomen from the navel to the scrotum. This symptom is observed in most pregnant women.
Redness that often appears on the skin of the face. This condition is due to increased blood flow in the body of a pregnant woman.
Clinical symptoms at the beginning of pregnancy
Just a few days after conception, the following conditions and changes may occur in the body of a pregnant woman:
Early factor The name of a special substance that is released 1-2 days after fertilization. According to available data, it was found in 67% of women tested, in which the pregnancy was confirmed.
Bloody discharge from the genitals. It can be yellow or pink and occurs when an egg attaches itself to the wall of the uterus. This usually happens at the end of the first week or the beginning of the second week after conception.
An increase in basal body temperature that occurs at the time of ovulation persists for a long period of time if fertilization is established. Its measurement can indirectly confirm the onset of pregnancy. It can also rise to 37 degrees, causing an increase in body temperature.
Paresthesia of the calf muscles, pain and spasms. As a rule, it occurs in the middle of the night or in the evening, causing sleep disturbances and insomnia.
Blood pressure drops, severe weakness and dizziness appear. Severely low blood pressure can lead to fainting. Prolonged exposure to hot, poorly ventilated areas and standing upright can lead to these symptoms.
Immunity weakened. Occurs with frequent colds. In addition, genital candidiasis and other types of thrush can cause problems for immunocompromised pregnant women.
urge to urinate. This often occurs during the third trimester of pregnancy, but can also occur during the first few days of pregnancy.
But, despite the many signs, women usually pay attention to the delay in menstruation. And not crazy. This is the most obvious and accurate symptom and should give you food for thought. Of course, menstrual irregularities manifest themselves in a huge number of pathological conditions. But if you are planning to get pregnant, a delay can be the first bell that marks the beginning of a multi-year pregnancy.
Sensitive tests for elevated hCG can be done immediately after the above signs appear.
From what we have said so far, we can conclude that the onset of pregnancy has many symptoms, both subjective and objective. However, it must be remembered that it cannot be confirmed by special tests unless it is a specialist, and cannot be detected in the first few days after fertilization.
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Pregnancy is the most reverent and glorious time for many women. This news brings true happiness to a person and can cause a person to panic or fear. So it is better to find out as early as possible and make the right decision for yourself.
How pregnancy begins
Pregnancy occurs shortly after conception. However, fertility is only possible if it occurs in a woman's body.
female ovulation
Ovulation is the process of release of a new mature egg from the ovary into the fallopian tube. In women, ovulation occurs about 14 days before menstruation. Eggs live from 12 to 36 hours after leaving the ovaries.
Physiologically, it is possible that a woman can become pregnant only during the ovulation period, which lasts only 36 hours. Given that sperm viability lasts for several days, the best time to conceive is 2-3 days before and 2-3 days after ovulation.
On other days, the chance of pregnancy is less than 15%. The exceptions are when the cycle is irregular, resulting in free-floating ovulation or, in rare cases, double ovulation.
beginning of pregnancy
Fertilization occurs directly in the canal of the penis with one of the billions of spermatozoa that are ejected along with the egg. A few hours after conception, an already fertilized egg on the way to the uterus begins to divide, so every hour and day more and more new adhesions appear.
Once a fertilized egg enters the uterus, it attaches to the lining of the uterus where it begins to implant. Then all the chemical and physical reactions necessary for pregnancy are formed.
It takes 7 to 12 days from conception to implantation. Spermatozoa can live in a woman's body for 6-7 days, but are active for no more than 3 days.
Early signs of pregnancy
When a woman becomes pregnant, her body begins the process of "rebuilding" to give birth to a child. All changes during this period are symptomatic, even before the delay of menstruation.
This is:
Secondary spotting about 6-12 days after intercourse
Urgent and painful urination
I often feel cold, eg headache, tiredness, fever, malaise.
lowering blood pressure
The breasts may become tender, slightly swollen and painful.
Feeling of bloating in the lower abdomen, probably because in pregnant women there is increased blood flow to the pelvis and an enlarged uterus.
Increased sensitivity to odors
indirect symptom
The early stages of pregnancy and the beginning of life often go unnoticed by most women. After the start of a new menstrual cycle, the girls begin to suspect something. Doctors say that the first sign is a delay in menstruation, but this is still an indirect sign. After all, delays can occur due to hormonal disruptions, inflammatory processes and other reasons.
ectopic pregnancy
Sometimes an ectopic pregnancy is found, in which the baby develops outside the uterus. This may be due to inflammation, congenital or acquired pathologies of the fallopian tubes, hormonal disorders. Unfortunately, the child cannot be saved.
It is very important to understand the pathology at an early stage, and in some cases it can be life-threatening for the woman. Early timing is normal, but later on, if a gestational sac develops in the wrong place, it will cause intra-abdominal bleeding and require emergency surgery.
Pregnancy Diagnostic System
If pregnancy cannot be ruled out, a gynecological examination and ultrasound should be done to rule out an ectopic pregnancy. A conventional pregnancy test cannot detect an ectopic pregnancy. Because, as with a normal pregnancy, the test will be positive. However, the difference is that an ectopic pregnancy can be life-threatening and require surgery.
pregnancy test
If you have indirect signs and suspicions, a good way to find out if you are pregnant at an early stage is to buy a pregnancy test. This is the fastest and easiest way. There are a huge variety of tests, from the simplest and cheapest to the more expensive and electrical ones. So there are four generation tests.
plain strip.
Conventional paper tape and tablet tests.
Electronic, digital test.
How do pregnancy tests work?
Pregnancy tests work like paper. It determines the presence or absence of a specific hormone (human chorionic gonadotropin) in the urine separated from the placenta. Each woman can produce different antibodies containing specific hormones. Therefore, a pregnancy test that detects all known antibodies will always give the correct result.
False-positive results may occur when tumors develop in a woman's erogenous zone.
However, false negative tests are less common and simply mean that the hCG hormone level is still too low to diagnose pregnancy.
Pregnancy and due date tests
To get an accurate picture of your gestational age, you need to have blood flowing through your veins on an empty stomach. A blood test can determine the stage and can be done as early as 6 days after conception. The blood contains hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin), the hormone of pregnancy. It is this hormone that determines the formation and course of pregnancy. It blocks the menstrual cycle and activates the secretion of other hormones needed to keep the pregnancy going. HCG activity persists during pregnancy.
The hCG hormone is measured in both blood and urine. However, blood tests provide more timely information than urinalysis because blood levels rise faster.
It is very important to know that the determination of the level of the hormone hCG is an important aspect of the study in early pregnancy. Of particular importance are threats, miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy. Diagnostics is carried out in specialized laboratories, and only specialists can interpret the results. There are no tests for hCG at home.
Finally my period is late. If you want a baby, there is a good chance that you will get pregnant this time. You can find out faster with a pregnancy test. At the same time, you can also watch yourself. You may have already noticed the change. The body usually gives a clear indication that fertilization has taken place. Most of the symptoms are related to elevated hormone levels.
Of course, not all signs mean pregnancy. But the more typical symptoms you notice, the more likely it is. But only the doctor can make the final decision. "Congratulations, you're pregnant!"
Uncertain early signs of pregnancy
Early pregnancy symptoms can be vague and varied. Early symptoms of pregnancy often appear before menstruation has stopped. These may be the first signs of pregnancy.
- Nausea/vomiting
- Tiredness and exhaustion from "driving"
- Increased appetite or abnormal eating habits
- Soft breasts and black nipples
- Changes in smell and taste
- Abdominal cramps, light bleeding, discharge
- Growth of hair and nails
- Change in skin condition
- Bloating or constipation
Nausea and vomiting
The most famous first sign of pregnancy, seen a thousand times in movies : the heroine runs in a hurry and suddenly she is sick. She does not yet know that she has a child, but everyone in the theater already knows about it.
Nausea is actually not that typical. Some women feel very ill, while others feel slightly nauseous.
Lead fatigue and fatigue
Are you tired during the day, as if you hadn't slept all night? Will the sofa scream at noon and the eyes start to magically close? Excessive sleep cravings are one of the most common signs of pregnancy. If you feel unusually tired or fatigued, you may be pregnant.
Frequent urination
Even if I don't drink more than usual, I always want to run to the toilet. It can also be an early sign of pregnancy. When the embryo is implanted, it releases the hormone human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), which increases the number of trips to the toilet.
Food cravings and unusual eating habits
Does your body crave chocolate or do you wake up in the middle of the night to buy greasy chips at the gas station? Or do you have other unusual eating habits? lottery! ? You may be pregnant. Many women report strange eating habits as an early sign of pregnancy, such as pouring hot salsa straight out of a can or, if they are vegetarian, an immediate urge to bite into a hearty salami.
Sensitive breasts and darkened nipples
Breasts may also show early signs of pregnancy. Pay attention to the following symptoms. The chest is compressed and sagging, as before menstruation. Your breasts will begin to swell, shrink and enlarge, and become very sensitive to touch. Areolas often look darker than usual. The opposite symptom, whitening, can also occur if you have a hormonal imbalance or have been pregnant.
Changes in smell and taste
From day to day, the smell of detergent bothers me so much that I can't stand it. Or complain to your husband that you have been swimming in Cologne lately. You know? In early pregnancy, sensitivity to smells usually increases. Some women have a strange metallic taste in their mouths. Also a sudden aversion to alcohol and tobacco is one of the early symptoms of pregnancy.
Abdominal cramps, slight bleeding and discharge
Stomach tightness, as at the onset of menstruation. "It didn't work for my child again!" Or you notice even the slightest signs or discharge. However, menstruation does not come day after day. Then these symptoms may be early symptoms of pregnancy. These symptoms are usually harmless and result from the implantation of a fertilized egg in the uterus. To be safe, avoid stretching or exercising. If you feel any abnormality, see your doctor.
Elevated basal body temperature
You can tell if you are pregnant by regularly measuring your basal body temperature. If your body temperature is higher than usual when you wake up in the morning 18 days later, you may be pregnant.
When do the early signs of pregnancy appear?
It is impossible to say exactly what this or that symptom of pregnancy looks like. Whether pregnancy symptoms appear at all depends on the individual woman. However, the first symptoms of pregnancy may appear in the next few weeks or so.
Week 4: Implantation, light bleeding, chest pain.
Weeks 5-6: Feeling depressed, tired, hungry, nausea/vomiting, etc.
Weeks 7 and 8: Nausea, circulatory problems, dizziness, hypotension, insomnia, frequent urination.
Weeks 9 and 10 Breast changes, nausea, shortness of breath
Weeks 11 and 12: bloating, constipation.
The three surest signs of pregnancy
There are many early signs of pregnancy, but the surest sign is how to determine if she is still pregnant.
1. 1.
This is the surest sign of pregnancy. Stress, hormonal fluctuations and organic diseases can be the cause, but it is best to take a pregnancy test.
2. I feel sick.
During the first few days after conception, you may feel a little uncomfortable. Some people only experience nausea in the morning (morning sickness), others have more during the day. This is due to the hormonal pregnancy - human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG).
3. Positive pregnancy test.
congratulations! - Now contact your gynecologist and start looking for a gynecologist for childbirth.
Remember. If anything seems wrong, see your doctor as soon as possible. Even if you get a positive pregnancy test, make an appointment with your doctor.
How to choose dairy products
Bust changes from early pregnancy to late lactation
Every woman dreams of happy moments in her life. There are times when you know you are about to become a mother, listen to yourself and wait to feel the first signs of pregnancy.
The mystery of the fusion of two germ cells, egg and sperm, in principle, 14-13 days before menstruation. However, in the case of women, the date of ovulation can be several days during the menstrual cycle. The reason is stress, illness, sudden changes in climate.
Auxiliary methods are effective in accurately judging a good day of pregnancy. The most commonly used drug for ovulation testing. Easy, simple and affordable. Use saliva or urine for the test (please read the instructions for each test) and perform the test itself. Currently, there are different types of tests, but the meaning is the same, and the concentration of lutein-forming hormones is determined. This hormone is secreted from the pituitary gland and peaks in LH the day before ovulation. If the test band is the same or brighter than the control, the test is considered positive. If a positive reaction comes out, the most advantage for the child is within a few days from that day.
Another method is furicurometry. Numerous ultrasound tests performed during the menstrual cycle. In this test, the dominant follicle is identified, maturity is confirmed, and ovulation is determined. The date is calculated individually depending on the period of the menstrual cycle. If you subtract 14 days from the menstrual cycle of the menstrual cycle, that will be the day of ovulation in the menstrual cycle.
Example: the menstrual cycle is 30 days x-14 = 16 days. Ovulation occurs on the 16th day of the menstrual cycle. The first ultrasound test is performed six days before ovulation. It is calculated using the formula 16-6 = 10. In this example, this is the 10th day of the menstrual cycle. In the first ultrasound test, the doctor will decide the next consultation. In many cases, three knowledge is required per cycle.
Don't forget your basal body temperature, which has a reputation for a long time. From the first day of the menstrual cycle, same time, same time in the morning, same time in the morning, in the same thermometer, in the rectum. Enter the result along the coordinate axis and evaluate it. Before ovulation, the body temperature drops and the body temperature rises by 04.0-0.6 degrees in the second phase of the ovulation period and cycle. The day the temperature drops, the next day, and the next day are said to be good for pregnancy.
The long-awaited day of ovulation has arrived. This is the beginning of the unknown.
First signs of pregnancy
Many women try to find the first signs of pregnancy a week after pregnancy. Listen to yourself and your emotions and try to notice small changes. But during the first week, women feel nothing, no matter how much they want.
The initial symptoms of pregnancy include delays in menstruation and due to a regular menstrual cycle. A few days before the expected date of menstrual periods, some women report breast enlargement, pain, heaviness of the waist, frustrated and sudden changes in mood. These symptoms are very similar to PMS (menstrual cider). For this reason, women who are used to being in this state before menstruation may not notice the first symptoms of pregnancy. If after the 7th day after ovulation there is bleeding that appears from the genitals, this may indirectly suggest the onset of implantation. Already in the early stages of pregnancy, any food and cooking can have an aversion or an addictive or change in appetite. Women indicate weakness, drowsiness and increased fatigue. These changes are caused by changes in the body centered on hormonal levels that start at the start of pregnancy.
Early detection of pregnancy
What should I do to find out if I'm pregnant before signs of pregnancy appear? What test should I do to confirm my pregnancy as soon as possible? Let's explain step by step.
During the first seven days the fetus exists separately from the mother. During this time, pass through the fallopian tube and enter the uterine cavity. The concentration of substances obtained in the cells of the fetus at this time is very low. Therefore, nothing can be decided within the first week. So, is it possible to speak at the beginning of pregnancy before the major major reaction? Yes I can!
On day 7–8 of conversion, the embryo began to enter the endometrium, and the nutrient membrane (future placenta) produced chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) and had already entered the mother's bloodstream. The concentration of this hormone increases every day. On the 10th day of pregnancy, you can already check the level of HCG diagnostics in the blood. For more information, it's a good idea to analyze the 48 hours again and confirm that the hCG concentration is rising. However, 4-6 days after the diagnosis of HCG in the blood, long double two stripes can be made. In fact, the concentration of human chorionogonadotropin in the blood is much higher than in the urine. And the diagnostic concentration of hormones in the urine seems to be slightly delayed.
Ultrasonography is one of the methods of early diagnosis. Ultrasound tests are done at the fifth week of pregnancy, which is one week behind your period. Currently, the egg, which is the landing site, has already been confirmed, so an ectopic pregnancy can be ruled out. You may hear the fetal heart sound a little later in the sixth week of pregnancy.
Nowadays everything happens quickly and dynamically. The same distribution of rates is done privately. Now everything is needed here. Know the start of pregnancy quickly, mature quickly, give birth quickly, go to work quickly.
Author: |
January 16, 2012 |
Everyone knows where the baby comes from, and this sperm has to meet the egg. However, in order to realize this meeting, more active sperm must be "coming" to the final line, eggs must be mature and follicles. The etymology of "ovulation" is "ovum", which means "egg" in Latin. Ovulation is the release of mature eggs that can be fertilized in the ovaries. The most important condition for pregnancy is the existence of good mature eggs, and doctors are interested in this problem in order to assess the general condition of the genitals. In women, there are quite a few causes of infertility, lack of ovulation, and abnormalities in various hormones. Ovulation tests The characteristic of ovulation is an isolated sign that feels uncomfortable with the lower abdomen in the middle of the menstrual cycle, and this period is the period of ovulation. Measurement of rectal temperature (basal body temperature) This method is one of the simplest methods that does not require any financial investment other than buying a thermometer. However, it is impossible to completely accurately measure many conditions, such as regular sleep for a long time, measure body temperature at the same time without getting out of bed in the morning. Take the temperature in the rectum. Body temperature information is graphed by taking the menstrual cycle on the horizontal axis and body temperature on the vertical axis. A menstrual cycle can be considered an ovulation period if the temperature difference between the first and second phase is 0.3°C or higher. The first stage is the period before ovulation, the classic normal cycle is 28 days, and the period is 14 days. In the second stage, the remaining two weeks will be a cycle. Ovulation test This is a method to more accurately measure the concentration of LH (hormone Lutea l-Formation), one of the gonadotropins to support the reproductive function of women. Before ovulation, the value of this hormone increases significantly, and as a result, the LH peak point before ovulation can be assumed to be a certain day of the menstrual cycle in the urine, and a special test strip is used for this. He was. Questionnaire If it is a stable cycle, the luteal period will last from 12 to 16 days, so it is best to start the examination about 17 days before the next period. In the case of a total 2 8 day cycle, the test will start on day 1 1st and the 3 5 day cycle should be from day 1 8. If the test result is positive, ovulation will begin between 28 and 42 hours. Dynamic ultrasonic testing and progesterone measurement Ultrasound tests allow you to see the formation of mature missed follicles in the ovaries. After the eggs are released, luteins are formed in this place, producing progesterone, which contributes to the normal growth of the pregnancy. Age and ovulationIf you are a young woman with pregnancy, almost your entire menstrual cycle will be ovulated. In addition, they say that in 10-15% of the year there is no ovulation. The general trend is that the older women are, the lower the frequency of ovulation. At age 40, ovulation does not occur more than six times a year. However, this is not only ovulation. For women over 40, it not only decreases in the ovulation cycle, but also reduces the chance of pregnancy and due to the degradation of egg quality. As a result, it affects the likelihood of pregnancy, normal growth and quality of the embryos. If you can't get pregnant Regular sexual activity for 1 to 1.5 years is considered a normal period. If a young woman is of reproductive age and she does not become pregnant after the deadline, doctors will diagnose her couple as infertile. After that, it is recommended that both couples have a consultation to clarify that they can be considered not pregnant. Factors that affect ovulationWhatever the cause, such as environment, difference in eating habits, and medication. All this causes a hormonal imbalance, which leads to the occurrence of ovulation. These factors, such as constantly changing time zones, long flights, and normal climate changes, can be stressful for the body and cause the reproductive organ to have a normal rhythm. However, these enzymes are usually transient. Impractical use of weight loss and fasting often supports anorexia nervosa. For example, patients with anorexia nervosa will give up on their own and fall into extreme fatigue. When weighing less than 45 kg, the body clearly reacts to this and begins to suppress the normal functioning of the reproductive organ. These women stop menstruation and ovulation. Hormonal abnormalities also cause ovulation, most of which are due to genetic causes. Various diseases such as polycystic ovary syndrome, hyperprolactinemia, thyroid dysfunction, syndrome accompanied by an increase in male hormones and sexualization disorders can cause normal ovulation. Some of them can be expected to restore ovulation and pregnancy, while others completely eliminate the processes of ovulation. Therefore, the problem of treating hormonal abnormalities and choosing medications should be left to the physician's decision. Ovulation is achieved by prescribing drugs that correct hormonal imbalances and promote ovulation. Many means are intended for this, ranging from tablets to injections. In recent years, new means of stimulating ovulation have appeared. It contains genetically modified gonadotropins and is guaranteed to be free of impurities. With the advent of such drugs, the effectiveness of the treatment of women with endocrine disorders has increased dramatically, both in terms of restoring ovulatory cycles and in terms of fertility. How ovulation affects the sex of the baby David Lowick and Lendran Shettles of Harvard spent nearly half a century developing a method for planning intercourse based on known ovulation periods. Here's how. Empirically, it has been found that male Y-chromosome spermatozoa are more mobile than X-chromosome spermatozoa, so they can reach the egg first. When exposed to the acidic environment of the vagina, Y-spermatozoa quickly die, becoming less active and giving way to slower, but more viable X-spermatozoa. Scientists believed that X-chromosome sperm could survive in the womb for several days in anticipation of ovulation, unlike Y-chromosome sperm, which could not. As the day of ovulation approaches, the vaginal secretions become more alkaline, which increases the chances of survival of sperm carrying the Y chromosome. If the exact date of ovulation is known, it is possible to plan the sex of the unborn child, making it more likely that certain sperm will participate in the fertilization process. Interestingly, there is a certain seasonality, which is confirmed by many observations. Girls are often born in early winter, spring, early summer, early autumn and late autumn. Boys are often born in the first two months of winter, in early or late spring, late summer or mid-autumn. With these observations, you will be able to plan the timing of conception and increase your chances of having a gender-differentiated child.
Hysterectomy (or hysterectomy) is a fairly common operation. Its indications are varied, including uterine fibroids, various neoplasms and tumors (including postmenopausal ovarian cysts), endometriosis. The volume of surgical intervention is proposed when the preservation of the affected organ is impossible due to the high risk of complications (bleeding, malignancy, progression). Since this type of surgery has existed for about 100 years, a lot of experience has been accumulated in this field of gynecology. In addition, many clinical studies have been conducted, and now it is possible to draw certain conclusions about the outcome of the operation and the quality of life of the operated patient. In modern gynecological medicine, laparoscopic hysterectomy is possible as long as the size of the uterus allows, providing high accuracy during the operation and a quick recovery after the operation. However, most women who recommend hysterectomy are concerned about the outcome of the operation. However, in many cases, you need to worry about the status of an operation. How does life change? Do I need to make fundamental changes to remove important organs like the uterus and adapt to how my body works? How does this feature affect your sex life, and how should you build relationships with sexual partners? Does surgery change, such as weight gain, rapid skin decline, and black hair on the face and body? If you try to briefly answer these questions, the answer will be. And if you want more explanation, read on. Why do such questions arise?The stereotype works on a woman's heart. There is no uterus, no menstruation, no climax. Klimax = aging. Women are convinced that when the uterus is removed, the body is artificially reconstructed, aging is faster, sexual desire is reduced, and many functions are lost. There is a problem with health and happiness, you will be depressed and you will have irrational fatigue, and as a result it will affect relationships with others, especially relationships with your lover. Psychological problems may be replaced by physiological problems, and family understanding and trust cannot be established. As a result, it causes sad situations such as early, loneliness, fast quality of life, as well as guilt and inferiority. In fact, this stereotype can be extremely easy to break by understanding the anatomical structure of a woman's body and understanding the purpose of the uterus, the occurrence of menstruation and menopause. The uterus and its functions (briefly about the main things)The uterus is an organ that has a specific function in a woman's body (see "Normal Anatomy of the Internal Pelvic Organs") and plays a role in the transfer of embryos for the development of the embryos. At birth, the uterus contracts and plays a very active role in fetal hatching. Among them, it is "supported" by a mucous membrane called the endometrium. The endometrium is saturated with blood vessels, and the blood supply is remarkable in the middle and late period of the menstrual cycle (the doctor says that "the endometrium is thickened"). The body needs the fertilized eggs to be fixed in the uterus and begin to grow. If fertilization is not established, the blood vessels will not reach the blood vessels, the top layer of the endometrium will be cut off and discharged outside the body. Menstruation begins. When the uterus is removed, menstruation does not exist, and because of the absence of the endometrium, there is nothing to excrete outside the body. What is menopauseThe climax is the disappearance of ovarian function. The secretion of sex hormones (estrogen, testosterone, progesterone) is reduced and the eggs are not mature. Estrogen (female hormone) is very important in the condition of the skeleton and blood vessels, and a deficiency is often accompanied by muscle circulation and blood circulation. Reducing testosterone (male hormone) decreases leads to a decrease in libido (libido). It is the reconstruction of hormones that are actively carried out in the body, which causes external changes such as excess weight, aging skin and hair loss. Even if the uterus is removed, the ovaries continue to function and secrete sex hormones, so the hormones do not change. Clinical studies have proven that the ovaries work at the same time as genetically programmed in the body when the uterus is removed. Estrogen is generated independently of the uterus and continues to have positive effects on the skeletal and cardiovascular systems. Since testosterone is also generated, libido does not decrease and the quality of sex life does not change. In addition, those who are familiar with symptoms such as pre-menstrual syndrome (PMS) will continue. Pre-menstrual syndrome is due to periodic ovarian function. Approach to surgeryIf the doctor thinks that the uterus needs to be removed, she does not remove the types of uterus (ovaries or testicular tubes). Modern thinking argues that the ovaries can be left in the cervix as well. It has also been confirmed that the risk of developing ovarian cancer after hysterectomy is reduced. It appears that the risk of ovarian cancer in women after hysterectomy is 1/300, and the risk for women after uterine preservation is 1/80. Psychological consequences of hysterectomy
The correct way of holding is healthy, the key to returning to daily life after surgery. Many women give the uterus some kind of symbolic and consider it super, which is important. In their minds, the womb is assimilated into the essence of women. The fact that the situation is different, as described above. If you emphasize the opinions of others and want to protect yourself from psychological adverse effects, you do not need to explain the details of the operation (including a close relative other than your husband). That's what lies saves." In this case, remember that your most important thing is your health. Both physically and mentally. Sexual life after hysterectomy
Sexual negotiations are prohibited for 1-1.5 months after removal of the uterus (as well as after another operation). This is basically the time it takes for the wound to heal. If you understand that your body is recovering and you can live a normal life again, there is no interference in sexual intercourse. The sensitive areas that give pleasure to women with sexual activity are not in the uterus, but in the vagina and vulva. Of course, the degree of rapport with your sexual partner plays a very important role here. He feels cramped and anxious, tries to adapt to your new state, is afraid of sudden movements, experiences a general fear. In addition, his feelings will be determined solely by your feelings. He will take your situation positively and take everything very seriously. Remember that your partner also needs reliable information. Feel free to discuss any questions or concerns he may have. If necessary, seek a joint consultation with a gynecologist. Perhaps your partner will take his words with more confidence. He must be sure that your sex appeal and feelings will not undergo major changes and that you can continue to be an attractive and voluptuous woman for him. So you have to weigh the pros and cons. The results of a hysterectomy will not cause you any discomfort. You always have to choose between your health after the removal of a diseased organ and imaginary fears of changes in appearance and lifestyle. In the first phase of the menstrual cycle, the development and maturation of the follicle, called the main follicle. Ovulation occurs when the dominant follicle breaks its wall and comes out. enter the fallopian tubes. You can fertilize throughout the day. The dominant follicle of the second cycle turns into a corpus luteum and its main function is the synthesis of progesterone.
The corpus luteum functions for 10-12 days. If conception does not occur, the egg dies, the corpus luteum recedes, which leads to menstruation. Symptoms of ovulation
Most women ovulate completely asymptomatically, but some experience symptoms a few days before ovulation.
Single cycle studies are considered inconsistent. The duration of the menstrual cycle directly depends on the rate of maturation of the egg in the first stage before ovulation. A typical classic version is 14 days, and the cycle is 28 days. After the release of the egg, the second phase of the cycle (luteal phase) begins, which in the same woman is constant from 12 to 16 days, but more often 14 days. In a long cycle, the egg matures longer than usual and ovulates later. For example, in a woman with a 32-35-day cycle, the release of the egg occurs at 18-21 DC, two weeks before the start of the next menstruation, and not in the middle of the cycle, as many believe. Ultrasonic folliculometry Some ultrasounds with a vaginal probe can calculate a woman's ovulation and conception dates. Examinations in the ultrasound diagnostic room are carried out 3-4 times per cycle every 2-3 days. If you have an irregular cycle, you should visit your doctor 3-4 times every 2-3 days, starting on the 7th day after your period ends. If you have a regular cycle, you can have an ultrasound 2-3 days before delivery. With a 30-day cycle, ultrasound control begins 4-5 days before the middle of the monthly cycle, on days 10-11. The eggs are then checked with ultrasound every 2 days until the eggs are released. With the size of the follicle the day before from 20 to 24 mm and the beginning of the development of the corpus luteum, ultrasound diagnostics confirmed the beginning of the ovulation period. This operation can be performed through the vagina or through the abdominal wall. Vaginal examination does not require prior preparation and is primarily associated with the emptying of the cyst. Abdominal examination is traditionally performed from the side of the abdominal wall. For three days prior to the study, anything that can cause flatulence or bloating should be avoided, and on the day of the study, you should not eat or drink at least 1 liter of water.
Ovulation tests Ovulation tests can be done at home if the follicles can be observed by ultrasound. Ovulation test strips determine if the amount of hormones is increasing. Fertile days can also be calculated. Test twice a day 5-6 days before your expected ovulation date. Since we are interested in ovulation in a 30-day cycle, it is recommended to start measuring around the 13th day. If ovulation is not observed, the second strip will be absent. However, the day before and on the 15th day, the test line had the same brightness as the control line. Similar signs indicate that ovulation is expected in the next 24 hours. It should be placed in a container of fresh urine for a few seconds, placed on a dry surface and the result read after about 5 minutes. This test is carried out by analogy with the test for detecting conception.
Basal Temperature Method This method measures the temperature of the rectum (rectum). Calendar methodThis method of judging ovulation is suitable for people with regular menstrual cycles. Full ovulation occurs 14 days before the start of a new cycle. To find out the number of days it is easy to get pregnant, you need to analyze the last three months. The first day of the menstrual cycle is the first day of menstruation. Fully ovulation occurs 12-14 days before the start of a new cycle. The cycle also changes due to various factors such as health, nervousness, stress, physical activity and changes in climate while driving. Cervical mucus assessment methodIn a woman's ovaries, estrogen is secreted just before ovulation. As a result, the number of vaginal cells and cervical mucosa will increase. This mucus is viscous and can be controlled by expanding a small amount of about 2 cm between the fingers. Why doesn't ovulation occur? There may be no ovulation for various reasons. It is divided into two types, normal and uncommon. In this case, you do not need to worry about not ovulating.
Oral contraceptives should not occur.
Early rupture of the follicle has the following causes.
Not everything, but the female body moves like clockwork. The case when there is no ovulation, although there is regular menstruation, is called the menstrual sutra. Don't worry if this phenomenon doesn't happen two or more times. Lack of ovulation with regular menstrual periods can only be assessed by observing the body for a long time (at least 3 months).
Class Noopris Nensekaya
This question worries women who dream of children and those who want to protect themselves from unwanted pregnancies. Ovulation is the short period of a woman's menstrual cycle when pregnancy is at its strongest. Ovulation lasts from 12 to 24 hours and traditionally occurs in the middle of the 11-21 day cycle, depending on its length. Only women with an ideal menstrual cycle can accurately calculate ovulation using a calendar. It is noteworthy that they are few. Most women should see a gynecologist or try to determine ovulation by a set of symptoms specific to this time of year. Fortunately, we live in the 21st century and we have several ways to determine when we are ovulating. Methods for determining ovulation1. Calendar method This method is very popular but has poor accuracy. As I wrote above, using the calendar, only women who do not have disruptions in the menstrual cycle can determine ovulation. For example, if you have 29- the daily menstrual cycle, menstruation comes on time, and reproductive health is normal, then the calendar method is a good choice. 2. Spawn test It is available in any pharmacy for ovulation testing and is now available to all women in developed countries. Such tests should be used from the 11th day of the cycle, not earlier. Two days before ovulation, both test and control strips will become lighter, signaling the start of the fertile period. However, this test only detects the luteinizing hormone peak that promotes the distribution of the follicular capsule. This does not guarantee 100% ovulation. Even in perfectly healthy women, the probability of conception on the day of ovulation rarely exceeds 40%. In addition, if the dominant follicle has not matured for some reason, the probability will be completely zero. 3. Follicle A modern and accurate method for determining ovulation. During the operation, a special sensor is inserted during crushing, and the doctor evaluates the condition of each ovarian follicle. This procedure should be carried out at least 3 times per cycle on the first day, on days 11-12 and 24-25 days after the end of menstruation. The first ultrasound will assess the condition of the ovaries and the number of follicles, the second ultrasound will assess the likelihood and timing of ovulation, and the third ultrasound will assess the chances of pregnancy. In any case, a gynecologist should be consulted before the ultrasound. Doctors give clear instructions and recommendations. 4. Symptoms of ovulation The effect is not confirmed, but it is a popular method for women. In the days leading up to ovulation and during the ovulation period, you will experience various symptoms that indicate a favorable time for conception. There are nuances here. Some women have severe symptoms, while others hardly notice them. But we will talk about them in the next part. Symptoms of ovulationSo what should we be afraid of? Basal body temperature (lowest body temperature after sleep). On the day of ovulation, the temperature drops sharply by about 0.5 ° C, the next day it rises sharply and continues to rise until the 23-27th day of the cycle. To calculate the exact date of ovulation, you need to take your temperature immediately after waking up every day of your cycle and plot it on the change curve. Temperature is taken rectally by inserting the thermometer into the rectum. Changes in cervical mucus. During the fertile period (4-6 days), the mucus is almost transparent, watery and slippery, like egg white, but at the same time thick and elastic. If you pay attention to such changes, your chances of conception will increase significantly. breast swelling; The breasts may become swollen and painful, and the nipples may become tender. Increased libido A few days before ovulation, a woman's attraction to a partner increases. Pain and unpleasant twitching in the lower abdomen on the side of the ovary where the ovum has matured. Keeps no more than 5 days. To keep track of all these symptoms, a woman must make an effort to monitor her body throughout the cycle for several months. Symptoms of the end of ovulationThere are also symptoms indicating that ovulation has ended.
How to accurately determine the days of ovulation? Currently, only a folliculometer can accurately determine the date of ovulation and the possibility of pregnancy. This is because ultrasound can confirm and evaluate the condition of the follicles before and after ovulation. For example, during the second phase of the cycle, follicles can be reborn and turn into cysts. Ovulation may not occur for a variety of reasons, including stress in a woman's life, rapid weight loss, climate change, and hormonal imbalances. Is it possible to get pregnant not on ovulation, but on other days of the cycle?Yes, I can. It is said that from 6 days before ovulation to 2 days after ovulation, the chance of pregnancy is 16-30%. Since every living being has its own biorhythm, no one will tell you the exact number. However, it is good to remember that there is no day in the cycle when the chances of conception are zero. Even during menstruation. The female body is not a clockwork mechanism that works according to medical books. Ovulation may occur later than expected or may occur earlier. You can solve it yourself, but it will take time and energy. If you are thinking about pregnancy or want to protect yourself from unwanted pregnancy, please contact us. This increases the chances of success for both the first and second attempts. |